
A Better Place

This world would be a better place.
If we forgave each other and gave some grace
When others do wrong, we are quick to blame
But many times, we are the same.

Brotherhood of man can be
A realization can’t you see.
Helping each other, lending a hand
Rather than anger and demands.

Rather than judge each other
We should act more like brothers.
Loving one another changes things
And peace to the world it would bring.

By Catherine Pulsifer


A Brother Dear

Happy Birthday to a brother who is dear
As you read this, I can see your grin ear to ear.
Yes, it is me, your sister saying your dear.
Did you ever think those words you would hear?

But, you, my brother, you’re the best.
Your age shows you’re reaching the crest.
It’s over the hill for you now.
So let your sister please allow

A song I want to sing for you
Siblings, we will always be, that’s true.
And with the age, you are now at
It’s okay, you’re a little fat.

All joking aside, I wish you a Happy Day.
May you enjoy it in every way
We want you to know we are always there.
And for you, we do care!

By Catherine Pulsifer


Autism Within My Brother

Partner in crime.
Together forever.
A lemon and lime

Normal as can be.
Love you always.
Special to me.

A rock star kid.
Good times and bad.
Astonishing changes.
You’re trending a fad.

Special needs if you please,
But retarded, that word never should you speak.

A heart of gold.
One amazing soul.
A special young man, so very bold.

Looking for friends.
The words just don’t seem right.
This isn’t very fair.
Seemingly can’t take flight.

Autism affects his social reaction.
He has trouble with getting anyone’s attraction.

He will make you laugh.
He will treat you right.
Wanting normality.
He’s funny and bright.

He is my little brother
He means the world to me.
You can call him autistic but
he will always be the sugar in my tea.

By Anna Hall


Big Brother

Big brother, how I loved you
Big brother, why did you leave
Big brother, you promised you’d stay
Big brother, you never came back

Big brother, I was supposed to go first
Big brother, they still need you
Big brother, I still need you
Big brother, you promised me you’d be here

Big brother, no one else will understand me
Big brother who will be here for me
Big brother, our plans will never be the same
Big brother, no one can fill the gap you left me

Big brother, you’re no longer tan
Big brother, you’re no longer warm
Big brother, you no longer move
Big brother, you no longer make me smile

Big brother, they say you’re never coming back
Big brother, I know their wrong, you promised
Big brother, you bгоке your promise
Big brother you left me, lifeless, just like you…

By Chandler Darlingz


Born Brothers 

Equality is absolute or no.
Nothing between can stand. We are the sons
Of the same sire, or madness breaks and runs
Through the rude world. Ridiculous our woe
If single pity does not love it. So
Our separate fathers love us. No man shuns
His poorest child’s embrace. We are the sons
Of such, or ground and sky are soon to go.

Nor do born brothers judge, as good or ill,
Their being. Each consents and is the same,
Or suddenly sweet winds turn into flame
And floods are on us–fire, earth, water, air
All hideously parted, as his will
Withdraws, no longer fatherly and there.

By Mark van Doren



oh brother.

Brother, can’t you see,
you’re tearing me apart.
Brother, won’t you see,
this war beats on my heart.

Brother, please remember,
when we were once one.
Brother, please remember,
all the songs we’ve sung.

Brother, oh brother,
can we still be friends?
Brother, of brother,
this can’t be the end.

Brother, have we lost,
everything we had.
Brother, can we erase,
all that has gone bad.

Brother, have we killed,
all our brotherhood.
Never thought you’d hate me,
never thought you would.

Brother, oh brother,
can we still be friends?
Brother, of brother,
this can’t be the end.

Brother, oh brother,
we will never be friends.
Brother, oh brother,
this will be the end.

By Barry Andrew Pietrantonio


Brother And Sister

I cannot choose but think upon the time
When our two lives grew like two buds that kiss
At lightest thrill from the bee’s swinging chime,
Because the one so near the other is.

He was the elder and a little man
Of forty inches, bound to show no dread,
And I the girl that puppy-like now ran,
Now lagged behind my brother’s larger tread.

I held him wise, and when he talked to me
Of snakes and birds, and which God loved the best,
I thought his knowledge marked the boundary
Where men grew blind, though angels knew the rest.

If he said ‘Hush!’I tried to hold my breath;
Wherever he said ‘Come!’I stepped in faith.

By George Eliot


Brother and Sister

The shorn moon trembling indistinct on her path,
Frail as a scar upon the pale blue sky,
Draws towards the downward slope: some sorrow hath
Worn her down to the quick, so she faintly fares
Along her foot-searched way without knowing why
She creeps persistent down the sky’s long stairs.

Some day they see, though I have never seen,
The dead moon heaped within the new moon’s arms;
For surely the fragile, fine young thing had been
Too heavily burdened to mount the heavens so.
But my heart stands still, as a new, strong dread alarms
Me; might a young girl be heaped with such shadow of woe?

Since Death from the mother moon has pared us down to the quick,
And cast us forth like shorn, thin moons, to travel
An uncharted way among the myriad thick
Strewn stars of silent people, and luminous litter
Of lives which sorrows like mischievous dark mice chavel
To nought, diminishing each star’s glitter,

Since Death has delivered us utterly, naked and white,
Since the month of childhood is over, and we stand alone,
Since the beloved, faded moon that set us alight
Is delivered from us and pays no heed though we moan
In sorrow, since we stand in bewilderment, strange
And fearful to sally forth down the sky’s long range.

We may not cry to her still to sustain us here,
We may not hold her shadow back from the dark.
Oh, let us here forget, let us take the sheer
Unknown that lies before us, bearing the ark
Of the covenant onwards where she cannot go.
Let us rise and leave her now, she will never know.

By David Herbert Lawrence


Brother Jim

My brother Jim’s a millionaire,
while I have scarce a penny;
His face is creased with lines of care,
While my mug hasn’t any.
With inwardness his eyes are dim,
While mine laugh out in glee,
And though I ought to envy him,
I think he envies me.

He has a chateau, I a shack,

And humble I should be
To see his stately Cadillac
Beside my jalopy.
With chain of gold his belly’s girt,
His beard is barber trim;
Yet bristle-chinned with ragged shirt,
I do not envy Jim.

My brother is a man of weight;
For every civic plum

He grabs within one pie of state,
While I am just a bum.
Last Winter he was near to croak
With gastric ulcers grim. . . .
And no! although I’m stony broke
I will not envy Jim

He gets the work, I get the fun;
He has no tie for play;
Whereas with paddle, rod and gun
My life’s a holiday.
As over crabbed script he pores
I can the sky’s blue rim. . . .
Oh boy! While I have God’s outdoors
I’ll never envy Jim.

By Robert William Service


Brother Trouble

Of all the burdens I must bear,
My brother’s number one.
Our parents really messed up there.
They’ve raised an awful son.
He’s lazy, stubborn, rough and mean
And thinks he’s boss of me.
The biggest grouch you’ve ever seen
And greedy as can be.

His constant teasing makes me sore.
He does it just for spite.
He cheats and brags and, furthermore,
He tickles when we fight.
Unless he stops, I swear someday
I’ll punch his ugly face.
And if they’d let me have my way,
I’d shoot him into space.

But other times, he’s not so bad.
He’s taught me lots of games.
He gave me toys and books he had
And calls me funny names.
He helps me when my homework’s hard
And finds me when I hide.
He built the treehouse in our yard
And lets me play inside.

He laughs at every joke I tell
And gives me good advice.
He knows when I’m not feeling well
And treats me extra nice.

So, all in all, I’d have to say
It’s better in the end
To let the no-good nuisance stay.
My brother is my friend.

By Richard Thomas


Brother, Oh Brother

Brother, oh brother, where would I be without you
Over the years, you have helped me in all I do.
You have been an encourager and a big fan.
In my opinion, you’re the best in the clan!

You are always willing to lend a hand.
And you always had time to listen and understand
Brothers like you are far and few.
What would I ever do without you?

We have shared many tears.
Over the past years
But also we have had more.
Fun times galore!

Siblings we are, but now best friends
I will always be here for you to the end.
I just want to say thank you, my brother,
There truly is no other!

By Catherine Pulsifer


Brotherly Love

We are brothers by blood
And my love does flood
The thoughts of yesterday
Two children fast at play

That was the past
And the memories will last
Because in our dreams time stands still
There we can view thoughts of yesterday and, tomorrow at will

Tomorrow will come and I’ll be there
With unmeasurable amount of love to share
For now we have our dreams and thoughts
Our should’ve and oughts

Our fathers and mothers
But… we are brothers
We are brothers by blood
And my love does flood

By Andrew M. Woods



From the depths of my heart, come the words of a brother,
where our souls and our minds, are like that of no other.
The spirit of competition, will always be there,
in the look of our eyes, and the glance of our stare.
Protecting each other, is always a must,
good times or bad times, never losing that trust.
Like a vision of Indians, riding across desert sand,
or the heart of a Raider, when he conquers new land.
We never lacked courage, or showed too much pride,
with no thoughts of guilt, or feelings put to the side.
It’s important to strive forward, and not live through regret,
but to savor the memories, and to never forget.
To be such close companions, always made me so proud,
never scared to express feelings, our emotions speak loud.
Whether it’s heaven or on earth, our souls are always together,
we share that sacred bond, knowing that brothers last forever.

By  Steve Mason



The ones you go to for help,
For comfort,
For advice,
When you just had a fight with Mom and Dad,
Another girl,
Or your boyfriend.

The ones you go to, to tell them that
You’re pregnant,
Getting married,
Or just need a shoulder to cry on.
The ones you look up to,
Share jokes,
And talk to about everything.

They’re there for the good times,
And everything in between.

My brother,
He helps me with everything.
Now all he needs,
Is me.

By Jessica M. Beuerlein


 Dear Brother

I have searched for many years,
Lived through tunnels of tears,
Reminiscing in what could have been,
The hero I always saw within.

From time to time, the thought came back,
Wasn’t I your sister? Wasn’t I your blood?

We each parted our own way,
Our parents didn’t help, needless to say.

A couple of months ago, my search finally came to an end,
My long lost brother is now my good friend.

What you mean to me I cannot express,
You’re more than someone I call when I am in distress.

Today, as you walked me down the aisle,
Giving me away,
I had the biggest smile,
That on one could sway.

This is a fresh start, a new road,
Let’s both sit back and watch it unfold.

By Shirley Rodriguez


God’s Garden

God looked around his garden and found an empty place.
He then looked down upon the Earth and saw your tired face.
He put his arms around you and lifted you to rest.
With the help of his angels, they flew you to your heavenly place.

God’s garden must be beautiful; he always takes the best.
He knew you were suffering; he knew you were in pain.
He knew that you would never get well on Earth again.

He saw the road was getting rough and the hills too hard to climb.
He closed your weary eyelids And whispered, “Peace Be Thine.”
It broke our hearts to lose you, but you didn’t go alone.
For part of us went with you the day God called you home.

By Melissa Shreve


Growing Up

Growing up, I was always to blame
You just sat and smiled all the same.

No matter what I did
You always blamed “the kid.”

And in the middle of the night.
You would sneak around and give me a fright.
And there were times when I would hide.
And you would look for me high and wide.

And you always loved the snow.
You made snowmen just for show.
You always did well on the tests.
You were smarter than the rest.

And as a teenager, you thought you were cool.
The girls would look at you and drool.
I would roll my eyes and sigh.
If they only knew, they would cry.

Oh, the memories of so long ago
Yes, when we were kids, we didn’t know.
What great friends we would be
As we got older and more crazy!

So you, my dear brother, I have a bond.
Of you, I have grown so fond.
You’re the best brother a girl could have
Even if you almost drove me mad!

By Catherine Pulsifer


He May See Me In His Daughter

It seems it’s been a lifetime
Since my brother went away.
I long to see him once again
And relive those cherished days.

When I was his big sister
And looked at him with pride
And thought we’d always walk through life,
Family side by side.

But in these years he has forgotten me
And left me far behind,
But still a day does not go by
That he doesn’t come to mind.

He has a growing daughter now
Whom I know I’ll never meet.
She wouldn’t even know me
If we passed along the street.

But I have a rather silly hope
That maybe just sometimes
There will be something that he sees in her
That may bring me to his mind.

He may see me in her smile
Or in the twinkle of her eye.
He may hear me in the sadness
Of her broken-hearted cries.

He may find me in her laughter,
In those moments filled with joy.
Or perhaps he’ll notice I am there
In the lilting of her voice.

He might see me in her anger
And refusal to give in.
And in how she fights for those she loves,
The way I did for him.

She may even have a walk like me,
That same, familiar stride.
I may be in subtle nuances,
So impossible to hide.

I pray he sees me in her heart
And in the way she wants to care.
We may even look at life the same
And have dreams and hopes we share.

Although she’ll never know me,
And I feel that loss each day,
She still carries just a part of me
That no one can take away.

So perhaps in silent moments,
In just an instant he may see,
There within his daughter,
A fleeting glimpse of me.

By Patricia A. Fleming


I Love My Annoying Brother

He doesn’t really have to do a single thing wrong,
For me to become a volcano and explode,
It’s just that he is like a huge pile of needles,
That is continually adding to my load,
It doesn’t take a lot from him,
To make me suddenly snap,
His mere presence alone is all it takes,
To break the camels back,
The thing about it all is that I know,
I know the whole thing is due to me,
What he does doesn’t have be bothersome,
Yet every time I still let it be,
He behaves like a rabbit caught in the lights,
When I start to raise my voice,
My brother doesn’t like to be shouted at,
But it’s not like I have a choice,
I’m out of control when I’m angered by him,
I react like a time-ticking bomb,
He has a knack for annoying me,
Even when he isn’t doing something wrong,
I’m older than him so I should be mature,
Since he’s only a sixteen year old boy,
And I should be reasonable and not get angry,
But he sure knows how to annoy,
He tells me he really can’t help it,
It’s a semi-deliberate thing,
And I know I should loosen up,
But my brother’s so damn annoying,
He does the things he knows bug me most,
He’s a pest who buzzes in my ear,
His behaviour seems to drive me to the edge,
Or at least worryingly near,
I love him, I do, rather deep down,
And sometimes my brother is great,
I should get off his back and stop being mean,
But he seems to like to irritate,
It doesn’t really matter because soon I’ll be gone,
Out of the home and flying from the nest,
It’s not like he’s the only annoying brother in the world,
I know I’m one of ‘the rest’,
The best thing to do is to keep my cool,
And not let him get my hot under the collar,
Since even though he really annoys me,
I really do love my brother.

By Rosanna Woollett


I Miss

I miss you,
I miss the loud music coming
from your room,
I miss the warmth of knowing
You’re just a call away,
I miss the way we fought and
I miss seeing your big bright
I miss getting kicked out of
your room,
I miss seeing you here and
I miss cooking you breakfast
lunch and dinner,
I miss hearing you come in
at night,
I miss making you wear your
seat belt,
I miss holding your hand to
I miss your smell,
I miss you with all my might,
I miss the way we would fight,
I miss my brother,
I miss my friend,
I miss you I love you and that’s

By  Salena A. Hayes


I Miss You, My Little Bro

I love you and I wish you were home.
It hurts me to think you’re so alone.
It’s not the same without you here.
Why you did what you did is still unclear.
I remember when we were little and we played in the yard.
Then we’d go sit inside and play cards.
You’d look at me and smile.
Your smile used to stretch a mile.
When I had a bad day, you were the only one who could make me laugh.
It’s like you were my other half.
It hurts me to see what you’re going through.
It hurts even more because there’s nothing I can do.
I just wish I could make it all ok,
But all I can do is pray.
I pray for you every night before I go to sleep
And every time I think I hear you creep.
Sometimes it’s like you’re still here.
I look at the door and wait for you to appear.
Then I realize you’re not home,
And I go back to feeling so alone.
I love you so much; you just don’t know,
No matter what, you’ll always be my little bro.

byI love you and I wish you were home.
It hurts me to think you’re so alone.
It’s not the same without you here.
Why you did what you did is still unclear.
I remember when we were little and we played in the yard.
Then we’d go sit inside and play cards.
You’d look at me and smile.
Your smile used to stretch a mile.
When I had a bad day, you were the only one who could make me laugh.
It’s like you were my other half.
It hurts me to see what you’re going through.
It hurts even more because there’s nothing I can do.
I just wish I could make it all ok,
But all I can do is pray.
I pray for you every night before I go to sleep
And every time I think I hear you creep.
Sometimes it’s like you’re still here.
I look at the door and wait for you to appear.
Then I realize you’re not home,
And I go back to feeling so alone.
I love you so much; you just don’t know,
No matter what, you’ll always be my little bro.

by Misty D. Crawford


I Remember

I remember a time in youth
Brothers, best friends, together always.
Fishing, and baseball, – oh those were the days.

I remember, together as teens
The fighting and arguing and all in between
The laughing and joking till tears filled our eyes.

I remember those times each day I wake
Not understanding God’s choice in who to take
A brother, a father a good man to all.

I remember our last time together
Sitting and talking well into the night
Together, your sickness we vowed to fight.

I remember you asking, ‘ Jer are you sure’
Looking at you, our eyes filled with tears
‘ Jack you’re my brother, – my blood is yours ‘.

I remember them saying the transplant went well
Kissing you goodbye I went on my way
I am fine you said,  no need to stay.

I remember that night in June
The phone call we’ve all come to fear
Still remember those words after all these years.

I remember those words, will all my life
Your wife’s voice shaking ‘ the transplant failed’
Three little words through my heart like a knife.

I remember you brother always so strong
I pray every day, I hope you forgive me
I thought I could help you, I guess I was wrong.

I remember a time in youth
Brothers, best friends, together always.
Fishing, and baseball, oh those were the days.

By Jerry Krause Sr.


In My Mind

Somewhere in my dreams tonight
I’ll see you standing there.
You look at me with a smile.
“Life isn’t always fair.”

You say you were chosen for his garden.
His preciously hand-picked bouquet
“God really needed me,
That’s why I couldn’t stay.”

It’s said to be that angels.
Are sent from above
I’ve always had my angel.
My brother – whose heart was filled with love

Wherever the ocean meets the sky
There will be memories of you, and I
When I look up at the sky so blue
All I see are visions of you.
“While there’s a heart in me, you’ll be a part of me.”

By Jenn Farrell


Little Brother

Wars have been and wars will be
Till the human race is run;
Battles red by land and sea,
Never peace beneath the sun.
I am old and little care;
I’ll be cold, my lips be dumb:
Brother mine, beware, beware . . .
Evil looms the wrath to come.

Eastern skies are dark with strife,
Western lands are stark with fear;
Rumours of world-war are rife,
Armageddon draweth near.
If your carcase you would save,
Hear, oh hear, the dreadful drum!
Fly to forest, cower in cave . . .
Brother, heed the wrath to come!

Brother, you were born too late;
Human life is but a breath.
Men delve deep, where darkly wait
Sinister the seeds of death,
There’s no moment to delay;
Sorrowing the stars are blind.
Little Brother, how I pray
You may sanctuary find.
Peoples of the world succumb . . .
Fly, poor fools, the WRATH TO COME!

By Robert William Service


My Big Brother Off to The Army

ou’ve always been here for me,
But now you are about to leave.
I know we fuss and fight,
But I love you with all my might.

You are my big brother,
And there is no other.
No one can take your place,
And when you leave, there will be this big empty space.

We’ve never been really close,
But at least you have not always lived across the coast.
Because some big brothers do,
I’m really grateful for the 15 years I’ve lived with you.

I remember when I was small,
And I would always fall.
You were always there for me,
And I know you always will be.

You told me not to cry,
That it would be ok.
Even if I thought you lied,
It was like my big brother saved the day.

You’ve made me laugh, you’ve made me cry,
You’ve even helped me hide some lies.
I love you is something I don’t tell you enough,
But I want you to know
When you leave it will be really tough.

I don’t know how my life will be,
Without you here beside me.
You’ve lived with me for 15 years,
But now we’re shedding our good-bye tears.

I know you have to move out,
And start a life of your own.
But promise me without a doubt,
You will never forget us back home.

Dedicated to my big brother Danny Brewer Jr. recently sent off for basic training for the army.

By Terri L. Brewer


My Brother

My Brother
My brother is strong when I am weak
Courageous when I am scared
Funny when I am sad
My Brother

My Brother
He is there when I need him
He is there when I don’t
He is the one that needs no introduction
My Brother

My Brother
He is the one that is Priceless
The one that is Sincere
My brother is the coolest
My Brother

If I ever needed him, you know whom I am going to call
My Brother

By Benjamin L. Wiley


My Brother At Sea

I know we are miles apart
I just want you to know you will always be in my heart
I always think of you
And I know you think of me
I will always remember you
when you go off to sea
We will always have each other
I am so glad you are my big brother
Your so sweet
And so caring
And when I need something
You are very sharing
Of all the big brothers in the world
I got the best
I look up to you in so many ways
I hope we are best friends
For all of our days

By Kelly I. Helms


My Brothers

While I make rhymes my brother John
Makes shiny shoes which dames try on,
And finding to their fit and stance
They buy and wear with elegance;
But mine is quite another tale,–
For song there is no sale.

My brother Tom a tailor shop
Is owner of, and ladies stop
To try the models he has planned,
And richly pay, I understand:
Yet not even a dingy dime
Can I make with my rhyme.

My brother Jim sells stuff to eat
Like trotters, tripe and sausage meat.
I dare not by his window stop,
Lest he should offer me a chop;
For though a starving bard I be,
To hell, say I, with charity!

My brothers all are proud of purse,
But though my poverty I curse,
I would not for a diadem
Exchange my lowly lot with them:
A garret and a crust for me,
And reams and dreams of Poetry

By Robert William Service


Proud To Call You A True Brother

Every morning as I wake up, I think of you,
as the hero that came into my life.
More and more, you appeared to me when I was in strife.
Afraid I could not live without you in my life.
I only prayed every day and every night.
To have a brother like you by my side.
When I was hurt so many times.
You never let me down.
Therefore I am proud.
To call you a true brother.
Even though I know you’re not a child of my mother.
To me, you’ll always be.
I remembered you see.
As Mecca, the person who saved my life.
Forever the memory will seem right.

By Slim Deuce



I saw my brother cry today.
He seemed five years old
It did not seem to me that he was six feet tall.
He lost a thing he treasured,
I saw it in his eyes.
To see my brother hurt,
It made me want to cry.
Love is not measured in how tall you are,
Or how far around your arms go.
When you hug someone that you love so.
But how much it hurts to let something you love go.
I want my brother to know that he
Is loved by all, especially me.
I saw my brother cry today.

By Margaret A. Collins


Thank You Brother

Thank you
You were their when I was sad
You were their when I was mad, thank you.

You touched my heart and told me not to cry,
That’s one reason our love cannot die

You respected my decision
I respected you’re compassion

Tell me brother why where you so good to me?
I screamed at you about 300 times
You were trying to help me, help me not to die

Now I know you did it for my best
You are no longer here, you are finally put to rest

You can’t leave me now that I need you the most
Brother where are you, my heart is about to burst.

By  Prisma Y. Hernandez


Thanks Brother

I was alone all this while
in search of a real friend..
You came with a smile
and took me by my hand.

You made me walk on the path of stones
just to let me know there are flowers ahead..
You made me learn how to smile
after all my tears had shed.

You took me through the cloudy sky
just to show me the sunny part of it..
You made me realize that happy days are here
and together in the garden of happiness we sit.

You took me to the closed door
and told me where is its opening..
You gave me its key
and told that its just the beginning.

The doors of happiness and trust were open
and it lead me through a flowery road..
without you where could I be
in troubled waters was my boat.

for always being there in my grays..
for bringing out my real self
and for promising to be my shade.

THANKS DEAR BROTHER for the love you gave
its been six years of all this care..
I pray that this doesn’t over

By Pooja Chhajer


The Star & The Sky

I guess we made it through struggle and strife.
I remember when we first started our life.

We climbed every step one in back of the other,
And if you would fall I would catch you, brother.

I was the sister, you were the brother.
If we didn’t have much, we had each other.

We never seemed to wander from each other too far,
‘Cause how could the Sky drift away from the Star?

Now you are a father and I am a mother,
But I’m still your sister and you’re still my brother!

By Patricia L. Cisco


To My Brother

To my Brother:

Words are hard to describe feelings,
I have always been better with images.
Yet writing down how much I miss you,
Seems to give me more tranquility.

Writing to let go, to give this all a place.
It will never heal, it will never go away,
But just learning to give it time and space.

I can tell you how much I care, how much I would give to have you back in my life,
But you know all of this and it won’t change anything, that’s what I am learning within time,

Writing to tell you how much I have learned, to show you that through fragility I become a stronger person
More able to understand, more able to listen and to care,
Hurt through loss, I’ve become yet a wiser person

By Anne Harskamp


To My Brother George

Many the wonders I this day have seen:
The sun, when first he kissed away the tears
That filled the eyes of Morn;—the laurelled peers
Who from the feathery gold of evening lean;—
The ocean with its vastness, its blue green,
Its ships, its rocks, its caves, its hopes, its fears,
Its voice mysterious, which whoso hears
Must think on what will be, and what has been.
E’en now, dear George, while this for you I write,
Cynthia is from her silken curtains peeping

So scantly, that it seems her bridal night,
And she her half-discovered revels keeping.
But what, without the social thought of thee,
Would be the wonders of the sky and sea?

By John Keats


To My Brother With Love

We’ve grown slowly apart,
But you’ve always been in my heart.
From a distance I watched you grow,
Wondering about the man I’d get to know.
Who you could become,
Who that could be I fathom.
Good choices you’ve made all together,
I’m so glad you didn’t pay attention lil’ brother.
So many things going on around you,
I’m so thankful it didn’t drag you in too.
When put to the test,
You were meant to out shine the rest.
You have an important role here on earth,
It was given to you before your day of birth.
Walk with your head held high,
Don’t worry everyone will learn why.
You have the gift, please use it wise.
Not like a birthday gift, not a surprise.
It’s in your heart, soul, and your mind.
Some people find it, some get left behind.
You have found it, I’m so proud.
Hold on to it, losing it is not aloud.
I know you’ll be fine, this I don’t worry.
Even though you have it, don’t grow up in a hurry.
You’re going to be somebody, this I already know.
But there’s a lot to learn, what you have will help you grow.
Keep your eyes open don’t let anything pass you by.
Your great and growing greater, all you have to do is try.
I love you Jeremy from day one.
I hope I can pass your gift to my son.
He could be just like you, I wouldn’t mind.
A man like you is of a greater kind.
Off into the world you go,
You’ll be great, this everyone knows!

By Tamarah M. Olsen


Understanding My Brother

He’s my brother,
My older brother.

His eyes are glued to the laptop screen,
A slight smile is tugging at his lips.
The room is vibrating with his music.
His fingers tap out the beat on the keys.

He’s my brother,
My older brother.

It’s the early hours of the morning,
I can hear him crying in his bedroom.
At breakfast he seems cheerful,
But his blue eyes sparkle with tears.

He’s my brother,
My older brother.

He never spends his time at home.
Instead, prefers to go for long walks.
He comes home singing softly,
And sits straight down at his laptop.

He’s my brother,
My older brother.

By Lenae Harris


You’re My Big Brother

You’re my Big Brother
And I love you with all my heart.
When I was young, we were very close
Now, I regret us growing apart.

You were always my HERO
When I was a little girl.
There was no one like my Charles Ray.
Not in this world.

Then you got married,
And everything seem to change.
I understood things would be different,
But not completely rearranged.

As time went by,
Our closeness seemed to disappear,
But not my love and admiration.
And if you really look, that is clear.

I know I’ve disappointed you
And I know I’ve let you down.
But Charles, I’m trying to rebuild
And get our relationship back on solid ground.

By Debbie S. Lott

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