
Poems about passion are like thunder and lightning. They are powerful, striking, and memorable. You can forget the meaning of the words you read, but the mood of these poems will never leave you. After all, passion is an area where instincts prevail, and they fill the mind with sizzling desire and unbridled thirst. Poems about passion have no age, boundaries, or nationalities.

«A Last Confession» by William Butler Yeats

What lively lad most pleasured me
Of all that with me lay?
I answer that I gave my soul
And loved in misery,
But had great pleasure with a lad
That I loved bodily.

Flinging from his arms I laughed
To think his passion such
He fancied that I gave a soul
Did but our bodies touch,
And laughed upon his breast to think
Beast gave beast as much.

I gave what other women gave
That stepped out of their clothes.
But when this soul, its body off,
Naked to naked goes,
He it has found shall find therein
What none other knows,

And give his own and take his own
And rule in his own right;
And though it loved in misery
Close and cling so tight,
There’s not a bird of day that dare
Extinguish that delight.


«A Pastoral Dialogue» by Jonathan Swift


A Nymph and swain, Sheelah and Dermot hight;
Who wont to weed the court of Gosford knight;
While each with stubbed knife removed the roots,
That raised between the stones their daily shoots;
As at their work they sate in counterview,
With mutual beauty smit, their passion grew.
Sing, heavenly Muse, in sweetly flowing strain,
The soft endearments of the nymph and swain.


My love to Sheelah is more firmly fixt,
Than strongest weeds that grow those stones betwixt;
My spud these nettles from the stones can part;
No knife so keen to weed thee from my heart.


My love for gentle Dermot faster grows,
Than yon tall dock that rises to thy nose.
Cut down the dock, ’twill sprout again; but, O!
Love rooted out, again will never grow.


No more that brier thy tender leg shall rake:
(I spare the thistles for Sir Arthur’s sake)
Sharp are the stones; take thou this rushy mat;
The hardest bum will bruise with sitting squat.


Thy breeches, torn behind, stand gaping wide;
This petticoat shall save thy dear backside;
Nor need I blush; although you feel it wet,
Dermot, I vow, ’tis nothing else but sweat.


At an old stubborn root I chanced to tug,
When the Dean threw me this tobacco-plug;
A longer ha’p’orth never did I see;
This, dearest Sheelah, thou shall share with me.


In at the pantry door, this morn I slipt,
And from the shelf a charming crust I whipt:
Dennis was out, and I got hither safe;
And thou, my dear, shall have the bigger half.


When you saw Tady at long bullets play,
You sate and loused him all a sunshine day:
How could you, Sheelah, listen to his tales,
Or crack such lice as his between your nails?


When you with Oonah stood behind a ditch,
I peep’d, and saw you kiss the dirty bitch;
Dermot, how could you touch these nasty sluts?
I almost wish’d this spud were in your guts.


If Oonah once I kiss’d, forbear to chide;
Her aunt’s my gossip by my father’s side:
But, if I ever touch her lips again,
May I be doom’d for life to weed in rain!


Dermot, I swear, though Tady’s locks could hold
Ten thousand lice, and every louse was gold;
Him on my lap you never more shall see;
Or may I lose my weeding knife-and thee!


O, could I earn for thee, my lovely lass,
A pair of brogues to bear thee dry to mass!
But see, where Norah with the sowins comes-
Then let us rise, and rest our weary bums.

by Jonathan Swift

«A sense’s addiction to chocolate» by Saajida Gora

The sensual mouth’s craving desires

are finding sweet addiction’s rapid fires,

The enticing chocolate mounds of pure

melting in a fervent, passionate, river

appealing rugged hazelnut mountains,

swim in the oceans of chocolate fountains.

Sensations so pure, desires so dreamy,

A tantalizing taste, so eerily creamy.

The earthy, nutty flavour splashing around,

spreading sweet river all over the ground.

Endorphins ecstatic bring a hypnotic trance

while taste-buds are formed into a swirling

An intensive taste’s of the ultimate flavour

overwhelm senses in a frisson like shiver.

The seductive chocolate traps her heart in its

A chocolate taste much too good to endure

This sensual addiction she will try to escape

summoning all courage from under her cape

But then she thinks once more of the heavenly

of the milky soft and tender kiss

brought back to senses at sound of the door

the persuasive chocolate now no more.


«A Wish» by Ehsan Sehgal

If you love me
Stand beside me
Hold me in your arms
Give your breathing flavour
Be my heart and soul
For love, forever
Trust and, believe me, alone
Never leave me alone
Never let me down
Be my love crown
If you love me
If you love me


«Addiction» by Walid Saba

I have a new addiction!

But this one does not weaken me
And it will not cause my demise

This one has brought me back to life
I am now aging younger
Living life,
From end to beginning

Give me another shot,
I beg you

I need another sip of your potion
Another mouthful of your brew

Just another bite
A tiny nibble

Give me the last drag,
I beseech you

Let me go back to the womb


«All in green went my love riding» by E. E. Cummings

All in green went my love riding
on a great horse of gold
into the silver dawn.
four lean hounds crouched low and smiling
the merry deer ran before.
Fleeter be they than dappled dreams
the swift sweet deer
the red rare deer.
Four red roebuck at a white water
the cruel bugle sang before.
Horn at hip went my love riding
riding the echo down
into the silver dawn.
four lean hounds crouched low and smiling
the level meadows ran before.
Softer be they than slippered sleep
the lean lithe deer
the fleet flown deer.
Four fleet does at a gold valley
the famished arrow sang before.
Bow at belt went my love riding
riding the mountain down
into the silver dawn.
four lean hounds crouched low and smiling
the sheer peaks ran before.
Paler be they than daunting death
the sleek slim deer
the tall tense deer.
Four tell stags at a green mountain
the lucky hunter sang before.
All in green went my love riding
on a great horse of gold
into the silver dawn.
four lean hounds crouched low and smiling
my heart fell dead before.


«Behold My Treasures, Darling» by Endre Ady

Behold my treasures, darling,
they are less than a Biblical farthing,
behold the fate of a true and faithful life,
look at my grey hairs departing.
I didn’t wander afar
sadly I was proud to be a Magyar,
and I got a misery, woe, misfortune
and I have reaped troubles galore.
At loving I was pretty good
couldn’t be outdone even by a God
as I conceived of it as a child.
Look at me now, in pain, blood, and fever defiled.
If you hadn’t come mt way
my lamenting mouth would have nothing to say
behold the mockers of integrity
sending me into the coffin.
Behold me with your love, my darling,
it was you I found while fleeing,
and if there’s a smile left in this loathsome world
you are the smile of my heart.
Behold my treasures, my darling,
they’re less than the Biblical farthing,
let them be dark and youthful to you,
look at my grey hairs departing.


«Braga» by Walid Saba

I was on my way to nowhere
Tired, I unsaddled
It is Porto, I was told

O my!
This is where I was going,
Without even knowing

Every stone here deserves attention

Castles are old
Just like I was told
The Port is ancient
The beer is always cold
And everyone here smiles
All worries are put on hold

How can I join this festival,
When I foolishly
Think too much of life?

You do not grieve near the fire dance
You dance,
You rejoice,
While you have the chance

This fire does not last forever

I desperately needed someone
To save me …
From myself!

And there she was
And curious

I looked lonely,
Said lady Braga

Like an ill child,
She treated me
And she treated me well!

We started another festival
Ignited a new fire
And we danced
And I was better …

But the fire has long subsided

I am ill, again!


«Ever Give All The Heart» by William Butler Yeats

Never give all the heart, for love
Will hardly seem worth thinking of
To passionate women if it seem
Certain, and they never dream
That it fades out from kiss to kiss;
For everything that’s lovely is
But a brief, dreamy. Kind delight.
O never give the heart outright,
For they, for all smooth lips can say,
Have given their hearts up to the play.
And who could play it well enough
If deaf and dumb and blind with love?
He that made this knows all the cost,
For he gave all his heart and lost.


«Gifts of Passion» by Lucio Muñoz

The moon complained to the sun,
“He said he loves me,
Yet instead of giving me real roses,
He gave me fake ones,
He seems to be a cheap one”.

The sun replied softly and sweetly,
“When I myself felt in love,
I was given three fake
Dandelions, I smiled happily
As I knew, she knew, they would be with me
For ever. So much she loved me,
My priceless one”.

The moon learnt that day,
That a especial gift received is a expression,
That must be valued not in terms of money,
but in terms of passion.


«Hattered Heart» by Jeff Sprague

Looking in your eye’s has melted my Heart,
my mind races just thinking of you.
Broken, battered and torn completely apart,
Something deep inside is showing me the glue.

In life I have felt a lot of Depression,
Day in and day out not knowing what to do.
Just when I think love has no more lessons,
Things start to change, I am no longer blue.

Give me a chance to show you my worth,
Let me be the one you need to turn to.
For my heart has taken a new birth,
As of now it truly belongs to you.


«I am too close for him … » by Wislawa Szymborska

I am too close for him to dream about me.
I’m not flying over him, not fleeing him
under the roots of trees. I am too close.
Not with my voice sings the fish in the net.
Not from my finger rolls the ring.
I am too close. A large house is on fire
without my calling for help. Too close
for a bell dangling from my hair to chime.
Too close for me to enter as a guest
before whom the walls part.
Never again will I die so readily,
so far beyond the flesh, so inadvertently
as once in his dream. I am too close,
too close—I hear the hiss
and see the glittering husk of that word,
as I lie immobilized in his embrace. He sleeps,
more available at this moment
to the ticket lady of a one-lion traveling circus
seen but once in his life
than to me lying beside him.
Now a valley grows for her in him, ochre-leaved,
closed off by a snowy mountain
in the azure air. I am too close
to fall out of the sky for him. My scream
might only awaken him. Poor me,
limited to my own form,
but I was a birch tree, I was a lizard,
I emerged from satins and sundials
my skins shimmering in different colors. I possessed
the grace to disappear from astonished eyes,
and that is the rich man’s riches. I am too close,
too close for him to dream about me.
I slip my arm out from under his sleeping head.
It’s numb, full of imaginary pins and needles.
And on the head of each, ready to be counted,
dance the fallen angels.


«I Envy The Woman Whose Lips» by Faith Elizabeth Brigham

i envy the woman whose lips
your ample mouth has gently kissed
whose very look enslaves your soul
i ponder yet all i have missed

i envy her still whose arms
press you to her breasts so tenderly
who shares your secret hopes and dreams
and keeps your fire burning steadily

i envy the woman whose bed
your long lean body slumbers in
forgive my heart*s dear love desires
that which others consider a sin

i envy the woman i don*t even know
who possesses what i can only desire
to be empowered by someone so fine
i envy her body – her soul on fire


«I Guard Your Eyes» by Endre Ady

With my old man’s wrinkled hand,
with my old man’s squinting eyes,
let me hold your lovely hand,
let me guard your lovely eyes.
Worlds have tumbled, through their fall
like a wild beast chased by fright
I came, and I on you did call
scared, I wait with you inside.
With my old man’s wrinkled hand,
with my old man’s squinting eyes,
let me hold your lovely hand,
let me guard your lovely eyes.
I do not know why, how long
can I thus remain for you –
but I hold your lovely hand
and I guard your lovely eyes.


«I have found what you are like» by E. E. Cummings

i have found what you are like
the rain,
(Who feathers frightened fields
with the superior dust-of-sleep. wields
easily the pale club of the wind
and swirled justly souls of flower strike
the air in utterable coolness
deeds of green thrilling light
with thinned
newfragile yellows
-in the woods
And the coolness of your smile is
stirringofbirds between my arms;but
i should rather than anything
have(almost when hugeness will shut
your kiss


«Isabel’s Ode» by Robert Greene

Sitting by a river side,
Where a silent stream did glide,
Banked about with choice flowers,
Such as spring from April showers,
When fair Iris smiling shows
All her riches in her dews;
Thick-leaved trees so were planted,
As nor art nor nature wanted,
Bordering all the brook with shade,
As if Venus there had made,
By Flora’s wile, a curious bower,
To dally with her paramour;
At this current as I gazed,
Eyes intrapt, mind amazed,
I might see in my ken
Such a flame as fireth men,
Such a fire as doth fry
With one blaze both heart and eye,
Such a heat as doth prove
No heat like to heat of love.
Bright she was, for ’twas a she
That traced her steps towards me:
On her head she wore a bay,
To fence Phoebus’ light away:
In her face one might descry
The curious beauty of the sky:
Her eyes carried darts of fire,
Feathered all with swift desire,
Yet forth these fiery darts did pass
Pearled tears as bright as glass,
That wonder ’twas in her eyne
Fire and water should combine,
If the old saw did not borrow,
Fire is love, and water sorrow.
Down she sat, pale and sad;
No mirth in her looks she had;
Face and eyes shewed distress,
Inward sighs discours’d no less:
Head on hand might I see,
Elbow leaned on her knee.
Last she breathed out this saw,
– Oh, that love hath no law!-
Love enforceth with constraint,
Love delighteth in complaint.
Whoso loves, hates his life,
For love’s peace is mind’s strife.
Love doth feed on beauty’s fare,
Every dish sauced with care:
Chiefly women, reason why,
Love is hatched in their eye;
Thence it steppeth to the heart,
There it poisoneth every part,
Mind and heart, eye and thought,
Till sweet love their woes hath wrought:
Then repentant they ‘gan cry,
Oh my heart that trowed mine eye.’
Thus she said, and then she rose,
Face and mind both full of woes;
Flinging thence with this saw,
– Fie on love that hath no law.


«Lonely Poets» by Ndue Ukaj

Yesterday I met with the poet of great loneliness
Through the road of the sky was absorbing the sun
His head was wrapped with dreams
To avoid the exuberance of the verses

Yesterday met with the poet of the great love
Through the road to forest with unknows colors
His head was tied with the eyes of Eros
To avoid the exuberance of the verses

Yesterday met with the Poet of great loneliness
Through the dusty road was licking his own footprints
His head was tied with history
To clear all the lies just as the sneak’s head

Yesterday met with the poet of great loneliness
On the lonely metaphors road
Was naked outside
To intoxicate the world on his eyes

Yesterday met the poet of great loneliness
With the math of his heart
Was untying the unknown clews.


«May I feel said he» by E. E. Cummings

may i feel said he
(i’ll squeal said she
just once said he)
it’s fun said she

(may i touch said he
how much said she
a lot said he)
why not said she

(let’s go said he
not too far said she
what’s too far said he
where you are said she)

may i stay said he
(which way said she
like this said he
if you kiss said she

may i move said he
is it love said she)
if you’re willing said he
(but you’re killing said she

but it’s life said he
but your wife said she
now said he)
ow said she

(tiptop said he
don’t stop said she
oh no said he)
go slow said she

(cccome?said he
ummm said she)
you’re divine!said he
(you are Mine said she)


«Men Loved Wholly Beyond Wisdom» by Louise Bogan

Men loved wholly beyond wisdom
Have the staff without the banner.
Like a fire in a dry thicket
Rising within women’s eyes
Is the love men must return.
Heart, so subtle now, and trembling,
What a marvel to be wise.,
To love never in this manner!
To be quiet in the fern
Like a thing gone dead and still,
Listening to the prisoned cricket
Shake its terrible dissembling
Music in the granite hill.


«Morning» by Mark R Slaughter

The eye came out –
A lust for scouting

Lips were swollen –
Geared for pouting

Over breasts
That hardly shouted
Loud enough
To catch the eye

That caught the curve
Traversing buttocks
Emphasising all that’s
Full and round
And smooth of skin

To usher in
The eagerness of closing palm
And animated fingers
Feeding on the flesh
To please

Then ease the legs

And seize the opportunity

To come inside
Another happy day.


«My Drug Of Choice» by Lee Foreman

Vulnerable to my drug of choice;
I see it sitting there in front of me-
Looking at me.
I get up and walk away, I feel it following me.

I run back to it; it sends me high,
High to an atmosphere nonexistent to mankind.
Feel the drug run through my body,
Making me so hot.

I fall back on my pillows no longer
A part of society.
“I have to quit!” I tell myself.
I get up and move my drug to the trash can.

I walk to the kitchen, it’s there,
I walk to my bedroom, it’s there.
I walk to the bathroom, it’s there.

My mind wants to be left alone,
But my body wants this relationship
To last forever.

I can taste it on the underside of my tongue;
Smell it through my burning nose.
I cannot resist the temptation that this
Drug has put upon me.

I sit indian-style on my bed looking at it;
Trying to read it.
It looks back; becoming an
Intrinsic version of myself.

I can’t keep succumbing to its hold
It has on me.
Apprehensive about rehabilitation;
Knowing I’m just going to relapse
Once I’m back in its presence.

I try to find fallacies in its reasons
To keeping a chain hold on me;
Have yet to find one.

Yet it continues to feed me logical
Reasons on why I can’t be without it.
Once again, I’m seduced into its
Everlasting love for me.

The hot rush creeps up my body;
Up, up from my toes to my calves.
Up, up to my thighs-
Up, up to my navel-
Up, up to my neck.

Never had a feeling so overwhelming
As this drug’s high.
I cannot part from it.
No never!
My man is some drug huh?

«My Man» by Tashana Bogatinovska

My Man,
ain’t like other Men
Can do what no
other men can

My Man,
so tall and strong
easily stole your
heart, to him
you proudly Belong

My Man,
The Man of his words,
never leave you behind,
Don’t wanna see you hurt

My Man,
He makes me smile,
and everything he does,
he does with style.

My Man,
He is so unique and rare,
In a desert he is a flower,
so wonderful and beautiful,
In a dusty environment,
he’s a diamond.

My Man,
Ain’t like Other Men,
Lying and with cheep
words he’s buying you,
He would never leave
you crying.

My Man,
There’s nothing I
wouldn’t do for him,
break the ice,
fix the dice,
There’s no price
For My Man

Cause My Man,
He’s My Man,
His lost I couldn’t bare,
I will love him with all
of my heart and care.

Cause There is no Other Men,
Like My Man.


«Passion Of My Heart» by Stevens Cadet

My passion is not reading this, or writing this poem, that’s not the care! 
Looking in the eyes of the listeners is the dare! 
Being here while our life’s intermingle, 
that is my one in a lifetime. 
While looking at those ladies that are fine. 
Have you ever been in love & let your feelings outbreak? 
Well I’ll tell you of a love, where hopefully you can relate. 
Your lives intermingle and somehow you know this is the beginning of all you ever longed for. 
A love you can build on and a love that can only grow. 
No need to tell or show. 
Four letters that you have begun to withhold. 
For your actions spell them out, 
because one definition seems to steep. 
For a feeling too deep can’t be weighed on one weep… 
Word, sentence, light touch of the lips or late night creep! ! ! 
Mere four words that can’t seem to be measured. 
A true passion, 
that people wouldn’t dare to come true. 
Being so compelled that would make you say…. 
I found my Once In A Lifetime with you! ! !


«Phantasm» by A.C.Zenner


Limbs twisting decadent, slow
smooth rolling water skin caress
gilded phantoms, dreams long left
ever does nothing churn more my soul

andante crescendo…….

warm silk enshrining whispered blush
fermenting spirits ascendant pleas
rapturous drowning in wanton seas
Spring’s course raging incessant must

adagio diminuendo…….

Still now, leaden angles repose
rivulets forging errant lanes
torpid dust fragrant, sweetly strange
Interlude pulled by rosined bows

al fine…….


«Raw Silk» by Vinita Agrawal

When at last we meet
do not say hello

That greeting for strangers…
We’ve shared too many moons on the palettes of our nights

When we meet
Leave the race behind. Face me

Become scent
Stretch my lungs

Become jaggery
Color my tongue

When we meet
Come undone like a silken knot in the wind

Me the shuddering threads
You the hunger for silk

When we meet
Make sure I die of love


«Remnants» by E.Vishnupriya

I saw world of distant land
from memory map
like drunkard in bad temper
scribbled I hasty words
often deformed,
in contorted meanings
passionate lover for a kiss
I write to be poet.
My thoughts limp in crutches
and look mournfully into tired eyes.
In eerie I wake up
among nights
evaporated ink,
skeletons of words
laugh at me. I know I would start it
all again.


«Sea Dream» by Stanley Wilkin

She noticed the basking shark was wounded,
weeping vaginal blood.
The tall man in a fedora whispered as he passed,
and she blushed.
The horizon was a hazy green line dipped in red.

She had been there since morning
searching for love,
and found it
from a six-pack merman offering solace
as he rode on the silvery
back of a ray.
As he approached, the sun at his back,
she moaned and threw out her arms
like a supplicant.

Complete at last, the sand grasping at
her shoeless feet, she sank
towards the earth’s distant core
using her arms as uncertain ballast.
She awoke with a shiver
brushed away the sand
and headed back home.
The shark had turned belly-up,
scavenged by seagulls.

Another day-dream enjoyed in the
empty hours between lunch and dinner
between her third cup of tea
and fourth cigarette,
her children snoozing in
the back bedroom. Half-slumbering
in a town barked at by bothersome seagulls
where an unencumbered sun
set on a postcard shoreline.

Planning the rows of petunias to be
planted by the hedge,
making shopping lists,
writing novels, never to be published,
staring out of her windows at the sea
she waited for her husband’s return,
tedious evenings of T.V.
and coition under the brightly coloured duvet.
The waves that overwhelmed her, flooding her senses,
were her own. The man
in the fedora had made her smile.


«Songbird» by Pamela Griffiths

Listening to the songbird
The heavenly sounds reverb
Sounds expressing lover’s thoughts
The songbird must be conserved

Singing with its warbling cry
The songbird sings of love
Filling the air with music
From a lovebird or a dove

Magical moments created
From a songbird in a tree
Two lovers hear the chorus
The songbird sings for free

Nature’s enchantment is working
Love is in the air
The bird has acted like Cupid
Now the love is everywhere

People look up to the trees
Sweet chirping can be heard
Melodic tunes of love and hope
All thanks to the lovely songbird


«Sonnet of the Sweet Complaint» by Federico Garcia Lorca

Never let me lose the marvel
of your statue-like eyes, or the accent
the solitary rose of your breath
places on my cheek at night.

I am afraid of being, on this shore,
a branchless trunk, and what I most regret
is having no flower, pulp, or clay
for the worm of my despair.

If you are my hidden treasure,
if you are my cross, my dampened pain,
if I am a dog, and you alone my master,

never let me lose what I have gained,
and adorn the branches of your river
with leaves of my estranged Autumn.


«The Arrow» by William Butler Yeats

I thought of your beauty, and this arrow,
Made out of a wild thought, is in my marrow.
There’s no man may look upon her, no man,
As when newly grown to be a woman,
Tall and noble but with face and bosom
Delicate in colour as apple blossom.
This beauty’s kinder, yet for a reason
I could weep that the old is out of season.


«The Fifth Season» by Shahida Latif

Though the world is hazy obscure,
Smoke envelops its spheres,
Humanity grapple, wrestle for minor causes,
Blinded by the ghosts of impatience,
Intolerance has pushed into the marshes,
Yet I see the world glaring gorgeous,
The gentle winds bring flakes of white clouds,
The first shower emits the smell of earthen scent,
The fresh flowers bloom at each moment,
And with their brave colours,
Make the world magical enchanting,
The sweet melodies of the birds,
Come through the porches of the ears,
Trickling founts produce silvery chink,
The whole world seems,
A compact composition of symphony.

But I know well these components,
Are very rare in the world of civilized savagery,
Now spring, autumn, winter and summer,
Are devoid of their grace, elegance,
It is merely the fifth season that I experience,
The flavoury season of the heart.


«The Life Colours» by Ehsan Sehgal

That’s the great
And beautiful
In the journey of life
If someone becomes
Realistic and fair companion
To spend with happy
And pleasure
All moments together

Life will go peacefully
If we keep honestly
An eye on every event
To guard ourselves

You are as like a flower
I am as like the dew
Naturally connected
Each other

Dew falls on the flowers
As like the pearl
I wish that
I pray that
The life stays
As beautiful
As like dew and flowers
Far from the evil hands
until our life journey ends.


«The Midas Touch» by Atul Chandra Sarkar

Yours was the Midas touch,
That made me priceless,
Secured me in the casket
Of your heart,
Cooled my sultry summer,
Blossomed my autumn,
Moistened my parched lips;
I gazed at the stars,
Pouting for dewdrops,
The night tightened me,
With hugs and cuddles,
Dark and tender,
The breeze, cool and fresh,
Inaudibly whispered love;
The woven reluctance,
That had wrapped me for years,
Slipped to my feet,
The tang of blown off candles,
Whet cravings,
Unhesitant desires through open,
Malodorous secrets of youth,
Rejuvenated electrolytes;
The recharged sun,
Filtered through the pane,
I was more than just golden,
The fire of passion,
Had burnished me.


«The passion» by Kritika Bhatia

Whatever you are good at,
Do it.
Don’t hesitate,
As it might become too late.

Whenever you are alone,
You do an activity that you love the most.
For some it may be writing or music,
And for some, it may be dance or showing magic.

Passions differ,
From person to person.
Never ignore your passion,
As it gives this busy mind some relaxation.

Passion and interest,
Go hand in hand,
Your passion will make an identity,
Your art will gradually create history.


«The Travail Of Passion» by William Butler Yeats

When the flaming lute-thronged angelic door is wide;
When an immortal passion breathes in mortal clay;
Our hearts endure the scourge, the plaited thorns, the way
Crowded with bitter faces, the wounds in palm and side,
The vinegar-heavy sponge, the flowers by Kedron stream;
We will bend down and loosen our hair over you,
That it may drop faint perfume, and be heavy with dew,
Lilies of death-pale hope, roses of passionate dream.


«The Tree in the Mist» by Kem G. Lowery

In the mist dark and deep there stood a tree on a hill not too steep.

His limbs out to every side. The limbs knotted as they reach way up high.

The story this tree could tell of strangers who have taken this misty trail.

In the middle of the trail it stood firm and strong as one that had decided this is his home.

I stopped to pause and stare as the mist began to settle in my hair.

My story is not as fair as like this tree’s limbs lifted in the air.

Though, I might not be as firm and strong I know one day my heart too will find a home.


«The Truth» by Ehsan Sehgal

The truth is that
And it is bitter
O, my beloved
I am neither your destiny
Nor you are my fortune
The wisdom is that
We should leave
And forget each other
You have not the courage
To fight with society
I am not in position
To conflict with people
Let us say goodbye
O, my beloved
I love you so much
I love you so much.


«The Valley of Passion» by Cara Vermaak

I linger in the valley of passion
Hand in hand with my desires and dreams
As I walk down the secret passage of adoration
With silence as my reminder

I recall the time of love, the time of beauty
The sacred wish, the forever mysterious pledge
That brings faces of loving moments together
Taking even the merest wish to that passionate edge
Light touches of desires exchanged

Are these the keys to my secret pleasures?
That chimera offered in devotion to unseen yet known
the beauty of me and the dream lover
The adventure of a touch, the gift to nurture
As all becomes one in this perfection
Willed to the passionate embrace of magick
the self soaring past the dream?


«This Velvet Glove» by Jim Kirby

she sits astride my body moist and hot
her eyes aglow with only she knows what,
upon my neck marks made by her with love
and on her hand she wears this velvet glove.

the room is stifling hot with no fresh air
sweat and tears have wet her long blond hair,
her burning eyes look on me from above
and on her hand she wears this velvet glove.

she lightly moves upon me lips apart
the only sound I hear is from her heart,
her touch a feather like a small white dove
and on her hand she wears this velvet glove.

she shudders once and gives a tiny cry
smiles down at me and breaths a sleepy sigh,
lies down beside me eyes so bright with love
and on her hand she wears this velvet glove.


«To A Young Beauty» by William Butler Yeats

Dear fellow-artist, why so free
With every sort of company,
With every Jack and Jill?
Choose your companions from the best;
Who draws a bucket with the rest
Soon topples down the hill.

You may, that mirror for a school,
Be passionate, not bountiful
As common beauties may,
Who were not born to keep in trim
With old Ezekiel’s cherubim
But those of Beauvarlet.

I know what wages beauty gives,
How hard a life her setvant lives,
Yet praise the winters gone:
There is not a fool can call me friend,
And I may dine at journey’s end
With Landor and with Donne.


«Toying with You» by Glen Martin Fitch

First ears: I would like two.
One either side,
I’m not a cubist.
the same as mine
though others have their charm,
however dyed
and all if spied
reveal a soul’s design.
A nose:
but often that’s the problem part
(there are so many),
Lips: both fine and full,
to make a smiling face
to move my heart.
Desire’s ever vigilant
amid the push and pull.
How many of us are consumed,
obsessed, with other,
secret parts,
and private glands
and drool at genitalia,
butt, or breast?
Yet having all the pieces
in your hands
(and none of them impaired)
the real trick?
to find that
not yet rotten spud to stick.

includes a plastic potato, which says something, doesn’t it?


«Vagina Envy» by Nin Andrews

1. Listening to the women laugh and chat at the end of the day, a man feels he is left out, alone, stranded. He is but an afterthought in her life, a period at the end of her day, or a mere after-dinner mint.

2. Whatever bliss a sufferer feels, he loses it too quickly, sometimes by tiny increments, often in a flash. His life, he fears, is meaningless.

3. You must learn to swim, a therapist suggests. But many who suffer from vagina envy are afraid of drowning. They dream of being pressed underwater, unable to surface, as sharks pursue them amid schools of shimmering fish.

4. Highly contagious, the disease spreads like bad news, starting in street corners and traveling quickly up and down neighborhoods before entering into bars and restaurants, schools and sanctuaries, and finally consuming entire towns.

5. A common cause: a man is left by a woman he loves. Every woman after reminds him of the first. She has the same hair color, eye color, the same giddy laugh. Every woman after reminds him of his failed attempts to win back the first, though he loved her only when she was leaving him forever, only when he knew he would never see her again.

6. The sickness gives off a distinct odor. It’s as if the air has been singed, and everyone should be wearing masks over the nose and mouth.

7. While most folks write of love and desire as blissful events, the men who experience vagina envy feel only resentment, sorrow and bitterness, as if there is an ongoing party of earthly delight to which they have never received an invitation.

8. There is no cure known by the traditional medical community, but the healers assure these men that they need not worry. Suffering is normal on Planet Earth. If they perform kind deeds, say their prayers, and accumulate good karma, they will be reborn as women in their next lives.


«We Do Not Write About» by Faith Elizabeth Brigham

we do not write about
what we do not know
the so-called visionaries
in a frantic world
savoring chances taken
mourning lost opportunities
advancing with unmatched passion
a mere reflection of our double-life

we do not write about
what we do not know
but of the esoteric
world inside our heads
of displaced bullets
or the bothersome sometimes
bull-headed black holes in our souls

we do not write about
what we do not know
but of pain and suffering
or pleasure (possibly pure ecstasy)
and sometimes someone listens
to the stirrings of our souls


«What We Leave Behind» by Robert Saltzman

STELLA!! He screamed this Brando guy…. in a Street Car Named Desire,
Mr. Dean he died in a crash… of twisted metal and fire.

We had John Wayne…Superman they were our heroes of the day,
when we were 18 we knew it all…. we were going to do it our way.

We grew, we learned, or did we really think,
we could change the world, with nod and a wink.

We marched for civil rights and against your stinkin war,
the latest fad that was us… hoola hoops, and more.

Peace and love, oh that was our daily fare,
we lived our lives for the day with nary a care.

Cops chasing pushing making us feel small,
we aged we learned some of us grew tall.

The years went by so fast it seemed,
the world went on as it does but not as we… dreamed.

Now in our culture and in our ways we indeed are set,
Looking back over decades do we all have some regret?

Hate runs deep ten thousand years of strife,
tension so thick… you could cut it with a knife.

Is there hope for the future we really don’t know?
We teach our children then we let them go.

Some will drop on the spot some will fade away,
remembered by the living for that is the world’s way.

But this my friends…this… is oh so right,
like McQueen in Papillion we keep trying to escape into the night.

Don’t take my kindness for weakness I’m no fool,
after all it was my generation that invented cool.

I’ve seen it all before of that I am fairly sure,
I write… I think…all to be left behind


«Why I Write» by Muhammad Shanazar

When indelible memories of the past,
Torment my heart and mind; I write.

When mist floats in front of the eyes,
The light comes from behind; I write.

When the men of the callous world,
Compel me to be confined; I write.

When my heart weeps wailing upon
The wise being led by the blind; I write.

When in self schemed distribution I see
The deserving limping behind; I write.


«Words» by William Butler Yeats

I had this thought a while ago,
‘My darling cannot understand
What I have done, or what would do
In this blind bitter land.’

And I grew weary of the sun
Until my thoughts cleared up again,
Remembering that the best I have done
Was done to make it plain;

That every year I have cried, ‘At length
My darling understands it all,
Because I have come into my strength,
And words obey my call’;

That had she done so who can say
What would have shaken from the sieve?
I might have thrown poor words away
And been content to live.


«Writer’s Pen» by Sahiti Siddharth

A pen, when a writer holds
A brand new chapter unfolds
A few lines can make him the king
It can make him fly on a single wing

A writer without his pen
Is like a leader without powers
A writer without his pen
Is like a garden without flowers

A writer’s pen
Makes him complete
A writer’s pen
Can make him compete

A writer’s pen
Never stops to write
It puts down everything
It beholds in sight

A writer’s pen
Is his own pride
He gives it special importance
Everything else is kept aside

A writer’s pen
Can show him the right path
A writer’s pen
Can control his wrath

A writer’s pen
Is what he needs
A writer’s pen
Is on what he feeds


«Yearning» by Gregory Snyder

The desires I have for her are indescribable…
Lust – A craving, a primal instinct…
A thirst & hunger all of it’s own kind.
NO!! No, I am not fine.

A yearning taking over completely, consuming me deeply…
As I would like to be consumed in the depths of her.
To pen this indomitable urge will no way portray what it rightfully deserves.
NO!! No, more words.

We met with the fury & force of a raging hurricane… but we feel no pain.
Down her side dance my fingertips… As I kiss her mouth & caress her lips.
Making my way inevitably inside… Ecstasy neither her nor I can hide.
Thrusting hips… Night blue colored nails draw blood as she rips…
A Trail of fire in my skin as she came – She feels no pain… I feel no pain.


«Young Soul» by Al Mutanabbi

A young soul in my ageing body plays, Though time’s sharp blades my weary visage raze.

Hard biter in a toothless mouth is she, The will may wane, but she a winner stays.

Spare me to win glory’s forbidden prize, Glory in hardship, sloth in comfort lies.

Em’nence is not with cheap comfort bought, Hear the honey gath’rers bee-stung cries

No indolent dreaming dawdler am I, Nor am content, while riches I descry.

Life’s heaving tides of woe shall spare me not, Unless I, its unblocked courses defy

Softly do town girls their faces adorn, But Bedu are from garish colours shorn.

Town beauty is with pampered softness sought, The Bedu are with unsought beauty born.

Grave harm have lovers to themselves done, Loving, ere understanding life begun.

They, with with’ered and wasted souls, After vile, though pretty-faced creatures run.

Beauti’ful women, as experienced men know, Are but darkness wrapped in dazzling light aglow.

A life of friv’lous youth and worried age, Its futile course to futile death will flow

When my hands from brimming cups weakly shook, I awoke, ere sense my wined mind forsook.

Shunning choice wines, as rich as purest gold, I, of spring showers silv’ry draught partook.

Secrets I keep no companion can discern, Nor to it can wine its potent way burn.

Soft women I have for an hour, and then, Deserts I roam, never more to return.

Courage to reason second place must take, For valour should not balanced judgment shake.

But if both in a hard soul united are, Then Glory’s realms their own demesne shall make.

Defiantly live, or in honour die, Midst slashing blades and banners flapping high

Rage is best dispatched by lances’ points, and Spearing spiteful chests shall their spite deny.

Face with cool, carefree calm life’s caretorn climes, As long as your soul with its body chimes.

Your joys of yore have passed beyond recall, And sadness can summon not bygone times.

A charger’s saddle is an exalted throne, The best companions are books alone.

Without hardship everyone would prevail, The generous are poor, and courage kills its own.

One’s ill-conduct brooding mistrust will breed, For dark thoughts on darker suspicions feed.

Sland’ring friends with what foes have slandered one, Thus in black nights of doubt one’s life will lead.

Fie’ry rashness may as valour be seen, And nervous anger may cowardice mean.

Arms are carried by people everywhere, But not all claws are lion’s, nor as keen.

Cowards see vapid impotence as sense, Such is treacherous villainy’s defense.

Each of valour’s divers forms enriches, But valiant wisdom is of worth immense.

Our dead we mourn, though we very well know, That but Vanity they leave ere they go.

Reflection upon life’s hard course shall teach, ‘Tis one to die as be slain by a foe.

Shoreless you would be of you were a sea. If rain, earth unable to contain ye.

Country and people of you I could warn, Of that which only Noah could foresee.

Misfortune’s arrows do upon me rain, Countless arrowheads does my heart sustain.

As more shafts at my studded heart fly, Steel upon Steel shatters the hardy twain.

At times in Bedu tents a home I find, Often, home is atop the camel’s hind,

My body a target for the brigand’s lance, To scorching heat my aching face unbind.

Though a noble lady and highly born, ‘Tis your unfeminine wisdom we mourn.

True spirit is from softer self distilled, As potent wine from sweeter grapes is drawn.


I Love You

Poems with confession of love… What can be more beautiful and desirable in the world than love? After all, this feeling makes you float in the sky and forget about all the earthly problems and worries. But no matter how strong these feelings are, sometimes it is so difficult to express them in words, pick up and say the most necessary and important things. You can find attentively selected poems and originally declare your love for the girl you like.

“Why do I love” You, Sir? by Emily Dickinson

“Why do I love” You, Sir?
Because —
The Wind does not require the Grass
To answer — Wherefore when He pass
She cannot keep Her place.

Because He knows — and
Do not You —
And We know not —
Enough for Us
The Wisdom it be so —

The Lightning — never asked an Eye
Wherefore it shut — when He was by —
Because He knows it cannot speak —
And reasons not contained —
— Of Talk —
There be — preferred by Daintier Folk —

The Sunrise — Sire — compelleth Me —
Because He’s Sunrise — and I see —
Therefore — Then —
I love Thee –


«Alphabet Of Love» by Noha Nader

Again I’m sitting with pen in my hand and paper in front of me,
Breaking all the doors, trying to set my feelings free.
Carefully I’m choosing the words to write.
Don’t want to keep anything inside.
Everything inside me I want to say.
For so long I’ve been trying day after day.
Guessed it’s easy, but it’s not in any way.
How hard I tried to tell you
In every way, but I couldn’t do so.
Just simple words I have to write,
Kinda magical words that’ll make everything right.
Love you deeply from the bottom of my heart.
My life means nothing when we’re apart.
No one but you can make me feel that complete.
Ooh, my love we are meant to be; that’s our fate.
Please stay with me for always and forever.
Quit anything, but leave me never.
Right inside my heart you will always be.
So happy I feel when you are with me.
To you I hope to be always near.
Unique is the way along you I feel.
Very happy, flying without wings.
What a joy to my heart your touch brings.
X-tremly perfect I feel near you.
Yes, my love, that’s what I want you to know.
Zillions of words I have in my heart to say, and all of them are true.


«Annabel Lee» by Edgar Allan Poe

It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of Annabel Lee;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.

I was a child and she was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea;
But we loved with a love that was more than love-
I and my Annabel Lee;
With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven
Coveted her and me.

And this was the reason that, long ago,
In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
My beautiful Annabel Lee;
So that her highborn kinsman came
And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulchre
In this kingdom by the sea.

The angels, not half so happy in heaven,
Went envying her and me-
Yes!- that was the reason (as all men know,
In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of the cloud by night,
Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.

But our love it was stronger by far than the love
Of those who were older than we-
Of many far wiser than we-
And neither the angels in heaven above,
Nor the demons down under the sea,
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.

For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
Of my darling- my darling- my life and my bride,
In the sepulchre there by the sea,
In her tomb by the sounding sea.


«Every Time You Say I Love You» by Shelagh Bullman

Every time you say I love you,
My heartbeat goes insane.
The sensation of your love for me
Is almost like a pain.

And the sparkle in your eyes
Every time we speak,
It sends shivers down my spine
And makes my body weak.

Every time you say I love you,
Your smile lights up my face,
Makes me melt all over,
While my heart begins to race.

And when you kiss me softly,
My lips quiver at the touch.
I am overwhelmed with joy
That you love me very much.

My whole being surrenders
With everything you do,
And all because those precious words
You say …. are …. I LOVE YOU.


«I Do Not Love You» by Pablo Neruda

I Do Not Love You Except Because I Love You by Pablo Neruda
I do not love you except because I love you;
I go from loving to not loving you,
From waiting to not waiting for you
My heart moves from cold to fire.

I love you only because it’s you the one I love;
I hate you deeply, and hating you
Bend to you, and the measure of my changing love for you
Is that I do not see you but love you blindly.

Maybe January light will consume
My heart with its cruel
Ray, stealing my key to true calm.

In this part of the story I am the one who
Dies, the only one, and I will die of love because I love you,
Because I love you, Love, in fire and blood.\


«I Love Thee» by Eliza Acton

I love thee, as I love the calm
Of sweet, star-lighted hours!
I love thee, as I love the balm
Of early jes’mine flow’rs.
I love thee, as I love the last
Rich smile of fading day,
Which lingereth, like the look we cast,
On rapture pass’d away.
I love thee as I love the tone
Of some soft-breathing flute
Whose soul is wak’d for me alone,
When all beside is mute.

I love thee as I love the first
Young violet of the spring;
Or the pale lily, April-nurs’d,
To scented blossoming.
I love thee, as I love the full,
Clear gushings of the song,
Which lonely-sad-and beautiful-
At night-fall floats along,
Pour’d by the bul-bul forth to greet
The hours of rest and dew;
When melody and moonlight meet
To blend their charm, and hue.
I love thee, as the glad bird loves
The freedom of its wing,
On which delightedly it moves
In wildest wandering.

I love thee as I love the swell,
And hush, of some low strain,
Which bringeth, by its gentle spell,
The past to life again.
Such is the feeling which from thee
Nought earthly can allure:
‘Tis ever link’d to all I see
Of gifted-high-and pure!


«I Love You So Much» by Eric D”Amico

Baby, I love you so.
Baby, you are my heart and soul.
I feel I could spread wings and fly
Every time I gaze into your eyes.

Baby, I love you so.
Baby, you are my heart and soul.
I could never ever leave you.
Forever together, our love is true.

Baby, I love you so.
Baby, you are my heart and soul.
Our hearts beat as one
As we gaze in love stronger than the sun.

Baby, I love you so.
Baby, you are my heart and soul.
Our lives have been infinitely entwined.
Our love is truly one of a kind.

Baby, I love you so.
Baby, you are my heart and soul.
Forever together is what we’ll be.
Forever together, Baby, just you and me.


«I love you with my every Breath» by Joseph Plunkett

I love you with my every breath,
I make you songs like thunder birds,
Give you my life—you give me death
And stab me with your dreadful words.

You laid my head against your heart
Last night, my lips upon your breast
And now you say that we must part
For fear your heart should be oppressed:

You cannot go against the world
For my sake only—thus your phrase,
But I—God’s beauty is unfurled
In your gold hair, and in your gaze

The wisdom of God’s bride—each soul
That shares his love, and yours and mine,
Two lovers share your aureole
And one is mortal, one divine:

One came on earth that you might know
His love for you—that you deny,
Now you give me this equal blow:
One died for you, and one will die.


«I Love You» by Dave Lawrie

I never really knew you
you were just another friend
But when I got to know you
I let my heart unbend

I couldn’t help past memories
That would only make me cry
I had to forget my first love
And give another try

So I’ve fallen in love with you
And I’ll never let you go
I love you more than anyone
I just had to let you know

My feelings for you will never change
Just know my feelings are true
Just remember this one thing
I will always love you


«I Love You» by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

I love your lips when they’re wet with wine
And red with a wild desire;
I love your eyes when the lovelight lies
Lit with a passionate fire.
I love your arms when the warm white flesh
Touches mine in a fond embrace;
I love your hair when the strands enmesh
Your kisses against my face.
Not for me the cold calm kiss
Of a virgin’s bloodless love;
Not for me the saint’s white bliss,
Nor the heart of a spotless dove.
But give me the love that so freely gives
And laughs at the whole world’s blame,
With your body so young and warm in my arms,
It sets my poor heart aflame.
So kiss me sweet with your warm wet mouth,
Still fragrant with ruby wine,
And say with a fervor born of the South
That your body and soul are mine.
Clasp me close in your warm young arms,
While the pale stars shine above,
And we’ll live our whole young lives away
In the joys of a living love.


«I Love You» by Sara Teasdale

When April bends above me
And finds me fast asleep,
Dust need not keep the secret
A live heart died to keep.

When April tells the thrushes,
The meadow-larks will know,
And pipe the three words lightly
To all the winds that blow.

Above his roof the swallows,
In notes like far-blown rain,
Will tell the little sparrow
Beside his window-pane.

O sparrow, little sparrow,
When I am fast asleep,
Then tell my love the secret
That I have died to keep.


«I Loved You First: but afterwards your love» by Christina Rossetti

I loved you first: but afterwards your love
Outsoaring mine, sang such a loftier song
As drowned the friendly cooings of my dove.
Which owes the other most? my love was long,
And yours one moment seemed to wax more strong;
I loved and guessed at you, you construed me
And loved me for what might or might not be –
Nay, weights and measures do us both a wrong.
For verily love knows not ‘mine’ or ‘thine;’
With separate ‘I’ and ‘thou’ free love has done,
For one is both and both are one in love:
Rich love knows nought of ‘thine that is not mine;’
Both have the strength and both the length thereof,
Both of us, of the love which makes us one.


«I loved you… » by Alexander Pushkin

I loved you, and I probably still do,
And for a while the feeling may remain…
But let my love no longer trouble you,
I do not wish to cause you any pain.
I loved you; and the hopelessness I knew,
The jealousy, the shyness – though in vain –
Made up a love so tender and so true
As may God grant you to be loved again.


«I want to go with the one I love… » by Bertolt Brecht

I want to go with the one I love.
I do not want to calculate the cost.
I do not want to think about whether it’s good.
I do not want to know whether he loves me.
I want to go with whom I love.


«In Love with You» by Kenneth Koch

O what a physical effect it has on me
To dive forever into the light blue sea
Of your acquaintance! Ah, but dearest friends,
Like forms, are finished, as life has ends! Still,
It is beautiful, when October
Is over, and February is over,
To sit in the starch of my shirt, and to dream of your sweet
Ways! As if the world were a taxi, you enter it, then
Reply (to no one), “Let’s go five or six blocks.”
Isn’t the blue stream that runs past you a translation from the Russian?
Aren’t my eyes bigger than love?
Isn’t this history, and aren’t we a couple of ruins?
Is Carthage Pompeii? is the pillow the bed? is the sun
What glues our heads together? O midnight! O midnight!
Is love what we are,
Or has happiness come to me in a private car
That’s so very small I’m amazed to see it there?


We walk through the park in the sun, and you say, “There’s a spider
Of shadow touching the bench, when morning’s begun.” I love you.
I love you fame I love you raining sun I love you cigarettes I love you love
I love you daggers I love smiles daggers and symbolism.


Inside the symposium of your sweetest look’s
Sunflower awning by the nurse-faced chrysanthemums childhood
Again represents a summer spent sticking knives into porcelain raspberries, when China’s
Still a country! Oh, King Edward abdicated years later, that’s
Exactly when. If you were seventy thousand years old, and I were a pill,
I know I could cure your headache, like playing baseball in drinking-water, as baskets
Of towels sweetly touch the bathroom floor! O benches of nothing
Appear and reappear—electricity! I’d love to be how
You are, as if
The world were new, and the selves were blue
Which we don
Until it’s dawn,
Until evening puts on
The gray hooded selves and the light brown selves of . . .
Water! your tear-colored nail polish
Kisses me! and the lumberyard seems new
As a calm
On the sea, where, like pigeons,
I feel so mutated, sad, so breezed, so revivified, and still so unabdicated—
Not like an edge of land coming over the sea!


«Love After Love» by Derek Walcott

The time will come
when, with elation
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror
and each will smile at the other’s welcome,

and say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was your self.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you

all your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,

the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.


«Love Arm’d» by Aphra Behn

Love in Fantastique Triumph sat,
Whilst bleeding Hearts around him flow’d,
For whom Fresh pains he did create,
And strange Tryanic power he show’d;
From thy Bright Eyes he took his fire,
Which round about, in sport he hurl’d;
But ’twas from mine he took desire,
Enough to undo the Amorous World.
From me he took his sighs and tears,
From thee his Pride and Crueltie;
From me his Languishments and Feares,
And every Killing Dart from thee;
Thus thou and I, the God have arm’d,
And sett him up a Deity;
But my poor Heart alone is harm’d,
Whilst thine the Victor is, and free.


«Love In A Life» by Robert Browning


Room after room,
I hunt the house through
We inhabit together.
Heart, fear nothing, for, heart, thou shalt find her,
Next time, herself!—not the trouble behind her
Left in the curtain, the couch’s perfume!
As she brushed it, the cornice-wreath blossomed anew,—
Yon looking-glass gleamed at the wave of her feather.


Yet the day wears,
And door succeeds door;
I try the fresh fortune—
Range the wide house from the wing to the centre.
Still the same chance! she goes out as I enter.
Spend my whole day in the quest,—who cares?
But ’tis twilight, you see,—with such suites to explore,
Such closets to search, such alcoves to importune!


«Love is more thicker than forget» by E. E. Cummings

love is more thicker than forget
more thinner than recall
more seldom than a wave is wet
more frequent than to fail

it is most mad and moonly
and less it shall unbe
than all the sea which only
is deeper than the sea

love is less always than to win
less never than alive
less bigger than the least begin
less littler than forgive

it is most sane and sunly
and more it cannot die
than all the sky which only
is higher than the sky


«Love Song for Alex» by Margaret Walker

My monkey-wrench man is my sweet patootie;
the lover of my life, my youth and age.
My heart belongs to him and to him only;
the children of my flesh are his and bear his rage
Now grown to years advancing through the dozens
the honeyed kiss, the lips of wine and fire
fade blissfully into the distant years of yonder
but all my days of Happiness and wonder
are cradled in his arms and eyes entire.
They carry us under the waters of the world
out past the starposts of a distant planet
And creeping through the seaweed of the ocean
they tangle us with ropes and yarn of memories
where we have been together, you and I.


«Love’s Trinity» by Alfred Austin

Soul, heart, and body, we thus singly name,
Are not in love divisible and distinct,
But each with each inseparably link’d.
One is not honour, and the other shame,
But burn as closely fused as fuel, heat, and flame.

They do not love who give the body and keep
The heart ungiven; nor they who yield the soul,
And guard the body. Love doth give the whole;
Its range being high as heaven, as ocean deep,
Wide as the realms of air or planet’s curving sweep.


«Meet Me in the Green Glen» by John Clare

Love, meet me in the green glen,
Beside the tall elm-tree,
Where the sweetbriar smells so sweet agen;
There come with me.
Meet me in the green glen.

Meet me at the sunset
Down in the green glen,
Where we’ve often met
By hawthorn-tree and foxes’ den,
Meet me in the green glen.

Meet me in the green glen,
By sweetbriar bushes there;
Meet me by your own sen,
Where the wild thyme blossoms fair.
Meet me in the green glen.

Meet me by the sweetbriar,
By the mole-hill swelling there;
When the west glows like a fire
God’s crimson bed is there.
Meet me in the green glen.


«My Love Is Like to Ice» by Edmund Spenser

My love is like to ice, and I to fire:
How come it then that this her cold is so great
Is not dissolved through my so hot desire,
But harder grows the more I her entreat?
Or how comes it that my exceeding heat
Is not allayed by her heart-frozen cold,
But that I burn much more in boiling sweat,
And feel my flames augmented manifold?
What more miraculous thing may be told,
That fire, which is congealed with senseless cold,
Should kindle fire by wonderful device?
Such is the power of love in gentle mind,
That it can alter all the course of kind.


«My True Love Has My Heart» by Philip Sidney

My true-love hath my heart and I have his,
By just exchange one for the other given;
I hold his dear and mine he cannot miss;
There never was a better bargain driven.
My true-love hath my heart and I have his,

His heart in me keeps him and me in one;
My heart in him his thoughts and senses guides;
He loves my heart for once it was his own,
I cherish his because in me it bides.
My true-love hath my heart and I have his.


«No Matter What» by Angie M Flores

There are times when you will upset me and cause me unwanted anger,
but no matter what, “I will always love you.”

There are cruel words you might say that will cause me hurt and bring me sadness,
but no matter what, “I will always love you.”

There are going to be unwise decisions you make that will disappoint me,
but no matter what, “I will always love you.”

There are actions you might act upon that will cause me to worry about you,
but no matter what, “I will always love you.”

There will be moments where you will make me cry and bring me to tears,
but no matter what, “I will always love you.”

There will be unforgivable mistakes that you bring upon me,
but no matter what, “I will always love you.”

There will be lies told to me in which you test my trust in you,
but no matter what, “I will always love you.”

In life there are struggles, arguments, and challenges we will have to endure,
but no matter what happens, I want you to know that, “I will always love you,” now and forevermore!


«One Day I Wrote Her Name» by Edmund Spenser

One day I wrote her name upon the strand,
But came the waves and washed it away:
Again I wrote it with a second hand,
But came the tide and made my pains his prey.
“Vain man,” said she, “that dost in vain essay
A mortal thing so to immortalize;
For I myself shall like to this decay,
And eke my name be wiped out likewise.”
“Not so,” quoth I; “let baser things devise
To lie in dust, but you shall live by fame;
My verse your virtues rare shall eternize,
And in the heavens write you glorious name:
Where, whenas Death shall all the world subdue,
Our love shall live, and later life renew.”


«One Hundred Love Sonnets» by Pablo Neruda

I don’t love you as if you were a rose of salt, topaz,
or arrow of carnations that propagate fire:
I love you as one loves certain obscure things,
secretly, between the shadow and the soul.

I love you as the plant that doesn’t bloom but carries
the light of those flowers, hidden, within itself,
and thanks to your love the tight aroma that arose
from the earth lives dimly in my body.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where,
I love you directly without problems or pride:
I love you like this because I don’t know any other way to love,
except in this form in which I am not nor are you,
so close that your hand upon my chest is mine,
so close that your eyes close with my dreams.


«So Happy And So Proud» by Scott Sabatini

Thoughts of you surround me.
You’re the beating of my heart.
The love you give defines me.
My life is no longer dark.

You give your hand so sweetly.
I am lost if you’re away.
You have me so completely.
I cherish you night and day.

Without your breath, I cannot live.
I need your lips on mine.
Nothing at all I wouldn’t give.
I’ll take nothing and be fine.

For in your arms I’m always home,
So happy and so proud.
Never a day you’ll feel alone,
And I’ll yell it oh so loud…



«To a Young Lady» by William Cowper

Sweet stream that winds through yonder glade,
Apt emblem of a virtuous maid
Silent and chaste she steals along,
Far from the world’s gay busy throng:
With gentle yet prevailing force,
Intent upon her destined course;
Graceful and useful all she does,
Blessing and blest where’er she goes;
Pure-bosom’d as that watery glass,
And Heaven reflected in her face.


«To You» by Kenneth Koch

I love you as a sheriff searches for a walnut
That will solve a murder case unsolved for years
Because the murderer left it in the snow beside a window
Through which he saw her head, connecting with
Her shoulders by a neck, and laid a red
Roof in her heart. For this we live a thousand years;
For this we love, and we live because we love, we are not
Inside a bottle, thank goodness! I love you as a
Kid searches for a goat; I am crazier than shirttails
In the wind, when you’re near, a wind that blows from
The big blue sea, so shiny so deep and so unlike us;
I think I am bicycling across an Africa of green and white fields
Always, to be near you, even in my heart
When I’m awake, which swims, and also I believe that you
Are trustworthy as the sidewalk which leads me to
The place where I again think of you, a new
Harmony of thoughts! I love you as the sunlight leads the prow
Of a ship which sails
From Hartford to Miami, and I love you
Best at dawn, when even before I am awake the sun
Receives me in the questions which you always pose.


«Togetherness» by Yusef Komunyakaa

Someone says Tristan
& Isolde, the shared cup
& broken vows binding them,
& someone else says Romeo
& Juliet, a lyre & Jew’s harp
sighing a forbidden oath,
but I say a midnight horn
& a voice with a moody angel
inside, the two married rib
to rib, note for note. Of course,
I am thinking of those Tuesdays
or Thursdays at Billy Berg’s
in LA when Lana Turner would say,
“Please sing ‘Strange Fruit’
for me,” & then her dancing
nightlong with Mel Torme,
as if she knew what it took
to make brass & flesh say yes
beneath the clandestine stars
& a spinning that is so fast
we can’t feel the planet moving.
Is this why some of us fall
in & out of love? Did Lady Day
& Prez ever hold each other
& plead to those notorious gods?
I don’t know. But I do know
even if a horn & voice plumb
the unknown, what remains unsaid
coalesces around an old blues
& begs with a hawk’s yellow eyes.


«What Lips My Lips Have Kissed, And Where, And Why » (Sonnet XLIII) by Edna St. Vincent Millay

What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why,
I have forgotten, and what arms have lain
Under my head till morning; but the rain
Is full of ghosts tonight, that tap and sigh
Upon the glass and listen for reply,
And in my heart there stirs a quiet pain
For unremembered lads that not again
Will turn to me at midnight with a cry.
Thus in winter stands the lonely tree,
Nor knows what birds have vanished one by one,
Yet knows its boughs more silent than before:
I cannot say what loves have come and gone,
I only know that summer sang in me
A little while, that in me sings no more.


«When I Love You» by Nizar Qabbani

When I love
I feel that I am the king of time
I possess the earth and everything on it
and ride into the sun upon my horse.

When I love
I become liquid light
invisible to the eye
and the poems in my notebooks
become fields of mimosa and poppy.

When I love
the water gushes from my fingers
grass grows on my tongue
when I love
I become time outside all time.

When I love a woman
all the trees
run barefoot toward me…


«You» By Sabrina

As I lie in my bed,
Your name’s running through my head.
All I can think of is you,
All that you do,
And the way you look at me.
I feel as if I’m in a dream.
The blue sky
Reminds me of your eyes,
Which give me butterflies.
You have brightened my life
With that beautiful smile.
No longer are my days a trial.
Your touch is like heaven
Upon my young skin.
If only you knew
That what I say is true
I would do anything just to be with you.
Hand to hand, palm to palm.
Just hold me in your arms.
I love you with all my heart
‘Till the very day it falls apart.
I may be young,
But my heart is strong.
I know what love is.
It’s my name and his.
You make all the problems float away,
No matter how was my day.
I love our heart-to-heart chats
When our beats connect
And when my head starts to fade back
From when the blue sky
Turns sacred black.


Husband, the beloved man … You will have a long and happy life with this man, you will fall asleep, wake up, and have happy and sad moments together. Beautiful soulmate poems to your husband are a great way to declare your love for your spouse, emphasize his importance and irreplaceability, to express your gratitude and respect once again. Be sure, the dearest man will appreciate such attention from his woman!

«A Husband…» by Sarah Holmes

A husband should be
Loyal and honest
A husband should be
Strong and protective

A husband should be
Loving and romantic
A husband should be
Patient and understanding

A husband should know
When enough is enough
A husband should know
When to fight and when to cry

A husband should know
all your goals and dreams
A husband should know
your strengths and well as your weaknesses

A husband needs to be a true man
A husband needs to love you unconditionally
A husband needs to know your heart is forever his


«A Husband» by Christopher Higginson

I’m looking for a husband, you know the sort of chap
The kind of guy who copes with things and never has a flap
The one who fixes cars and bikes and often mows the lawn
Takes the kids on Sunday hikes while I with hammock yawn

I’m looking for a husband, you know the sort of bloke
Who listens to the things I say and laughs out when I joke
He’ll do the Sunday B B Q and carves the Sunday roast
Then gives me a foot massage, that’s the thing I like the most

I’m looking for a husband dependable and true
Who likes to have discussions but never will argue
Can sit in friendly silence, and never has to babble
Will make and pour the tea for me and lets me win at scrabble

I’m looking for a husband; I know they’re pretty rare
The kind who opens doors for me and lets me have his chair
And earns enough at his travail so we’re debt and mortgage free
But doesn’t put his work ahead of caring about me

The husband I am looking for might seem quite rare to you
And friends have tried to tell me that in number they are few
But I have hope of finding one I hope he will be free
‘Cause I’ve been one for forty years, I want one just like me!


«A Husband’s Love» by Mary Nagy

Once upon a time
when we were young
you caught my eye
like a ball to a glove.
I didn’t know how we’d turn out
but, I knew I had your love.

When we’re together I think of how much I love you.
I love you more than life.
A world we created together
my beautiful wife.

So, when you ask me
how much I love you…………..
I’ve always loved you.
So now you know/

Here’s your poem.
Now leave me alone.


«A Letter To Her Husband» by Anne Bradstreet

Absent upon Public Employment

My head, my heart, mine eyes, my life, nay more,
My joy, my magazine, of earthly store,
If two be one, as surely thou and I,
How stayest thou there, whilst I at Ipswich lie?
So many steps, head from the heart to sever,
If but a neck, soon should we be together.
I, like the Earth this season, mourn in black,
My Sun is gone so far in’s zodiac,
Whom whilst I ‘joyed, nor storms, nor frost I felt,
His warmth such fridged colds did cause to melt.
My chilled limbs now numbed lie forlorn;
Return; return, sweet Sol, from Capricorn;
In this dead time, alas, what can I more
Than view those fruits which through thy heart I bore?
Which sweet contentment yield me for a space,
True living pictures of their father’s face.
O strange effect! now thou art southward gone,
I weary grow the tedious day so long;
But when thou northward to me shalt return,
I wish my Sun may never set, but burn
Within the Cancer of my glowing breast,
The welcome house of him my dearest guest.
Where ever, ever stay, and go not thence,
Till nature’s sad decree shall call thee hence;
Flesh of thy flesh, bone of thy bone,
I here, thou there, yet both but one.


«A Love Letter To Her Husband» by Anne Bradstreet

Phoebus make haste, the day’s too long, begone,
The silent night’s the fittest time for moan;
But stay this once, unto my suit give ear,
And tell my griefs in either Hemisphere:
(And if the whirling of thy wheels do n’t drown’d
The woful accents of my doleful sound),
If in thy swift career thou canst make stay,
I crave this boon, this errand by the way:
Commend me to the man more lov’d than life,
Show him the sorrows of his widow’d wife,
My dumpish thoughts, my groans, my brackish tears,
My sobs, my longing hopes, my doubting fears,
And, if he love, how can he there abide?
My interest’s more than all the world beside.
He that can tell the stars or Ocean sand,
Or all the grass that in the meads do stand,
The leaves in th’ woods, the hail or drops of rain,
Or in a cornfield number every grain,
Or every mote that in the sunshine hops,
May court my sighs and number all my drops.
Tell him, the countless steps that thou dost trace,
That once a day thy spouse thou mayst embrace;
And when thou canst not treat by loving mouth,
Thy rays afar, salute her from the south.
But for one month I see no day (poor soul)
Like those far situate under the pole,
Which day by day long wait for thy arise,
O how they joy when thou dost light the skies.
O Phoebus, hadst thou but thus long from thine
Restrain’d the beams of thy beloved shine,
At thy return, if so thou couldst or durst,
Behold a Chaos blacker than the first.
Tell him here’s worse than a confused matter,
His little world’s a fathom under water,
Naught but the fervor of his ardent beams
Hath power to dry the torrent of these streams.
Tell him I would say more, but cannot well,
Opressed minds abrupted tales do tell.
Now post with double speed, mark what I say,
By all our loves conjure him not to stay.


«A Memory» by Angela Cirocco

I place a snowball Chrysanthemum
in a clear vase, pour water-

I stand back and remember
a star studded night.
Kids asleep, my husband and I
sneak out at 2:00 a.m.

A huge drop cloth of snow sifting
through angels’ fingers drift,
flouring snow over
hedges, telephone poles,
pitched roofs of Victorian houses.
A city glistened in white excitement.
We laugh and
throw snowballs.

Kids again
snow sneaks in gloves,
bites you cold,
and scarves’ fringes dangle ice.
Time to come in,
peek at the kids,
and warm each other.


«A Wife Bemoans Her Husband’s Absence» by Confucius

So full am I of anxious thought,
Though all the morn king-grass I’ve sought,
To fill my arms I fail.
Like wisp all-tangled is my hair!
To wash it let me home repair.
My lord soon may I hail!

Though ‘mong the indigo I’ve wrought
The morning long; through anxious thought
My skirt’s filled but in part.
Within five days he was to appear;
The sixth has come and he’s not here.
Oh! how this racks my heart!

When here we dwelt in union sweet,
If the hunt called his eager feet,
His bow I cased for him.
Or if to fish he went away,
And would be absent all the day,
His line I put in trim.

What in his angling did he catch?
Well worth the time it was to watch
How bream and tench he took.
Men thronged upon the banks and gazed;
At bream and tench they looked amazed,
The triumphs of his hook.


«A Wife Consoled By Her Husband’s Arrival» by Confucius

Cold is the wind, fast falls the rain,
The cock aye shrilly crows.
But I have seen my lord again;–
Now must my heart repose.

Whistles the wind, patters the rain,
The cock’s crow far resounds.
But I have seen my lord again,
And healed are my heart’s wounds.

All’s dark amid the wind and rain,
Ceaseless the cock’s clear voice!
But I have seen my lord again;–
Should not my heart rejoice?


«A Wife Deplores The Absence Of Her Husband» by Confucius

Away the startled pheasant flies,
With lazy movement of his wings.
Borne was my heart’s lord from my eyes;–
What pain the separation brings!

The pheasant, though no more in view,
His cry, below, above, forth sends.
Alas! my princely lord, ’tis you–
Your absence, that my bosom rends.

At sun and moon I sit and gaze,
In converse with my troubled heart.
Far, far from me my husband stays!
When will he come to heal its smart?

Ye princely men who with him mate,
Say, mark ye not his virtuous way.
His rule is–covet nought, none hate;–
How can his steps from goodness stray?


«A Wife Mourns For Her Husband» by Confucius

The dolichos grows and covers the thorn,
O’er the waste is the dragon-plant creeping.
The man of my heart is away and I mourn–
What home have I, lonely and weeping?

Covering the jujubes the dolichos grows,
The graves many dragon-plants cover;
But where is the man on whose breast I’d repose?
No home have I, having no lover!

Fair to see was the pillow of horn,
And fair the bed-chamber’s adorning;
But the man of my heart is not here, and I mourn
All alone, and wait for the morning.

While the long days of summer pass over my head,
And long winter nights leave their traces,
I’m alone! Till a hundred of years shall have fled,
And then I shall meet his embraces.

Through the long winter nights I am burdened with fears,
Through the long summer days I am lonely;
But when time shall have counted its hundreds of years
I then shall be his–and his only!


«A Wife Urging Her Husband To Action» by Confucius

His lady to the marquis says,
‘The cock has crowed; ’tis late.
Get up, my lord, and haste to court.
‘Tis full; for you they wait.’
She did not hear the cock’s shrill sound,
Only the blueflies buzzing round.

Again she wakes him with the words,
‘The east, my lord, is bright.
A crowded court your presence seeks;
Get up and hail the light.’
‘Twas not the dawning light which shone,
But that which by the moon was thrown.

He sleeping still, once more she says,
‘The flies are buzzing loud.
To lie and dream here by your side
Were pleasant, but the crowd
Of officers will soon retire;
Draw not on you and me their ire!’


«A Wife’s Desire» by Marybeth Rausch

I want to be your motivation, inspiration, and everything in between.
I want to be the reason for your smile, the one who turns your frown upside down.
I want to be the one you look up to and admire and the one you desire.
The voice in your heart, not your ear, telling you everything that you need, not want to hear.
I want to mean enough to you to be your solution to all life’s ups and downs.
I want you to need me every morning when you wake up, during the day when you have had enough.
I want to feel your excitement to kiss me good night after your day has been so rough.
I need and want all these things from you because you’re the only one who gets me through.
I love you more and more each day, it’s true.
You have blessed me with a beautiful life, made together by both of us.
I need all these things from you because my most treasured title is your wife.


«A Wife’s Grief Because Of Her Husband’s Absence» by Confucius

The falcon swiftly seeks the north,
And forest gloom that sent it forth.
Since I no more my husband see,
My heart from grief is never free.
O how is it, I long to know,
That he, my lord, forgets me so?

Bushy oaks on the mountain grow,
And six elms where the ground is low.
But I, my husband seen no more,
My sad and joyless fate deplore.
O how is it, I long to know,
That he, my lord, forgets me so?

The hills the bushy wild plums show,
And pear-trees grace the ground below.
But, with my husband from me gone,
As drunk with grief, I dwell alone.
O how is it, I long to know,
That he, my lord, forgets me so?


«An Epitaph Upon Husband And Wife» by Richard Crashaw

TO these whom death again did wed
This grave ‘s the second marriage-bed.
For though the hand of Fate could force
‘Twixt soul and body a divorce,
It could not sever man and wife,
Because they both lived but one life.
Peace, good reader, do not weep;
Peace, the lovers are asleep.
They, sweet turtles, folded lie
In the last knot that love could tie.
Let them sleep, let them sleep on,
Till the stormy night be gone,
And the eternal morrow dawn;
Then the curtains will be drawn,
And they wake into a light
Whose day shall never die in night.


«An Ol’ Cowboy» by Lovie M. Haskell

His boots may be dusty
From sitting by the door,
And his saddle a little weathered;
It doesn’t get oiled anymore.

His hat has become misshapen
From hanging on the wall,
And his lariat is a little stiff;
It isn’t used much at all.

His hair has started graying
From “experience” he has said,
And his body a little sorer;
It’s the COWBOY life he’s led.

His words may seem harsh
From the truth that he speaks,
And his morals a little different;
It’s a promise to himself that he keeps.

His heart a bit more cautious
From the hurt its felt and more.
And his love, if you should earn it. . .
It’s a little better than any love
You have known before.


«Any Wife To Any Husband» by Robert Browning

My love, this is the bitterest, that thou—
Who art all truth, and who dost love me now
As thine eyes say, as thy voice breaks to say—
Shouldst love so truly, and couldst love me still
A whole long life through, had but love its will,
Would death that leads me from thee brook delay.


I have but to be by thee, and thy hand
Will never let mine go, nor heart withstand
The beating of my heart to reach its place.
When shall I look for thee and feel thee gone?
When cry for the old comfort and find none?
Never, I know! Thy soul is in thy face.


Oh, I should fade—’tis willed so! Might I save,
Gladly I would, whatever beauty gave
Joy to thy sense, for that was precious too.
It is not to be granted. But the soul
Whence the love comes, all ravage leaves that whole;
Vainly the flesh fades; soul makes all things new.


It would not be because my eye grew dim
Thou couldst not find the love there, thanks to Him
Who never is dishonoured in the spark
He gave us from his fire of fires, and bade
Remember whence it sprang, nor be afraid
While that burns on, though all the rest grow dark.


So, how thou wouldst be perfect, white and clean
Outside as inside, soul and soul’s demesne
Alike, this body given to show it by!
Oh, three-parts through the worst of life’s abyss,
What plaudits from the next world after this,
Couldst thou repeat a stroke and gain the sky!


And is it not the bitterer to think
That, disengage our hands and thou wilt sink
Although thy love was love in very deed?
I know that nature! Pass a festive day,
Thou dost not throw its relic-flower away
Nor bid its music’s loitering echo speed.


Thou let’st the stranger’s glove lie where it fell;
If old things remain old things all is well,
For thou art grateful as becomes man best
And hadst thou only heard me play one tune,
Or viewed me from a window, not so soon
With thee would such things fade as with the rest.


I seem to see! We meet and part; ’tis brief;
The book I opened keeps a folded leaf,
The very chair I sat on, breaks the rank
That is a portrait of me on the wall—
Three lines, my face comes at so slight a call:
And for all this, one little hour to thank!


But now, because the hour through years was fixed,
Because our inmost beings met and mixed,
Because thou once hast loved me—wilt thou dare
Say to thy soul and Who may list beside,
“Therefore she is immortally my bride;
“Chance cannot change my love, nor time impair.


“So, what if in the dusk of life that’s left,
“I, a tired traveller of my sun bereft,
Look from my path when, mimicking the same,
“The fire-fly glimpses past me, come and gone?
“—Where was it till the sunset? where anon
“It will be at the sunrise! What’s to blame?”


Is it so helpful to thee? Canst thou take
The mimic up, nor, for the true thing’s sake,
Put gently by such efforts at a beam?
Is the remainder of the way so long,
Thou need’st the little solace, thou the strong
Watch out thy watch, let weak ones doze and dream!


—Ah, but the fresher faces! “Is it true,”
Thou’lt ask, “some eyes are beautiful and new?
“Some hair,—how can one choose but grasp such wealth?
“And if a man would press his lips to lips
“Fresh as the wilding hedge-rose-cup there slips
“The dew-drop out of, must it be by stealth?


“It cannot change the love still kept for Her,
“More than if such a picture I prefer
“Passing a day with, to a room’s bare side:
The painted form takes nothing she possessed,
Yet, while the Titian’s Venus lies at rest,
A man looks. Once more, what is there to chide?”


So must I see, from where I sit and watch,
My own self sell myself, my hand attach
Its warrant to the very thefts from me—
Thy singleness of soul that made me proud,
Thy purity of heart I loved aloud,
Thy man’s-truth I was bold to bid God see!


Love so, then, if thou wilt! Give all thou canst
Away to the new faces—disentranced,
(Say it and think it) obdurate no more:
Re-issue looks and words from the old mint,
Pass them afresh, no matter whose the print
Image and superscription once they bore


Re-coin thyself and give it them to spend,—
It all comes to the same thing at the end,
Since mine thou wast, mine art and mine shalt be,
Faithful or faithless, scaling up the sum
Or lavish of my treasure, thou must come
Back to the heart’s place here I keep for thee!


Only, why should it be with stain at all?
Why must I, ‘twixt the leaves of coronal,
Put any kiss of pardon on thy brow?
Why need the other women know so much,
And talk together, “Such the look and such
“The smile he used to love with, then as now!”


Might I die last and show thee! Should I find
Such hardship in the few years left behind,
If free to take and light my lamp, and go
Into thy tomb, and shut the door and sit,
Seeing thy face on those four sides of it
The better that they are so blank, I know!


Why, time was what I wanted, to turn o’er
Within my mind each look, get more and more
By heart each word, too much to learn at first;
And join thee all the fitter for the pause
‘Neath the low doorway’s lintel. That were cause
For lingering, though thou calledst, if I durst!


And yet thou art the nobler of us two
What dare I dream of, that thou canst not do,
Outstripping my ten small steps with one stride?
I’ll say then, here’s a trial and a task—
Is it to bear?—if easy, I’ll not ask:
Though love fail, I can trust on in thy pride.


Pride?—when those eyes forestall the life behind
The death I have to go through!—when I find,
Now that I want thy help most, all of thee!
What did I fear? Thy love shall hold me fast
Until the little minute’s sleep is past
And I wake saved.—And yet it will not be!


«Are You A Good Husband?» by Julius Babarinsa

All married men want to be called a good husband
A good husband is a decent husband
Mr. Husband what you done to deserve this decency?
Has your wife ever referred to you as her good husband?
It is known that the eyes cannot see itself
Unless by reflection. Have you ever asked
Your wife for a performance appraisal
Honey, how did I perform last year?
On a scale of one to ten, one for very poor
Ten for excellent, how did I perform?
Your wife may think you are now on new drugs
If you receive less than six, you need to
Start fence mending before it is too late
A good husband sees his wife as his friend
A nice husband treats his wife as his lover
A decent husband regards his wife as a soul-mate
You should anticipate what your wife
Will need before she makes any request
By the way, have you ever bought a gift
For your wife without an occasion?
Do you have to wait for her birthday?
To inform her that she is very special to you?
Do you have to wait for your wedding anniversary?
To tell her that she is the best thing in your life
When last did you talk to your wife in-laws?
When last did you visit your wife in-laws?
What have you done to be called a good husband?
Ask for performance appraisal on a regular basis
Remember, if you make your wife happy
You will get happiness in return


«Battered Husband» by Antonio Liao

battered husbands too exist
a wife kicking his strong feet
slapping his rugged jaw
insulting him in front of his
friends and shouting at
him while talking breakfast

she collars him and spits
on him, his decency trampled
like a rug at the door
where she cleans her feet
from all dirt where she
stamps on his privacy

i see him smile through
all these, as though nothing
really matters, nothing
to mind nothing to be
taken seriously

she was once beautiful
a face he always adore

something wrong went
she went wild in the
desert of her longings
she fell on the deep abyss
of her mind
she lost her senses
on some unacceptable
she cries in the wilderness
as though her soul
is taken somewhere else

and here he is
this battered husband
watching him with so
much understanding

her doctor will be coming
again today
for her injections


«Contentment» by Sherri Wipperman

Since the day I met you I have found
This feeling that abides within.
A constant that inhabits my heart,
A knowing that lingers,
A sense that has been.

When I awake, it rises with me like the sun.
When I lie down, it embraces me like a blanket of warmth.
When I am emotionally entangled, it centers my core.
When I am soaring above the clouds, it is my wind.
A constant, a knowing,
I reside upon this hearth.

So you ask, “My love, what can this be…”
“What is this knowing that has so captured thee?”
Indeed, my response would be to you alone.
None other would hear these words that I have now sown…

Gratification of perfected contentment would be my simple reply.
It is a peace that surpasses the security of a fortress,
A knowing that your heart is true to me alone,
A glance at us in the distance that tells me our love shall overcome.

This is our destiny, our belonging, our fulfillment is to be One.
For I know that you love me, and that our love is true,
That no matter the chaos, the excitement, or the fears
I know you love me as deeply as I love you.

That knowing grounds me and stabilizes the forces within
so that the winds of change, demands, and the external climate are quieted
And all I hear whispering gently, yet ever so softly is the knowing,
The comfort that you will always be near…

This, my love, is what I know.


«Epilogue To The Husband His Own Cuckold» by John Dryden

Like some raw sophister that mounts the pulpit,
So trembles a young poet at a full pit.
Unused to crowds, the parson quakes for fear,
And wonders how the devil he durst come there;
Wanting three talents needful for the place,
Some beard, some learning, and some little grace.
Nor is the puny poet void of care;
For authors, such as our new authors are,
Have not much learning, nor much wit to spare;
And as for grace, to tell the truth, there’s scarce one,
But has as little as the very parson:
Both say, they preach and write for your instruction;
But ’tis for a third day, and for induction.
The difference is, that though you like the play,
The poet’s gain is ne’er beyond his day;
But with the parson ’tis another case,
He, without holiness, may rise to grace;
The poet has one disadvantage more,
That if his play be dull, he’s damned all o’er,
Not only a damn’d blockhead, but damn’d poor.
But dulness well becomes the sable garment;
I warrant that ne’er spoiled a priest’s preferment;
Wit’s not his business, and as wit now goes,
Sirs, ’tis not so much yours as you suppose,
For you like nothing now but nauseous beaux.
You laugh not, gallants, as by proof appears,
At what his beauship says, but what he wears;
So ’tis your eyes are tickled, not your ears.
The tailor and the furrier find the stuff,
The wit lies in the dress, and monstrous muff.
The truth on ‘t is, the payment of the pit
Is like for like, clipt money for clipt wit.
You cannot from our absent author hope,
He should equip the stage with such a fop.
Fools change in England, and new fools arise;
For, though the immortal species never dies,
Yet every year new maggots make new flies.
But where he lives abroad, he scarce can find
One fool, for million that he left behind.


«Epistle From Mrs. Yonge To Her Husband» by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu

Think not this paper comes with vain pretense
To move your pity, or to mourn th’offense.
Too well I know that hard obdurate heart;
No softening mercy there will take my part,
Nor can a woman’s arguments prevail,
When even your patron’s wise example fails.
But this last privilege I still retain;
Th’oppressed and injured always may complain.
Too, too severely laws of honor bind
The weak submissive sex of womankind.
If sighs have gained or force compelled our hand,
Deceived by art, or urged by stern command,
Whatever motive binds the fatal tie,
The judging world expects our constancy.
Just heaven! (for sure in heaven does justice reign,
Though tricks below that sacred name profane)
To you appealing I submit my cause,
Nor fear a judgment from impartial laws.
All bargains but conditional are made;
The purchase void, the creditor unpaid;
Defrauded servants are from service free;
A wounded slave regains his liberty.
For wives ill used no remedy remains,
To daily racks condemned, and to eternal chains.
From whence is this unjust distinction grown?
Are we not formed with passions like your own?
Nature with equal fire our souls endued,
Our minds as haughty, and as warm our blood;
O’er the wide world your pleasures you pursue,
The change is justified by something new;
But we must sigh in silence — and be true.
Our sex’s weakness you expose and blame
(Of every prattling fop the common theme).
Yet from this weakness you suppose is due
Sublimer virtue than your Cato knew.
Had heaven designed us trials so severe,
It would have formed our tempers then to bear.
And I have borne (oh what have I not borne!)
The pang of jealousy, the insults of scorn.
Wearied at length, I from your sight remove,
And place my future hopes in secret love.
In the gay bloom of glowing youth retired,
I quit the woman’s joy to be admired,
With that small pension your hard heart allows,
Renounce your fortune, and release your vows.
To custom (though unjust) so much is due;
I hide my frailty from the public view.
My conscience clear, yet sensible of shame,
My life I hazard, to preserve my fame.
And I prefer this low inglorious state
To vile dependence on the thing I hate —
But you pursue me to this last retreat.
Dragged into light, my tender crime is shown
And every circumstance of fondness known.
Beneath the shelter of the law you stand,
And urge my ruin with a cruel hand,
While to my fault thus rigidly severe,
Tamely submissive to the man you fear.
This wretched outcast, this abandoned wife,
Has yet this joy to sweeten shameful life:
By your mean conduct, infamously loose,
You are at once my accuser and excuse.
Let me be damned by the censorious prude
(stupidly dull, or spiritually lewd),
My hapless case will surely pity find
From every just and reasonable mind.
When to the final sentence I submit,
The lips condemn me, but their souls acquit.
No more my husband, to your pleasures go,
The sweets of your recovered freedom know.
Go: court the brittle friendship of the great,
Smile at his board, or at his levee wait;
And when dismissed, to madam’s toilet fly,
More than her chambermaids, or glasses, lie,
Tell her how young she looks, how heavenly fair,
Admire the lilies and the roses there.
Your high ambition may be gratified,
Some cousin of her own be made your bride,
And you the father of a glorious race
Endowed with Ch——l’s strength and Low—r’s face.


«For My Husband» by Erica Jong

You sleep in the darkness,
you with the back I love
& the gift of sleeping
through my noisy nights of poetry.

I have taken other men into my thoughts
since I met you.
I have loved parts of them.
But only you sleep on through the darkness
like a mountain where my house is planted,
like a rock on which my temple stands,
like a great dictionary holding every word-
even some
I have never spoken.

You breathe.
The pages of your dreams are riffled
by the winds of my writing.
The pillow creases your cheek
as I cover pages.

Element in which I swim
or fly,
silent muse, backbone, companion-
it is unfashionable
to confess to marriage-
yet I feel no bondage
in this air we share.


«For My Husband» by Lisa

You are my first thought in the morning,
My last thought at night.
For you, I have always been longing.
You bring me so much delight.
You have changed my life so much.
You have a special kiss
And a special touch.
Forever we will be like this.
We met over 8 years ago,
A brilliant 8 years it has been.
Oh…where does the time go?
There was such a big space in between,
But we came through it.
Although it always seemed mean,
It was well worth it.
Being able to get a cuddle from you
Makes me so happy and feel wanted.
Everything you do,
Some I may take for granted,
But nothing can be stronger than my love for you.
What we have is bliss.
Even though we have ups and downs,
Nothing can come between this.
We have our smiles and our frowns,
But when we kiss and cuddle
All the frowns seem to drown.


«For The Restoration Of My Dear Husband» From A Burning Ague, June, 1661 by Anne Bradstreet

When feares and sorrowes me besett,
Then did’st thou rid me out;
When heart did faint and spirits quail,
Thou comforts me about.
Thou rais’st him vp I feard to loose,
Regau’st me him again:
Distempers thou didst chase away;
With strenght didst him sustain.
My thankfull heart, with Pen record
The Goodnes of thy God;
Let thy obedience testefye
He taught thee by his rod.
And with his staffe did thee support,
That thou by both may’st learn;
And ‘twixt the good and evill way,
At last, thou mig’st discern.
Praises to him who hath not left
My Soul as destitute;
Nor turnd his ear away from me,
But graunted hath my Suit.


«Her Late Husband» by Thomas Hardy

“No–not where I shall make my own;
   But dig his grave just by
The woman’s with the initialed stone –
   As near as he can lie –
After whose death he seemed to ail,
   Though none considered why.

“And when I also claim a nook,
   And your feet tread me in,
Bestow me, under my old name,
   Among my kith and kin,
That strangers gazing may not dream
   I did a husband win.”

“Widow, your wish shall be obeyed;
   Though, thought I, certainly
You’d lay him where your folk are laid,
   And your grave, too, will be,
As custom hath it; you to right,
   And on the left hand he.”

“Aye, sexton; such the Hintock rule,
   And none has said it nay;
But now it haps a native here
   Eschews that ancient way . . .
And it may be, some Christmas night,
   When angels walk, they’ll say:

“‘O strange interment! Civilized lands
   Afford few types thereof;
Here is a man who takes his rest
   Beside his very Love,
Beside the one who was his wife
   In our sight up above!’


«Husband And… » by Hasmukh Amathalal

Husband and wife

Wives are considered as an obedient
They live happily and serve at present
The husband and children are taken care of
Despite you dig at her and make laugh

Generally husbands are blamed
For taking views one sided
Go to her only for sexual abuse
Give all what is needed to defuse the tension

She has lot more things to take into account
The pressure is on to mount
She hides pain from mere devotional point
“Ideal wife” as she prefers to be painted

Children may stay inclined
Husbands too very heavily fined
For not caring ailing partner
This is really bad factor

Let us be reasonable
Some of the accusation invite troubles
As husband has to earn and maintain
Despite taking heavy economic burden


«Husband I Miss You» by Aish The Inkygirl

Since you’ve been away,
i feel an empty space that can never be replaced.

Everyday i have to feel these tears roll down my face,
because of all the memories i just cant erase.

Hubby i just need to have you home.
It hurts me too much when i hear your voice over a phone.
2 weeks jared? that is way too long.

By then im sure my mind will be gone, but for you mi amor,
i will stay strong, i will hold on.
I feel so lost without you.

Move on & live my life? i don’t want to.
To be honest that is something my heart wont let me do.
No matter how many timez i try.
My love is to strong to be with you.
You’re the one & only man for me.

I truely believe we were meant to be.
Every day that i live without you i feel my heart breaking.
With every breath im taking,
every move im making & every smile im faking.

I’ll be right here…


«I Have Spent A Lifetime» by Najoya Stewart-Leslie

I have spent a lifetime loving you
the way you smile
the way you talk
the way you walk
the way you are
I have spent a lifetime loving you
through the years and the changes
through the ups and through the downs
our souls have mated
from childhood until now
this place in time
our paths intertwined
our destinies forever crossed
I have spent a lifetime loving you


«If I Forget To Tell You» by Jac Judy A. Campbell

If I forget to tell you, I had a wonderful time
For all the todays and tomorrows
And for the years we left behind.
If I forget to tell you, I love your calm
And gentle ways and how you never
Lose your cool, even on our troubled days.
And you tell me that you care for me more
Than you can ever say, and you love me more
Than anyone can on any given day.
And what about the silly things we laugh at
In the night, and how you always try your best
To make things work out right.
And you give me all I ever need, and you give
Me so much more, especially love from inside
Your heart that I fondly hold in store.
You shower me with treasures, the ones that
Money can’t buy, and there are many times
You’ve protected me while walking by my side.
And how about the memories through these
Years we’ve shared and the blessings you bestow
Upon me; nothing can compare.
So to you these words I’ve written from my heart
Are true; someday I’ll write a few more lines and
Add a page or two
Just in case I forget to tell you.


«In My Solitary Hours In My Dear Husband His Absence» by Anne Bradstreet

O Lord, Thou hear’st my daily moan
And see’st my dropping tears.
My troubles all are Thee before,
My longings and my fears.

Thou hitherto hast been my God;
Thy help my soul hath found.
Though loss and sickness me assailed,
Through Thee I’ve kept my ground.

And Thy abode Thou’st made with me;
With Thee my soul can talk;
In secret places Thee I find
Where I do kneel or walk.

Though husband dear be from me gone,
Whom I do love so well,
I have a more beloved one
Whose comforts far excel.

O stay my heart on Thee. my God,
Uphold my fainting soul.
And when I know not what to do,
I’ll on Thy mercies roll.

My weakness. Thou dost know full well
Of body and of mind;
I in this world no comfort have,
But what from Thee I find.

Though children Thou has given me,
And friends I have also,
Yet if I see Thee not through them
They are no joy, but woe.

O shine upon me, blessed Lord,
Ev’n for my Saviour’s sake;
In Thee alone is more than all,
And there content I’ll take.

O hear me, Lord, in this request
As Thou before hast done,
Bring back my husband, I beseech,
As Thou didst once my son.

So shall I celebrate Thy praise
Ev’n while my days shall last
And talk to my beloved one
Of all Thy goodness past.

So both of us Thy kindness, Lord,
With praises shall recount
And serve Thee better than before
Whose blessings thus surmount.

But give me, Lord, a better heart,
Then better shall I be,
To pay the vows which I do owe
Forever unto Thee.

Unless Thou help, what can I do
But still my frailty show?
If Thou assist me, Lord,
I shall Return Thee what I owe.


«Love Is Patient» by Haileigh B. Johnston

You tell me every day
How much I mean to you.
Now it’s time for me to say
What I know is absolutely true.

I know how much you love me
And just how much you care.
You don’t always have to say it
Because you do just by being there.

I know you really worry
Every time my mood seems to change.
I want you and only you,
No matter how often I act strange.

I may not have life figured out,
But trust me, that’s okay.
Because with you, no matter what,
I have the strength to make it through each day.

You love me on my bad days
More than you do the good ones.
You love me more when you’ve had enough
And think that you should run.

You always know when to hold me down
But never hold me back.
I know I fail at tasks a lot,
But you always pick up the slack.

Don’t ever doubt yourself
On if what you’re doing is right.
Just know that I am so thankful
To have a man like you in my life.

I know I’m not always the best
When it comes to getting things done,
But that is why I have you
And how I know you are the one.


«Man Of The Year» by Aimee Rice

You’ve been in our lives for so many seasons
I’m pouring my heart out for that very reason
I’ve given you life, my husband and friend
Our love affair shall never end
And though our love has been through the fire
You and only you are my true heart’s desire
I pray for the man that is paving the way
For our children each and every day
A man who is…
A man who’s…
It’s no wonder why God’s on your side
He gave you the strength to father a child
And even when we don’t know what to say
Your wisdom consistently saves the day
I opened my heart to you, simply to say…


«My Blessing In Life» by Jessica L. Newsome

Every morning I wake up and see
The most handsome man lying next to me.
He’s the one I cherish and love,
A blessing sent from Heaven above.
I will love him as a faithful wife should
And do everything for him I could.
I would let him know every day
That I love him more than words can say.
For the two children we have together
And the love for God in each other,
It will keep our love for each other strong,
And the Lord will guide us away from all wrong.


«My Covering» by Wanda J. Mobley

I know what it feels like to wait on a breakthrough,
Meanwhile trusting God to see us through!
I know what it feels like to hold your hand
On bended knees, seeking the Father’s plan.
I know what it feels like to cry all night long
Just to be reminded by you in the morning light
That Jesus is our new song…
I know what it feels like to almost lose hope,
But having you in my life strengthens my rope…
Thank you for being a compassionate guide,
Assisting in my footsteps
And believing in what God has provided.
You are more than a friend, husband, or lover.
You are my protector, my provider.
You are my cover!
Because of you,
I know what it feels like to be loved


«My Husband, My Soldier, My Hero, My Friend» by Courtney Lane

When its late at night
And I am all alone
I look up at the sky
And remember you are gone

Gone from this place
Where I am at now
Gone to a place
That I disavow

It’s hot and sandy
I never want to go
It’s far and distant
I will never fully know

When I get a call
Few and far between
You have to watch what you say
For reasons left unseen

I don’t know what you’re doing
Or where you are at.
I don’t know who your with
Are you somewhere in combat?

I want you here with me
I want you by my side
I want you for my self
This feeling I will not hide

There is so much you are missing
With our little girl
You’ve never even seen
Her cute little curl

Somewhere in Iraq
Fighting in their war
Is my loving husband
Of whom I most adore

Months go by
Time fades away
My love grows stronger
Each and everyday

My husband, my soldier
My hero, my friend
I love you right now
I love you till the end

Before we even know it
You will be home
In this place together
We will forever roam

My husband, my soldier
My hero, my friend
You and me together
Our love will transcend


«My Husband» by Aish The Inkygirl

Amongst the stars that are in the sky
You are the most shining and brightest
Along the long, task road of life
You have been at my side
You have wiped out my tears
All through the years
But Oh..! My dear
I have done nothing for you
I have always tried my best
To make fights with you
But I know my dear
Like stars studded in the sky
Your heart is vast and wide
And hence I will always LOVE YOU….!


«My Husband» by Anju Addanki

Husband is someone;
You spend most of your life with.
And with him;
You are for years.

My life has become strong;
For my husband is not wrong.
My life has become independent;
For my husband never let me dependent.
My life has become pure;
For my husband had every cure.
My life has become romantic;
For my husband is very aromatic.
My life had a new beginning;
For my husband was nearing.

And the most valuable gift-
My husband has given me;
Are my 2 wonderful and the best kids-
And I thank God,
For the wonderful family he has given me.


«My Husband» by Erica Francis

It is true:
My husband
has never
taken out
the garbage
from our little house
in the suburbs.

My husband
has never
taken our children
out for the night
to trick-or-treating
as I sit
on the porch in a witch hat.

My husband
has never
come home from
a long day
to a special meal
I have prepared
just for him.

My husband
has never
told me he loves me
beside a warm fire
on our honeymoon.

But he will.


«My One And Only Love» by Antoinette McDonald

The sound of YOUR voice is like…
A whisper to my ears,
Pure and pleasant to hear!
The sparkle of YOUR eyes…
Are as glitter
Enlightening me – showing me
The smell of YOUR body…
Excites and makes me hunger and
Thirst for thee!
YOUR lips…
Taste as sweet as honey,
Touching my very soul!
YOUR touch…
Hot as a burning flame,
Seeking to devour me!


«My Wife’s Second Husband» by Henry Lawson

THE WORLD goes round, old fellow,
And still I’m in the swim,
While my wife’s second husband
Is growing old and grim.
I meet him in the city—
It all seems very tame—
He glances at me sometimes
As if I were to blame.

Oh, my wife’s second husband
Was handsome, young and true;
He had his boyish visions
(I had my visions too).
He made a model lover—
The greenest in the game—
They say, when I was married
That I was just the same.

Though I am ten years older
My hair is dark to-day,
While my wife’s second husband
Is quickly growing grey.
I drank when first he knew me,
And he drank not at all;
I see that he, through drinking,
Is going to the wall.

A sweet ill-treated woman,
A drunken brute (Good Lord!)—
Ah, well, she got her freedom,
And he got his reward.
He’ll fight it out a season,
For Fate will not be forced,
But my wife’s second husband
Shall surely be divorced.

I sympathize, and wonder
What mutual friends would think
If my wife’s second husband
And I should have a drink.
And I a mere bystander—
It almost seems absurd—
Might lay prophetically
My hand on my wife’s third.

But my wife’s second husband
His sorrows shall forget,
We’ll clasp warm hands in friendship
And clink our glasses yet.
We’ll smoke cigars together,
In pure philosophy,
While calmly contemplating
The fate of number three.


«On Sharing A Husband» by Ho Xuan Huong

Screw the fate that makes you share a man.
One cuddles under cotton blankets; the other’s cold.

Every now and then, well, maybe or maybe not,
once or twice a month, oh, it’s like nothing.

You try to stick to it like a fly on rice
but the rice is rotten. You slave like the maid,

but without pay. If I had known how it would go
I think I would have lived alone.


«Our Romance» by Susan L. Malone

Twas the night before Sunday
When all through the bar
Texans were dancing
Beneath the Lone Star

When what to my wandering eyes should appear
A handsome young Texan
Buying a beer

Our love story started
Right there, right then
Joy Unexplainable
Least not by pen

If I had your attention
For a lifetime or so
I could tell you about the man
I’ve come to know

He is the best husband
Now the best dad
I am living the life
I wish all could have

Years later
We stroll hand in hand
Thanking the Lord
For His Perfect Plan


«Prologue To Steele’s Tender Husband» by Joseph Addison

In the first rise and infancy of farce,
When fools were many, and when plays were scarce
The raw unpractis’d authors could, with ease,
A young and unexperienc’d audience please:
No single character had e’er been shown,
But the whole herd of fops was all their own;
Rich in originals, they set to view,
In every piece, a coxcomb that was new.
But now our British theatre can boast
Drolls of all kinds, a vast unthinking host!

Fruitful of folly and of vice, it shows
Cuckolds, and cits, and bawds, and pimps, and beaux;
Rough country knights are found of every shire;
Of every fashion gentle fops appear;
And punks of different characters we meet,
As frequent on the stage as in the pit.
Our modern wits are forc’d to pick and cull,
And here and there by chance glean up a fool:
Long ere they find the necessary spark,
They search the town, and beat about the Park,

To all his most frequented haunts resort,
Oft dog him to the ring, and oft to court;
As love of pleasure or of place invites;
And sometimes catch him taking snuff at White’s
Howe’er, to do you right, the present age
Breeds very hopeful monsters for the stage;
That scorn the paths their dull forefather’s trod,
And won’t be blockheads in the common road.
Do but survey this crouded house tonight:
–Here’s still encouragement for those that write.

Our author, to divert his friends to-day,
Stocks with variety of fools his play;
And that there may be something gay and new,
Two ladies-errant has expos’d to view;
The first a damsel, travel’d in romance;
The t’other more refin’d, she comes from France:
Rescue, like courteous knights, the nymph from danger,
And kindly treat, like well-bred men, the stranger.


«Satisfied» by Dina Johnson

When you make love to me everything seems right,
You seem to take my hand and guide me through the night.
You reach to take my fears and throw them to the past,
You penetrate my soul in hopes to make it last.

And you standing with me, never shall I be afraid.
My inner core you’ve touched, my sanity you’ve saved.
But if you feel you can’t be strong in all my times of need,
You’ve given me a strength, somehow I’ll take the lead.

Never understanding, accepting what time may give
We’ll learn and grow together,
Cherishing each moment that we live.


«The Dutiful Husband» by Theresa Bush

Comes home from work
all fires are out with only a squirt.
A quiet evening he looks forward to,
just Bill O’Reilly, a glass of wine will do.

His loyal wife – some news she has,
   The Dryer – it’s broke – I’m lost
  she cries.

With bulging eyes and clenched white fists, he calmly says:
    Put It On My List

She paces and paces and gives a shrill,
  till finally she wins over dear ole Bill.

The dryer is dragged from its’ lint filled nitch,
unscrewed in places where only midgets could fit.
Adjectives fly from this wine filled mouth
  WHERE’S MY TOOLS  he says with a shout.

Hours pass, parts askew, sweat on his brow ;
  (Oh more wine will do!)
FORGET IT  he says

                                       Thank You Dear!


«The Happy Husband» by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Oft, oft, methinks, the while with thee
I breathe, as from the heart, thy dear
And dedicated bame, I hear
A promise and a mystery,
A pledge of more than passing life,
Yea, in that very name of wife!

A pulse of love that ne’er can sleep!
A feeling that upbraids the heart
With happiness beyond desert,
That gladness half requests to weep!
Nor bless I not the keener sense
And unalarming turbulence.

Of transient joys, that ask no sting
From jealous fears, or coy denying;
But born beneath Love’s brooding wing,
And into tenderness soon dying.
Wheel out their giddy moment, then
Resign the soul to love again;

A more precipitated vein
Of notes that eddy in the flow
Of smoothest song, they come, they go,
And leave their sweeter understrain
Its own sweet self-a love of thee
That seems, yet cannot greater be!


«The Husband And Wife» by Bill Simmons

What ever happened to the husband and wife
What ever happened to love
What ever happened to the dreams they thought right
That they both thought so much of

What ever happened to the holding of hands
Or the whispers of secrets to keep
Did it somehow slip away with the time
Is it somewhere still hidden beneath

What ever happened to the words I do
Replaced now with words of cruel
Does somehow it still linger on
Is love only lost and confused

What ever happened to the romance
And the love that was in each breath we took
Must somehow be forgotten now
Was this in the chances we took

What ever happened to the husband and wife
What ever happened to love
What will now happen to the rest of our lives
For love, was it overlooked

What will now happen to the dreams we once had
When the world was right at our feet
Is love somehow still hidden somewhere
Or is this the way it must be

There once was a time when it meant so much more
When love walked with us in life
What ever happened to the love in our hearts
What happened to the husband and wife.


«The Husband Of To-Day» by Edith Nesbit

EYES caught by beauty, fancy by eyes caught;
Sweet possibilities, question, and wonder–
What did her smile say? What has her brain thought?
Her standard, what? Am I o’er it or under?
Flutter in meeting–in absence dreaming;
Tremor in greeting–for meeting scheming;
Caught by the senses, and yet all through
True with the heart of me, sweetheart, to you.

Only the brute in me yields to the pressure
Of longings inherent–of vices acquired;
All this, my darling, is folly–not pleasure,
Only my fancy–not soul–has been fired.
Sense thrills exalted, thrills to love-madness;
Fancy grown sad becomes almost love-sadness;
And yet love has with it nothing to do,
Love is fast fettered, sweetheart, to you.

Lacking fresh fancies, time flags–grows wingless;
Life without folly would fail–fall flat;
But the love that lights life, and makes death’s self stingless–
You, and you only, have wakened that.
Sweet are all women, you are the best of them;
You are so dear because dear are the rest of them;
After each fancy has sprung, grown, and died,
Back I come ever, dear, to your side.
The strongest of passions–in joy–seeks the new,
But in grief I turn ever, sweetheart, to you.


«The Husband» by Leon Gellert

Yes, I have slain, and taken moving life
From bodies. Yea! And laughed upon the taking;
And, having slain, have whetted still the knife
For more and more, and heeded not the making
Of things that I was killing. Such ’twas then!
But now the thirst so hideous has left me.
I live within a coolness, among calm men,
And yet am strange. A something has bereft me
Of a seeing, and strangely love returns;
And old desires half-known, and hanging sorrows.
I seem agaze with wonder. Memory burns.
I see a thousand vague and sad tomorrows.
None sees my sadness. No one understands
How I must touch her hair with bloody hands.


«The Ideal Husband To His Wife» by Sam Walter Foss

We’ve lived for forty years, dear wife,
And walked together side by side,
And you to-day are just as dear
As when you were my bride.
I’ve tried to make life glad for you,
One long, sweet honeymoon of joy,
A dream of marital content,
Without the least alloy.
I’ve smoothed all boulders from our path,
That we in peace might toil along,
By always hastening to admit
That I was right and you were wrong.

No mad diversity of creed
Has ever sundered me from thee;
For I permit you evermore
To borrow your ideas of me.
And thus it is, through weal or woe,
Our love forevermore endures;
For I permit that you should take
My views and creeds, and make them yours.
And thus I let you have my way,
And thus in peace we toil along,
For I am willing to admit
That I am right and you are wrong.

And when our matrimonial skiff
Strikes snags in love’s meandering stream,
I lift our shallop from the rocks,
And float as in a placid dream.
And well I know our marriage bliss
While life shall last will never cease;
For I shall always let thee do,
In generous love, just what I please.
Peace comes, and discord flies away,
Love’s bright day follows hatred’s night;
For I am ready to admit
That you are wrong and I am right.


«The Jungle Husband» by Stevie Smith

Dearest Evelyn, I often think of you
Out with the guns in the jungle stew
Yesterday I hittapotamus
I put the measurements down for you but they got lost in the fuss
It’s not a good thing to drink out here
You know, I’ve practically given it up dear.
Tomorrow I am going alone a long way
Into the jungle. It is all grey
But green on top
Only sometimes when a tree has fallen
The sun comes down plop, it is quite appalling.
You never want to go in a jungle pool
In the hot sun, it would be the act of a fool
Because it’s always full of anacondas, Evelyn, not looking ill-fed
I’ll say. So no more now, from your loving husband Wilfred.


«The Love Of My Life» by Lisa Roberts

Without you, my dear
I would not be here
I would not be the person I am today
You support me and you love me…

I feel so unworthy,
So unlovable because of my past
But toward me you don’t turn your back
That’s what makes me stronger
To know your love me gives me strength.

To feel it, to see it still, after being tested all the time
I’m really glad you are mine!
The persistence you have gives me my answer
You love me like nobody else can.

Unfaltering love
That is what I have prayed for from above
You are my saving grace
Without you, I would be out of place.

Not in the place I am supposed to be
The place where I belong;
Next to you forever
And really that’s not so long.
I love you with all my heart
I am so glad you put me in your cart!


«To A Husband» by Anne Kingsmill Finch

This is to the crown and blessing of my life,
The much loved husband of a happy wife;
To him whose constant passion found the art
To win a stubborn and ungrateful heart,
And to the world by tenderest proof discovers
They err, who say that husbands can’t be lovers.
With such return of passion, as is due,
Daphnis I love, Daphinis my thoughts pursue;
Daphnis, my hopes and joys are bounded all in you.
Even I, for Daphnis’ and my promise’ sake,
What I in woman censure, undertake.
But this from love, not vanity proceeds;
You know who writes, and I who ’tis that reads.
Judge not my passion by my want of skill:
Many love well, though they express it ill;
And I your censure could with pleasure bear,
Would you but soon return, and speak it here.


«To A Lady On The Death Of Her Husband» by Phillis Wheatley

GRIM monarch! see, depriv’d of vital breath,
A young physician in the dust of death:
Dost thou go on incessant to destroy,
Our griefs to double, and lay waste our joy?
Enough thou never yet wast known to say,
Though millions die, the vassals of thy sway:
Nor youth, nor science, not the ties of love,
Nor ought on earth thy flinty heart can move.
The friend, the spouse from his dire dart to save,
In vain we ask the sovereign of the grave.
Fair mourner, there see thy lov’d Leonard laid,
And o’er him spread the deep impervious shade.
Clos’d are his eyes, and heavy fetters keep
His senses bound in never-waking sleep,
Till time shall cease, till many a starry world
Shall fall from heav’n, in dire confusion hurl’d
Till nature in her final wreck shall lie,
And her last groan shall rend the azure sky:
Not, not till then his active soul shall claim
His body, a divine immortal frame.
But see the softly-stealing tears apace
Pursue each other down the mourner’s face;
But cease thy tears, bid ev’ry sigh depart,
And cast the load of anguish from thine heart:
From the cold shell of his great soul arise,
And look beyond, thou native of the skies;
There fix thy view, where fleeter than the wind
Thy Leonard mounts, and leaves the earth behind.
Thyself prepare to pass the vale of night
To join for ever on the hills of light:
To thine embrace this joyful spirit moves
To thee, the partner of his earthly loves;
He welcomes thee to pleasures more refin’d,
And better suited to th’ immortal mind.


«To My Dear And Loving Husband» by Anne Bradstreet

If ever two were one, then surely we.
If ever man were lov’d by wife, then thee.
If ever wife was happy in a man,
Compare with me, ye women, if you can.
I prize thy love more than whole Mines of gold
Or all the riches that the East doth hold.
My love is such that Rivers cannot quench,
Nor ought but love from thee give recompetence.
Thy love is such I can no way repay.
The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray.
Then while we live, in love let’s so persever
That when we live no more, we may live ever.


«To My Husband On Our Wedding-Day» by Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon

I leave for thee, beloved one,
The home and friends of youth,
Trusting my hopes, my happiness,
Unto thy love and truth;
I leave for thee my girlhood’s joys,
Its sunny, careless mirth,
To bear henceforth my share amid
The many cares of earth.

And yet, no wild regret I give
To all that now I leave,
The golden dreams, the flow’ry wreaths
That I no more may weave;
The future that before me lies
A dark and unknown sea —
Whate’er may be its storms or shoals,
I brave them all with thee!

I will not tell thee now of love
Whose life, ere this, thou’st guessed,
And which, like sacred secret, long
Was treasured in my breast;
Enough that if thy lot be calm,
Or storms should o’er it sweep,
Thou’lt learn that it is woman’s love,
Unchanging, pure and deep.

If this life’s sunshine gild thy lot,
Bestowing wealth and pride,
Its light enjoying, I shall stand,
Rejoicing, at thy side;
But, oh! if thou should’st prove the griefs
That blight thy fellow-men,
‘Twill be my highest, dearest right,
To be, love, with thee then.

And thou, wilt thou not promise me
Thy heart will never change,
That tones and looks, so loving now,
Will ne’er grow stern and strange?
That thou’lt be kind, whatever faults
Or failings may be mine,
And bear with them in patient love,
As I will bear with thine?


«Upon My Dear And Loving Husband His Going Into England» Jan. 16, 1661 by Anne Bradstreet

O thou Most High who rulest all
And hear’st the prayers of thine,
O hearken, Lord, unto my suit
And my petition sign.

Into Thy everlasting arms Of mercy
I commend Thy servant, Lord.
Keep and preserve My husband,
my dear friend.

At Thy command, O Lord, he went,
Nor nought could keep him back.
Then let Thy promise joy his heart,
O help and be not slack.

Uphold my heart in Thee, O God.
Thou art my strength and stay,
Thou see’st how weak and frail I am,
Hide not Thy face away.

I in obedience to Thy will
Thou knowest did submit.
It was my duty so to do;
O Lord, accept of it.

Unthankfulness for mercies past
Impute Thou not to me.
O Lord, Thou know’st my weak desire
Was to sing praise to Thee.

Lord, be Thou pilot to the ship
And send them prosperous gales.
In storms and sickness, Lord, preserve.
Thy goodness never fails.

Unto Thy work he hath in hand
Lord, grant Thou good success
And favour in their eyes to whom
He shall make his address.

Remember, Lord, Thy folk whom Thou
To wilderness hast brought;
Let not Thine own inheritance
Be sold away for nought.

But tokens of Thy favour give,
With joy send back my dear
That I and all Thy servants may
Rejoice with heavenly cheer.

Lord, let my eyes see once again
Him whom Thou gavest me
That we together may sing praise
Forever unto Thee.

And the remainder of our days
Shall consecrated be
With an engaged heart to sing
All praises unto Thee.


«Verses Wrote On Her Death-Bed At Bath, To Her Husband In London» by Mary Monck

Thou, who dost all my worldly thoughts employ,
Thou pleasing source of all my earthly joy:
Thou tend’rest husband, and thou best of friends,
To thee this first, this last adieu I send.
At length the conqu’ror death asserts his right,
And will for ever veil me from thy sight.
He wooes me to him with a chearful grace;
And not one terror clouds his meagre face.
He promises a lasting rest from pain;
And shews that all life’s fleeting joys are vain.
Th’ eternal scenes of heav’n he sets in view,
And tells me that no other joys are true.
But love, fond love, would yet resist his pow’r;
Would fain awhile defer the parting hour:
He brings thy mourning image to my eyes,
And would obstruct my journey to the skies.
But say, thou dearest, thou unwearied friend;
Say, should’st thou grieve to see my sorrows end?
Thou know’st a painful pilgrimage I’ve past ;
And should’st thou grieve that rest is come at last?
Rather rejoice to see me shake off life,
And die as I have liv’d, thy faithful wife.


«Wife To Husband» by Christina Georgina Rossetti

Pardon the faults in me,
For the love of years ago:
I must drift across the sea,
I must sink into the snow,
I must die.

You can bask in this sun,
You can drink wine, and eat:
I must gird myself and run,
Though with unready feet:
I must die.

Blank sea to sail upon,
Cold bed to sleep in:
While you clasp, I must be gone
For all your weeping:
I must die.

A kiss for one friend,
And a word for two,—
A lock that you must send,
A kindness you must do:
I must die.

Not a word for you,
Not a lock or kiss,
We, one, must part in two;
Verily death is this:
I must die.


«Will You Ever Understand?» by Toni

I don’t think you will
ever fully understand
how you’ve touched my life
and made me who I am.

I don’t think you could ever know
just how truly special you are,
that even on the darkest nights
you are my brightest star.

I don’t think you will ever fully comprehend
how you’ve made my dreams come true
or how you’ve opened my heart
to love and the wonders it can do.

You’ve allowed me to experience
something very hard to find:
unconditional love that exists
in my body, soul, and mind.

I don’t think you could ever feel
all the love I have to give,
and I’m sure you’ll never realize
you’ve been my will to live.

You are an amazing person,
and without you I don’t know where I’d be.
Having you in my life
completes and fulfills every part of me.


Heartache – anyone definitely knows this state. It’s hard to describe. After all, if we can feel physical pain in our bodies and point to its location, it’s harder to do with mental pain. Enjoy poems where talented authors describe this feeling.

«A Mother’s Cry» by Shirley J. Stankiewicz

Colors of dark grey and black fill the world in which I live
No other feeling could possibly be worse than this
Where once was a room filled with laughter and cheer
Now stands loneliness, emptiness, and despair.

Memories of you seem to creep around the corners of my mind
Endless haunting images of your face that won’t decline
An overwhelming of emotion that my body can’t contain
Fills my soul with unbearable grief, sorrow, and pain

Oh, how I long to hold you in my arms just once more
And tell you that things will be again, as they were before
But, as reality sinks in, I know that will never be
For the choices that I’ve made in my life have sealed our destiny

No one could ever fathom how wretchedly my heart aches
And how I greatly regret that you’ve had to pay for my mistakes
If I could go back in time, and change only one wrong that I’ve done
I’d go back to the hour, to the second, on the day I lost you.
My Son.


«After Great Pain, A Formal Feeling Comes» By Emily Dickinson

After great pain, a formal feeling comes–
The Nerves sit ceremonious, like Toombs–
The stiff Heart questions was it He, that bore,
And Yesterday, or Centuries before?

The Feet, mechanical, go round–
Of Ground, or Air, or Ought–
A Wooden way
Regardless grown,
A Quartz contentment, like a stone–

This is the Hour of Lead–
Remembered, if outlived,
As Freezing persons recollect the Snow–
First–Chill–then Stupor–then the letting go—


«As If We Never Were» by Cassandra Cordova

Sadness reaps in my shadows.
Its presence is in every corner.
I close my eyes to try to escape,
But all I see is you.
It hurts.
I hurt.
When I hold you, my heart is full.
Your lips against mine is a fairy tale.
Looking into your eyes loses me every time.
Those are the moments I wish could last forever.
Is there such a thing?
When we let go, I remain empty.
A kiss goodbye is me searching for hope.
After you I’m still alone.
Our only connection is what I hold on too.
I fall asleep waiting, and I wake up heartbroken.
I break a little more every time.
I’ve become blind to what is around me.
My doors have closed to those that matter.
I’m standing in the palm of your hand.
I need to let go.
I can’t.
I don’t want to.


«Because Of The War» By Nikki

I had a man long before the war,
Now I sit crying on the floor.

And yes, we still talk every day,
But the internet is not the best way.

The worst part about him being gone,
Is when I need to talk he isn’t on.

See, at night you hug and kiss your man,
I can only say goodnight through a webcam.

You complain you’re with your kids every day and that’s not fair,
My man can only see his kids grow through photo share.

While most of you count down ’til deer season,
I’m counting down ’til Iraqi freedom.

You hate when your man wakes you up,
My alarm goes off at 3 AM ’cause that’s when mine gets his lunch.

You say your man is always in your face,
Oh, how I long for that warm embrace.

When I go out I’m always alone,
God, I can’t wait for him to come home.

When he does come home it’s never for too long,
But that’s the price you pay when you’re army strong.

You say it can’t be that hard, you could do it with ease,
Go ahead and try, try to love an M.P.


«Broken Wings» by Kat S

Wings of wax will melt and fall apart,
But what if they are a true reflection of what’s in my heart?
Weak, easily discouraged, and without pride,
My escape to freedom denied
I can never spread my wings and fly.
I will never know the feeling of the sky,
For these broken wings keep me grounded
And trapped with the memories of how they once sounded.
They used to be so beautiful and proud,
But now they hang around me like a black shroud,
Reminding me of my once known glory
And how this is just another sad story.
These wings are torn and tattered, no longer able to carry me.
My heart, unable to dream of the possibility of being free
And my soul, now a deep black abyss
Waits silently for death’s blissful kiss.


«Daddy» by Allie

I cry so much now
I hate feeling so bad
Daddy, how could you
I hate being so mad

I trusted you, Daddy
Now look you made me cry
I hate you Daddy
Now I’m saying goodbye

Go on with your life
Like you’ve done for so long
I used to love you,
But what you did was wrong


«Darkness» by Brendan Michael Pagano-Staffaroni

I wish this world of darkness would come to an end.
I lost a girl, I lost a friend.
I’d give it all back if only I could.
I’ve said it a million times, I know I would.
I miss her more and more every day.
She’s gone, and my world is dark and grey.
My life is a cloud of endless rain.
I wish I could escape the endless pain.
What’s the point of living if she’s gone?
There is no sun, there is no dawn
In my endless world of darkness…


«Daughter Taken By Mother’s Lies» by Jason E Dix

Have you any clue
To the pain
You have put
Me through?
Pain so deep
Within me
That at night
When I finally
Close my eyes
To sleep
I can hear


«Disappear From Relationship» by Anonamos

Why won’t this pain disappear?
Why won’t it just end?
I try so hard to belong, just to fit in.
My mother and my father have no idea what’s wrong.
I’m tired of being the friend just so you don’t hurt.
You know how I feel and yet you won’t respond.
This is so unfair, when will it ever end?
Will it just build up until the end?
I love you so and want you to feel the same.
I’m sorry for coming into your life.
I think I should just disappear.
When you wake in the morning,
Beside your bed you will see a note
That contains it all,
And you know I’ll always be beside you in my heart, not wanting to flee.


«Falling Apart» by Ashley-Marie Krug

she wakes up every morning
to screaming and crying.
the tears are burning,
because of all the scratching.
she feels as if she is not needed anymore,
and is constantly punching the door.
her body hurts because of her broken heart,
of falling in love and then falling apart.
she wants him back,
but she thinks it won’t last.
only because it seems like he doesn’t want her anymore,
and now she wants to go through the floor.
you say you love her, but this is no way to prove it,
now the knife and her heart have met.
he played with her love like it was a game,
now it’ll never be the same!


«Forever Stagnant In Our Minds» by Rosanna

Like an apple that has fallen from our tree,
my soul is rotting and I’ve taken you down with me. 
Deep in the emotions of my misery
are the feelings that cannot ever seem to be set free.
You could say others have had it worse than me,
but until you take a few steps in the worn out path of my misery,
with the burdens I’ve carried, only then can you unravel my mystery.
If only to stumble on shards of glass,
only then to empathize the pain that I stash.
The scars are always there, never to vanish,
never to be repaired.
The physical pain may have vanquished,
but the emotional pain will always lay stagnant in our mind,
always to remind us of our broken home.
The pain we endured through our childhood
made permanent cracks in the building blocks of our foundation,
leaving the ones who’ve moved into our life
to mend the cracks with their love,
to suffer the sometimes bitterness that was left behind,
forever in our minds.


«Hang Up» by Kit Dulay

Hello. Hello? Hello…
How are you?
I missed your voice so much.
It’s been a long time
I miss our talk
Yeah… right, all the nonsense
Almost always, no meaning but wonderful
And I can’t help it

I tried several times to reach you
Longing to hear your voice once again
Wanting to hear promises.
Reminiscing the past
Plans for the future?
Often times, I was unsuccessful
It’s either you didn’t pick the call
Or someone else did
Quite frustrating, but I have no plans of giving up
I will still try… and will never stop.

And today, choking with loneliness
I dialed your number.
It rang… once… twice
Then I put it off.
The rats are racing in my chest
I told myself, I can’t
I paused, I can’t help it
I’m wondering once again
Who’s with you.
The answer, I don’t want to know.

I held the phone once more
Thinking… to dial or not to dial
My fingers decided quicker than my brain
It rang…You picked the call and answered.
Same soft, husky voice.
Soft hello
I’m so happy to hear you again.
Yes… I can hear you now
And I’m happy.
But then again,
I have to Hang up


«Hollow» by Brittany N. Rudd

I want to have feelings and be somebody.
My empty chest longs for the warmth of a heart,
To feel the rhythmic beatings.
All the butterflies have withered to dust,
And the knots have vanished.
Broken pieces echo off my rib cage.
It will take more than I’m sorry this time.

Silly me for believing I was the only one,
A lone daisy in your vast garden of roses.
I only wanted you to help me grow.
Instead you ripped my roots from the earth,
Pulling my petals, indecisive about love.
While ignoring my cries of agony and admiration,
You disemboweled me and I’m left bare.

I crave you in the worst ways.
I want to have you and feel your hands again,
To be touched deeper than the skin.
Feel my battered insides and remember who loved you.
Trace where the heart you stole once played a cadence
Every time you were near.
This godforsaken skeleton shivers under your caress.

The only thing I ever wanted was to be loved.
Now I’m alone without sensation.
Incapable of thoughts,
My mind is gone and I’m spinning.
I’ve become a robot with a plastic exterior,
A decoy of what used to be, before you shattered my heart,
A counterfeit smile plastered on my pale lips as I feel nothing.


«How Could You? » by Rebekah

I wish you had never said those hurtful things.
You made me love and trust you.
I’m in such a dark place these days
Because of you.
You gave me heaven, then took it away.
I’m so sick I don’t eat anymore
Because of what you said.
Every time I look in the mirror now
All I see is a fat, ugly, unhappy girl.
I keep trying to end it.
I don’t wanna live anymore.
You have made me feel dead,
Like I’m nothing.
How could you do this?
You promised you would never hurt me,
But out of everyone, you have hurt me the most.
I hope one day someone makes you feel like you have made me feel.
I wanna forget the way you used to look deep in my eyes when you told me you loved me,
Because now I know it was all a game to you.
Everything you ever said was a lie.
I would have done anything for you,
And you did nothing for me.



«Hurt By You» by Ashley Jeffery

Why did you have to go?
Why did you leave me in the dark all alone?
Why did you have to believe other people and not me?
Why didn’t we just talked about it?
Why did you have to walk out of my life,
Like I was nothing but another girl,
Like your other ex?
I was so good to you, and now you think of me like any other girl.
Why did you do this to me?
Why did you hurt me like you did to all your exes?
I though I meant the world to you.
Guess your are a liar and a jerk,
Just like all men.
Well, I am trying to forget you and everything we had, but it hurt like hell.


«Hurting» by Kayla Marie

Lying in bed, my eyes resisting to close.
Thoughts and anger I try to dispose.
Thoughts of you stain my mind.
So many questions with answers I cannot find.

Hurt and confused as to why.
You’d always say you love me, but that was a repetitive lie.
I gave you all my love, but it wasn’t enough.
Breaking my heart, you thought it made you tough.

I don’t know what it is that you gain
When you push me around and see me in pain.
Do you feel empowered? Do you feel strong?
What did I do to you that was so wrong?

You ripped and shattered my soul.
Now all that’s left of my heart is one giant hole.
Nothing but emptiness and darkness take its place.
My heart vanished without a trace.


«I Hate To Cry» by Elizabeth McCrorie

“I’m not scared of anything”
I wish my lie was true.
I don’t want help,
“I don’t need anything from you!”

I hate when I cry.
I hate when I’m scared.
My life is going by
I can’t feel anything, anywhere.

I’m sad and depressed
I’m weak an abused.
I’m told I’m bad.
I just don’t know what to do.

“I don’t want your help”
But I don’t want to cry.
“Leave me here”
“Just say good-bye!”

“So you’re gone….?”
“Good riddance” I say!
I guess I’m going to cry for
Just one more day!


«I Need My Friend Back» by April

Who are you?
Where is the guy that I once knew?
Where did my friend go
and when is he coming back?

I miss him like a drought
misses the rain
I need him as the lighting is running
through my brain
I want him to know I love him
with every beat of my heart

I need him here when I’m alone
in the dark
I need his hand to help me up
when I fall

I want him to touch me once again
and look within my eyes,
So I know he cares

I need his gentle and tender touch back
I need it to fulfill my day
But most of all I need my friend back
A friend who managed to make me smile
A friend that went away


«I’m Sorry Son» by Randall Pela

I’m sorry, Son, that I’ll never get the chance to see you.
I’m sorry, Son, I’ll never get the chance to be you.
I hold you close to my heart; I can’t stand that we are apart.
I always wanted you from the very start.
It seems the man I once believed in turned his back on me,
he took away my right to be happy and stole my dignity.
I’m sorry, Son, I’ll never get the chance to hold you.
I’m sorry, Son, I’ll never get the chance to scold you.
I’m sorry, Son, that I will never get the chance to be a good Dad,
a higher power has punished me and left me so sad.
The problems God has caused me makes me want to leave my wife
because I can’t provide her with a junior of me.
This pains me so much.
Sometimes I think a shotgun is the only way to end my misery!
I’ve been cursed by a higher power,
my life can never be complete,
my heart will always be missing every other beat.
I’m sorry, Son, I’ll never get the chance to hold you!
I’m sorry, Son, I’ll never get the chance to scold you.
I’m sorry, Son, I can’t be your Dad
I always wanted to be a good Dad,
and provide with the life that I couldn’t have.
I’m sorry, Son.
Please realize that if I could have you that I would.
I’ll always love you and you are always in my heart and with this we shall never be apart!


«Is It Worth The Pain? » by Caity

Saying you loved me, with that look in your eye.
I wish I could say it was a cold-hearted lie.
I know that you love me, I know that you care,
But the rage inside you slowly flared.
I admit I’ve made mistakes, overstepping the boundaries,
Which made me look fake.
I always said I would never do the things I did,
And I know that’s why it’s so hard for you to forgive.
So many times we’ve said that we’d try,
Just to turn around and make each other cry.
Remember how it was when we first started out?
We fell so hard, maybe fell in love too soon.
At one point you’d notice ONLY me in the room.
We both did things we can’t undo;
Now it seems our relationship is headed for doom,
And not that long ago, I was EVERYTHING to you.
Now you’re looking for other things to “do.”
I admit my mistakes, but can you admit yours?
I have paid for what I have done, as you’ve paid for yours.
So why is it like this? Why can’t we even talk?
You call me names and act like you don’t care,
All a while, our love for each other is still there.
I never meant to hurt you or cause you any pain,
I know neither of us want to go through this same old stuff again.
I owe you so much, and I have so much to prove to you,
But you continue to do things you wouldn’t want me to do.
We always have these tears to cry,
And are left with all these wondering questions of why?
Why can’t we get past the past? You think I expect too much too fast,
But don’t you want to become whole at last?
Why won’t you at least try to believe me, instead of pushing me further away?
I have these emotions, I wish you could see,
Sometimes I get really upset, ’cause I feel you don’t understand me
Will you ever love me like you USED to? Show me the love that I ONCE knew?
The love that we both grew,
When will you see? I’m starting to feel like I hardly know you anymore?
When can we go back to how it was before?
Will we still hurt if we heal? Or by that time, will we still feel?
My dream of US does not look like it’s coming true.
All I feel is sad and blue,
And I know you’re looking for other things to “do.”
You’re sick of me and want something new.


«Let It Rain» by Justin Raphael Lopez Gutierrez

Clouds of thunder, pouring rain,
The hurt I feel, the throbbing pain.
Droplets trickling down my face.
Shall rain give me this one embrace?

Drenched and cold, my biggest fears,
Not by the rain but by my tears.
When will this storm come to an end?
Embrace me rain, my only friend.


«Lies» by Kendra

You broke my heart in two
And took me like a bet.
With all you put me through,
I have so many regrets.

To lose you was worth it,
although I wasn’t sure.
It seemed to make me happy
but still so insecure.

We always said forever
we would take it to the end,
never give it up,
but this time my heart couldn’t mend.

It cut so deep into me.
I guess it hurt you too,
but when you did it, then you lied.
I had to say, “We’re through.”

I gave you all I had.
I tried to make it last,
but now all we have
are memories from the past.

So look me in the eye,
and tell me what you see.
A girl so broken inside
who’s been through misery.

And now I’m moving on
with the pain that kills inside,
but I’m starting to forget
by reminding myself how you lied!

I have somebody new,
someone to treat me right,
to talk to lovingly
and to hold me all night.

He’s there for me when I need him,
to give me love and support,
to hold me close and wipe away
all my signs of hurt.

To kiss me softly every night
and let me know he’s there
to call me just because,
just to tell me that he cares.

Now here I go again
falling so hard, so deep,
but this time it’s different.
This is one I want to keep!


«Living Again» by Tina Manning Harding

Running, running
far away.
Escaping dreams
of yesterday.
Faster, faster
there I go.
Forgetting things
you’ll never know.
Dying, dying
deep inside.
Find a place
for me to hide.
Catching, catching
up with me.
No more running
from reality.
Stopping, stopping
let me cry.
Finding a way
to say goodbye.


«Loneliness Over» by Paul Fisher

Daytime comes so slowly,
Slouching through the night.
My mind is torn and twisted,
Screaming for the light…
Of dawn in all its glory,
Its splendor and its song.
Why, even humble sparrows think
The night was far too long.


«Lost» by Sarah Boston

The darkness surrounds me.
It’s getting so cold.
I’m all alone
With no one to hold.

My world is so empty.
All that’s left is pain.
No sunshine to light my way,
Just never-ending rain.

I drown in tears.
My heart is crying.
No one seems to notice
My soul is dying.


«Lost» by Shelli

I thought it was a dream; I thought it wasn’t real,
But pain really hurts and it’s really how I feel.
Memories keep coming back, and so do all of the tears.
I hear your voice, and as quick as the smile came, it quickly disappears.
I don’t know what is happening, because you always held my hand.

You said you would never let go; that is what I don’t understand.
So many promises you made, and more of them broken.
Lost and confused, feels like I’m choking.
A lot of things I did not say;
Now I can’t find my way.

I feel like a boomerang; you throw me but not only that.
Every time you throw me, I always seem to come back.
Back to you, back to pain.
Nothing has changed, you’re still the same.

I cannot start over because I don’t know where to start.
I guess that is what happens when someone breaks your heart.
If we are supposed to follow our dreams, why can’t I follow you?
Because now I am so lost, I wish you were lost without me too.


«Love Gone Wrong» by Labrina

Sometimes I wonder how you do it.
How can you sit back and watch yourself hurt someone so bad and not feel any guilt?
You say things to me, about me, or behind me.
And you still look at me the same way.
With those eyes of green searching for the answers inside me.
You want to know everything.
You want to know how I feel
And if I am truly hurting inside.
You just have to ask
And I’ll tell you.
I’ll tell you that you were the first boy I ever loved.
You were the one who took my heart and locked it inside of yours.
You placed my fingers in between each of yours.
And in the end,
You took that heart and you shredded it to pieces.
You could have just ripped it in half.
Then it would be easier to put back together.
But instead,
You tore it.
Piece by piece, you shredded it,
And no one can fix it.
No one wants to.
Because they look at what you made me.
A girl with permanent tears painted on my face.
I am now just an empty void.
There is no desire to want to love again.
Because now there is only the fear of ruining
What I have tried so hard to build up.


«My Fears» by Samantha Medlin

Getting left behind
Not being loved
No one understanding
No one caring
Are my fears

I had a dream
I was lost
No one tried to
Find me
No one cared
No one listened
Or understood

Feeling left out
Feeling like no one
Feeling like no one
Can hear me
When I’m screaming
To be heard
Destructive behavior
I have

Wishing I could change
Wishing I could make it better
Wishing for another chance
Wishing for someone who
Will come and save me
From myself.

My fear’s
Not being heard
Being left behind
Not being understood
No one caring

How can I
make people

Disappear from
this world
Show people what
It’s like to
worry, misunderstand
not care.

my fears,
people laugh
people tease
people misjudge
people misunderstand
Behind my back,
they laugh,
so I can’t see
them. It hurts.

I hide this
in my heart
making sure
No one sees
my hurt,
Pretending to be
I’m not.

Trying so hard
to fit in
to cover the
scars, trying
so hard,
to be liked
by you.

My feelings
No regrets
Hoping no one
resents me.

After my dream
I wondered…
What am I leaving..
When I leave here?

The pain
I’ve caused the hurt
the disappointments
The worries

Hoping, now
people understand
people miss
people hear me
and others
Forgetting all,
all the pain, and hurt
I learned to hide
buried deep in
my heart. No way

My fears…are these..


«My Lonely Show» by Yvonne Houde

A little bit angry through the years,
A whole lot lonely through my tears.
A wonderful person the people said.
While I cry alone in bed.

Don’t worry, I’ll let you be,
Your secret is safe, alone with me.
My life is a lonely show,
I’ll never let anyone know.

The sorrow and pain and lonely tears,
have been safe with me all these years.
I am the person people phone,
when THEY feel all alone.

Don’t worry, your secret is mine,
I’m too embarrassed all the time.
You’re angry with me again,
I don’t know why, that’s insane!

If anyone knew I would curl up and die,
I let people think I am only shy.
You’re angry with me all the time…..
I don’t want anyone to know, so you are fine.


«My Sorrow’s Song» by Candace Nau

So here it goes,
My sorrow’s song.
A song that’s short
And not too long.
A silent pain you’ll never feel,
A broken heart that’ll never heal.
How do you kill a dying love?
One that you thought was sent from above.
One that brought so many lies and tears.
One that you swore would last through the years,
But now I lie here,
Broken in pain,
Clinging to life,
And whispering your name,
Now realizing you were never the one,
But now it’s too late, ‘cuz my song is done.


«Never Be True» by Shianne

You don’t mean what you say and don’t mean what you do
You don’t mean anything because it’s not true
You broke my fall and stole my heart
And already damaged, you let it fall apart
The tears I cry now fall with my misery
Once covered up, now for the world to see
Who I really am inside
For all to see rules to which I don’t abide
The circumstances in which reality shall fade
The unwanted feelings your lies have made
The shame when I realized you gained my trust
The truth fading as the dust
Slips through my fingers grain by grain
My heart’s not only torn but slain
As shards of glass fall from the sky
Tears of blood fall from my eye
Your words crawled across my skin
And I forget what I don’t believe in
My heart pounds as I lift my head
Dare to enter where no one has tread
And I looked deep into your eyes
Found the source of all your lies
And even though I know they’ll never be true
With all my heart, I’ll continue loving you


«Nobody Knows» by Azumi Zaima

Nobody knows it’s empty,
The smile that I wear.
The real one is left behind in the past
Because I left you there…

Nobody knows I am crying.
They won’t even see my tears.
When they think I am laughing,
I wish you were here…

Nobody knows it’s painful.
They think that I am strong.
They say it won’t kill me,
But I wonder if they are wrong…

Nobody knows I miss you.
They think I am all set free,
But I feel like I am bound with chains,
Trapped in the mystery…

Nobody knows I need you.
They think I can do it on my own,
But they don’t know I am crying
When I am all alone…


«Not Worth The Pain» by Ashley Brewer

If I could have stayed just a little longer, where would we be?
Every night I dream, and you’re part of my little scheme.
I miss you oh, so badly, and you don’t even care.
I am trying to move on, but my heart is still all torn apart.
How could you just leave me all alone in the dark?
Now it feels like my whole world is falling apart.
My friends says that you’re not worth the pain,
But my heart is still in vain.
I think about you 24/7, and I wonder if you are thinking of me too.
I doubt it, though.
You have no idea what you are putting me through.
I love you, and I know the love we once shared was true.
Every night you would call and you would make me laugh.
I miss holding hands and all the kisses we had,
And still you beg me for a hug every time it’s time to say goodbye.
You’re not worth the pain.
But yet I still love you.
Why can’t I get over you?
The sky was once blue; now you’re falling through.
You don’t call anymore, and I am only good to you when I’m around.
You were my first for a lot of things, and I want you to be my last.
I love you.
I’m sorry, but my heart is all in vain.
But you’re still not worth the pain


«On Pain» By Khalil Gibran

Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses
your understanding.

Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its
heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain.

And could you keep your heart in wonder at the
daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem
less wondrous than your joy;

And you would accept the seasons of your heart,
even as you have always accepted the seasons that
pass over your fields.

And you would watch with serenity through the
winters of your grief.

Much of your pain is self-chosen.

It is the bitter potion by which the physician within
you heals your sick self.

Therefore trust the physician, and drink his remedy
in silence and tranquillity:

For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by
the tender hand of the Unseen,

And the cup he brings, though it burn your lips, has
been fashioned of the clay which the Potter has
moistened with His own sacred tears.


«Or Is It Just Me? » by Sarah

We met at Wal-Mart
I needed formula
I had to ask him
I had no money
You should have seen it
The way he looked at me
Those eyes
Piercing me
My heart
It made me think about what was
What could have been
He can see through my front
He knows I still care
I still have love
In his eyes I could see
Somewhere behind that
Thug want to-be
He still cares
It hurt
It was the first time
The way he held him
Looked so right
It came to an end
We went our separate ways
It’s been a day
Was it really that simple
To just walk away
I’m not going to call or text
I’m done trying
If it was that simple
There’s nothing more
I can do
Or say


«Pain, Pain Go Away» by Kari Johnston

Pain, pain go away!
Please do not come back another day.
Tears falling down my face.
Oh, how I wish for his warm embrace.
Wonder if he cares about me.
Wonder if this is supposed to be.
How can he stand there and break my heart?
How did we allow us to grow so far apart?
My dreams of us being happy is not going to come true.
All I am feeling is down and blue.
Pain, pain go away.
Bring me back to another day
where he loved me and
we thought we were meant to be.
I will not stop loving you; that much is true,
but I will be stronger in time
and not feel so blue.
You will always be in my heart,
even when we are apart.
One day I will have that warm embrace,
and tears will stop flowing down my face.
Pain, pain go away.
Leave me alone and do not stay.


«Questioning Me» by Alexa

Why me?
I stumbled upon you through simple curiosity
In a field I was a child
There you stood, a monstrous ant pile
Unsuspecting, I got bitten
Pain behind every word I’ve written
Your poison got under my skin
And ever since, that’s where it’s been
It stayed and snuck into my fragile veins
What’s worse;
A week’s bruise or a year’s pain?


«Questions» by Raychel

I always have these tears to cry,
and I’m left with all these wondering questions of why?
Why can’t we seem to get over the past,
and come together and be a whole at last?
Why won’t you at least try to believe what I say,
instead of just pushing me away?
Why do I keep putting myself out there,
and you don’t even seem to care?
I have these emotions I wish you would see,
so I wouldn’t be left with the questions of,
“Will he or won’t he?”
Will he ever love me like he used to,
and give me the things I once knew?
Won’t he see,
I feel I don’t know him anymore,
and let himself go back to how he was before?
Will I still hurt when I heal,
or will he finally let me feel?


«Rain» by Brinnie

I sit and watch
as the rain falls
from a sky so dark and gray

Is this life
a crying sky?
If so,
not even I can fight.

I’m tired of hurting,
I’m tired of tears.
I’m tired of being alone
for all these years.

I want peace,
and I want love.
I want to break free
to fly above!


«Raindrops» by Dhana May C. Baysa

As I watched the raindrops fall,
I waited for his call
It was dark that night
that it was all darkness at my sight

Every time the night would come,
I always feel the same
the pain I kept inside
the tears I cried

the way I pretend
that I just care with my trends
the feelings that I can’t say
the problems on my way

because you hurt me so,
I will say goodbye
it’s for our sake
and for me not to be fake


«Reality Check» by Amorita Maharaj 

Married, we were
As young as 17
Lovers, we were
At least at heart

Home, we built
Of wood and concrete
Walls, we built
Of hatred and lust

Family, we became
With child after child
Strangers, we became
With lie after lie

Fighting, it began
For days on end
Hurting, it began
For love to end

Divorce, it is
God’s marriage had ceased
Reality, it is
God save us please


«She» by Kirstie Dorgan

She’s a girl and he’s a guy
why they’re together, I don’t know why
she is caring, loving, honest and true
he is mean, nasty, selfish and cruel

she takes the bulk of all the crap
wanting what they had
keeping on taking him back

he likes to keep her way down there
to build him up, he doesn’t care
she wonders how he can be so mean
she sees the side no one else has seen

he plays games with her state of mind
asks questions-answers
she finds so hard to find

makes her feel worthless and alone
lots of bad habits she thought he’d outgrown

nothing will change till she finally lets go
hard for a girl who can’t say no
to this guy who makes her feel so low

she’s got spirit, guts and life
why does she go through all of this strife?

she is a beautiful girl and he’s just a guy
everyday she wonders why…
she can’t let go-only she knows.


«Sitting» by Dana

Sitting in silence is the greatest virtue
Sitting in the dark is like no one cares enough to turn the light back on in your life
Sitting with the music blasting is like trying to drown out every problem you have
Sitting in the bathtub crying is like a suicide not yet planned
Sitting with all the lights on is like trying to forget the dark times
Sitting with the blade to your wrist seems like you were a failure
Sitting with the gun put to your head is like saying he broke my heart one too many times
But sitting next to you
Is like a hundred pieces of broken glass stabbing you in the heart
It’s hard not to forget how I loved you and how you hurt me
It’s hard to say you’re not mine anymore
But the hardest is getting through the day knowing I won’t get a call from you
But for some reason I still wait for your call
Sitting in silence is the greatest virtue
But sitting next to you is like glass


«Sometimes I Feel Like Crying» by Allissa Thornburg

But I have to be honest
I really just don’t know how

My heart aches
For yet another break

I lie alone
Silent but awake

Next to me you sleep
And I finally begin to weep

I am afraid you will hear
Because you seem so near

But distant you remain
And again I lie in pain

Sometimes I feel like crying…

But I have to be honest
I really just don’t know how.


«Tear Stained Cheeks and Bloodshot Eyes» by Sabrina

The angel lost her grace,
As mascara ran down her face.
She forgot love, remembered hate.
She no longer had her faith.

With tear stained cheeks,
Through bloodshot eyes,
She saw only pain and suffering.
Love, she couldn’t conquer.

As the blue sky faded to black,
Darkness filled her heart.
Her wings vanished from her back,
And her kindness fell apart.

Even with all her might,
Her dress still went black from white.
She was sent to save,
To help those who weren’t brave.

But as she looked around,
At the marks she left…
Tear stained cheeks,
And bloodshot eyes.


«Tears» by Margaret A. Collins

I saw my brother cry today.
He seemed five years old
It did not seem to me that he was six feet tall.
He lost a thing he treasured,
I saw it in his eyes.
To see my brother hurt,
It made me want to cry.
Love is not measured in how tall you are,
Or how far around your arms go.
When you hug someone that you love so.
But how much it hurts to let something you love go.
I want my brother to know that he
Is loved by all, especially me.
I saw my brother cry today.


«Tears» by Kumar Ankit

These are not tears…
They are the soul of my heart
and along with them bears
all my feelings and pain;
they are fearless,
they are courageous,
and unlike me,
they are bold enough;
They silently tell others
what I couldn’t dare
about my feelings
and also about
the few things
that were
left unsaid….


«Tears Of A Broken Heart» by Bianca Santamaria

I have given all my love to you, but what do I get in return?   
A broken heart.
I have given you my heart, and you stomp on it like a doormat.
I have given you my youth and you took advantage of my un-experienced heart and played with my emotions.
I gave you all the trust, but you misused it.
I gave you the benefit of the doubt, and you proved everyone right.
I gave you my life and you killed me day by day.
I want to pull my aching heart and tear it piece by piece so I no longer love you.
I want to lose my memory so I no longer think of  you.
I want to go so far so I no longer have to see you. 
I want to cry, but I no longer have any more tears to fall down
my sad, lonely face.
I want to sleep, but my dreams haunt me with you in them.
I can’t seem to find a way out. What do I do?
I don’t want anyone to see this, not even you.
How do I get out of this?
How do I stop this misery? How do solve this mystery?
I can’t seem to find anyone to make me feel the way you do,
The way you look at me,
The way you say my name,
The sound of your voice when you tell me that you care.
I love you so much I think I’m going to die from this pain that haunts day and night.
How can I forget you? If the only love I know is you.
How can I move on? If life is not the same without you.
I want to break free and move on, but I think I’ll be doing something wrong.
I just have to close my eyes and let things fly and let the days pass me by.


«Tears, Tears Go Away» by Stephany Manfull

Tears, tears go away.
Why must you come back almost every day?
You remind me of my pain.
You remind me of my past.
Why can’t you go away?
Just let this happiness last.

Tears, tears flowing so fast,
You’re telling the story of a child in the past.
She’s stuck with the memory of what has just happened,
Praying to God one day she won’t be broken.

The bruises, the scars,
The ones that will never heal.
She grew up thinking that’s how you need to feel.

This little girl,
Not sure about life,
Cut after cut
Then took her life.

Tears, tears come as she leaves this world
“So young, so happy” for all they know.
Beaten as a child,
Not loved all her life,
Backstabbing friends.

Oh wait that’s my life…


«That Star» by Sammie

I miss you so much
But I can still feel your touch
I prayed to you last night
As I hold on tight

I look up and I cry
A tear drops upon the floor
I look for more and more

Another star means another death
I miss you so much
I love your touch

It’s not the same without you
That’s so true
You should still be here
Holding on to me
I miss you so much you mean a lot to me…


«The Dead Reborn» by Sagar Yadav

There is nothing to live for in this world.
You tell me of love – I have seen it all .

Just like the water flowing in rivers
Comes and goes – love is that fever.
Love is that feeling which when reigns
Kills you silently, showing no signs,
Nothing to live for in this world.
You talk of love – I have seen it all.

I don’t know – why did I choose love?
There are thousand more ways to die in this world.
Nothing to live for in this world.
This is what my friend had told.

I had seen my friend after many days
Though I couldn’t recognize him – but his was a familiar face
We both were sitting in a beer bar
I drank two kegs so far
…Nothing to live for in this world
You talk of love – I have seen it all.

His heart – broken – which he could not bear
The world he was seeing – he had everything to fear
I was keeping quiet, listening carefully
Every bit of what he was saying

In my heart I was praying
Understanding the situation he was going through
Unfortunate. Very unfortunate, but unfortunately true

For once in life – I had been through the same
In his voice I could feel abyssal pain
Hearing it, as did mine – anyone’s eyes would rain.
He got up from his place and wiped my tears.
What a gentleman he was, I will remember for years.

We think the world is only that much as we have seen
We define life as through which we have been.
Look around the bar – there are so many happy people.
Love is to live for in this world,
And there are things more – let’s find them all.

He smiled. I smiled. We both smiled.
A lot of my time this bar had spoiled.
I had to go now – the door was at bar’s other end
I got up and turned my back towards my friend
Before I would start, something caught my mind
I turned to look again at my good friend.

Across the table, he was still smiling, looking towards my side
I recognized my friend in the bar at last
Who was that friend – in case you may ask…?

He was no one but me myself – a piece of my life from my past
I was reborn that very moment, and so I could smile
Love is to live for in this world
And there is much more – let’s find them all.


«The Hardest Thing I’ll Ever Do» by Leal Ashae Sargent

The hardest thing I’ll ever do
Is let go of you
And look forward instead of back at my past.
I wonder how long this broken heart will last.
I guess everything you ever said was a lie,
So I’m going to move forward, or at least I’m going to try.
How many times can a heart crack before it shatters?
Or does it even matter?
I’ve sat and cried over you way too much,
Just wishing one more time I could feel your touch.
But you don’t care, and neither should I.
So I’m going to move on, or at least I’m going to try


«The Heart» by Veronda Starling

My heart felt what is shouldn’t.
It gave when it couldn’t,
Believed in many things
When I wouldn’t.

It listened but never spoke.
It cared but always choked.
It shattered but continued to beat.
It loved but experienced defeat.

Laughter replaced the pain.
Hugs released all tears.

We wear our hearts on the sleeves of our shirts,
Highly aware of the caution it may get hurt.
One day the heart will no longer beat.
It will breathe its last breath….

Because it can only take so much.


«The Way In Which We Cry» by Arianna Villafane

Do we cry to heal ourselves?
Do we cry simply to shed a tear?
Is it because we just can?
Or because that certain person isn’t here?

Do we cry for the attention?
Or will we silence every sound?
With hopes of no due reflection,
Of the way in which our heart is bound?

From a tiny kitten,
To the calling of a bird,
Every creature has its cry,
With the hope to be heard.

So when we let out a raking sob,
With a hand cupped so closely to our cheek,
Is our desire to be heard,
Or to just let the pain slowly leak?

Is the point to cry out
For help and warmth and care?
Or is it our body finally breaking down
From so much more pain than it can bear?

Is it the sound of symphonies,
Or of pure pain in liquid form?
Is it truly up to us when we cry,
Or does it happen when we’re far too torn?

Is it really up to us?
Do we even have a choice?
We can try to hide it,
Or let it spill with its own voice.

But can we really decide?
Do we hold that power?
Or is it beyond our will,
When we let every tear shed in the shower?

Is it a form of healing?
Or just a sign of the weak?
Is it meant to help us,
Make a final leap?

So much could be said,
For the way in which we cry,
As it could be a simple way,
To motivate ourselves to forever try. 

But whatever the reason,
No matter the cause,
Let it fully heal you,
So you may never have eternal pause.


«The Worst Pain Known To Me» by Tanya E. Kent

The worst pain known to me
Is to be stuck on a love that never could be,
To love someone who’ll never be free.
The worst pain known to me.

My heart aches unfathomably
Knowing he too wishes it could be
Him and me forever with glee.
The worst pain known to me.

He has each and every quality
That I desire continuously.
I try to forget him persistently.
The worst pain known to me.

Living each day with monotony.
Smiling with false positivity,
Hoping that soon it’ll be history.
The worst pain known to me.


«Unconditionally Painfully In Love» by Jasmine S. Johnson

This pain is taking its toll,
But my love it never gets old.
The trials and defeated emotions
Keeping me sane with magical potions.
The heart that keeps my blood flowing,
That pain that keeps me down but going.
If the pain leaves and love stays,
How would life be for me?
Would I have a hole in my heart
Where hurt and pain used to be?
Is there a way out of this
Loving, painful misery?
Is there a way into this
Love that I have failed or neglected to receive?
Is this love?
Unconditionally loving you is
Bringing me pain,
But it keeps me sane because I have you.
Am I kidding myself?
Am I in denial that you love me back?
Am I just a dream away from reality?
Am I making believe that I love you?
I think not…
But pain keeps me going.
My heart keeps my blood flowing.
You keep my life glowing.
Jesus keeps me believing.
My calmness is showing,
But my happiness is hiding
From pain and love.
I unconditionally, painfully love you.


«Unhappy» by Monica

I want to love again,
but my heart will not obey.
I want to be happy,
but depression always occurs.
I want to stop crying,
but my tears keep falling.
I want to smile,
but a frown always appear on my face


«Wanting To Feel Something» by Joyce Alcantara

Have you ever held in pain to the point where it seemed like you didn’t care?
You could’ve sworn you were crying,
But when you went to wipe tears away there was nothing there?
Going through life empty,
Just letting the world pass you by.
Numb to any feelings,
Just wishing you could die.
See I feel like this daily.
So lost I don’t know what to feel.
When in fact I do feel pain, I can’t believe that it’s real.
So as I lay my head down tonight,
I close my eyes and pray.
I pray that God will give me guidance and to maybe feel some day.


«Warm Embrace» by Kari Johnston

How I yearn for his warm embrace
Tears fall down my face
Can you see in my eyes
How much I hate our goodbyes
I think about you all the time
I know in the end we will be just fine.
Touch me..Love with me
the way we are supposed to be
I’ve always wanted to be with you
and do the things that lovers do
Tell me you want to be with me
and that we were meant to be
Precious pain go away
Please don’t come back another day
Dreaming of you
is all I do
This fire I feel…sparks…heat …exotic…burning inside
My feelings for you I cannot hide
wishing..hoping….yearning..wanting..needing you near
Oh God, can you tell how much I want you, dear
I can’t pretend anymore
It’s you…whom I adore
It’s you whom I’ve been longing for
I just want to give you my love…my heart
and I never want us to be apart
In the moonlight I wish on the stars that you were here
instead of being there.
One day I will feel your warm embrace
and no more tears will fall down from my face.


«Water Droplets» by Brooke

So much depends upon the little water droplets
falling from your big brown eyes
about to run down your rosy red cheeks
Coming from somewhere lying deep down inside your heart
Yet in the end all they are and will ever be
are little water droplets
running down your rosy red cheeks


«What’s Known Today, Yet Lost Yesterday» by Hannah Smith

Hurt, lies, darkness
Truth becomes nothing
Lies become everything
Hurt is the only feeling you know
Darkness becomes your new best friend
Smiles fade
Tears remain
No happiness left
Sorrow and hatred swarming all around
Hearts once whole
Become a million sharp pieces scattered about
What to do
What to say
Words can’t make sounds
Silence throughout the day
Silence throughout the night
What used to be
Is now nothing but a vivid memory of days passed
Trying to remember is a waste
But so is moving from your place
Paralyzed yet so much feeling
Hard to continue walking but it must be done
Black and white, no color
Life has become a nightmare
Hard to escape
Hurt, lies, darkness
Is the life you know today


«When You Know The End Is Near» by Ronnie Catron

It is hard to imagine life without you in it.
The dreams that we shared are now just painful things.
When you realize that no matter what you do,
No matter what you try,
The end is here.

The nights are not the same,
And the days are long.
When I think about all the good times we shared,
It is hard to imagine not being there with you in the end.

Maybe someday I will let go of it all,
Think about something else for a change.
Right now all I think about is you.

I have lost my best friend,
The person I want to share everything with.
You have been the person I turn to in a time of need.
Now I must do it on my own.

The love I have for you is one that will never end.
It is something I believed and trusted in.
No matter what happens between us,
No matter how much time passes between us,
Please remember that I will love you ’til the end


«Whoa To Christmas» by Phil Mullins

Whoa to Christmas
Can’t you see
There won’t be any presents
under our Christmas tree
Money is tight, Can’t get a grip
to many bills and taxes
What a rip
My job will end
Forced to retire soon
hell on the baby boom
Got to be 60 to retire from the Guard
Years of service,
Have to wait to collect
They make it hard
Can’t pay bills, Money is tight
Something in this picture
ain’t right
Grandkids will ask
Where’s my presents.
They won’t understand, We don’t have Cents
Forget a bill, Sell a chair
Presents he will have
It’s time to share
Turn in pop cans, buy a gift,
Ariel and Dallas will be happy
My emotions shift
From smiles to tears
I start to cry
We need help
we’re way behind
Taxes and rent
Bills and food
What can I say,
I cry every day


«Why Doesn’t He Love Me Back» by Jaleesah

Heart pounding
To those light brown eyes,

Racing to the beat of the drums,
In my imagination.

Warm feelings rising for him,
Butterflies and knots in my stomach.

My eyes meet his,
Our hands touch,
Then our lips,
We are no longer on earth.

Two hearts, one love,
I put my heart all out.
Only he knows what to do with it,
Take it and love it,

Lovebirds we’ll become,
Love has to come first,
Dreaming that soon lovers we’ll be,

I’m awake now,
It was just a dream,
Dreaming about the love I have for him,
The love he doesn’t have for me


«Wishes Don’t Come True» by Kathleen G. Mcneeley

I wish there were words to express how I feel,
But no words I see will do.
No words exist to convey my pain
Or the love I feel for you.

The love that stings like a bee
And makes me swell with pain.
I wish you loved me like honey,
Sweet and thick and sticky,
But that love for me no longer exists,
So I must care for the wound it left.

I wish you cared about me
The way you do our kids,
Loving them for who they are,
Not scowling at them from afar.

I wish you loved me like I love you,
With every inch and mile.
I fall apart every day.
Never at me do you smile.

I wish I made you happy.
I try to every day,
But I can’t seem to make you love me anymore.
I cry myself to sleep.
Every day I fail.
Every day I weep.

I wish a lot of thing these days,
But what is there to do?
Life isn’t a dream or fairytale.
Wishes don’t come true.


«Wondering Why Am I Here» by Raymond Martineau

I lay in bed alone at night and wonder why I’m here.
I do so much for everyone.
Why don’t they show they care?
I met this girl who said she loved me,
something I haven’t heard in so long.
She used me for my money;
what a ride she took me on.
There is so much hurt I feel, so much anger trapped inside.
Sometimes I wish my dad were here, but to me he’s not alive.
I have no one to talk to.
These drugs seem to be the only way.
Turns out it’s a lie just like the smile I put on each and every day.
I know outside I’m smiling; it’s the face I fake for you,
But inside my soul is crying and there is nothing I can do.
I know my family loves me.
I’m there when their decisions are poor.
I’m sick of feeling like this walked on rug thrown upon the floor.
I lay in bed and wonder what the hell I’m doing here.
Can I wake up from this dream?
Can I please just disappear?


«You «Said»» by Kaitlin Camp

You said you loved me,
You said you cared,
But you cannot see
All this pain that I have endured.

I feel as if you’re lying
And cannot stop my crying.
What did I do to deserve all this pain,
all this pain that I cannot sustain…

You say you’ve change,
But all you’re referring to
Is that thing in your pants
That you cannot contain.

You call yourself a “player,”
You call yourself a “beast,”
But all I see standing in front of me
Is a lying, cheating thief.

You stole my heart,
You took my pride
And threw it all back in my face
With no surprise.

Now I see that you never loved me…
And that you’ve always loved her..
Now I see..
As these painful tears stream down my face,
That I was never in your heart…
You never loved me…


«You Have Shattered Every Memory Of Us» by Jordan Byrnehouser

You have drowned every emotion of us,
Held it under water until it could no longer breathe.
You have shattered every memory of us,
Like glass, touching it I risk hurting every time.
You have burned any future of us,
Only left ashes of what could have been.
We could have been great together.
We could have made it.


«You Will Regret» by Shahinaz Soliman 

You will regret
That you made me cry,
That you didn’t see your love in my eye,
That you failed my heart and didn’t even try.
You will regret, and soon you will know why…

You will regret and miss my smile
When I will be away from you a hundred or a thousand miles.
You think I am not your candidate now and not your style
You will miss my soul, my laughter; it won’t take you a while…

You will regret…believe me…I don’t want you to.
I love you, and regrets are something that I don’t wish for you
You said that I was your soul mate,
Explained our love was our great fate.
A day later I was left on the side.
All your love and care did subside.
Sorry, I didn’t know how to play your game.
To my innocence and good heart you can only blame…

You will regret that you had me one day.
You will see my picture and wonder how you didn’t stay.
You will regret that you can’t touch me anymore.
You will regret that you never truly opened your heart’s door.
You will regret me forever.
You will never see me again, never.
You will regret me today and tomorrow…
Hope you can live well with your sorrow.
Goodbye now, I have to go my way,
Goodbye now is all I have to say…


«Your Path, My Heartbreak» by Chantal Vincent

You are blinded by shame
For all you have done
It hurts me so bad
That I was never number one.

I understand your pain
Or at least say that I do.
But really, inside,
I am just as lost as you.

You understand my pain
Or at least you claim that you do.
But how can you understand something
That you have never been through.

I try to accept your reasoning
Though my heart breaks in half
I know who is more important
You chose the right path

Still I can’t grasp this concept
Of you being gone
My feelings never die
I know this is wrong.

I say that I’d do anything for you
That’s a promise I can no longer make
Loving you is inevitable
It’s something that I can’t fake.


«Your Relationship Is Broken» by Lynn

In the midst of a sentence I felt it!
It hit me, a gut feeling things weren’t quite right.
The love I had come to know had changed.
It faded as if slowly dying.
I ask myself what is this, why is it happening to us?
We were perfect, compatible, uniquely in love with our life.
Something was changing.
It had all changed.
Everything was different.
I looked on the floor, and in front of me lays a million little pieces, covered in memories.
My heart ripped from my chest.
It lays on the ground in a million pieces.
My life was shattered.
What do I do with these pieces,
How do I pick them all up?
I dropped to my knees and picked them up, one by one, piece by piece.
I was taking the first step in getting my life back.
I realized the person I still loved with all my heart was symbolized in all the tiny pieces.
I sat down and put them all back together again.
I had the answer.


Who can be stronger, more necessary, and more beautiful than the person who is always with you, in all of life’s moments? Who else but her is worthy of the purest and most loyal love? A poem to your wife is a perfect confession of your sincere and warm feelings. Live and love as brightly as when you first realized this feeling. Short love poems for wife.

«A Dream For You» by Richard N. Cook

If I could dream
The dream I wanted to,
I would close my eyes,
And dream a dream for you.

I would give you all the world,
That you are deserving of,
And to you I would give
My everlasting love.

I would see to it
That you were never sad
And nothing in your life
Would ever happen bad.

I would wish for you
All things would go your way,
And you would always be happy,
Each and every day.

In my dream
You would stay
Just as beautiful
As you are today.

Life for you would be as perfect
As the blueness of the sky,
And no one would ever hurt you,
Or ever make you cry.

I know it’s just a dream,
But if dreams could come true,
I would close my eyes
And dream a dream for you.


«A Drinking Song» by W.B. Yeats

Wine comes in at the mouth
And love comes in at the eye;
That’s all we shall know for truth
Before we grow old and die.
I lift the glass to my mouth,
I look at you, and I sigh.


«A Gift From God» by Dino

So young, so fresh, so new
The love and passion I felt for you.
I loved you so and you said yes
A gift from God, I was blessed

A beautiful woman with a heart so true
The love and passion I still feel for you
Throughout the pregnancy as you carry our son
A gift from God, I’m the lucky one

A wonderful mother and wife
The love and passion for all my life
A gift from God you truly are
A blessing from above to the luckiest man by far


«A Good Woman» by Carol Naumann

One you should treasure, but not as a possession,
Who needs to be loved, not treated with aggression.
Her value is more than all the world’s treasures,
Not just the sum of scale’s unit measures.
She should always be built up, not torn down,
By all the words you speak, when she is around.
She needs to be hugged and not pushed away,
Especially when you are both having a really bad day.
Words spoken to her in haste and anger
Can place her fragile heart in danger.
She should be admired for her boundless love,
And looked upon as a true gift from Above.
Not used as a target for all your frustration,
But held close and kissed with loving admiration.
You should always appreciate her commitment to you,
And not take for granted what she’s given up for you!
Kiss her and love her all that you possibly can,
And don’t be embarrassed to be seen holding her hand.
Treasure each day as if it were the last,
And at the end of your life you won’t be regretting your past.


«A Red, Red Rose» by Robert Burns

O my Luve is like a red, red rose
That’s newly sprung in june;
O my Luve is like the melodie
That’s sweetly played in tune.

So fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
So deep in luve am I;
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
Till a’ the seas gang dry.

Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt wi’ the sun;
I will love thee still, my dear,
While the sands o’ life shall run.

And fare thee weel, my only luve!
And fare thee weel a while!
And I will come again, my luve,
Tho’ it were ten thousand miles.


«A Sense Of Love» by William Wilson 

Love is not something you see.
It’s meaning everything to me.
It’s needing to have you in my life,
So much that I made you my wife.

Love is not something you hear.
It’s always wanting to have you near.
It’s needing to feel your lips each day
So much that no words could ever say.

Love is not something you taste.
It’s never letting it go to waste.
It’s needing to see you even when we fight,
So much or I’ll miss you day and night.

Love is not something you touch.
It’s knowing that you mean so much.
It’s needing your skin when I’m in bed,
So much that you make me lose my head.

Love is not something you smell.
It’s something that you’re proud to tell.
It’s needing to always make you smile,
So much that you make my life worthwhile


«A Simple Bouquet» by Chris 

I stopped at the store to buy you a bouquet
What I found is that it had a whole lot to say
The flowers each stood for a part of our life
And they were meant for you, my beautiful wife

The yellow one stands for a little girl we both know
She’s pretty and sweet and always ready to go
She sings little girl songs and has beautiful dark hair
God gave us an angel for our hearts to share

The white rose represents the little boy in our home
There are days that I know he won’t leave you alone
He’s happy and smart and full of such joy
We’re lucky to be blessed with such a sweet boy

The red one’s a sign of the love that WE share
Over time we have proven just how much we care
We love in the ways that makes others just wish
And hope for each other with a smile and a kiss

That ribbon that holds the bouquet in a bunch
I didn’t get it at first, yet it means so much
It stands for your love in our home every day
As the center of our family in every way

This bouquet in the store, I’ll just have to get
The best part of this is it isn’t done yet
There are more flowers to add, more times to have fun
More nights full of laughter, and more days full of sun

So the next time I bring flowers, I hope that you know
Your love means much more to me than I could ever show


«Another Valentine» by Wendy Cope

Today we are obliged to be romantic
And think of yet another Valentine.
We know the rules, and we are both pedantic:
Today’s the day we have to be romantic.
Our love is old and sure, not new and frantic.
You know I’m yours, and I know you are mine.
And saying that has made me feel romantic,
My dearest love, my darling valentine.


«Bright Star» by John Keats

Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art–
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like nature’s patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earth’s human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors–
No–yet still steadfast, still unchangeable,
Pillow’d upon my fair love’s ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever–or else swoon to death.


«Fate» by Carolyn Wells

Two shall be born the whole world wide apart,
And speak in different tongues, and pay their debts
In different kinds of coin; and give no heed
Each to the other’s being. And know not
That each might suit the other to a T,
If they were but correctly introduced.
And these, unconsciously, shall bend their steps,
Escaping Spaniards and defying war,
Unerringly toward the same trysting-place,
Albeit they know it not. Until at last
They enter the same door, and suddenly
They meet. And ere they’ve seen each other’s face
They fall into each other’s arms, upon
The Broadway cable car – and this is Fate!


«Feelings And Thoughts» by Thomas Kachepa-Sanderson

When I wake
In the mornings,
I feel and think
So many things.

Thoughts of anger
Thoughts of aggression,
Thoughts of how
I can beat this depression.

Lots of people here
But I can’t help feeling lonely.
Six months I’m living here,
It will never feel homey.

Should I laugh?
Should I smile?
It only lasts
For a while.

But then the thought of seeing you
Sends me wild,
And the thought of seeing
Our unborn child.

The feeling of
Excitement and glee
Fills my heart,
I couldn’t be more happy.

I talk to you
On the net and phone,
Always thinking
Of coming home.

How is my wife?
How is she coping?
To the woman I love,
My life I’m devoting.

When I know you are well
And you and bump are okay,
My smile grows bigger
With every day.

The way you walk,
The way you smell,
To hear your voice,
I’m under your spell.

You make everything
Come to life.
I just smile
And thank God you’re my wife.

What I’m trying to say
Through all of this
Is you make my life
A living bliss.

Thank you


«Friendship Endures All Things» by Patrick Evans

There is a time in life
When the person you will love
For the rest of your life
Walks in and captures your heart.

Sometimes, just sometimes
You hurt that person,
You push them away,
Not meaning to,
But you do.
Flawed thoughts and actions.

Because you do this,
You put at risk that person.
That loved one…
They walk away.
At times,
You are afraid to go on after this,
But what choice do you have?

All you can do
Is hope that one day,
If that person is the one,
You will meet in spirit and soul…again.
Better. Secure. Happy.

You join again, better friends.
And if, just by chance
You each receive that second chance,
Remember the past.
Learn from your mistakes,
And never let them happen again.
And by doing this…
You each discover Shangri-la.
And a lifetime of happiness awaits.

If kisses were water,
I’d give you the sea,
If hugs were leaves,
I’d give you a tree,
If friendship were love,
I’d give you eternity.

And if you are true and sincere to me,
My friendship and love is
Forever eternal.

And every morning you open your eyes, tell yourself that it is special.
Every day, every minute,
Every second is truly a gift.
Dance like no one is watching,
And love like it will never hurt.

It’s been said…true friends must always hold hands
Because they know the other hand will forever be there.
My hand is forever extended.


«Habitation» by Margaret Atwood

Marriage is not
A house, or even a tent
It is before that, and colder:
The edge of the forest, the edge of the desert
The unpainted stairs
At the back, where we squat
Outdoors, eating popcorn
Where painfully and with wonder
At having survived this far
We are learning to make fire


«Happy Marriage Anniversary» by Shishir

We’ve been married for the last fifteen years
Your role as wife deserves three cheers
Our family has gotten your full care
You do everything for the kids’ welfare
Love to the new phase let us now carry
Wishing you a happy marriage anniversary

Along with you I feel in a safe zone
You are our family’s strong back bone
I pray to God to give you good health
Which I consider my greatest wealth
My future love for you will never vary
Wishing you a happy marriage anniversary

Grief and happiness come and go
Our mutual strength will be never low
Message of peace we both will spread
And will try our best to make others glad
Everyone will then make merry
Wishing you a happy marriage anniversary

Everyone desires a very good life
That is possible only through a good wife
Who always stands by your side
And feels you to be her greatest pride
Making you feel like a prince Harry
Wishing you a happy marriage anniversary

Today I make to you this special plea
You only swim in my heart’s deep sea
Entry of others in it I will strictly refuse
You only can make its gainful use
Believe for me only you are primary
Wishing you a happy marriage anniversary


«How Do I Love Thee?» by Elizabeth Barret Browning

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of every day’s
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, — I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! — and, if God chose,
I shall but love thee better after death.


«I Carry Your Heart With Me» by E. E. Cummings

I carry your heart with me (I carry it in
my heart)
I am never without it (anywhere
I go you go, my dear;
And whatever is done
By only me is your doing, my darling)
I fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet)
I want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
And it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
And whatever a sun will always sing is you.

Here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
And this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart

I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)


«I Commend To You» by Richard M. Deets

Dear, to you this velvet rose I commend,
In which a model of yourself I tend.
How well within your palm its long stem rests,
So just your smiling eyes my vision nests.
To hold this goddess of mystique is life,
A touch of you is much more so, my wife.
The scent thins in air, the color is true,
As true, yet how much more special are you.
The petal serene, your hands need not toil,
Your faith in us is more so free of spoil.
You’ll deem this dear as from me you have it;
Your trust is dearer, because you give it.
This rose as perfect as my kiss can seal,
Your love within my lofty heart does peal.
But this as all aspects peels in love’s sight,
Whereas you, my wife, exceed in each right.


«I Love You» by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

I love your lips when they’re wet with wine
And red with a wild desire;
I love your eyes when the lovelight lies
Lit with a passionate fire.
I love your arms when the warm white flesh
Touches mine in a fond embrace;
I love your hair when the strands enmesh
Your kisses against my face.

Not for me the cold, calm kiss
Of a virgin’s bloodless love;
Not for me the saint’s white bliss,
Nor the heart of a spotless dove.
But give me the love that so freely gives
And laughs at the whole world’s blame,
With your body so young and warm in my arms,
It sets my poor heart aflame.

So kiss me sweet with your warm wet mouth,
Still fragrant with ruby wine,
And say with a fervor born of the South
That your body and soul are mine.
Clasp me close in your warm young arms,
While the pale stars shine above,
And we’ll live our whole young lives away
In the joys of a living love.


«I Love You For What You Are» by Carl Sandberg

I love you for what you are,
But I love you yet more for what you are going to be.
I love you not so much for your realities as for your ideals.
I pray for your desires that they may be great,
Rather than for your satisfactions, which may be so hazardously little.
A satisfied flower is one whose petals are about to fall.
The most beautiful rose is one hardly more than a bud
Wherein the pangs and ecstasies of desire are working for a larger and finer growth.
Not always shall you be what you are now.
You are going forward toward something great.
I am on the way with you and therefore I love you.


«I Will Always Love You» by Richard M. Deets 

I desire you when splinters of light appear
And the dew lazily joins morning sky.
When arias, pining birds to mates sing,
I want the soothing softness of your kiss.

I desire you when the sun centers the sky
And shadows hide beneath the soles of feet.
When butterflies dance among petals white,
I want the sparkle of your smiling eyes.

I desire you as the moon welcomes the night
And skies are flooded with twinkling bright stars.
When candles flicker their last silent breath,
I then want to feel your sensuous touch.

I desire you when passion swells all your soul
And your lovely face shines with radiance.
When your moist lips are full of love’s desire,
I want to feel every pulse of your heart.

I desire you when you are weary and down
And gray skies sprinkle droplets of sad tears.
When the world laughs at your every stumble,
I want to gently sooth your sorrows.

I desire you my love in every moment.
As time adds years like sands on the beach,
When you sense your beauty slipping to the wind,
I will want you so much more than now.


«In The Shadow Of Your Warm Love» by Paul Holmes

In the shadow of your warm love
I feel so safe and secure,
And your soft, caring hands
Urge me on to bravely endure.
Your smiles soothe and ease the pain
Of another dark and lonely day;

The rainbow appears amid the rain,
My sorrow as quickly melts away.
A reassuring glow within your eyes
Tells me that you understand
The complicated ways of my sighs
Born of thoughts truly grand.
I continue to look upon your face
And gain a calm heart, my sweet solace.


«Joys Of Being A Husband And A Wife» by Danny Blackburn

When you were 16 you were so beautiful, filled with life and adventure.
You were a girl, acted like a lady who was a woman, you were so mature.

When you were 16 you were my bride, together we were always and even in our hearts.
I would sometimes skip work to stay home with you just for the time together; I could not stand us apart.

We married so young, and others thought that we had no idea what life was about.
Our lives were simple, we had love and each other, we knew that we could make it without a doubt.

We looked forward to Friday night, to most of the time just sitting around loving each other.
We had married young and we were well on our way realizing soon after I would be a father and you a mother.

I watched you as your body changed, always seeing you more beautiful each day.
You had the soul of a caring mother, love you showed for an unborn child in a very caring way.

You were 16, you were so beautiful and soon to be a mother, so young and yet wise beyond your years.
You were so unbelievably perfect in all that you did for that child and your husband, you never expressed a fear.

You took on motherhood with unbelievable devotion, and loved that child with such passion
So young you were, and to this day I can say I have never seen a mother with greater compassion.

We have had three children in all, we have both given to them all and tried to give them a good life.
We, together raised our children who in all can’t complain because you did all you could to make it nice.

Now we have grandchildren that our kids must raise and give a life,
So now I feel that we should get back to where we were 30 years ago; will you be my wife.

What I am trying to say is we have been there for everyone else, so young we were in our lives.
There are not many things I would change except now I think it is time that we find the joys of being a husband and a wife.

To you I dedicate my life, to you I devote my heart, to you I promise to cherish and hold above all others.


«Let Us Be True» by Matthew Arnold

Ah, love, let us be true
To one another! for the world, which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams,
So various, so beautiful, so new,
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
Where ignorant armies clash by night.


«Lifeline» by Marcus Ditsworth

Like a skydiver needs a parachute,
Like a singer needs to sing,
And God breathes life into all living things.
Like the water in the ocean
That all swimming creatures need to survive,
And a baby’s love for his mother,
Because there is a sparkle in her eye.
Like the sun shining on your face,
I swear there are angels on high.
This is how I see my love for you,
So now let me tell you why.
You are my lifeline
So I can soar into new things
Just like an eagle that is gliding on his wings.


«Love Is» by Adrian Henri

Love is feeling cold in the back of vans
Love is a fan club with only two fans
Love is walking holding paint-stained hands
Love is
Love is fish and chips on winter nights
Love is blankets full of strange delights
Love is when you don’t put out the light
Love is
Love is the presents in Christmas shops
Love is when you’re feeling top of the Pops
Love is what happens when the music stops
Love is
Love is white panties lying all forlorn
Love is a pink nightdress still slightly warm
Love is when you have to leave at dawn
Love is
Love is you and love is me
Love is a prison and love is free
Love’s what’s there when you’re away from me
Love is…


«Love Song» by Henry Dumas

I have to adore the earth:

The wind must have heard your voice once.
It echoes and sings like you.

The soil must have tasted you once.
It is laden with your scent.

The trees honor you in gold
and blush when you pass.

I know why the north country is frozen.
It has been trying to preserve your memory.

I know why the desert burns with fever.
It was wept too long without you.

On hands and knees, the ocean begs up the beach,
and falls at your feet.

I have to adore the mirror of the earth.
You have taught her well how to be beautiful.


«Love Song» by Mary Carolyn Davies

There is a strong wall about me to protect me:
It is built of the words you have said to me.

There are swords about me to keep me safe:
They are the kisses of your lips.

Before me goes a shield to guard me from harm:
It is the shadow of your arms between me and danger.

All the wishes of my mind know your name,
And the white desires of my heart
They are acquainted with you.
The cry of my body for completeness,
That is a cry to you.
My blood beats out your name to me,
unceasing, pitiless
Your name, your name


«Love Song for Lucinda» by Langston Hughes

Is a ripe plum
Growing on a purple tree.
Taste it once
And the spell of its enchantment
Will never let you be.
Is a bright star
Glowing in far Southern skies.
Look too hard
And it’s burning flame
Will always hurt your eyes.
Is a high mountain
Stark in a windy sky.
If you
Would never lose your breath
Do not climb too high


«Monna Innominata» by Christina Rossetti

I loved you first: but afterwards your love
Outsoaring mine, sang such a loftier song
As drowned the friendly cooings of my dove.
Which owes the other most? My love was long,
And yours one moment seemed to wax more strong;
I loved and guessed at you, you construed me
And loved me for what might or might not be –
Nay, weights and measures do us both a wrong.
For verily love knows not ‘mine’ or ‘thine;’
With separate ‘I’ and ‘thou’ free love has done,
For one is both and both are one in love:
Rich love knows nought of ‘thine that is not mine;’
Both have the strength and both the length thereof,
Both of us, of the love which makes us one.


«Moonlit Snow» by Danny Blackburn

As the beauty of the Christmas season comes to life
I pray for snow and a moonlit snow covered night

I do not want to be in the tropics walking on a beach of sand
I would rather walk through the snow with you, feeling the warmth of your hand

In the night walking down a path covered in moonlight and a beautiful snow
We would stop so that I could admire your beauty under the moonlight glow

We could walk and talk reflecting back on thirty-three years of life under the moon and stars above
I would be in a place that I have been for all these thirty three years, with you and still in love

I would appreciate all that surrounds me as I look into your eyes
I would thank God for you my love, thank him for being so wise

I would hold you tight to keep you warm as we walked through the night
To have your love and you in my arms means that all in life is right

Just to hear your voice, to see your smile and listen to you means more to me than you can ever know
Your voice is like that of an angel, your smile places warmth in my heart, you have a special glow

I pray for one present this year, as I have in years past
I pray that our love grows stronger and forever it shall last


«My First Love» by Danny Blackburn

Pammy, you are my first love, the one that I still love today.
You are still just as beautiful, and I have learned to love you in so many different ways.

I love you for your caring, kind and gentle ways.
I love you for your beauty, which only gets better with each passing day.

I love you for your kiss, your touch and your loving ways.
I loved you yesterday, today and will tomorrow. I promise my love is here to stay.

I love you because you saved and gave yourself to me.
I love and respect you, that I hope that you see.

I want you to know that I truly respect you for that act of love.
I remember well the first time that we made love, you are a gift from God above.

Yesterdays are the past, today is to be lived.
I loved you yesterday and today, tomorrow I will have more love to give.

Your devotion was never wavering, your love is oh so true.
I give my soul to God, and my heart I give to you.

I fell for you the first time we kissed.
Every minute that we are apart, please know that you are missed.

Pammy, my love for you is pure and true.
There is no other girl for me, for I can love only you.

You are my love, my joy, my life, my breath, the beating of my heart
Please know that I love you, long for you, and it kills me when we are apart.

I promise to give you all I have, my love for you is endless, yours for our lifetime and eternity.
I promise to love, honor, cherish, hold, protect, and devote myself to thee.

Pammy, you are my first love, my true love, the love that I promise to protect and to give all to.
I thank God for the privilege of loving you.


«My Song» by Shelly O. Starkey

If one were deaf
might he feel the sound of music
and in its vibrations
come to know the true feeling of its depth

If one were mute
might he speak to the world
through the rhythm of his dance
and the smile in his eyes

If one were blind
might he savor the colors of the rainbow
and hear their discordant sound
as they clash together in a prism of light

Standing among the flowers
can you feel the dulcet aroma of the rose
as its scent drifts upon the wind

Can you hear what I feel
smell what I see
or touch the light
that shines down upon me from the night

Have you, as I, been lucky enough
to feel the harmonious touch
of another soul that loves you more than life
or taste the sweet perfection of that person’s embrace

Her sweet scent has brought light into my world
and her tender caresses have filled my heart with song

Within my eyes I hold her
and her gentle voice touches my heart
in her arms I have known laughter
with her smile I know peace

She is my Life
My Wife
My Song


«My Wife» by Andre’ Cardenas

Hand in hand we walk together,
God’s grace warms us from above.
It’s him I thank each day I wake
for blessing me with all your love.

The sunshine in my morning
and the bird that sings my song.
In this life when I am troubled,
through God it’s you who keeps me strong.

The wind beneath my wings
as this eagle takes to flight.
You are the stars that brighten up my sky
in the darkness of the night.

The mother of my children
and the air that gives me life.
My truest friend of all…
my heart, my soul, my wife.


«My Wife» by Rolly Reinhart

Unexpectedly she entered my life,
This woman, this angel, who became my wife.

She captured my heart and soul,
Warming a place once so dark and cold.

This woman, this angel, to love and embrace,
With a gentle touch to caress her face.

Her words of love, so honest and true,
She whispers to me when the day is new.

She provides a home filled with love,
A home blessed by GOD above.

This woman, this angel, GOD would bless,
A baby to hold and gently caress.

For eternity we shall adore and love
Our baby from heaven above.

This woman, this angel, wife and mother,
I know there can be no other.

This woman, this angel, and mother; she is my life
This woman, this angel, and mother; she is my wife.


«One Hundred Love Sonnets: XVII» by Pablo Neruda

I don’t love you as if you were a rose of salt, topaz,
Or arrow of carnations that propagate fire:
I love you as one loves certain obscure things,
Secretly, between the shadow and the soul.

I love you as the plant that doesn’t bloom but carries
The light of those flowers, hidden, within itself,
And thanks to your love, the tight aroma that arose
From the earth lives dimly in my body.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where,
I love you directly without problems or pride:
I love you like this because I don’t know any other way to love,
Except in this form in which I am not nor are you,
So close that your hand upon my chest is mine,
So close that your eyes close with my dreams


«Sonnet 130» by William Shakespeare

My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips’ red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damask’d, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any, she belied with false compare.


«Thanks» by Michael A. Faust

I know it’s been a hard task,
the things we ask of you.
You should know you’re very special
for all the things you do.

I’m thankful for a wife like you;
no one could take your place.
A heart like yours for those in need
is a thing one can’t replace.

So thanks again for being there
and for all the things you do.
No man could be so lucky
to have a love like you!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Let my eyes be massaged by your beauty.
Let my heart be warmed by your smile.
Let my ears always hear that you love me.
Let my lips kiss yours for a while.

Let my arms hold you close when you’re sad.
Let my hugs make you warm when you’re cold.
Let my love last as long as forever.
That way we will never grow old.

Let me promise you’ll never be lonely.
Let me promise to always be true,
Please let me by happy for the rest of my life,
When I ask you, please say, “I do.”


«That Someone Special» by Richard N. Cook

She is the apple of my eye,
The reason that I live.
She is all that I could wish for.
My heart to her I give.

It is for that someone special
These words that I do pen,
To thank her for always being
My wife and my best friend.

She has the will to live until
The last breath she does take.
There is the love within her heart,
Such good memories to make.

She is the sunshine in my morning,
The star that’s in my sky,
And if I should ever lose her,
Then I would surely die.

She stands always at my side,
No matter what comes our way.
She comforts me with steadfast love
Each and every day.

She carries many burdens,
And her heart is sometimes broken
By all the thanks she never gets
And all the words unspoken.

I know her life is not her own.
I always seem so needy,
And asking her to do one more thing,
I feel so really greedy.

How can I ever thank her
For all she has done for me?
I can only give her all my heart
And love her to eternity.

I hope that when the end comes,
And she meets God face to face,
He will tell her that in Heaven
She has a special place.


«To My Wife» by Jerry Boettcher

On this day we said our vows.
Now is a time to say just how
Much I appreciate you.

God-crafted for me alone,
You’ve done so well to make our home
A place of nurture and love.

Smoothing out my obtuse corners,
You help to make our family warmer
To the people who surround us.

I love you as much as on day one,
Even though many years have gone
By in the blink of a moment.

I am so happy I have years more
To be with you and to adore…


«To My Wife, Chiholloli» by Danny Blackburn 

I know not all the languages of this world.
I know not all the ways to tell you that I love you, girl.

I will express my love in words and by my deeds.
I promise to you forever, and I hope you see.

Your beauty is endless in my eyes, can’t you see?
For you are the only love for me.

I desire to hold and touch you through each night
And awaken to you each morning for the rest of my life.

Your honesty, love and friendship as my wife brings me the greatest of pleasure.
You are my love, my wife, my best friend and God’s greatest gift to me, you are my treasure.

As you have begun to see, life is moving fast,
And as we go through time mine is a love that will last.

As life moves on I promise to love you each day with a gentle touch,
To hold you, kiss you, caress you, care for you, for I love you so very, very much.

Your touch, your kiss and your words of love to me mean so much.
When we are apart I miss your love, your kiss and your touch so very, very much.

Your smile brightens my day, your touch warms my soul and your kiss rushes my heart.
My dearest Pammy I love you, I miss you and I long for you when we are apart.

How do I show you my love is yours, endless and true?
How do I show you that I cherish and honor you?

I will lift you to the stars above.
I will prove that my love for you is an endless love.

I know not all the ways to express my love of you and for you
I promise to show in every way that my love for you is true.

Chiholloli translated from Chickasaw is “I LOVE YOU.”
I pray to God that you know that is true


«To You» by Kenneth Koch

I love you as a sheriff searches for a walnut
That will solve a murder case unsolved for years
Because the murderer left it in the snow beside a window
Through which he saw her head, connecting with
Her shoulders by a neck, and laid a red
Roof in her heart. For this we live a thousand years;
For this we love, and we live because we love, we are not
Inside a bottle, thank goodness!
I love you as a Kid searches for a goat; I am crazier than shirttails
In the wind, when you’re near, a wind that blows from
The big blue sea, so shiny so deep and so unlike us;
I think I am bicycling across an Africa of green and white fields
Always, to be near you, even in my heart
When I’m awake, which swims, and also I believe that you
Are trustworthy as the sidewalk which leads me to
The place where I again think of you, a new
Harmony of thoughts!
I love you as the sunlight leads the prow
Of a ship which sails
From Hartford to Miami, and I love you
Best at dawn, when even before I am awake the sun
Receives me in the questions which you always pose.


«Valentine» by John Fuller

The things about you I appreciate
May seem indelicate:
I’d like to find you in the shower
And chase the soap for half an hour.
I’d like to have you in my power
And see your eyes dilate.
I’d like to have your back to scour
And other parts to lubricate.
Sometimes I feel it is my fate
To chase you screaming up a tower
Or make you cower
By asking you to differentiate
Nietzsche from Schopenhauer.
I’d like to successfully guess your weight
And win you at a féte.
I’d like to offer you a flower.


«Walk In My Shoes» by Steven P. Dawson

If you walked in my shoes for a day,
You’d know how I love you in such a way.

You’d share the aching of my heart
for every moment we spend apart.

You’d feel electricity when I touch your skin
and the warmth I receive from seeing you grin.

You’d see me tumble into your eyes,
how they brighten up the greyest skies.

You’d smell the sweetness of your aura,
radiating like fresh picked flora.

You’d hear how saying three simple words
is like hearing the sweetest song of birds.

If you walked in my shoes for the rest of your life,
you’d know that I’m thankful that you’re my wife.


«We Are Made One With What We Touch And See» by Oscar Wilde

And we two lovers shall not sit afar,
Critics of nature, but the joyous sea
Shall be our raiment, and the bearded star
Shoot arrows at our pleasure! We shall be
Part of the mighty universal whole,
And though all Aeons mix
And mingle with the Kosmic soul!

We shall be notes in the great symphony
Whose cadence circles through the rhythmic spheres,
And all the live world’s throbbing heart shall be
One without heart, the stealthy creeping years
Have lost their terrors now, we shall not die,
The universe itself shall be our immortality!


«We’re Good, I Promise» by Danny Blackburn

I have to remember that true love is strong and enduring,
But it is true, there are times when the strong need reassuring.

You write me and say, “Danny, everything is fine, please don’t worry.”  I thank you.
I love you so, and I appreciate you taking that moment to tell me you love me too.

You write me and say, “We’re good, I promise.” I hope you know how much that means to me.
Our life together will be your pleasure. I will give you all my love, devotion, and attention, that you will see.

When we were young we took time for walks in the park.
Hand in hand, so happy together just walking in the dark.

We loved so pure, so honest and true.
I thanked God then as today for giving me you.

We loved life and each other, we promised our devotion forever.
We were so happy, so loving and always together.

We had not a lot of things or money back then,
But I had the best of life; my wife was my best friend.

We had love and we had each other; you were and are God’s gift and my treasure.
Then as today to just lie on the couch as you fall asleep in my arms is my pleasure.

It is the simple things that mean so much,
As simple as just feeling your touch.

Now all these years later I feel so in love with you.
I am a very blessed man, and God has blessed me; I know that is true.

Each day I awake and I realize what I want to do.
I want to spend each day of my life devoted to and loving you.

I want to have new adventures in life; you know that is true,
But I want to do nothing that does not include you.

We love today like never a day before,
Because each day I love you so much more.

You are so beautiful, more beautiful each day.
You beauty is more than it was yesterday.

You have matured from a beautiful young bride
To a beautiful mature woman with love and pride.

We no longer have youth on our side.
Our age is something that we much longer can’t hide.

My love for you has grown stronger through the years.
Your love gives me strength, so as we age I have no fears.

I love you, and I hope you know that you are my blessing, my wife.
I am devoted to loving you and caring for you for the rest of my life.


«Whenever I Am Away From You» by Christopher Poindexter

Whenever I am away from you,
The distance between us
A burdensome thing,
I always think of you in colors,
The smell of coffee as you so
Proudly make it for me,
The perfect sunlight spilling in through the window.
I miss you even when you are beside me.
I dream of your body even when you are sleeping in my arms.
The words I love you could never be enough.
I suppose we’ll have to invent new ones.


«Wild Nights – Wild Nights» by Emily Dickinson

Wild nights – Wild nights!
Were I with thee
Wild nights should be
Our luxury!

Futile – the winds –
To a Heart in port –
Done with the Compass –
Done with the Chart!

Rowing in Eden –
Ah – the Sea!
Might I but moor – tonight –
In thee!


«With The Thought Of You» by Tyler Knott Gregson

I would sleep with the thought of you,
With the silhouette of a single memory,
With the scent left hours after you’ve touched me.
I would lose myself in the folds of your dress,
The fabric of the shirt you wore
When you fell asleep leaned against my shoulder.
Paint me in the soft focus fog of your tenderness,
Pull me from myself.


«You, My Wife, My Treasure» by Danny Blackburn

I had walked through life with nothing until you; until you, I knew no pleasure.
And then one day God sent you to me; you, my wife, my treasure.

A gift from God, a gift so fine that you can never be measured.
A love so fine, so sweet, so kind; it’s you, my love; you, my wife, my treasure.

I promise to hug and kiss and hold you each day.
I promise a love with devotion that will never ever fade away.

I promise and swear to God above
To show you nothing but my pure love.

I will admire the blessing of your boundless love,
Because I know that you are a true gift from heaven above.

I will not hurt you with my frustrations.
I will hold you close and kiss you with loving admiration.

I will always appreciate your commitment to me.
Give me a chance, for can’t you see?

This is not a game of chance that we play.
It is true love that I swear is committed to stay.

You say that at times you are afraid.
This one I can find no rhyme so let me be clear:

I will…
       Love you endlessly
       Devote my life to making you happy
       Admire you each day for the person you are
       Take interest in the things that you like to do
       Admire your beauty daily in awe and reflect it back to you
       Be attentive to you and your needs
       Be forgiving
       Listen to you with never a harsh word in return (I swear it and pray for it in God’s name)
       Show you by my actions that I love you
       Be more open and fun to you, your family and friends
       Never go to bed without you
       Rub you, kiss you, bathe you, lift you up or whatever it takes when you are feeling down.

I will kiss you and love you all that I possibly can,
And don’t be embarrassed to be seen holding my hand.

I will treasure each day as if it were our last,
And at the end of your life you won’t regret me being your past.

You are the sunshine in my morning, and like a the bird, I will sing you a song.
I know that in this life when I am troubled, through God it’s you who keeps me strong.

You are the mother of my children and the air that gives me life,
My truest friend of all, my heart, my soul, my wife.

I love you very much; you are all that is good in this world.