The ability to forgive defines, strong people. The idea of forgiveness sooner or later comes into the life of every adult. It is a voluntary refusal to judge someone, to punish, and to restore justice on your own and at your level of development.
Each person is able to comprehend his wrong attitude toward others or feels embarrassed for what they have committed to his beloved ones. How to apologize, how to ask for forgiveness, if thoughts seem to have left the head, and the heart treacherously beats and makes you blush? Beautiful lines will undoubtedly help you.
- «A Plea For Forgiveness» by Elizabeth Padillo Olesen
- «Anger And Forgiveness» by Ray Andrews
- «Culture Of Forgiveness» by Lawrence S. Pertillar
- «Declining Forgiveness» by Lawrence S. Pertillar
- «Despaired Forgiveness» by Nashy Lamen
- «Dont Ask My Forgiveness» by Amy Louise Kerswell
- «For Forgiveness They Have A Flair» by Bri Mar
- «Forgive For That Is What God Would Do» by Anna Mcmath
- «Forgiveness» by John Greenleaf Whittier
- «Forgiveness» by Alfred Austin
- «Forgiveness» by David Keig
- «Forgiveness» by Dr. Antony Theodore
- «Forgiveness» by Allyson Gordon
- «Forgiveness» by Genya Ehrlich
- «Forgiveness» by Francis Duggan
- «Forgiveness» by Barry Van Allen
- «Forgiveness» by Robert Rorabeck
- «Forgiveness» by Michael P. Johnson
- «Forgiveness & Salvation» by Tom Zart
- «Forgiveness Is Divine» by Patricia A. Fleming
- «Forgiveness Is Not The Key» by Lenore Lee
- «Forgiveness Is Not There» by Lawrence S. Pertillar
- «Forgiveness, Trust & Love» by Tom Zart
- «From The Law To Forgiveness» by Bob Gotti
- «Gain Forgiveness In Time» by Bernedita Rosinha Pinto
- «I Don’T Deserve Forgiveness» by Champion Chris
- «I Wish I Didn’t Remember» by Shelby Vitgenos
- «Let Forgiveness Heal» by Michael P. Johnson
- «Love & Forgiveness» by Tom Zart
- «My Heart’s Desire» by Leslie Absher
- «Please Don’t Leave My Love» by Jessica Langton
- «Poet’s Plea For Forgiveness» by James Grengs
- «Sorry» by Harry Boslem
- «Tears Of Forgiveness» by Linda Winchell
- «The Joy Of Forgiveness» by Susan T. Aparejo
- «The Lover Asks Forgiveness Because Of His Many Moods» by William Butler Yeats
- «The Path Of Forgiveness» by Mary Nagy
- «The Smile» by Howard Bright
- «Un-Forgiveness» by Tom Zart
- «Why It Hurts» by Jose Pazsoldan
- «Wisdom, Forgiveness & Love» by Tom Zart
«A Plea For Forgiveness» by Elizabeth Padillo Olesen
Forgive us if we claim to be
Activists for peace and justice
And yet we remain silent
to your cries and plea for help.
Forgive us if we close
our borders because of fear
And miss the chance to help
You in time of your great need.
Forgive us if we uphold
Human rights of all peoples
On earth and yet segregate
Those who are worthy of
Our attention and hospitality.
Forgive us if in our inability
To help and rescue you
We only seek to protect
first our own self-interests.
«Anger And Forgiveness» by Ray Andrews
When I am full of anger
I think in anger’s terms
Part of my existing life
Is full of anger’s germs
Nothing seems a perfect right
Most of things gone wrong
I get such vengeful feelings
When I carry anger along
When I think of forgiveness
I think in forgiveness’ terms
My life is held in gentle hands
Softly in those twists and turns
Very few are perfect wrongs
So many things are right
Show me God forgiveness’ face
So I can live in light
«Culture Of Forgiveness» by Lawrence S. Pertillar
A culture of forgiveness,
Has begun to emerge.
As a surge of outrageous madness,
Nibbling on a serving of hatred…
Permitted to exist but no one deserves.
Not too many are finding to discover,
Their judgements to pass…
On and/or between each other,
Retrieves to leave them beneficial results.
To realize what is sent returns to themselves.
A doing away of charades to masquerade.
And roles to portray to display,
Betrayal of a truth kept submerged is now seen.
To make it easier for those to remove their masks.
With a wish to no longer pick anyone to demean.
A culture of forgiveness,
Has begun to emerge.
As many are more willing,
To show they can be bold and brave.
And undaunted by others with less nerve.
People have grown tired,
Of being deceived into conflicts.
And perceiving their neighbors to them are threats.
People are tired of having these accusations thrive.
People are seeking peace with more of it in their lives.
‘I pray for peace to come my way.’
~Keep praying and live it.
Show it to display and don’t from it stray.
Put your prayers into action.
That’s the only way the peace you seek,
Will come to you and others to stay.
«Declining Forgiveness» by Lawrence S. Pertillar
We must help those whose lives,
Are stuck in an unchanged past.
It is difficult for them to accept,
The times now out of their grasp.
With embellished insecurities…
Of memories flourished now gone.
Their mentalities are witnessed to be diminishing quick.
And within themselves,
They can not admit…
These times lived today,
Will not continue to permit…
An attention given,
To such stubbornly held sickness…
They have become riddled and sit with!
We must help those whose lives,
Are stuck in an unchanged past.
It is difficult for them to accept,
The times now out of their grasp.
The challenges ahead requires a collective focus,
That has to exist!
To be drained emotionally by someone misfit…
Detaches an empathy!
With a declining forgiveness,
Decaying with it!
And a healing affect,
Will for all go neglected
«Despaired Forgiveness» by Nashy Lamen
Enraged eyes of fire and doom,
To no extent I’ve made a sin,
To no forgiveness I broke their trust,
And I know I must regain… I must.
I have deceived and I am cursed,
I’ve tried no tries; I’ve made it worse,
My guilt has drowned me in my lies,
And now my damaged conscience cries.
So here I sit in silence, blind,
There’s no solution I can find,
I am trapped in broken glass,
As time and chances pass by fast.
I’m so sorry, so nonsense I know,
Useless, I see,
Cause I’ve done much wrong,
So tragically.
I don’t know what to do anymore,
Without you, I’m wept of my shore,
Without you guys, I’m an empty hole,
Endless, sorrows and regrets to roll.
I’ve said things that I did not intend,
Can you still try to comprehend?
Or there’s no use in my beseech,
There’s none to beg, there’s none to teach.
I’ve done my wrong, my pang of guilt,
I’ve sunken down, ensconced in filth,
To no forgiveness I broke their trust,
And I know I must regain… I must.
And now I must regain, I must.
«Dont Ask My Forgiveness» by Amy Louise Kerswell
Dont ask for my forgiveness.
Dont say youll wait for it.
Becuase I shall tell you.
This only once.
Youll get my forgiveness
When hell freezes over.
Youll be waiting a long time.
You dont get my forgiveness.
Oh no you dont.
Dont kid yourself.
Are you all there in the head?
Forgiveness I cant give.
I dont offer it to you.
Why should I make you feel better?
To hell with that.
If your feeling guilty
Thats you problem not mine.
You dont deserve forgiveness.
Ask me again
And I’ll be waiting with a knife.
For my protection.
Forgive you
Yeah right
Dont make me laugh.
I depise you all.
Forgive you no.
Shove it up your arse.
You thick twatt.
«For Forgiveness They Have A Flair» by Bri Mar
This life is tough,
I’ve had enough,
I am caught up in life’s sticky web,
It’s time to do some different stuff,
I’ve given up being a pleb.
Within my heart,
I’m drifting apart,
From those days of hardship and pain,
As of now I’ll make a new start,
From compassion I will now abstain.
To really earn,
I’ll have to learn,
To look after number one,
For others I’ll no longer show concern,
I’ll ensure my new life is fun.
To family and friends,
I will not make amends,
They’re no longer part of my life,
As into paradise my life ascends,
I’ll no longer suffer their strife.
I’ll be selfish and cruel,
I won’t suffer the fool,
From now on I’ll look after myself,
They may well say I’ve become a ghoul,
But it’s they who’ll gather dust on the shelf.
Now I’ve reached the top,
It’s a long way to drop,
But disaster’s but a second away,
All it takes is being caught on the hop,
Then your riches no longer hold sway.
I now live in fear,
As these cretins up here,
Are ready and willing to attack,
Out of the shadows they suddenly appear,
Waiting to stab me in the back.
I feel a frown,
I’m knee deep in brown,
From so called friends I’ve now been deserted,
It’s really tough this road back down,
From reality I’ve been diverted.
Whether rich or poor,
Of one thing be sure,
Those who love you will always be there,
Their devotion to you, you must never obscure,
‘’ For Forgiveness They Have A Flair ‘’
«Forgive For That Is What God Would Do» by Anna Mcmath
Your wicked tongue,
It speeks much evil.
Your pallid face,
You give no hope,
No strength,
Your weakness collides.
You’re nothing but a liar,
A dirty-mouth,
And a show-off.
You give no support,
But pride.
Your mercy goes to you only,
Which shows your hate.
Hate is what you get back,
After the back-stabs,
And the tortures you gave.
Now no one cares of your fate,
Your trifling,
Even if you die,
You are now spoken by bane words.
But yet I forgive your lies,
And your back-stabs that hurt.
I forgive your derisiveness,
Your barbarous,
And yet your treachery…
I forgive you.
For that is what God would do.
«Forgiveness» by John Greenleaf Whittier
My heart was heavy, for its trust had been
Abused, its kindness answered with foul wrong;
So, turning gloomily from my fellow-men,
One summer Sabbath day I strolled among
The green mounds of the village burial-place;
Where, pondering how all human love and hate
Find one sad level; and how, soon or late,
Wronged and wrongdoer, each with meekened face,
And cold hands folded over a still heart,
Pass the green threshold of our common grave,
Whither all footsteps tend, whence none depart,
Awed for myself, and pitying my race,
Our common sorrow, like a mighty wave,
Swept all my pride away, and trembling I forgave!
«Forgiveness» by Alfred Austin
Now bury with the dead years conflicts dead
And with fresh days let all begin anew.
Why longer amid shrivelled leaf-drifts tread,
When buds are swelling, flower-sheaths peeping through?
Seen through the vista of the vanished years,
How trivial seem the struggle and the crown,
How vain past feuds, when reconciling tears
Course down the channel worn by vanished frown.
How few mean half the bitterness they speak!
Words more than feelings keep us still apart,
And, in the heat of passion or of pique,
The tongue is far more cruel than the heart.
Since love alone makes it worth while to live,
Let all be now forgiven, and forgive.
«Forgiveness» by David Keig
Not to forgive is emptiness
For cold and lonely souls
Who understand forgiveness
As somewhere they can’t go
They fear a loss of strength it seems
And trap others in their web
Of blame and guilt and right and wrong
And leave the truth unsaid
For truth is not their province
Nor humanity their cause
They ask others to obey them
And think they own the laws
They seek virtue in adversity
They cannot once forgive
For they have never done a wrong
In the perfect lives they live.
«Forgiveness» by Dr. Antony Theodore
If knowledge was our greatest need
God would have sent to us
a universal genius.
If technique was our greatest need
God would have sent us a scientist.
If money was our greatest need
God would have given us an economic expert.
If conversation was our greatest need
God would have sent to us
a conversation expert and a psychologist.
But since our greatest need
is the ability to FORGIVE,
Holy Scripture was sent to us,
inspired by God the Almighty
which teaches forgiveness.
If we listen to the message of Forgiveness
in all Religions
we shall be great human beings.
Peace will remain in our hearts
as apermanent guest sent from
The Almighty and The Merciful.
«Forgiveness» by Allyson Gordon
Forgiveness is the key
Forgiveness alone,
Can set you free
From all you’ve done
Forgive yourself
For all your wrongs
Unleash the spirit
That’s been hiding for so long
Forgive others
Life’s too short to worry
Keep close your lovers
But take it slow, don’t hurry!
Forgiveness is the key
Forgiveness alone,
Can set you free
From all you’ve done
«Forgiveness» by Genya Ehrlich
Forgiveness is the melted snow,
which, melted, simply goes
away with shattered ice.
Forgiveness is the never yet
forgotten home, the low wall,
the squeaking stairs, the dome
with sparrows high above.
Forgiveness is the pain of birthing child,
the sleepless nights, the silver tears.
Suppressed forgetfulness which
stays forever in the slow-beating heart –
– is not forgiveness. It starts
exactly at the end of life,
when you forgiveness want.
You see the ever-growing tree,
some branches dry and broken?
It brings so much forgetfulness to thee,
it’s not forgiveness. Do not fret
for only God forgives, and you forget.
«Forgiveness» by Francis Duggan
There is an old saying called live and let live
And though it may be hard to forget one should try to forgive
Since the gift of forgiveness is a great gift indeed
For the antidote to the healing of the mind it does plant the seed
Those who cannot forgive cannot know of happiness
They live till they die with anger and bitterness
It is when you forgive that in life you can move on
For bitterness can lead to serious crime and what has been has gone
Some people will take their anger and bitterness with them to the grave
The gift of forgiveness only does belong to the brave
Some who cannot forgive do turn to payback crime
And spend most of the best years of their lives serving prison time
Forgiveness of anger and bitterness will set you free
This does apply to everyone as well as to you and me
The person who harbors a grudge is his or her own greatest foe
And that the act of forgiveness removes anger and bitterness from the mind happens to be so.
«Forgiveness» by Barry Van Allen
I know it’s not the first time,
I doubt that it’s the last,
I admit that I messed-up again,
… but, the drastic over-reaction,
is more than I will deal with.
At least I tried to face it,
I never claimed that,
‘ It just Happened ‘,
as so many others have.
My genuine contrition,
does not seem to mean a thing,
and with my olive branch extended,
… I saw my arm cut off,
… right down to the bone,
by a semi – rightious brother,
who was feeling new found oats.
I am sure it’s not my first time,
and I would doubt that it’s my last,
… but, I’m not going to make a tour of this,
to atone for one mistake this time.
If you think your new found attitude,
is what my life is going to do,
well, you had better think it over now,
… because forgiveness is not new,
… if you remember, me and you.
Yes, it’s my fault,
… and I admit that,
and have forgiven many times,
stupidity and drunkeness,
that wasn’t even mine…
because it all belonged to you.
Sanctimony should be kept,
among the memories of the long forgotten,
… that have been gone for far too long,
and weaved inside your memories cotton.
If you are allowed to pass the judgement,
perhaps, forgiveness is allowed,
… now and then when humans prove humanity,
It would be nice if that extends beyond yourself.
I DO admit I did it,
but, now I see the glitch…
what is good, is right for only you,
… I ‘ve learned another lesson here,
… Forgiveness doesn’t tell me which,
– – – SO, I choose both!
«Forgiveness» by Robert Rorabeck
Guardians of gypsum satellites
Fight against the destroyer of hopes
The strange watchers in the night
Like banks of candles lit up
For Catholic mass
Each one holds a secret priest
Burning for your confession,
As she grips you about the waist,
A savior from the murdered sea,
Begging your forgiveness….
«Forgiveness» by Michael P. Johnson
To show forgiveness! Jesus came
Christ died that mercy, live
Yet still we perish in our shame
Because we don’t forgive
A grudge, can only lead to hate
Such hate is Satan’s tool
Don’t nurse a grudge to share his fate
Don’t be the tempter’s fool
That’s what the devil loves to do
Feed hatred deep within
If he can do the same to you
Then sickness; can begin
The vicious circle’s then complete
Death’s race, has now begun
Now only love can bring defeat
By grace of Christ God’s Son
Forgiveness; comes from God on high
When Jesus comes to live
Then all our hate will start to die
As soon as we forgive
For hate is weak! Where love is strong
As Jesus taught the few
“Forgive each one who does you wrong
As God does unto you”
Forgiveness! Is the golden rule
Where love is God’s command
Obedience; life’s eternal pool
God’s healing to the land
To show our love we must forgive
No matter what the cost
Then with the Lord we too can live
And nought but pride is lost…
«Forgiveness & Salvation» by Tom Zart
Do you still struggle with fear and un-forgiveness
Of any who have wronged or hurt you?
True forgiveness is more than just a feeling
It’s an action we must preach, live and pursue.
The main reason we suffer from our failure to forgive
Is a simple matter called human self-pride.
Christ forgave those who nailed Him to the cross
Where He was beaten, crucified, and died.
When you have been hurt plead for deliverance
To guide you in all you think, do and say.
Forgive your offenders and forgive yourself
As to God All Mighty you confess and pray.
Scripture reminds us that all believers
Are called to love Christ as God’s creation.
Each of us was conceived to fulfill our purpose
To lead the lost from the darkness to salvation.
«Forgiveness Is Divine» by Patricia A. Fleming
Some people view forgiveness,
As a virtue for the weak.
An act of Mercy undeserved,
That serves no useful need.
They stand firmly in their judgment,
And won’t consider a mistake.
They prefer to hold a senseless grudge,
Than accept amends when made.
They feel they have some Godly right,
To reject and criticize.
They’re possessed by righteous anger,
And consumed by pointless pride.
They’re focused on how they’ve been wronged,
And won’t be made the fool again.
So they feel they must avenge themselves,
By refusing to give in.
They will sacrifice their family,
Or forsake a long, time friend.
Do anything they have to do,
To be the winner in the end.
Or perhaps it’s that they can’t resolve,
The depth of all their hurt.
Caused when someone that they’ve trusted,
Left them questioning their worth.
But no matter why the struggle,
Out of pride or out of fear.
Not being able to forgive,
Can cause the loss of ones most dear.
Yes, forgiveness is a virtue,
They even say it is divine.
But more than that it sets you free,
From what weighs you down inside.
The best way to approach this life,
Is to ask forgiveness and to forgive.
There’s a balance to this crazy world,
So live and just let live.
«Forgiveness Is Not The Key» by Lenore Lee
I look down at the people, I worry about their woes
I worry about their joys, their friends, their foes
I worry about their lives and the way they live it
I worry about their dreams and wonder if they’ll heed it
I worry about the tears I see running down their face
I worry about their lies they tell in this time and place
I worry about their truths that always hurt more
I worry about what they will definitely have in store
I look down at the people who never showed compassion
Who hate each other with the strongest passion
Who pushed me aside as though I were nothing
I wonder, do they care about anything?
I realise they treat each other as dirt
And they revel within all the hurt
Not one ever worried for me
I’m so glad that I can finally see
I refuse to worry or care about them and their petty ways
I will never again worry for their days
Because not one ever cared for me
Forgiveness is not the key
Not when I live life so lonely
I want to be loved only
For them I’ll never again feel woe
Because I’ll be nothing but their foe
«Forgiveness Is Not There» by Lawrence S. Pertillar
When cries of the young,
Can not be soothed or stopped.
And bombs continue to drop…
Outside of their innocent visions.
No cheek is turned,
As flesh of loved ones burn.
Nor fear can be explained away.
These images stay!
And a hatred grows.
Increasing a revenge held within them.
These scenes never diminish.
What begins does not finish.
They grow more intense!
And a wish for peace…
Will find an advancement of weapons,
To isolate and save humanity from countless graves…
A game played to the end.
With no one declared the winner.
Since a forgiveness is not there…
To be spared!
«Forgiveness, Trust & Love» by Tom Zart
God is searching for warriors judged by their faith
Who keep themselves ready for battle of any kind.
He ask them to do, in the name of Jesus,
Those things that help the lost love Christ in time.
The Lord created us for a very special purpose
Along with specific skills we are to share and perform.
When we live our lives for the happiness of others
We receive His favor in both times of peace and storm.
Since God is opposed to the wicked, hateful and proud
He calls on the honorable to achieve, preach and rise above.
When we keep living immorally it makes us less useful
Hiding His guidelines of forgiveness, trust and love.
«From The Law To Forgiveness» by Bob Gotti
When I fail The Great I AM, I seek forgiveness from The Lamb,
Asking my Savior Jesus Christ, Who was for me, my sacrifice,
I Am who lives for me today, is upon The Throne so I can pray,
When I fail in the way I live, in Christ, forgiveness God will give.
Seeing God’s Commands and Law, being a sinner, I could fall,
So when I fail, I seek His face, by God’s Mercy and His Grace,
When falling in unrighteousness, I go to Christ for forgiveness,
As we confess failures to Him, our Risen Lord forgives our sin.
Reflecting on the Law God gives, God speaks of relationships,
Not only with Him, but others too, all people about me and you,
Commandments, we must obey, as we live out our lives today,
As The Law in the Old Testament, in our lives today is relevant.
Of those commandments we read, all, not some we must heed;
Knowing we are sinful and frail, regarding Law, we all shall fail,
Even when we fail at just one, then God’s justice must be done,
So in light of God’s eternal Law, not some but everyone will fall.
But God’s Law is to lead us, to know God’s only Righteousness,
The Savior, Who forever lives, The Lamb of God, Who forgives,
Who came to be God’s sacrifice, to pay for us sin’s eternal price,
So, God forgives us through Christ, redeeming us for eternal life.
«Gain Forgiveness In Time» by Bernedita Rosinha Pinto
I cannot ask for the dead to rise
and for those alive to die;
I cannot ask sunflowers to face the moon
and the fruits of the season to ripen out of time;
I cannot ask for men to slog and for bees to sleep
I cannot ask for oceans to roar and lions to roll;
I cannot ask for storms to be calm
and nightingales to sing in the daylight;
I cannot ask for lovers to forsake their intimacy
and cinema to be real and true from its fantasy;
I cannot ask you to tempt me to misplace my prudence
and endow you with the privileges of unlawful vengeance.
I can ask you to die so that your soul
gains freedom from avarice,
I can pray for your unforgiving sins and silent crimes
which entwines your vicious thoughts and intentions;
Yet, I can implore God to grant you clemency
if you sincerely deserve it
or you can search for that road to divert yourself
from those embers that engulf the deceitful
and tempestuous when they depart…
And I can wait for you by that bridge
if your remorse will connect to your actions
and your resolution to your conscience;
but if your retribution is endless and unmatched
you can never meet me, I can never meet you
even if lions roar, oceans roll, seasons change
for out there, God will be the Judge and not me.
«I Don’T Deserve Forgiveness» by Champion Chris
Now that I have seen the light
That all that i’ve done, fought the wrong fight
I can’t believe that I was misguided
My own power, and kept me incited
I’m so sorry, if it even matters now
I doubt you’ll hear me, why would you, how?
I feel evil and demonic, dont look at me
You don’t have to forgive, one who cannot see
Blind no more, and now see true
That I HAD found a way, to actually hurt you
It wasn’t before, or during then
It was after, when my demon came in
Please forget me, i don’t deserve salvation
What i do deserve, is total damnation
Your hate isn’t hate, it’s tears of pain
That I had been lost, in the holocaust’s rain
You let me go, but didn’t intend
To watch me slip, into Hitler’s own men
My heritage had killed my kindness
Nazi blood, took away my divineness
Best in the world? Not anymore
My name is now blacker, than any whore
I am sorry, I’ve earned my slot
In hell’s black hole, ruled by the Harlot
Final testimony, my last request
If we’re still friends, not here will I rest
«I Wish I Didn’t Remember» by Shelby Vitgenos
It was a night I wish I didn’t remember
A couple months before December
I can’t believe it happened this way
And now we both have to pay
All I remember is when you said I was the biggest mistake of your life
And when I took that pill I stabbed myself with a knife
I know that we made a mistake
And I know now you a just a fake
I look at you now and all I want to do is cry
Because all you left me with were a couple simple lies
We were like best friends
But now that journey has come to an end
I miss when we used to talk
But now all I see is your back when you walk
I hate having a class with you
All the memories of the things we used to do
I regret it all
And now I look at you and you seem so small
I thought you were smart
But all I figured out is that you have no heart
Life goes on I guess
I have made this such a mess
Everything happens for a reason
You’re such a real good treason
You really hit two birds with one giant stone
I’ve never really felt so completely alone.
«Let Forgiveness Heal» by Michael P. Johnson
We’ll seek forgiveness love and grace
We’ll seek through Christ to live
Yet fail to see His wondrous face
Because we won’t forgive
Through selfish ways through foolish pride
Through shallowness of soul
Bitterness hinders love inside
To make our spirit whole
Resentment has no place above
Hatred’s ordained to die
Forgiveness though God’s fruit of love
Will pave The Way on high
Blessing our soul righting our wrong
Mending our broken heart
Forgiveness sings its healing song
Heralding life’s new start
For foolish walls to crumble down
Let wisdom now explain
Forgiveness needs to wear a crown
And love begin to reign
Be merciful to friend and foe
Forgive the evil done
Believe the seed today we sow
Will grow till victory’s won
Be wise to Heaven’s true advice
Heed all Christ had to say
In Matthew six He warns us twice
To walk forgiveness’ way
Forget the hurtful things you’ve heard
Let malice speak in vain
Believe in God, His faithful word
So love can heal the pain
«Love & Forgiveness» by Tom Zart
My love consumes me like the flame of a candle
In the window of my heart, soul and self-esteem.
When you’re annoyed with how I perform
I can’t sleep, be happy, succeed, or dream.
I’m lost, sad, fearful, distressed and alone
When shamed by my actions both present and past.
My passion for you means more than life itself
As I suffer remorse for my wrongs to the last.
I depend on prayer if you’re dissatisfied and upset
For God to lead me to recapture your rewarding smile.
Every day of our existence from birth to deliverance
Places our faith, love and forgiveness to the trial.
«My Heart’s Desire» by Leslie Absher
My mind racing in confusion,
so scared to speak a word.
My mouth starts to move,
but a word was unheard.
My heart racing so fast,
love comes to mind,
tears in my heart
that couldn’t begin to speak the pain,
but every time I see you,
I remember that sweet kiss you put upon my face.
A love that never begins to fade away
’cause my heart calls out your name,
repeating the pain I caused you every day,
but my desire is to love you – til death do us part,
but that same question still remains in my heart.
Even though you are gone, I can’t let you go.
I have so many things I want you to know.
I’m not trying to hide myself in tears,
but I only had a few years.
I’m sorry I didn’t show you my love,
but I’m not ready to travel or give up.
I need you by my side
so you again can be mine.
I want you to grow old along with me;
the best is yet to be,
so bless the memories within your heart.
Please don’t forget about them and tear them apart.
I’m sorry I hurt you; I know now I was wrong,
but remember, we all stumble.
Every one of us do wrong,
so will you give me your hand,
and help me through this too?
I know you’re still hurt, and I’m sorry for that too.
Maybe one day you’ll realize it’s true.
It’s coming,
coming from my heart to you.
«Please Don’t Leave My Love» by Jessica Langton
My words were not that of a kind person.
Hurtful words that should have never entered my mind
But they did, and they can be erased in time.
Just watch, you’ll see.
I’ll try harder; it’ll get better.
I promise I will be better.
I’ll smile every time I see you.
There has got to be something that I can do or say,
Something that will make you want to stay.
Don’t leave me alone, not like this.
I only just found you, my only one.
We can’t possibly be over and done.
Please, tell me I’m still in your heart.
Let me show you that I can appreciate you more
Every day, more than the day before.
And he turned with glazed eyes
“I love you, too.”
«Poet’s Plea For Forgiveness» by James Grengs
If I have hurt,
I am sorry.
If I have been wrong,
I am sorry.
If you could have written it better,
I am sorry.
If there might have been some other way
For me to express myself,
I am sorry.
For what am I sorry?
I am sorry
For offending the tender conscience.
I am sorry
For not being everything you thought I was.
I am sorry
That my poetry is not perfect.
I am sorry
That this poor medium is all I know
To use in self-expression.
For all these which you call wrongs,
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
«Sorry» by Harry Boslem
Being sorry can be very hard when we’re overwhelmed with pride,
But sometimes our pride must take a fall before we lose out.
And when we have to say sorry, we should mean it from our soul.
A meaningless sorry is like a broken promise to the heart.
And it only hurts more in the end, bringing bitter resentment,
And leading to the loss of a love that should be eternal.
Bringing us back down to earth from the fairy tale world of our mind,
With a pain that is maddening, physical and sometimes critical.
My heart is weeping tears of blood for the pain that I’ve caused you,
And it’s crying out my apologies to your mind,
Pleading for your forgiveness for my unfortunate outbursts.
I never meant in a million years to be so unkind.
I have made mistakes in the past but never as serious as this,
And I know I will only have myself to blame if you leave,
And that scares me more than I’ve ever been scared in my life,
For you’re my true motivation, the only real thing in which I believe.
Everything else is just a fantasy to my egotistical ideals.
It’s always been me, me, me for far too long,
And lately I haven’t given even a passing thought to your concerns.
I let them all fly past me, but now I know I was wrong.
You were reaching out to me in your time of uncertainty and sorrow,
While all I cared about was me and what was mine,
And as I watch you pack your bags with tears streaming down my cheeks,
Too late, I feel all your angst and pain.
And all that’s left for me to do is say sorry in a sincere way,
With an apology that comes from deep inside my soul.
It’s all I have left to offer for your love and your loyalty.
It’s just a pity that my own loyalty I couldn’t hold.
Now all I have left of you are the memories of the goodness I have lost,
And that loss brings a sadness every time I think of your name.
And my heart yearns to be able to turn back the hands of time,
To correct the mistakes I’ve made and start again.
So please take time to think about what I’ve said, as it comes from the heart.
Take time and try to forgive me my failure to deliver,
And if you can’t, then cast me out of your life never to return,
And I will hang my head in shame…forever.
«Tears Of Forgiveness» by Linda Winchell
Do you think your tears will bring you God’s forgiveness?
Well you’ve got it all wrong my friend,
Forgiveness only comes through the blood of Jesus Christ,
Which will wash away all of mankinds sin.
You may claim to be a Christian,
But what about a true believer be?
Anyone can raise their hands and shout God’s praises,
But it’s our hearts the Lord really wants to see.
The trueness of the heart of man,
That which no earthly man can see inside,
For the heart can render many secrets held,
From others you may its content hide.
So cry a river of tears if you must,
Showing all who view their streams,
But what your heart hides from anothers view,
Is really who God wants us all too truly be.
«The Joy Of Forgiveness» by Susan T. Aparejo
The joy of forgiveness
lightens one’s burden,
It showers happiness,
Showers our heart with
blessedness, so we wake up
in a lighter mood of wellness.
Just try, unload your baggage,
Throw away such garbage,
Let our heart fly and set a voyage,
Feel free to take out such bondage,
And stop our physique from its wreckage.
The joy of forgiveness is the key,
To live on earth peacefully,
And wake up the morning readily,
A fresh air dominates comfortably,
So sweet a conscience of harmony.
I forgive you and you forgive me,
Another flow of peace release,
Another love and acceptance dominate,
Let the trust once again surface,
As we give each other a chance,
We mean forgiveness at hand.
«The Lover Asks Forgiveness Because Of His Many Moods» by William Butler Yeats
IF this importunate heart trouble your peace
With words lighter than air,
Or hopes that in mere hoping flicker and cease;
Crumple the rose in your hair;
And cover your lips with odorous twilight and say,
‘O Hearts of wind-blown flame!
O Winds, older than changing of night and day,
That murmuring and longing came
From marble cities loud with tabors of old
In dove-grey faery lands;
From battle-banners, fold upon purple fold,
Queens wrought with glimmering hands;
That saw young Niamh hover with love-lorn face
Above the wandering tide;
And lingered in the hidden desolate place
Where the last Phoenix died,
And wrapped the flames above his holy head;
And still murmur and long:
O piteous Hearts, changing till change be dead
In a tumultuous song’:
And cover the pale blossoms of your breast
With your dim heavy hair,
And trouble with a sigh for all things longing for rest
The odorous twilight there.
«The Path Of Forgiveness» by Mary Nagy
As I creep down the path of forgiveness
and I search for my own lonely heart,
I yearn for the feel of completion.
I must finish what God made me start.
I can see in the distant horizon
there resembles someone I once knew.
Do I have the strength needed to reach her?
If I don’t can I get it from you?
Will you help clear my path as I’m trudging
down that frightfully winding old road?
Can I lean on your arm for my safety
even though you can’t carry my load?
This old path is alive in my memory.
It knew I’d return on this day.
I am listening to my own heartbeat
while the unknown is leading the way.
My legs have been turned into jelly.
I see myself walking along.
I wonder if I should be back here.
For some reason this feels very wrong.
«The Smile» by Howard Bright
Bronze shadows pallid against the tears of time
casting wonder on faceless images void of depth.
She walked with poise and grace as the hour rang
calling my name, a warm filled tune on endless breath.
The moment was brief yet set in unbridled granite,
so there was no hope of breaking her binding grasp.
Cascading memories from life’s immortal chasms
brought a peace I knew her heart could make last.
When the darkness crept in to steal her away
by deception disguised as worthwhile gain.
The pain endured and weeping waves spent
tried to end our dream with unrequited blame.
Stoical visions danced candidly through the grief,
numbing expansions of wondrous times gone past.
Fighting the loveless demon that tore her astray
I was deciding the fate of a tumultuous caste.
Quietly I watched her silken and sultry moves,
the same as seen the years since our eyes met.
Weighing the countless graciousness from the err,
I realized with her smile she had paid her debt.
«Un-Forgiveness» by Tom Zart
Do you still struggle with fear and un-forgiveness
Of any who have wronged or hurt you?
True forgiveness is more than just a feeling
It’s an action we must preach, live and pursue.
The main reason we suffer from our failure to forgive
Is a simple matter called human self-pride.
Christ forgave those who nailed Him to the cross
Where He was beaten, crucified, and died.
When you have been hurt plead for deliverance
To guide you in all you think, do and say.
Forgive your offenders and forgive yourself
As to God All Mighty you confess and pray.
«Why It Hurts» by Jose Pazsoldan
I don’t understand why there’s pressure inside,
but the pain that comes from it brings a tear to my eye,
I haven’t talked or seen you in a long time,
so why do I still feel pain inside,
is it a heart attack or is my heart trying to put itself back,
from the years of miss-use broken in pieces, quarters, and halves,
when I finally have the courage to look at your page,
I see you’ve grown, but I have aged,
you’re so beautiful, you look like an angel to me,
but by now I know you’ve forgotten all about me,
I don’t blame you, I would to,
after all the nasty things I said to you,
but you have to understand I don’t have the time to play the kid,
I have a lot of work and time put in,
but for some reason all my songs are about you,
at this point I feel lost without you,
you were my happiest inspiration to sing about and write,
but now you’re the reason why I can’t sleep at night,
but I know I must learn to forget,
practice ignorance pretend to not exist,
but as my last message,
thoughts about you,
I want you to know how much I think about you,
if fate wanted us to be together then together we shall be,
but for now I will forget about you and me,
before I push the reset button for my heart,
there still a chance for a start,
just tell me you miss me and I’ll back away,
then in my heart you will stay.
«Wisdom, Forgiveness & Love» by Tom Zart
Jesus perished from pain we can’t begin to comprehend
By His suffering the whip, the nail and the cross.
Those who refused He was the Son of God
Intended to teach mankind who was boss.
The Wounds Christ bore were to save us from sin
The strips that shed His blood to the dust of Earth.
He washed us clean of all our past wrongs
As a gesture of faith, motivation and worth.
Too many forget the truth of their own existence
The crucial aspects of God’s grace within and above.
If we’re honest with ourselves and submit to Him
He shall bless us wisdom, forgiveness and love.
The ability to forgive defines, strong people. The idea of forgiveness sooner or later comes into the life of every adult. It is a voluntary refusal to judge someone, to punish, and to restore justice on your own and at your level of development.