
A Hand Full Of Anger

I got a heart full of pain.
A head full of stress.
A hand full of anger.
Held in my chest.

I hate how Im feeling.
No happieness just pain.
I’ll drown in my sorrows.
While scars will remain.

You say my wounds have healed.
But thats just a lie.
Im hurting every day.
From the pain that is inside.

Your just pretending.
That everythings the same.
You put on your make-up.
Like its all okay.

Maybe its easier.
But your living in deciet.
Faking a normal life.
While you crumple in defeat.

I guess its worth trying.
Put up a front for your friends.
Pretending to be normal.
While this nightmare never ends.

Its all about the pain.
The broken promises and lies.
Its about the pretending.
And the ultimate disguise.

You think your different.
That no one feels the same.
You think you stand out.
That no one shares your pain.

But heres the thing.
Your completly wrong.
Were all alike.
All our hope is gone.

Im just like you.
A head full of stress.
A hand full of anger.
Held in my chest.

By Silence Dogood


A Lover’s Anger

As Cloe came into the Room t’other Day,
I peevish began; Where so long cou’d You stay?
In your Life-time You never regarded your Hour:
You promis’d at Two; and (pray look Child) ’tis Four.
A Lady’s Watch needs neither Figures nor Wheels:
‘Tis enough, that ’tis loaded with Baubles and Seals.
A Temper so heedless no Mortal can bear—
Thus far I went on with a resolute Air.
Lord bless Me! said She; let a Body but speak:
Here’s an ugly hard Rose-Bud fall’n into my Neck:

It has hurt Me, and vext Me to such a Degree—
See here; for You never believe Me; pray see,
On the left Side my Breast what a Mark it has made.
So saying, her Bosom She careless display’d.
That Seat of Delight I with Wonder survey’d;
And forgot ev’ry Word I design’d to have said.

By Matthew Prior


A Poison Tree

I was angry with my friend;
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I waterd it in fears,
Night & morning with my tears:
And I sunned it with smiles,
And with soft deceitful wiles.

And it grew both day and night.
Till it bore an apple bright.
And my foe beheld it shine,
And he knew that it was mine.

And into my garden stole,
When the night had veild the pole;
In the morning glad I see;
My foe outstretched beneath the tree.

By William Blake



Anger in its time and place
May assume a kind of grace.
It must have some reason in it,
And not last beyond a minute.
If to further lengths it go,
It does into malice grow.
‘Tis the difference that we see
‘Twixt the serpent and the bee.
If the latter you provoke,
It inflicts a hasty stroke,
Puts you to some little pain,
But it never stings again.
Close in tufted bush or brake
Lurks the poison-swelled snake
Nursing up his cherished wrath;
In the purlieus of his path,
In the cold, or in the warm,
Mean him good, or mean him harm,
Wheresoever fate may bring you,
The vile snake will always sting you.

By Charles and Mary Lamb



Anger in its time and place
May assume a kind of grace.
It must have some reason in it,
And not last beyond a minute.
If to further lengths it go,
It does into malice grow.
‘Tis the difference that we see
‘Twixt the serpent and the bee.
If the latter you provoke,
It inflicts a hasty stroke,

Puts you to some little pain,
But it never stings again.
Close in tufted bush or brake
Lurks the poison-swellëd snake
Nursing up his cherished wrath;
In the purlieux of his path,
In the cold, or in the warm,
Mean him good, or mean him harm,
Whensoever fate may bring you,
The vile snake will always sting you.

By Charles Lamb



This ill temper I have is making me mad
I blow up and I don’t know why
I wish for just a moment I could handle my anger right
I wish for just a moment I could love you right
I wish my attitude would just go away
I wish my anger would stay at bay
This outlook I have on life needs to change
This outlook I have you needs to say the same
I love you deep down inside
I wish you would see

That you’re the only princess for me

The anger I have deep in side
Comes out when I least expect it
This anger I have in me should just go away
This anger I have is an annoyance
This anger I have has messed my life up
This anger I have is stupid
Anger you have messed up my love for you
Anger you have messed up my life

Anger you have destroyed who I am inside and out
Anger you are the devil
Anger you are all that is bad
This anger I have in me has made me fight
A fight that was not worth it

Anger you made me hit the wrong person
Anger you made me do the wrong things
Anger you are the feeling that I would never miss
Anger you have caused me so much sorrow
Anger you have caused nothing but grief.
Anger just go away

By Gavin Marshall



Anger threatens to steal me away
My soul burns with fire, my sanity strays
My heart beats faster, one single beat
My face reddens sudden from the intense heat
Anger came quickly
As quickly as can be
My thoughts think the worst just wanting to be free
It came so fast I can hardly remember
While my heart beats with rage and a sole burning ember
Anger fell upon me and tore me apart

My brain fries from the burn, from the hurt, from the start
I begin to wonder how much I can endure
As I ball up my hands struggling to gain composure
The storm swells up inside me and wears down everything like erosion
I know soon it will blow
Like a time bomb explosion
A giant volcano, about to blow up
The lava spilling over, ready to erupt
Anger reaches over to a boiling temperature
These feelings all too childish, irresponsible, immature

Anger threatens to take me away, my eyes now to blind
Everything seems red to me, the tint not all too kind
Anger spills out over, through every open space
Giving another memory, that never I can erase

By Leslie Rodriguez



You always said to forgive was divine
For me who trusted you that was fine
Until I accidently saw you in action
When you spewed venom at one faction
Of the community – for their only fault
When you passed by – they did not halt

You know Dad – I lost all respect for you
You did what we were’nt allowed to do
You lied to Mother almost everyday

Telling her that work kept you away
But that you loved and cared for us
So she needed to cope up without a fuss

When your affair with Lisa was revealed
From Mother I kept it carefully concealed
She’d have broken like my porcelain toy
And I’d have truly been an orphaned boy
So I just stored my anger in a large bin
Waiting for a chance to put you right in

As told to me by a young boy who hated his father – and is still coming to terms with his disturbed childhood

By Sandra Martyres



When you think in anger
You think in anger’s terms
When you walk in anger
You carry anger’s germs

Angry habits in daily life
Color all you see
And paint a hostile world
And brings it home to thee

Anger spent toward friend and foe
Creates a shaky stand
What do you expect of them
When you need a helping hand?

Perfection’s anger a small weak twig
Upon which to gravitate
Your foaming fuming judgements
All flaws that welcome hate

Resentments wound and bite down deep
And rip a gaping tear
Those o’er who you’re brooding
Are likely unaware

Teeming hateful thoughts
About one’s lot in life
Too often unacompanied
By doing what is right

Flailing at a rock
Or a tree or stick or two
Are foolish and destructive acts
Whose value is yet to prove

Angry folks carry tales
In tight tormented faces
One can tell they’re unaware
Of softer gentler places

An angry body’s sick
Ask his tum and heart
Of these destructive states
It’s best to have no part

We all have little angers
That churn around inside
It’s those savored bitter angers
That leave no room to hide

By Ray Andrews


Anger And Jealousy

Anger and jealousy are siblings both self destructive in their own way
Of the damage they give rise to we hear and read of every day
In assaults and murder and every violent sort of crime
So many people because of them in prison serving time
Anger and jealousy to assertiveness different in every way
That only does seem a fair thing to say
Those who are assertive speak with a clear mind
To outbursts of anger they are not inclined
Jealousy and anger out of control
Blocks out the light from the windows of the soul

Non human friendly that cannot be denied
Worse flaws by far than even arrogance and pride
To violence and crimes against others they do lead
Anger and jealousy are siblings indeed

By Francis Duggan


Anger And Patience

Any time I don’t understand something
Or feel unhappy with the way things are going,
Anger steps up, ‘use me; let me help’
And I used to give Anger a lot of free rein,
Till I noticed Anger wasn’t all that useful
And generally tended to only make things worse.

Now I try to rely more on ‘Patience’
As Patience doesn’t keep clicking that counter,
Adding up every resentment of the hour.

Besides, I can look straight into Patience’s face
And not have one clue what Patience is thinking of.
You know, Anger could learn something from that.

By Patti Masterman


Anger Feeds Upon Itself

Anger is a virus
That needs not even air
To propagate contagion
Whenever it is shared.

Anger can’t be placed in quarantine
To contain its vicious spread
For anger feeds upon itself
And burns a flaming red.

Anger is all consuming
Anger does not desist
From destroying sensibilites
In that haze of its red mist.

By David Keig


Anger Is

Anger is a thing that brings
Negative and sad things
Find a way to control your feeling
Don’t let it send you reeling.

Anger is an emotion
That can be compared to an explosion
But it doesn’t have to be that way
If you control it and keep it at bay.

Anger can hurt and it can harm
When you feel it is reason for alarm
Go for a walk, just cool off
Then sit down and have a talk.

When you don’t give in to it
When you don’t throw a fit
You will find control you will have
And for that you’ll be glad.

By Catherine Pulsifer


Anger Lay By Me

Anger lay by me all night long,
His breath was hot upon my brow,
He told me of my burning wrong,
All night he talked and would not go.

He stood by me all through the day,
Struck from my hand the book, the pen;
He said: ‘Hear first what I’ve to say,
And sing, if you’ve the heart to, then.’

And can I cast him from my couch?
And can I lock him from my room?
Ah no, his honest words are such
That he’s my true-lord, and my doom.

By Elizabeth Daryush


Anger Rages Inside

Anger is bubbling away at me.
Burning a whole in my heart.
Making me burn with rage.
I have good reason to be angry.

I only wish
I could make them pay.
Put them through
What they did to me.

Anger is destroying me.
For Im hell bent on revenge..
I would love to dish out.
My own justice.
But I cant.

Anger Buabbles away.
Like a swishing sound
Of the waves.
Like a brook babbles

Anger takes ahold.

By Amy Kerswell


Anger Speaks

I’m not even going to say a word.
My mind compels me to speak, but for what?
So I can angrily express something absurd?
I can deal with it on my own instead of getting my throat cut.

I’m not even going to say a word.
Many thoughts of what to say spark here and there
Maybe if I try telling someone I can be heard.
If I don’t react some way I won’t get anywhere.

I’m not even going to say a word.
Yes, I make mistakes and I will own them
And time after time I’d correct them if I could
Because I know anger does not make them stem.

So now I’m saying this
For the simple fact for myself
All I need is to relax and rest
So I don’t hurt myself or someone else.

By Jason Summers



You are blind.
You can never see
All the anger built up in me.
I hated life,
I wanted out.
You didn’t care.
You would just shout.

I felt so alone,
Thought I didn’t need anyone.
Turns out I just needed a mum.

The black sheep,
I was never a part,
Furthest away from your heart.
Things have changed.
I’m growing old.
I don’t need you;
You still feel cold.

I’m now out of sight,
Out of mind.
I don’t need you, I’ll do all right.
I don’t need your blessing
Or your cash.
Without your help I’ll make a splash,
Land on my feet with a crash.

I’m happier than ever.
My life’s brand new,
And most of all,
I’m not like you.

By Jack Mcifco


Can You Hear Me?

Where were you when the tears fell?
When the blood began to flow?
Where were you when I was scared?
When all my skies were gray
And I lost all hope?
Where were you through all the years?
When it all began?
Where were you when I was hurt and bleeding, when I needed you?
Where were you when I was sad and in jail?
When there was no strength left,
And where the hell are you now?

When it all came down and the walls were crashing in,
All was lost and gone, and when I fought?

Where were you when I stayed up and cried myself to sleep each night
And I tossed and turned?
And where are you now?
That I’m stuck and there’s nowhere to turn?
So I ask you this, where will you be
When the walls come down again?
Where will you turn when the tables turn
And there is no where to hide or no one to blame?

By  Nichole Kay Milgate


Dear Mom

Standing in self-hatred,
drowning in my tears.
Looking back on my life,
what I’ve been through the past 18 years.
Living in my brother’s shadow,
everything I do and say,
wishing somehow things would change,
praying for a way.
Same old crap just another day,
living this evil life that was created just for me.
Starving for love, affection, and attention,
I know none of this is how it’s really supposed to be.
I try to be strong,
even though I feel so weak.
Feel like just giving up,
but I won’t accept that level of defeat.
Pretend like I’m always happy,
although I’m never really okay.
Waiting for this pain to end,
that I feel every stupid day.
It’s hard to say what’s wrong,
when nothings going right.
Hard to keep myself going,
when I’ve been blinded by sight.
This pain is never ending,
it just goes on and on and on.
It’s all so unbelievably real,
I just wish it all was gone.
Trying to pick myself up,
when I’ve fallen so far and hard.
But I don’t know where I’m going,
It’s all so very dark.
My heart is weak, my emotions sore,
I do my best to never let it show.
But deep down inside I feel like,
I’m dying and nobody knows.
A lot of messed up thoughts,
run through my head constantly.
I just wish I didn’t live,
this life of MISERY!

By Katrina Randklev


Dear Mom

Dear Mom,
You said you’d always be there
But you’re nowhere to be found
I can’t believe you left me
I feel so low beneath the ground

There’s nothing I can do now
I trusted you with all my heart
But now you’re gone
You’re the one who tore my life apart

I’ve learned not to trust
There’s nothing more to say
You’ve lost someone special
You can’t get back each day

Now you’re the one left in the dark
And all of a sudden you feel my pain
You expect me to take you back
But you still feel you’re not to blame

I could never forgive you
Even if I tried
You can never make up
For the lonely nights I’ve cried

You will never know the feeling
Of losing the person you need the most
To laugh and cry and love you
Instead of making you feel like a ghost

I’ve moved on with my life
Without you by my side
My pain has kept so long
I’m telling you how I feel inside

In a way I want to thank you
Because of you I’m strong
I just wanted you to know
I didn’t turn out wrong

By Krystal A. Bayer


Dear Mom How Could You Leave Me

Dear mom how could you
Never care about me
I’m dying inside
Which you will never see
You never even call
Just to talk to me
Heck you don’t write either
So your love I don’t see
You’re not the one
Who wipes my tears at night
Nor are you the one
Who chases away my frights
Dear mom how could you
Just leave me like this
You didn’t even come back
For one last kiss
Mom how could you
Have a kid and just leave
That’s no way to act
That’s no way to behave
Dear mom I want to know why
You decided not
To be part of my life
I want to know why
You have no heart at all
And how you can have a child
You don’t see, write, or call?

By Rebecca L. Simpson


Defeat Anger

Anger bestowed upon self
Is weight upon soul
If you cannot walk with rocks tied onto your feet
Why then would you put so much weight onto your soul

It hurts inside, and you know it
It burns inside, and you feel it
But you not listening to your reasoning
Nor paying attention to your past

Let go, would be easy
But you hold on, like its priceless
If there is anyone loosing
That person would be you

Common, enjoy the freedom
And see the people smiling
If the eye, a window to the soul
Then anger, a veil over the eyes

Get those rocks off your feet
Lift up those veil off your eyes
Let your true self reveal
The beauty you hold inside

By David Beckham


Govern the Temper

Hold your temper for self sake.
This is the prudent way:
Often when it is not controlled,
It hands the body down to the clay,

When passions condemn our feeble hearts,
And conscience asks the mind to obey;
We find our selves vain and defiled.
And in sin have gone astray.

Temper governed and tongues withheld,
Keeps peace day by day;
When the body discharges the violence of temper,
Friendship tears away.

Eternity is for ever and ever,
Life is only a short stay;
If we control our tongues and temper,
The less we will account for judgment day.

By holding the temper we learn
A pleasant and prudent way;
Temper held dliscloses the bloom of life,
With a fragrant savor that never will decay.

Perverted temper kindles the tongue
Ambition leads to a fight or fray;
But bravery is caution, wisdom reflects.
And makes no trouble to pay.

The best we can do we cannot avoid,
And drive all temper away;
But thought and meditation will help to restrain.
And finally peace and comfort will pay.

By J. J. Thorne


Guard Thy Lips

Oh, when harsh and hasty words arises
And clouds of vexation dim the eyes,
And anger begins to settle down.
And the face puts on a sullen frown;
When wrathful thoughts rush quickly up,
Oh, dash aside the poisoned cup.
And guard thy lips!

Guard them, lest, in an unguarded hour,
They should utter, beyond thy power,
Words to wound some loving heart,
Perhaps, a lasting scar impart;
Inevitable words when once they’re spoken.
Nothing can heal the heart they’ve broken.
Then, guard thy lips!

By Lillian E. Curtis


I Hope You Understand

You were like a father,
And my world was all clear,
I wasn’t expecting much from you at first,
Then you treated me like a daughter,
I expected more then,
I thought you would keep your promises,
And now I know.

You made my life a living nightmare,
Yet I still loved you like a father,
I wasn’t sure if forgiving you was right,
But every time I did anyways,
You had many chances and many opportunities,
But you used your last one.

I will always think of you as a father,
But if that last chance wasn’t blown we would be together,
I hope you never think you were replaced,
Because I will always remember the good,
But the bad will be there too in my thoughts everyday.

Your life means a lot to many different people,
So please don’t blow that too,
Because you only get one life and I love that life,
And I hope you do too.

Every night I worry about what you are doing,
And sometimes I cry wondering,
I just wish life didn’t have to be this way,
Then I remember it doesn’t.

I looked up to you and I wanted you to stay around forever,
I wanted to grow up knowing you were always going to be there,
Now I am not sure that will happen,
You are killing the thing I love most,
So now I am begging you to stop,
I want you to spend the time you have left with me and your family.

We deserve better than to sit and watch you fade away,
Soon there won’t be anything left,
Think about these emotions and I hope you understand.

By Taylor Dodge


I Needed You

When I was sad and depressed,
I needed you to be cheer me up.
Instead, I drank till I was numb enough not to feel anything.

When everyone was attacking me and putting me down, making me feel so low,
I needed you to be the one to defend me and be on my side.
Instead, I endured all the cruel words and criticism the world threw at me.

When I lost all my friends and had no one,
I needed you to be that only friend I had left.
Instead, I experienced what the word “friendless” really meant.

When I was scared and frightened,
I needed you to be my security blanket.
Instead, I had to live in fear.

When I was angry and full of rage,
I needed you to calm me down.
Instead, I kept it all bottled up inside.

When I felt so lonely and needed someone to care,
I needed you to hold me tight and never let me go.
Instead, I grew up alone with no one to turn to.

When I was hurt and in pain,
I needed you to come running with you healing ways.
Instead, I remained scarred and bruised.

When I would inflict self-torture, wanting to die,
I needed you to stop me and tell me how important I was.
Instead, I hid my scars and became oblivious to everyone.

When I would cry myself to sleep at night,
I needed you to wipe the tears away.
Instead, I held my pillow tight while never-ending tears streamed down my face.

When my world was crashing down on me,
I needed you to be the one I ran to.
Instead, I locked myself in my room in complete despair.

When I felt unloved,
I needed you to tell me how much you loved me.
Instead, I learned the words “I love you” are meaningless.

By Angie M Flores


I Sent A Little Anger, I Sent A Little Hate

I sent out a little anger
Then a little hate
What then came flowing back to me
Won’t be at heaven’s gate

I threw a little tantrum
I kicked in the wall
Just a simple few of these-
No one liked me after all

I screamed at my neighbor
Stomped on the floor
Waited ’round forever
For some knocking on my door

I yelled for perfection
No foul up to take in
When I made my own mistake
It seemed a major sin

Always wanting my own way
No one else to cheer
In face of life’s reality
I was full of desperate fear

I made my little bed
Primmed my little nest
Created here my own little world
It was worse than second best

By Ray Andrews


I’m So Mad I Could Scream

I’m so mad I could scream,
I’m so mad I could spit,
Turn over a table,
Run off in a snit!

I’m so mad I could yell,
I could tear out my hair,
Throw a rock through a window,
Or wrestle a bear!

On thinking it over
I will not leave home
But I’ll put all my anger
Right here in this poem.

I’m feeling much better –
Like peaches and cream –
For a poem is the best way
Of letting off steam!

By William Cole


Just A Title

Just a title
Nothing more
I am sorry to say
We have no rapport

Better this way
Than playing pretend
This is the way I have come to contend

Just a title
Nothing more
I’m finally able to close the door

You did this yourself
All on your own
I hope you like feeling alone

I have tried too much
Now I am tired of holding the clutch

Just a title
Nothing more
Is what I have decided for

You made your choice
Now you must lie
Now I see your chosen side

Just a title
Nothing more
‘Mother’ now I shut the door.

By Marianne J. Farr


Keep Your Temper

It never did, and never will,
Put things in better fashion,
Though rough the road, and steep the hill,
To fly into a passion.

And never yet did fume or fret
Mend any broken bubble;
The direst evil, bravely met,
Is but a conquered trouble.

Our trials—did we only know—
Are often what we make them;
And mole-hills into mountains grow,
Just by the way we take them.

Who keeps his temper, calm and cool,
Will find his wits in season;
But rage is weak, a foaming fool,
With neither strength nor reason.

And if a thing be hard to bear
When nerve and brain are steady,
If fiery passions rave and tear,
It finds us mained already.

Who yields to anger conquered lies—
A captive none can pity;
Who rules his spirit, greater is
Than he who takes a city.

A hero he, though drums are mute,
And no gay banners flaunted;
He treads his passions under foot,
And meets the world undaunted.

Oh, then, to bravely do our best,
Howe’er the winds are blowing;
And meekly leave to God the rest,
Is wisdom worth the knowing!

By Ellen P. Allerton


Learning My Lesson

I gave you a chance, let you in and tried to be your friend,
I should have known, you wouldn’t be there in the end.

I wanted you to love me, I waited for so very long,
I didn’t want to feel the hurt, but you still did me wrong.

I always had hope, I never wanted it this way,
No matter how hard I tried, You always pushed me away.

I should have known, You never really cared,
You let us leave, You were never even scared.

We never turned back, your own brother helped us board.
Never caring what was ahead, through it all we sure soared.

There were times, whether good or bad,
When I was a little girl, I should of had my dad.

You weren’t there when I was young, You never got to see,
You don’t have a clue, You don’t even know me.

Every single birthday, They all went by,
You never saw those candles go out, never my dad by my side.

But you should know, I had someone there,
He’s special to me, and his name is Ger.

But not even him can take away, all these years of pain,
Through all of this hurt, there is still a lot to gain.

Without even knowing, you taught me good lessons for life,
I will do what I can, because my husband deserves a good wife.

I will stick by his side, never let things go bad.
Because I have chosen a man, who will always be a good dad.

You have made me wise, much more than my years,
All this hurt and pain, I have learned a lot through the tears.

I have been so mature, much more than even you,
What can I say, I guess you didn’t know what to do.

You think I don’t know, maybe it’s I didn’t want to,
But me being younger, I will always be more mature than you.

I stand up for myself, believe in what I say,
And always know, I treat people the right way.

There is no more to say, nothing more I can do.
Any chance of a relationship for us, is now and forever through.

You threw that away, many years ago with the lies,
Funny thing though the truth, you must know, it never dies

By Kayla Schermer



Like the sea and the sky,
We reflect each other, you and I.

Past the moon and the stars,
You promised you loved me that far.

Now all the lies you’ve told
Have burrowed a hole deep inside my soul.

All those memories we share,
All that pain I cannot bear.

You broke my heart
Finding pleasure in tearing me apart.

Because of you, my happiness never lasts.
Because of you, I can only find darkness in my past.

You broke me down,
Left me collapsed in agony upon the ground.

You broke every promise that you ever made,
But still for your sins I must be the one who pays.

You stole my innocence that very day,
Leaving me no other choice but to walk away.

By Anna L. Harman


My Dad

I wished so much
for my biological dad,
but now that I’ve got him,
I’m feeling very sad.

My world, my guide, my father
who I know nothing about.
I pretend to laugh and smile,
but really I scream and shout.

I don’t feel like his daughter.
I feel second best.
He hasn’t made the effort
like he has with all the rest.

He is nothing special;
that I now can see.
He is scared and lonely
and frightened, just like me.

So much of my life
has just been lost.
I just want his love
and things that don’t cost.

But he doesn’t want to know.
He won’t even try.
He’s the reason I hate
and also why I cry!

By Vanessa Kershaw 


My Father Left Me Behind

Leaving behind others to take your place,
Carrying on your name, walking around with your face,
Knowing you got left behind,
Wondering what’s on my father’s mind.
He didn’t even think to try.
To leave my mother with tears going down her face,
Left me only to embrace,
Only for me to ask her why?
My mother can give me answers;
My father left behind.
For he can give his love to another,
But can’t give his love to me,
My mother would give her life,
As she’s given life to me,
My father I hope to love.
Will he ever really love me?
He can take and make a life and keep living on,
But what is it like to live without a father,
He doesn’t even know,
Because he doesn’t even care,
He left me alone.

By Jessica Farley


New Life

Why can’t you love me and accept me for who I am?
I always try my hardest; I do the best I can.
Can’t you see how sad I’ve been?
The way you treated me must have been a sin.
For a long time, I’ve tried to make you proud.
But instead of encouraging words, I get put down.
Stop trying to live my life for me.
I’m not a kid anymore, damn it, just let me be.
You don’t like my friends, boyfriend, or anything I do.
Tell me, what the hell did I ever do to you?
You married a jerk, who disrespects me.
You always take his side, and turn against me.
I’ve moved in with my dad and Joan.
They welcomed me with open arms; this is my new home.
They treat me with respect, and they love me for me.
No matter what, I’m here for them, and they’re here for me.
I’ve never felt this happy before; happiness for me was rare.
Now that I’m happy in this new life of mine, do you even care?

By Racheal E. Bartels


Not From This Anger

Not from this anger, anticlimax after
Refusal struck her loin and the lame flower
Bent like a beast to lap the singular floods
In a land strapped by hunger
Shall she receive a bellyful of weeds
And bear those tendril hands I touch across
The agonized, two seas.
Behind my head a square of sky sags over
The circular smile tossed from lover to lover
And the golden ball spins out of the skies;

Not from this anger after
Refusal struck like a bell under water
Shall her smile breed that mouth, behind the mirror,
That burns along my eyes.

By Dylan Thomas


Righteous Anger

THE lanky hank of a she in the inn over there
Nearly killed me for asking the loan of a glass of beer:
May the devil grip the whey-faced slut by the hair,
And beat bad manners out of her skin for a year.

That parboiled imp, with the hardest jaw you will see
On virtue’s path, and a voice that would rasp the dead,
Came roaring and raging the minute she looked on me,
And threw me out of the house on the back of my head!

If I asked her master he’d give me a cask a day;
But she, with the beer at hand, not a gill would arrange!
May she marry a ghost and bear him a kitten, and may
The High King of Glory permit her to get the mange.

By James Stephens


Tell Me

Tell me how to love someone
who doesn’t love me back.

Tell me how to respect someone
who doesn’t deserve my respect.

Tell me how to trust someone
who betrayed me so badly.

Tell me how to care for someone
who never cared about me.

Tell me how to speak nicely to someone
who only spoke down to me with bad words.

Tell me how to get along with someone
who brought me nothing but endless tears.

Tell me how to get close to someone
who caused me so much pain.

Tell me how to forgive someone
who hurt me so severely.

Tell me how to open my heart to someone
who broke it to pieces too many times.

By Angie M Flores 


The Anger In Me

This ill temper I have is making me mad
I blow up and I don’t know why
I wish for just a moment I could handle my anger right
I wish for just a moment I could love you right
I wish my attitude would just go away
I wish my anger would stay at bay
This outlook I have on life needs to change
This outlook I have you needs to say the same
I love you deep down inside
I wish you would see

That you’re the only princess for me

The anger I have deep in side
Comes out when I least expect it
This anger I have in me should just go away
This anger I have is an annoyance
This anger I have has messed my life up
This anger I have is stupid
Anger you have messed up my marriage
Anger you have messed up my life

Anger you have destroyed who I am inside and out
Anger you are the devil
Anger you are all that is bad
This anger I have in me has made me fight
A fight that was not worth it

Anger you made me hit the wrong person
Anger you made me do the wrong things
Anger you are the feeling that I would never miss
Anger you have caused me so much sorrow
Anger you have caused nothing but grief.
Anger just go away

By Jonathan Pendley


The Deeds Of Anger

I used to lose my temper an’ git mad an’ tear around
An’ raise my voice so wimmin folks would tremble at the sound;
I’d do things I was ashamed of when the fit of rage had passed,
An’ wish I hadn’t done ’em, an’ regret ’em to the last;
But I’ve learned from sad experience how useless is regret,
For the mean things done in anger are the things you can’t forget.

Now I think I’ve learned my lesson an’ I’m treadin’ gentler ways,
An’ I try to build my mornings into happy yesterdays;
I don’t let my temper spoil ’em in the way I used to do
An’ let some splash of anger smear the record when it’s through;
I want my memories pleasant, free from shame or vain regret,
Without any deeds of anger which I never can forget.

By Edgar A. Guest


When Things Won’t Work

I have to say,
It makes me angry,
When things don’t go,
The way they should be.

I expect so much,
From things and people.
And when things go poorly,
I feel so ungleeful.

My temper gets hot,
And I don’t know what to do.
I just wish someday,
These things would pull through.

But I have to stay calm,
And roll up my sleeves.
Maybe some direction,
Is all that I need.

By Julie Hebert


You Were Never There

You were never there for us,
When we needed you the most,
You would just disappear when things got tough.

And when we did spend time together,
it would just end in promises that would later be broken,
and then you were gone giving us no reason at all.

Did you not think that we would care?
Was your life that bad that you had to go and end it there?
Were we not good enough for you?
Was that it?

By Cerstyn J. Messinger

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