Who can be stronger, more necessary, and more beautiful than the person who is always with you, in all of life’s moments? Who else but her is worthy of the purest and most loyal love? A poem to your wife is a perfect confession of your sincere and warm feelings. Live and love as brightly as when you first realized this feeling. Short love poems for wife.
- «A Dream For You» by Richard N. Cook
- «A Drinking Song» by W.B. Yeats
- «A Gift From God» by Dino
- «A Good Woman» by Carol Naumann
- «A Red, Red Rose» by Robert Burns
- «A Sense Of Love» by William Wilson
- «A Simple Bouquet» by Chris
- «Another Valentine» by Wendy Cope
- «Bright Star» by John Keats
- «Fate» by Carolyn Wells
- «Feelings And Thoughts» by Thomas Kachepa-Sanderson
- «Friendship Endures All Things» by Patrick Evans
- «Habitation» by Margaret Atwood
- «Happy Marriage Anniversary» by Shishir
- «How Do I Love Thee?» by Elizabeth Barret Browning
- «I Carry Your Heart With Me» by E. E. Cummings
- «I Commend To You» by Richard M. Deets
- «I Love You» by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
- «I Love You For What You Are» by Carl Sandberg
- «I Will Always Love You» by Richard M. Deets
- «In The Shadow Of Your Warm Love» by Paul Holmes
- «Joys Of Being A Husband And A Wife» by Danny Blackburn
- «Let Us Be True» by Matthew Arnold
- «Lifeline» by Marcus Ditsworth
- «Love Is» by Adrian Henri
- «Love Song» by Henry Dumas
- «Love Song» by Mary Carolyn Davies
- «Love Song for Lucinda» by Langston Hughes
- «Monna Innominata» by Christina Rossetti
- «Moonlit Snow» by Danny Blackburn
- «My First Love» by Danny Blackburn
- «My Song» by Shelly O. Starkey
- «My Wife» by Andre’ Cardenas
- «My Wife» by Rolly Reinhart
- «One Hundred Love Sonnets: XVII» by Pablo Neruda
- «Sonnet 130» by William Shakespeare
- «Thanks» by Michael A. Faust
- «That Someone Special» by Richard N. Cook
- «To My Wife» by Jerry Boettcher
- «To My Wife, Chiholloli» by Danny Blackburn
- «To You» by Kenneth Koch
- «Valentine» by John Fuller
- «Walk In My Shoes» by Steven P. Dawson
- «We Are Made One With What We Touch And See» by Oscar Wilde
- «We’re Good, I Promise» by Danny Blackburn
- «Whenever I Am Away From You» by Christopher Poindexter
- «Wild Nights – Wild Nights» by Emily Dickinson
- «With The Thought Of You» by Tyler Knott Gregson
- «You, My Wife, My Treasure» by Danny Blackburn
«A Dream For You» by Richard N. Cook
If I could dream
The dream I wanted to,
I would close my eyes,
And dream a dream for you.
I would give you all the world,
That you are deserving of,
And to you I would give
My everlasting love.
I would see to it
That you were never sad
And nothing in your life
Would ever happen bad.
I would wish for you
All things would go your way,
And you would always be happy,
Each and every day.
In my dream
You would stay
Just as beautiful
As you are today.
Life for you would be as perfect
As the blueness of the sky,
And no one would ever hurt you,
Or ever make you cry.
I know it’s just a dream,
But if dreams could come true,
I would close my eyes
And dream a dream for you.
«A Drinking Song» by W.B. Yeats
Wine comes in at the mouth
And love comes in at the eye;
That’s all we shall know for truth
Before we grow old and die.
I lift the glass to my mouth,
I look at you, and I sigh.
«A Gift From God» by Dino
So young, so fresh, so new
The love and passion I felt for you.
I loved you so and you said yes
A gift from God, I was blessed
A beautiful woman with a heart so true
The love and passion I still feel for you
Throughout the pregnancy as you carry our son
A gift from God, I’m the lucky one
A wonderful mother and wife
The love and passion for all my life
A gift from God you truly are
A blessing from above to the luckiest man by far
«A Good Woman» by Carol Naumann
One you should treasure, but not as a possession,
Who needs to be loved, not treated with aggression.
Her value is more than all the world’s treasures,
Not just the sum of scale’s unit measures.
She should always be built up, not torn down,
By all the words you speak, when she is around.
She needs to be hugged and not pushed away,
Especially when you are both having a really bad day.
Words spoken to her in haste and anger
Can place her fragile heart in danger.
She should be admired for her boundless love,
And looked upon as a true gift from Above.
Not used as a target for all your frustration,
But held close and kissed with loving admiration.
You should always appreciate her commitment to you,
And not take for granted what she’s given up for you!
Kiss her and love her all that you possibly can,
And don’t be embarrassed to be seen holding her hand.
Treasure each day as if it were the last,
And at the end of your life you won’t be regretting your past.
«A Red, Red Rose» by Robert Burns
O my Luve is like a red, red rose
That’s newly sprung in june;
O my Luve is like the melodie
That’s sweetly played in tune.
So fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
So deep in luve am I;
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
Till a’ the seas gang dry.
Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt wi’ the sun;
I will love thee still, my dear,
While the sands o’ life shall run.
And fare thee weel, my only luve!
And fare thee weel a while!
And I will come again, my luve,
Tho’ it were ten thousand miles.
«A Sense Of Love» by William Wilson
Love is not something you see.
It’s meaning everything to me.
It’s needing to have you in my life,
So much that I made you my wife.
Love is not something you hear.
It’s always wanting to have you near.
It’s needing to feel your lips each day
So much that no words could ever say.
Love is not something you taste.
It’s never letting it go to waste.
It’s needing to see you even when we fight,
So much or I’ll miss you day and night.
Love is not something you touch.
It’s knowing that you mean so much.
It’s needing your skin when I’m in bed,
So much that you make me lose my head.
Love is not something you smell.
It’s something that you’re proud to tell.
It’s needing to always make you smile,
So much that you make my life worthwhile
«A Simple Bouquet» by Chris
I stopped at the store to buy you a bouquet
What I found is that it had a whole lot to say
The flowers each stood for a part of our life
And they were meant for you, my beautiful wife
The yellow one stands for a little girl we both know
She’s pretty and sweet and always ready to go
She sings little girl songs and has beautiful dark hair
God gave us an angel for our hearts to share
The white rose represents the little boy in our home
There are days that I know he won’t leave you alone
He’s happy and smart and full of such joy
We’re lucky to be blessed with such a sweet boy
The red one’s a sign of the love that WE share
Over time we have proven just how much we care
We love in the ways that makes others just wish
And hope for each other with a smile and a kiss
That ribbon that holds the bouquet in a bunch
I didn’t get it at first, yet it means so much
It stands for your love in our home every day
As the center of our family in every way
This bouquet in the store, I’ll just have to get
The best part of this is it isn’t done yet
There are more flowers to add, more times to have fun
More nights full of laughter, and more days full of sun
So the next time I bring flowers, I hope that you know
Your love means much more to me than I could ever show
«Another Valentine» by Wendy Cope
Today we are obliged to be romantic
And think of yet another Valentine.
We know the rules, and we are both pedantic:
Today’s the day we have to be romantic.
Our love is old and sure, not new and frantic.
You know I’m yours, and I know you are mine.
And saying that has made me feel romantic,
My dearest love, my darling valentine.
«Bright Star» by John Keats
Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art–
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like nature’s patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earth’s human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors–
No–yet still steadfast, still unchangeable,
Pillow’d upon my fair love’s ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever–or else swoon to death.
«Fate» by Carolyn Wells
Two shall be born the whole world wide apart,
And speak in different tongues, and pay their debts
In different kinds of coin; and give no heed
Each to the other’s being. And know not
That each might suit the other to a T,
If they were but correctly introduced.
And these, unconsciously, shall bend their steps,
Escaping Spaniards and defying war,
Unerringly toward the same trysting-place,
Albeit they know it not. Until at last
They enter the same door, and suddenly
They meet. And ere they’ve seen each other’s face
They fall into each other’s arms, upon
The Broadway cable car – and this is Fate!
«Feelings And Thoughts» by Thomas Kachepa-Sanderson
When I wake
In the mornings,
I feel and think
So many things.
Thoughts of anger
Thoughts of aggression,
Thoughts of how
I can beat this depression.
Lots of people here
But I can’t help feeling lonely.
Six months I’m living here,
It will never feel homey.
Should I laugh?
Should I smile?
It only lasts
For a while.
But then the thought of seeing you
Sends me wild,
And the thought of seeing
Our unborn child.
The feeling of
Excitement and glee
Fills my heart,
I couldn’t be more happy.
I talk to you
On the net and phone,
Always thinking
Of coming home.
How is my wife?
How is she coping?
To the woman I love,
My life I’m devoting.
When I know you are well
And you and bump are okay,
My smile grows bigger
With every day.
The way you walk,
The way you smell,
To hear your voice,
I’m under your spell.
You make everything
Come to life.
I just smile
And thank God you’re my wife.
What I’m trying to say
Through all of this
Is you make my life
A living bliss.
Thank you
«Friendship Endures All Things» by Patrick Evans
There is a time in life
When the person you will love
For the rest of your life
Walks in and captures your heart.
Sometimes, just sometimes
You hurt that person,
You push them away,
Not meaning to,
But you do.
Flawed thoughts and actions.
Because you do this,
You put at risk that person.
That loved one…
They walk away.
At times,
You are afraid to go on after this,
But what choice do you have?
All you can do
Is hope that one day,
If that person is the one,
You will meet in spirit and soul…again.
Better. Secure. Happy.
You join again, better friends.
And if, just by chance
You each receive that second chance,
Remember the past.
Learn from your mistakes,
And never let them happen again.
And by doing this…
You each discover Shangri-la.
And a lifetime of happiness awaits.
If kisses were water,
I’d give you the sea,
If hugs were leaves,
I’d give you a tree,
If friendship were love,
I’d give you eternity.
And if you are true and sincere to me,
My friendship and love is
Forever eternal.
And every morning you open your eyes, tell yourself that it is special.
Every day, every minute,
Every second is truly a gift.
Dance like no one is watching,
And love like it will never hurt.
It’s been said…true friends must always hold hands
Because they know the other hand will forever be there.
My hand is forever extended.
«Habitation» by Margaret Atwood
Marriage is not
A house, or even a tent
It is before that, and colder:
The edge of the forest, the edge of the desert
The unpainted stairs
At the back, where we squat
Outdoors, eating popcorn
Where painfully and with wonder
At having survived this far
We are learning to make fire
«Happy Marriage Anniversary» by Shishir
We’ve been married for the last fifteen years
Your role as wife deserves three cheers
Our family has gotten your full care
You do everything for the kids’ welfare
Love to the new phase let us now carry
Wishing you a happy marriage anniversary
Along with you I feel in a safe zone
You are our family’s strong back bone
I pray to God to give you good health
Which I consider my greatest wealth
My future love for you will never vary
Wishing you a happy marriage anniversary
Grief and happiness come and go
Our mutual strength will be never low
Message of peace we both will spread
And will try our best to make others glad
Everyone will then make merry
Wishing you a happy marriage anniversary
Everyone desires a very good life
That is possible only through a good wife
Who always stands by your side
And feels you to be her greatest pride
Making you feel like a prince Harry
Wishing you a happy marriage anniversary
Today I make to you this special plea
You only swim in my heart’s deep sea
Entry of others in it I will strictly refuse
You only can make its gainful use
Believe for me only you are primary
Wishing you a happy marriage anniversary
«How Do I Love Thee?» by Elizabeth Barret Browning
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of every day’s
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, — I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! — and, if God chose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
«I Carry Your Heart With Me» by E. E. Cummings
I carry your heart with me (I carry it in
my heart)
I am never without it (anywhere
I go you go, my dear;
And whatever is done
By only me is your doing, my darling)
I fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet)
I want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
And it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
And whatever a sun will always sing is you.
Here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
And this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart
I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)
«I Commend To You» by Richard M. Deets
Dear, to you this velvet rose I commend,
In which a model of yourself I tend.
How well within your palm its long stem rests,
So just your smiling eyes my vision nests.
To hold this goddess of mystique is life,
A touch of you is much more so, my wife.
The scent thins in air, the color is true,
As true, yet how much more special are you.
The petal serene, your hands need not toil,
Your faith in us is more so free of spoil.
You’ll deem this dear as from me you have it;
Your trust is dearer, because you give it.
This rose as perfect as my kiss can seal,
Your love within my lofty heart does peal.
But this as all aspects peels in love’s sight,
Whereas you, my wife, exceed in each right.
«I Love You» by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
I love your lips when they’re wet with wine
And red with a wild desire;
I love your eyes when the lovelight lies
Lit with a passionate fire.
I love your arms when the warm white flesh
Touches mine in a fond embrace;
I love your hair when the strands enmesh
Your kisses against my face.
Not for me the cold, calm kiss
Of a virgin’s bloodless love;
Not for me the saint’s white bliss,
Nor the heart of a spotless dove.
But give me the love that so freely gives
And laughs at the whole world’s blame,
With your body so young and warm in my arms,
It sets my poor heart aflame.
So kiss me sweet with your warm wet mouth,
Still fragrant with ruby wine,
And say with a fervor born of the South
That your body and soul are mine.
Clasp me close in your warm young arms,
While the pale stars shine above,
And we’ll live our whole young lives away
In the joys of a living love.
«I Love You For What You Are» by Carl Sandberg
I love you for what you are,
But I love you yet more for what you are going to be.
I love you not so much for your realities as for your ideals.
I pray for your desires that they may be great,
Rather than for your satisfactions, which may be so hazardously little.
A satisfied flower is one whose petals are about to fall.
The most beautiful rose is one hardly more than a bud
Wherein the pangs and ecstasies of desire are working for a larger and finer growth.
Not always shall you be what you are now.
You are going forward toward something great.
I am on the way with you and therefore I love you.
«I Will Always Love You» by Richard M. Deets
I desire you when splinters of light appear
And the dew lazily joins morning sky.
When arias, pining birds to mates sing,
I want the soothing softness of your kiss.
I desire you when the sun centers the sky
And shadows hide beneath the soles of feet.
When butterflies dance among petals white,
I want the sparkle of your smiling eyes.
I desire you as the moon welcomes the night
And skies are flooded with twinkling bright stars.
When candles flicker their last silent breath,
I then want to feel your sensuous touch.
I desire you when passion swells all your soul
And your lovely face shines with radiance.
When your moist lips are full of love’s desire,
I want to feel every pulse of your heart.
I desire you when you are weary and down
And gray skies sprinkle droplets of sad tears.
When the world laughs at your every stumble,
I want to gently sooth your sorrows.
I desire you my love in every moment.
As time adds years like sands on the beach,
When you sense your beauty slipping to the wind,
I will want you so much more than now.
«In The Shadow Of Your Warm Love» by Paul Holmes
In the shadow of your warm love
I feel so safe and secure,
And your soft, caring hands
Urge me on to bravely endure.
Your smiles soothe and ease the pain
Of another dark and lonely day;
The rainbow appears amid the rain,
My sorrow as quickly melts away.
A reassuring glow within your eyes
Tells me that you understand
The complicated ways of my sighs
Born of thoughts truly grand.
I continue to look upon your face
And gain a calm heart, my sweet solace.
«Joys Of Being A Husband And A Wife» by Danny Blackburn
When you were 16 you were so beautiful, filled with life and adventure.
You were a girl, acted like a lady who was a woman, you were so mature.
When you were 16 you were my bride, together we were always and even in our hearts.
I would sometimes skip work to stay home with you just for the time together; I could not stand us apart.
We married so young, and others thought that we had no idea what life was about.
Our lives were simple, we had love and each other, we knew that we could make it without a doubt.
We looked forward to Friday night, to most of the time just sitting around loving each other.
We had married young and we were well on our way realizing soon after I would be a father and you a mother.
I watched you as your body changed, always seeing you more beautiful each day.
You had the soul of a caring mother, love you showed for an unborn child in a very caring way.
You were 16, you were so beautiful and soon to be a mother, so young and yet wise beyond your years.
You were so unbelievably perfect in all that you did for that child and your husband, you never expressed a fear.
You took on motherhood with unbelievable devotion, and loved that child with such passion
So young you were, and to this day I can say I have never seen a mother with greater compassion.
We have had three children in all, we have both given to them all and tried to give them a good life.
We, together raised our children who in all can’t complain because you did all you could to make it nice.
Now we have grandchildren that our kids must raise and give a life,
So now I feel that we should get back to where we were 30 years ago; will you be my wife.
What I am trying to say is we have been there for everyone else, so young we were in our lives.
There are not many things I would change except now I think it is time that we find the joys of being a husband and a wife.
To you I dedicate my life, to you I devote my heart, to you I promise to cherish and hold above all others.
«Let Us Be True» by Matthew Arnold
Ah, love, let us be true
To one another! for the world, which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams,
So various, so beautiful, so new,
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
Where ignorant armies clash by night.
«Lifeline» by Marcus Ditsworth
Like a skydiver needs a parachute,
Like a singer needs to sing,
And God breathes life into all living things.
Like the water in the ocean
That all swimming creatures need to survive,
And a baby’s love for his mother,
Because there is a sparkle in her eye.
Like the sun shining on your face,
I swear there are angels on high.
This is how I see my love for you,
So now let me tell you why.
You are my lifeline
So I can soar into new things
Just like an eagle that is gliding on his wings.
«Love Is» by Adrian Henri
Love is feeling cold in the back of vans
Love is a fan club with only two fans
Love is walking holding paint-stained hands
Love is
Love is fish and chips on winter nights
Love is blankets full of strange delights
Love is when you don’t put out the light
Love is
Love is the presents in Christmas shops
Love is when you’re feeling top of the Pops
Love is what happens when the music stops
Love is
Love is white panties lying all forlorn
Love is a pink nightdress still slightly warm
Love is when you have to leave at dawn
Love is
Love is you and love is me
Love is a prison and love is free
Love’s what’s there when you’re away from me
Love is…
«Love Song» by Henry Dumas
I have to adore the earth:
The wind must have heard your voice once.
It echoes and sings like you.
The soil must have tasted you once.
It is laden with your scent.
The trees honor you in gold
and blush when you pass.
I know why the north country is frozen.
It has been trying to preserve your memory.
I know why the desert burns with fever.
It was wept too long without you.
On hands and knees, the ocean begs up the beach,
and falls at your feet.
I have to adore the mirror of the earth.
You have taught her well how to be beautiful.
«Love Song» by Mary Carolyn Davies
There is a strong wall about me to protect me:
It is built of the words you have said to me.
There are swords about me to keep me safe:
They are the kisses of your lips.
Before me goes a shield to guard me from harm:
It is the shadow of your arms between me and danger.
All the wishes of my mind know your name,
And the white desires of my heart
They are acquainted with you.
The cry of my body for completeness,
That is a cry to you.
My blood beats out your name to me,
unceasing, pitiless
Your name, your name
«Love Song for Lucinda» by Langston Hughes
Is a ripe plum
Growing on a purple tree.
Taste it once
And the spell of its enchantment
Will never let you be.
Is a bright star
Glowing in far Southern skies.
Look too hard
And it’s burning flame
Will always hurt your eyes.
Is a high mountain
Stark in a windy sky.
If you
Would never lose your breath
Do not climb too high
«Monna Innominata» by Christina Rossetti
I loved you first: but afterwards your love
Outsoaring mine, sang such a loftier song
As drowned the friendly cooings of my dove.
Which owes the other most? My love was long,
And yours one moment seemed to wax more strong;
I loved and guessed at you, you construed me
And loved me for what might or might not be –
Nay, weights and measures do us both a wrong.
For verily love knows not ‘mine’ or ‘thine;’
With separate ‘I’ and ‘thou’ free love has done,
For one is both and both are one in love:
Rich love knows nought of ‘thine that is not mine;’
Both have the strength and both the length thereof,
Both of us, of the love which makes us one.
«Moonlit Snow» by Danny Blackburn
As the beauty of the Christmas season comes to life
I pray for snow and a moonlit snow covered night
I do not want to be in the tropics walking on a beach of sand
I would rather walk through the snow with you, feeling the warmth of your hand
In the night walking down a path covered in moonlight and a beautiful snow
We would stop so that I could admire your beauty under the moonlight glow
We could walk and talk reflecting back on thirty-three years of life under the moon and stars above
I would be in a place that I have been for all these thirty three years, with you and still in love
I would appreciate all that surrounds me as I look into your eyes
I would thank God for you my love, thank him for being so wise
I would hold you tight to keep you warm as we walked through the night
To have your love and you in my arms means that all in life is right
Just to hear your voice, to see your smile and listen to you means more to me than you can ever know
Your voice is like that of an angel, your smile places warmth in my heart, you have a special glow
I pray for one present this year, as I have in years past
I pray that our love grows stronger and forever it shall last
«My First Love» by Danny Blackburn
Pammy, you are my first love, the one that I still love today.
You are still just as beautiful, and I have learned to love you in so many different ways.
I love you for your caring, kind and gentle ways.
I love you for your beauty, which only gets better with each passing day.
I love you for your kiss, your touch and your loving ways.
I loved you yesterday, today and will tomorrow. I promise my love is here to stay.
I love you because you saved and gave yourself to me.
I love and respect you, that I hope that you see.
I want you to know that I truly respect you for that act of love.
I remember well the first time that we made love, you are a gift from God above.
Yesterdays are the past, today is to be lived.
I loved you yesterday and today, tomorrow I will have more love to give.
Your devotion was never wavering, your love is oh so true.
I give my soul to God, and my heart I give to you.
I fell for you the first time we kissed.
Every minute that we are apart, please know that you are missed.
Pammy, my love for you is pure and true.
There is no other girl for me, for I can love only you.
You are my love, my joy, my life, my breath, the beating of my heart
Please know that I love you, long for you, and it kills me when we are apart.
I promise to give you all I have, my love for you is endless, yours for our lifetime and eternity.
I promise to love, honor, cherish, hold, protect, and devote myself to thee.
Pammy, you are my first love, my true love, the love that I promise to protect and to give all to.
I thank God for the privilege of loving you.
«My Song» by Shelly O. Starkey
If one were deaf
might he feel the sound of music
and in its vibrations
come to know the true feeling of its depth
If one were mute
might he speak to the world
through the rhythm of his dance
and the smile in his eyes
If one were blind
might he savor the colors of the rainbow
and hear their discordant sound
as they clash together in a prism of light
Standing among the flowers
can you feel the dulcet aroma of the rose
as its scent drifts upon the wind
Can you hear what I feel
smell what I see
or touch the light
that shines down upon me from the night
Have you, as I, been lucky enough
to feel the harmonious touch
of another soul that loves you more than life
or taste the sweet perfection of that person’s embrace
Her sweet scent has brought light into my world
and her tender caresses have filled my heart with song
Within my eyes I hold her
and her gentle voice touches my heart
in her arms I have known laughter
with her smile I know peace
She is my Life
My Wife
My Song
«My Wife» by Andre’ Cardenas
Hand in hand we walk together,
God’s grace warms us from above.
It’s him I thank each day I wake
for blessing me with all your love.
The sunshine in my morning
and the bird that sings my song.
In this life when I am troubled,
through God it’s you who keeps me strong.
The wind beneath my wings
as this eagle takes to flight.
You are the stars that brighten up my sky
in the darkness of the night.
The mother of my children
and the air that gives me life.
My truest friend of all…
my heart, my soul, my wife.
«My Wife» by Rolly Reinhart
Unexpectedly she entered my life,
This woman, this angel, who became my wife.
She captured my heart and soul,
Warming a place once so dark and cold.
This woman, this angel, to love and embrace,
With a gentle touch to caress her face.
Her words of love, so honest and true,
She whispers to me when the day is new.
She provides a home filled with love,
A home blessed by GOD above.
This woman, this angel, GOD would bless,
A baby to hold and gently caress.
For eternity we shall adore and love
Our baby from heaven above.
This woman, this angel, wife and mother,
I know there can be no other.
This woman, this angel, and mother; she is my life
This woman, this angel, and mother; she is my wife.
«One Hundred Love Sonnets: XVII» by Pablo Neruda
I don’t love you as if you were a rose of salt, topaz,
Or arrow of carnations that propagate fire:
I love you as one loves certain obscure things,
Secretly, between the shadow and the soul.
I love you as the plant that doesn’t bloom but carries
The light of those flowers, hidden, within itself,
And thanks to your love, the tight aroma that arose
From the earth lives dimly in my body.
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where,
I love you directly without problems or pride:
I love you like this because I don’t know any other way to love,
Except in this form in which I am not nor are you,
So close that your hand upon my chest is mine,
So close that your eyes close with my dreams
«Sonnet 130» by William Shakespeare
My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips’ red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damask’d, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any, she belied with false compare.
«Thanks» by Michael A. Faust
I know it’s been a hard task,
the things we ask of you.
You should know you’re very special
for all the things you do.
I’m thankful for a wife like you;
no one could take your place.
A heart like yours for those in need
is a thing one can’t replace.
So thanks again for being there
and for all the things you do.
No man could be so lucky
to have a love like you!
Happy Mother’s Day!
Let my eyes be massaged by your beauty.
Let my heart be warmed by your smile.
Let my ears always hear that you love me.
Let my lips kiss yours for a while.
Let my arms hold you close when you’re sad.
Let my hugs make you warm when you’re cold.
Let my love last as long as forever.
That way we will never grow old.
Let me promise you’ll never be lonely.
Let me promise to always be true,
Please let me by happy for the rest of my life,
When I ask you, please say, “I do.”
«That Someone Special» by Richard N. Cook
She is the apple of my eye,
The reason that I live.
She is all that I could wish for.
My heart to her I give.
It is for that someone special
These words that I do pen,
To thank her for always being
My wife and my best friend.
She has the will to live until
The last breath she does take.
There is the love within her heart,
Such good memories to make.
She is the sunshine in my morning,
The star that’s in my sky,
And if I should ever lose her,
Then I would surely die.
She stands always at my side,
No matter what comes our way.
She comforts me with steadfast love
Each and every day.
She carries many burdens,
And her heart is sometimes broken
By all the thanks she never gets
And all the words unspoken.
I know her life is not her own.
I always seem so needy,
And asking her to do one more thing,
I feel so really greedy.
How can I ever thank her
For all she has done for me?
I can only give her all my heart
And love her to eternity.
I hope that when the end comes,
And she meets God face to face,
He will tell her that in Heaven
She has a special place.
«To My Wife» by Jerry Boettcher
On this day we said our vows.
Now is a time to say just how
Much I appreciate you.
God-crafted for me alone,
You’ve done so well to make our home
A place of nurture and love.
Smoothing out my obtuse corners,
You help to make our family warmer
To the people who surround us.
I love you as much as on day one,
Even though many years have gone
By in the blink of a moment.
I am so happy I have years more
To be with you and to adore…
«To My Wife, Chiholloli» by Danny Blackburn
I know not all the languages of this world.
I know not all the ways to tell you that I love you, girl.
I will express my love in words and by my deeds.
I promise to you forever, and I hope you see.
Your beauty is endless in my eyes, can’t you see?
For you are the only love for me.
I desire to hold and touch you through each night
And awaken to you each morning for the rest of my life.
Your honesty, love and friendship as my wife brings me the greatest of pleasure.
You are my love, my wife, my best friend and God’s greatest gift to me, you are my treasure.
As you have begun to see, life is moving fast,
And as we go through time mine is a love that will last.
As life moves on I promise to love you each day with a gentle touch,
To hold you, kiss you, caress you, care for you, for I love you so very, very much.
Your touch, your kiss and your words of love to me mean so much.
When we are apart I miss your love, your kiss and your touch so very, very much.
Your smile brightens my day, your touch warms my soul and your kiss rushes my heart.
My dearest Pammy I love you, I miss you and I long for you when we are apart.
How do I show you my love is yours, endless and true?
How do I show you that I cherish and honor you?
I will lift you to the stars above.
I will prove that my love for you is an endless love.
I know not all the ways to express my love of you and for you
I promise to show in every way that my love for you is true.
Chiholloli translated from Chickasaw is “I LOVE YOU.”
I pray to God that you know that is true
«To You» by Kenneth Koch
I love you as a sheriff searches for a walnut
That will solve a murder case unsolved for years
Because the murderer left it in the snow beside a window
Through which he saw her head, connecting with
Her shoulders by a neck, and laid a red
Roof in her heart. For this we live a thousand years;
For this we love, and we live because we love, we are not
Inside a bottle, thank goodness!
I love you as a Kid searches for a goat; I am crazier than shirttails
In the wind, when you’re near, a wind that blows from
The big blue sea, so shiny so deep and so unlike us;
I think I am bicycling across an Africa of green and white fields
Always, to be near you, even in my heart
When I’m awake, which swims, and also I believe that you
Are trustworthy as the sidewalk which leads me to
The place where I again think of you, a new
Harmony of thoughts!
I love you as the sunlight leads the prow
Of a ship which sails
From Hartford to Miami, and I love you
Best at dawn, when even before I am awake the sun
Receives me in the questions which you always pose.
«Valentine» by John Fuller
The things about you I appreciate
May seem indelicate:
I’d like to find you in the shower
And chase the soap for half an hour.
I’d like to have you in my power
And see your eyes dilate.
I’d like to have your back to scour
And other parts to lubricate.
Sometimes I feel it is my fate
To chase you screaming up a tower
Or make you cower
By asking you to differentiate
Nietzsche from Schopenhauer.
I’d like to successfully guess your weight
And win you at a féte.
I’d like to offer you a flower.
«Walk In My Shoes» by Steven P. Dawson
If you walked in my shoes for a day,
You’d know how I love you in such a way.
You’d share the aching of my heart
for every moment we spend apart.
You’d feel electricity when I touch your skin
and the warmth I receive from seeing you grin.
You’d see me tumble into your eyes,
how they brighten up the greyest skies.
You’d smell the sweetness of your aura,
radiating like fresh picked flora.
You’d hear how saying three simple words
is like hearing the sweetest song of birds.
If you walked in my shoes for the rest of your life,
you’d know that I’m thankful that you’re my wife.
«We Are Made One With What We Touch And See» by Oscar Wilde
And we two lovers shall not sit afar,
Critics of nature, but the joyous sea
Shall be our raiment, and the bearded star
Shoot arrows at our pleasure! We shall be
Part of the mighty universal whole,
And though all Aeons mix
And mingle with the Kosmic soul!
We shall be notes in the great symphony
Whose cadence circles through the rhythmic spheres,
And all the live world’s throbbing heart shall be
One without heart, the stealthy creeping years
Have lost their terrors now, we shall not die,
The universe itself shall be our immortality!
«We’re Good, I Promise» by Danny Blackburn
I have to remember that true love is strong and enduring,
But it is true, there are times when the strong need reassuring.
You write me and say, “Danny, everything is fine, please don’t worry.” I thank you.
I love you so, and I appreciate you taking that moment to tell me you love me too.
You write me and say, “We’re good, I promise.” I hope you know how much that means to me.
Our life together will be your pleasure. I will give you all my love, devotion, and attention, that you will see.
When we were young we took time for walks in the park.
Hand in hand, so happy together just walking in the dark.
We loved so pure, so honest and true.
I thanked God then as today for giving me you.
We loved life and each other, we promised our devotion forever.
We were so happy, so loving and always together.
We had not a lot of things or money back then,
But I had the best of life; my wife was my best friend.
We had love and we had each other; you were and are God’s gift and my treasure.
Then as today to just lie on the couch as you fall asleep in my arms is my pleasure.
It is the simple things that mean so much,
As simple as just feeling your touch.
Now all these years later I feel so in love with you.
I am a very blessed man, and God has blessed me; I know that is true.
Each day I awake and I realize what I want to do.
I want to spend each day of my life devoted to and loving you.
I want to have new adventures in life; you know that is true,
But I want to do nothing that does not include you.
We love today like never a day before,
Because each day I love you so much more.
You are so beautiful, more beautiful each day.
You beauty is more than it was yesterday.
You have matured from a beautiful young bride
To a beautiful mature woman with love and pride.
We no longer have youth on our side.
Our age is something that we much longer can’t hide.
My love for you has grown stronger through the years.
Your love gives me strength, so as we age I have no fears.
I love you, and I hope you know that you are my blessing, my wife.
I am devoted to loving you and caring for you for the rest of my life.
«Whenever I Am Away From You» by Christopher Poindexter
Whenever I am away from you,
The distance between us
A burdensome thing,
I always think of you in colors,
The smell of coffee as you so
Proudly make it for me,
The perfect sunlight spilling in through the window.
I miss you even when you are beside me.
I dream of your body even when you are sleeping in my arms.
The words I love you could never be enough.
I suppose we’ll have to invent new ones.
«Wild Nights – Wild Nights» by Emily Dickinson
Wild nights – Wild nights!
Were I with thee
Wild nights should be
Our luxury!
Futile – the winds –
To a Heart in port –
Done with the Compass –
Done with the Chart!
Rowing in Eden –
Ah – the Sea!
Might I but moor – tonight –
In thee!
«With The Thought Of You» by Tyler Knott Gregson
I would sleep with the thought of you,
With the silhouette of a single memory,
With the scent left hours after you’ve touched me.
I would lose myself in the folds of your dress,
The fabric of the shirt you wore
When you fell asleep leaned against my shoulder.
Paint me in the soft focus fog of your tenderness,
Pull me from myself.
«You, My Wife, My Treasure» by Danny Blackburn
I had walked through life with nothing until you; until you, I knew no pleasure.
And then one day God sent you to me; you, my wife, my treasure.
A gift from God, a gift so fine that you can never be measured.
A love so fine, so sweet, so kind; it’s you, my love; you, my wife, my treasure.
I promise to hug and kiss and hold you each day.
I promise a love with devotion that will never ever fade away.
I promise and swear to God above
To show you nothing but my pure love.
I will admire the blessing of your boundless love,
Because I know that you are a true gift from heaven above.
I will not hurt you with my frustrations.
I will hold you close and kiss you with loving admiration.
I will always appreciate your commitment to me.
Give me a chance, for can’t you see?
This is not a game of chance that we play.
It is true love that I swear is committed to stay.
You say that at times you are afraid.
This one I can find no rhyme so let me be clear:
I will…
Love you endlessly
Devote my life to making you happy
Admire you each day for the person you are
Take interest in the things that you like to do
Admire your beauty daily in awe and reflect it back to you
Be attentive to you and your needs
Be forgiving
Listen to you with never a harsh word in return (I swear it and pray for it in God’s name)
Show you by my actions that I love you
Be more open and fun to you, your family and friends
Never go to bed without you
Rub you, kiss you, bathe you, lift you up or whatever it takes when you are feeling down.
I will kiss you and love you all that I possibly can,
And don’t be embarrassed to be seen holding my hand.
I will treasure each day as if it were our last,
And at the end of your life you won’t regret me being your past.
You are the sunshine in my morning, and like a the bird, I will sing you a song.
I know that in this life when I am troubled, through God it’s you who keeps me strong.
You are the mother of my children and the air that gives me life,
My truest friend of all, my heart, my soul, my wife.
I love you very much; you are all that is good in this world.