
Unfortunately, many people today are familiar with this problem. Sometimes it’s enough to say a couple of words at the wrong time like in the heat of a quarrel to break someone’s heart. But to take them back and glue the broken heart is many times harder and even impossible. People understand too late that their words that seemed so ordinary can be extremely painful.


«A Winter’s Tale» by D.H. Lawrence

Yesterday the fields were only grey with scattered snow,
And now the longest grass-leaves hardly emerge;
Yet her deep footsteps mark the snow, and go
On towards the pines at the hills’ white verge.
I cannot see her, since the mist’s white scarf
Obscures the dark wood and the dull orange sky;
But she’s waiting, I know, impatient and cold, half
Sobs struggling into her frosty sigh.
Why does she come so promptly, when she must know
That she’s only the nearer to the inevitable farewell;
The hill is steep, on the snow my steps are slow –
Why does she come, when she knows what I have to tell?


«Black Souls Of The Leftover Heartbreak» by Melissa McDaniel

They came each,
With such destructive force,
They rode each,
With a heartless course.

They burnt our homes,
Then rode on high,
That’s not the mountains casting shadows.
That’s the blackness in our sky.

For the sun never shines,
In this wretched place.
It doesn’t want to view us.
We are a lost cause, a disgrace.

We are a disgruntled bunch,
The left of us few.
Come and join us,
You’ll be one too.

We love to smell you skin,
The flesh on your bones.
We live now for heartbreak,
To hear your screams and groans.

Join us quickly,
And you’ll see what I mean.
For years we’ve been here.
Hatred, violence, pain, is all we’ve seen.

We wait for that one,
To rescue us form the pain and sorrow.
The one to liberate us.
Give us a new tomorrow.

Until then, we are the,
Black Souls of the Leftover Heartbreak


«Brokenhearted Lover» by Gina Petersen

I loved you,
But you broke my heart.
I should have known
That was your goal from the start.

You told me you loved me,
And you seemed upset
When I didn’t say it back,
And that’s my biggest regret.

You talked of the future
And put it in my head
That you wanted me for longer,
But you dropped me instead.

I would do anything for you,
But you couldn’t even wait.
I wanted you in my life;
I knew this on our first date.

I love you still,
But it doesn’t matter,
For the heart I gave you,
You have shattered.

So I am left broken
And picking up the pieces,
While you are smiling
And your care decreases.

You knew I was fragile,
Even though I acted tough.
You told me not to pretend,
That you could see past my bluff.

I still love you,
And I don’t think I will ever stop.
Just know if you need me,
Your heart I will never drop.


«Can’t Let Go Of You, Don’t Want To» by Amy Lorraine Bridges

Today doesn’t seem real,
That might be because today I can’t feel.
I can’t feel the sun, moon, or stars,
I miss the love that used to be ours.
I wish you were here,
‘Cause now in my mind your face is no longer clear,
The memories of you are almost lost.
My love and trust I have already tossed,
So when you leave,
Please promise me this time you will just let me be.
Let me be me and only me.
You always come back to haunt me, follow me everywhere,
But this time, my life no longer will I share.
Forgetting you is something I will never be able to do.
Even though I say I hate you, you know it’s because I love you.
Let me know you can’t forget me either,
When you do, I’ll know it’s true because you’re not a people pleaser.
I pray and pray to be able to let you go,
But there’s just something about you,
What? I don’t know.
When I’m with you I feel like I’m flying,
Now all I’m doing is crying.
I’m hurt and numb.
Without you now I feel so lost and dumb,
What you did to me and put me through hurt so bad.
Your love used to make me happy,
Now it makes me cold, hurt, and sad.
Every night I go to bed clutching my pillow pretending someone loves me.
I’m stuck; there’s nowhere I can run to or flee.
I have no choice; I have to keep walking on,
Like new legs on a baby fawn.
One day, someday, I’ll be free,
Free to run and walk and be fine being a lonely me.


«Dear Broken Heart» by Sarah N. Hilliard

Dear broken heart, why can’t you fix me?
And dear broken heart, are you still with me?
And when I lay my head down and
Think of the things that I’ll never do,
Dear broken heart, know I’m thinking of you.
Dear restless past, I remembered you
And the way you make things wrong.
Do you want my tears to fall?
So I’m standing all alone,
All by myself, cold to the bone.
Do you still want me there, just to take the fall?
Dear broken heart, will you want me after all?
Dear desperate soul, are you still searching for the one?
The one who made me what I am,
The one who broke this heart and made me who I am,
Ripped from his hands.
And dear broken heart, this letter is for you.
I hope you get it in time.
And please dear broken heart, promise me you won’t cry, cry ,cry.
Please don’t cry for me.


«Do You Know» by Michelle Boyd

Do you know a life of loneliness and one filled with pain,
living a life with nothing to gain,
Surrounded by darkness, overwhelmed with shame.
A life without peace with no one to blame.

Do you know of a place unseen,
A place that holds only shattered dreams,
A place filled with sorrow with no end in sight,
I am given this gift each and every night.

Do you know of a place so cold,
This is the place I call my soul,
A place without hope or comforting dreams, 
A life not worth living wouldn’t it seem.

Do you know of a life that should have never been,
And the feeling that today this life has to end.
One more day of sadness is much too hard to bear,
I am tired of living a life of heartache and despair.

Do you know a person with so much pain inside,
Or the feeling of loneliness when no one hears your cries,
Maybe when the tears are gone and I can clearly see,
The only question left will be…



«Free» by Justine Hibe

Even it’s hard for me
To let you free
I’ll do it for you
So that you’ll not be lonely

It may take me a river of tears
For you to be happy, I’ll bear
Just don’t you glance again to me
‘Cause I may not set you free

I’ll be keeping my love for you
To the deepest part of me
I will not forget what we’ve shared
Because that’s the only treasure I’ll keep

But when the time comes
You want to be with me
I’ll accept you whole heartedly
But for now I am setting you free


«Heartbreak» by Lucifera Santez

If my heart would have been page,
It would burn to ashes right now,
If my love would have been cage,
You would have died from too much affection,
Burning my heart in your hands,
Baby you laughed when you saw my face,
I pleaded and begged,
You said I wasn’t worth your wait,
So why go now and break my heart?
When you had the chance in the very start,

Your one hateful look,
Would have killed my hopes,
Why raise them high, feast on my misery,
When you knew I couldn’t cope,
So many buried dreams,
So many beautiful lies
Perhaps fooling me had been too easy,
Was it all a lesson aimed to teach?
Or just a brief respites need,
So much going through me,

But I have got nothing left to say,
Had you aimed to steal my soul?
Or fashion an empty human shell at its make,
Didn’t knew you were so cruel,
That you enjoyed my heartbreak


«Heartbreak» by Barry Middleton

my heartbreak cannot be stitched
or darned like an old gray sock
it looks just like the picture
with a lightning bolt down the middle

this is not the first time at all
I left the farm and saw New York
and knew I could never be satisfied
regardless of weather or fortune

the heart can only take so much
like a horse that wants to run
like a boat jumping a wave
the heart rocks like a Ferris wheel

it tumbles like a mountain rockslide
tears fall and burn the landscape
then I clutch my chest and know
the bullet has passed clean through


«Heartbreak» by Leslie Alexis

I remember your smile
How it lit my way.
I remember your voice
How it told me to stay.
I remember your kiss,
It was no play.
I remember your touch, from the very first day.
I remember your hair, your scent
Hell! I remember it all.
Girl you held me up, with you I couldn’t fall.

Sadly enough, it didn’t come true.
This is the last thing I remember of you.
I remember your legs,
As they took you away
You didn’t come back,
Even though I pray.
Since then I’ve been sad,
You in my arms alone can make me glad.
My spirit lacks and my soul does too
Baby, I am nothing without you.


«Heartbreak» by Emma Sinclair

Shock rocks through me like shattered ice
It hasn’t sank in yet
My throat is beating with my heart
The pain pulsing from my chest through my body
While feeling nothing at all
This can’t be happening, it’s not real
A nightmare that won’t wake me
Knives get thrown from both directions
All fly like a boomerang repeatedly hitting as they all fly back
Cheeks turn warm as the body shakes

Violent sobs tumble out as complete control is lost
I feel alive and dead inside all at once
As the reality hits me
Warm fur touches my skin and I feel it purr, the dogs tongue touches my face willing the sadness gone
I’m all alone but not alone and my mind is about to explode
The only escape is in the blade as shame now washes in
This was my first heartbreak, let the casualties begin.


«Heartbreak» by im Rawson

The stars fall from the sky
Like the tears that I cry
Since we are no longer us
My life is too much a fuss
You’ll never know what you meant to me
And you’ll never feel my pain
You’re next love, you’re next life,
Is someone elses gain
The pain drips from my eyes
The holes have ripped through my heart

Sad, alone, hurt, broken
Those words are just a start
Theres so much that I need to say
To cure the thoughts within
To fall in love with someone else
I doubt I ever could again
You were more than just a friend to me
More than just my life
Every thought I had, every move I made
I wanted you as my wife

I’ll move on and live my life
In the shadow of my tears
Let it be known I was so in love
Love now is just a fear


«Heartbreak A Poem» by Matthew Holloway

I’m heartbroken, grieving
My life as I knew, is gone
The world feels at an end
I may just sit here and drink
Till I pass out
I mourn my actions, my words
Those done and those not done
I curse with spit and fury
That I am not a better man
That I could not be more

This whole being human thing
I’ve never been good at that
Never been a people person
Of good social grace
I’m more suited to being alone
Where I only annoy myself
Where I am unable to hurt anyone
I’ll scream at the world get out
Begone, go away and leave me
To drink and write alone

Something I’ve become used to
My life is a series of cycles
I’ll build it up and burn it down
Just to lay in the ashes
Cry and write another poem


«Heartbreak Or Happiness» by Jeanette Matthews

Should I wait for you to fall in love with me
Or should I just forget about it and let it be
I don’t want to wait for heartbreak
Because you and I both know this is something I can’t take
I know that you are in love with someone else
And I don’t want to be in a relationship all by myself
I want to understand your decision about us
So don’t be in a relationship that you can’t trust
You will always have a place in my heart
A special designed place from the start

Maybe one day we can connect
That’s if our love don’t reject
I feel beautiful and I hope you do too
So in the future one of us will have to say I love you
Now is not the time
So be like me and change your mind
I hope that you find happiness too
But it’s a choice up to you
It was either heartbreak or happiness
And happiness was something that I didn’t want to miss


«Heartbreak Recovery» by Chase Breeden

All my bandages expelled,
My bleeding heart unbound,
I’ve finally exhaled,
Anticipating one more round.
Morale’s at all time high,
And Dejection’s all time low.
I’m reaching for the sky,
But making sure my pace is slow.
If my balloon should burst,
And send me falling to the ground,

I know someone will catch me,
To remind me what I’ve found.
The ones who never let me go,
Who wipe away the tears.
The ones that aren’t afraid to show,
The essence of their fears.
They’ve all chosen to love me,
They’ve all chosen to care,
And those two choices tell me
That there is always someone there.

To hold me when I’m lonely
To fill me when I’m dry
To confide and trust in, boldly
And to be there when I cry.
The ones who understand me
The ones planting their seed
The ones who slowly taught me
That they’re all that i need.


«Heartbreak Road» by Orlando Belo

I’m walking down this road I’ve called heartbreak.
It leads to a place called despair.
It’s a long and lonely road that I’m travelling
and I know I’ll find no comfort there.

It’s not a road I ever thought I’d be taking
and it’s not the way I would choose to go,
but my inability to hold onto my loved one
has left me with nothing but self-pity and sorrow.

This road has deep holes filled with sadness,
when I stumble, tears seep from my eyes.
With loneliness and misery I walk in puddles
formed by raindrops from the weeping skies.

My broken dreams and schemes accompany me
despite weighing heavy on my mind.
Memories, happy and sad hinder my progress,
which makes new dawns so difficult to find.

My heart has been emptied and shattered,
I have only heartbreak road to walk.
It’s an endless one-way road of darkness
on which my troubled mind is caught.


«Heartbreak Spirit» by Orlando Belo

I’m putting another gin in that chasm
where my heart used to be,
and another is going into that desert
that used to be a tear drop sea.

The anguish and torment I’m feeling
is about to be sodden with gin.
My memories will disappear like an anchor
to the abyss of my mind’s garbage bin.

I’m going to drown what remains of my intuition,
so it can never be used again.
My emotions and self-pity will also be flooded.
Yes, I’ll be out-of-my-head but also free from pain.


«Heartbreak Word» by Maya Hanson

Don’t leave me hollow
Don’t leave me scarred
Leave your window open
and I’ll tear you apart

Chasing these bruises
from cliffhanger ends
Your fingers lace crowns
too rusted to mend

Don’t try to find beauty
I’ll disappoint you
Don’t try to find me
Let me unlock for you

I’ve wanted to scream
but I can’t find a voice
Give me a seashell
I’ll find too much noise

So I’ll try to tell you

things I should never mean
Maybe it’s better if I never
use your shoulder to lean

With every heartbreak word
you’ve ever brought to life
your eyes tell me they need me, I
need you more than should be right


«Hearts Incomplete» by Anela Arif

I made a mistake. I wanted someone more than my own heartbeat.
I gave my love, my life, my soul to hear that one’s heartbeat.
I thought we’d be forever.
My mistake, I wasn’t allowed to love, to be loved, to live, to laugh.
The world saw me as forsaken, my life grew to fall apart.
Years go by, my heart still broken, my grief still struck-en.
My sorrow walks parallel with my steps.
Lost, confused, hopelessly lingers my soul.

Clueless, innocent, my heart listens to others till it’s lead astray.
Still my heart lingers, not yet complete, ponders if it’s ever to meet.
Now entered another’s heart beat, but still does not meet.
I wonder if this heart is ever to meet, or must it always be incomplete?


«Hollow» by Fathimath L. Ahmed

Do you feel them?
She was numb and frozen,
Yet it dimly sparkled like a dying gem.

Do you know what that feels like?
Piercing explosions,
Burning afflictions,
Hollers of agonizing cries.
She had nothing left inside.

Eyes closed,
Heartbeat stopped,
Barely alive.

She was a hollow shell.
Into an endless oblivion she fell,
Pitch black and nearly brain dead.
There was nothing in her life ahead.

Why is it so strong?
She was deprived from it.
Devils had done her heart way too many wrongs.
Killed was the lust,
Lost was the temptation.

Why is it so painful?
Once crystal clear and beautiful,
Now a turned poison from what was as pure as golden dust.

She wanted nothing to do with it.
Not long ago it had made her bleed.

Hidden thorns
On her skin that burned.

She was a hollow shell.
Into an endless oblivion she fell.
Pitch black and nearly brain dead.
There was nothing in her life ahead.

Eyes opened,
Tears flowed,
Standing in front of a mirror,
Watching as she wholly became hollow.


«Hopeless Heartbreak» by Kenzie King

You’re breaking my heart.
Now watch the pieces crawl by.
Go ahead, stamp or spit on them,
As I watch myself die.

I want you, need you.
Don’t you need me, want me?
You’re always confused!
But seriously! ! You belong with me!

The other girl may beautiful.
She may be athletic.
But our love can survive,
If you would just let it.

I love you,
With what’s left of my heart.
I need you,
When we’re apart.

I’ll kiss you,
When you’re feeling scared.
I’ll hug you,
Just because you’re there.

You warm my heart,
With just one touch.
Don’t let go of what we have.
It hurts too much.

You say you’re confused,
Or you feel like crap.
What about my feelings?
Have you forgotten about that? !

You’re the one leaving me,
Breaking my heart.
Go ahead to the other girl,
As I slowly fall apart.

But remember,
I want you,
I need you,
I’ll comfort you and protect you,
I’ll always be here for you,
And most of all…
I love you.


«I Tried So Hard» by Whitney Barton

I tried so hard.
I tried my best.
I gave you my all,
And now there’s nothing left.

You stole my heart
Then tore it in two.
Now I’m falling apart
And don’t know what to do.

Divided by decisions,
Burned by the fire,
Confused by your words,
Tempted by desire.

I’m living in the present.
My mind is on the past.
Not knowing what I’ll lose,
Not knowing what will last.

Blinded by fear,
Drowning in doubt,
Struggling to be free,
Looking for a way out.


«I’ll Lie To Myself» by Hilary Wong

There’s nothing left of me
Nothing more to take
I’m nothing more than just another story
Just give me a break

I’m nothing anymore
Are you happy?
Does it make you happy
To know that I’ll live the rest of my life miserably

Does it make you feel better
To make me feel bad
To make me realize
All we ever had

I’ll do anything to forget
The horrid memories
All the time spent
In such misery

I’ll lie to myself
I’ll lie to everyone else
What is there to lose?
The one closest to me has already said farewell


«In And Out Of Heartbreak» by Lily Ives

A graceful beast in thick matted light
devouring mane entered my life
in the still of the night –
And against the moon’s silver light,
his downturned deep-set magnetic eyes
glistened like dark green goldstones,
as his piercing gaze met mine and broke
the bronze chains I secured around my heart.

Yang to my yin,

darkness to my light,
he pulled the wild beast
from the caged walls of my chest,
and silenced the distorted melody
in my mind.

Holding me in his tight embrace,
he strummed the contours of my back
with his fingertips, as we danced
to a forgotten tune –

Chest to chest, hip to hip in slow,
repetitive pulsating rhythm,
exchanging unspoken passions for connection.
Spinning, clutching and not wanting to let go,
until the final beat of the song untangled our bodies,
and snapped the invisible cord holding our souls.

The glimmer in his eyes turned to dusk,
as the space between us grew vast –
And he left behind the ardent expression ignited within us,
to burn my heart to dust, from which I built
diamonds in my chest in place of love.


«In The Shadows» by olly A. Blackwell

You left me in the shadows, alone in the dark.
I was left crying and upset the day you broke my heart.
I tried to move on and meet someone new,
But when I was in their arms, I wished it was you.
I tried and tried to push my feelings aside,
But my feelings for you I couldn’t hide.
Time passed, and I changed and grew.
I matured and moved on from the person you knew.
I started to pick myself up, I saw the light,
Until I saw you that Saturday night.
For you played with heart like you did before,
Made me feel like we could be more,
But you left my life, like you did before.
No cares in the world when you walked through that door,
So now I’m in the shadows, alone in the dark,
Now crying and upset as you’ve broken my heart.


«Life» by Kevin Lyth

At times our lives are set to change
Through no fault of our own,
A change you know will break your heart
And break the family home.

But what is more important?
To live a life in fear,
Or change and live the life you should
With someone you hold dear?

Everyone needs freedom
To live the life they should!
They need to find their inner selves
And make themselves feel good!

If a person can’t see what they have
Right before their eyes
When reality hits and the money has gone,
Imagine their surprise!

Some men think they’re above themselves
And think of their own self worth
And they never stop to think a while
Of this woman who gave us birth
This caring, giving, loving woman
Who’s always stood by his side
And if shown true love and affection
She’d be there till they died

Relationships should blossom
Relationships should grow!
You should never forget those first feelings of love
That deep warm and inner glow
But sadly some don’t think like that
And for those you should feel sorrow!
They end up leading lonely lives
Of past regrets and never thinking of tomorrow

Because tomorrow is another day
And thoughts of where you’ll venture
Don’t think of the hard road that’s ahead
Turn it into a new adventure

We all need someone to show us
That we’re not just there for the ride
We need to know he feels so proud
To have this beauty by his side
Yes! You have an inner beauty
You’re loving, caring and kind!
If an ignorant man just can’t see that!
Then yes! Ignorance is blind

Look to the future, look to yourself
Look for a life not stuck on the shelf
Be the woman you want to
Be the woman you can!
Be a woman in love
In love with a man
Who has true love and affection
And shows that he can!

No matter what happens to this jilted bride
Take strength from true friends
You’ll have by your side
They are there when you need them
Through all of your pain
You’ll laugh and you’ll cry!
But they’ll keep you sane

One day you’ll look back
And laugh amongst friends
And you’ll be holding a man
Who you know can depend
On showing true love
He’ll never waiver or bend
And he’ll see a woman
Who’ll be there ’til the end


«Love: Friend Or Foe» by James Toles

Love has hit me once before, has had me flying high
Love has left me down and out, falling right out of the sky.
Love has brought me lots of joy, made my life a thrill
Love has brought me lots of sorrow, left my heart roadkill.

Love, I ask you, why can’t you make up your mind?
If you cannot answer the question, then that is fine.
I think you’re unsure of yourself, a lost and confused soul
You warm people up with fire, but then make life so cold.

But I will play your little game, I will be your willing pawn
Let you make a joyful spirit then go and break its bond
But you guide us blindly into a hold we cannot escape
You give to us slowly, but in turn quickly you take.


«Mad Girl’s Love Song» by Sylvia Plath

I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead;
I lift my lids and all is born again.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)
The stars go waltzing out in blue and red,
And arbitrary blackness gallops in:
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.
I dreamed that you bewitched me into bed
And sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite insane.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)
God topples from the sky, hell’s fires fade:
Exit seraphim and Satan’s men:
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.
I fancied you’d return the way you said,
But I grow old and I forget your name.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)
I should have loved a thunderbird instead;
At least when spring comes they roar back again.
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)


«My Last Heartbreak» by Alexia Miles

I hear the ticking the clock
To the sound of my heart beating
Fools like me how we never say
Because the cracks always break in front of me
I feel my heart ticking away
Help me see that things can mend
I am moving and living for another day.
I come home and see you standing there
Why have we lost all the times we had?
I am kind of sad now it all gone and done!

I wish I could turn time back
You know I would if I could
I wish I kept my big mouth shut
Why does this hurt like my first cut?
I am not the woman I used to be
We all have our feelings changed
I hope you will see that I am the one
But here you are moving out
I want to stop you walking away
The rain is hitting the window

As I watch you drive away
I will stand at this window day by day
Then one day my heart will heal.
I thank you for all the breaks because that
Has made me who I am who is so real.


«Never Give All the Heart» by W. B. Yeats

Never give all the heart, for love
Will hardly seem worth thinking of
To passionate women if it seem
Certain, and they never dream
That it fades out from kiss to kiss;
For everything that’s lovely is
But a brief, dreamy, kind delight.
O never give the heart outright,
For they, for all smooth lips can say,
Have given their hearts up to the play.
And who could play it well enough
If deaf and dumb and blind with love?
He that made this knows all the cost,
For he gave all his heart and lost.


«Ode To You» by Carl Sinclair

Every morning I see your face,
And for that fleeting second I’m in a different place,
A place where we smiled, laughed, and talked,
A place where we could hold hands wherever we walked,
I’m reminded of this each and every day.
Then the sleep clears and it’s all blown away.

Realization sets in and I’m all alone.
I quickly have to check my phone
In case you’ve called or sent me a text.
Then it hits harder as what come next
Is the empty screen with your smiling face
And the emptiness of this forsaken place.

I wither up inside as all my hopes disappear
And the burn in my heart really starts to sear.
I sink back in my bed and think of you
And wonder if there’s anything I can do.
I’m knocked back every time I try to get through,
And now the decision is up to you.

Leave me out here in the cold and the rain,
Leave me to choke on the tears and the pain,
Missing you every minute of every day,
Loving you more and more in my way.
One day, my love, this will all be like a dream.
I just hope we can dream it together in our place so serene


«Power Of Words» by Nick Grasso

was it the first time I saw your face
or when I first saw you smile
when I was settled in my place
hope you’d stay for a while

when I thought that my life
couldn’t get any better
I knew you were right
we weren’t meant to be together

was I too caught up
in the time I spent with you
or was it that I wasn’t tough
because of something that I knew

I can’t believe I didn’t know
that you were slowly letting go
that we were drifting apart
with a hole in my heart

when I see you every day
I know I made a mistake
but with no effort in your tries
I found out all your lies

so now we go our separate ways
and say our goodbyes
you’ve driven me to my grave
with me drowning in your lies


«Rebirth» by Brett W. Jansen

The rain falls upon the stone.
No longer is it of use,
For a crack has ruined its purpose.
It is now only a tool for abuse.

A careless heart created the crack,
Allowing the rain to increase the ravine,
So now the rock only crumbles,
Creating a depressing scene.

Yet alas, a blossom rises from the shards.
The unforgiving rain drowns the bud,
Causing it to wilt,
Falling back to the mud

Until a careful hand
Led with patience and care
Saves the dying flower
From all its darkness and despair.


«Ripe For Heartbreak And Fresh To Hurt» by Lawrence S. Pertillar

So bare and naked lay my emotions.
Exposed and out in the open,
For you to abuse if you decided…
That to me you would do.

So ripe for heartbreak and fresh to hurt.
I’ve rehearsed my reaction,
If you begin to treat my affections…
As if they meant nothing but worthless dirt.

Agonized with visions of passionless love.
And awakening to feel touches of frozen pieces,
Left to never thaw.
I don’t want us to experience this.
And I do not wish an attraction for it.

So bare and naked lay my emotions.
Exposed and out in the open,
For you to abuse if you decided…
That to me you would do.

So ripe for heartbreak and fresh to hurt.
I’ve rehearsed my reaction,
If you begin to treat my affections…
As if they meant nothing but worthless dirt.

And yes,
I confess…
I have fears to be near and held close,
By love.
Since being crushed by it,
Has left me to spin in doubt and disbelieve.


«She Waits… » by Elizabeth Shears

She loves him, he loves her not.
He refuses to give her just one shot.
She’s falling apart. He has no clue.
Things would be easy if only he knew.
He has her waiting for the day
He chooses her and she gets her way.
She cries herself to sleep at night.
She’s waited forever. It’s just not right.
He tells her that she’s next in line.
She’s waiting for her time to shine.
She wants to prove that she can be
More than what his eyes can see.
Every time he’s hers to take,
He proves to her their deal was fake.
His promise brings tears to her face
When others continue to take her place.
She tries to believe he’s worth the pain.
Her heart keeps reality from her brain.
She gives him everything he’s got.
She loves him; he loves her not.


«Sonnet 139» by William Shakespeare

O, call not me to justify the wrong
That thy unkindness lays upon my heart;
Wound me not with thine eye but with thy tongue;
Use power with power, and slay me not by art.
Tell me thou lov’st elsewhere; but in my sight,
Dear heart, forbear to glance thine eye aside;
What need’st thou wound with cunning when thy might
Is more than my o’erpressed defense can bide?
Let me excuse thee: ah, my love well knows
Her pretty looks have been mine enemies;
And therefore from my face she turns my foes,
That they elsewhere might dart their injuries—
Yet do not so; but since I am near slain,
Kill me outright with looks and rid my pain.


«Teenage Heartbreak» by Jess Terry

Just another case of teenage heartbreak,
all of a sudden he was gone,
and she was crying,
its time to get over romance,
its dead and gone

Shes in her room,
crying her eyes out
wishing she was dead,
Hes out on the town,

talking up his latest victim,
feeling on top of the world

Just another case of teenage heartbreak,
all of a sudden he was gone,
and she was crying,
its time to get over romance,
its dead and gone

Hes alone,

she used him just for fun,
Now hes doubting the world,
She used him,
now shes gone,
leaving for another town

This is Just another case of teenage heartbreak,
all of a sudden he was gone,
and she was crying,
its time to get over romance,
its dead and gone

Now shes standing on the edge,
getting ready to jump,
[dont jump dont jump dont jump]
He grabs her hand,
and tells her dont,
hes not worth it

Just another case of Teenage heartbreak,
All of a sudden he was there,
holding her tight,
maybe romance
aint so dead and gone


«The Dark Road To Love» by Fathimath L. Ahmed

Destruction and ruination,
Confusion and complication.
That was all she ever was.

Mistakes and insecurities,
Culpabilities and apologies.
The world let her down just like it always does.

She walked on broken glass,
Bleeding herself out,
Numb to all the pain,
Body pale with colorless veins.

She watched as his life was intact,
Tranquil and content.
She tried to let him go,
She really did,
But everything about him pulled her to him like a magnet.

All his flaws in her eyes were like crystals,
Shining radiantly with acceptance.
No matter who he was, who he will be,
Her heart belongs to him, his truly.

Wildfires and cyclones,
Tsunamis and tornadoes.
They both went through those just to survive,
Came out stronger and more than alive.

Rejection and distances,
Resistances and broken promises.
They burned themselves for each other,
Afraid that they would perish if they came closer.

So they stayed where they were,
Carried on with their lives.
Life passed by her eyes in a blur,
As she hoped for the flames to die altogether inside,
For he had moved on.


«The Hunter’s Call» by Sherry Hardison

My heart pounding as I hear his hunter’s call.
I follow the trail of crumbs full
of broken promises, lies, and pain,
Knowing he has the power to hurt me
over and over again.
Standing before him at his mercy.
Exposed in the light of another day.
Trusting the declaration of his undying
Love for me once more.
I watch in disbelief as he pulls back
into the shadows without one word
Knowing he has taken aim.
I stand silent, weak and trembling
as I listen to the beating of my own heart.
Numb in that split second to the piercing
of his arrow straight through my heart.
I quickly fade into the darkness without a word.
Crawling back into my place of shame.
With every beat of my heart, I bleed.
With every tear from my face, I feel
Cold and so alone.
The life drains from my body with every breath.
In my final moment, I wonder if he will feel remorse
And search for me to bury my remains.


«The Stranger» by Daniela Jude

It was a late night in September,
The beginning of autumn,
When the image of a stranger
Appeared on the left corner of my laptop.

He was tall and handsome,
He had a bald head, “damn” fit,
In his late thirties,
Way better than Brad Pitt.

We clicked in a second.
He took off my gold mask,
And when his green eyes looked at mine,
They took my breath, not only that…

He cut me open, I didn’t see,
I didn’t bleed, I didn’t feel.
Exactly how a doctor does
With the bodies at the morgue.

And he kept cutting a few months
He cut nice, but deep, my meat,
Without emotions in his heart,
But on his hands, now, is my blood.

And as he cut in half my heart,
He finds my soul, he grabs it fast.
Then he decides to make it his.
He played me good, I recognize.

And even if I wanted,
I couldn’t oppose.
He knew from cutting me that long
Which was my weakest spot.

He knew that if he’ll cut with kindness,
If he will speak deep words to me,
And if he’ll touch me where I need,
Into his hands my soul I’ll leave.

He sewed me back but didn’t put
His soul in to my heart instead.
And taking mine was just for fun.
I look like I’m alive, but inside I’m empty and dead.

From time to time I find myself
Lying in these sheets,
Closing my eyes, trying to feel
That the man touching me, is him.


«The Weeping Willow» by Azania Willson

Last night I woke up and you weren’t there.
I told myself that I shouldn’t care.
I wrapped my arms around a pillow,
Staring out the window at the weeping willow.

Why does it weep? Why all the tears?
Is it also weak and filled with fears?
Has it lost its love, like I lost mine?
Don’t worry, everything heals with time.

Last night I woke up, again all alone.
I told myself that you would never again phone.
I hugged my blanket and tried to sleep.
Again I looked at the tree. Why does it weep?

Why does it hang its head? Is it also trying to forget?
Has it given up? Is it filled with regret?
Why does the willow weep? Does it feel remorse?
Does the willow also wait for time to take its course?

Last night I woke up. The bed again was empty.
I held back all my tears because I’ve already wasted plenty.
Again I looked out the window, and there was the willow across the street.
I thought about our time together, and with the willow I began to weep.


«This Was Once a Love Poem» by Jane Hirschfeld

This was once a love poem,
before its haunches thickened, its breath grew short,
before it found itself sitting,
perplexed and a little embarrassed,
on the fender of a parked car,
while many people passed by without turning their heads.
It remembers itself dressing as if for a great engagement.
It remembers choosing these shoes,
this scarf or tie.
Once, it drank beer for breakfast,
drifted its feet
in a river side by side with the feet of another.
Once it pretended shyness, then grew truly shy,
dropping its head so the hair would fall forward,
so the eyes would not be seen.
It spoke with passion of history, of art.
It was lovely then, this poem.


«Throes Of A Heartbreak» by John Sensele

In the throes of a heartbreak
Pray hard for fortitude and stoic attitude
To handle the spindle of the heart attack
A player sneaks alongside a platitude.

In the throes of a business meltdown
Pray hard for a new strategy to mount a speedy recovery
To handle he return to your town
A creative dealer into your pesky discovery.

In the throes of a parental challenge
Pray hard for your erring offspring to return to sanity
To handle his future without a binge
A slayer engineers with pomp and vanity.

In the throes of an examination malpractice
Pray hard for culprits to own up
To repent and embrace assessment fairness and justice
An examination body accepts in an evaluation app.


«To Him» by Becky Powell

The cold winds are blowing
The leaves are falling to the ground.
Soon the snow will be falling
And my heart will be crying
Because you’re not around.

Another year is passing
And still we’re apart.
I don’t understand, I don’t know
But the pain is deep in my soul.
How do I explain this to my heart?

You said you’d be there when I need you.
Where the hell are you now?
In another woman’s arms holding her tight?
I can hardly make it through the night
Without crying your name out loud.

Don’t you know that not a day goes by
That you don’t cross my mind?
It’s hard to believe that you still care
When months go by without a word
I must be blind.

Blinded by a love I feel
For a man who will never be mine.
Tell me how to turn it off.
Show me how to kill this love.
Throw the switch so it will die.

I think I’m slowly losing my mind.
How can I forget you?
You’re the one true love I’ve ever known.
The cold seeps into my bones
And my heart is turning blue.

My friends think I’m crazy
For caring so much
That I’d gladly risk everything
To be in your arms once again,
To feel the magic of your touch.

I know you’re not Prince Charming
But you’re the closest thing I’ve ever seen.
I long to feel your lips on mine
And once again my “sun” will shine.
I’m sure you know what I mean.

Come back to me, my love!
Show me that you still care.
Warm my heart and my bed.
Clear the fog from my head.
Prove that you’ll always be there.


«What my Lips Have Kissed, and Where, and Why» by Edna St. Vincent Millay

What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why,
I have forgotten, and what arms have lain
Under my head till morning; but the rain
Is full of ghosts tonight, that tap and sigh
Upon the glass and listen for reply,
And in my heart there stirs a quiet pain
For unremembered lads that not again
Will turn to me at midnight with a cry.
Thus in the winter stands the lonely tree,
Nor knows what birds have vanished one by one,
Yet knows its boughs more silent than before:
I cannot say what loves have come and gone,
I only know that summer sang in me
A little while, that in me sings no more.


«You Used Me» by Ellia Keil

You used me.
I thought you were the key,
But the truth is that you used me,
So now I will never be free.

I thought you loved me,
But I was totally wrong,
I thought you were my forever,
I thought you were my song.

Now I lay here in a crumpled mess,
Now feeling totally -less.
You used me,
And used is all I’ll ever be.

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