Good Night

«A Child’s Goodnight» by Richard Thomas

At night the sun lies down for sleep
An»d crickets sing a tune.
The bullfrogs croak and creatures creep
Beneath the watching moon.

The masked raccoons and possums prowl
Through meadows moist with dew.
The fireflies flash, coyotes howl,
And owls keep asking, “Who?”

At night our school is still and dark
And evening stars arrive.
And marble statues in the park
Appear to come alive.

Our nation’s flag’s been taken down
And city streets are bare.
Awakened bats soar over town
As nightmares children scare.

At night I hear my father snore
And baby brother cry
As shadows slide across the floor
And trucks go rumbling by.

I hear a siren’s urgent squeal
While I lie safe in bed.
My hamster racing on its wheel
And raindrops overhead.

At night I hear the floorboards creak
And neighbor’s car meow.
I feel my pillow press my cheek
And night air cool my brow.

I think about the recent past
And plan the coming day
Until I fall asleep at last
And dream the night away.


«A Good Night» by Francis Quarles

Close now thine eyes and rest secure;
Thy soul is safe enough, thy body sure;
He that loves thee, He that keeps
And guards thee, never slumbers, never sleeps.
The smiling conscience in a sleeping breast
Has only peace, has only rest;
The music and the mirth of kings
Are all but very discords, when she sings;
Then close thine eyes and rest secure;
No sleep so sweet as thine, no rest so sure.


«A Late Good Night» by Robert Fuller Murray

My lamp is out, my task is done,
And up the stair with lingering feet
I climb. The staircase clock strikes one.
Good night, my love! good night, my sweet!

My solitary room I gain.
A single star makes incomplete
The blackness of the window pane.
Good night, my love! good night, my sweet!

Dim and more dim its sparkle grows,
And ere my head the pillows meet,
My lids are fain themselves to close.
Good night, my love! good night, my sweet!

My lips no other words can say,
But still they murmur and repeat
To you, who slumber far away,
Good night, my love! good night, my sweet!


«A Ma Future» by Edwin Arnold

Where waitest thou.
Lady I am to love? Thou comest not,
Thou knowest of my sad and lonely lot —
I looked for thee ere now.

It is the May,
And each sweet sister soul hath found its brother;
Only we two seek fondly each the other,
And, seeking, still delay.

Where art thou, sweet?
I long for thee as thirsty lips for streams;
Oh, gentle promised angel of my dreams.

Why do we never meet?
Thou art as I —
Thy soul doth wait for mine, as mine for thee:
We cannot live apart — must meeting be

Never before we die?
Dear soul, not so!
For time doth keep for us some happy years,
And God hath portioned us our smiles and tears;
Thou knowest, and I know.

Yes, we shall meet;
And therefore let our searching be the stronger;
Dark ways of life shall not divide us longer,
Nor doubt, nor danger, sweet.

Therefore I bear
This winter-tide as bravely as I may,
Patiently waiting for the bright spring day
That Cometh with thee, dear.

‘Tis the May light
That crimsons all the quiet college gloom;
May it shine softly in thy sleeping-room —
And so, dear wife, good-night!


«A Valedictory» by Robert Morris

Good night! the spirits of the blest and good
From these dear wails go with you and abide;
In hours of sorrow, hours of solitude,
Or when the hosts of melancholy brood,
And cloud your mind, may angel spirits glide
From the White T HRONE and give you great delight;
Dear friends, good night!

Good night! good night! and joy be with you all;
May sickness never blight, nor poverty;
May slanderous breath your spirits ne’er appall;
May no untoward accident befall,
But all things prosperous and happy be;
May morning suns rise on you fresh and bright;
Dear friends, good night!

Good night! in dreams may faithful Martha come
To tell of her beloved, high in Heaven;
And Ruth , the gleaner, from her harvest home,
And Adah , maid immortal, from her tomb,
Esther and true Electa , spirits bright,
And say, good night!

Good night! and when the shadows of the grave
Close in around you, — when the laboring breath
Draws heavily, and unto Him who gave,
You yield the spirit, be H E strong to save,
Who is our G UIDE and S AVIOUR unto death!
Then may dear friends and heavenly hopes unite
To say, good night!


«At Night» by Lillian E Curtis

Time, when the world with its weary cares and insidious snares,
With its smiles and frowns, and ups and downs,
With its harsh words cold, and stares so bold,
With its many a mansion, and lovers of fashion,
With its hovels and huts, and scornful cuts,
With its few generous hands, to reach where Worth stands,
With its tired brains, its losses and gains,
With its aching hearts, its cruel darts,
With its steam of prosperity, its wheels of adversity,
Time, when the weary world, by Fate’s finger twirled,
Bars its factory door for the rich and the poor,
From the Squire to the Clerk, all rest from their work,
And the world is shut in by a door whose hinges are light,
And the name of this door is the beautiful Night.


«At Parting» by Annie Chambers Ketchum

FAREWELL — shall it be farewell?
Farewell, said lightly when the careless part;
Farewell, said coldly by the estranged in heart,
And serving but to tell
The empty dearth of cold Convention’s shell —
Nay, not farewell.

Good-bye — shall it be good-bye?
Good-bye, low whispered amidst blinding tears;
Good-bye, presaging sad, long-parted years,
Telling, with sob and sigh,
Of change or thwarted plan or broken tie —
Nay, not good-bye!

Good-night — shall it be good-night?
Good-night, which means to-morrow we may meet;
Good-night! I fain my foolish heart must cheat,
Though morning’s golden light
Shine on a lone ship leagues beyond thy sight,
Yet still good-night.

Yea, best beloved, good-night!
Good Night, best Night, with all thy fairest dreams,
Good Night, best Night, with all thy starriest beams,
Watch by her pillow white,
And tell her all my love, thou gentlest Night!
Good-night, good-night!


«But At Night» by Sam Fickinsen

Each day I wish you a good day
But at night I must say
I love you see you in the morn
And let you know you I adore

Each day with you is a special one
We always laugh and have some fun
But night brings and end to the day
It brings us peace in every way.

So as we lay down our heads
And cover up all snug in bed
I wish you a good night
And can’t wait to see you at first light.


«Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night» by Dylan Thomas

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on that sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


«Good Night» by Robert Charles Sands

Good night to all the world! there’s none,
Beneath the “over-going” sun,
To whom I feel or hate or spite,
And so to all a fair good night.

Would I could say good night to pain,
Good night to conscience and her train,
To cheerless poverty, and shame
That I am yet unknown to fame!

Would I could say good night to dreams
That haunt me with delusive gleams,
That through the sable future’s veil
Like meteors glimmer, but to fail.

Would I could say a long good night
To halting between wrong and right,
And, like a giant with new force,
Awake prepared to run my course!

But time o’er good and ill sweeps on,
And when few years have come and gone,
The past will be to me as naught,
Whether remembered or forgot.

Yet let me hope one faithful friend,
O’er my last couch shall tearful bend;
And, though no day for me was bright,
Shall bid me then a long good night.


«Good Night» by Eliza Follen

The sun is hidden from our sight,
The birds are sleeping sound;
‘T is time to say to all, “Good night!”
And give a kiss all round.

Good night, my father, mother, dear!
Now kiss your little son;
Good night, my friends, both far and near!
Good night to every one.

Good night, ye merry, merry birds!
Sleep well till morning light;
Perhaps, if you could sing in words,
You would have said, “Good night!”

To all my pretty flowers, good night!
You blossom while I sleep;
And all the stars, that shine so bright,
With you their watches keep.

The moon is lighting up the skies,
The stars are sparkling there;
‘T is time to shut our weary eyes,
And say our evening prayer.


«Good night» by Jane and Ann Taylor

Little baby, lay your head
On your pretty cradle-bed;
Shut your eye-peeps, now the day
And the light are gone away;
All the clothes are tucked in tight;
Little baby dear, good night.

Yes, my darling, well I know
How the bitter wind doth blow;
And the winter’s snow and rain
Patter on the window-pane:
But they cannot come in here,
To my little baby dear.

For the window shutteth fast,
Till the stormy night is past;
And the curtains warm are spread
Round about her cradle-bed:
So till morning shineth bright
Little baby dear, good night!


«Good Night» by Bernhart Paul Holst

Good night! Fade the parting rays of light;
Now the daily labors end,
Rest comes to the busy hand,
Until the morning wakens bright,
Good night!

Go to rest!
Close your eyes with feelings best.
For the birds have hushed the song
They were chirping all day long,
And the night makes this request:
Go to rest!

Close your eyes!
Dream of a happy Paradise,
Life is not always what it seems,
But sleep requites with happy dreams
Recompense for him who tries.
Close your eyes!

Good night!
Slumber on ’till morning light.
Sleep until the new tomorrow
Comes with its own toil and sorrow;
Until the morning wakens bright,
Good night!


«Good Night» by Max Ehrmann

Good night, thou sweet, old world, good night;
Enfold me in the gentle light
Of other days, when gleams
Of dewy meadows held my dreams;
And quiet walks, as day sank low,
Dispelled each touch of woe.
Let me forget these joys be gone,
But feel them coming on
From out the past, with laughter’s cries
And dream-enamored skies
Of old. One hand let me hold tight.
Good night, thou sweet, old world, good night.


«Good Night and Good Morning» by Richard Monckton Milnes

A FAIR little girl sat under a tree
Sewing as long as her eyes could see;
Then smoothed her work and folded it right,
And said, “Dear work, good night, good night!”

Such a number of rooks came over her head,
Crying, “Caw, caw!” on their way to bed,
She said, as she watched their curious flight,
“Little black things, good night, good night!”

The horses neighed, and the oxen lowed,
The sheep’s “Bleat! bleat!” came over the road;
All seeming to say, with a quiet delight,
“Good little girl, good night, good night!”

She did not say to the sun, “Good night!”
Though she saw him there like a ball of light;
For she knew he had God’s time to keep
All over the world and never could sleep.

The tall pink foxglove bowed his head;
The violets courtesied, and went to bed;
And good little Lucy tied up her hair,
And said, on her knees, her favorite prayer.

And, while on her pillow she softly lay,
She knew nothing more till again it was day;
And all things said to the beautiful sun,
“Good morning, good morning! our work is begun.”


«Good-Night» by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Good-night? ah! no; the hour is ill
Which severs those it should unite;
Let us remain together still,
Then it will be good night.

How can I call the lone night good,
Though thy sweet wishes wing its flight?
Be it not said, thought, understood —
Then it will be — good night.

To hearts which near each other move
From evening close to morning light,
The night is good; because, my love,
They never say good-night.


«Good-Night» by Percy Bysshk Shell

Good-night? No, love! the night is ill
Which severs those it should unite;
Let us remain together still,
Then it will be good night.

How were the night without thee good,
Though thy sweet wishes wing its flight?
Be it not said, thought, understood, –
Then it will be good night.

The hearts that on each other beat
From evening close to morning light
Have nights as good as they are sweet,
But never say “Good-night.”


«Goodnight Little Houseplant» by Shel Silverstein

Goodnight little houseplant asleep on the sill
I’ll pull the shades so you don’t catch a chill
And tomorrow in the morning don’t be breaskfast for two
We’ll have ham and eggs for me and nitrogen for you
Goodnight little houseplant tucked in your clay pot
Maske sure you don’t catch Huntington’s Rot
Remember little houseplant stay away from them bees
I’ve heard they may carry a social disease
Goodnight little houseplant goodnight
Here’s your glass of water should I leave on the light
Tomorrow we’ll talk of the things that we did
I love you little house plant who needs women and kids


«Good-Night Song» by Laura E. Richards

Good-night, Sun! go to bed!
Take your crown from your shining head.
Now put on your gray night-cap,
And shut your eyes for a good long nap.
Good-night, Sky, bright and blue!
Not a wink of sleep for you.
You must watch us all the night,
With your twinkling eyes so bright.
Good-night, flowers! now shut up
Every swinging bell and cup.
Take your sleeping-draught of dew:
Pleasant dreams to all of you!
Good-night, birds, that sweetly sing!
Little head ‘neath little wing!
Every leaf upon the tree
Soft shall sing your lullaby.
Last to you, little child,
Sleep is coming soft and mild.
Now he shuts your blue eyes bright:
Little Baby dear, good-night!


«Good-Night!» by George Barlow

Good-night! the tenderest sweetest word
That our sad restless world has heard
” Good-night! ” saith dew-kissed flower to flower,
When comes the peaceful sunset-hour:
” Soft rest be yours and slumbers light; ”
” Good-night! ” saith rose to rose — ” Good-night! ”

Good-night! and then the world swings round,
Till once again its brow is crowned;
Till, when the new glad day’s begun,
Its forehead lightens with the sun.
Then, when the sun’s broad wings take flight,
The tired world sleeps — Good-night! Good-night!

Good-night! O word of hope and peace!
Word uttered when vain longings cease;
Word uttered when wild dreams are done,
When stormy grief wanes with the sun.
Love’s voice serene from starriest height
To all the world breathes soft Good-night, Good-night!


«Night» by Douglas Malloch

The arms of night enfold the tired day,
The heavens light their million little lamps,
And, where the sun beheld the world’s affray,
The gentle moon reviews its sleeping camps.

Thank God for night; thank God that men must sleep;
Thank God that men must pause in toil for gain —
For, did they not, their eyes must ever weep.
For, did they not, their hearts must ever pain.

Thank God for sleep; thank God for night and rest;
I take the balm and press it to my eyes.
Here I shall slumber, head upon my breast.
And here, refreshed, behold the new day rise.


«Night» by Norma Beard

The sky is lit with a million stars,
The moon is shining bright –
The best part of the glorious day
Is when it turns to night.

The river’s water ripples soft
In the pale moonlight:
It seems to sing a happy song,
A song of great delight.

The leaves on the trees are dancing
To a fairy tune;
They whirl around, twirl around,
And seem to touch the moon.

And then the shadowy figures
Of a hundred cherry trees
Are lifting their arms up to the sky
And are laughing in the breeze.

Of course the bird
On its outspread wing
Homeward safely flies –
And to think I can see it all
With my own two eyes.


«Say Good Night» by Hasmukh Amathalal

We wish all good night
It is customary on our part
Great custom and tradition
With solid bond and relation

Even stranger may find it as honor
Even though gesture can be considered minor
Few words of belonging may spring surprise
It is full of oneness with promises

Whole of universe goes in dark
Almost under magic spell to start
The day has brought lot much happiness
Any individual may want night to spent with brightness

So “Good night” address means a lot
Day is desperately and vigorously fought
When you receive few words for sweet sleep
That makes you delighted with good mood to keep

Make it habit to say “good night”
That keeps person to feel right
It is parting gift before going to sleep
Your heart may beat with happy beep


«Serenade» by Richard Aldington

Good night, my heart.
Thou in the bosom of the delicate down perchance dost sink thy limbs in delicious forgetfulness; and I below here temper my heart in tears, alas, and send my soul up to thee.
Good night, my heart.
Good night, my heart.
Yes, thou dost sleep, but not thy worshipper, or if the quivered god grants truce to my weary eyes, my bitter fate doth haunt me in a thousand shapes.
Good night, my heart.
Good night, my heart.
Yet for a little space at least thou dost grant comfort to my o’er-laboured breast, and I am never weary of sighing for thee, nor do I turn aside one jot from my fidelity.
Good night, my heart.
Good night, my heart.
Sleep then, oh sleep, and may Love sleep with thee, O my soul’s sweet desire, and may no shadow or horror of phantom night disturb thy rest.
Farewell, I go.
Good night, my heart.


«The Christian’s “Good-Night”» by Sarah Doudney

SLEEP ON , beloved, sleep, and take thy rest;
Lay down thy head upon thy Saviour’s breast;
We love thee well, but Jesus loves thee best —
Good-night! Good-night! Good-night!

Calm is thy slumber as an infant’s sleep,
But thou shalt wake no more to toil and weep;
Thine is a perfect rest, secure and deep —
Good-night! Good-night! Good-night!

Until the shadows from this earth are cast;
Until He gathers in His sheaves at last;
Until the twilight gloom be overpast —
Good-night! Good-night! Good-night!

Until the Easter glory lights the skies;
Until the dead in Jesus shall arise,
And He shall come, but not in lowly guise —
Good-night! Good-night! Good-night!

Until made beautiful by Love Divine,
Thou, in the likeness of thy Lord shalt shine,
And He shall bring that golden crown of thine —
Good-night! Good-night! Good-night!

Only ” Good-night, ” beloved — not ” Farewell! ”
A little while, and all His saints shall dwell
In hallowed union, indivisible —
Good-night! Good-night! Good-night!

Until we meet again before His throne,
Clothed in the spotless robe He gives His own;
Until we know even as we are known —
Good-night! Good-night! Good-night!


«The Clerk’s Good Night» by Louis Kent

Here is the keep of my fear:
The gray walls over the street
And the pavement safe between.
In the dusk, whom should I meet
But the gray faces and green
Eyes of my keepers of fear?

They stand and wait for the light
On the curb. I stand and wait,
Watching them under cover
Of crowding. They hesitate,
And now they all pass over
Around me into green light.

Good night, good night, sweet lover
Of the wife of my delight!
Good night, physician, who toss
My bones to the heap! Good night
Employer who gains my loss!
Good night who pass soever,

Pinning my elbows here
In the narrow keep of fear!


«The Day Is Over» by Catherine Pulsifer

The day is over you’ve done your best
Now is the time for you to rest
You can’t change the events of the day
You can’t change the things others say

Tomorrow is an opportunity to begin
New opportunities to take in
A good night sleep will help you decide
The best opportunities to provide

Sleep well this night
Turn out the lights
Thank God for the day
And find sleep will be on the way.


«The Village Good Night» by John Henry, Jr. Hopkins

The sun hath laid him down to rest,
All wrapp’d in robes of gold;
The little bird hath sought his nest,
The bleating sheep his fold;—
Kine lowing
While going
Along the homeward trail,
Where merrily
And cheerily
The milkmaid fills her pail.
Now from afar the evening star
Peers out with trembling light,
And wild and shrill the whippoorwill
Repeats his loud “Good night!”
“Good night!”

Our evening hours have flown along,
And glided swift away,
With music’s charm, and cheerful song,
And converse glad and gay.
Thus lightly
And brightly
Our tide of time has rolled;
While laughter
Rang after
Each merry tale well told.
But in the sky the Moon rides high,
And, from the belfry’s height,
The midnight chime now tolls the time
When we must bid “Good night.”
“Good night!”

May no sad thought, nor carking care,
Invade your tranquil rest;
Nor nightmare grim, nor goblin, dare
Tramp o’er your slumbering breast.
And soundly
May Peace your eyelids close;
Safe keeping,
While sleeping,
Your heart from waking woes.
May Angels stand, a guardian band,
Around you calm and bright;
While near you move, in dreams of love,
Sweet forms that breathe “Good night!”


«To the Glowing Moon» by Rudolph N. Adidi

I have given my whispers to the wind
To wish you a good night with love.
I miss the beginning of today
When our lips talked with one another.

To the glowing moon
I see a reflection of your beauty
A soft teary eyes hosts your image
And wish my hands would touch you.

To the glowing moon
I say it how my heart prays for it
For your arms to envelope into mine.
For our hearts to beat and lie side by side.


«Wishing You» by Kate Summers

Wishing you a peaceful sleep
From you, we will hear not a peep
Tired from a hard day’s work
Sleep should come without a shirk.

May you have sweet dreams tonight
And in the morning awake so bright
May the angels watch over you
Keep you safe until the morning dew.

Tomorrow is a brand new day
But tonight sleep is needed I must say
Love you today but tomorrow more
Life has much for you in-store.

The night has become so quiet now
Close your eyes and take a bow
You did your best the day is done
Awake in the morning with the sun.

The good night wishes can turn the regular going to bed into a fascinating journey into the world of dreams. Here you can find a variety of poems with original wishes for sweet dreams, addressed to your darlings. Such poems are sure to bring a sleepy smile to their faces

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