Lost love

It would be wrong to say that love is always a beautiful feeling. It makes someone soar on wings, gives core strength to others. But some people get broken or become a slave by love. But in fact, love is a very strong feeling. So it would be strange if poets missed the theme of gone love.


«700 Miles From My Heart» by Sirenity K. Ball

In my dreams you’re right by me
Sleeping through the night beside me,
And when I wake up and it’s a dream,
I don’t have any tears left to comfort me.

I’ve locked my heart away
And I’ve dreamed about the day
I’m carelessly walking someplace
And run into someone just to see your face.

But my heart is broken.
It’s been effortlessly stolen,
And I hope you will forever be holding it,
Fixing the crooked pieces that were bent.

Because the last time I hugged you,
You held me tight,
Loved me as I cried,
And said it would be all right.

Because time is just a number
And sorrow isn’t forever,
And I promise I will always remember
All the good times we have had together.

Because I love you more than words can say
As all my old infatuations fade away.
I wish I could look into the future and see our fate.
Maybe then I could calm my heart rate.

And I think of you every day.
There isn’t a day that I don’t picture your face.
I cry every time it rains
Because I picture our first date.

And I miss the way you laugh
Because it brings me joy whenever I’m sad,
And if I’m with you, life has dealt me a good hand
Because only with you do I realize what I have.

I have a guy who makes me laugh
Who truly cares if I’m sad,
Who makes me smile when I’m mad,
And listens to me when I rant.

So between now and then,
Please don’t forget who I am
Because it has been said
You can forgive but never forget.

So please don’t forget my face
Or how when I’m nervous I pace.
And think of me whenever it rains
So that when we meet again we will be in the same place.

We will be in love without a care
Because what we had is rare.
You’re exactly perfect down to every hair.
Even if there was an error, I would never care.

I love you!


«A Lost Love» by Henry Francis Lyte

I meet thy pensive, moonlight face;
Thy thrilling voice I hear;
And former hours and scenes retrace,
Too fleeting, and too dear!

Then sighs and tears flow fast and free,
Though none is nigh to share;
And life has nought beside for me
So sweet as this despair.

There are crush’d hearts that will not break;
And mine, methinks, is one;
Or thus I should not weep and wake,
And thou to slumber gone.

I little thought it thus could be
In days more sad and fair
That earth could have a place for me,
And thou no longer there.

Yet death cannot our hearts divide,
Or make thee less my own:
Twere sweeter sleeping at thy side
Than watching here alone.

Yet never, never can we part,
While Memory holds her reign:
Thine, thine is still this wither’d heart,
Till we shall meet again.


«A Lost Love» by Steve Stewart

There’s a pain in my heart that I’m feeling today,
for the love of my life feels further each day.

The sorrow is so much and the pain is so deep.
I’ve hurt her again’ I can’t even sleep.

But I now know the problem, the curse of our love.
It was buried inside me, with no sight from above.

And now that I see it, I force it away.
Yet I fear that I’ve lost her, nevermore can I say

that I love her so deeply and regret all the pain,
and I know it’s my fault; no one else can I blame.

And I search for an answer, somewhere above
and hope she’ll forgive me and remember our love.

For I can’t live without her and could never move on,
for how can one live when what they live for is gone?

Walls are closing around me; I sink slowly each day,
yet I cling to a hope that seems far away

that she will return to me and feel my embrace.
I miss her so badly and the beauty of her face

as she slept there beside me, never knowing the truth,
that I would smile there beside her, and be thankful for the proof

that someone does care, for I have known this angel,
and I’d softly kiss her cheek, the moment so blissful.

And I’d hold her all night and feel so at peace,
yet I never told her these things; now I watch as she flees.

But I know she remembers it, the love that I gave,
and I hope she can forgive me, the cause of her pain.

For like an angel from heaven, she came into my life.
Now I plead one last time, for one last chance to make it right.

Yet I fear it won’t heal; how I’ve ripped us apart,
but I must let her know what’s inside this broken heart.

That I love her so much and I’ve made a mistake,
and I hope she won’t leave because it’s my heart she will take.

We were in love for so long; I know she remembers.
It started three years ago that night in September.

I will never forget how I felt that cold night;
my breath taken away by the beauty of her sight.

I write these words now with tears in my eyes,
for I love her so much; I sit and I die.

I’m so lost without her, don’t want her to go,
not without me saying what I need her to know.

That I’ve always loved her and miss her each day,
yet the hope that she loves me drifts further away.

I just want her to know how I truly feel,
and to know that my words are nothing but real.

And it doesn’t take a special time to make a new start;
it takes only desire and true love from the heart.


«A Shattered Heart» by Christi Ybarra

Some say a broken heart is like a shattered vase
Fragile pieces scattered all over the place.
The shattered pieces of broken glass seem to go everywhere
Unlike the pieces of a broken heart that seem to  pierce your soul.

With faith and hope you try to mend the broken heart
Unlike the vase it cannot be so easily replaced.
It takes a while to mend it and then you lock it up
You hide the key and wait to see if someone can be found

A special person who will use the key to unlock the heart
A unique person who will handle the heart with gentle hands,
Who can be honest, truthful and handle it with care.
My heart and I wonder is there really that kind of person out there.


«A Simple Smile» by Ralph P Quinonez

A great big laugh, a simple smile.
You came into my life to only stay awhile.

At first glace, I knew it was meant,
But the time with you, I don’t know where it went.

I think about you almost every day.
Try to ask myself how I let you get away.

You had to leave what was meant to be,
Made me see what I couldn’t see.

I’ve grown with you, a better man today.
Once lost, you’ve helped me find my way.

It was what it was that I cannot change.
What a mess I have to try to rearrange.

This place in life that we are at now.
Would have never thought that it would be allowed.

True love was something always on my mind.
Always there but never designed.

To see you again and have it like it was,
Being very close to you just because.

All I have is good times and stories to share.
In my heart I know you will never be there.

There is never a good way to tell you goodbye.
I keep asking myself, “Why, baby, why?”

I know my love is now walking away.
I must let go because tomorrow brings another day.

A simple kiss, a great big smile.
I’m glad that I met you if only for a while.


«A Vision» by John Clare

I lost the love of heaven above,
I spurned the lust of earth below,
I felt the sweets of fancied love
And hell itself my only foe.

I lost earth’s joys but felt the glow
Of heaven’s flame abound in me
Till loveliness and I did grow
The bard of immortality.

I loved but woman fell away
I hid me from her faded fame,
I snatched the sun’s eternal ray
And wrote till earth was but a name

In every language upon earth,
On every shore, o’er every sea,
I give my name immortal birth
And kept my spirit with the free


«And Nothing Is Ever As You Want It To Be» by Brian Patten

You lose your love for her and then
It is her who is lost,
And then it is both who are lost,
And nothing is ever as perfect as you want it to be.

In a very ordinary world
A most extraordinary pain mingles with the small routines,
The loss seems huge and yet
Nothing can be pinned down or fully explained.

You are afraid.
If you found the perfect love
It would scald your hands,
Rip the skin from your nerves,
Cause havoc with a computered heart.

You lose your love for her and then it is her who is lost.
You tried not to hurt and yet
Everything you touched became a wound.
You tried to mend what cannot be mended,
You tried, neither foolish nor clumsy,
To rescue what cannot be rescued.

You failed,
And now she is elsewhere
And her night and your night
Are both utterly drained.

How easy it would be
If love could be brought home like a lost kitten
Or gathered in like strawberries,
How lovely it would be;
But nothing is ever as perfect as you want it to be.


«Deserted» by Harriet Monroe

O Love, my love, it’s over then—
Your heart flies free;
And it’s now no more us two again,
The door on you and me.
And it’s now no more the supper spread,
The stove singing low.
Oh, worlds away your feet are led,
Where wild winds blow!

Oh, seas between and worlds away
Our paths run now.
Go, for more dead than coffined clay
Is love’s dead vow.
Go, may your bread be sweet, your rest
As soft and deep be
As when you slept upon my breast
And gave the world for me.

Go, for my heart cries out with pain,
With joy cries out.
Go ! you’ve unwound the golden chain—
Love’s hope, love’s doubt.
Go! you were mine—now mine shall be
The whole brave world.
My spirit flutters and is free,
With wings unfurled.

Out of my little house of bliss,
O lost love sweet,
Out of my grief and loneliness
Now will I rise to greet
My friend who begs in the street below,
My friend who prays above;
And each will be—oh, well I know!—
You—you, lost love.


«Elegy» by David Herbert Lawrence

Since I lost you, my darling, the sky has come near,
And I am of it, the small sharp stars are quite near,
The white moon going among them like a white bird among snow-berries,
And the sound of her gently rustling in heaven like a bird I hear.

And I am willing to come to you now, my dear,
As a pigeon lets itself off from a cathedral dome
To be lost in the haze of the sky, I would like to come,
And be lost out of sight with you, and be gone like foam.

For I am tired, my dear, and if I could lift my feet,
My tenacious feet from off the dome of the earth
To fall like a breath within the breathing wind
Where you are lost, what rest, my love, what rest!


«Find Love Again With My Ex» by Brittany Kelley

I gave you my heart
And you gave it back
When we split apart
My heart was a whole of black.

I said I Love You
I meant it with all I had
You didn’t think it was true
Which left me so mad.

April was the end of us
I couldn’t let you go,
I still meant to impress
Hoping it would let you know
That I still need you,
And wanted to be happy.
But you knew
That we both would just end up unhappy.

I didn’t talk to you
For the longest time.
I was so blue
To give a dime.

To me you are someone else I knew
Than other people saw.
I didn’t go with the flow
Ending in me hating you.

Now things have occurred
To where there is no good between us.
Which has become absurd
And much stress.

I just want to forgive and forget
Start over like we never knew one another.
Act like we just met
And one day be close like any other!


«I Am Not Yours» by Sara Teasdale

I am not yours, not lost in you,
Not lost, although I long to be
Lost as a candle lit at noon,
Lost as a snowflake in the sea.

You love me, and I find you still
A spirit beautiful and bright,
Yet I am I, who long to be
Lost as a light is lost in light.

Oh plunge me deep in love–put out
My senses, leave me deaf and blind,
Swept by the tempest of your love,
A taper in a rushing wind.


«I Could» by Chrys Lea

I could dream of you forever,
But it wouldn’t put me beside you.

I could call your name on end,
But you’ll never hear me.

I could ask a million questions,
But I’ll never get the answer I want.

I could write a hundred poems,
But you would still never understand.

I could have said it before it was time to leave,
But I said it in a little note.

I could try to forget what I feel,
But I’ve pushed too much out already.

I could lie to myself,
But lying exhausts the soul.

I could give up on you,
But too much of me still loves you.


«I Want You Back» by Sania Harris

Sitting by the river,
Dreaming through my reflection,
I wonder what has happened.
What has caused this distance?

We used to be together,
Cuddling close to each other.
What came between our beautiful love?
I don’t know, though I wish to.

I can see you now, not alone
You’re holding a hand that’s not mine
Where am I? Why not next to you?
Why am I away? I don’t understand.

You’re smiling to the fullest.
I am not the one making you happy.
You are glancing at someone else.
Why is it not me?

Seeing you after such a long time,
My heart sighs again.
Something inside me growls loud
‘Cause now your hand runs through her hair.

I stand some distance well away,
But the surroundings disappear.
When I look at you, I feel lost inside
I wish you back, my angel.

There you are, holding her hand,
And I am lost, trying to understand.
I want you back, I really do,
Just to hold your hand
And walk with you.


«Just Yesterday» by Bern Agustin

yesterday I was crying…
deep pain creeping within
yesterday I was sobering…
such endless grief, left me shivering

we were once colorful and new
in a blissful land of me and you
just yesterday you were holding me tight
same yesterday you were gone out of sight

I’ve lived my life from this memory
kept running away, reality been missed
aches of memories, no future have seen
“could I ever survive drowning in misery?”

just yesterday you were gone without me
tried to ponder whatever reason there’ll be
just yesterday I  was too weak to see
is there any rainbow left only for me?


«Last Goodbye» by Dorsa Saa

I sit here waiting
waiting for you to see
that time is running out
come on and save me

It’s not your fault I’m crying
so don’t you think that at all
don’t feel guilty for something you didn’t do
just hug me and don’t let me fall

Your arms are so soft and cozy
The look in your eyes, I can’t forget
I wish you didn’t have to leave
but I know the date is set

I let the tears fall down my face
But you tell me not to cry
And that everything will be fine
I know it’s all a lie

I know you can’t stand it either
That we’ll be so far apart
And sleep all alone each night
Yet I know we’ll still be together in the heart

You give me one last kiss and hug
And wipe a single tear
Wish me luck and say goodbye
For its the last one I’ll hear


«Losing The Best Part Of Me» by Casee Llanes

I’m no longer whole
And sadly neither is he
We’ve been locked out by pain
And cannot find the key

We fight we struggle
We kick and scream
Please let us back in
And wake us from this dream

We both need a clue
About what the future holds
Will pain keep us locked out
And see how we do in the cold?

The cold air makes us forget
Forget how to get back in
Fighting and screaming won’t help
Pain wants to see how he will win

After the struggle, the exhaustion takes over
Leaves us both on our knees
It’s clearly too late…
I’ve lost the best part of me


«Lost» by Koren Horvath

Lost in the universe, thats more frightening than fear,
Lost in the Earth, where i feel as if nothing is near,
Lost as a person, Lost as man,
Needing to find myself, but i dont think i can.

Lost to all feeling, that is felt inside,
Lost to the sea, and its longing tide,
Lost to the people who really care,
All these people, never lost but always there.

Lost somewhere, all alone,
Lost with the world, and its pityful moan,
Lost in love, lost in hate,
Just waiting for a chance to lead me with fate.

Lost for words, that i should say,
Lost for thoughts, even when i pray,
Lost in mind, lost in hope,
Help me lord, i cannot cope.


«Lost Love» by Valentin Savin

Lost love
Whether I loved you or not
Alas, I cannot say anything,
As I never really thought;
But you’ve gone and I am suffering.

I am nearly choking in tears.
My life turned sad and unreal.
And this has gone on for years.
But you’re still in my memory.

You may be happy, who knows,
Or grieving like me alone;
I must bear with it, I suppose.
And drink the bitterness of my own.

If you hear, answer me, please:
Do you have any love to share?
I can’t bear a life like this.
Spare me at least my gray hair.


«Lost Love» by Robert B. Wolfe

As I sit and ponder the day away.
I remember the young love I gave away.
I searched for a love like I left behind,
Too young to realize she was one of a kind.

Like a ship in the night,
She sailed away.
The hurt I felt
I still feel today.

For years I walked along a lonely shore,
Dreaming of the eyes I’ll see no more.
The love I felt, I still feel today
For the love of my life that I gave away.


«Lost Love» by Marcia A. Newton

Do you remember me like I remember you
and wonder how our lives might be if we had said “I do”?
If I could hear those three little words that made my life complete,
my heart would know what my ears had heard and probably skip a beat.

Ours was a love story to remember
from the cold dark winters to warm summer weather.
Because of you, memories still linger
of the promise ring you placed on my finger.

You needed to find your place in this world,
even if it meant with some other girl.
I knew I had to let you go
even though I loved you so.

Remember our last sad goodbye?
Our hearts were broken. Tears burned our eyes…
So the hardest thing I’ve ever done was to accept we had to part.
But I hope you will remember you’ll always have my heart.

And so we kissed and we embraced,
and then I memorized your face.
You walked away to catch your flight
but not before we held on tight.

We both moved on and found new lovers.
I married one. You live with another.
Life is not always what is meant to be,
but I will hope, and dream, and always believe.

Imagining you lying next to me
is only a dream, a fantasy.
And only God knows how I’d feel
if all of my dreams could turn out real.

You are always with me. 
You live inside my heart.
And there you will always be
and never would we part.

I will always love you
and I will always care.
You changed my life forever. 
You’re my one true love affair.

You always knew how to ignite the fire. 
You’ll always be my one desire.
It is always you I’m thinking of.
You’ll always be my long-lost love.


«Love Hate» by David Charlton

Of all the emotions a person can feel,
Love is scariest and hardest to heal.
Excitement and mystery impossible to resist.
Promises of magic perpetually persist.
We long for a connection that is as strong as it is true,
But love always does as love wants to do,
So to the emotion of love, I just want to say,
I’m much better off without you; I’m glad you went away,
‘Cause I’d much rather live with a heart that can sing,
A smile that struggles to be more than a grin.
I might not be happy, but at least I’m not sad,
Holding onto happiness that I never had,
Love’s an impostor, a thief in the night,
Reduces flames to embers that no longer burn bright.
Love captains your emotions and steers your fate.
Love is the only emotion that I truly hate.


«Love Seesaw» by Patricia Grantham

Love is like a seesaw that goes up and down
Just like the ferris wheel it goes around and around
Sometimes you maybe happy and at times maybe sad
You played the game of love and lost everything you had

Love can be unsteady and sometimes topsy-turvy
Can be bold and beautiful and also kind of nervy
Here today and gone tomorrow a never ending battle
Will either make or break you until you start to rattle

Love can either break your heart or tear it all asunder
Thrown out and cast aside then left outside for plunder
A seesaw kind of love you see can also be unsteady
Never go for a ride on love unless you’re good and ready

Love can make you a loser and may sometimes let you win
Whatever it takes to keep it try playing again and again
When you have had enough tell the love seesaw goodbye
Give your self sometime to recover and give it another try


«Missing Piece In Life» by Abstruse PSYCHE

I’ve lost a piece and it’s impossible to bring it back..
I was too careless.. I was too slack..
I spent so much time thinking about this and that..
I was indecisive and that’s a fact..

such a coward to take the risk..
so scared to get out of my league..
time is fast and before I knew it..
my piece has already taken a leap..

I’ve lost a piece and it’s almost impairing..
the pain is striking and inside I am grieving..
silently I weep to conceal that I’m hurting..
for how long.. I don’t know.. but in sadness I am sinking..


«My Blue Butterfly» by Rini Shibu

My blue butterfly has lost its way
It fluttered and flew when trees swayed
Now no more are found around my garden
My blue butterfly’s heart has hardened
It realised that no more
nectar is left with me
Now my cherry blossom is pale
and has lost it’s beauty
My blue butterfly has found a new garden
far away among the blue bells
It flapped the wings at me before leaving
shedding its love
Still I remember the mesmerizing sight
Of my garden
The fragrance once it has spread have been lost
and the air is dry
There is no more breeze to pass by
Everything is gone and all the fun has been lost


«My Love For You» by Matthew Dusfim

The Bit by bit and day by day
In such a special lovely way
Do not know why or how to say
But I shall try to… If I may

And thus I shall try to explain
That despite heavy pouring rain
In times of sorrow and of pain
My love for you was not in vain

When I was down and even sad
If I felt angry rather mad
If I was in tears feeling bad
My love for you I did not dread

I was insulted even mocked
My same own life I feel was blocked
The doubts that came and often knocked
My love for you was safely locked

Until the day you came to me
The love in me you did not see
Without you dear how could I be?
My love for you I could not free

And yet you know I still love you
A love that’s strong and oh so true
Wher’ver you go wher’ver to
My love for you will follow too


«My Memories» by Graham Chaplin

My memories are sacred of the you I used to know.
I remember all the places where you and I would go.

Time has made me older, and life has made me old.
My bones are thin and brittle; my body feels the cold.

Days when I was younger and warmer in the sun,
Days when you were with me, I was the chosen one.

Years went rolling past us, but I lost you along the way.
I would give all my tomorrows for just one yesterday.


«No Such Thing As Happy Endings» by Ernesto Prince

The first night they meet
He knew it to be true
This girl who lied before him
Was genuine and true

He looked into her eyes
The deep browns didn’t lie
She loved him just as much
Or was it all a lie?

The nights turned into mornings
The days went by too quick
His chances seemed to slip away
With every day that went

Then finally the day had come
She said she couldn’t wait.
Time had passed so swiftly
He was far too late

It was then he realized
He made a huge mistake
He let the girl he loved
Simply slip away…


«Ode To A Lost Love» by Valerie Dohren

‘Oh sweet breath of eternal life
Dance ever `pon her silent breast
Released from pain and worldly strife
The one I love is laid to rest’

Her flaxen hair, like golden corn,
Fell soft about her lifeless face
And round her shoulders to adorn
As limp she lay in death`s embrace

Still young, the bloom of youth today,
Her life had barely yet begun
But all too soon to fade away
No more to dance beneath the sun

No more to laugh in sweet delight
Nor skip through pastures wild and free
Nor hear the nightingales sing bright
In pure and perfect harmony

‘I`ll ne`er forget her tender smile
Nor yet her face so sweet and fair
Her gentle kisses to beguile
I`ll cherish every thought of her’

The teardrops glistened on his cheeks
Like stars plucked from the darkened skies
He held her hand, no more to speak,
Then gently kissed her still, cold eyes


«Realization – Lost Love» by Dr. M. Asim Nehal

The arms of slumber took me to the darkness
where silence dwells, in peace and serenity,
It lets me speak to and inquire about the love
Before I could ask, it left, leaving behind a trail.

The flock of chattering birds chanted gloomy songs
the bees murmur on every flower warily
the waves followed one another unwillingly
and the waterfalls turbulently flowed everywhere.

Restlessness and the state of confusion
Is ubiquitously on earth
The peace is sadly corned
The calmness has gone to take a dip in the sea

The only hope to revive everything
Rests with the LOVE
We disregarded when it was with us
Now we realise what we have lost.


«Silent Tears» by Nyasha Bard

The day you said it’s over was the day that I died.
When it became dark, I laid down and cried,
Going over and over in my head on what to do.
I could never find the courage to let you be you.

You called me last night and told me that you still cared,
But when the call was over I was empty and in despair.
You were my first love, someone who knew me so well.
But now that we aren’t a couple, people can hardly tell.

You have moved on with some other girl, I see.
I cry to myself in the darkness, wishing that it was me.
But here and now I hear your name over and over again.
I cover my heart; my heartbeat weakens because of the pain.


«Song Of The Desert Lark» by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt

Love, love, in vain
We count the days of Spring.
Lost is all love’s pain,
Lost the songs we sing.
Sunshine and Summer rain,
Winter and Spring again
Still the years shall bring,
But we die.

Love, what a noon
Of happy love was ours!
Grief came too soon,
Touched the Autumn flowers,
Grief and the doubt of death,
Mixed with the roses’ breath.
Darkly the Winter lowers,
And we die.

His torch, love, the Sun
Turns to the stormy West,
Like a fair dream begun
Changing to jest.
Love, while our souls are one,
Still let us sing the Sun,
Sing and forget the rest
And so die.


«The Bench» by Emma Marie Etwell

Sitting alone
On a bench that’s made for two,
Only one side is empty,
For that place is meant for you.
As I look out
Onto the beautiful seashore,
Memories overtake me
And wishes of making more.
Do you remember this special place?
And the moments we had here?
You made my life that day,
And that I will always hold near.
I find myself walking,
Not knowing where to go,
But I always end up
In that special place that we know.
I sit down, can’t move,
Waiting for you to show,
And when I feel your hand on mine,
That’s when I will go.
Do you see, my darling,
That this bench was made for two,
And one day in the future,
It will be filled again by me and you.


«The Cycle» by Spencer Castro

Why do we feel such strong emotion,
Of complete care and pure devotion.
It seems to bring, just pain and fear,
Along with shame and then the tears.

Though at first, it sure feels great,
As if, almost, it were in fate.
With a smile, we first feel love,
And then we thank Great God above.

Making it last for a while,
Thinking he or she is in denial.
Keeping secrets from each other,
Living lies with one another.

Beating ourselves with jealousy,
Wondering who it is they see,
The warmth that we had felt before,
Begins to fly, right out the door.

Distance then grows the two apart,
Knowing they are not right at heart,
The cycle that they had began,
Finally came unto its end.


«The Lost Love» by Frank Romans

My lover’s voice I long to hear,
My heart will race when she comes near.
To see her face and touch her skin,
And hear her words of love again.

Her voice is faint, so far away.
I will not see her here today,
Nor will I get to touch her hair.
I reach to touch, but she’s not there.

I see the image in my mind
Of bygone days and better times,
Of laughter, love, and happy days,
Before we let it all escape

I do not want to be alone,
Growing old, without a home,
Without my love close by my side.
Emptiness, I can’t abide.

If you will have me, I’ll take you.
We’ll start again, with love renewed.
Together always, never to part,
Each holding the other inside the heart.

Be still my mind, it’s just your dream,
A nightmare, really, it would seem.
Pride, you see, precedes the fall.
She won’t be back, and that is all.

I lift my head and raise my glass
And toast those days that are long past.
To memories of love and home,
To days before I was alone.


«The Pain Inside» by Robert Vincent

I saw the stars that shine
When I looked into your eyes.
I felt the pain inside
When your head was next to mine.
Come tomorrow I’ll be able
To love you in your dreams,
So when you’re next to him
I hope you’ll think of me.
Will you remember the pleasure
When you look upon the stars?
Go back to the night
You laid your head upon my heart.
Tell your kids a story
Of a love that couldn’t be,
And I’ll tell mine a tale
Of what you meant to me


«Thoughts At The Ocean» by Thalia M. Llago

I stand on this soft, white sand.
My feet becomes frozen,
And I have no will to move.
Everything reminds me of you.

The sand reminds me of your touch.
The wind, your words,
The sun, your smile,
The stars, your eyes,
The birds, your freedom.

For a month
I just stood there,
Reminiscing every single prayer, song, poem,
Played over and over
By the cherry lips
I’ve never tasted before.

Every wave
That came by
I called your name,
Sometimes restlessly,
But always in vain.

No matter how tight
My mother pulled me away
From this spot,
And no mater
How tired and worn out I became,
I couldn’t shake the thoughts of you.

Some would see this as loneliness,
But how can that be
If your memories keep me company?


«Vagabond Soul» by Lissette Lewis

In the wake of the midnight hour
Left without the power
Of a hope or prayer
Somewhere out there is my love…
Through the shadows of every corner
Lies the promise of tomorrow
Whether happy or alone
Hearts that travel through the valleys
Of past and present
Will never know just how to win
Take me somewhere into the roses
Where all that grows is fresh and new
Leave me only
When the day has started
And I can find another you


«Was Lost But Now Am Found» by Chris Clingman

I once was lost but now am found
i feel so safe standing here on the ground
i love to see all the people around
i love the trees because they never make a sound

what does it mean to be truly lost
does it mean to lose yourself with no real cost
to walk around with no real place to go
someone tells you something and you just say ‘so’

if there is one thing I have learned it’s you’re never lost with love
if you have love you will always be found
the greatest love comes from the Lord up above
just embrace the love from your family all around


«When Love Dies» by Billy Arends

When love dies,
It ceases to exist.
And the flame that used to be,
Ceases to persist

It feels like a wound that won’t stop bleeding,
Like it’s your last breath you’re about to take,
And it feels like your soul’s watching,
And all you can do is pray you wake.

When love dies,
It’s like everything slows down to a stop
The tears that came rolling down your cheeks
Are taking ages to drop

To the cold tiled floor
I fell onto my knees,
It felt as if the light followed her shadow,
As she slammed closed the door…

Love died,
I know this because my soul died too.
And it was hurting as much
As all the pain I put her through.

When love died
I ceased to exist
The only thing that kept us together…
Ceased to persist.


«When Love Is Lost» by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

When love is lost, the day sets towards the night,
Albeit the morning sun may still be bright,
And not one cloud-ship sails across the sky.
Yet from the places where it used to lie
Gone is the lustrous glory of the light.

No splendour rests in any mountain height,
No scene spreads fair and beauteous to the sight;
All, all seems dull and dreary to the eye
When love is lost.

Love lends to life its grandeur and its might;
Love goes, and leaves behind it gloom and blight;
Like ghosts of time the pallid hours drag by,
And grief’s one happy thought is that we die.
Ah, what can recompense us for its flight
When love is lost?

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