
A Hoping Crush

Your smile makes me smile,
Your laugh makes me laugh.
Your eyes are enchanting.
You make my thoughts seem daft.

Since the day I first laid eyes on you,
My feelings grew and grew.
In that first conversation, my knees clicked and clacked,
And those butterflies flipped and flapped.

And as I spill these simple rhymes,
My mind goes over time and time.
Why didn’t you ask me to dance
During that slow song of endless romance?

I hope this doesn’t seem to creepy.
Please don’t think my thoughts have flown too freely.
Just know that what I speak is true
And that I have fallen deeply for you.

By Parker C. Blair


A Little Crush

I don’t know how it started
I don’t know how he feel about me
All I know is that he is a stranger
I fell in love with a stranger

I don’t even know his inside life
His feeling about what he believes in
In what he will say after
After I told him I like him

Life is weird and bizare
Life have unexpected moment
I don’t know what is happening to me
All I know is that I’m in love

When I think about it
Over and over again
In my mind I’m thinking that I’m in love
When I think about it in real life
I say

It is just a little crush

By Gloria Rose


A Time To Give It A Shot

Your beautiful eyes,
Your warming smile,
Your wonderful country accent
Makes me smile.

I’m shy to talk to you.
Foolish, I don’t know why.
What to be scared of?
You remind me of stars in the sky.
Beautiful and bright,
You’re a joyful sight.

I don’t know you well
But wish to know you more.
Maybe go on a date
Or see a show, either one,
I’ll just be happy to know
That we gave it a shot
And didn’t just let it go.

By Tyler Holley


Another Crush

I don’t want to keep feeling this way,
Because each time I come closer, you move away.
I don’t want to seem desperate or clingy at all.
I just want you to catch me each time that I fall.

I’m so tired of always being that flirt.
I want more than just that but don’t wanna get hurt.
Can’t believe I knew you so well from the start.
Now I feel pathetic when you mess with my heart.

You’re just a good day and a stormy night,
Just another crush that leads me to fright.
You’re one of those traps I can’t seem to avoid.
What are you to make of me once my heart is destroyed?

By Anastasia Moser


Beautiful Eyes

The first day I saw him,
I didn’t know what was going to happen.
He was one among the crowd,
Not at all different!

The second day I saw him,
There was some thing different.
He was not the same person,
Turned unique all of a sudden!

The third day I saw him,
He looked into my eyes!
I stood transfixed in his gaze,
In my stomach were butterflies.

The fourth day I saw him,
He looked in my eyes again.
Silent words were exchanged
between our gaze.

The fifth day I saw him.
I went up and asked,
Have we met before somewhere?
Or are we related from the past?

He shook his head
And here’s what he said!

Yes my love, we met in our past life!
We were two souls that became one.
In life and death we were together,
And again here we’ve come!

I turned my head and walked away,
Taking a silent oath
not to look at him the next day!

The sixth day I saw him,
Those beautiful eyes looked in mine again.
It felt like we’d known each other forever
speaking of pasts and future.

That day I knew we’re meant to be.
Whether it comes true or not,
We’ll just have to wait and see!

For now all that I know,
Those beautiful eyes are in what I’m lost!
So just remember that if you don’t find me,
In his eyes, lost I will be, conversing silently!

By Nicole Jemimah Hardy



I can see thee
dancing with roses
unaware of me
hugging my loneliness

I can see thee
flying up high
in my hollow dream
in this silent night

and sometimes I think
I’m in your eyes
feeling I can swim
all the way into your heart

We are walking on blue waters
feeling the breeze of the sea
for I’m with you nothing matters
for we are together, I breath

holding hand to hand
we walk to the moon
into a dreamland
on a hot balloon

but the dream is over
and there you are
dancing with roses
feeling like a czar.

By Anabel Anguiano



Your smile makes my heart skip a beat.
Around you I can barely speak.

You take my breath away
and make my heart grow in size.
I dont care what they say.
You have such pretty eyes.

Your voice is so warm
it jumpstarts my heart.

Im causing harm.
And falling apart.

I dont know what to do.
When your everything I want.
Im falling for you.
and faking nonchalant.

I reflectively lie.
Its not my intent.

I dont want to cry.
Over something not ment.

I’ll build a wall,
in hopes you’ll tear it down.
Im willing to fall.
Just dont want to frown.

You can make me smile,
with only a few words.
Please stay for awhile.
And be my world.

I know I love you.
But I’ll call it a crush.
I know its true.
But I dont want to rush.

When I look at you my heart skips a beat.
Around you I can barely speak

By Silence Dogood



I close my eyes and I see you,
Your gorgeous eyes are so blue,
The curlness of your hair,
I really care.

Am I sure this is real love?
Or is this just a crush?
Whenever I’m around you – I feel happy,
And when we’re apart I feel empty.

You’re the light of my heart,
The inner part,
The moon in the dark sky,
The tears I cry.

I dream of your warm lips on mine,
How our fingers entwine,
How our bodies come together,
And being with each other forever.

We’re just friends,
As I hope that our friendship doesn’t end,
Or we go to a whole new level,
As you’re always a little rebel.

My love for you is strong,
But I hope this crush isn’t for long,
As if I just want to be with you forever,
And only you no one else – just you and I together.

Drive into the sunset,
And I bet;
That you would fall in love,
But I hope this isn’t a crush.

Oh – how I feel about you,
How your eyes are just so blue,
How your smile makes me happy,
But I will always know that it’s not like that with you and me.

By Alicia Meyers



i have this strong feeling
my heart is beating fast,
how i wish he would go now,
but i like this feeling to last

i have a crush on this person,
not ideal to be crushed
but for me he is handsome,
he will always be loved

everytime his eyes meet mine,
i feel like i soar above the sky,
everytime he is beside me,
no thoughts would be in my mind

everytime i feel the heat of his body,
i feel my love burning inside,
i can’t resist this feeling,
i can’t get him out of my mind

i think i’m going crazy
everytime i see his eyes,
i want to stop this feeling
but i can’t resist this feeling from inside

i want to keep my eyes shut,
i want to keep my mind closed
but his face keeps hunting me,
wherever i look and go…

but baby my heart really wants you,
my eyes want to see you,
this feeling that’s inside me
keeps pushing me towards you

i want to stop this craziness,
but my heart keeps screaming your name,
oh, please stop making me like you,
please stop driving me insane!

many years may pass,
but still our memories will last,
you will still make my cheeks blush
cuz’ baby ’til forever, you’ll always be my crush.

By Verona Valentine



Admiring you, It’s true
I think you’re beautiful, I do
everything you are
I have loved from afar
And, now I want to get closer to you

I want to sit in the chair next to you
Sipping coffee and eating a scone
Making laughter in conversation
And, never again feel alone

But, I have no courage for introduction
No stories to amuse
No taste for drinking coffee
And, nothing else to lose
Only the strength of my resolve for you

I see the line, I dare not cross
petrified in word suffocation
a self rejection before it happens

I prepare myself for
the dissolution of my heart

I take my first step and I start 

By Marcus McKinley



You’re my apple of my eye
My heart didn’t lie
I’m ready to die
Just to gave you a pie.

Please, look at me
Because my day will be complete
When I see you in the street
Even a short time great.

I want you to be my baby
Also to be my girlfriend buddy
Because my life will be worry
If you do this every.

By Marvin Magno



Ug, his name will not get out of my head!
There is no escape, this I dread,

I wish there was someway to tell him,
Other than speaking from my own lips,

It has been a while since this all began,
Now he pops in my head, and fogs my mind,

I really want him to know,

I do not know how to tell him though,

I keep telling myself I will,
Then I see him and think better of it,

I sit here thinking,
Always about him, there is no end!

I do not want to be rejected!
But I rather not be pained, like I am right now.

By Lillianne Rosewood



You know exactly what to say,
at times I feel grey.
I feel so weak,
everytime you speak.

I dream of your voice,
it’s like I have no choice.
I can feel the butterflies,
everytime I look into your eyes.

But you tell me things about her,
sometimes it all seems a blur.
It doesn’t occur to you,
what I am going through.

Everytime I feel your touch,
I want to say too much.
I want to say I have a crush on you,
and I hope you feel the same way I do.

By Ena Di Rocco


Crush Gone On Too Long

We’ve never dated
Something I might regret
And I’ll never admit it
Though I’ll repeat it in my head.

I wish I’d never said no sometimes
Just to get away from this
The way you stole my heart one day
And became my happiness.

We still haven’t found each other
As annoying as that is
And keep dating others,
While thinking of each other as lovers.

I want to get away from this
But I’m not sure I ever will
I have to try
I might not succeed
And my soul will always ask me “why? ”

Why do I go through this torment?
Why not find some other guy?
But my heart was the one that chose,
One thing I won’t deny,
And maybe God has a plan.

Though I can’t find out why
He would put me with you,
When we’re just so different
I’m smart, I’m pretty,
(or so you say)
You hide your intelligence,
You are a jerk
And I can’t understand why
I know this, I want to let you go-
But my heart still always cries
“I need you, I want you, I don’t want to let you go! ”
But It’s just a stupid crush, I thought I’d let you know.

It might be a little long
But I’m not in love with you.
I just hope I’m not wrong
I hope it’s just a crush,
Gone on just a little too long.

By Ellie Smith


Crush, Bang, Wallop!

Love, the tricky bit that each life has to offer…
First the rush and then the crush,
but it depends who and what we’re looking for,
perhaps to complete us,
making us think love in itself is the happy ending…
or the happy beginning.

I like the tenfold increase in feelings and yet,
surely that’s the attraction and the addiction of love…
Perhaps our onefold normality is deliberate,

compelling us towards that higher reality,
that sensation of everything alive and new…
that striving in pursuit of happiness…

The daredevil mentality, risking all,
yet not, indeed, for all in return…
No, that would be too much to hope for,
too much to handle all at once…

Thus love comes to us in stages,

with letdowns along the journey,
deflating our inflated hopes and dreams,
like the popping of bubbles or balloons…
Life is complicated enough without love,
but love is the only game in town.

By Denis Martindale


Crush’Ed Online

Letters that made a word,
Words made those sentences,
Sentences that ended up as texts,
And every chat that brought me closer to you,
Defines the way i fell for you.

Liking builded up every second,
Day by day my heart weakend,
She is little different and little sweet,
I am just in love with her every tweet.

Life is so lively when online,
With her my mood too goes offline,
Dreaming she pops out of the messenger,
When I just click on the key enter.

Waiting for my lonliness to flee,
Longing for the day when she says she loves me,
And i’ll be with her everytime,
Rather then just being crush’ed online.

By Ritesh Ram Suvarna


Cyber Crush

On my mind scarily,
I am craving that which I have never tasted,
Wanting it to last forever yet it hasn’t began.
U are my secret addiction,

The opuim I am afraid to taste
for what if it is an illusion
A mirage heightened by the distance
or the fact that I cannot see your flaws

What if I am less than you expect
a fraction or less of your imagination
What if the sight of me is only attractive on the screen
yet mediocre in the flesh.

But still you make me smile,
Everytime I log in
I pray you are online.
Your jokes, your phrases, your concern
I feel your senses unfold with mine.

I am drawn to you
You know me, the deep me that I keep hidden
Its like you can read me
My every mood, my unspoken phrases
how do you do that without seeing me.

It scares me
how I have come to rely on you
how you do so much for me
trusting me yet the likelihood of you
walking past me is there

How do I say it
What do I say
I cannot explain it
I don’t want to explain it
I like it; and you by the way
skinny boy.

By Nancy Handabile


First Crush

We’ve all had a crush on someone,
when we were going to school, it
was difficult being around them,
without acting like, a perfect fool!
When you started a conversation,
it’s then you became tongue tied,
making you feel so embarrassed,
but alas…at least you tried! Why
was it, that every time they were
near, your heart, would skip a beat?

And it never failed upon walking away,
you always managed to trip over your
feet! No need to mention how awkward
you felt, as well as clumsy too, wishing
you could hide, as you realized, all eyes,
were watching you! This was quite a
dilemma, to be in, thinking to yourself, is
there a chance, that one day, you could

By Audrey Heller


First Crush

You once sat on my wall and talked to me;
I was irked because you spoiled my silly game.
The tender age of twelve was what I’d be.
Aged thirteen and I just don’t feel the same.

Now you are a dream to teenage eyes.
Your dark good looks awaken teenage love.
I follow you, my head up in the skies,
I seek divine involvement from above.

If only you would turn and notice me,
Or sit once more and chat upon my wall,

How very very happy I would be,
You’ve grown so very handsome, lean and tall.

We sit in class, you turn and pinch my pen;
Oh joy of joys my world will spin again.

By Sherrie Lowe


I Wish

I wish I could say it,
I wish you would know.
The way you make me feel,
My heart almost seems to grow.

I wish you knew I mean it,
When I show my affection.
I wish you could see,
You’ve made a lasting impression.

I wish we could be together,
But our age forces us apart.
I hope that you know when you leave soon,
You’ll be in my heart.

I wish we had longer
Than just these few weeks more,
I wish it was forever,
That you’d be knocking on my door.

Someday you will know
What you mean to me.
My wish will come true,
And we’ll be meant to be.

By Lydia R. Terpstra


Internet Crush

The PC starts and loads its stuff with teeny weeny whirrs,
While I rekindle all my love for her while this occurs…

Impatiently my fingers tap, as desktop graphics load…
And just when I begin to snap, the browser’s graphics showed…

Click, click! One minute left to go! I’ll soon be back online!
My rosy cheeks begin to glow… Take heart, my Valentine!

My Yahoo Inbox! There you are! She’s emailed! OMG!

Stay calm! She’s just a superstar… She’s not in love with me…

She’s got some guy to take her out. She’s some new film to make…
Just being kind, of that no doubt, to give a fan a break!

What’s this! She wants to meet me soon! Phone number and address!
A miracle! I start to swoon! The stress! The stress! The stress!

What shall I wear! ? I’ll buy a suit! Tuxedo-style, oh, my!
It’s all for her, ‘cos she’s so cute! What gifts for her to buy! ?

A diamond ring, too early, son… A necklace, that’ll do…
And when the date is almost done, I’ll whisper, ‘I love you! ‘

I’m terrified as I respond… Then she picks up the phone!
I’m talking to my favourite blonde! The sweetest girl I’ve known!

Now on my knees I start to pray! Dear Lord, I’ve got a date!
Yes! Halleluyah! Hip, hooray! It’s time to celebrate!

I need the strength to get through this! It could be quite a trial,
Yet she’s the girl I yearn to kiss, the girl who makes me smile.

By Denis Martindale


Just A School Crush

I’m sitting in the classroom
I’m looking up at you
Your eyes wander pass me
you look right through

I see you looking at her
the princess of the class
Your eyes meet across the room
she smiles and winks at you

You blush and you look down
you don’t know I see
She knows just what you’re after
She will give it to you

I’m the one that wants you
really deep inside
I do think you know that
you’re just getting too blind

I’ll destroy your reputation
of the cool dude in school
I know I can’t have you
but it’s hard to hide the truth

eventually I will come over
the very thought of you
You are just a school crush
you will never want me to

By Camilla Fodgaard



And in Life’s noisiest hour,
There whispers still the ceaseless Love of Thee,
The heart’s Self-solace and soliloquy.
You mould my Hopes, you fashion me within ;
And to the leading Love-throb in the Heart
Thro’ all my Being, thro’ my pulse’s beat ;
You lie in all my many Thoughts, like Light,
Like the fair light of Dawn, or summer Eve
On rippling Stream, or cloud-reflecting Lake.
And looking to the Heaven, that bends above you,
How oft! I bless the Lot that made me love

By Samuel Taylor Coleridge


Love? No. Fate? I Think So

I knew the day we met
That we were meant to be.
I knew our fate was set,
That you were the one for me.

I didn’t even know you.
I only knew your name.
I wasn’t sure what to do.
I didn’t know who to blame.

I knew I found you attractive.
I could tell that you were nice.
The butterflies were so active
That I couldn’t think twice.

Everything I did that day
Didn’t show you who I am.
Every time you came my way
My heart began to ram.

My actions weren’t natural.
My reactions weren’t real.
I felt so very terrible,
But my heart I did not wield.

And when the group said goodbye to me,
My eyes were fixed on you.
I knew I was trying to see
If you felt the same way too.

I liked you when I saw your face,
But maybe it was the touch.
My heart had begun to race.
I already liked you too much.

I knew the day we met
That we were meant to be.
I knew our fate was set
As friends, as lovers, as enemies.

By Tammy Luu


My Crush

Sitting alone in this lonely hallway
As you can see there’s nothing left
Since I’m the only one here
I can finally tell myself
I miss you and love you
But everyone laughs I don’t understand why I must move on
All this frustration wont go away
All this anger wont make it better
I want to hit the walls and make the glass shatter
Maybe you’ll run and rescue me this time

Now don’t get carried away our I’ll fall into heavy waves
Look I miss you to death
I need time to gather myself

I lay at night
The ceiling stands white
Everyone already dreaming
I refuse to close my eyes till you come into my life.
My crush, my crush.

By Ice Johnson


My Crush

I cant help yearn for your touch.
Even though your not mine
I miss you so much.
Wishing I could be with you day and night
But you belong to her
So that cant be right
How could I compete with a beautiful girl like that
Look at her, then look at me
I’m just all ugly and fat
All I want is your lips against mine

Your warm touch
And our bodies intertwine
So for now I’ll love you from afar
But day I’ll express how special you are
So until then I will retain this rush
And until then you will only be my crush.

By Shelly Galloway


My Crush

My life is a mess,
My crush thinks I’m wierd.
I’ve been cut off from the world,
to drown in my fears.

You don’t like me, never have, never will.
I can stare but never be fulfilled.
How hard is it to smile back at me?
I won’t sting, I’m not like a bee.

Is it because your popular, and maybe I’m not?
I want to know what it is, coz I think your hot.
I may not be allowed to go, to do.
But i can change, if it means i get you.

My hopes and my dreams have fallen beside me.
I have to be who they want me to be.
Moulded and shaped, so I will please.
Doing what they want, before I collapse into tears.

By Stephanie Smith


My Crush

I don’t know how I’ll tell her, this girl I’m crushing on,
I keep peering over from across the room.
Such beauty that could ever be gone,
Radiating from her being, a flower in full bloom.

She’s my crush, this girl I love deep inside,
She makes me laugh, she makes me smile without thinking.
When she turns my way, I turn away to hide,
I hope she didn’t see me stare, now I’m blinking.

I keep looking over and she doesn’t see,
She doesn’t see how she makes me feel.
How even though so close, so far, she’s with me,
A fire in my heart with her smile to seal the deal.

My crush, this girl, she’s really quite something,
Everything she does just seems so right…
It was her person that started my crushing,
Since then she’s been the moon to my night, my light.

Guiding the way with her ever-present smile,
Always pushing me to do more, to be better,
And I always get it every once in a while…
Her inspiration, her motivation, my goal setter.

One day I’ll have her, she’ll be all mine,
I know she’ll be, I know it sounds crazy.
She always just gives me chills down my spine,
It can’t just be nothing, ‘cause without her things go hazy.

She’s my crush and I love everything about her,
Maybe I should just let her know, maybe I should…
Yes, I should, I must, it’s what I’d prefer,
I know I will… I should… I could…

But what if she doesn’t feel the same way about me?
How could I ever hope to compare to such beauty?
Look at her now, with those dark eyes, her cute nose…
Ah shit she saw me looking, I think she knows!

Oh but she’ll never know how she really has me go,
My heart burns with passion, and it’s only the beginning of the show.
We’ll now only just begin to a story ever after,
Filled with love, hope, and laughter.

By Casey Gochnour


My Crush

I have these feelings deep inside
Feelings that I have to hide
I don’t know if he feels that way too
And I don’t know what to do.
When we’re together, I feel uptight
When he’s around I feel so right
I dream about what we can do
And all the things we can persue
I yearn just to feel his touch
And when he leaves, I miss him so much

I want to feel his lips against mine
And feel our bodies, our hands, our fingers, intertwine
So for now I’ll love him from afar
One day I’ll express how special you are
So until then I will retain this rush
And until then I’ll contain my crush.

By SarahLaney Long


My First Crush

In the sea of faces I saw a face
All in a haze, so filmy
Nothing did I see clearly
But a pair of love lit eyes
Riveted on me
My heart skipped a beat
Did my face grow pale?
Or got coloured by a blush?
I lowered my eyes
And looked away

But I saw him advancing
Coming straight to me

My heart began to race
My breath got hitched
My lips went dry and parched
I didn’t hear what he asked
Words got stuck in my throat
When they came
They came out broken and raspy
I felt as if struck
By congenital paralysis
Unable to move my facial muscles
Either to utter a word
Or curve my lips into a smile!

Felt butterflies in my stomach
A tremor took over my hands and legs
Beads of sweat appeared on my brow
My mind went blank
The world came to a sudden halt
Forgot where I was
I got frozen in time

This is how I felt
When I had my first crush!

Not knowing the futility of adolescent yearning
For long, I juggled with his unspoken words
“I LOVE you!”

By Valsa George


My First Crush

Everyone can remember
Their first crush
Hands sweating
Heart beating fast

Wanting to be seen
By whatever means
Whether walking by
Or being introduced to them

Laughter too loud
Or words that falter
Moments of pure pleasure
To being embarrassed forever

I remember you
Being my first crush
Seeing you on the other side
Of that partitioned half wall

Feeling totally flushed
As my friends noticed
How I continued to stare
Unbeknownst to their glare

I will always remember
My first taste of lust
Of the person who was
My First Crush

By Linda Barnes


My Greatest Regret

I never showed my love when she was here.
Of her reaction I always had that fear.
Now she will no longer stay.
I never showed my love, and now she’s away.

I always wanted to look at her face.
I always wanted to be near her place.
I always had a feeling deep down inside,
A feeling I always had to hide.

I did what I could to hide what I feel,
To hide how my heart she can steal.
Why hide? I was always asking.
Now it’s time for unmasking.

Since I saw her, I wanted to be more than her friend.
Now that dream will forever end.
She was the first girl on which I had a crush.
To see her, I went to school in a rush.

She might seem normal to you,
But she’s a saint from my point of view.
I thought she was perfect for me,
But through my wish I wasn’t able to see.

I never told that girl how my feelings were.
I never showed her how much I care.
I regret not having that talk.
I regret not breaking that block.

By Hussein A. Termos


My Secret Crush

I think about you everyday
I plan out what to say
You have no idea, you have no clue
Just how much I think about you
I try not to stare, I try not to hide
I try not to show that I have always lied
If I had told you before
Perhaps you might not be the same
I want to tell you how I feel
But the voices inside makes me hush
So I keep it down inside my heart
Hoping that nothing falls apart
Where ever you go, my heart will follow
But sadly, ever, only I will know
I hope my heart will never be broken
All because of my love unspoken

By Sania Harris


My Secret Crush

I sneak a look at him.
From under my eyelashes.
Seeing a perfect soul.
I wish I could have him,
As mine and not hers,
But I know I can’t.

All he sees is his flaws.
All I see is his perfection.

He thinks he’s ugly.
I think he’s a gift.

He’ll probably never know i exist,
But i know he exists.

That’s why i still hold on,
To the hope,
That he might,

Be mine.
But for now,
He’ll stay as,
My secret crush

By Elizabeth Clement


My Secret Crush

Oh my gosh! Here’s my crush!
Seeing you my heart will blast,
Why you always smiling?
It keeps my my world shaking.

I like the way you smile
I feel better for a while,
Yes, seeing you makes my day
like there’s no other way.

One day, you sat in armchair
without you knowing I stared,
I try not to be obvious
’cause it might make you curious

At canteen, I bought snack
Don’t know, you’re at my back,
Touching my curly hair
Gosh! Is this a fairytale?

Every time you are standing near
Feels like I should disappear
’cause I can’t let you know,
It is feeling has learned to grow.

If I Could only let you know
How I wish to say ‘hello! ‘
but makes me painfully shy
Leading to silent ‘goodbye’.

By Jessa Mariz


My Sweet Fine Crush

Your are the reason why I choose to write love poems
I have a crush on you boy
But I choose to keep it a secret
Bottling them up
And putting them away
Writing these words of love
I would rather have you as a friend
Than no one
Just let me see you smile
And you will see me smileI don’t want to see you sad

Because I will be sad
Just stay around me as long as you can
Let me continue to touch your hand
I am liking you more each day
I hate it terribly when we go our separate ways
I can not show it
I can not say it
Because I know we will never be
At the end of the day though, I am happy
Because I at least have you as a friend

By Pamela Mote


Night Thoughts

OH, unhappy stars! your fate I mourn,
Ye by whom the sea-toss’d sailor’s lighted,
Who with radiant beams the heav’ns adorn,
But by gods and men are unrequited:
For ye love not,–ne’er have learnt to love!
Ceaselessly in endless dance ye move,
In the spacious sky your charms displaying,
What far travels ye have hasten’d through,
Since, within my loved one’s arms delaying,
I’ve forgotten you and midnight too!

By Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Ode To The Crush

I met you at an improv show,
thought it was a normal day, but that wasn’t so
You came in, out of the blue
I liked you at first sight, that much is true

You were better at every game
made me feel almost lame
heard we were on the same team
and I started to beam

So many times I wanted to tell you
people telling me you were someone I hardly knew
I disregarded their hateful comments
started coming up with beautiful sentiments

Started thinking about saying my feelings aloud
unrealistic scenarios like on a cloud in front of a crowd
I don’t know I just had to know what you’d say
hoping for that slim chance of the answer being “okay”

After a quick rethinking I realized it might hurt the team
I didn’t want a simple thing to create a seam
perhaps not telling you was the best thing to do
or maybe one day I’ll look back to today and rue.

I can’t say which one hurt more,
telling you or trying to ignore
if my feeling continue to linger
maybe I’ll have to become a singer

Just to be able to release some of this pressure
all of what is making me so insecure
I can’t say anything yet about regrets
but I can safely say everything about my frets

If you ever see this badly written rhyme
perhaps you’ll consider it for some time
think about who was on the team, “Monkey”
then one other person who happens to be me

By Brad Jacole Sieths


Secret Crush

A secret Crush is What I have on you
At the sound of your name..My face turns blue

Every time I see your face
I get a feeling of a warm embrace

Just the smell of you drives me insane
When I am not with you..I’m in pain

You’re the only real one for me

If only you could make you see

See how much I seriously care for you
And how much I could do
And this is all for you

I would love you with all my heart 3
I would make sure we would never be apart

But unfortunately for me…you don’t feel the same way

But I’ll be fine because tomorrow’s another day
As my life becomes more and more gray.

By Cesar Herrera


Secret Crush

It’s been about a week that we met and its crazy how I get
I try to start a convo but I stumble all up on my words
I’m feelin’ you a little but to keep it quiet I prefer
Don’t wanna sound absurd
I’ll just wait a few more days to see what will occur

I heard a knock, I opened up and it was you outside that door
You came inside, just you and I, waiting for them to us assign
We talked a little while and I’m thinking to myself damn damn you is fine
The boss was calling me but I couldn’t even hear her speak; I’m sitting on cloud nine

We look into each other’s eyes and you got me blinded from your shine

When you left, my heart just kept, beating uncontrollably
Then finally, able to, calm it down a little bit
I see you from across the room; don’t know how to act, don’t know what to do
I’m just trying not to blush so you wouldn’t know that on you I have a crush

By Vanessa Roman


Secret Crush

A shooting star flew by
And you quickly came to mind
I knew once you walked into my life
You’re exactly what I needed to find

Our friendship flashed before my eyes
And a smile emerged on my face
I love each and every moment
Of your sweet enchanting grace

At first I liked our friendship
How we just trusted each other
How our friendship grew so strong
We were meant for one another

I was mesmerized from the beginning
By the words that you would speak
I couldn’t nor wanted to help
That you’d always make grow so weak

I’m not sure when it all started
But i began to fall for you
You had caught me in an unknown spell
There was nothing I could do

Over time  my feelings grew stronger
And you’re all I could think about
My heart was beating only for you
No one else
And in this there was no doubt

I tried to get over it
Knowing it could never be
Knowing I was just playing with my feelings
Thinking you would fall for me

I didn’t tell anyone
Not even my best friend
Didn’t want what little had began
To come to an end

I kept my mouth shut
Trying to deny it to even myself
Pretending I didn’t have those feelings
Lying to protect myself

I couldn’t control it
I yearned for you so much
Didn’t want anything else
Except your gentle soothing touch

This love is starting to hurt
Pretending that it’s not real
Trying to put it out of my mind
Refusing to reveal

But as I see you more and more
It’s becoming harder to deny
Soon, I will no longer be able to refuse you
No longer able to keep up this lie

By Robin Danford


Secret Crush

I once had a secret crush
People say it must be lust
This man is so kind
He will really blow your mind
This crush just won’t leave me
Maybe one day, the feelings will be free
I want to make him understand
I want him to be my man
I don’t really want to push it
But after that really long kiss

I could no longer resist it
I love him so very much
But I feel I will mess up
If I tell my secret crush.

By Alexis Lea Deguzman


Teenage Crush

A teenage crush on a full grown man
It’s bad enough for the other
Fantasising on what he can
And even worse he’s a teacher
With hair like gold and eyes so stern
He knows he’s won me over
My mind’s too bessotted to learn
I wish he’d take me sober
I don’t know why I like him so much
Why my stomach flips around him

I want to experience feel his touch
Filling desire within me
A teenage crush on a school teacher
One that could never be
I suppose I just want to be swept up
Swept off my feet for something
I don’t want to feel so alone like this
Sometimes it hurts too much
I want to be so passionately kissed
I want to fall in love

By Emma Woods


The Sad Truth

The chaotic noise inside the class,
The live chit chat that every group has.
Yes, another semester is at hand,
Another great year is about to land.
Friends hug like there’s no tomorrow,
Happiness is in, no more sorrow.
I see new people walk inside the room,
New batches of friends are about to bloom.
But one person caught my attention:
A girl with this kind of perfection
Walks like a model on a runway,
A girl who stole my heart away.
Her eyes sparkle like the stars above.
That look she gives me that I really love.
Her smile takes my breath away.
I know that I won’t let her slip away.
I want to tell her what I really feel,
Wanting to tell her that this is real.
Oh, this feeling that I hate,
A feeling that would not obliterate.
Want to know about the sad truth?
That there will never be a “me and you.”
Yes, that is the sad truth
That you’ll never say you like me too.

By Evan Blackwood


Think Of You

Lying in a meadow,
Hiding in the grass.
Staring at the stars,
But a thought distracts me.
All I think about is you, and
The way you make me feel.

I love the way you smile,
I love the way you laugh,
I love the way your eyes glitter,
When you are standing in the light.

I love the way you we talk for hours,
I love the way you listen.
I love the way we stay on the phone for hours,
But say nothing at all.

I love the way you stand up for me,
I love the way you tease me.
I love the way you say hello,
Every morning I walk in.
Most of all I love the way you stay by me,
No matter where I am.

So next time when I am lying in a meadow,
And I’m hiding in the grass.
When I’m staring at the stars,
You will be beside me.

By Wesley Manning


Tucked In His Pocket

There he goes, walking with his friends.
Little does he know he’s got my heart tucked in his back pocket.
I stand there waitin’ for you to notice
That I’m crushin’ on you, boy, and I just can’t stop it.

He flashes a smile, and I melt like butter.
He speaks to me, and I can only stutter.

Here I stand, staring at my feet.
When he walks by, can he hear my heart beat?
It’s got its melody when he’s around.
He picks me up when I’m feeling down.

When he looks into my eyes and smiles,
Can he see how much he drives me wild?
He’s adorable and wonderful,
Incredible and unbelievable.

I wish I could tell him everything I feel.
His heart’s not the only thing I want to steal.
His breath, his kiss,
I wanna be the one he’ll miss.

When he closes his eyes,
Wanna be his last goodbye,
His most treasured

By Abigail Fenlon


When I Had A Crush On You

When I had a crush on you,
You acted as if I did not exist.
You persisted to avoid my advances.
Some of them were innocently delivered.

When I had a crush on you.
You wanted to play hard to get.
At least that is how I interpreted it!
As you intentionally flirted with others.

When I had a crush on you…
You toyed with my emotions.
And put me through the best tests,
I have ever yet from anyone else I’ve met.

When I had a crush on you,
The last thing I expected…
Was to hear you say to me, ‘I do’.

And ever since marriage has happened to us…

I find myself rushing to the door.
After fussing and cussing in a rage,
Pacing the floor.

Wondering ‘where’ you kept your fangs,
And ‘how’ did that monster I see now…
Every other day,
Manage to stay away from my view!

When I had a crush on you!

By Lawrence S. Pertillar


When I See You

When I see you,
Your eyes sparkle while you say hi with the sweetest voice in the world.
When I see you,
My heart skips a beat, and I don’t know what to say.
When I see you,
Love and happiness fulfills my thoughts, and all of my troubles go away.
When I see you, 
I wonder if you think about me as much as I think about you.
When I see you,
I daydream about the day we could say “I Do.”
When I see you,
All I want to say is, “I love you.”

By Roslyn Stevenson


Why Do You Think I’m Beautiful

I’m not pretty enough to be a model,
I’m not smart enough to be a scholar,
So why do you think I’m beautiful?

I’m not very book smart,
I’m not very good with art,
So why do you think I’m beautiful?

I hang out with the geeks,
Everybody calls us freaks,
So why do you think I’m beautiful?

I sit by myself at lunch,
Friends? I don’t really have a bunch,
So why do you think I’m beautiful?

I’m not very pretty,
I have all this acne,
So why do you think I’m beautiful?

My eyes are way too small,
And I’m just way too tall,
So why do you think I’m beautiful?

By Kendall Philips


With You My Knees Weak

Even hearing your name makes my knees weak
It takes me to a place I can’t even describe
I know that we have been friends
But is it wrong that I want to be more?
Seeing the places that we could explore
Together, Forever is how I want it to be
Just you and me

I know we have been through a lot
Tried to untangle every knot
But is it possible that you love me?
Can everyone see the couple I want us to be
Dreaming every night of us being together.
Through every type of weather.

I love when it rains because I can sit outside
Thinking about being by your side
When your heart is broken
You are My Token
I will always be right here
For you
Beside you
With you

By Kennedi Shai’Ann

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