
Hate can lead to harm and benefit, just as any other feeling. It all depends on how you can control and manage your feelings and emotions. Each can have quite understandable and natural reasons for their negative feelings.

«A Life Time Of Hate» by Amy Louise Kerswell

I’ve got a life time of hate.
It’s wedged firmly on my shoulders.
And it as hard as boulders.
I can not shift this life time of hate.
I hate becuase they abused me.
I hate becuase they raped me.
I hate the mess it’s left me in.
I’m locked up inside like a tin.
I only wish I could put it in the bin.
As the hate takes over.

Making my angry.
I only have one legacy to leave behind.
A life time of hate


«A Love Hate Relationship» by Victoria Martinez

It’s a love hate relationship
It’s been like this from the start
He lied to me, tricked my heart
Took my innocence and left me to have no choice
Took control of me his was the only voice
But, now I must sadly regret
He had lustful eyes the day we met
This is a love hate relationship
This is where its at
I want to lay down so bad

And if I don’t, he’ll push me onto my back
If I try to resist the house will echo a loud smack
He talks to me like I’m his property
He touched me like he paid the fee
And when we argue
He holds up his ring
Tries to explain what marriage means
It’s a love hate relationship
He tells me respect is what I lack
And if I laugh

It’ll be nothing but a blood bath
I’m not ashamed to admit I was wrong
And now the nights feel so long
It’s a love hate relationship
I hate to love him
And he loves to hate me
His hostile eyes full of rage
His anger builds up as he takes the stage
I go through what we had
I realize there is no reason to get mad
One day I’ll just get even
Hurt him till he’s on his knees pleading
Look at what we have
Common now this abuse is just sad
I let go
Yea, this is the end
A love hate relationship will now just be my past
Because that kind of relationship could never last


«A Love To Hate» by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Is it getting clearer…
For those who fear to be themselves.
They who have entertained disrespect,
To the point where none is left.
Inspected in depth…
Or quests requested!

Blinded they are like fools on crack!
Using tools of fools to keep themselves back.
Blinded they are like fools on crack.

Or a black cat who can’t stop giving ‘bad’ vibes,
An image to attack!
Blinded they are like fools on crack!
Seeking a shoulder to cry on…
And a pat on their backs!
Blinded they are like fools on crack.
Trying in doped slickness,
But losing themselves…
With weakened backbones attacked!

Is it getting clearer…
For those who fear to be themselves.
With a fear that endears them,
With a love to hate!
Berating unappreciated wisdom at stake!


«All I Know Is I Hate It» by Dan Brown

If this is a game of hide and seek,
I’m over here.
If this is a fairground ride,
I want to get off.
If this is a horror movie,
I’m struck with fear.
If this is a play,
I want my money back.
If this is a TV program,
I’m turning over.

If this is a punishment,
I’d have preferred a smack.
If this is a nightmare,
I want it to stop.
If this is a game,
I don’t want to play.
If this is a bubble,
I want it to pop.
If this is a story,
I’m turning the page.

If this is a fight,
I’m turning away.
If this is a kidnap,
I’m trapped in the cage.
If this is a silly attempt to upset me,
Take a bow.
If this is a life,
End it now.


«Dear John: I Hate Paper Cuts» by Amberlee Carter

I am writing this alive and with a fever,
’cause I needs to sweat out the virus
and breathe calmly without choking, for once.

I am writing this and hoping that its meaning,
my meaning, THE meaning
will mean something to you now.

That’s why all poets and madmen
scrape together enough bitterness

to address their anti-love-letters to ‘ you’-
as though the reader, any random lover,
is the one intended to be pinpointed, blacklisted then destroyed.
You know them, the ones always crying,
asking for spare sense to make change…
‘ I didn’t see this coming’

It’s so sad how some people
are just innocent bystanders
reading the morning newspaper-

when they just happen to look up to see
reality smacking them upside the head.

‘you’ve got the wrong man’
only because they right man’s dead.

So, I won’t say I love you ’cause
those words mean more than something now-
and I won’t say I miss you ’cause
it gets lost in translation.

But if I know you like I think I knew you,
you’ll be reading between the lines right about now,
sipping your morning coffee and thinking
of something far more important than the sound of my voice.

But I know you’ll read this ’cause
there are a million other fish in the sea
and everyone of them are titled ‘ you’
and they act and look just like ‘you’

I hope you don’t mind
I can’t quite bring myself to address this to your name.


«Do I Hate You?» by Fidelis Patronus

Have I ever hurt you?
Hit you?
Pierced you?

Have I ever made you cry?
Want to die?

Have I given you shit that screws up your life?
Like drugs, or alcohol, that makes you high?

Have I handed a dagger to you?
Point a gun at your head?
Tie a string around your neck?
Leave you alone with some cold crimson instrument?

Have I ever asked you to sell yourself short?
Did I tell you something was impossible?
Have I ever told you ‘dude, you’re sucha piece of shit’?

Have I done or said something,
To make you want to hurt yourself?
Have I ever put shit on your shoulders?
Prepared you for the slaughters?

Have I said to you
‘there is no way your gunna make it through this life’?
Do I make you think life sucks?
That everything has locks?

Have I made you feel lonely?
Or immense negativity?

Have I threatened to kill you?
Beat you?
Hurt you?

Made you shed tears?

Have I ever made you scream from inner pain?
Deep fears,
That can’t be slain?

Do I hate you?


«Hands» by Erick Humphrey

In desperation I search, trying to find myself I look.
I search and search, for my heart is lost I search.
Too scared to run too scared to move.
Paralyzed by pain and fear I search.
I fight to live as I stager at the pain.
I sit beside me staring at what I see.
I shake my head at what I made me.
I fight to not listen at the pain I created.
The pain I will always see.
As I twitch in emptiness my eyes begin to see.
The more they find the more it hurts.
They look at me as a piece of meat.
Trembling legs, week arms, and scars from defeat.
I fight my self because of what I see.
It’s me I’m looking at and me that won’t succeed.
I stare and look, searching for answers, for that I concede.
I shred my self and my sole with my eyes.
They are too strong for me for that I am paralyzed.
I see my hands as the grasper of pain.
They are the retriever of all I have received from me.
As my hands fight back I see.
I am only what I want to be, and I still have a chance to defeat me.


«Hate» by James Stephens

My enemy came nigh,
And I
Stared fiercely in his face.
My lips went writhing back in a grimace,
And stern I watched him with a narrow eye.
Then, as I turned away, my enemy,
That bitter heart and savage, said to me:
“Some day, when this is past,
When all the arrows that we have are cast,
We may ask one another why we hate,

And fail to find a story to relate.
It may seem then to us a mystery
That we should hate each other.”

Thus said he,
And did not turn away,
Waiting to hear what I might have to say,
But I fled quickly, fearing had I stayed
I might have kissed him as I would a maid.


«Hate» by Lyndsey Grant

I hate the way you make me cry
Tying knots around me
Forever binding me to this
Feeling of hollowness

I hate the way your screams
Echo inside me constantly blinding me
Deafening my sense of certainty
With your hurt

I hate it when glass shatters
Leaving pieces of my sanity splattered
On white carpets and Formica cabinets
And when the roof has caved in and crashes over my head
Crumbling down to my nail marred feet
I sweep it neatly up
And hide it darkened corners
With all the other forgotten martyrs
Left praying for the worlds sins
In a pool of crimson

I hate how you make me hate myself
Eroding and excavating my goodness
With your foolishness
False pride mixed with alcoholic breath
Triggering my gage reflexes with your familiar
Sour stench

I hate to love you
Every single vessel that allows you to be
Every tiny molecule
Atom and cell
That beats down on my shoulders
Like torrential rains suffocating normal functioning


«Hate» by Robert William Service

I had a bitter enemy,
His heart to hate he gave,
And when I died he swore that he
Would dance upon my grave;
That he would leap and laugh because
A livid corpse was I,
And that’s the reason why I was
In no great haste to die.

And then – such is the quirk of fate,
One day with joy I read,
Despite his vitalizing hate
My enemy was dead.
Maybe the poison in his heart
Had helped to haste his doom:
He was not spared till I depart
To spit upon my tomb.

The other day I chanced to go
To where he lies alone.
‘Tis easy to forgive a foe
When he is dead and gone. . . .
Poor devil! Now his day is done,
(Though bright it was and brave,)
Yet I am happy there is none
To dance upon my grave.


«Hate – Mate» by Herbert Nehrlich

There once was a little swine
he was partial to blueberry wine
and he had a fat mother
who had smothered his father
someone said you are out of line.

And the mother was really huge
and she dreamed of an oily deluge
where she would lose it all
and become a sweet doll

but the God of all fat was a scrooge.

So she went on a rampage to stab
all those thin ones who did not have flab
but she was so inept
that she finally wept
and she hoped for the gift of the gab.

But the weather had turned rather sour
it was raining from shower to shower

so she called to the crowd
that today is allowed
real fighting in mud, woman power.

But the people who’d smelled her objected
she was fat, had completely neglected
her old body at that
and she was rather fat
so she found that they all had defected.

When the stars came out shining in gold
and this fatso had done what she’s told
she just jumped from the castle
to avoid further hassle
she had always seen others as old.

What this proves is the subject of hate
is so futile to use on a mate
if you hate you are dumb
they should flog your old bum
but I think that we may be too late.


«Hate Is Only One Of Many Responses» by Frank O’Hara

Hate is only one of many responses
true, hurt and hate go hand in hand
but why be afraid of hate, it is only there

think of filth, is it really awesome
neither is hate
don’t be shy of unkindness, either
it’s cleansing and allows you to be direct
like an arrow that feels something

out and out meanness, too, lets love breathe
you don’t have to fight off getting in too deep
you can always get out if you’re not too scared

an ounce of prevention’s
enough to poison the heart
don’t think of others
until you have thought of yourself, are true

all of these things, if you feel them
will be graced by a certain reluctance
and turn into gold

if felt by me, will be smilingly deflected
by your mysterious concern.


«Hatred» by Wislawa Szymborska

See how efficient it still is,
how it keeps itself in shape—
our century’s hatred.
How easily it vaults the tallest obstacles.
How rapidly it pounces, tracks us down.

It’s not like other feelings.
At once both older and younger.
It gives birth itself to the reasons
that give it life.

When it sleeps, it’s never eternal rest.
And sleeplessness won’t sap its strength; it feeds it.

One religion or another –
whatever gets it ready, in position.
One fatherland or another –
whatever helps it get a running start.
Justice also works well at the outset
until hate gets its own momentum going.

Hatred. Hatred.
Its face twisted in a grimace
of erotic ecstasy…

Hatred is a master of contrast-
between explosions and dead quiet,
red blood and white snow.
Above all, it never tires
of its leitmotif – the impeccable executioner
towering over its soiled victim.

It’s always ready for new challenges.
If it has to wait awhile, it will.
They say it’s blind. Blind?
It has a sniper’s keen sight
and gazes unflinchingly at the future
as only it can.


«I Hate Myself» by Elizabeth Castleberry

I hate that you fooled me
With your infectios smile

I hate that you told me you loved me
When you were lying all the while

I hate that you were so jealous
When he was just a friend

I hate that you turned this

Into something we cannot mend

I hate that we screwed this up
Past the point of no return

I hate that you never believed me
Trust is something you should learn

I hate that you ignore me now
As if we never were

I hate that you betrayed me
For my pain there is no cure

I hate that you broke my heart
You don’t know what I’ve been through

But most of all
I hate myself for letting you


«I Hate The Thought Of Hate Crimes» by Joe Rosochacki

A crime is a crime no matter how you cut it,
A murder is a murder, a rape is a rape,
An assault is what it is,
A crime scene is a crime with the yellow tape.

If the prisons were to be abundant,
We can then send to jail all are convicted,
We don’t have to pardon anyone out overcrowding and time off for good behavior,
We must send all the criminals that indicted,
Guilty as charged that is what should fuel our endeavor.

Are we really up to the cost?
Are we really up to taxation?
Are we saying we have lost?
Are we saying we’ll pass another law,
such as hate crimes,
without a suitable explanation?


«I Hate You Daddy» by Deborah Ashdown

I am so scared, finding it hard to breath,
my heart beats so fast, I want it to stop.
I can hear your footsteps nearing my door.
I cringe, bite my nails and sob into my pillow.

I can feel the stench of your breath on the side of my face.
Your touch feels like a bullet, sharp, hot and dangerous.
You enter inside me, sharply, with so much heat, penetrating too deep. You are a monster.

You whisper ‘ I love you ‘

I silently reply ‘ I hate you, daddy ‘
You don’t hear my screams or see my tears, for if you did, you would put an end to my fears.

I lay there, my body a dead weight.
I take myself off to another land of beauty and love.
When you have finished your deadly sin, you smirk at me.
Your dark, evil eyes, you’re the spawn of the devil.

As you leave my room of torture,
I turn over, begin to sob into my pillow,

Waiting for the pain and fears to return.
I know you will be back again, to-morrow!

I hate you daddy.


«Let Such Pure Hate Still Underprop» by Henry David Thoreau

Let such pure hate still underprop
Our love, that we may be
Each other’s conscience,
And have our sympathy
Mainly from thence.

We’ll one another treat like gods,
And all the faith we have
In virtue and in truth, bestow
On either, and suspicion leave
To gods below.

Two solitary stars–
Unmeasured systems far
Between us roll;
But by our conscious light we are
Determined to one pole.

What need confound the sphere?–
Love can afford to wait;
For it no hour’s too late
That witnesseth one duty’s end,
Or to another doth beginning lend.

It will subserve no use,
More than the tints of flowers;
Only the independent guest
Frequents its bowers,
Inherits its bequest.

No speech, though kind, has it;
But kinder silence doles
Unto its mates;
By night consoles,
By day congratulates.

What saith the tongue to tongue?
What hearest ear of ear?
By the decrees of fate
From year to year,
Does it communicate.

Pathless the gulf of feeling yawns;
No trivial bridge of words,
Or arch of boldest span,
Can leap the moat that girds
The sincere man.

No show of bolts and bars
Can keep the foeman out,
Or ‘scape his secret mine,
Who entered with the doubt
That drew the line.

No warder at the gate
Can let the friendly in;
But, like the sun, o’er all
He will the castle win,
And shine along the wall.

There’s nothing in the world I know
That can escape from love,
For every depth it goes below,
And every height above.
It waits, as waits the sky,
Until the clouds go by,
Yet shines serenely on
With an eternal day,
Alike when they are gone,
And when they stay.

Implacable is Love–
Foes may be bought or teased
From their hostile intent,
But he goes unappeased
Who is on kindness bent.


«Little Glass Bottle» by Ally Flouhouse

The words flow out,
My blood on a page
I’ll just sit here,
Drowning in rage.

A small glass bottle
Full of tears
That I’ve held back
For thirteen years.

What did I do,
To earn such woe?
Why must I
Hate everyone so?

But yet,
I’ll act strong.
I mustn’t crack.
I won’t,
Though this bottle
Breaks my back.


«Love And Hate» by Alexis Brown

Love and Hate are four letter
words that tells lies and that
tells the truth
Love and Hate are four letter
words that express feelings
for the old and the youth

Love and Hate are four letter
words that can be powerful
Love and Hate are four letter

words that can be doubtful

Hate, hate is a four letter
word that is cruel and mean
Hate is a four letter word
that was made to hurt
someone’s feelings
Hate is four letter word
that someone uses when they
are angry

Hate is a four letter
word that can tear your family apart
Hate is a four letter word
that can even break your heart

Love, love is four letter word
that can sneak up on us sometimes
Love is four letter word
that is hard to say at times
Love is a four letter word
that can be true and pure
Love is four letter word
that can be fake and cruel
Why do people say ‘I love you’
and don’t even know what
love is?
Love is a four letter word
that confuses the mind
of adults and us young
Love is a four letter word
that can be blind
Love is a four letter word
that can play tricks on
our minds

Love and Hate are four
letter words that tells lies
and that tells the truth
Love and Hate are four
letter words that expresses
feelings for the old and the youth


«Love And Hate And You And I» by Eman Awad

Am i to be loved by you a day,
and lost for your heart the other?
Know that if you walked away,
i will never love another..
Even if i killed my own heart,
and stopped it from it’s right to beat.
I swear i’ll tare it apart,
if it longed to who is used to cheat.
How have i ever fell for you?
in no time you had all of me.

How didn’t i know what’s true?
that you never felt for me.
And i saw more than a sign,
but yet i stayed so in love.
Thinking that you are mine,
i flew all the skies above.
And they told me but i didn’t believe,
it will end soon for it had no start.
But i heard nothing, trying to achieve,
the dream of my life to reach your heart.

What was ever on my mind?
if people lied to me, will so my eyes?
How was i so blind?
and hiding from all those lies.
I guess that no words are enough,
to describe the pain inside me.
I thought i am your only love,
and i’m your star and reverie.
Can’t help but to stare at you,
and stare back at my weary life.
Can’t help but to hate you,
and in this gale i won’t survife.
Love and hate and you and i,
why did you have to lead me on?
I can’t believe those tears i cry,
i can’t believe i was never strong..


«Love To Hate And Hate To Love» by Anita Clark

Am I sick cos I hate to hate you,
You made me hate you,
Let myself hate you,
When it’s all your fault,
…Cos you made me love you,
Yeah you made me hate to love you,
Now I hate myself.
So twist through time,
If you ever look back…
Admit you used me like the other damn Jacks!

So all that time you were lying?
All that time I was a fool?
Now this time I lay dying,
Drowning in this apathy pool,
These salted tears the gullable shed,
Well I’ve shed mine,
With guilt and dread,
Hear the voices,
Conscience in my head,
Now I can’t trust it,

My conscience’s dead.
Bittersweet, bitterweet tears run down,
All that time, I choked, I drowned,
I bled these thoughts again and again,
In my mind again, and again…


«Mirror, Mirror» by Ellie B. Ross

Mirror, Mirror, on the wall,
Why aren’t I thin, pretty, or tall?
Why don’t you show the perfect me?
The one that everyone pretends to be.
Mirror, Mirror, standing there,
Why can’t you just stop and stare?
Why do you point out all my flaws?
Making me feel the lowest of lows
Every time I hear you speak.
Slowly inside it’s killing me.
Why do we have these arrogant mirrors
That only believe in the public figures?
The models we see on TV,
Oh please, dear God, make that me.
Mirror, Mirror, can’t you see
What you show is killing me?
Every day and every night there’s no escape.
A mirror in sight.


«My Rage» by Lorilei Brown

During my childhood I was badly abused
and as I grew older, I became the accused.
The beating I took came straight from dad,
who used every obstacle to beat me so bad.

That tears that I’ve shed were because of fear,
that kick that I took it deafened my ear.
Doing hard labor at the age of nine
keeping the torment in back of my mind.

Eventually I became this child of steel
hard as a rock, with no tender feel.
I became immune to the blows to my head
as the tips of my welts that slightly bled.

The pain, it faded and my mind grew weak,
but as my body grew stronger, I became this freak.
He said he’ll teach me from wrong to right,
but my rage grew stronger, so I stood to his fight.

He kicked down my door, I stood to my feet
he sensed the difference as our eyes finally meet.
I held no fear by the stare of my eyes
I was no longer afraid, but wanted him to die.

Speechless we stood as my fist starts to flinch
while he drew closer, I never flinched.
His first blow landed forcefully on my eye
I shook it off and said, “It’s your turn to cry”.

We fought like caged animals, He fell hard on the floor
I spat in his face and said, “NO MORE!”.
After that night no two words were said,
walking to the beach with conflicting thoughts in my head.

Like: What did I do?, but yet felt as ease
I was happy to see him begging me please.
Was it the right thing for me to attack?
For the beatings to stop so he won’t hit me back? 
It must be the way for him to leave me alone.
I saw the fear in his eyes that had once been my own.

As I grew older it lingered in my mind
the memories I harbored never stayed behind.
I figured, “I’ll be respected if I fight my way through because I’ve powered over my dad and I can power over you”.

I never started trouble, but if it came my way
I’d fight to destroy with nothing to say.
The littlest thing you do can get me mad
who knows what will happen as you fade into dad.

My past still haunts me after all these years
it brings me power and hides my fears.
When I get into rage I can no longer see,
but I know you’re my dad who stands in front of me.

I’ll give all I’ve got till the damage is done
once again my past has won.
I’ve abused so many loved ones or not,
but I never cared and I never stopped.

It took that one night when she yelled it at me,
“The Devils in your eyes, Oh GOD please help me!”.
The fear that I saw it made my heart burn
I wanted to run, but no where to turn.

I looked deep in her eyes and I seen myself there
she was badly bruised, just shaking with fear.
Now I’m in prison and paying my dues
for the damages I’ve caused with scared black & blues.

The memories continue to haunt me today
I want it to stop, please GOD take it away.


«Never Say That Word» by Kevin T. Pearson

It is a small word
with a big bite,
the worst ever heard;
it is just not polite.

If you could hold it,
it would feel like a ton.
Beware not to use it;
it hurts, even in fun.

It never feels nice.
It should never be heard.
Please take my advice
and use another word.

You know how it feels
when someone says it to you.
It takes forever to heal,
even though it’s not true.

You must not forget.
Never make that mistake.
You will live with regret
if you use the word HATE.


«Rage» by Nyomie Lynn

I lay here tonight in a dark, silent room,
Feeling only pain and uncontrollable gloom.
Pictures of the blood flash in my head,
Pictures of you laying on the floor dead.
Never to come back and mess up my life.
I smile as I wipe your blood from my knife.
Your darkened red blood spills out on the street,
Your colden heart stopped DEAD in its beat.
I think back to all the pain and the hurt,
As I cover your body and spit on the dirt.
From you or your GAME I can no longer run,
And me killing you was my turn for FUN.
Oh how they’ll cry and oh how they’ll weep,
But I know their sorrow is ONLY SKIN DEEP.
As I turn to walk down the cold, empty street,
I walk to the rhythm your heart USED to beat.
I think back to you lying dead on the floor
And SMILE knowing your heart beats NO MORE!


«The Day I Hate Rice» by Maria Sudibyo

The day I hate rice
Is several rare day in a year
When I don’t eat rice
I don’t want to eat rice
I don’t want to see it
Because I hate its taste
And I hate to think about it
If I have the day I hate rice
Then you’ll know that I don’t feel well
I’m bored of this procession

I want to run from this life
Because I begin to hate myself
…just a little while
And everything will be back to normal again
That’s the meaning of
The day I hate rice


«The Destruction Of Hate-Murder The Beast» by Melvina Germain

Brought up in a prejudice dysfunctional household.
Took away the heart that once lived within your soul

Fiery eyes of a demon, a prejudice beast
Live your heart, conjuring up a deploring feast

You’ve hurt, you’ve maimed, took education away.
Took bright eyes and turned them a shade of gray.

Many years took its toile on the likes of you.

Bad heart, failed kidneys, time to pay your dues.

You reside in a room on the other side of town.
No one visits, no one cares, you sit wearing a frown.

Time to think and reflect while your body breaks down
No legacy to leave, you failed all around

The same people you despised, harbored hate for years
are the people who now console, dry your tears.

Why waste your time in this blessed life,
to create heartache, hate and contribute to ones strife.

Remember what you give out, you get back ten times more.
Father time will surely visit, come walking through your door.

Pick yourself up, start now before it’s too late.
Stop the cruelty, the pain, the destruction of hate.


«The Hate That I Hate» by Adalie Hettie

I hate the hate that resides in me now

I hate the hate that is so heavy it weighs me down
I hate the hate that keeps my emotions tightly wound

I hate the hate that charges my wall
I hate the hate that lies to strengthen my fall

I hate the hate that has me in chains
I hate the hate that courses through my veins

I hate the hate that is a shadow at my side
I hate the hate that has stolen my mind

I hate the hate that blinds me from the stars
I hate the hate that has created my war

I hate the hate that has stolen my grace

My scarlet letter written all over my face


«To My Enemy» by Lucy Maud Montgomery

Let those who will of friendship sing,
And to its guerdon grateful be,
But I a lyric garland bring
To crown thee, O, mine enemy!

Thanks, endless thanks, to thee I owe
For that my lifelong journey through
Thine honest hate has done for me
What love perchance had failed to do.

I had not scaled such weary heights
But that I held thy scorn in fear,
And never keenest lure might match
The subtle goading of thy sneer.

Thine anger struck from me a fire
That purged all dull content away,
Our mortal strife to me has been
Unflagging spur from day to day.

And thus, while all the world may laud
The gifts of love and loyalty,
I lay my meed of gratitude
Before thy feet, mine enemy!


«To One Hated» by Lucy Maud Montgomery

Had it been when I came to the valley where the paths parted asunder,
Chance had led my feet to the way of love, not hate,
I might have cherished you well, have been to you fond and faithful,
Great as my hatred is, so might my love have been great.

Each cold word of mine might have been a kiss impassioned,
Warm with the throb of my heart, thrilled with my pulse’s leap,
And every glance of scorn, lashing, pursuing, and stinging,
As a look of tenderness would have been wondrous and deep.

Bitter our hatred is, old and strong and unchanging,
Twined with the fibres of life, blent with body and soul,
But as its bitterness, so might have been our love’s sweetness
Had it not missed the way­strange missing and sad!­to its goal.


«Without You» by Cameron Lund

I HATE being patient, but I’ve got more of it than anyone else I know
I HATE having to put my self aside for something else,
but I care enough to do it
I find myself filled with a lot of that lately… this… Hate…
It sounds so weird to say it out loud… Hate…. It doesn’t have a nice feeling.
   It’s just not me.
   It’s not how I want to be.
It doesn’t sound right coming out of my mouth.
It doesn’t sound right swirling through my head
why is it that I find myself constantly forcing that word out of my head.
I hate that…
there it is again,
lately It creeps up on me.
I know what causes it. I’m tired.
I’m tired of being patient and putting myself second
second for you
I hate you
I don’t hate you.
I hate the power you seem to have over me
I hate that I can’t hate you.
I feel helpless,
The words echo through my head. They echo through the room.
The room
This room.
I hate this room.
The room you so kindly took the time to build for me.
the room in my head.
once my sanctuary. – now my enemy.
I hate this room.
I’m forced to sit in this damp windowless room.
there is no way out. Not yet anyways.
I have to wait.
wait – And be patient.
for you.


«You Better Be Ready For Me» by Aaron Rodriguez

Hey you! Yeah, I’m talking to you, “Dad”!
Where were you when I needed you the most in my life?
You were never at my side,
You just wanted a carefree life.
Where were you when I was growing up?
You were busy starting over,
Drinking from your golden cup.
Did you pretend that I don’t exist anymore,
As you were finding someone new?
Well, I hope you cherish everyday you live,
Because I’m coming for you.
Never at a birthday nor graduation,
You didn’t care for me, that’s clear.
I hope you have a good story for this,
Because it’s one I’m dying to hear.


«You’re Not My Father» by Kristin K. Hudson

To have your last name
makes me ill.
You make me so angry
I want to kill!

I hate your voice
and the thought of you.
You were never there
when I needed you!

You’re inconsiderate,
you’re a lazy slob.
How could you do
what you did to mom?

It’s like you don’t
even accept me.
What kind of father
can you be?

You’re stupid for thinking
that I’d forgive
what you did to me…to mom.
How do you live?

Do you regret?
I hardly doubt.
I bet that I’m
the last thing you think about.

Don’t lie to me.
I know I’m right.
I don’t want you
in my sight!

Stay where you are;
don’t bother.
You’re lousy – I hate you
You’re not my father!!

But that’s okay,
you see,
because I don’t need
your money!

You’ve forgotten
me before.
Go ahead…do it
some more!

LOSER! JERK! – I hate you
you’re not my father,
and guess what,
I’m no longer
your daughter!

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