
This sad subject of loss and detachment is touched on by most poets. And here everything is quite natural. Every poem about loneliness has its own connotations. Many classics in their lifetime were not always recognized by their contemporaries. And most are no strangers to this feeling.


«6 Lonely Tears» by Angela Pilant

First I shed a single tear because we are apart,
wanting nothing but to be with you,
to make a brand new start

The 2nd tear I shed is a lonely tear indeed.
My mind goes wild, my body goes numb,
and my heart begins to bleed.

The 3rd tear I cry wanting to feel your touch,
to taste your kiss and lips on mine,
I want so very much.

The 4th tear I cry thinking of you at night,
wanting you to hold me
as I grip my pillow tight.

The 5th tear I cry stains my pillowcase.
My mind drifts off in la la land
as I take us to that place.

The 6th tear I shed my thoughts go very deep,
simply dream of me and you
as I drift off fast to sleep.


«A Lonely Horse» by Marilyn Lott

I’m out in the field
Roaming the vast prairie
Waiting for somebody
To come and visit me

Occasionally I’ll see
A car or truck around
I’m stand here just waiting
In my deserted prairie ground

I’m quite a handsome fellow
Just look here for yourself
Sometimes I feel my owner
Has put me on the shelf

I’m good for many things
I could win as a show horse
If someone only entered me
Into a show of course

But pretty soon I know
The kids will come on by
Visit me and ride me
And on my back they’ll fly!


«A Lonely Little House» by Marilyn Lott

A lonely little house
Built many years ago
Is deteriorating now
I thought you’d like to know

Its boards are warped and falling
One by one onto the ground
But mostly in the stillness
You can’t hear a single sound

Except when the cattle are grazing
Around the house at times
A cowbell occasionally clinks
Like a soft ringing of chimes

Its roof now is sinking
Its windows too are gone
Time and weather are not helping
But it knows where it belongs

For the stories this house could tell
Are so many from its prime
It housed a growing family
Once upon a time

I love the frontier houses
That were built to run a farm
Part of the past we inherited
They will always have such charm!


«A Lonely One Room School» by Marilyn Lott

It is now old and in need of paint
Sits alone in a field of grass
Poor little lonely one room school
So long ago since it’s had class

If only it could tell us stories
Of the children who sat in its seats
Buzzing with exciting chatter
Never thinking they’d face defeat

School books worn on the corners
For turning down pages a thing to do
Buckets design for their small lunches
Old-fashioned hats that set askew

Oh listen, can you hear the laughter?
Reciting their lessons every day
Recess time in the school yard
It was important to take time to play

But you know, nothing lasts forever
Except, of course, the golden rule
I feel a bit sad when I look upon
This precious lonely one room school!


«A Lonely Tear» by Megan Dugan

A lonely tear falls down
A smile turns to frown
Trickles down the cheek
Does not make you weak

A lonely tear escapes
A lifetime of mistakes
A sad and lonely heart
Others broke apart

A lonely tear is dried
So many nights it cried
A friend reached out their hand
And tried to understand

The lonely tear is gone
Life will carry on
With love from a friend
The lonely tears will end


«A Lonely Traveler» by Alexander Romanov

Who will love a lonely traveler
Who traveled far & seeks some rest
I will, said the old tree
My leaves shall shade you from the sun
So you can sleep
And all your darkest secrets
For you I shall keep

Who will take pity in his heart
And who will feed a starving traveler

I will, said the serene lake
For in my unfathomable waters
I have plenty of fish
So eat & drink my friend
As much as you wish

Who will love a lonely traveler
And who will remember his name
I will, said the earth
For all I created returns on to me

From dust were you made
And dust you shall be


«A Young Mother Waits Lonely» by Gary Bryson

A young mother waits lonely,
But with war it didn’t start.
It began with a with a duty,
To country and heart.
With her husband at war,
Things are not as they seem.
Lonely days are without end,
Like its some kind of dream.
It seems even living,
Gets more difficult each day.

And in each daily letter.
Things are harder to say.
No more grand parades,
No excitement to bring.
Even so if there were,
It wouldn’t change a thing.
Alone with no husband,
No family and no friends,
Just another young mother,
Alone in the end.


«Are You Lonely Tonight?» by Jeff Fleischer

Are you lonely tonight
Because your heart was broken?
Are you lonely tonight,
Shedding tears from all the emotion?
Please don’t be shy.
Just tell me if its okay for me to dropp by.
I’ll be the man you’ve always dreamed of.
I’ll hold you close to me and show you love.
I’ll help you through your pain and sorrow.
And after you wake up tomorrow,

We’ll take a walk near the ocean shore.
As time goes by, I’ll love you more and more.


«Are You Lonely Too? » by Christopher Higginson

Remember how he scraped his knee and how I wiped it clean
I picked him up and hugged him so he wouldn’t make a scene
He was just so little then, an active little boy,
My! What a man he has become, me eldest son called Roy.

Remember, when she just turned six: her birthday party cake!
Her party dress marked from the mix of scones she tried to make!
Those pictures that my husband took, now stained in shades of grey
That all seems many years ago, those decades fade away

Gosh, Peter must be retired now, my youngest of the four
He has grandkids of his own, now was it three or more?
It’s strange how I remember them, when young and all carefree
I wonder if they’ll try this year to come and visit me?


«Childhood’s Retreat» by Robert Duncan

It’s in the perilous boughs of the tree   

out of blue sky    the wind   

sings loudest surrounding me.

And solitude,   a wild solitude

’s reveald,   fearfully,   high     I’d climb   

into the shaking uncertainties,

part out of longing,   part     daring my self,

part to see that

widening of the world,   part

to find my own, my secret

hiding sense and place, where from afar   

all voices and scenes come back

—the barking of a dog,   autumnal burnings,

far calls,   close calls—   the boy I was

calls out to me

here the man where I am   “Look!

I’ve been where you

most fear to be.”


«Danse Russe» by William Carlos Williams

If I when my wife is sleeping

and the baby and Kathleen

are sleeping

and the sun is a flame-white disc

in silken mists

above shining trees,—

if I in my north room

dance naked, grotesquely

before my mirror

waving my shirt round my head

and singing softly to myself:

“I am lonely, lonely.

I was born to be lonely,

I am best so!”

If I admire my arms, my face,

my shoulders, flanks, buttocks

against the yellow drawn shades,—

Who shall say I am not

the happy genius of my household?


«Dear Diary» by Ralph P Quinonez

Dear Diary,

As I make my entry today, again I cry.
Never thought this love would be so complicated,
Never thought that life would be so cold.
I think about him every day,
Knowing he will never return to me.
My life would have been so complete with him,
Now I have to live a life without him.
Oh, what a lonely and empty life I have been given.
My life consists of only memories of him
And what our life could have played out to be.
Each day I go back to you, my diary,
And write my deepest thoughts on your pages.
Each day I go out into the world and know that nothing is going to change.
The only change that can happen is the change inside my heart.
I need to deal with the pain and the loss and move forward in my life.
The love I had was a gift,
And I need to place this in your pages, my dear diary.
My heart will one day heal,
My mind will one day live again.


«Everyday Is A Lonely Day» by Daniel Richards

Nothing ever shines bright
Or even ever goes right, In my life
No one ever cared
That no one ever shared my day

As long as I keep it quite
Holed up in my mind silent
Then it will be okay
That no one ever shared my day

People push me by
Living lies, living there lives,
But its ok,
No one will ever share my day

People close there eyes
Believing the lies in the back of there mind
But here’s a truth the needs to be said
People are alive

Love is dead


«Gone Forever» by Dane Yule

I miss the times when you were here,
Telling me to have no fear.
To hold my head up high and strong,
Add happy notes to my sad song.

I miss the way you look at me
As if I were too blind to see.
The path I’m on might hurt and scathe,
But all goes well if you just have faith.

I miss the sound of your sweet voice,
Through bitter times a saving noise
That told me what was right and wrong
But rang in my ears for far too long.

A caring person, you were such
Who helped and hurt me, oh so much.
You’d guide and mislead me through the day
You left me lonely when I’d rather you stay.

Over things like that you had no control.
A rock set in motion will continue to roll.
No matter how hard you tug and heave,
You were always pushed and forced to leave.

Then one day you never returned,
My tears so hot they almost burned.
Aware now about what I lack,
But crying and mourning won’t bring you back.

For me to let out what I need to say.
I can’t do much more than pray.
No longer am I weak; my heart’s quite strong
From adding a happy chorus to a sad, sad song.


«I Feel Lonely Without You» by Hindy Nobody

When i don’t get to hear from you
I feel so lonely
When i don’t get the chance to see you
I feel so lonely
When i know you’re not there
I feel so lonely
When i’m sad, there’s no one to lean on to
I feel so lonely
When i’m thinking silently
I fell so lonely

There’s no one that i wanna be with apart being with u
I feel so lonely
There’s no one better than u
I feel so lonely
God why do i feel so lonely?
When i know i can’t come to u
As anytime, whenever as i want to…?
And why do i feel so angry….


I wish i was with u
Each day’s been killing me
Looking at ur pics,
it brought back the memories
Shaking my head
How can i go through?
AzZ, there’s no one special except u
and i just wish i could show it to u

Missing u loads


«I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud» by William Wordsworth

I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o’er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine

And twinkle on the milky way,

They stretched in never-ending line

Along the margin of a bay:

Ten thousand saw I at a glance,

Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they

Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:

A poet could not but be gay,

In such a jocund company:

I gazed—and gazed—but little thought

What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie

In vacant or in pensive mood,

They flash upon that inward eye

Which is the bliss of solitude;

And then my heart with pleasure fills,

And dances with the daffodils.


«Illusion Of A Fantasy» by Ice Vixen

Where do I go, which way do I turn
searching for that love I so desperatly yearn
fading memories of a past I’d soon forget
isolated and alone waiting for the one not met.

Is he just a vision or does he really exist
illision of a fantasy like a ship in the mist
the truth of it all remains to be seen
for in this moment of time I can only dream.

Laying awake I stare into the night
doom and dread surround, like the demons I fight
river of emotions flow like a swift moving tide
spiraling so fast downward I slide.

Will ever I find that peace, I do not know
breaking down more with each passing blow
desperation and pain a part of everyday life
words not spoken that cut like a knife.


«Kiss My Soul, Heal My Heart» by Avi Fleischer

I’m sitting here alone, my thoughts within the past,
Thinking about you, a love I hoped would last.
Your warm and tender heart that seems so far away,
This yearning deep inside me that I must obey.

Please don’t leave me here alone; you must understand
That a lost love is like footsteps in the sand.
So, kiss my soul just one more time; that’s all I ask of you.
And heal my heart that aches for you, as only you can do.

The truth is all I want to know; I seek it in your eyes,
But the only thing I see is that the truth is full of lies.
Hold me now; I feel my soul slowly fade away.
Let me know you love me too; your heart I won’t betray.

Please don’t leave me here alone; you must understand
That a lost love is like footsteps in the sand.
So, kiss my soul just one more time; that’s all I ask of you.
And heal my heart that aches for you, as only you can do.

There is no place for me without you by my side.
A world without your love, the pain how can I hide?
I want to taste your lips, to feel your body rush,
And like a starving man, I hunger for your touch.

Please don’t leave me here alone; you must understand
That a lost love is like footsteps in the sand.
So, kiss my soul just one more time; that’s all I ask of you.
And heal my heart that aches for you, as only you can do.


«Lonely» by Chloe Smith

I stand alone in darkness,
A rose held in my hand,
The wind rustles in the trees,
As it sweeps across the land.

I wait for your arrival,
I hope it will be soon,
I want to dance with you again,
By the light of the silver moon.

And though you do not miss me,
I hope you won’t forget,
That the little girl you left alone,
Will grow stronger yet.

I hear your footsteps on the ground,
Have you come back for me?
You take the rose from my hands,
And throw it in the sea.

You sneer at me for waiting,
What a pathetic thing to do,
“How could you believe, ” you hiss at me,
“I’d love a thing like you? ”


«Lonely Burial» by Stephen Vincent Benet

There were not many at that lonely place,
Where two scourged hills met in a little plain.
The wind cried loud in gusts, then low again.
Three pines strained darkly, runners in a race
Unseen by any. Toward the further woods
A dim harsh noise of voices rose and ceased.
— We were most silent in those solitudes —
Then, sudden as a flame, the black-robed priest,

The clotted earth piled roughly up about

The hacked red oblong of the new-made thing,
Short words in swordlike Latin — and a rout
Of dreams most impotent, unwearying.
Then, like a blind door shut on a carouse,
The terrible bareness of the soul’s last house


«Lonely Eyes» by Leo Lopes

It doesn’t matter how hard i try
Even though i’ll be dyin inside
Look deep within and tell me what you find
I just can’t seem to hide
These Lonely Eyes

They say nothing’s harder than life
And those who live well are welcome in the sky
There’s something wrong and i wanna take flight
I just can’t seem to hide

These Lonely Eyes

Now that you’re Gone Away i think i wanna die
I know you can see it, I’m surrounded by light
I tried to tell you i’m fine but that’s a lie
I just can’t seem to hide
These Lonely Eyes

As i see happy people go by
I’m so confused here, sometimes i wanna cry

I’m just a lonely soul lurkin in the lonely night
And i just can’t seem to hide
These Lonely Eyes


«Lonely God Behind My Eyes» by Robert Rorabeck

There is a lonely God behind my eyes
Who still cries for you who are so far
Away, like a lost child forgotten who she is,
Her identity soothed away by time
So she becomes someone else’s child,
Though my God remembers how she played
Before him once or twice in the early days
Before the world was fully formed—
There is a lonely God behind my eyes
Who screams at things because you can not

Hear him, who hates everything he sees
And wanders far up into the glacial lakes
Of my cranium where he sits on a nameless
Stone and cries your name, the word
That would set him free if he saw you dressed
In the fine syllables your parents christened
You with. There is a lonely God behind
My eyes who has tried to commit suicide
Just because he no longer believed he existed,
Because he knows not a thing to be true

Except that you have walked away, like a
Ghost shed of identity, so now you float down
The roads and caress nameless men thoughtlessly,
Forever and ever forgetting how your love
Was the fulcrum for this creation, how
Everything began to bloom as you opened
Your eyes. There is a lonely God behind my
Eyes who still cries for you who holds the
Key, who has forgotten.


«Lonely Is Just One Word» by Mary Havran

Lonely is just one word chosen to represent so much
To tell of feelings inside that the senses cannot touch

Lonely can be in the teardrops on a bereaved person’s cheek
Lonely can be in the silence of sorrows too deep to speak

Lonely can haunt a deserted room that Laughter once made proud
Lonely surrounds you when you’re alone or finds you in a crowd

Lonely is heard in echoed footsteps of a departing friend

Lonely penetrates the solitude of nights that will not end

Lonely will not listen to the pleadings of a broken heart
Lonely stays and torments until new Love shatters it apart


«Lonely Lovers Lane» by David Harris

The shadows hang over the archways,
still and silently fall to the ground,
no echo of footsteps are heard,
as nothing makes a sound.
There is no laughter of lovers,
no hush as they embrace;
nothing disturbs the silence,
of our lonely lover’s lane.

One-day lovers will walk there

know the happiness we knew.
One-day lovers will kiss there,
and know how I felt about you.
They will stop and admire the stillness,
that almost takes the breath away,
and feel the warmth of each other,
near the closing of the day.


«Lonely Madness» by Daniel Galloway

Moments that make up my life
seem to be empty
echoes of my own self loathing
plague me
they say I’m a fool

I feel the black dog barking at my door
persistent pain persistent voices
telling me I’m all wrong

a perfect isolation that tortures me everyday
the self scars upon my arm
remenants of pain that feels relieving

I speak to people, I feel detached
‘normalcy’ seems like bullshit

is it me or am I going mad
is it me or are they just full of it


«Lonely Night» by Bernard Shaw

A place by the fire in my old arm chair,
I am alone with no one my fire to share.
The crackling of logs burning bright,
Consoling me in my weary plight.
Shadows playing on ceiling and wall,
Ghosts past and present coming to call.
Outside the wind howls and moans.
Reminding me of my aching bones.
I am in the grip of melancholy deep,
Just past rendezvous I could not keep.

A fleeting glimpse of happiness long past,
With the echo’s of words spoken too fast.
A candle in the window to light the way,
To any lost soul that wants to stay.
All are welcome to a place by my fire,
This is my wish my one desire.
Loneliness is what I fear most,
I am willing to play the welcoming host.
Come along guided by my candle’s light,
And help me pass this lonely night


«Lonely Poetry» by Uriah Hamilton

I’m not weeping beside lilac trees
Because of my affection for the divine aroma
Of the majestic spring,
But because of the tall goddess I fear
I never again will see.

She moves through my bittersweet memories
Which tenaciously cling
To her brown shoulder-length tresses,
Her happily excited laughter,

Her intelligent conversations,
Her pensive eyes concealing a sadness
That was never revealed to me.

Why should a man be haunted
By a beauty that was never his?
Why was my soul made so appropriately
For such lonely poetry?

The days are long and tears fall like rain

When I’m all alone at sunset.


«Lonely Tear» by Sharmeen Azam

Dunes of the Sahara cannot muster
the clouds to be generous and
Pour its sorrow-ridden soul
Over the parched lips of the earth.
A hapless and helpless armor of a girl
cannot confide in the heavens
for a shower of tears.

Her eyes stopped feeling,
Her senses now deceive her,

Her thoughts are clouded; her touch is gone,
Her words don’t bear any meaning.

Tears come forth
With pain in the heart.
What do the eyes shed
when there is no tear to fall?
The pleasure of relief does not come
Because the pain remains,
In the sorrow-ridden soul

without a river to run.


«Lonely, Lonely» by Dwayne Earle Gordon

Girlfriend, I’m so lonely
I love you and you love me
Girlfriend, I’m so lonely
Please come back, N be my baby
‘Repeat Once’
These are the words I cry when my girl left me
I call her, and tell,
Listen, you are my baby
No matter what, you’ re # 1 lady
I went to her house, and I tried to see her

Her mom came out, told me I was a dreamer
I didn’t take it as a big deal
Because she don’t know that my feelings is real
Dear girl, I will love you to the end
No matter what, you will be number one girlfriend.


«Lost From You» by Sami Chester

I reached for you
But I couldn’t find you
I called for you
But you didn’t answer
I trusted you
But you didn’t care
‘Cause when I looked
You weren’t there

I searched up high
And I searched down low
But I don’t get it
Where’d you go?

You had always been there
Oh, so near
When I looked
You’d disappeared

Now my chest is getting tighter
I’ll drown in tears for sure
It’s getting hard to breathe
My heart aches more than pure

I wish that you could see me
And what you’ve put me through
So that way in the future
You’ll treat the next girl true


«Me And The Lonely» by Bill Simmons

Dark clouds forming in the overcast
Steady breeze blowing from the east
Light rain mixed with sleet and snow
Seems a lot like my day should be

It is me and the lonely
For only the loney they know
How empty a day it really can be
To not have someone to hold

We will walk the halls and the floors
Watch a movie or two
And when it is our day is done
Settle in for a lonely night too

We dream and pretend that someone will come
And take loneliness far away
Still in our dreams we can escape for a while
To get through another day

It is me and the lonely
I can hear in the darkness it calls
Dark clouds forming in the overcast
This is the right day after all.


«O So Lonely» by Cecelia Weir

O So Lonely
Are the days gone by.
When others enter your life
Then you push them by.

O So Lonely
When you were in control.
To love them or leave them
You were ever so bold.

O So Lonely
While you sit alone.
No one is there
To make your house a home.

O So Lonely
After all the hearts you break.
Did you ever think it was you
Who you’d really forsake?

O So Lonely
When life was just a dare.
You didn’t take time to love
You didn’t try to care.

O So Lonely
Have you learned the rule?
That its not just about you
But it does take two.

O So Lonely
Why sit and contemplate?
While others enjoy life
Its never too late.


«Ode on Solitude» by Alexander Pope

Happy the man, whose wish and care

   A few paternal acres bound,

Content to breathe his native air,

                            In his own ground.

Whose herds with milk, whose fields with bread,

   Whose flocks supply him with attire,

Whose trees in summer yield him shade,

                            In winter fire.

Blest, who can unconcernedly find

   Hours, days, and years slide soft away,

In health of body, peace of mind,

                            Quiet by day,

Sound sleep by night; study and ease,

   Together mixed; sweet recreation;

And innocence, which most does please,

                            With meditation.

Thus let me live, unseen, unknown;

   Thus unlamented let me die;

Steal from the world, and not a stone

                            Tell where I lie.


«On Tears Lonely Lonely Cry» by Maria Sudibyo

On tears lonely lonely cry
You always shade on my mind
Even you had flied away
Left me alone in the night

On tears lonely lonely cry
No one can take that place
My first love you have to know
You’ve never gone in my heart

Oh why, oh why
I can’t forget your kiss goodbye
I want crying to you
Bring this pain from my life

On tears lonely lonely cry
My first love you have to know
The memory was closed
In my broken lonely heart


«One Is A Lonely Number» by David Harris

One is a lonely number
Two is company
One is the last word in alone
That’s what I’ve been since you left me
One is also in lonesome
The last word in it is me
Alone and lonesome
Seems that is all I’ll ever be

We were perfect together

So everyone said
We had everything going
Only good times ahead
Then without warning
or angry words said
You took the first train in the morning
Leaving me with bad times ahead


«Out Of Reality» by Michaela Tatualla

I don’t know how it came to be,
that I love someone like you.
I know you’re out of reality,
But my love for you is true.

I know that you are just a dream,
Never will be true.
But you put my life out of glum,
And in my heart there is you.

Loving you is like chasing rainbows,
Beneath the pale blue sky.
I don’t know how it goes,
And I really wonder why.

I tried so hard to keep this feeling,
Cause loving you completes me.
I just hope it will not reach an ending,
Cause it will lead me to tragedy.


«Sad And Lonely» by Taher Shemaly

As I started sipping
my daily lovely coffee
A race of memories just began in my mind
of old days, the hard and the easy
And looking at myself now with a tear in my eye
just to find myself sad and lonely

And as I walk down that antique street
where my old little house was meant to be
It feels hard to breathe just to know

that I am out of it now and maybe
maybe forever I would be like a rover
that tells stories of how sad I am and lonely

Those stairs I used to go up and down
everyday in fast rhythm used to be happy
In my room I used to stay most of the time
never thought that i would live in a tragedy
But words are not useful now
for sad I am and lonely

Though poverty was my company long ago
but riches couldn’t bring back honey
The honey I saw in my sweet old days
Days of the poverty and agony
Believe me my friend riches won’t give you a thing
But to make you sad and lonely


«Should Have Told You I Loved You» by Samantha Ganley

You said you didn’t love me.
You said you didn’t care.
You said I wasn’t worth it,
And then you gave me a stupid stare.

I told you that was fine.
I told you I didn’t mind.
I told you I wasn’t upset,
And with that you left me behind.

Now I think about what happened
As I cry myself to sleep.
I tell myself that I’ll be fine
And that I shouldn’t have to weep.

I tell my family I am happy.
I tell my friends I’m OK.
But what I really am feeling
Inside of me is starting to go grey.

I should have told you I loved you.
I should have told you to stay.
But you said you didn’t want to anymore,
And you turned away.

Now as we talk,
We joke, laugh, and play.
You think I’ve moved on,
While inside of me I am screaming, “STAY!”

You said you didn’t love me.
I said I didn’t care.
As I think about and regret it,
I know what we have we don’t share.


«Soul Mates» by Patricia A. Fleming

I searched but never found you.
The paths we traveled never crossed
And now my life is winding down,
And I fear all hope is lost.

I saved a place inside my heart.
You were often in my dreams.
But you stayed always at a distance
And just beyond my reach.

I wondered if you grieved for me
And felt that longing deep inside.
Did you search the world for me in vain?
Or did you let that need subside?

Oh, I had my share of love and loss.
I knew happiness and pain.
I loved and was loved in return
But that emptiness remained.

I missed you though we never touched,
And I knew you from the start.
Your soul was mate to my own soul.
You shared the beating of my heart.

Time passed, but still you never came,
Though I never let you go.
You were a gift that I was promised,
The greatest love I’d ever know.

I wondered if our eyes once met,
But we chose to look away
And settled on some other loves
And thus our destinies betray.

This life is cruel and fickle.
It can lead our hearts astray
And blind us to what matters,
Putting roadblocks in our way.

Our searching becomes futile
When distractions take control.
We can’t hear the pleading of our hearts
Or the desperation in our souls.

But you and I were meant to be,
Our souls met long ago.
So when the time is right for us,
Somehow, we both will know.

And maybe up in Heaven
Our souls will finally meet
And we’ll share our love eternally
And forevermore we’ll feel complete.


«The Last Lonely Night» by Uriah Hamilton

After a long season of heartbreak
And months of indecision,
After insufferable nights of tears
Reflecting on kisses once placed
On your gentle moonlight face,
My broken heart receives crystal clear vision:

When love has ended
And friendship wanes,
One must depart the city

Of all his shattered dreams
And find a new place
To begin again,
Unknown paths to tread
Where there is no fear
Of finding a perfumed handkerchief
You once kept
Or of running into a mutual friend
Who saw him weep
The last lonely night

He walked upon your street.


«The Lonely» by Bill Simmons

This thing that they call love
That so many are in search of
What some they may find and some lose in time
Only the lonely dream of

The lonely dream only of it one day in their lives
When that day comes they won’t toss it aside
The lonely they know and will cherish so
For only the lonely get it right

Love of so many descriptions
The art every part of the heart
Love when it comes to the lonely of one
They will hold on and believe not let it fall apart

I know that since I have found you
Somehow you reached out and found me
I know cause I know where it is I have been
The lonely has allowed me to believe

This thing that they do call love
This thing that so many are in search of
This thing that only the lonely they dream
I know, I once dreamed of your touch.


«The Lonely Angel» by James Taylor

The lonely Angel cries to herself,
Her head is hung low and her body is still,
She calls out into to darkness and hears her voice echo,
But there is no one else in her empty world,
She locks herself in afraid of what might happen,
Closes the illusive curtains and shuts the door to her feelings,
Her beautiful face has grown old with crying,
The perfect smile painted on her lips has been wiped off,
And her dreams and aspirations have all been erased.

She waits patiently for her walls of solid emotion to tear,
Her cares are not for money, power or enlightenment,
Instead love and care is all that seeks,
Memories whispered gently into her ears is all she has for company,
She lays naked with no clothes to protect her,
Her prayers are always for a light to guide her,
A small crevice created by her hope lets warm air upon her,
She sometimes huddles against this unique warmth,
And she knows that if she lets go of hope she will be cold forever.


«The Lonely Beach» by Linda Harnett

Oh, how I missed you, Lonely Beach,
Where I have left my soul,
The rugged rocks surround me,
I sit there, lost, alone.

Before me is the ocean,
The stormy Irish Sea,
It comes to me, I’m part of you,
And know, you’re part of me.

You send a wave to kiss my feet,
And then you back away,
You tantalise, you hypnotise,
You hold me, make me sway.

I grip the rock to steady me,
Lest I fall in too deep,
I’m lost in love for you now,
The way back now, so steep.

Another wave comes crashing,
Bestows a gentle kiss,
And now I get to taste you,
You linger on my lips.

I’m filled now with a passion,
For you, I can’t ignore,
I’m satisfied, contented,
And leave you on the shore.


«The Lonely Girl And Her Dog» by Justin Gildow

Onwards they go
The lonely girl and her dog travel along
Trying to find answers
Trying to fight for their lives
Trying to find a way to survive

Things aren’t well for them
As it’s just them against evil forces at work
Just them trying to evade or avoid the ultimate evils

The lonely girl andher dog know it’s not going to get any easier
Things won’t be easy as they continue to move along
But they have each other
And as they continue on
That’s better than nothing


«The Lonely House-Wife» by Donna Nimmo

He calls it love working paying the bills
Her staying at home alone, with no skills
The coldness in their house, like an artic freeze
She tries her best to him appease
Day in day out with the routine
She stays to herself, not often seen
The blinds stay closed, not much light
Shes accepted this, it is to be her plight
He gets off work, comes home and watches t.v.
The house so quiet, just him and she

They go to bed, each on thier own side
He no longer cares to hold his bride
In the morning he will go back to work
Once again she will be alone, where bad thoughts lurk!


«The Lonely Street» by William Carlos Williams

School is over. It is too hot
to walk at ease. At ease
in light frocks they walk the streets
to while the time away.
They have grown tall. They hold
pink flames in their right hands.
In white from head to foot,
with sidelong, idle look–
in yellow, floating stuff,
black sash and stockings–

touching their avid mouths
with pink sugar on a stick–
like a carnation each holds in her hand–
they mount the lonely street.


«The Stars Go Over The Lonely Ocean» by Robinson Jeffers

Unhappy about some far off things
That are not my affair, wandering
Along the coast and up the lean ridges,
I saw in the evening
The stars go over the lonely ocean,
And a black-maned wild boar
Plowing with his snout on Mal Paso Mountain.

The old monster snuffled, “Here are sweet roots,
Fat grubs, slick beetles and sprouted acorns.

The best nation in Europe has fallen,
And that is Finland,
But the stars go over the lonely ocean,”
The old black-bristled boar,
Tearing the sod on Mal Paso Mountain.

“The world’s in a bad way, my man,
And bound to be worse before it mends;
Better lie up in the mountain here
Four or five centuries,

While the stars go over the lonely ocean,”
Said the old father of wild pigs,
Plowing the fallow on Mal Paso Mountain.

“Keep clear of the dupes that talk democracy
And the dogs that talk revolution,
Drunk with talk, liars and believers.
I believe in my tusks.
Long live freedom and damn the ideologies,”
Said the gamey black-maned boar
Tusking the turf on Mal Paso Mountain.


«Thinking Of You» by Philicia A. Talamantes

I’m sitting here staring at the stars, thinking of you!
I feel so alone when you’re not around,
It feel’s as if the walls are coming down.
I close my eyes, and you’re here.
I see your face, feel your touch, and taste your kiss.
I’m constantly thinking of you.
When something goes wrong, and I’m down,
Thinking of you always brings me around.
When you’re gone, my world disappears.
Though thinking of you make’s me glad,
Being away from you makes me sad!
I’m thinking of you.
If you ever feeling alone just call on me I’ll be home.
I miss you so much I can’t bear the pain,
I only have myself to blame.
You’re the best guy I ever known,
I only wish I could have you for my own.
You stole my heart from the beginning,
Now you’re leaving. I’m thinking of you.
I’m so lucky to have you in my life.
I wish you could always be by my side.
Because you need to know.
You’ll always have a place here with me
From now till eternity.
I’m lying in bed
Thought’s of you spinning through my head.
And in the bottom of my heart                                                                                                               
we will never be apart.


«What Is Love?» by Ronita Lee

What is love
and why does love never find me?
Instead, broken hearts surround me,
And once again the wrong man found me,
saying he wouldn’t hurt me,
but in the end he didn’t deserve me
What is love
and why doesn’t love know my name?
I prayed to God that it would change,
but true love never came.
What is love?
I ask myself time after time.
Why is love so blind?
or I shouldn’t waste my time.
I guess broken hearts are only made for me,
because love finds everyone else but love never found me….


«Where Do I Go?» by Lisa Griffin

Where do I go
When I’m feeling so lost and I don’t want to be found?
When I’m looking and listening for that peace in my heart.
But I know I’ll never hear that sound.
Where do I go?
Where do I go when I’m trying to laugh but all I can do I cry?
I’m trying to keep on living because I’m not ready to die.
Where do I go because the sun never seems to shine?
Can you give me my life back? It’s not yours, it’s mine.
How do I keep going, how do I fight this fight?
I’m tired of feeling beat down, but I’m trying with all my might!
Where do I go when my head hangs so low?
Please give me an answer because I just don’t know!
Where do I go?
Does it take very long
For me to find that peace and a place where I belong?
I need you to help me, help me to take a stand.
I’m scared to do it by myself; will you please take my hand?
Where do I go? Where do I go? Where do I go?
Do you know?


«Why?» by Carla Peters

Why do you tear me down
When all I do is build you up?
Why do you hate me so much?
Why do you deny my touch?

Is drinking that important
and family so expendable?
You call me names
and tell me I’m the one to blame.

It’s all my fault.
I deserve a verbal assault.
Not a bruise on my body,
only scars on my soul.

I am alone.
I am scared.
I’d be better on my own.
What happened to the love we shared?

I am fat, a slut, a whore, a liar,
when all I am is a crier.
You say I’m not faithful,
but it’s our relationship that’s not stable.

I don’t deserve this.
I am a good person.
Let’s try a kiss
to release my burden.

When will you stop?
Stop the drunken arguments that mean nothing.
I am tired, I am wore out, I can’t go on
knowing I am not on top.

I want to mean more than a liquid you pour down your throat,
the one that drives people away from you.
Does it mean that much to you
that you have to see all you can lose before something means more?

I love you with all my heart and soul,
But I am tired –
tired of being put last
when you are so wired.

You have to know my every move,
but what do you do for me?
I don’t ask much,
just asking for you to improve.


«You Wander As A Lonely» by Sylvia Chidi

Each day you wake up with a frown
Rumours keep spreading around town
That you’re suffering a mental breakdown

A solitary walk you walk
A lonely talk you talk
As you wander as a lonely

You wander as a lonely at night
You wander as a lonely on sight

You wander as a lonely at day
You wander as a lonely and pray
You wander as a lonely each day

Slow down, slow down
Shut down, shut down
Shutdown the lonely before you drown

Embrace your friends with warmth
They can give you assistance

Deliver you from your lonely existence
You keep fighting love
Bending it around like a curve
With your glowering face
Reserving only a lonely place,
Halting happiness to arrive in your life

Do you ever stop to wonder?
Do you ever stop to ponder?
Are you the reason for the lonely blunders?

Slow down, slow down
Shut down, shut down
Remove from your head that lonely crown

You wander endlessly as a lonely
Searching for a spot called homely
But your face is missing that vital smile called lovely

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