

«A Butterfly» by Silvia Burley

A caterpillar walks in beauty
through the sunshine and the rain,
leaving sweet memories
to ease away the pain.

In time her image changes,
and yet her soul remains the same,
returning to the heavens
from that in which she came.

A butterfly of beauty,
dancing upon the reef,
softly whispers to me,
comforts me in grief.

Do not cry for me.
Together we are one.
My love for you shines brighter
than the ever glowing sun.

Her beauty, the brightest colors,
gentle touch of love,
fluttering wings casting light,
shining through the clouds above.

A caterpillar walked in beauty;
a gentle soul was she.
Alas, she is now a butterfly.
Yet she’ll always be Grandma to me.


«A Sacred Spot» by William Hunter

There is a spot to me more dear
Than native vale or mountain,
A spot for which affection’s tear
Springs grateful from its fountain.
‘Tis not where kindred souls abound,
Though that is almost heaven;
But where I first my Savior found
And felt my sins forgiven.

Hard was my toil to reach the shore,
Long tossed upon the ocean;
Above me was the thunder’s roar,
Beneath the wave’s commotion;
Darkly the pall of night was thrown
Around me, faint with terror;
In that dark hour how did my groans
Ascend for years of error!

Fainting and panting as for breath
I knew not help was near me;
I cried, “Oh, save me, Lord, from death!
Immortal Jesus, hear me!”
Then quick as thought I felt him mine;
My Savior stood before me;
I saw his brightness round me shine,
And shouted, “Glory! Glory!”

O sacred hour! O hallowed spot!
Where love divine first found me.
Wherever falls my distant lot,
My heart still lingers round thee;
And when from earth I rise to soar
Up to my home in heaven,
Down will I cast my eyes once more
Where I was first forgiven.


«A Sunset Thought Of Heaven» by M. J. E. Crawford

If brighter than that gorgeous cloud
The golden gates of heaven shine,
Scarce could I shrink from Death’s pale shroud
Or dread his cold lips pressed to mine,
So I might soar away to see
The home of rest prepared for me.

Far sweeter than the richest notes
On earth to cheer our spirits given,
Must be the ceaseless hymn which floats
From angels’ golden harps in heaven;
And who would wish to linger long
From that blessed land of holy song?

Far stronger than the dearest ties
Which hold our yearning hearts below
Is that pure love which bids us rise
The perfect will of God to know;
And can the soul contented rest
Away from him who loves us best?


«An Appeal To The Blind» by Maria J Dodge

Come, all ye afflicted, and listen to me:
With the eyes of faith every one can see;
To the voice of your conscience your ear shall attend,
And the praise of your heart unto Heaven ascend.

Then keep yourselves gentle, pleasant, and neat,
With a smile on your faces, both cheerful and sweet;
The seeds of His Kingdom are in your hearts sown;
Your eyes shall be opened before His Throne.

Ah, then you shall see His glorious face.
When you stand before the throne of grace;
Your lips shall sing praises, sweet and clear,
And your ears the music of Heaven shall hear.


«Angel In Disguise» by Jennifer Rasmussen

The other day I met an angel
And when I looked into her eyes
I saw a love to pierce the darkness
I saw that hate she truly despised

I saw the comfort and compassion
When I was broken or would cry
She’d embrace me into her arms
And sing to me a lullaby

The words so inspirational
I’d close my eyes and dream
The melody so graceful
I was hearing Heaven sing

She taught me many lessons
About how to live my life
Pleasingly towards Jesus
Loving daughter, mother, wife

She taught me ways of wisdom
To always speak the truth
She taught me the books of the Bible
Joshua, Judges, Ruth

Together we play for hours
Trains, house, and dolls
But soon the sky darkens
The sun begins to fall

I look in dismay at the night sky
Then back to my angel friend
I knew she would be leaving
It was time for goodbyes; this was the end

The angel smiled brightly
Then revealed her disguise
I stood in amazement
I gazed into her eyes

Her face brightly glowing
Her hair fell down in curls
She smiled at me so brightly
Wearing a necklace of pearls

We stood staring at each other
Then I would realize
That there stood my mother
Angel in disguise


«Be Still, My Soul, Be Still» by Alfred Edward Housman

Be still, my soul, be still; the arms you bear are brittle,
Earth and high heaven are fixt of old and founded strong.
Think rather,– call to thought, if now you grieve a little,
The days when we had rest, O soul, for they were long.

Men loved unkindness then, but lightless in the quarry
I slept and saw not; tears fell down, I did not mourn;
Sweat ran and blood sprang out and I was never sorry:
Then it was well with me, in days ere I was born.

Now, and I muse for why and never find the reason,
I pace the earth, and drink the air, and feel the sun.
Be still, be still, my soul; it is but for a season:
Let us endure an hour and see injustice done.

Ay, look: high heaven and earth ail from the prime foundation;
All thoughts to rive the heart are here, and all are vain:
Horror and scorn and hate and fear and indignation–
Oh why did I awake? when shall I sleep again?


«Better Than Gold» by Alex Smart

Better than grandeur, better than gold,
Than rank or titles a hundred-fold,
Is a healthy body, a mind at ease,
And simple pleasures that always please.
A heart that can feel for a neighbor’s woe,
And share his joy with a friendly glow,
With sympathies large enough to infold
All men as brothers, is better than gold.

Better than gold is the sweet repose
Of the sons of toil when their labors close;
Better than gold is the poor man’s sleep,
And the balm that drops on his slumbers deep.
Better than gold is a thinking mind
That in realms of thought and books can find
A treasure surpassing Australian ore,
And live with the great and good of yore.

Better than gold is a peaceful home,
Where all the fireside charities come;
The shrine of love and the haven of life,
Hallowed by mother, or sister, or wife.
However humble that home may be,
Or tried with sorrows by Heaven’s decree,
The blessings that never were bought or sold,
And centre there, are better than gold.

Better than gold in affliction’s hour
Is the balm of love with its soothing power;
Better than gold on a dying bed
Is the hand that pillows the sinking head.
When the pride and glory of life decay,
And earth and its vanities fade away,
The prostrate sufferer needs not to be told
That trust in Heaven is better than gold.


«Beyond» by Henry Burton

Never a word is said
But it trembles in the air,
And the truant voice has sped
To vibrate everywhere;
And perhaps far off in eternal years
The echo may ring upon our ears.

Never are kind acts done
To wipe the weeping eyes,
But like flashes of the sun
They signal to the skies;
And up above the angels read
How we have helped the sorer need.

Never a day is given,
But it tones the after years,
And it carries up to heaven
Its sunshine or its tears;
While the to-morrows stand and wait, —
The silent mutes by the outer gate.

There is no end to the sky,
And the stars are everywhere,
And time is eternity,
And the here is over there;
For the common deeds of the common day
Are ringing bells in the far away.


«Birthdays In Heaven» by Elaine P. Keefe

There are no birthdays in heaven,
For time has no meaning there.
Today is the future as well as the past.
A day is the same as a year.

There is no age in heaven,
For souls are not physical things.
A babe shares the wisdom of the old;
The old the fresh outlook youth brings.

There is no heartbreak in heaven,
For the heart is meant to be shared.
A golden thread joins to the soul
The hearts of all who have cared.

There is no sadness in heaven,
For love and peace abound.
We here on earth cannot understand
The joy we have not yet found.

There are no farewells in heaven,
Or mountains of grief to climb;
For those who reside there know the truth.
Life is but a moment in time.


«Child Of Mine» by Theresa Cassidy

He’s walking towards me surrounded by light
I can’t believe this miraculous sight
It can’t be him, I know he is dead
But as I look towards him, he’s shaking his head

I did not die, I am still here
Look into your heart, I’ve always been near
My body died, yes, but not my soul
You never had to let me go

Speak my name, talk to me
It really is simple if you believe
My spirit is here, I’m still around
My love for you can still be found

Don’t weep for me, shed no more tears
Remember the good times over the years
Our time together did not end
One day we’ll be together again

Whenever you’re lonely or feeling sad
Look back on the wonderful years that we had
One day God will call you, and bring you home
You’ll be right here with me, where you belong

Until that time comes, live your life well
I will be here for you, if you need my help
Be happy, be gracious, be loving and kind
Please know I’m still with you, child of mine.


«Don’t Cry For Me» by Deborah Garcia Gaitan

Don’t cry for me.
I will be okay.
Heaven is my home now,
and this is where I’ll stay.

Don’t cry for me.
I’m where I belong.
I want you to be happy
and try to stay strong.

Don’t cry for me.
It was just my time,
but I will see you someday
on the other side.

Don’t cry for me.
I am not alone.
The angels are with me
to welcome me home.

Don’t cry for me,
for I have no fear.
All my pain is gone,
and Jesus took my tears.

Don’t cry for me.
This is not the end.
I’ll be waiting here for you
when we meet again.


«Eternal Tomorrows» by Patricia L. Cisco

Life is full of joy and sorrow,
past, present, and tomorrow.
Knowing life as I do now,
I still have questions of why and how.

I can’t remember my very first cry;
will I have any memories after I die?
I’d like to believe we’re all here for good reason,
and life upon earth is but for a season,

with hopes we long continue on
in a much better place after we’ve gone,
pondering how very sad it would be
if after I die there was nothing of me.

Even so much sadder than this
are those loved ones I love and a very last kiss!
I can’t imagine how love ever dies
the last time that we close our eyes.

There’s something deep inside my being
that promises much more than just our seeing!
To me there’s only one conclusion.
Heaven is real; it’s not a delusion.

Love must be the everlasting key
that transcends our souls to eternity.
Since our time on earth has been season to season,
why wouldn’t God continue His reason?

This heavenly place must truly exist,
filled with souls we’ve deeply missed,
No more pain, tears, or sorrows.
Only loved-filled, joyful eternal tomorrows!


«Finding Blessings» by Greta Zwaan

I want to be a tool in the hands of the Master,
I want to serve where e’er He desires.
I want to be pliable, ready for action,
Draw others to Him as the Spirit inspires.

I receive blessings, more than abundant,
I have so much to be thankful for;
I want to repay some of God’s goodness,
My great Creator whom I adore.

What can I offer? How can I please Him?
What can I bring that will cause Him delight?
He is the owner of all my possessions,
He is the ruler o’er the day and the night.

He has no need of whatever I bring Him,
All of my possessions He already claims.
It’s my submission in line with His guidance,
Walking the walk as He constantly trains.

Daily preparing my journey to heaven,
Closely observing the road I must take,
Vigilant, wary, always responding,
Cautiously searching, alert for my sake.

All He desires is my perseverance,
Total submission to what He requests,
Fully subjected to His complete guidance,
My faith will grow strong, I’ll be richly blessed.


«God’s Little Star» by Bettina Van Vaerenbergh

God had been missing
You for so long;
He wanted you with Him,
Where you belong.

He opened His arms
And whispered: “It’s time.
Come, dear little soul,
I’ll make you all mine.

You’ve run your race,
Did all you had to do.
Come to Me, I have a place –
Especially for you.

From your labors you may
Rest forevermore.
No heartache, no tears,
No pain anymore.

My angels will carry you;
Heaven’s not that far;
And for all eternity –
You’ll be my shining little star.”


«Going to Heaven!» by Emily Dickinson

Going to Heaven!
I don’t know when —
Pray do not ask me how!
Indeed I’m too astonished
To think of answering you!
Going to Heaven!
How dim it sounds!
And yet it will be done
As sure as flocks go home at night
Unto the Shepherd’s arm!

Perhaps you’re going too!
Who knows?
If you should get there first
Save just a little space for me
Close to the two I lost —
The smallest “Robe” will fit me
And just a bit of “Crown” —
For you know we do not mind our dress
When we are going home —

I’m glad I don’t believe it
For it would stop my breath —
And I’d like to look a little more
At such a curious Earth!
I’m glad they did believe it
Whom I have never found
Since the might Autumn afternoon
I left them in the ground.


«Hall Of Universal Peace» by Dr. Tulsi Hanumanthu

This midnight bids farewell to parting year
Who then, on chariot Time, his seat vacates.
The New Year succeeds him as Charioteer:
To drive us on, he’s waiting at our gates.

But OURS the choice of paths and destinations:
The Charioteer obeys but our instructions.
We must, to reach the most coveted station
Of PEACE, choose well-lit roads sans obstructions.

Such routes are those of Friendship, Love, Compassion,
Justice, Pardon, Truth and Selflessness.
The dingy lanes of Greed, Envy, Passion,
And Conflict lead to woe and sleeplessness.

Let’s ask the New Year, within time minimal
To drive us to a common rendezvous.
Let’s there construct the Hall of Universal
Peace, each person laying a brick or two.

Let it have Equality-spelling shape –
The rotund one that God has given the world.
Its doors with COLOURLESS curtains let us drape
And let a HUELESS flag be unfurled.

Every year, let’s add a storey more;
Let its height increase step by step
Till, at last, the threshold of its door
Is face to face with our Heaven’s doorstep.

This Heaven-on-Earth – man’s own creation –
Who helps to build of his own volition,
Won’t he find, after life’s duration,
Into Heaven above sure admission?


«Happy Heavenly Birthday» by Jodi M. Kucera

No presents bought, no candles blown; this year you walk on streets of gold,
And it’s so much more than the stories you’ve been told.
The sun is shining on your face,
and you’re standing in all of God’s good grace.

There were people there to meet you at that pearly gate.
Promise for me there too you will wait.
The angels no longer sing from up above;
but hand in hand together, you sing about God’s love.

No more pain, no more strife,
but the gift of eternal life.
The sufferings of this world are left behind.
You made your mark; your life was not left undefined.

You told people of your Savior’s love and how he died for you and me
so we could spend our time praising him for all eternity.
Someday we’ll meet again,
for time is just a vapor in the wind.

But until that day comes, I will miss you every day.
I just wanted to wish you a happy heavenly birthday.


«Heaven» by Daniel C. Colesworthy

There is a glorious land afar,
Beyond the brightest burning star,
Where peace interminably reigns;
Where soft and balmy breezes blow,
And golden rivers gently flow,
And gladness smiles o’er all the plains.

No groveling thought, no treacherous smile,
No word unkind, no act of guile,
Will e’er disturb the sacred rest:
On every peaceful brow will shine
A living beauty all divine,
And love pervade the sinless breast.

The ills of life, that hover o’er
Our sunniest path, are felt no more;
The cares of earth, a dismal train,
That follow every step we take,
Will there the happy soul forsake,
And not molest her peace again.

At evening, when I sink to rest,
I dream of heaven, the land so blest,
And list to hear the rapturous song.
glorious land! I would I were
In yon pure clime a worshipper,
Amid the bright and sinless throng!


«Heaven Holds All To Me» by Tillitt S. Teddlie

Earth holds no treasures but perish with using,
However precious they be;
Yet there’s a country to which I am going,
Heaven holds all to me.

Out on the hill of that wonderful country,
Happy, contented and free,
Loved ones are waiting and watching my coming,
Heaven holds all to me.

Why should I long for the world and its sorrows,
When in that home o’er the sea,
Millions are singing the wonderful story,
Heaven holds all to me.


«Her Home In Heaven» by Malcolm D Warren

When God reached down
And collected her soul
She reached up knowing
She had to go

Slipping away peacefully
Her body remained
One final look back
She smiled

Reaching home again
A place she’d forgot
Past memories came flooding
With splendor and awe

God gave back sights
We cannot imagine
She finally found
Her home in heaven

We remember her daily
She does the same
We love her always
It will never change

When it’s my time to go
There is one thing I know
That she will be smiling
All the way home


«How Can I Say Goodbye?» by Brinda Carter

Mom, it’s been over a year now since
God and His angels called you away.
Oh, how the angels rejoiced as you walked
Through those pearly gates that day!

Mom, when they said you were going to die
I refused to believe it could be true.
How could I allow myself to even
Imagine saying goodbye to you?

Mom, you were an angel here on earth,
I learned so very much from you.
You were so gentle and so kind; your
Smile would always see me through.

You taught me how to love unconditionally
And how to be my very best in all I do.
You gave your all to God and your family,
Never once stopping to think about you.

You were more than a mother. You were my
Best friend and a great listener, too.
Oh, how I miss our special talks and
All the fun things we used to do.

Mom, I can never say goodbye to you,
Because I could never bear the pain.
Instead, I say I love you, Mom;
Until we meet again.


«If You See My Dad In Heaven» by Jac Judy A. Campbell

If you see my dad in Heaven
He won’t be hard to find.
He’ll be the one to greet you first,
For he’s a one-of-a-kind.

He’ll be the one with the softest voice,
A veteran’s cap upon his head,
Or he’s probably in God’s beautiful
Garden, with a shovel in his hand.

He’ll be watching the pretty hummingbirds,
A warm smile upon his face,
And as he leaves to go about, he’ll
Be walking with strength and grace.

He’ll sit among the story tellers,
For that’s what he does best.
He will tell about his life on earth
Before he was called to rest.

He’s with his Mom and Dad now,
Embracing them tenderly.
Never no longer to miss them or
Wonder where they might be.

He may be playing with the children,
And there sits one upon his knee
Laughing and singing the games of fun,
Clapping hands so joyfully.

Now if you haven’t found my Dad yet,
He’s probably kneeling by the throne,
Surrounded by God’s angels,
Praying for his loved ones below.

He wasn’t famous in this world
Nor did any heroic deeds.
He was a strong, hard-working man,
Taking care of those in need.

For you see, he was my hero,
Bigger than big to me.
He taught me all a son should know
And about the love God has for me.

So if you see my Dad in heaven,
Tell him I’m doing fine.
Let him know how much I miss him,
And I think of him most of the time.

You know he was my hero,
So will you give him a hug or two?
Tell him how much I love him and
I’ll be seeing him someday soon.


«Joys Of Heaven» by Nancy W. Priest

Beyond these chilling winds and gloomy skies,
Beyond Death’s cloudy portal,
There is a land where beauty never dies
And love becomes immortal;

A land whose light is never dimmed by shade,
Whose fields are ever vernal,
Where nothing beautiful can ever fade,
But blooms for aye eternal.

We may not know how sweet its balmy air,
How bright and fair its flowers;
We may not hear the songs that echo there,
Through those enchanted bowers;

The city’s shining towers we may not see
With our dim earthly vision,
For death, the silent warder, keeps the key
That open those gates elysian;

But sometimes, where adown the western sky
The fiery sunset lingers,
Its golden gates swing inward noiselessly,
Unlocked by silent fingers;

And while they stand a moment half ajar,
Gleams from the inner glory
Stream lightly through the azure vault afar,
And half reveal the story.

Oh, land unknown! Oh, land of love divine!
Father all-wise, eternal,
Guide, guide, these wandering, way-worn feet of mine
Unto those pastures vernal.


«Juggler» by Richard Wilbur

A ball will bounce; but less and less. It’s not
A light-hearted thing, resents its own resilience.
Falling is what it loves, and the earth falls
So in our hearts from brilliance,
Settles and is forgot.
It takes a sky-blue juggler with five red balls

To shake our gravity up. Whee, in the air
The balls roll around, wheel on his wheeling hands,
Learning the ways of lightness, alter to spheres
Grazing his finger ends,
Cling to their courses there,
Swinging a small heaven about his ears.

But a heaven is easier made of nothing at all
Than the earth regained, and still and sole within
The spin of worlds, with a gesture sure and noble
He reels that heaven in,
Landing it ball by ball,
And trades it all for a broom, a plate, a table.

Oh, on his toe the table is turning, the broom’s
Balancing up on his nose, and the plate whirls
On the tip of the broom! Damn, what a show, we cry:
The boys stamp, and the girls
Shriek, and the drum booms
And all come down, and he bows and says good-bye.

If the juggler is tired now, if the broom stands
In the dust again, if the table starts to drop
Through the daily dark again, and though the plate
Lies flat on the table top,
For him we batter our hands
Who has won for once over the world’s weight.


«Lord, Will You Take Me Home?» by Jac Judy A. Campbell

‘ve loved and worshiped my whole life long,
I’ve lent a fair hand now and then.
I’ve praised the best, I’ve prayed for the rest.
I comfort the lonely once again.

I’ve been strong in my faith, I’ve lived by your word.
Lord, I’ve obeyed your commands.
Now my body and soul are long overdue,
So Lord, will you take me home too?

Lord, you’ve taken home the weak, you’ve taken
The strong, you’ve taken the old and the new.
You’ve taken the ones that I’ve loved the most.
So Lord, will you take me home too?

My dear husband I miss, all my friends have gone on.
I’ve noticed you called them home too.
There’s no one familiar I see around me,
So Lord, will you take me home too?

Don’t leave me behind in this crazy old world.
I’m not wanting to stay here alone.
I’ve prepared myself to meet you real soon,
So Lord, will you take me home to.

As the twilight fell on the new crispy morn,
She grew still with a small peaceful smile.
My prayers have been answered and it’s not too soon.
My Lord is taking me home too.


«Love’s Philosophy» by Percy Bysshe Shelley

The fountains mingle with the river,
And the rivers with the ocean;
The winds of heaven mix forever
With a sweet emotion;
Nothing in the world is single;
All things by a law divine
In another’s being mingle-
Why not I with thine?

See, the mountains kiss high heaven,
And the waves clasp one another;
No sister flower could be forgiven
If it disdained its brother;
And the sunlight clasps the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea; –
What are all these kissings worth,
If thou kiss not me?


«Men Are Heaven’s Piers» by Robert Louis Stevenson

MEN are Heaven’s piers; they evermore
Unwearying bear the skyey floor;
Man’s theatre they bear with ease,
Unfrowning cariatides!
I, for my wife, the sun uphold,
Or, dozing, strike the seasons cold.
She, on her side, in fairy-wise
Deals in diviner mysteries,
By spells to make the fuel burn
And keep the parlour warm, to turn
Water to wine, and stones to bread,
By her unconquered hero-head.
A naked Adam, naked Eve,
Alone the primal bower we weave;
Sequestered in the seas of life,
A Crusoe couple, man and wife,
With all our good, with all our will,
Our unfrequented isle we fill;
And victor in day’s petty wars,
Each for the other lights the stars.
Come then, my Eve, and to and fro
Let us about our garden go;
And, grateful-hearted, hand in hand
Revisit all our tillage land,
And marvel at our strange estate,
For hooded ruin at the gate
Sits watchful, and the angels fear
To see us tread so boldly here.
Meanwhile, my Eve, with flower and grass
Our perishable days we pass;
Far more the thorn observe – and see
How our enormous sins go free –
Nor less admire, beside the rose,
How far a little virtue goes.


«Preparing For Heaven» by Greta Zwaan

The knob on the door to heaven extends to one side alone,
It’s a place of great exaltation with God seated on the throne.
No need for a knob on the inside, it’s a home where all long to go,
Where great joys are never ending and praises ring to and fro.

The key that lets one enter cannot be bought with gold,
No funds or jewels or empires; this key will not be sold.
No power, prestige or position, not tittles or honour or fame,
It’s the wonderful gift of salvation, purchased with love in Christ’s name.

It’s the sacrifice humans can’t offer, no commitment we make can atone;
For sin has tainted our image, it’s Jesus whose holy, alone.
And through God’s great act of mercy, forgiving our failures and sin,
Can we pass through that door of salvation,
Through Christ we’re allowed to come in.

Be assured there’s no other entrance, though many have tried on their own,
The efforts of man are all futile, as Scripture so clearly has shown.
The call to the lost is, “Come hither, earthly belongings are vain,”
Rise to the plea that’s extended, it may not be offered again.

Many are those who will falter, leaving their fate to the last,
Forgetting that time’s of the essence, the dye to their future is cast.
Show God that you are responding, cast aside all your earthly cares,
Prepare for your journey to heaven where all of Christ’s blessings you’ll share.


«Present Salvation» by Georgia C. Elliott

Is it just the hope of heaven
When this troubled life is o’er,
And the thought that there’s a mansion
Waiting on the other shore?

Is it just the hope of being
Some day pure and white within,
And that when across the river,
We shall then be free from sin?

Is it just the hope of having
Peace and gladness by and by?
Though on earth are sighs and sorrows,
All is glorious in the sky?

No! the hope I have now gives me
Joy and peace beyond compare,
And my blessed Lord has taken,
All my trials and my care.

Oh! the precious hope we harbor
Is an anchor to the soul;
Never need the heart be troubled,
Though the raging waters roll.

No, we need not cross the river
Ere our dark forebodings cease;
For just now my heart’s o’erflowing
With, a stream of perfect peace.


«Rest In Heaven» by Emma V. Sweeten

There are no weary hearts in Heaven,
No tired, aching feet
But joys and smiles innumerable,
As saints each other greet.

When in the new Jerusalem,
We’ll walk the golden street,
And sing the praises of our Lord,
Or sit at Jesus’ feet.

The storms of life which o’er us rise,
And darken all our way,
Will not be felt beyond the skies,
For there ’tis always day.

There in our Father’s home above,
The dwelling of the blest,
We’ll meet with loved ones ’round the throne,
And there forever rest,

A rest from sin, a rest from toil,
From suffering and pain;
No earthly cares our bliss can mar,
We’ll not return again.

Toil on, toil on, ye weary ones,
With grief and sorrow pressed,
‘Tis but a little while below,
Then joy and endless rest.


«Safe» by Kris Barry

I thought you were gone
Until deep in my sleep
God brought you back
And made my heart leap.

I thought you were gone
As I cried through the day
But God then reminded
He had more to say:

I gave my own Son
To die on the cross
To pay for all debts
Of sinners once lost.

That guilt that you feel
Is only a trick
Of Satan the devil
Who beats with a stick.

No need to fear
He has no real power
Your son is with me
Safe in my tower!


«The Church Steps» by George T. Foster

Two centuries of steps and then
A field of graves!
With many a sculptured tale of men
Lost in the waves.

You climb and climb, with here and there
A seat for breath,
To find amid the loftier air
A realm of death.

And thus it is with human life
Men toil to rise,
And lo! above the strain and strife
A graveyard lies.

Two centuries of steps, and then
Amid the graves
A holy house that tells to men
Of Him that saves.

O weary men, and women worn,
That there have found
And find bright hints of heavenly morn
On earthly ground!

And so atop the steps of time,
If climbed aright,
Heaven’s glad and everlasting clime,
And home of light.


«The Evergreen Mountains Of Life» by James G. Clark

There’s a land far away mid the stars, we are told,
Where they know not the sorrows of time;
Where the pure waters wander through valleys of gold
And life is a treasure sublime.
‘Tis the land of our God, ’tis the home of the soul,
Where ages of splendor eternally roll,
Where the way- weary traveler reaches the goal
On the evergreen mountains of life.

Our gaze can not soar to that heavenly land,
But our visions have told of its bliss;
And our souls by the breeze from its gardens are fanned,
When we faint in the deserts of this;
And we sometimes have longed for its holy repose,
When our spirits are torn with temptations and woes;
And we’ve drunk from the tide of the river that flows
From the evergreen mountains of life.

Oh, the stars never tread the blue heavens
But we think where the ransomed have trod,
And the day never smiles from its palace of light
But we feel the bright smile of our God.
We are traveling homeward through changes and gloom
To a kingdom where pleasures unchangingly bloom,
And our guide is the glory that shines through the tomb
From the evergreen mountains of life


«The Heavenly City» by Belle Staples

By faith I look beyond the skies
And catch a glimpse of paradise;
I see the city, bright and fair,
With jasper walls and jewels rare,
With pearly gates and streets of gold;
Its glory never can be told.

It needeth not the sun’s clear light;
‘Tis always day, there is no night;
The Lamb of God, the spotless One,
Doth take the place of moon and sun;
His glory fills that holy place;
His loved ones see him face to face.

The nations of the saved are there.
Without a sorrow, pain, or care;
God lives and moves among his own;
They bow in rapture at his throne;
He brushes all their tears away;
Oh, rapturous hour! Oh, glorious day!

By faith I see the mansions fair,
The fadeless crowns the faithful wear,
The living fountains sparkling bright.
The saints and angels clothed in white.
My soul enraptured longs to rise
And join the hosts of paradise.

While gazing- at that happy throng,
I catch a strain of the glad, new song –
“Unto him that washed us in his blood
And hath made us kings and priests to God,
To him be glory, honor, praise
Throughout eternal, endless days.”

Oh, how the heavenly arches ring
With the song the angels can not sing!
They fold their wings and long to see
Into the marvelous mystery
Of sinners washed in Jesus’ blood –
Redeemed from sin, brought back to God.


«The Heavenly Hills of Holland» by Henry Van Dyke

The heavenly hills of Holland,–
How wondrously they rise
Above the smooth green pastures
Into the azure skies!
With blue and purple hollows,
With peaks of dazzling snow,
Along the far horizon
The clouds are marching slow.

No mortal foot has trodden
The summits of that range,
Nor walked those mystic valleys
Whose colors ever change;
Yet we possess their beauty,
And visit them in dreams,
While the ruddy gold of sunset
From cliff and canyon gleams.

In days of cloudless weather
They melt into the light;
When fog and mist surround us
They’re hidden from our sight;
But when returns a season
Clear shining after rain,
While the northwest wind is blowing,
We see the hills again.

The old Dutch painters loved them,
Their pictures show them clear,
Old Hobbema and Ruysdael,
Van Goyen and Vermeer.
Above the level landscape,
Rich polders, long-armed mills,
Canals and ancient cities,–
Float Holland’s heavenly hills.


«We Build The Ladder» by J. G. Holland

Heaven is not reached at a single bound;
But we build the ladder by which we rise
From the lowly earth, to the vaulted skies,
And we mount to its summit round by round.

I count this thing to be grandly true:
That a noble deed is a step toward God,
Lifting the soul from the common clod
To a purer air and a broader view.

We rise by the things that are under feet;
By what we have mastered of good and gain;
By the pride deposed and the passion slain,
And the vanquished ills that we hourly meet.

We hope, we aspire, we resolve, we trust,
When the morning calls us to life and light,
But our hearts grow weary, and, ere the night,
Our lives are trailing the sordid dust.

We hope, we resolve, we aspire, we pray,
And we think that we mount the air on wings
Beyond the recall of sensual things,
While our feet still cling to the heavy clay.

Wings for the angels, but feet for men!
We may borrow the wings to find the way—
We may hope, and resolve, and aspire, and pray;
But our feet must rise, or we fall again.

Only in dreams is a ladder thrown
From the weary earth to the sapphire walls;
But the dreams depart, and the vision falls,
And the sleeper wakes on his pillow of stone.

Heaven is not reached at a single bound;
But we build the ladder by which we rise
From the lowly earth, to the vaulted skies,
And we mount to its summit, round by round.


«We’ll Understand» by Maxwell N. Cornelius

Not now, but in the coming years,
It may be in the better land,
We’ll read the meaning of our tears,
And there, sometime, we’ll understand.

“We’ll catch the broken thread again,
And finish what we here began;
Heaven will mysteries explain,
And then, ah, then, we’ll understand.

We’ll know why clouds instead of sun
Were over many a cherished plan,
Why song has ceased when scarce begun;
‘Tis there, sometime, we’ll understand.

Why what we long for most of all,
Eludes so oft our eager hand;
Why hopes are crushed and castles fall, –
Up there, sometime, we’ll understand.

God knows the way, he holds the key,
He guides us with unerring hand;
Sometime with tearless eyes we’ll see;
‘Tis, there, up there, we’ll understand.

Then, trust in God through all thy days;
Fear not, for he doth hold thy hand;
Though dark thy way, still sing and praise:
Sometime, sometime, we’ll understand.


«You Are Never Alone» by Susan C Walkinshaw-Kelly

I open my eyes to a light so bright…
Where I’m surrounded by colours, an amazing sight,
And a beautiful Angel holds me in her arms.
I feel safe and happy, contented and calm.

“I’m so joyful to see you, now you’ve come home.
Please don’t be afraid for you’re never alone.
You are supported by angels in this heaven above,
Each one with open arms and bundles of love.

Maybe you think you’ve come home too soon,
But it was in your plan, for you have lots to do.
Now you’ve returned to renew your task.
Allow me to guide you, that’s all I ask.

You never need miss those you left behind,
For you are able to visit, just open your mind.
They may not hear you or see you close by,
But you will be there with every tear that they cry.

You can go where you chose; you don’t need to walk.
Just think yourself there, you’ll arrive in a thought.
You’ll never get weary, grow old or feel pain.
You can run, jump and skip, again and again!

Wander freely through fields, with animals galore,
Yes even lions, stroke their mane, they won’t roar.
Every bird that you see will come sit on your hand.
You can pet them all freely; now isn’t that grand?

You may pick all the flowers your arms can hold,
Our blooms live forever; they never grow old;
Just bend down and listen to their music so sweet.
They sing as you nudge them with your hands or your feet.

Pick fruit from the trees, enjoy as much as you like.
There’s a never-ending supply; go on, take a big bite…
Worry not that the juice drips through your fingers.
It all returns to source, no mess, nothing lingers.

Now come on, let’s go; there are friends to be found.
Just think of your loved ones and they’ll all gather round.
They’ve been waiting eagerly for you to return,
Excited to hear everything that you’ve learned.”

So it seems we’re all destined for God’s promised land,
Where angels gone before us just wait to take our hand.
With guidance and with comfort they help us on our way
So we can live in peace and love, enjoying every day.

And if you couldn’t walk or talk, or you’d sadly lost your mind,
Have no fear, it’s all restored; you leave all that behind.
The Lord repairs your body, returning it to new,
No sign of any illness, just a happy, healthy you.

I’m seeing so much beauty in this land beyond the veil,
Where you suffer no more ailments and all are looking well.
Please don’t be sad or grieve for me. I’m never on my own.
Just remember I’ll be waiting when it’s your time to come home.

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