
A Birthday

My heart is like a singing bird
Whose nest is in a water’d shoot;
My heart is like an apple-tree
Whose boughs are bent with thickset fruit;
My heart is like a rainbow shell
That paddles in a halcyon sea;
My heart is gladder than all these
Because my love is come to me.

Raise me a dais of silk and down;
Hang it with vair and purple dyes;
Carve it in doves and pomegranates,
And peacocks with a hundred eyes;
Work it in gold and silver grapes,
In leaves and silver fleurs-de-lys;
Because the birthday of my life
Is come, my love is come to me.

By Christina Georgina Rossetti


A Birthday Poem For My Friend

Today must be your birthday because the sun is shinning bright.   
The clouds that are usually hiding it are now nowhere in sight.
The birds are singing joyfully as they go happily on their way.
It’s as if Mother Nature herself knew this was a very special day.

The day before was gloomy and the weather was pretty bad,
But on this day it all went away and now I don’t feel so sad.
My sadness was replaced with happiness that wasn’t there before.
Your birthday does this every year, so I hope you’ll have many more.

Every year it has been this way since the day of your sweet birth,
And it’s this day that makes me appreciate my time down here on earth.
My friendship with you grows each year, and I feel a special bond.
When this day no longer shines, I will know that you are gone.

By Gordon Duquette


A Friend For Life

Out of all the blessings
Life has bestowed on me,
You are the loveliest of all –
This is not hard to see.

Even with the ups and downs,
The happiness and hardship,
Through challenges and success,
We maintained our friendship.

And with each passing day,
I understand and realize
Some things are meant to be
When I look in your eyes.

And this is my wish not just for your birthday.
May God bless you in every step of the way

By Joydip Dutt 


A Special Day

Birthdays come and birthdays go,
And some mean more than most,
But you, my friend, dread all of them
And never wish to boast.

Just another day, you say,
But is that what you mean
When under all the negatives
Is there a different scene?

A night enjoyed with your close friends
Is a happy time for all.
With your charm and wit and funny tales,
You keep them on the ball.

Accepting gifts from those who care
Has never been your thing.
Although when given with much love,
You see the thoughts they bring.

So for this your milestone time of year,
Accept what comes your way
And share the joy you give to others
On this your three score ten and a half birthday!

By Georgina Devlin


A Very Happy Birthday

A very Happy Birthday to you
Don’t let your age make you feel blue
Another year older and wiser you are
You should feel like a shining star.

Age is just a number you see
What’s important is for you to be
Loving and living each day with glee
And celebrating for all to see.

So be happy with this special day
We hope this card which is sent your way
Will make you realize you lucky you are
To have live your life so long this far.

Best wishes and kisses we do send
Over the miles and around the bend
A happy, happy day to you
We are celebrating with you too.

By Kate Summers


Age Is Not To Be Feared

Another birthday, another year
Remember though that age is not to be feared
You are just achieving your prime
Here’s to your health and living a long time

As they say, be happy, don’t worry
Enjoy your life and don’t be in a hurry
We take this opportunity to wish you
Happiness in all you do.

We appreciate your caring
Your always willingness for sharing
Thank you, for being you
We love you and all you do.

By Catherine Pulsifer


Baby’s First Birthday

It’s your very first birthday, baby,
One candle on your cake;
Proud parents stare in wonder
At each new move you make.

We join in celebration,
As this special date arrives,
For baby has brought pleasure
Into all our lives.

We look forward now to seeing
How you progress and grow,
From the cute and tiny infant
You were one year ago.

So dig into your icing;
Enjoy your presents, too.
The reason for this day
Is a special person–you!

By Joanna Fuchs


Best Birthday

It’s your birthday…
and I’m thinking how glad I am
that you were born.
You have given me so much–
supported me, encouraged me,
cared for me; I didn’t even need to ask.
I celebrate your wonderful self!
I am in awe of your boundless generosity,
your infinite kindness–that gentle inner glow
that you so freely use to warm my life.
Your birthday is as much a celebration for me
as it is for you, maybe more,
and I wish for you the best of birthdays,
the best one ever.
May each birthday be better than the last.
Most of all, I hope you will always be
As happy as you have made me.

By Joanna Fuchs


Birthday Blessings

Instead of counting candles,
Or tallying the years,
Contemplate your blessings now,
As your birthday nears.

Consider special people
Who love you, and who care,
And others who’ve enriched your life
Just by being there.

Think about the memories
Passing years can never mar,
Experiences great and small
That have made you who you are.

Another year is a happy gift,
So cut your cake, and say,
“Instead of counting birthdays,
I count blessings every day!”

By Joanna Fuchs


Birthday Blessings, Son

I’d like to thank the Lord above,
for this little life He’s given to me.
Without His gift of love,
your birth would never be.

I’d like to thank the Lord above
for what His gift has meant.
Just watching you grow up
has made my heart content.

I’d like to thank the Lord above
for instilling in you a kind heart.
You have grown into a loving man.
You’re witty, thoughtful, and smart.

And on your blessed birthday, son,
a prayer I send to you.
May the Lord instill in your heart
Charity, faith, and truth.

By Debra L. Brown


Birthday Happiness

As we observe your birthday now,
Your cake and gifts don’t matter much.
These common things aren’t really you,
Ribbons, paper hats and such.

We celebrate a person who
Brings happiness to everyone,
Someone who gives more than she gets,
And fills our lives with joy and fun.

So Happy Birthday, and many more!
We hope you make it to a hundred and two,
Because we always want to have
The special pleasure of knowing you.

By Joanna Fuchs


Birthday Star

I have gifts in my in my life;
One is my daughter!
If she’d cost me a fortune,
I still would have bought her! 

Now, as we get older,
As birthdays go by,
I love her much more
Than there are stars in the sky. 

She’s the part of my life
That makes me feel I did fine,
And I’ll cherish that feeling,
In my heart, for all time. 

So happy birthday, sweet girl,
My daughter, so dear;
I wish you more happiness
With each passing year. 

By Karl Fuchs


Birthday Wish

A cake with a lit candle,
Presents with ribbons and bows,
A bike with pink, glittery handles,
A little girl who grows and grows.

What will you wish for, my love,
On this, your very special day?
Send your wish to God above.
It will come true if you pray.

As you blow out the candle, my dear,
I’ll make a wish for you too.
I’ll whisper it so you won’t hear,
That way I know it will come true.

My wish for you is like sunshine,
Warm, cheery, and full of delight,
My wish is the starlight, soothing and fine,
Which lights up the dark, dreary night.

May God follow you always,
May the path always be clear,
And may you have a happy birthday
This day and all through the years.

By Ciana R. Geckle


Birthday Wish

It’s your birthday time again;
It’s true; there’s no denying,
Another year has come and gone;
You know that I’m not lying.

So for you, the birthday person,
Here’s what I want to say:
I hope this birthday’s the best one yet,
In every delightful way.

So happy birthday to you.
Have lots of birthday fun!
May your birthday wishes all come true,
Even if you have a ton.

By Karl Fuchs


Birthday Wishes For My Friend

On your birthday,
I wish for you the fulfillment
of all your fondest dreams.
I hope that for every candle
on your cake
you get a wonderful surprise.
I wish for you that
whatever you want most in life,
it comes to you,
just the way you imagined it,
or better.
I hope you get as much pleasure
from our friendship as I do.
I wish we were sisters,
so I could have known you
from the beginning.
I look forward to
enjoying our friendship
for many more of your birthdays.
I’m so glad you were born,
because you brighten my life
and fill it with joy.

Happy Birthday!

By Joanna Fuchs


Daddy’s Little Girl On Her 18th Birthday

Once pigtails and stuffed animals
Daddy’s little girl.
Now cell phones and first cars
our minds in such a whirl.

Our daughter’s grown up
turning 18 today.
So strong and so beautiful
trying to find your own way.

Life is just beginning
the world is yours to take.
We hope we’ve taught you well
and you’ve learned from our mistakes.

We’ve loved you and protected you
now it’s time to let you fly.
Though a woman stands before us
forever Daddy’s girl in our eyes!

By Angie Provost


Don’t Forget

Your birthday is the day I remember
all the wonderful things you do.
Time will fly; each day goes by,
and I’ve forgotten to  say, “Thank you.”

Thank you for teaching me strength,
to have confidence while I grow,
for helping me through my biggest challenges,
and for teaching me what I know.

Although our paths may be distant,
and we spend so much time apart,
remember you are the one
who made the essence of my heart.

I will love you until my last breath,
this I know for sure,
as you are the first love I ever had,
and so I will love you forever more.

By Vicki Fearnley


Every One of Your Birthdays

Every one of your birthdays
is a gift to the rest of us
who have had the pleasure
of having you in our lives
for another year.
Every one of your birthdays
brings joyful memories
of your bright smile
and your love of life.
Every one of your birthdays
reminds us of your sensitivity
and service to others,
and other delights
too numerous to name
that we are gifted with
just by knowing you.
Happy Birthday
to one in a million.
May you, and we
enjoy many more.

By Joanna Fuchs


Exceptional Sister

She’s one in a million,
Our wonderful sister;
She’s smart and she’s strong;
We just can’t resist her.

Sis, we’re so glad
You’re in our family;
We really do love you,
As you plainly can see.

So have a great birthday;
Know we’re thinking of you,
Giving love and support
In all that you do!

By Joanna Fuchs


Happily Ever After

On your birthday, special one,
I wish that all your dreams come true.
May your day be filled with joy,
Wonderful gifts and goodies, too.

On your day I wish for you
Favorite people to embrace,
Loving smiles and caring looks
That earthly gifts cannot replace.

I wish you fine and simple pleasures.
I wish you many years of laughter.
I wish you all of life’s best treasures.
I wish you happily ever after!

Happy Birthday!

By Joanna Fuchs


Happy Birthday

The world was blessed with your beauty on this very special day.
Thank you for being so truly great with the amazing personality you portray.

Your grace cannot be matched as it’s unique in every way.
Your heart cannot be snatched as you give love freely anyway.

What I wish for you is for all your dreams to come shining through.
What I pray for you is for your success, which is overdue.

Happy birthday to you from someone who truly appreciates you.
Happy birthday to you for all the good work that you always do.

By Vashni Kelly


Happy Birthday

My wish for you on this special day
Is that the coming year goes well
And may life treat you great in all the ways
That my wishes and words can’t tell.

Behind you now is yesterday
Let your experience and knowledge pave the way
Here’s to you and to your success
We know you will give it your best.

So happy, happy birthday
We wish you many more
and on this day to you we say
We know life has good things in store

By Theodore W. Higginsworth

Happy Birthday Baby Girl, Love Daddy

Just when he thought he had it all
His wife, His sons, His perfect world

Then he met his baby girl

Her mother’s eyes, and daddy’s smile
A light within the sun would rival

Today she’s four, it’s gone too fast
How can I stop the clocks, and make this last

How can such a small voice capture my soul
and every small scratch take such a toll

She’s raised the stakes, her brothers and I are on high alert
praying she’ll never learn how to flirt

And if she does it will change my whole world
Trying to keep her MY baby girl

Happy Birthday Baby Girl, Love Daddy

By Leah Miller


Happy Birthday Dad

When I was born
I didn’t know much
I was introduced to this world
By your kind words and soft touch

Years passed so quickly
And we were already alike
You were my guide and instructor
When learning to ride a bike

Off to kindergarten
And a tear in your eye
You’ve always been sensitive
When it comes to goodbyes

It’s because of the love
That you hold in your heart
You want me to experience life
But don’t like to be apart

So off I went
Adventuring alone
Learning new things
Experiencing life on my own

Hasn’t always been easy
That, I am aware
But one thing’s for sure
You are always there

You’ve helped me see
The woman I can become
You’ve always had faith in me
Even when I had none

It’s that unconditional love
That helped me get through
I wish all little girls’ daddies
Could be as great as you

If all girls had guidance
And a dad’s shoulder to cry
They’d grow up with confidence
And a willingness to try

So I guess what I’m saying
Is thank you, Dad
I’m not sure words can express
The impact you’ve had

You are my hero
And an inspiration to all
Happy Birthday, Dad
Or Papa Dukes as I call

By Tiana Jensen


Happy Birthday Grandma

Happy Birthday, Grandma
It’s your special day
You show us how you love us
In so many ways

You make us feel like stars
You’re our biggest fan
You cheer and clap the loudest
When we do the best we can

You’re always up for fun
And ready for us to laugh
Crazy games of dominoes and spoons
Are always a good time with Grandma

You make us feel special with lots of hugs and treats
Like we’re the most important in the world
We think you’re very sweet.

By Mary Flannery


Happy Birthday My Soul Mate

Though at the moment
we are poles apart
in my thoughts, in my actions
you are in my heart…

Each moment I think of you
though you are not near
Here come my wishes
to pray for you, my dear…

In your life ahead
may all your dreams come true
And you learn something
special and new…

May your worries
all fade away
And every happiness
embrace you each day…

May you always get
love and peace of mind
and togetherness with
the one of your kind…

May your each day ahead
end with a bliss
And what’s more,
with a good night kiss…

Yet another year,
now has passed
Giving you the wisdom
little and vast…

Forty three years
have fallen behind
Next many and more
in a row are aligned…

Wishing you a Very
Happy Birthday my soul mate,
To count the years ahead
May the God forget !

By Manisha Shejwal 


Happy Birthday To The Queen Of Our Hearts

Poems are written every day for moms across the earth.
Stories, songs, and ballads, all trying to tell her worth,

How every day she battled, the odds against her stacked,
Never giving up on us and never looking back.

There was no time for wishing or waiting for a dream.
Faces to wash, meals to cook, clothes that needed cleaned.

She never feels that she’s been cheated of a life to call her own.
Smiles that come from beneath her feet is where her heart is drawn

Sometimes we saw a worried look or heard a desperate prayer,
But she never burdened her little ones with even a hint of care.

Our table was full, our beds were warm, clothes upon our back.
We always had just what we needed; we never knew a lack.

The outside world might raise a brow and doubt that we’d survive,
But mom was sure of her love for us, and that love kept us alive.

She could’ve chosen a different path, the road to please herself.
Instead she took the high road, and her kids became her wealth.

Investing in us every day, she seemed so brave and strong,
But only God knew the tears she cried when she was all alone.

He heard her every prayer and watched as time went by.
He traded her ashes for beauty and lifted her head up high.

It’s no wonder that we love her so unlike any other.
Happy Birthday to the queen of our hearts, our dear, precious Mother.

By Fran Peck


Happy Birthday, Birthday Happy

Some years ago
A star was born
A beautiful girl
With a heart so warm

You grew into a woamn
A wonderful sight to see
I still get so excited
When ever you look at me

Another year has quickly passed
But you don’t show your age
Its just another verse for you
To write down on a page

The book of life you’re writing
Is a continuing story
The pages in your book
I’m sure are filled with glory

As your day approaches
I wanted to send you a cheer
I hope for your next birthday
I can somwhow be near

So, have a Happy Birthday
For you deserve the best
This is not just something
That I say in jest

From my heart I truly mean it
I hope your day is great
I hope my Birthday wish for you
Does not arrive too late

By Ray Hansell


Happy Birthday, Daughter

Many are the joys in life.
I’m blessed with quite a few.
Still, most of all I’m grateful
To have a daughter just like you.

I remember well when you were born,
The joy that filled my heart.
When I first held you in my arms,
I loved you from the start.

It was always such a pleasure
To see your precious life unfold.
Learning new things every day
Brought happiness untold.

The child in you, I still can see.
A glimmer here and there.
The smile when you anticipate,
A tugging at your hair.

Though no one knows the future,
What each one has in store,
I know whatever happens
I couldn’t love you more.

So on this special day of yours,
Know the love that’s there for you.
Not just today, but every day,
Will last a lifetime through.

By Alora M. Knight 


Happy Birthday, Far Away Friend

Dear friend, I want to wish you a splendid happy birthday.
We don’t see each other anymore, but I hope everything is okay.
You’re growing to become the intelligent woman I know you can be.
I’m so fortunate to have a friend like you who’s gentle, loving, and sweet.

Today should be a day of pure happiness and love for you,
Enjoying and gathering with those who remain devoted and true.
I wish you the best in life, though we both know how hard it can be,
But I pray that God will open your doors to brighter opportunities.

You are the kind of person who always offers a helping hand.
We are miles away from each other, but the love we share will never end.
Never seeing you again will always be a difficult test,
But our everlasting friendship is what I will never forget.

I won’t forget about all the things you’ve brought to my years:
Long-lasting laughter and contenting cheers.
I never knew that all of these blessings could all come true,
But my life has been better, and it’s all because of you.

Wherever you are right now, I pray that you are happy and safe.
I don’t know your status, but I hope things are going your way.
I know for a fact that God will strengthen you and help you to be stronger.
I pray, my friend, that no weapon formed against you will prosper.

Thank you so much for your kindness, loyalty, and forgiveness.
You’ve promised me many times that I’ll never travel life without a witness.
So happy blessed birthday, my friend; thanks for being there for me.
I miss you deeply, but you’re always in my memories.

By Edarly Edouard 


Happy Birthday, Son

Though you cannot see me,
Just know that I am near,
Singing happy birthday
Softly in your ear.

I am always with you.
I’m never far away.
I would never miss the chance
To celebrate your 19th birthday.

Fourteen birthdays have passed
Since the day I died,
But for each one
I’ve been right by your side.

I’ve helped you blow out candles
And heard the wishes that you make.
I’ve watched you open up each gift
And seen you eat your birthday cake.

I’ve watched you grow into a man
As the years have passed by, son.
And I am so proud of you
For all that you have done.

You deserve the very best.
May all your dreams come true.
I’m leaving my eternal love
As my birthday gift to you.

Happy birthday, Son
Love, Dad

By Kathy Murphy 


Happy Birthday, Special Treasure

God gave a gift to the world when you were born—
a person who loves, who cares,
who sees a person’s need and fills it,
who encourages and lifts people up,
who spends energy on others
rather than herself,
someone who touches each life she enters,
and makes a difference in the world,
because ripples of kindness flow outward
as each person you have touched, touches others.
Your birthday deserves to be a national holiday,
because you are a special treasure
for all that you’ve done.
May the love you have shown to others
return to you, multiplied.
I wish you the happiest of birthdays,
and many, many more,
so that others have time to appreciate you
as much as I do.

By Joanna Fuchs


Happy Birthday, Super Star Sister

From the day you were born I’ve watched you grow
Into the nicest person one could know.
Love changes everything, words oh so true.
My world changed the moment I first held you.

A baby sister who captured my heart,
Nothing and no one could tear us apart.
That goes for all those who love you to bits,
Especially your children and grandkids.

So bouncy and lively, zesty and bright,
That’s the way you go on sailing through life.
You light up a room, soon as you appear.
A gift to the world, so precious and dear.

May this special day and all days after
Be filled with abundant love and laughter.
Every moment a moment to treasure
For a sister who brings so much pleasure.

Never change from the woman that you are.
To us sisters, you are a “Super Star.”

By Beryl L Edmonds 


Happy Birthday, Sweetheart

It’s that one special day created with you,
When wishes rain in for the year coming new.

You’ll gather this year which travelled too fast,
Weed out the regrets of time reaped by the past.

Harvest the days God planted with blessings,
Your health, your family, and valuable life-lessons.

Although we’re apart on Your day of the year,
With faith and God’s love our hearts bloom without fear.

This wish I have picked for my heart’s only Love;
A garden of happiness and tending from Above.

By Lyndee A Champion-Ivey 


Her Birthday

It’s your birthday and I sit down to write,
Reminiscing those times so bright.
We’ve been together through thick and thin
We’ve lived through the hurdles to win.

Time flew as we grew
Together in this bond so true,
And I have known friends,
But the ones like us are few.

I make you mad and you drive me nuts,
But we have the thing that is called trust.
We laugh, we cry, we make time fly.
Together we smile, together we sigh.

Over this and that and crazy crap
The dodgy pits, that familiar trap.
The similarities we share, the differences that glare,
But we know that such relations are rare.

We share our dreams, these desires that burn,
And someday we believe will be our turn!
Ten long years and still going strong
For the understanding we share in life’s ping-pong.

So I wish you all the happiness
And wish you loads of luck,
A bag full of smiles,
And chocolate-laden truck.

Happy birthday to you again,
And I hope that you soar.
I’ll always wish the best
Because you know I love you more!

By Neha Meharde


I Celebrate You

On your birthday, I celebrate you!
On your special day,
I’m thinking of all the wonderful things you are
that bring so much joy to others, including me!
I celebrate your unconquerable spirit,
that lets you meet every challenge
with confidence, enthusiasm and persistence.
I admire your sensitivity.
You see needs that cry out to be met
that no one else sees,
and you meet them,
out of your deep and caring heart,
out of your wisdom,
out of your strength.
I treasure your uniqueness;
There is no one else like you,
and I feel blessed to know
such an extraordinary person.
I appreciate you, respect you,
cherish you, look up to you.
Happy, happy birthday!
May each new birthday
be the best one ever for you;
You deserve it!

By Joanna Fuchs


I Love You, Mom

You brighten up my life
With tender love and care.
When I reach out,
You’re always there.

You’re someone I can count on
When I need a helping hand.
You’re warm and loving;
You always understand.

I’m so thankful to have
A mom like you.
There is no other
Who could fill your shoes.

I always took for granted
That you were there for me
And all the things you did,
But now I see.

You’re such a good example
Of what a mom should be.
We always get along so well,
Even when we disagree.

You’re so patient
And understanding.
You don’t ask for anything.
You’re outstanding.

You’re so quick to give
And such a joy to be around.
You’re such a good person.
You deserve a special crown.

You have a good heart.
You’re honest and true.
You’re the best mother,
And I really love you.

By Lyndsey Romjue 


I Must Be Lucky

How lucky am I
To have you by my side
Your love shines through
In all that you do

So much you have said
So much I have heard
So much you have taught
So much I have learned

I know that we have had ups and downs
And sometimes even a little frown
You have always been there, so I will say
I love you, and have a wonderful special day

By Valerie Radcliffe


Let Happy Soar And Birthday Fly

Birthday girl, birthday girl,
Let’s seize the day, dance and twirl

Jump up high and touch the sky
Let laughter soar and silliness fly

Stomp atop tables, leap and fling
Blare out your favourites and with them sing

Shout songs out loud on your special day   
Rejoicing with wishes from near and far away   

Skip to the beat of love flowing to you
Candles blowing memories a whole life through   

Grab the time now, hug, kiss, squeeze, charge to celebrate
Thank you for sharing this day, for it’s you that makes it great

By John F. Rathbone


Missed Birthday

I’m so sorry I missed your birthday.
A special day, I know it’s true.
But birthdays are only here one day,
And I love you the whole year through.

Birthday cards are only pieces of paper,
Verses written by someone we never knew.
How could they ever truly explain
All the feelings I have for you?

So I’ve bought a card without any verse
As I wanted to write one of my own
To let you know what you really mean to me
And not words from someone unknown.

Yes, birthday cards are just pieces of paper
That we read then just put away,
But my love for you is forever,
And forever means now and always.

By John P. Read


My Dearest Sister

Sister, you are a guardian angel in disguise.
You are perceptive, intelligent, and wise,
Always helping me through good and bad.
You are also the greatest friend I’ve ever had.
If I could have one wish, it would be
To give you all that you have given to me.
Though I’ve put our relationship through some hazy days,
You’ve been the sunlight that has shone in so many ways.
Through my ups and downs, right by me you stood,
And you gave me your hand whenever you could.
Though I am sure my mistakes will not end here,
You’re always there to keep me away from my fears.
I don’t doubt some of your headaches are from me.
With all the times you lecture and tease,
I stand there upset and displeased.
Though I tell you I can’t stand you,
You come back with, “That’s not true.”
We’ve had our fights,
Which lead to sleepless nights,
But in the end, I thank you so much.
My appreciation for you has no end.
You will always be my sister and my friend.

Happy Birthday, Sister!

By Aimee Tran


My Friend On Your Birthday

Dear friend, let me say
something on this special day
Though we are far apart,
You’ll be always in my heart.

I cherish those moments,
our silly fights and funny talks
and how we grew together,
stayed united in grief and laughter.

May your face always light up with glee.
I wish you never ever feel empty.
I pray, may God be always by your side.
I want you to always lift up your head in pride.

My friend, on your birthday,
all I want to say
is that you mean the world to me
and you are more than just a friend to me.

By Anisha Joseph


On Your 16th Birthday

16 year ago today
They placed you in my arms
I became a mother
Bewitched by all your charms

You learned to walk, to read
Each day brought something new
No more my little boy
You hurt, I cried, you grew

Sometimes you didn’t need me
didn’t want to hold my hand
Your independence made you proud
But me a little sad

I blinked my eyes, I turned around
your almost grown I see
Why did it go so fast?
A few more moments please

In your struggle to be free
Sometimes we don’t get along
But I’m always on your side
I’ll always be your mom

You can’t stop time, can’t hold it back
Can’t stop the ocean’s tide
The good person that you are
Fills my heart with pride

In my eyes there is no one like you
Can’t wait to see what you’ll become
My pride and joy, I love you
Happy birthday to my son

By Sandra Jeffers


Pillar Of A Man

Work hard yet be humble,
share all that you have
Maybe the most important of many lessons,
that I have learned from my dad.

Protect and honor your family,
no matter what the cost
A battle for your family
is a battle that can’t be lost.

Take a stand for things that matter,
and always keep your head held up high.
Embrace those things close to your heart,
and yes, sometimes men do cry.

These lessons in life can not be taught,
they must be observed.
Happy birthday dad you have taught me a lot,
and I love you for what I have learned.

By Mike Brown


Special Day

Here it is,
Your special day,
So I thought I’d take
This time to say

How nice it is
To have a friend
Who listens
and understands.

The kind of friend
Who’s always there,
Ready to show
That someone cares.

You’ve cheered me up
When I was down
Just by simply
Hanging around.

And oh the times
We’ve spent in laughter
Have made me chuckle
For many days after.

We’ve stored many
Good memories away
As I sit here drowned
In memory today.

Wanted to share
This thought with you
Having you as a friend
Makes it my special day too.

By Marie Matheny


Special Granddaughter

There’s someone we love,
Our special granddaughter;
She’s sweet and she’s nice,
Just like Dad and Mom taught her.

She’s got a really cute smile
And pretty blond curls;
She’s a wonderful person,
The best of all girls.

We’re so glad she’s ours;
We rejoice every day;
She’s our angel granddaughter,
And we just want to say…

Happy Birthday!

By Joanna Fuchs


Still And Careless Within

Within you, I’ve found the perfect friend,
Someone I know will be there till the end,
And they’re not just thoughts I hope will fulfill
But thoughts that will stand forever still.

Still as the wind on a hot summer’s day,
Still as your friendship I’ll never betray,
Still as the characters in a photograph,
Still as your breathless, silent laugh.

Within you, I’ve found the perfect friend,
A mind that I can comprehend,
A person I see is so much like me,
A mutual relationship so carefree.

Carefree as a child who questions the world,
Carefree as a scream that goes unheard,
Carefree as an adult blessed with a dream,
Carefree as water flowing downstream.

Within you, I’ve found the perfect friend
With whom I can be real and never pretend.
You’ve always been someone unique from the rest.
You hold a piece of me no other can possess.

Within you is reason to live every moment in time.
Within you the life I want is always mine.
Within you I have the perfect friend.
With you I see myself till the very end.

By Amelia Tracey


The Big Five-Oh

So you are finally fifty;
Happy birthday on the big Five-Oh.
I guess you could fill a great big book
With everything you know.

A whole half century of living
Is nothing to sneeze about,
So if you’re a little patched and worn,
Don’t you dare frown or pout.

Ignore things that make you feel old;
It’s really great to be fifty.
You’re smart, attractive and good company,
And I still think you’re nifty!

By Joanna Fuchs


The Birthday Card

What Birthday Card, for him, can I acquire,
An ordinary one is not what he’d desire,
Perhaps it needs a ‘funny’ joke,
That’s right for a ‘fun’ bloke,
I hope on the finding of one, I can aspire.

There are some mushy rhymes that make me cringe,
With slushy words that on my mind impinge,
They certainly are not right,
My choice, they are not quite,
I’m sure if I bought one I’d have a whinge.

Maybe a lovely scenic one would suit,
But I do prefer a card that gives a ‘hoot’,
I like to raise a smile,
Cos, I really hate to rile,
And I won’t upset this man, he’s really ‘cute’.

I have found one with a picture of some wine
In bottles, which is a decidedly good sign,
But the colours are so bland,
That it’s really not that grand,
And I’d like to send him one he’ll know is mine.

Hey! I think I have the answer and it’s this,
I’ll buy some wine and chocs which are delish,
I’ll knock on his front door,
With these offerings and more,
And start his birthday rolling with a kiss.

By Ernestine Northover


The Happiest Age

What age is happiest?
Had you asked me,
I would have made this plea:
the Now is best.

What joy to live with zest each newborn day;
and from the Moment wrest what Life will give away.
The Past is but a guest who came and went,
and left this one behest: to be content.

Think how To-day is blest!
We’ve eyes to see Nature in Beauty drest for you, for me.
What matter that the crest of Youth is past.
Youth lives within the breast with joys that last.
The will to do our best, and hands for giving.
Oh! Now’s the happiest, best time for living!

What age is happiest?
Oh! hear my vow, for I have put the test –
the happiest’s Now.
Sweet sighs and kindly jest for warmth and cheer;
and Love’s most high bequest to crown the year.

By Wilhelmina Stitch


The Tongue-Tied Lover

I ask the heav’nly stars above
how I might send thee words of love –
for my impov’rished words won’t do
when sending words of love to you.

A birthday shortly comes your way,
and I’m in complete disarray
whilst seeking clever words to say
on what will be your special day.

Hark! Cupid counsels – “Do not fret,
I’ll make a poet of you yet,
and whilst you’ll never be a bard,
go buy your love a birthday card.”

“Pen words directly from your heart
writ with Cupid’s finest dart –
there’s one more thing that you must do –
ensure your words of love are true.”

Now, I took Cupid at his word.
To my delight, my words were heard
I never penned a poem more fair
these words of love I wrote for her.

That special birthday’s come and gone.
Soon you and I will be as one.
One final vow I make in rhyme.
I’ll cherish thee till the end of time

By William Brook


To My Little Brother

A year has passed away,
Never to be back.
I hope this little greeting
Suffices as a plaque.

You’ve passed another summer,
Spring, winter, fall.
You’ve created memories,
A joy and smile to recall.

You’re growing into a sturdy soul.
Your little goofs, smiles,
Your struggles, accomplishments,
And your mischievous wiles.

Your funny personality
Grows along with you.
You’re a wonderful little brother,
And, yes, a little goof too.

I know you like to pretend
You’re a little brat sometimes
When you come up
And strangle me from behind.

I know you love to shoot
Those Nerf bullets at my back,
But I also know you like to snuggle
When you’re done your attack.

I appreciate these little things
That make you who you are.
You keep me on my toes
But you’re a wonderful little brother.

So, in the years passed
And years still yet ahead,
I hope you grow strong
While towards manhood you tread.

I can see you shaping
Into a special little guy,
So keep your smile
While these days pass on the sly.

A happy birthday to you,
My special little bro.
In this coming year
I will happily watch you grow.

By Michaela Hart 


To My Mother

on this day as you celebrate your birthday,
my best wishes to you mother I dedicate,
greetings filled with all the praise only you deserve,
my dear mother, my dear friend.

from as long as I remember so loving and so kind,
so patient and so tender you make my pains feel mild.
your hands are always present to walk me through the way,
you spell the words I long to hear that always make my day.

“thank you mum”, for all you give,
“thank you mum”, for all your time,
“thank you mum”, for all your kindness,
“thank you mum”, for all your love that is endless.

you are to me and you will always be,
the loving mother with an open heart,
the caring friend with a lending hand,
you are my one and only latest trend.

from the bottom of my heart I send you my message with love,
only the very best that a mother like only you can claim,
for I have the best in life through you, I thank God,
for I am blessed and privileged because you are my mum!

thank you mum, best wishes mum, I love you Mum

by Caroline Falzon



My soul was lost
The time I entered the widest coast.
My heart was drowned
The time I swam the deepest ground.
Darkness surrounds me, unknowingly…

How can I fight
If I don’t see the light?
How can I go on
If I feel that I’m all alone?
And how can I be me
If I already lost myself, unknowingly…

In the middle of this difficulty,
God gave me a great opportunity
To meet an angel in reality
Who will stay beside me through eternity.
I found this friend of mine, unknowingly…

I never thought that we will go like this.
We share our dreams and do silly things.
I never thought that we would be this close,
Like real sisters, ’til the river flows.
I never thought that you could change me,
Because of you, I was healed, unknowingly..

How can I thank God
For this lifetime blessing?
It’s you, my friend, that keeps my heart beating.
Our friendship that was built in a remarkable way.
Hope we can keep it ’til our hairs turn into gray…
Unknowingly…we will still be the same and will never change.

By Florica Flores


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