

A Christmas Blessing

May the grace of Christ bring you hope and joy,
and may the peace of Christ be yours.
May Jesus, the Lord, the miracle of God,
fill your heart with Christmas love.

May you hear the songs of the angels this morn’.
May you feel the joy that Jesus Christ is born.
May the beauty of Christmas surround you today.
May you find joy this Christmas Day.

May you thank the Lord for the hope that He brings.
May you know the love of Jesus Christ, the King.
May you always believe that Christ came to save.
May you find hope this Christmas Day.

May the peace of Christmas bring joy with no end.
May you feel the love of family and friends.
May the wonder of Christmas surround you today.
May you feel peace this Christmas Day.

May you share this day with our Jesus in prayer.
May you share this day and show all you care.
May you gather together with loved ones this day.
May you find Christ this Christmas Day.

By Marcia A. Newton 

A Christmas Miracle

It was six months ago, and a day,
when her husband passed away.
The doctors said there’s no more to do,
so she quit her job to help him through.
The child was sleeping when his father died,
to tell her son, oh how she tried.
The little boy cried that night,
full of fear, full of fright.
And on that night she lost her faith,
never to believe in the “Pearly Gate”.
She made a vow to never pray,
it meant nothing now, anyway.
At the funeral, he could only stare,
wishing that his Dad were there.
Tears were filling people’s eyes,
saddened by the young boy’s cries.
As the months went by, things got rough,
she went back to work, but it wasn’t enough.
With no food, no money, and bills to pay,
she just couldn’t bring herself to pray.
Before she knew it, it was Christmas Time,
and she wasn’t able to save a dime.
She felt so bad that she had no tree,
for all her son’s friends to see.
On Christmas Eve, they slept together,
she promised her son, she’d be there forever.
He asked her if Santa was coming tonight,
she whispered no, with tears in sight.
Her son would sulk, it wasn’t fair,
she hated to see him in despair.
She wanted to give her son some joy,
oh how she wished she had a toy.

The mother got to her knees to pray,
asking the Lord to hear her say.
She asked for help to return a smile,
to the face of her little child.
On Christmas Morning, the boy was screaming,
she saw his eyes were wide and gleaming.
At the door were games,  toys, even a bike,
and a card that said “for the tyke”.
With a great big smile and eyes so bright,
he kissed his mom as he held her tight.
She learned that a charity heard of her plight,
and frantically scrambled through the night.

The mother got to her knees to pray,
thanking the Lord for hearing her say.
She thanked the Lord for returning a smile,
to the face of her little child.

By Paul R. MacPherson Somerville


A Christmas Poem

October’s old witches and goblins have gone
The turkey and stuffing are done
The wind brings a chill as December arrives
The tree lights all twinkle as one

The icicles hang from the roof-tops in town
As the rain and the snow starts to fall
The storefronts light up with Christmas displays
And Santa arrives at the mall

As presents are bought and presents are wrapped
For those that we love and adore
A small child’s eyes, so young but so wise
Wants one more trip to the store

The video game, the doll or the train
Santa must know I’ve been good
I’ll stay up all night, and help him unload
And get all the gifts that I should

Yes, Christmas is here, the laughter and joy
And all that goes with it, you see
But when it is gone, our friendship goes on
You make every day Christmas for me…

By Mike Kimes

A Christmas Wish

I wish I could go back to the past,
of Christmases long ago.
I wish I could see my loved ones
who have passed on long ago.

I’d love to be that child again
who sat on Santa’s knee.
Yes, all these memories that I have
decorating the tree.
I wish I could wake Christmas morn
to see Daddy baking ham.
And to see my mamma making her yummy
famous candy yams.

I wish I could go to Grandma’s house;
her cookies were the best.
The pies and cakes that she would bake,
she kept them in a chest.

Her house would smell like ginger,
with a hint of Balsam Pine.
She’d decorate the house with lights,
and it would surely shine.

All these Christmas memories,
it seems like yesteryear.
I’d love to go back to the past.
This is my Christmas prayer.

By Debra L. Brown 

A Christmas Wish

A time of year
To think of  love and sharing
A time of peace
For the whole world to cherish
A time to be with all your friends and family
And wish them all
A Merry Christmas

Making angels in the snow
or sliding down a hill
roasting chestnuts on the fire
takes away the chill
Candy canes and mistle toe
and grand-ma’s home made pie
Ginger bread and hot co-co
You know it’s Christmas time

Seasons come and seasons pass
but we still remember
the joy we shared on Christmas last
looking forward  to next December
Flowers bloom, then pumpkins grow,
then suddenly it starts to snow.
Then our hearts are young again
You know it’s Christmas time.

On Christmas eve
Santa will soon  be coming
with lots of toys
for girls and boys to play with.
To see their eyes sparkle like stars above
is all we need for a Merry Christmas….
So live your life with kindness and love in your heart
and you’ll always have a merry Christmas.

By Philippe Brisebois

A King

Christmas, a time of wonder and joy,
A time to celebrate the birth of a baby boy.

A child innocent and true,
A child sent as a gift to save me and you.

This wondrous story has reached all corners of this globe.
A king is born but one who doesn’t wear a royal robe.

He will grow to teach and to love.
He will spread the word of his father above.

His gentle ways and his touch will turn water to wine.
This newborn child is wondrous and divine.

His word will be placed in a book for all to read.
His words will help heal all those who are in need.

This is the gift, no price to ever be given,
And even after death he will be risen.

His cries can be heard by all living things.
This beautiful baby will grow to be king.

By Sandra Hearth 

A Merry Christmas Wish for You

While you enjoy the gifts,
food, sparkle of ornaments and lights,
feasting on favorite foods,
I wish this Christmas
would envelop you
in the special warmth
and rich contentment
the season brings.

I wish friends, family,
all those who love you
let you know how much they care,
so that you feel happily wrapped
in their affection.

I wish this Christmas
would be one you never forget,
a shining beacon in your memory
to light all of your days.

By Joanna Fuchs

A Search This Christmas

Christmas looms near.
People pass by,
singing and smiling,
and giving good cheer.
I look at their faces,
and strain to find
a clue or a hint of some pain close to mine.
I see bright, shiny eyes that seemingly smile,
and a nod of greetings while they’re all passing by.
I continue to watch, amazed at their will
to go on with lives while mine’s lying still.
Shops all amassed with holiday mirth,
celebrating our one true Christ Savior’s birth,
but there are those of us looking,
no matter how mild,
for another soul getting through Christmas
without their sweet child.

By Leslie C. Boren

A Sunny Christmas

Every year at Christmas time
There’s not a sign of snow.
Instead we spend our yuletide days
 In the sun’s warm cheery glow.

We have the best of Christmas things,
The lights, the gifts, the bells,
(And “snowbirds” who arrive en masse
 To fill our beach hotels.)

The glorious weather fits right in
With our happy Christmas mood,
And we can also walk and run
Without having to be snowshoed.

So don’t feel bad for your (location) friends
Who have no snow or ice.
We think our sunny Christmas here
 Is a holiday paradise!

By Joanna Fuchs

Angel With A Gold Bow

The boys sit down in the park beneath the tree,
Praying that their parents could look down and see.
The beautiful angel on top with the pretty gold bow,
And all of the presents that lay wrapped below.
Christmas at their house had been full of smiles,
Now a smile can’t be seen for miles.
When their dad went away everything went wrong,
It’s been a few months but it has seemed so long.
A woman walked by and saw the boys,
And handed them two carefully wrapped toys.
She found the local orphanage from which they ran,
And nearly cried when she spoke to the man.
On Christmas Eve she adopted the boys,
And took them home to see all the toys.
They had bought an angel for the top of the tree,
It was tall enough for heaven to see.
Soon their parents would surely see
The angel with the gold bow on top of their tree.

By Virginia A. Parks

At Christmas

A man is at his finest
     towards the finish of the year;
He is almost what he should be
     when the Christmas season is here;
Then he’s thinking more of others
     than he’s thought the months before,
And the laughter of his children
     is a joy worth toiling for.
He is less a selfish creature than
     at any other time;
When the Christmas spirit rules him
     he comes close to the sublime.

When it’s Christmas man is bigger
     and is better in his part;
He is keener for the service
     that is prompted by the heart.
All the petty thoughts and narrow
     seem to vanish for awhile
And the true reward he’s seeking
     is the glory of a smile.
Then for others he is toiling and
     somehow it seems to me
That at Christmas he is almost
     what God wanted him to be.

If I had to paint a picture of a man
     I think I’d wait
Till he’d fought his selfish battles
     and had put aside his hate.
I’d not catch him at his labors
     when his thoughts are all of pelf,
On the long days and the dreary
     when he’s striving for himself.
I’d not take him when he’s sneering,
     when he’s scornful or depressed,
But I’d look for him at Christmas
     when he’s shining at his best.

Man is ever in a struggle
     and he’s oft misunderstood;
There are days the worst that’s in him
     is the master of the good,
But at Christmas kindness rules him
     and he puts himself aside
And his petty hates are vanquished
     and his heart is opened wide.
Oh, I don’t know how to say it,
     but somehow it seems to me
That at Christmas man is almost
     what God sent him here to be

By Edgar Guest 

Be My Christmas Gift

If you sat beneath the Christmas tree,
You’d sure add to the décor,
But even if you were gift wrapped, dear,
 I couldn’t love you more.

You have to know that if I had you,
I’d have the gift I’d most adore,
 Better than any expensive gift
 I could purchase in a store.

If you hug me tight, you wonderful thing,
And be my Christmas gift,
You’ll brighten my days forevermore
And give my heart a lift.

By Karl Fuchs

Blessings And Good Tidings

Rows of houses blanketed with snow.
Christmas lights lucent and aglow.
A reindeer, a sleigh, like artwork on display.
Stories unraveling, brass bells ringing,
Smiles and laughter and joyful singing.
Come, gather ’round the table tonight!

Cold is the winter.
Warm is the fire.
Blessings, good tidings to all of your days.

‘Tis the season to celebrate!
Sheath your swords of anger and hate.
A candle, a wish, the flickering of a flame,
Love everlasting, love never ceasing,
Peace and rest to ease our breathing.
Come, gather ’round the table tonight!

Cold is the winter.
Warm is the fire.
Blessings, good tidings to all of your days.

By Charissa K. Cheuk 

Candlelit Heart

Somewhere across the winter world tonight
You will be hearing chimes that fill the air;
Christmas extends its all-enfolding light
Across the distance…something we can share.

You will be singing, just the same as I,
These familiar songs we know so well,
And you will see these same stars in your sky
And wish upon that brightest one that fell.

I shall remember you and trim my tree,
One shining star upon the topmost bough;
I will hang wreaths of faith that all may see —
Tonight I glimpse beyond the hear and now.

And all the time that we must be apart
I keep a candle in my heart. 

By Mary E. Linton

Cherish His Christmas

Christmas brings such a time of love
Each tender heart holds so much of
Unselfishness thrives, trust is strong
The purpose to give, send love along.

A time of pleasantries, patience too
Good wishes to all, all feelings true
Thankfulness follows each fine deed
Gifts from our God, never from greed.

Great the rewards that joy does bring
Like the beauty in hearing angels sing
We pray for our loved, each so dear
Especially those who can’t be near.

Many leave home to bravely serve
All freedoms we have, they preserve
Do pray for our troops, as we should
And their families too, if you would.

Give thanks to our Lord, His only Son
And cherish His Christmas, everyone.

By Roger J. Robicheau


December is here and there’s ice all around.
All the leaves are gone and the soil has hardened on the ground.

Icy breath as you exhale,
Waiting for wrapped parcels to be delivered in the mail.

Baubles and tinsel and candy canes,
Snow now settling on the window panes.

Trees all a glitter as we pass by.
Hot cups of chocolate and homemade mince pie.

Smells of puddings, cakes and all things good,
Crackling fires as we burn more wood.

Carols heard from across the park.
Lights all glistening as they brighten up the dark.

Families gather to spend this day as one,
Hugging, talking, putting right all that’s wrong.

But much more than all of this above,
This is a time for forgiveness and love.

It’s Christmas and a time of joy.
It’s the birthday of a special baby boy.

It’s about a story that’s lasted throughout the ages of time,
About a man who turned water into wine.

He helped and he protected all in need,
And the poorly he healed and the hungry he did feed.

A gift above gifts, for all of mankind.
So perfect, so gentle, so divine.

A time to celebrate on the 25th of December.
A time to be grateful and a time to remember.

With thanks and gifts they did bring.
It’s time once again to rejoice the birth of a king.

By Sandra Hearth 


It is seven a.m.,
And the snow is falling
As I look outside
At the carolers calling.

I wake up my parents
And rush to the tree
To find a room full of presents
Just for me.

The hot chocolate is stirring,
And the food is being made
As we head to my grandma’s
To visit and stay.

As I see my family gathered
And laughing away,
I think to myself,
How I love Christmas Day.

By Kolton Myatt

Christmas As A Holiday

Christmas is a holiday for friends,
However, they may be, or not, related.
Remember that the three wise kings were strangers
In search of one remote, uncanny dream.
So may we all be far more than we seem,
Together bound for dark and haunting changes,
More lovely for the loves we have created
Along the lonely paths from means to ends,
Stumbling towards that star of Bethlehem.

By Nicholas Gordon

Christmas Bells

I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old, familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet
The words repeat
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

And thought how, as the day had come,
The belfries of all Christendom
Had rolled along
The unbroken song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

Till ringing, singing on its way,
The world revolved from night to day,
A voice, a chime,
A chant sublime
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

Then from each black, accursed mouth
The cannon thundered in the South,
And with the sound
The carols drowned
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

It was as if an earthquake rent
The hearth-stones of a continent,
And made forlorn
The households born
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

And in despair I bowed my head;
“There is no peace on earth,” I said;
For hate is strong,
And mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!”

Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
“God is not dead, nor doth He sleep;
The Wrong shall fail,
The Right prevail,
With peace on earth, good-will to men.”

By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 

Christmas Bells

I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old, familiar carols play,
    And wild and sweet
    The words repeat
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

And thought how, as the day had come,
The belfries of all Christendom
    Had rolled along
    The unbroken song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

Till ringing, singing on its way,
The world revolved from night to day,
    A voice, a chime,
    A chant sublime
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

Then from each black, accursed mouth
The cannon thundered in the South,
    And with the sound
    The carols drowned
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

It was as if an earthquake rent
The hearth-stones of a continent,
    And made forlorn
    The households born
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

And in despair I bowed my head;
“There is no peace on earth,” I said;
    “For hate is strong,
    And mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!”

Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
“God is not dead, nor doth He sleep;
    The Wrong shall fail,
    The Right prevail,
With peace on earth, good-will to men.”

By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 

Christmas Carol

The kings they came from out the south,
   All dressed in ermine fine;
They bore Him gold and chrysoprase,
   And gifts of precious wine.

The shepherds came from out the north,
   Their coats were brown and old;
They brought Him little new-born lambs—
   They had not any gold.

The wise men came from out the east,
   And they were wrapped in white;
The star that led them all the way
   Did glorify the night.

The angels came from heaven high,
   And they were clad with wings;
And lo, they brought a joyful song
   The host of heaven sings.

The kings they knocked upon the door,
   The wise men entered in,
The shepherds followed after them
   To hear the song begin.

The angels sang through all the night
   Until the rising sun,
But little Jesus fell asleep
   Before the song was done.

By Sara Teasdale


Christmas Carol

Ring out, ye bells!

All Nature swells

With gladness at the wondrous story,—

The world was lorn,

But Christ is born

To change our sadness into glory.

Sing, earthlings, sing!

To-night a King

Hath come from heaven’s high throne to bless us.

The outstretched hand

O’er all the land

Is raised in pity to caress us.

Come at his call;

Be joyful all;

Away with mourning and with sadness!

The heavenly choir

With holy fire

Their voices raise in songs of gladness.

The darkness breaks

And Dawn awakes,

Her cheeks suffused with youthful blushes.

The rocks and stones

In holy tones

Are singing sweeter than the thrushes.

Then why should we

In silence be,

When Nature lends her voice to praises;

When heaven and earth

Proclaim the truth

Of Him for whom that lone star blazes?

No, be not still,

But with a will

Strike all your harps and set them ringing;

On hill and heath

Let every breath

Throw all its power into singing!

By Paul Laurence Dunbar

Christmas Day

Across a white December night,
Each home is filled with candle light.
The moon shines brightly in a golden sky.
Stars are twinkling way up high.

The cool, still air, a glistening frost,
Smoking chimneys on white rooftops.
The Christmas tree, the mistletoe,
Christmas carols, our loved ones at home.

Christmas is a time for merriment and cheer.
It’s also a time to thank God we’re here.
So when we wake on a bright Christmas morn,
Remember the reason we celebrate.
It’s the day our Saviour was born.

John P.

Christmas Eve

A frosty Christmas Eve

   when the stars were shining

Fared I forth alone

   where westward falls the hill,

And from many a village

   in the water’d valley

Distant music reach’d me

   peals of bells aringing:

The constellated sounds

   ran sprinkling on earth’s floor

As the dark vault above

   with stars was spangled o’er.

Then sped my thoughts to keep

   that first Christmas of all

When the shepherds watching

   by their folds ere the dawn

Heard music in the fields

   and marveling could not tell

Whether it were angels

   or the bright stars singing.

Now blessed be the tow’rs

   that crown England so fair

That stand up strong in prayer

   unto God for our souls

Blessed be their founders

   (said I) an’ our country folk

Who are ringing for Christ

   in the belfries to-night

With arms lifted to clutch

   the rattling ropes that race

Into the dark above

   and the mad romping din.

But to me heard afar

   it was starry music

Angels’ song, comforting

   as the comfort of Christ

When he spake tenderly

   to his sorrowful flock:

The old words came to me

   by the riches of time

Mellow’d and transfigured

   as I stood on the hill

Heark’ning in the aspect

   of th’ eternal silence.

By Robert Bridges

Christmas Eve

Straight thro’ a fold of purple mist

The sun goes down—a crimson wheel—

And like an opal burns the sea

That once was cold as steel.

With pomp of purple, gold and red,

Thou wilt come back at morrow’s dawn…

But thou can’st never bring, O Sun,

The Christmas that is gone!

By Ella Higginson

Christmas Feelings

That cheerful feeling
In the air
With a bit of love
All around

The food is on the table
And the presents under the tree
Dinner is ready
So come on, let’s eat

Everyone is at the table
Eating their Christmas meals
Because it’s the most
Wonderful time of the year

Look out your window
Thank God for letting it snow
It’s the best time of the year
To spend it with the family

The night has passed
And the day has come
There are presents to open
And more fun to come

But it’s not about presents
It’s not about food
It’s about family time
That’s Christmas time

By Maria Carrion

Christmas for My Sweets

There’s no better Christmas gift in my whole life
Than having you as my wonderful wife.
I’m blessed each day when I see your smile,
And I hope it keeps shining for quite a long while.

So on this wonderful Christmas day,
Hope for your happiness is what I pray.
I love you a lot, my Sweets, my wife.
I wish you’ll be happy for the rest of your life.

By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

Christmas Greeting

C- Christmas Day, the church bells ring
H- Holy night, the angels sing
R- Rejoice and praise
I- In Christ our King
S- Sacrificed for all our sins
T- Through faith and love we worship Him.
​M- Merry Christmas, everyone
A- Amen, God bless
S- Share your love, have fun.

By John P.

Christmas In Heaven

Santa, do you know where heaven is?
Maybe your reindeer know the way.
For I have a special present
I need delivered on Christmas day.

For Christmas is a time for sharing
With those we hold so dear.
Please take this gift, with all my love
For an angel who’s no longer here.

It’s wrapped up in all our memories
We once shared from the past.
The ribbons and bows are all our dreams.
Inside there’s a broken heart.

It’s such a special parcel.
Please Santa, don’t delay.
I would love it to be in heaven
In time for Christmas day.

By John P. Read 

Christmas In My Eyes

People saying, “Ho, Ho, Ho”
Lovers kissing under the mistletoe
Children playing in the snow

Families making homemade treats
Teens with fuzzy socks on their feet
Dogs and cats sitting by the fire heat

Shoppers looking for the best gift
Employees working on their last shift
Students getting home before the snow drifts

Choirs singing, “Noel, Noel, Noel!”
Volunteers ringing little bells
Candles with winter smells

Reindeer flying through the skies
Everyone waking up to a surprise
That’s what Christmas is in my eyes

By Ella J. Phillips 

Christmas Is Here

Cold days and hard long nights.
Trees shimmed with tiny lights,
Their branches pointing ever high,
Reaching for the midnight sky.
Christmas is here!

Delicate snowflake dancing down,
Piling high across the town.
Children running ’round and ’round
While parents watch in the background.
Christmas is here!

Warming cold hands by the fire,
Listening to singing by the choir.
Stockings hanging in a row,
Wishing not to go so low.
Christmas is here!

As children climb into bed,
Santa arrives with his sled.
Mince pies stuffed in his mouth,
As he shouts:
“HO, HO, HO, Christmas is here!”

By Abundance Nwosu 

Christmas Joys

Evergreen boughs that fill our homes
With fragrant Christmas scents,
Hearts filled with the loving glow
That Christmas represents;

Christmas cookies, turkeys stuffed,
Festive holly berry,
Little faces bright with joy,
Loved ones being merry;

Parties, songs, beribboned gifts,
Silver bells that tinkle,
Christmas trees and ornaments,
Colorful lights that twinkle;

Relatives waiting with open arms
To smile and hug and kiss us;
These are some of the special joys
That come along with Christmas.

By Joanna Fuchs

Christmas Long Ago

Frosty days and ice-still nights,
Fir trees trimmed with tiny lights,
Sound of sleigh bells in the snow,
That was Christmas long ago.

Tykes on sleds and shouts of glee,
Icy-window filigree,
Sugarplums and candle glow,
Part of Christmas long ago.

Footsteps stealthy on the stair,
Sweet-voiced carols in the air,
Stocking hanging in a row,
Tell of Christmas long ago.

Starry nights so still and blue,
Good friends calling out to you,
Life, so fact, will always slow…
For dreams of Christmas long ago.

By Jo Geis

Christmas Love

At Christmastime I think of all the gifts
 That bring me great delight and sweet surprise,
 But nothing in this world can bring such joy
 As you do, when you look into my eyes.

And when I contemplate what Christmas means,
 The caring and the giving–I confess,
You’ve given me the things I want the most:
Your love, your touch, your kiss, your warm caress.

The Christmas tree reminds me, with its lights
 That just the thought of you sets me aglow;
 You light me up from deep within my heart,
 Because I cherish you, and love you so.

With you it’s Christmas all the time, sweetheart.
 I treasure every hour and every minute.
 Your love is all I’ll ever want because,
 My life is so fulfilling with you in it.

By Joanna Fuchs

Christmas Magic

Are we too grownup to feel a thrill
As we light the Christmas tree?
Are we immune to cookies,
Christmas cards and Christmas glee?

Are we too adult to “Ooh” and “Aah”
At the Christmas candle’s glow?
Are we blasé about our gifts;
Do we shun the mistletoe?

Are we too mature for carols,
For merry or for jolly?
Do the decorations leave us cold,
The ornaments and holly?

Fat chance! We’ll never grow too old
To love the Christmas magic.
A year without a Christmas
Would be boring, even tragic.

So bring it on! The candy canes,
The feasting and good cheer;
O Christmas, lovely Christmas,
You’re the highlight of the year!

By Joanna Fuchs

Christmas Memories

​It’s such a warming Feeling
Being surrounded by Christmas
Expectation fills the Air.
The sparkle the Glitter
Presents under the Tree
With loved ones our dreams we Share.

The sound of Christmas Carols
Choirs singing silent Night.
A time to Reflect
And thank God Above
As we herald the most holy Night.

A time to remember loved Ones
Who we have lost along the Way.
Grief is a heavy Burden
Much more Poignant
Come Christmas Day.

As a child I believed in Santa
And that there was a God Above.
And as a Kid
They never once let me Down
If only they could bring back the ones I love.

All those Christmases spent Together
Now a family torn Apart.
A home now bathed in Silence
With only memories to warm the Heart.

By John P.

Christmas Now And Then

Well, it is December, and Christmas is almost here
Another happy Christmas for family and good cheer
There will be tables loaded with turkeys, hams and sweets
We know there will be more than we could ever eat

There will be a big tree shining so bright
With beautiful decorations and pretty shiny lights
Under that tree there will be presents galore
So many you would wonder how there could be anything left in the store

Christmas now is really so much fun
But gosh there is just too much for everyone
My thoughts go back to a cold Christmas long ago
To a family not blessed with riches and gold

Our little tree was kind of skimpy, with some ribbons and a few shiny balls
But to us it stood magnificent, the greatest of them all
Under that tree was a present for Raye, a present for Sister and a present for me
And we could hardly wait as we would open them with glee

There was not a lot of fancy food on that table, times were kind of tough
But we were all happy, and for us it was enough
We were so thankful as we thanked the Lord above
We knew what we had was paid for with Daddy’s hard work and Mama’s love

I’m thankful that we now have so much and our blessings are many
And it is good to live in this great land of plenty
But I would gladly give every material thing that I own
To have one more Christmas with Mama and Daddy and my two sisters at home

By Wayne Baggerly 

Christmas Past, Present And Future

Christmas Past, Present & Future….


Each morning as I lie awake,
I pray my soul the Lord to take.
For memories are far too deep
to pray the Lord my soul to keep.

Good memories when you were here
to fill us all with Christmas cheer,
but God above was all alone
and took you for his very own.

And though we know that you are near,
each Christmas we are filled with fear.
How will we cope without you there?
We’re left staring at an empty chair.


But cope we do – we all survive
We remember when you were alive,
knelt down by the glistening tree,
shaking presents trying to see.

On Christmas morn you’d wake to find
those presents Santa left behind.
These memories all bring a tear
for you held Christmas time so dear.


And now five Christmases unwind.
Our memories are all enshrined,
for in our hearts you’ll always be
until God comes to set us free.

Then we can be together again.
Forget heartache – forget the pain,
but now until our time is due,
Merry Christmas, we love you!

By Eric R. Harvey 

Christmas Sensations

Christmas lights twinkle and shine as bright
as the stars in the sky on a cold, clear night.
The fresh blanket of fallen snow,
it looks so pretty on the tree boughs.
People bundled up so warm, rushing to and fro,
don’t forget the mistletoe!

Child laughter, building snowmen, sled riding or ice skating,
they are all patiently waiting.
Quiet whispers and footsteps creeping,
very soon you’ll hear paper crinkling.
Keeping beat with the Christmas season are bells ringing,
the rhythm and rhyme come from the carolers singing.

The turkey is stuffed and ready for roasting,
the bread has risen and ready for toasting.
The soft glow of a cinnamon scented candle is fine,
the Christmas tree that smells like pine.
Pumpkin pie, apple pie and all the cookies you can eat,
a cup of cocoa and a candy cane sure are sweet.

Most important is family, friends and lots of caring,
cuddles, kisses and hugs for sharing.
Grab your slippers and a cozy robe and come sit by the fire,
hurry along before Grammy retires.
Let me read you a story and you stay awhile,
your children and their children all smile!

By Arlene Blessing

Christmas Time

At Christmas, lights burn brighter,
and friendly hugs get even tighter.
The spirit of Christmas fills the air,
and people seem to really care.

Merry hearts are filled with cheer.
Families and friends all draw near.
The streets around are all filled
despite the cold winter chill.

Everywhere there’s smiling faces,
giving and receiving warm embraces.
And for a time, sadness disappear.
Peace, joy and hope replaces fear.

All because God’s love came down
and filled the earth all around.
So we celebrate at Christmas time
our Savior and Lord, holy, divine!

We honor Jesus throughout the year
so the Christmas spirit will linger near.
For the story of His birth is ours to tell –
that Jesus became our Emmanuel

By Lenora McWhorter 

Christmas Time

Christmas time is finally here.
It only comes but once a year,
And it’s a time to spread good cheer
To those we love and hold so dear.

Christmas time is a time of glee,
A time when peace and love run free,
A time for those like you and me
To sit beneath the Christmas tree.

Christmas time is a time of joy,
A time to sit back and enjoy
The smile on each girl and boy,
As they play with a Christmas toy.

Christmas time is a time to share
The passing of another year.
Birth of Jesus, a joyful prayer,
To show loved ones how much we care.

Christmas time is a time for song,
A time for us to get along,
To make us feel Lord Jesus strong,
Forgive all those who did us wrong.

Christmas time is a time to pray,
Put love and kindness on display,
Show compassion along the way.
Christmas time should be every day.

By Ronald Doe 

Christmas Time Together

For most, this time of year
 Is ornaments, lights and gifts.
 People are out to shop,
Though snow may mass in drifts.

For me this time is different
 From what others feel and see;
 For me it’s just more happiness
 Full of you and me.

You fill my life with joy
Each moment that we share.
I’m thankful for time with you;
 Nothing can compare.

I want to make life good for you
 In every way I can.
You’ve been my own true love
 Since our relationship began.

So I’m writing you this poem
To help you to feel my love;
 We can be this way forever,
 With help from up above.

By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

Christmas Tree Poem

Christmas tree, sparkling bright,
Filled with baubles, warmth and light,
 Precious symbol of our affection
For Christmas time and its perfection,
 Show each night your radiant glory
 For “oohs” and “aahs” obligatory.

Christmas tree, don’t let us down;
Show something special at your crown,
 An angel, star, or splendid piece
To make our holiday joy increase,
 An icon, pure, ideal, complete,
 For Christmas memories fond and sweet.

Glitter and glisten, gleam and glow,
 Oh Christmas tree, we love you so!

By Joanna Fuchs

Christmas Wishes For You

May peace dwell with you,
may prosperity huddle near.
May family gather together
without heartache or tear.

There is a star shining
in the night sky … just there.
It is for you to wish upon
to keep you safe from care.

May everything you need
be yours to have and proclaim
as you’re due; just close your eyes
and ask it in His precious name.

Merry Christmas to you, friend.
Let your season be a blessed one
filled with love and cheer and more.
Smile, laugh, and enjoy the fun.

By Sherry Asbury


Love came down at Christmas,
     Love all lovely, Love Divine;
Love was born at Christmas,
     Star and Angels gave the sign.

Worship we the Godhead,
     Love Incarnate, Love Divine;
Worship we our Jesus:
     But wherewith for sacred sign?

Love shall be our token,
     Love be yours and love be mine,
Love to God and all men,
     Love for plea and gift and sign.

By Christina Rossetti

Christ’s Advent

Silent soft snow descends.
Lights reflect into the night.
The world seems to wait,
Hushed before Christmas’s delight.

The days creep gradually shorter.
Children feel the magic grow.
Oh when will Christ’s birth come?
“Soon,” whispers the silent snow.

Cookies baked, trees trimmed.
The world builds anticipation,
Yet the manger is missing the Christ,
The Source of this festive sensation.

Coloured lights keep vigil.
Garlands and trees emerge.
Cards get mailed to kin.
“Come Christmas,” children urge.

Then one night, the 25th,
A bell, a soft bell rang.
Then angels came and proclaimed
Christ is born, they sang!

The people sitting in darkness
Heard the joyful song.
They rang their bells and rejoiced.
Come, let’s sing along!

Now, in this Christmas season
May Christ’s joy rest every fear,
And may your heart grow younger
In the coming New Year!

By Michaela Hart 

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year I would most love to see
Two plane tickets to Arizona placed under my tree.

You see, my Aunt had a baby and my Nannie’s real ill
I haven’t the money to send both my sister and I, unless you will.

You can send us the cash, you can take us yourself
We can even fly there with your most responsible elf.

Oh please Santa, get us both there somehow.
We could wait until later, but it’s best to go now.

Nannies going through surgery, we’re not sure if she’ll live,
And well, this is the season for everyone to give,

I only want to see her, yes, this is all I ask.
Is my Christmas wish such a difficult task?

When you get this and read it, think it over a time or two.
I know this is a hard decision, but I’m positive you’ve had a few.

Even if one ticket is all you can give,
Don’t worry.
I’ll send my sister and pray that dear Nannie will live.

I’m sorry I’ve been bad, next year I’ll try to be better.
You have a big job, so I oughta end this letter.
Have a Merry Christmas Santa, tell the elves and Mrs. Claus I said hi.
Thank you for your time Sir, now I must say good bye.

P.S. The milk is in a glass and the cookies on a tray.
You know where I live, so nothing more shall I say.

By Shandelle Sioch

December 23rd

Today, December 23rd, another Christmas nears.
I try to keep tradition up while holding back my tears.

I know I have been blessed for all the many years
of love and joy and family and times we had to share.

The presents wrapped, the tree is lit, the wreath upon the door,
but pondering all the Christmases past and tears begin to fall.

This Christmas will be different,
for some very special loved ones have received God’s final call.

Then I dry my tears and say a special prayer.
Dear God, my gift to you is that soul I loved so dear.

I thank you for their life and love
I was so blessed to share.

Now all that I can ask of you is to keep them in your care!
I also want to offer you my each and every tear.

Now I promise to make Christmas joy for those I still have here
and put a smile upon their face while we have time to share.


By Patricia L. Cisco 

Dreading Christmastime

I’m dreading Christmastime this year
Because I have so much to fear:

An empty space beside my chair,
No gentle caress upon my hair,

No Christmas card from him to read,
No loving kiss upon my cheek.

The mistletoe will be unused,
And songs will make my heart feel bruised.

My heart is heavy, my pain is great.
There’s nothing left to celebrate.

For my love has gone beyond the veil,
And all I want to do is wail:

“Christmastime, leave me alone!”
Happiness has left my home.

By Victoria L. Thomas

First Christmas Without You

The nights are long and cold; the sun is hardly around.
Christmas time is approaching, and snow will soon cover the ground.
Trees and lights are twinkling; stockings are being hung.
The Christmas spirit is all around as carols are being sung.
This year Christmas is not the same, just a yearly memory.
This house is not a home anymore because you are not here with me.
There will be sadness; there will be tears when we wake up on Christmas day,
For this will be the first without you; oh, how I wish heaven was just a mile away.
As we sit around the Christmas tree, emotions will be sad.
Gifts for them, gifts for me, but none of them will say DAD.
All I want for Christmas is to see your smiling face.
I know it cannot happen because you are in a better place.
Please…DAD ring a bell for me on Christmas day
So I will know you got your wings and that you are okay.
I am not looking forward to Christmas, but I know it’s something I have to live through.
I hope there is Christmas in heaven, because it is not the same here without you.

Jamie A. Cirello 

For My Teacher At Christmas

Christmas vacation is great;
My time is mine to spend;
I can be with friends or watch TV;
 I wish it would never end.

I don’t miss school or homework;
 I really like to be free;
But I’ll miss you when I’m gone from school;
 You’re just what a teacher should be.

So have a perfect Christmas;
Be sure to have lots of fun;
I look forward to seeing you again,
 When Christmas vacation is done.

By Joanna Fuchs

Forever And A Day

If I had one Christmas wish
For family and friends this year,
We would take the opportunity to strengthen values and beliefs
We hold so dear.

We would make time to sit at the table,
Break bread with those we love,
Fold our hands and bow our head,
Giving thanks to our Father above.

Read a book to the children,
Try to make the moments last.
Talk to them about family traditions,
Connecting with members of family past.

We would indulge in enjoyable stories,
Talk about our role models that paved the way,
Take comfort in the traditions that bring us together,
Creating a lasting bond, forever and a day.

By Annette R. Hershey 

From Us To You

It’s Christmas time,
And I wish you well.
May the Lord bless you
With the best of health.

I hope the stockings are hung
And you’re filled with wonder.
There are so many surprises
For you to ponder.

May your children be merry
When Santa brings toys.
Some for the girls
And some for the boys.

I pray you have food
And plenty to eat:
Turkey and gravy
And lots of sweets.

I hope your family’s there,
Friends and neighbors, too.
So merry Christmas
From all of us to all of you.

By Dusty Kallembach 

Gift Of Magic And Love

‘Tis the season for warmth and cheer,
To be with our family and those we hold dear.
But what if we are miles away?
What if we can’t be there on Christmas day?

We could send a beautiful Christmas card,
A glittery ornament that shines like a star,
A tin of cookies so warm and sweet,
But there’s only one gift that makes it complete.

It’s sent through the snowflakes in the air,
Through an angel’s peaceful and heavenly prayer,
Through the verdant Christmas tree,
Through the Holy Babe, sleeping peacefully.

This gift is magical in every way.
It only comes on Christmas day.
It’s what makes us truly rich;
A heartfelt, loving Christmas wish.

It’s bright and big like the Bethlehem star.
It stretches wide and travels far.
It’s the first snow of Christmas day.
It’s the sun’s warm and hopeful ray.

This precious gift I gladly send.
It’s a Christmas wish to my family and friends:
May love, peace, and joy in your lives stay,
And may you have a Merry Christmas – always!

By Ciana R. Geckle 

Greatest Gifts

It’s not all about presents
Laying under the tree.
Trinkets made of gold
Mean nothing to me.

It’s not all about money.
What joy can it bring?
It’s being wanted and loved,
Not material things.

Possessions can’t hug you
Or give you a kiss.
Christmas with loved ones
Is what I miss.

Christmas presents are just temporary.
Their joy is short lived.
Only love and loved ones
Are the greatest of gifts.

By John P.

Help Wanted

Santa needs new reindeer.
The first bunch has grown old.
Dasher has arthritis;
Comet hates the cold.
Prancer’s sick of staring
at Dancer’s big behind.
Cupid married Blitzen
and Donder lost his mind.
Dancer’s mad at Vixen
for stepping on his toes.
Vixen’s being thrown out—
she laughed at Rudolph’s nose.
If you are a reindeer
we hope you will apply.
There is just one tricky part:
You must know how to fly.

By Timothy Tocher

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

…So he paused. And the Grinch put his hand to his ear.
And he did hear a sound rising over the snow.
It started in low. Then it started to grow.
But the sound wasn’t sad! Why, this sound sounded merry!
It couldn’t be so! But it WAS merry! VERY!
He stared down at Whoville! The Grinch popped his eyes!
Then he shook! What he saw was a shocking surprise!
Every Who down in Whoville, the tall and the small,
Was singing! Without any presents at all!
He HADN’T stopped Christmas from coming! IT CAME!
Somehow or other, it came just the same!
And the Grinch, with his grinch-feet ice-cold in the snow,
Stood puzzling and puzzling: “How could it be so?”
“It came with out ribbons! It came without tags!”
“It came without packages, boxes or bags!”
And he puzzled three hours, till his puzzler was sore.
Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before!
“Maybe Christmas,” he thought, “doesn’t come from a store.”
“Maybe Christmas…perhaps…means a little bit more!”…

By Dr. Suess

In the Bleak Midwinter

In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan,

Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone;

Snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow,

In the bleak midwinter, long ago.


Our God, Heaven cannot hold Him, nor earth sustain;

Heaven and earth shall flee away when He comes to reign.

In the bleak midwinter a stable place sufficed

The Lord God Almighty, Jesus Christ.


Enough for Him, whom cherubim, worship night and day,

Breastful of milk, and a mangerful of hay;

Enough for Him, whom angels fall before,

The ox and ass and camel which adore.


Angels and archangels may have gathered there,

Cherubim and seraphim thronged the air;

But His mother only, in her maiden bliss,

Worshipped the beloved with a kiss.


What can I give Him, poor as I am?

If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb;

If I were a Wise Man, I would do my part;

Yet what I can I give Him: give my heart.

By Christina Rossetti

It’s Nearly Christmas

I write this in September
And I can already see my breath
Because the temperature is falling
To fifty degrees or less;
There are frosted mornings
And skies are turning gray;
Next thing, there’ll be snowdrifts
Fit for a sleigh.

In stores, they’re gearing for Halloween
With pumpkins on display;
After October 31, we’ll count the days
To shop til Kris Kringle Day;
Just when I thought the craze was over
And the presents were put away,
Alas! I hear Santa “ho-hoing”,
It’s nearly Christmas Day.

Christmas is a magical time,
Is there any doubt?
But I’m going to need a psychotherapist
To get my anxeties out!
The sugarplums might be dancing,
But they’re messing up my mind;
The silver bells aren’t doing much
To help me unwind.

September comes and October goes,
November is just a glance;
Once again, there’ll be invitations
To another holiday dance;
I’ll decorate the Christmas tree
With icicles, stars, and lights,
But I’ll need a ton of eggnog
To get me through this night!

By Joel Bjorling

It’s Christmas Time

Put your problems on probation
Run your troubles off the track,
Throw your worries out the window
Get the monkeys off your back.
Silence all your inner critics
With your conscience make amends,
And allow yourself some happiness
It’s Christmas time again!
Call a truce with those who bother you
Let all the fighting cease,
Give your differences a breather
And declare a time of peace,
Don’t let angry feelings taint
The precious time you have to spend,
And allow yourself some happiness
It’s Christmas time again!
Like some cool refreshing water
Or a gentle summer breeze,
Like a fresh bouquet of flowers
Or the smell of autumn leaves,
It’s a banquet for the spirit
Filled with family, food and friends,
So allow yourself some happiness
It’s Christmas time again!

By Bob Lazzar-Atwood

It’s Still About Jesus

For every Christmas carol we sing,
For every present under the tree,
For every child that smiles with glee,
It’s still about Jesus.

For all the joy the season brings,
For every shiny, glowing thing,
For every Christmas light that shines without,
It’s still about Jesus.

As the joy of giving is in the air,
Also, the bounty of many blessings with much to spare,
With food beyond measure in which we shall feast,
The rejoicing of precious life makes it all complete.

Giving thanks through prayer is a timely pleasure,
For the birth of our Savior is the greatest treasure.

For with hope and grace in which we are so faithfully bound,
For it is the love of our Lord God in which we were found.

Brings to my remembrance of how Christmas began,
A King was born to save the souls of all men.

By Paul Felix

Jesus Is The Reason

In Bethlehem, God gave to us
The source of Christmas joy;
A star shown on a miracle:
The virgin birth of a boy.

He was born both God and man,
A Savior for us all,
The way to get to our heavenly home,
If we just heed His call.

So as we shop and spend and wrap
And enjoy the Christmas season,
Let’s keep in mind the sacred truth:
Jesus is the reason.

By Joanna Fuchs

Listening For Santa

A squeak on the stairs.
Could Santa be here?
Better pull my blankets
Up to my ears.

He comes down the chimney,
That’s how he gets in.
Santa uses magic
To make himself thin.

I better keep still,
Can’t make a peep.
He doesn’t leave toys,
Unless you’re asleep.

My door just opened.
Someone’s by my bed.
It wasn’t Santa after all,
‘Cause Mom just kissed my head.

By Annabel Sheila 

Little Tree

little tree
little silent Christmas tree
you are so little
you are more like a flower
who found you in the green forest
and were you very sorry to come away?
see i will comfort you
because you smell so sweetly
i will kiss your cool bark
and hug you safe and tight
just as your mother would,
only don’t be afraid
look the spangles
that sleep all the year in a dark box
dreaming of being taken out and allowed to shine,
the balls the chains red and gold the fluffy threads,
put up your little arms
and i’ll give them all to you to hold
every finger shall have its ring
and there won’t be a single place dark or unhappy…

By E.E. Cummings

Love Came Down at Christmas

Love came down at Christmas, 

Love all lovely, Love Divine; 

Love was born at Christmas, 

Star and angels gave the sign. 

Worship we the Godhead, 

Love Incarnate, Love Divine; 

Worship we our Jesus: 

 But wherewith for sacred sign? 

Love shall be our token, 

Love be yours and love be mine, 

Love to God and all men, 

Love for plea and gift and sign

By Christina Rossetti

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

We’re wishing you a Christmas
 Full of laughter, love and light,
 With delicious holiday foods
 To excite your appetite.

We’re hoping you receive
 Delightful gifts to make you smile,
 With family and friends
To love you all the while.

We wish you a Merry Christmas;
 May your Christmas dreams come true,
 And when Christmas is over,
 Happy New Year, too!

By Joanna Fuchs

Merry Christmas Daddy

The Christmas lights twinkle
and reflect in my tears,
as I suddenly realize
it’s been almost a year.

My daddy left us
and his earthly home.
He’s off in the heavens
to eternally roam.

As luck would have it,
he left his best in me;
from his sarcastic wit
to his “evil eye” gene.

My sons’ didn’t know
much of my dad.
Still they cherish what little
time that they had.

But long before leaving
his home here on earth,
we all gained from his values
of pride and self-worth.

So my happy memories
Must dull the pain,
and soothe my soul
’til I’m with daddy again.

By Frederick Herman Tegtmeier

Merry Christmas, Mom

For all of the presents
You put under the tree,
For all of the times
You picked up after me…

For all of the times
That you tucked me in tight
And we stayed up to talk
Long into the night

For all of the days
I was feeling so down
And the times that you turned
To a smile my frown

For the cookies you baked
And the stockings you stuffed,
For the cuts that you healed
And the pillows you fluffed…

For the time that you took
Off the training wheels
For the nights that you made me
My favorite meals

For the years throughout
Elementary school
For knowing the right thing
Isn’t always what’s cool

For putting up with
Those preteen years
For making it through
All the laughs and the tears

For all of the days
That you loved me so much
Even during the times
That I made it so tough…

For all of the memories
We have already shared
For the future for which
We cannot be prepared

For being there for that one-year-old boy
Who sat in the house and sucked on his thumb
For working so hard at being his mom
And making that boy into the man I’ve become
Look back on all that we have been through
And look at me now mom, how far I have come

For all of the times I’ll never forget
Merry Christmas to you, Mom
Here’s to the memories
We haven’t had yet

Merry Christmas…Love, Nick

By Mary Butto

Message From Santa Claus

If it were in my powers,
I would bring peace and love,
To this world of ours,
But I don’t have magic enough,
I can cross the sky,
and pass by the stars,
But I can’t seem to stop,
Any of hatred’s wars,
I see children on the street,
With no hope left,
in the eyes.
So many homeless people
with no where to sleep.
And my heart cries.
I can’t give the things they need,
Oh But God I would try.
I’m only a fantasy,
that once took wings to fly,
Some are deceived,
by the gifts that money can buy,
But those who truly believe,
see the gift with the heart,
not with the eye,
I sometime stop and go to my knees,
and pause,
and I too always pray,
That we will find a end to wars,
and live in peace one day.
For all those who believe in me,
I will continue my cause,
Across the stars,
over the wars,
On Christmas Eve,
For the hearts that still believe,
In Santa Claus

By Judy Arline Puckett


The minstrels played their Christmas tune
To-night beneath my cottage-eaves;
While, smitten by a lofty moon,
The encircling laurels, thick with leaves,
Gave back a rich and dazzling sheen,
That overpowered their natural green.

Through hill and valley every breeze
Had sunk to rest with folded wings:
Keen was the air, but could not freeze,
Nor check, the music of the strings;
So stout and hardy were the band
That scraped the chords with strenuous hand.

And who but listened?—till was paid
Respect to every inmate’s claim,
The greeting given, the music played
In honour of each household name,
Duly pronounced with lusty call,
And “Merry Christmas” wished to all.

By William Wordsworth 

Music on Christmas Morning

Music I love -­ but never strain
Could kindle raptures so divine,
So grief assuage, so conquer pain,
And rouse this pensive heart of mine -­
As that we hear on Christmas morn,
Upon the wintry breezes borne.
Though Darkness still her empire keep,
And hours must pass, ere morning break;
From troubled dreams, or slumbers deep,
That music kindly bids us wake:
It calls us, with an angel’s voice,
To wake, and worship, and rejoice.

By Anne Brontë

My Christmas Wishes

I wish for my lost loved ones to spread wings
So they’d fly back and share all Christmas things,
Just as they did back in their days on earth
And the holy birth was a source of great mirth.

Then they’d see snowflakes fall softly to the ground,
Hear carol singers make beautiful sounds.
Children excited for Santa to arrive,
Christmas trees aglow and blazing firesides.

Church bells chiming to announce the new King,
Born as a host of Angel voices sing.
In humble conditions came Mary’s boy.
Unto the world a sweet bundle of joy.

Thoughtful tokens handed out as a gift.
Times may have been hard, but love made us rich.
Games and charades when there was no TV.
Fish paste sandwiches and jelly for tea.

But it’s unlikely my wishes come true.
I’ll send love in a prayer, I usually do,
And ask God to share my heart all around
For peace on earth that knoweth no bounds.

By Beryl L Edmonds 

My Dad Would Like To Be Santa

His belly’s getting bigger,
And his hair is turning white.
His eyes shine and sparkle
Like the stars on Christmas night.

He couldn’t fit down chimneys
When he can just fit through a door.
One mince pie would never do
He’d only ask for more.

He likes a nip of brandy;
It sets his cheeks aglow.
When he forgets the words to carols,
He just shouts Ho, Ho, Ho.

He hasn’t got a reindeer
That runs silently through space,
But his car is Eco Friendly
And could beat Rudolph in a race.

He can’t afford a new red suit
With boots and matching belt,
But his smile is warmer than the sun
That can make the snow tops melt.

My dad would like to be Santa
And fill the world with glee,
So until they advertise the job,
He’ll give all his love to me.

By Graham Craven 

My Wish For This Christmas

Christmas is a happy time for friends and family,
The children are excited as they unwrap presents around the tree.

Carols are sung and lights twinkle in the night.
Jack Frost glistens on the windows, and the snow sparkles from the winter moonlight.

Christmas is such a joyous time to appreciate the ones we love.
This Christmas I want to send wishes to those we lost up above.

To some, Christmas is not the same because a loved one passed away,
And the grief is overwhelming each and every day.

When the holidays approach, we miss them even more,
Traditions never feel the same, and memories are all we have left to adore.

We will always remember their name and never forget their faces,
And as long as we keep them in our hearts, they can never be erased.

So this Christmas, my wish is for everyone who is feeling a little blue
To find some peace, joy, and comfort with everything you do.

Christmas isn’t just a season; it’s a feeling, and the magic never ends.
One of its greatest gifts is to cherish family and friends.

Merry Christmas to all our special angels up above.
Merry Christmas to you all. I send you all my love.

By Jamie A. Cirello 

Night Before Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas.
The smell of pine
Filled up the family room
While watching the star blink
At the tip top of the tree.
My dad began to read
Just after snuggling
My mom and me
All together on the couch.
No one spoke;
The only sound was the fire cracking.
While listening,
I smelled hot cocoa
And our big Christmas tree.
The Steelers blanket held me so tight.
That is one of my favorite winter nights.
As he finished, we all read
And to all a good night.

By Allie Henderson

O Christmas Tree

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
You truly are a beauty.
I used to love to put you up,
Now it’s a dreaded duty.

Lugging you out from storage
Gets more strenuous each year,
And assembling all your branchy parts
Does not fill me with cheer.

Then each and every little stem
I tediously unflatten.
Your artificial symmetry,
It doesn’t…just…happen.

Next challenge is your tree lights,
Which I always have to wrangle.
No matter how I’ve coiled them,
They unwind in a tangle.

A few choice words escape me
As I clear the final knot,
Then turn to find the other end
Has formed another clot.

I string them from your branches,
Draping with the greatest care,
To find that I’ve run out of lights,
Your bottom third still bare.

After some more botched attempts
They’re artfully arranged.
Your lights are nice and even
Though I’m feeling quite deranged.

These days the decorating
Doesn’t hold the same appeal.
Now that the kids are all grown up,
It’s left for me to deal.

I miss the days when they were young,
We’d trim your boughs together.
With Christmas carols playing,
They are memories I treasure.

Your ornaments now look just right
From every viewing angle,
But at your back against the wall,
The not so nice ones dangle.

At long last the job is done.
It’s taken me all day;
Too worn out to appreciate
Your beautiful display.

On Christmas Day you play your part,
All twinkling in resplendence,
With family all gathered round
And opening their presents.

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
A sight extraordinary;
Must steel myself to pack you up,
It’s almost February!

By Cynthia C. Naspinski 

Ode To A Holiday

Upon us now is that time of year again
When we think a lot about our family and friends.

The days are short and the nights are cold,
But our hearts are warm, which brightens our soul.

We endure the crowds to shop at the store.
It’s worth it to us to find the perfect gift to give someone we want to buy for.

We put up lights and decorations all over the place.
Sometimes we put up so much we run out of space.

The kids are excited to go for a night ride,
To see all of the light displays people have created outside.

There are parties and dinners and food galore.
Everyone eats, drinks, and stuffs themselves ’til they can’t eat anymore.

To some people, however, it’s just another day,
Back in their box or alley or wherever they stay.

They see people shopping and eating and the lights all over town,
But that’s not part of their world, as somewhere along the way the world has let them down.

They curl up to keep warm as the cold wind bites through their clothes.
Long forgotten are the days of presents with bows.

And others lie in a bed attended by a nurse.
Getting well and going home is what they are thinking of first.

All of the family get-togethers and eggnog will pass them by this year.
The doctors and nurses will be their holiday cheer.

Those who protect us abroad and will not be home,
They have to stay out there since the world’s political views aren’t monochrome.

So when we celebrate, we’ll hold up a glass and toast them each year,
And hope the next holiday they will be near.

Hug your kids and keep them safe,
As some have never experienced that being a waif.

Enjoy your holiday and celebrate this season,
And when you toast, remember the others and maybe toast…for a greater reason.

By Mark Weismantel

Recipe for Christmas All Year Long

Take a heap of child-like wonder
That opens up our eyes
To the unexpected gifts in life—
Each day a sweet surprise.

Mix in fond appreciation
For the people whom we know;
Like festive Christmas candles,
Each one has a special glow.

Add some giggles and some laughter,
A dash of Christmas food,
(Amazing how a piece of pie
Improves our attitude!)

Stir it all with human kindness;
Wrap it up in love and peace,
Decorate with optimism, and
Our joy will never cease.

If we use this healthy recipe,
We know we will remember
To be in the Christmas spirit,
Even when it’s not December.

By Joanna Fuchs

Ring Out, Wild Bells

Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,
The flying cloud, the frosty light:
The year is dying in the night;
Ring out, wild bells, and let him die…

Ring out false pride in place and blood,
The civic slander and the spite;
Ring in the love of truth and right,
Ring in the common love of good.

Ring out old shapes of foul disease;
Ring out the narrowing lust of gold;
Ring out the thousand wars of old,
Ring in the thousand years of peace.

Ring in the valiant man and free,
The larger heart, the kindlier hand;
Ring out the darkness of the land,
Ring in the Christ that is to be.

By Alfred, Lord Tennyson 

Santa’s Gift

The laughter of eternity’s children
Resides in the glint of his eyes,
And his joyous laugh, which surrounds us all,
Leaves an echo that never dies.

The good will he sows so generously
Wraps us warmly in blankets of cheer,
And the words that he speaks bring great hope and joy
To small angels far and near.

To see a child’s hopeful excitement
As he rests upon Santa’s knee
Or the look of wonder on her face
When she encounters the magical tree

Overwhelms my heart with tenderness
And brings me lightness of mind.
Santa is here to spread his gift
Of peace to all mankind.

By  Elaine P. Keefe 

Sleigh Ride

Sleighing through the forest
On a late December evening,
To my sister tightly clinging
In our flying wintry bed.

Father briskly leading
The pampered horses heaving,
Beneath the heavens reeling
Round the pole star we are led.

Faster, ever faster
O’er the crunching, steely ice,
Tucked in warm and cozy
Like some picture postcard mice.

The mighty forest bows before us
Beneath its weight in snow,
A shimmering palace of ice crystals
Bathed in moonlight’s glow.

Wind ascending,
Sleep descending,
As homeward bound we go.

By Anne Pollock 

So Lucky Are The Angels

Since you’re gone, Christmas time will never be the same.
When asked what I wish for, I can only speak your name.
The only gift I ever want at Christmas time for me
Is my precious, loving son beside my Christmas tree,
And as the world rejoices with songs of Christmas cheer,
I’ll gently hold your memories close and wipe my Christmas tear.
So lucky are the angels to have you up above,
Right beside their Christmas tree; my son’s their gift to love!

By Patricia L. Cisco 

Sweet Jesus Is Born

Today is born sweet Jesus, the Lord.
Let us be glad, let us rejoice.
Today is born sweet Jesus, the Lord.
Let us be glad, let us rejoice.

Sweet Jesus is born, great joy does He bring.
Let trumpets sound and church bells ring.
The gifts He brings this holy night
are peace, hope, and joy, and love’s pure light.

Quiet your heart and hear the Lord’s name.
Sweet Jesus the Lord, this night He came.
He came to be with us on Earth.
The Heavens and Earth rejoice His birth.

Sweet Jesus is born. His birth was foretold.
God’s only Son is to behold.
On bended knee we come to adore
Sweet baby Jesus, Christ the Lord.

Love is the heart of Jesus the Lord.
His birth opened up God’s heavenly door.
The joy and hope that sweet Jesus brings
will live in the hearts of those who believe.

By Marcia A. Newton 

The Best Gift

As Christmas time arrives,
 We think of you and smile;
 Your friendship is the gift
We think most worthwhile.

The packages are pretty
Underneath the tree,
But what we value most
 Is your ability

To bring joy to our lives
 In everything you do,
Enriching time together
 Just by being you.

By Joanna Fuchs

The Christmas Gift of Knowing You

The Christmas season fills our hearts with joy;
 Bright, happy days bring special kinds of pleasure.
 We’re wrapped in the excitement of it all,
The sights, the sounds, the smells, the tastes we treasure.

Yet when we have some quiet time to think
About our finest blessings all year through,
 We focus on our family and our friends,
 And appreciate the gift of knowing you!

By Joanna Fuchs

The Christmas Holly

The holly! the holly! oh, twine it with bay—

Come give the holly a song;

For it helps to drive stern winter away,

With his garment so sombre and long.

It peeps through the trees with its berries of red,

And its leaves of burnish’d green,

When the flowers and fruits have long been dead,

And not even the daisy is seen,

Then sing to the holly, the Christmas holly,

That hangs over peasant and king:

While we laugh and carouse ’neath its glitt’ring boughs,

To the Christmas holly we’ll sing.

The gale may whistle, and frost may come,

To fetter the gurgling rill;

The woods may be bare, and the warblers dumb—

But the holly is beautiful still.

In the revel and light of princely halls,

The bright holly-branch is found;

And its shadow falls on the lowliest walls,

While the brimming horn goes round.

Then drink to the holly, &c.

The ivy lives long, but its home must be

Where graves and ruins are spread;

There’s beauty about the cypress tree,

But it flourishes near the dead:

The laurel the warrior’s brow may wreathe,

But it tells of tears and blood.

I sing the holly, and who can breathe

Aught of that that is not good?

Then sing to the holly, &c.

By Eliza Cook

The Christmas Story

An angel called to Mary one day.
“You will have a baby,” she heard him say,
Now not yet married was Mary – however
The obedient girl just said, “Whatever.”

Now the trip to Bethlehem was long and tiring.
The poor old donkey was sure perspiring.
‘Twas a nasty burden upon their backs
That compulsion to pay a Roman tax!

A dirty stable with mouldy hay
‘Twas a dismal place to end the day.
Of simple comforts there was a dearth
And no wise midwife to help give birth.

God’s son in a manger,
Can anything be stranger?
A truly odd place for a baby to sleep.
A feeding trough for a cow or a sheep!

An angel came to shepherds that night.
It’s not surprising – they were filled with fright
“No need,” said he, “for such behaviour,
‘Cause tonight for you is born a Saviour!”

When the shepherds got there, this they found
A babe in a manger and straw on the ground.
Maybe they wondered, it’s obvious since
He didn’t look much like a royal prince!

Some wise men came from far away
With gifts for a king they wished to convey.
They called with Herod – an evil king
But rival monarchs were not his thing!

When the wise men came, they entered the house,
Found Jesus, Joseph and Mary, his spouse.
Presented their gifts, most precious we’re told
Frankincense, myrrh and a casket of gold.

His birth was humble, His death was tragic,
But the rest of His story was more than magic.
Though buried on Earth, He rose up to the sky
As our Lord in Heaven, never more to die.

By William Holmes

The Christmas Wreath

Oh! Christmas wreath upon the wall,
     Within thine ivied space
I see the years beyond recall,
     Amid thy leaves I trace
The shadows of a happy past,
     When all the world was bright,
And love its magic splendour cast
     O’er morn and noon and night.

Oh! Christmas wreath upon the wall,
     ’Neath memory’s tender spell
A wondrous charm doth o’er thee fall,
     And round thy beauty dwell.
Thine ivy hath the satiny sheen
     Of tresses I’ve caressed,
Thy holly’s crimson gleam I’ve seen
     On lips I oft have pressed.

Oh! Christmas wreath upon the wall,
     A mist steals o’er my sight.
Dear hallow’d wreath, these tears are all
     The pledge I now can plight
To those loved ones whose spirit eyes
     Shine down the flight of time;
Around God’s throne their voices rise
     To swell the Christmas Chime!

By Anna de Brémont

The Eve Before Christmas

‘Twas the eve before Christmas.
I left it too late.
The shelves are all bare.
Oh, why did I wait?

I swore I’d shop early,
I clearly remember,
And be done with it all
By the first of December.

But now here I am
With picked-over stock.
The boxes are crumpled
On the Marvel knockoffs.

Sweaters too big,
Slippers too small.
The pushing the grabbing,
Get me out of this mall.

I will stop at the drug store
And purchase a card
And fill it with money.
Why make life hard?

It always fits
And suits everyone’s taste.
No need to wrap it.
That’s just a waste.

But should you not like it,
Dear, have no fear,
If you’d like to return it,
My pocket’s right here.

By Linda J. Doucett

The First Christmas

It never snows at Christmas in that dry and dusty land.

Instead of freezing blizzards, there are palms and drifting sands,

and years ago a stable and a most unusual star

and three wise men who followed it, by camel, not by car,

while, sleepy on the quiet hills, a shepherd gave a cry.

He’d seen a crowd of angels in the silent starlit sky.

In the stable, ox and ass stood very still and calm

and gazed upon the baby, safe and snug in Mary’s arms.

And Joseph, lost in shadows, face lit by an oil lamp’s glow

stood wondering, that first Christmas Day, two thousand years ago

by Marian Swinger

The First Christmas

This very first Christmas
It’s just like before
It’s the first in this new Century
and there will be more
The only difference we will see
and at first does not seem true
why the tree getting shorter
and what happened to you?

Each year we get wiser, the older we get
we still think of Santa, and
we are not finished with him yet.
we still get excited,
Like we did Christmas’s before
You see there is no difference,
it’s just your height in the door.
So we take a moment this time far and near
to wish you a merry Christmas
and a happy new Year
Merry Christmas Year 2000

By Keith Davies

The House of Christmas

…This world is wild as an old wives’ tale,
And strange the plain things are,
The earth is enough and the air is enough
For our wonder and our war;
But our rest is as far as the fire-drake swings
And our peace is put in impossible things
Where clashed and thundered unthinkable wings
Round an incredible star.

To an open house in the evening
Home shall men come,
To an older place than Eden
And a taller town than Rome.
To the end of the way of the wandering star,
To the things that cannot be and that are,
To the place where God was homeless
And all men are at home.

By G.K. Chesterton

The House of Hospitalities

Here we broached the Christmas barrel,
     Pushed up the charred log-ends;
Here we sang the Christmas carol,
            And called in friends.

Time has tired me since we met here
      When the folk now dead were young.
Since the viands were outset here
            And quaint songs sung.

And the worm has bored the viol
     That used to lead the tune,
Rust eaten out the dial
            That struck night’s noon.

Now no Christmas brings in neighbours,
     And the New Year comes unlit;
Where we sang the mole now labours,
            And spiders knit.

Yet at midnight if here walking,
     When the moon sheets wall and tree,
I see forms of old time talking,
            Who smile on me.

By Thomas Hardy

The Hush Of Christmas

Have you observed this Christmas thing?
How shoppers shop and sleigh bells ring,
And children wrapped in muffs and cuffs
Are trying out their newfound stuff.

Have you observed how fast it comes,
Overtakes, invades our homes?
How life takes on that quickened pace
That makes each day another race.

But have you noticed how the rush
Is stayed with times of holy hush?
And no one ever seems to know
From where they come or where they go.

A pause upon a Christmas stage,
A costumed, bearded ancient sage,
Points to a distant tinseled sky,
And all at once the Christ is nigh.

Or at a time when by the tree
The children watch so eagerly,
As shining bells are put in place
And wonder fills each tiny face.

Or by the fire when children sleep
And parents whisper so to keep,
The stillness of the fading day
As treasures in their hearts to stay.

Or when amidst the candlelight
The choir begins, “Oh, Holy Night,”
And lives so filled with busyness
Are wafted to a quiet bliss.

So as the season comes your way
For you and yours, we humbly pray
That in this time of Christmas rush
You will find that holy hush.

By Carl F. Verge

The Last Present Under The Tree

There is one last present under the Christmas tree,
I wonder whose it is?
Is it for the little girl with the rocking horse,
Or is it for Grandma or Aunt Liz?
It looks so lonely,
Sitting there by itself;
It’d certainly be an awesome addition
On “somebody’s” shelf.

The ribbon is gold,
The paper is paisley red;
“Who does it belong to?”
Keeps rattling in my head;
I decided to snatch a peek,
And see whose name is on the card;
It’d only take a second,
It won’t be very hard.

When no one was looking,
I reached under the tree,
Carefully handling the package,
“Who knows, it may be for me!”
But when I read the card,
I thought it was extraordinarily odd,
Because the message read,
“Love and blessings,” God.

By Joel Bjorling

The Miracle Of Christmas

Mary was chosen; how could this be true?
A young girl and virgin was who they all knew.
Cousin Elizabeth, too, six months was she.
Her son was John, a “forerunner” he would be,
Lept in her womb when the news was told.
The King Mary carried they would all soon behold.
Not in a great palace but a stable he’d lay.
Not on fine linens but a manger with hay.
An angel told shepherds the glad news they’d sing,
A star led the Wise Men, their gifts they would bring.
When he heard of the birth, King Herod would seek,
But God up above Jesus’ safety would keep
So that you and I could know His great love,
And one day be with Him in Heaven above.
So remember that Christmas is not “going all out.”
It’s a season of miracles…THAT’S what it’s about.

By Elaine G. Brock 

The Most Wonderful Gift

The most wonderful gift ever given to me
 Isn’t one to be found by a Christmas tree.
 It’s you, my treasure, my wonderful wife,
The most beautiful, glorious thing in my life.

You are caring and warm, in truth, a delight,
 A most wonderful prize whose love still shines bright.
 I shudder to think how bare life would be,
If the gift of your love weren’t given to me.

You are Christmas delights all wrapped into one,
 And those joys still go on when Christmas is done!

By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

The Old Christmas Card

I found a little Christmas card.
‘Twas in a box of stuff.
I opened it and read it.
Its verse was written thus.

“Season’s greetings and salutations.
Best wishes and all the best.
Happy New Year and live long,
And may you be God blessed.”

There was something written
Below this little verse.
It was written in your writing,
Just like we would converse.

I felt the love in those words
Written by your shaky hand.
Tears filled my eyes,
As you can understand.

I love that little Christmas card.
My heart strings are all a strum.
That little card means so much
Because it’s signed, “Love, Mum.”

By Raelene J. Elliss 

The Real Meaning of Christmas

Two thousand years ago the King of Kings was born.
‘The Lamb of God’ later made to feel the thorn,
If his words are accepted and not scorned,
They will make us all reborn.

Though God’s grace, Joseph and Mary presented
A gift to the world that day, which we can all repay,
by living the ten commandments each and every day.

Try to remember and keep in your heart and mind
Jesus’s gospel while here on Earth,
Redemption not a life lived in constant mirth.
Peace on Earth, good will toward man
Everyone should try it, whenever they can.

The Lord gave us the option and choice of ‘free will,’
Now it’s up to us to fit the bill.

So when you’re Christmas shopping for family and friends,
and money is tight at both ends,
Remember that the greatest gift of all,
Is your love of Jesus in the manger stall.

By Joseph P. Martino

The True Meaning Of Christmas

In todays’ day and time,
it’s easy to lose sight,
of the true meaning of Christmas
and one special night.

When we go shopping,
We say “How much will it cost?”
Then the true meaning of Christmas,
Somehow becomes lost.

Amidst the tinsel, glitter
And ribbons of gold,
We forget about the child,
born on a night so cold.

The children look for Santa
In his big, red sleigh
Never thinking of the child
Whose bed was made of hay.

In reality,
When we look into the night sky,
We don’t see a sleigh
But a star, burning bright and high.

A faithful reminder,
Of that night so long ago,
And of the child we call Jesus,
Whose love, the world would know.

By Brian K. Walters

The Waits

At the break of Christmas Day,

Through the frosty starlight ringing,

Faint and sweet and far away,

Comes the sound of children, singing,

Chanting, singing,

“Cease to mourn,

For Christ is born,

Peace and joy to all men bringing!”

Careless that the chill winds blow,

Growing stronger, sweeter, clearer,

Noiseless footfalls in the snow,

Bring the happy voices nearer;

Hear them singing,

“Winter’s drear,

But Christ is here,

Mirth and gladness with Him bringing.”

“Merry Christmas!” hear them say,

As the East is growing lighter;

“May the joy of Christmas Day

Make your whole year gladder, brighter!”

Join their singing,

“To each home

Our Christ has come,

All Love’s treasures with Him bringing!”

By Margaret Deland 

Three Empty Chairs

There are now three empty chairs at the Christmas table.
It’s a time I find difficult, even unable

To find joy on this family day.
We are so lost since you went away.

Our lives have less joy and our days are sad.
I cry when I remember all that we had.

Christmas day was that special day of the year
Where we gathered around with festive cheer.

A time of love, smiles and joy,
A time to watch the children open their gifts, play with their toys.

The turkey cooking and puddings to be made,
All the excitement and noise and a beautiful table we laid.

But once again we feel a loss of someone special we love,
And once again we cry and turn our look to above.

Heaven holds all three of you now,
And our loss and pain is too much, oh wow.

My mum, dad, and brother, now all gone.
It hurts, this loss; it feels so wrong.

There are now only our memories that we can hold dear.
And as we say Merry Christmas, we also shed a tear.

As we look upon the three empty chairs,
I will raise my glass as we toast and share.

We miss you all so very much; now you’re in heaven above.
To all of you, my family, with all our hearts, we send our love.

By Sandra Hearth 

Tiny Wooden Figures

Over in the corner, ‘neath the Christmas tree’s green,
Are the tiny wooden figures, our Nativity scene.
Each tells a story, each plays its part.
Each holds a special place here in my heart.

Down from the attic, unwrapped with great care,
It just isn’t Christmas if they’re not there.
They’re faded and dented, their paint chipped away,
But the love they stand for is as fresh as today.

And as the years go by and our days grow few,
Outside we grow older, inside we grow new,
And the tiny wooden figures are a symbol of love,
Of the grace and the peace of our God above.

By the side there stands Joseph, keeping watch in the night
The smile on his face, a reflection of light
In the hay kneels sweet Mary, so gentle and mild
So willing to sacrifice, all for her child.

And as the years go by and our days grow few
Outside we grow older, inside we grow new,
And the tiny wooden figures are a symbol of love
Of the grace and the peace of our God above.

In the hay, Baby Jesus, His arms opened wide.
The same way He lived, the same way He died.
Now He stands up in Heaven, and He holds the door wide,
And He says, “Welcome children! Welcome inside!”

And as the years go by and our days grow few
Outside we grow older, inside we grow new,
And the tiny wooden figures are a symbol of love,
Of the grace and the peace of our God above.

Over in the corner, ‘neath the Christmas tree’s green,
Are the tiny wooden figures, our Nativity scene.
Each tells a story…each plays its part.
Each holds a special place….here in my heart

By Rick W. Cotton 

‘Tis The Season For Lots Of Love

‘Tis the season for lots of love.
Gather all friends and family
And celebrate the joys from above.

Plan a feast and wrap gifts happily.
Distribute it all around.
Gather all friends and family.

Add the carols to make it sound
As it adds love to spirit.
Distribute it all around.

Enjoy the decorations as you share it.
Bask in the smiles of the season
As it adds love to spirit.

Friends and family are good reason
To spread warmth and cheer.
Bask in the smiles of the season.

Christmas! Celebrate with all who are dear!
‘Tis the season for lots of love
To spread warmth and cheer
And celebrate the joys from above.

By Astrid Hardjana-Large

Toy Escape

Late Christmas Eve, when all was still,
 And the room was dark as night,
 The Christmas tree lit magically;
 It was a fantastic sight!

Then from around the tree trunk came,
A strange and funny sound,
As gifts began to unwrap themselves,
 And toys jumped out all around.

The music box began to play,
 And in a crazy trance,
The candy canes jumped off the tree
 To do a silly dance.

The big stuffed bear leaped to his feet,
To see what he could see;
He rode a shiny, bright red bike
 Around the Christmas tree.

The new toy kitchen started to cook,
 And before you could blink an eye,
The oven door opened, and from inside
 Came a tiny pizza pie.

A squirt gun squirted everything;
 It knew what it was for;
By the time that it was emptied out,
 A big puddle lay on the floor.

A beautiful doll with golden hair
 Was searching for a friend;
A toy soldier marched up and took her hand;
 They were a perfect blend.

In the bedroom were a boy and girl,
 Asleep in Christmas dreams;
The soldier saluted; the doll gave a kiss;
 At least that’s the way it seems.

Now everything began to tire;
 The toys went back in place;
But when mother woke in the morning,
 You should have seen her face.

The tree was fine; the gifts were there,
 Yet mother gave a roar;
She looked at her wet shoes and yelled
“What’s this puddle on my floor?”

By Joanna Fuchs

Twas the Night Before Christmas

…And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.

He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler, just opening his pack.

His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow…

By Clement C. Moore

Twas The Week Before Christmas

‘Twas the week before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was hurrying, not even the mouse.
The festivities have been chosen with intention and care,
So that even this mama could get out for some air.

Expectations were lowered; it’s clear in her head,
That simpler traditions require less meds!
This mama, in her wisdom, has built in a gap
Into her daily schedule to enjoy a quick nap.

Where once there was hurry and stress and commotion,
She began to take stock of her own real emotion.
She noticed her crabby and downright bad mood,
Which at first she would blame on her kids’ attitude!

Enough was enough with all of the fluff,
Time to pare down and sort out all this stuff!
Gift exchanges and parties and neighbor treats too,
Can make this last month feel more like the zoo!

With a few well-asked questions, she took this huge chore,
And turned it around to make her heart soar!
“Why do I do this, and who’s it really for?”
“What value, what sacrifice, will this cost at its core?”

“Could it be done simpler, be honest with yourself,
Do you really need that Elf on the Shelf?”
Because how will you feel, and how will you deal,
When you wind up so sick from way too much zeal?

The joy of this season was meant for you too.
That tradition ain’t worth it if you feel like hot poo.
So learn from this mama, who wore busy like an honor,
But with some real work, made that mindset a goner.

‘Cause it really comes down to how you will choose
To cut back and take back; you simply can’t lose.
And off in the distance, was heard joy and elation,
For each Christmas time is a real celebration,

A time to remodel and live out our lives,
In a way that is sane; remember, “Be wise!”

by Arianna Rees

Two Letters To Santa

I wrote a letter to Santa
To make sure he would know
It’s only two weeks until Christmas
And we still don’t have any snow.

Just didn’t want his reindeer
To have to work too hard.
I was afraid they might get stuck
In the mud outside in our yard.

I mailed my letter on Monday,
Only two days ago.
As I dropped it in the mailbox,
It slowly started to snow.

It’s been snowing ever since,
More as each day goes by.
I’m getting kind of worried now
That Santa will think I lied.

I’ll write another letter
And mail it off today.
Tell Santa not to worry,
There’ll be lots of snow for his sleigh.

By Annabel Sheila 

Wartime Christmas

Led by a star, a golden star,

The youngest star, an olden star,

Here the kings and the shepherds are,

Akneeling on the ground.

What did they come to the inn to see?

God in the Highest, and this is He,

A baby asleep on His mother’s knee

And with her kisses crowned.

Now is the earth a dreary place,

A troubled place, a weary place.

Peace has hidden her lovely face

And turned in tears away.

Yet the sun, through the war-cloud, sees

Babies asleep on their mother’s knees.

While there are love and home—and these—

There shall be Christmas Day.

By Joyce Kilmer

What Can I Give?

I went to church on Christmas morn to hear the angels sing.
My heart was lifted with every chorus; the rafters, they did ring.
I sang along with joy in my heart, the greatest sound I’ve ever heard.
From “O Holy Night” to “What Child is This?” I cherished every word.

I celebrated the King’s lowly birth; I shouted and danced about.
Then came along a “Little Drummer Boy,” and I knew I was without.
What had I given the babe this year? A panic crossed my mind.
I tried to think of what I had given, but there was none to find.

Did I find a child and clothe him well? Did I seek a widow to bless?
Did I go to someone sick in their bed and try to ease their death?
Did I ask a sinner to say a prayer or tell him the Good News?
Did I give a beggar something to eat or at least buy him some shoes?

I bowed my head as the drummer boy played; my tears started to fall.
I didn’t even give Him my best, let alone give Him my all.
So this Christmas, Jesus, I bring you my drum, the very beat of my heart.
I ask Your forgiveness, for things undone; it’s the only place I can start.

By Fran Peck 

What Christmas Is About

The prophets announced Christ’s birth
that He would one day come to earth.
He was sent by the Father to pay a price,
and He became the living sacrifice.

God took a good look across the land,
but sadly enough He found no man.
Not one was righteous that could die
for sinful souls such as you and I.

So God Himself had a perfect plan,
and because of His great love for man,
God became flesh and came to earth
to die for mankind, to give us worth.

The sin debt was paid on the cross
so all could be saved and none lost.
Satan is defeated in the story we tell
and Jesus became our Emmanuel.

Now Christmas comes to one and all
to celebrate by those who answer the call.
It’s all about Him, the Lord Jesus Christ,   
who came to offer us the gift of life.

By Lenora McWhorter 

What Christmas Means

Christmas is a time when everyone gathers together
To share love and bring hope of a light that will last forever.
At a time like this, there’s no such thing as being alone.
When you’re with the ones you love, you’ll then learn to grow.

Nothing can be more comforting than the love you share.
Your family should tell you there is someone who always cares.
Everyone is entitled to abundant joy and happiness
Because this blessing is a Christmas gift you should never forget.

As long as you’re surrounded with those who love you,
We should not despise each other, for love is the ultimate truth.
If Jesus Himself said to help and love one another,
Then we need to form a fellowship and be there for each other.

This season, we should be able to put aside our differences
And stop choosing whom to love based on preferences.
Love should be beyond words this time of year,
And forevermore, bringing songs of glorious cheers.

May this Christmas be a time of good will,
Because love is a mission we all need to fulfill.
Let our friendships and relationships have Christ in the center.
Let this holiday season be a time of worship and prayer.

Christmas should be about giving and enjoying the good times.
It may come once a year, but its impact should never die.
Let’s not lose hope of what Christmas should come to be.
Jesus came to love, and so should we.

By Edarly Edouard 

What Christmas Means To Me

Imagine waking up to that cool winter air
to see snow drifting and falling into your hair.
To build snowmen and snow angels and get into snowball fights,
and to snuggle in front of the fire that cool Christmas Eve night.

Imagine waking up to the hot chocolate and tea;
the sweet aroma of cookies and baked goods fill you up with glee.
Drinking and singing merrily, surrounded by family and friends,
sipping on that chilled eggnog, hoping the night won’t end.

Imagine waking up to the sounds of children’s laughter
as they sneak downstairs to get a good look at jolly Old Santa,
only to find their parents standing underneath the mistletoe,
sharing a sweet and gentle kiss and holding each other close.

Imagine the way you look when Christmas morn is finally here,
with shiny gifts in shiny gift paper, teasing of the gifts they bear.
As children rip into their presents, clothes, toys and gifts scattered around
you could hear the carolers singing their lovely and beautiful sound.

Christmas is for family, happiness and smiles,
Things that make the Christmas last all year round.
Christmas is for the laughter, cheers and the songs,
As we sing, dance, drink, and eat all night long!

Goshen Z. Rahming

When Christmas Is Blue

Seated comfortably, fulfilled yet not
Emptiness resides within
The reasons are clear
Comfortable yet missing a lot

Missing the laughter, the company
Longing for the hugs, the jokes
Now it’s just the busy city
Full yet it’s empty

Sunny and bright, the sun shines
But it’s too dark to find
The bright faces teasing me
Bright yet so dim to find lines

The tune is jolly, yes it’s true
But I can’t hear a genuine note
Deafening loudness but silence lingers within
Loud and jolly yet silent and blue

The table is full and blessed
But there’s no one to share with
Missing the thirteen pairs of hands used to hold pieces
Delightful yet tasteless

Truly, what makes everything around you twinkle
Is the source that defines their meaning
What you treasure within your heart when not within reach
Leaves you longing, making the heart crinkle

Eyes searching
Ears waiting
Lips pouting
Nose running
Hands reaching

Smile fades
Heart aches
Tears roll
Wishing next Christmas… it won’t be fall

By Kit Dulay 

When Santa Claus Comes

A good time is coming, I wish it were here,
The very best time in the whole of the year;
I’m counting each day on my fingers and thumbs —
the weeks that must pass before Santa Claus comes.

Then when the first snowflakes begin to come down,
And the wind whistles sharp and the branches are brown,
I’ll not mind the cold, though my fingers it numbs,
For it brings the time nearer when Santa Claus comes.

By Eugene Field


Winter Time

Late lies the wintry sun a-bed,   
A frosty, fiery sleepy-head;   
Blinks but an hour or two; and then,   
A blood-red orange, sets again.   
Before the stars have left the skies,
At morning in the dark I rise;   
And shivering in my nakedness,   
By the cold candle, bathe and dress.   
Close by the jolly fire I sit   
To warm my frozen bones a bit;
Or with a reindeer-sled, explore   
The colder countries round the door.   
When to go out, my nurse doth wrap   
Me in my comforter and cap;   
The cold wind burns my face, and blows
Its frosty pepper up my nose.   
Black are my steps on silver sod;   
Thick blows my frosty breath abroad;   
And tree and house, and hill and lake,   
Are frosted like a wedding-cake.

By Robert Louis Stevenson

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