
Heartache – anyone definitely knows this state. It’s hard to describe. After all, if we can feel physical pain in our bodies and point to its location, it’s harder to do with mental pain. Enjoy poems where talented authors describe this feeling.


«A Mother’s Cry» by Shirley J. Stankiewicz

Colors of dark grey and black fill the world in which I live
No other feeling could possibly be worse than this
Where once was a room filled with laughter and cheer
Now stands loneliness, emptiness, and despair.

Memories of you seem to creep around the corners of my mind
Endless haunting images of your face that won’t decline
An overwhelming of emotion that my body can’t contain
Fills my soul with unbearable grief, sorrow, and pain

Oh, how I long to hold you in my arms just once more
And tell you that things will be again, as they were before
But, as reality sinks in, I know that will never be
For the choices that I’ve made in my life have sealed our destiny

No one could ever fathom how wretchedly my heart aches
And how I greatly regret that you’ve had to pay for my mistakes
If I could go back in time, and change only one wrong that I’ve done
I’d go back to the hour, to the second, on the day I lost you.
My Son.


«After Great Pain, A Formal Feeling Comes» By Emily Dickinson

After great pain, a formal feeling comes–
The Nerves sit ceremonious, like Toombs–
The stiff Heart questions was it He, that bore,
And Yesterday, or Centuries before?

The Feet, mechanical, go round–
Of Ground, or Air, or Ought–
A Wooden way
Regardless grown,
A Quartz contentment, like a stone–

This is the Hour of Lead–
Remembered, if outlived,
As Freezing persons recollect the Snow–
First–Chill–then Stupor–then the letting go—


«As If We Never Were» by Cassandra Cordova

Sadness reaps in my shadows.
Its presence is in every corner.
I close my eyes to try to escape,
But all I see is you.
It hurts.
I hurt.
When I hold you, my heart is full.
Your lips against mine is a fairy tale.
Looking into your eyes loses me every time.
Those are the moments I wish could last forever.
Is there such a thing?
When we let go, I remain empty.
A kiss goodbye is me searching for hope.
After you I’m still alone.
Our only connection is what I hold on too.
I fall asleep waiting, and I wake up heartbroken.
I break a little more every time.
I’ve become blind to what is around me.
My doors have closed to those that matter.
I’m standing in the palm of your hand.
I need to let go.
I can’t.
I don’t want to.


«Because Of The War» By Nikki

I had a man long before the war,
Now I sit crying on the floor.

And yes, we still talk every day,
But the internet is not the best way.

The worst part about him being gone,
Is when I need to talk he isn’t on.

See, at night you hug and kiss your man,
I can only say goodnight through a webcam.

You complain you’re with your kids every day and that’s not fair,
My man can only see his kids grow through photo share.

While most of you count down ’til deer season,
I’m counting down ’til Iraqi freedom.

You hate when your man wakes you up,
My alarm goes off at 3 AM ’cause that’s when mine gets his lunch.

You say your man is always in your face,
Oh, how I long for that warm embrace.

When I go out I’m always alone,
God, I can’t wait for him to come home.

When he does come home it’s never for too long,
But that’s the price you pay when you’re army strong.

You say it can’t be that hard, you could do it with ease,
Go ahead and try, try to love an M.P.


«Broken Wings» by Kat S

Wings of wax will melt and fall apart,
But what if they are a true reflection of what’s in my heart?
Weak, easily discouraged, and without pride,
My escape to freedom denied
I can never spread my wings and fly.
I will never know the feeling of the sky,
For these broken wings keep me grounded
And trapped with the memories of how they once sounded.
They used to be so beautiful and proud,
But now they hang around me like a black shroud,
Reminding me of my once known glory
And how this is just another sad story.
These wings are torn and tattered, no longer able to carry me.
My heart, unable to dream of the possibility of being free
And my soul, now a deep black abyss
Waits silently for death’s blissful kiss.


«Daddy» by Allie

I cry so much now
I hate feeling so bad
Daddy, how could you
I hate being so mad

I trusted you, Daddy
Now look you made me cry
I hate you Daddy
Now I’m saying goodbye

Go on with your life
Like you’ve done for so long
I used to love you,
But what you did was wrong


«Darkness» by Brendan Michael Pagano-Staffaroni

I wish this world of darkness would come to an end.
I lost a girl, I lost a friend.
I’d give it all back if only I could.
I’ve said it a million times, I know I would.
I miss her more and more every day.
She’s gone, and my world is dark and grey.
My life is a cloud of endless rain.
I wish I could escape the endless pain.
What’s the point of living if she’s gone?
There is no sun, there is no dawn
In my endless world of darkness…


«Daughter Taken By Mother’s Lies» by Jason E Dix

Have you any clue
To the pain
You have put
Me through?
Pain so deep
Within me
That at night
When I finally
Close my eyes
To sleep
I can hear


«Disappear From Relationship» by Anonamos

Why won’t this pain disappear?
Why won’t it just end?
I try so hard to belong, just to fit in.
My mother and my father have no idea what’s wrong.
I’m tired of being the friend just so you don’t hurt.
You know how I feel and yet you won’t respond.
This is so unfair, when will it ever end?
Will it just build up until the end?
I love you so and want you to feel the same.
I’m sorry for coming into your life.
I think I should just disappear.
When you wake in the morning,
Beside your bed you will see a note
That contains it all,
And you know I’ll always be beside you in my heart, not wanting to flee.


«Falling Apart» by Ashley-Marie Krug

she wakes up every morning
to screaming and crying.
the tears are burning,
because of all the scratching.
she feels as if she is not needed anymore,
and is constantly punching the door.
her body hurts because of her broken heart,
of falling in love and then falling apart.
she wants him back,
but she thinks it won’t last.
only because it seems like he doesn’t want her anymore,
and now she wants to go through the floor.
you say you love her, but this is no way to prove it,
now the knife and her heart have met.
he played with her love like it was a game,
now it’ll never be the same!


«Forever Stagnant In Our Minds» by Rosanna

Like an apple that has fallen from our tree,
my soul is rotting and I’ve taken you down with me. 
Deep in the emotions of my misery
are the feelings that cannot ever seem to be set free.
You could say others have had it worse than me,
but until you take a few steps in the worn out path of my misery,
with the burdens I’ve carried, only then can you unravel my mystery.
If only to stumble on shards of glass,
only then to empathize the pain that I stash.
The scars are always there, never to vanish,
never to be repaired.
The physical pain may have vanquished,
but the emotional pain will always lay stagnant in our mind,
always to remind us of our broken home.
The pain we endured through our childhood
made permanent cracks in the building blocks of our foundation,
leaving the ones who’ve moved into our life
to mend the cracks with their love,
to suffer the sometimes bitterness that was left behind,
forever in our minds.


«Hang Up» by Kit Dulay

Hello. Hello? Hello…
How are you?
I missed your voice so much.
It’s been a long time
I miss our talk
Yeah… right, all the nonsense
Almost always, no meaning but wonderful
And I can’t help it

I tried several times to reach you
Longing to hear your voice once again
Wanting to hear promises.
Reminiscing the past
Plans for the future?
Often times, I was unsuccessful
It’s either you didn’t pick the call
Or someone else did
Quite frustrating, but I have no plans of giving up
I will still try… and will never stop.

And today, choking with loneliness
I dialed your number.
It rang… once… twice
Then I put it off.
The rats are racing in my chest
I told myself, I can’t
I paused, I can’t help it
I’m wondering once again
Who’s with you.
The answer, I don’t want to know.

I held the phone once more
Thinking… to dial or not to dial
My fingers decided quicker than my brain
It rang…You picked the call and answered.
Same soft, husky voice.
Soft hello
I’m so happy to hear you again.
Yes… I can hear you now
And I’m happy.
But then again,
I have to Hang up


«Hollow» by Brittany N. Rudd

I want to have feelings and be somebody.
My empty chest longs for the warmth of a heart,
To feel the rhythmic beatings.
All the butterflies have withered to dust,
And the knots have vanished.
Broken pieces echo off my rib cage.
It will take more than I’m sorry this time.

Silly me for believing I was the only one,
A lone daisy in your vast garden of roses.
I only wanted you to help me grow.
Instead you ripped my roots from the earth,
Pulling my petals, indecisive about love.
While ignoring my cries of agony and admiration,
You disemboweled me and I’m left bare.

I crave you in the worst ways.
I want to have you and feel your hands again,
To be touched deeper than the skin.
Feel my battered insides and remember who loved you.
Trace where the heart you stole once played a cadence
Every time you were near.
This godforsaken skeleton shivers under your caress.

The only thing I ever wanted was to be loved.
Now I’m alone without sensation.
Incapable of thoughts,
My mind is gone and I’m spinning.
I’ve become a robot with a plastic exterior,
A decoy of what used to be, before you shattered my heart,
A counterfeit smile plastered on my pale lips as I feel nothing.


«How Could You? » by Rebekah

I wish you had never said those hurtful things.
You made me love and trust you.
I’m in such a dark place these days
Because of you.
You gave me heaven, then took it away.
I’m so sick I don’t eat anymore
Because of what you said.
Every time I look in the mirror now
All I see is a fat, ugly, unhappy girl.
I keep trying to end it.
I don’t wanna live anymore.
You have made me feel dead,
Like I’m nothing.
How could you do this?
You promised you would never hurt me,
But out of everyone, you have hurt me the most.
I hope one day someone makes you feel like you have made me feel.
I wanna forget the way you used to look deep in my eyes when you told me you loved me,
Because now I know it was all a game to you.
Everything you ever said was a lie.
I would have done anything for you,
And you did nothing for me.



«Hurt By You» by Ashley Jeffery

Why did you have to go?
Why did you leave me in the dark all alone?
Why did you have to believe other people and not me?
Why didn’t we just talked about it?
Why did you have to walk out of my life,
Like I was nothing but another girl,
Like your other ex?
I was so good to you, and now you think of me like any other girl.
Why did you do this to me?
Why did you hurt me like you did to all your exes?
I though I meant the world to you.
Guess your are a liar and a jerk,
Just like all men.
Well, I am trying to forget you and everything we had, but it hurt like hell.


«Hurting» by Kayla Marie

Lying in bed, my eyes resisting to close.
Thoughts and anger I try to dispose.
Thoughts of you stain my mind.
So many questions with answers I cannot find.

Hurt and confused as to why.
You’d always say you love me, but that was a repetitive lie.
I gave you all my love, but it wasn’t enough.
Breaking my heart, you thought it made you tough.

I don’t know what it is that you gain
When you push me around and see me in pain.
Do you feel empowered? Do you feel strong?
What did I do to you that was so wrong?

You ripped and shattered my soul.
Now all that’s left of my heart is one giant hole.
Nothing but emptiness and darkness take its place.
My heart vanished without a trace.


«I Hate To Cry» by Elizabeth McCrorie

“I’m not scared of anything”
I wish my lie was true.
I don’t want help,
“I don’t need anything from you!”

I hate when I cry.
I hate when I’m scared.
My life is going by
I can’t feel anything, anywhere.

I’m sad and depressed
I’m weak an abused.
I’m told I’m bad.
I just don’t know what to do.

“I don’t want your help”
But I don’t want to cry.
“Leave me here”
“Just say good-bye!”

“So you’re gone….?”
“Good riddance” I say!
I guess I’m going to cry for
Just one more day!


«I Need My Friend Back» by April

Who are you?
Where is the guy that I once knew?
Where did my friend go
and when is he coming back?

I miss him like a drought
misses the rain
I need him as the lighting is running
through my brain
I want him to know I love him
with every beat of my heart

I need him here when I’m alone
in the dark
I need his hand to help me up
when I fall

I want him to touch me once again
and look within my eyes,
So I know he cares

I need his gentle and tender touch back
I need it to fulfill my day
But most of all I need my friend back
A friend who managed to make me smile
A friend that went away


«I’m Sorry Son» by Randall Pela

I’m sorry, Son, that I’ll never get the chance to see you.
I’m sorry, Son, I’ll never get the chance to be you.
I hold you close to my heart; I can’t stand that we are apart.
I always wanted you from the very start.
It seems the man I once believed in turned his back on me,
he took away my right to be happy and stole my dignity.
I’m sorry, Son, I’ll never get the chance to hold you.
I’m sorry, Son, I’ll never get the chance to scold you.
I’m sorry, Son, that I will never get the chance to be a good Dad,
a higher power has punished me and left me so sad.
The problems God has caused me makes me want to leave my wife
because I can’t provide her with a junior of me.
This pains me so much.
Sometimes I think a shotgun is the only way to end my misery!
I’ve been cursed by a higher power,
my life can never be complete,
my heart will always be missing every other beat.
I’m sorry, Son, I’ll never get the chance to hold you!
I’m sorry, Son, I’ll never get the chance to scold you.
I’m sorry, Son, I can’t be your Dad
I always wanted to be a good Dad,
and provide with the life that I couldn’t have.
I’m sorry, Son.
Please realize that if I could have you that I would.
I’ll always love you and you are always in my heart and with this we shall never be apart!


«Is It Worth The Pain? » by Caity

Saying you loved me, with that look in your eye.
I wish I could say it was a cold-hearted lie.
I know that you love me, I know that you care,
But the rage inside you slowly flared.
I admit I’ve made mistakes, overstepping the boundaries,
Which made me look fake.
I always said I would never do the things I did,
And I know that’s why it’s so hard for you to forgive.
So many times we’ve said that we’d try,
Just to turn around and make each other cry.
Remember how it was when we first started out?
We fell so hard, maybe fell in love too soon.
At one point you’d notice ONLY me in the room.
We both did things we can’t undo;
Now it seems our relationship is headed for doom,
And not that long ago, I was EVERYTHING to you.
Now you’re looking for other things to “do.”
I admit my mistakes, but can you admit yours?
I have paid for what I have done, as you’ve paid for yours.
So why is it like this? Why can’t we even talk?
You call me names and act like you don’t care,
All a while, our love for each other is still there.
I never meant to hurt you or cause you any pain,
I know neither of us want to go through this same old stuff again.
I owe you so much, and I have so much to prove to you,
But you continue to do things you wouldn’t want me to do.
We always have these tears to cry,
And are left with all these wondering questions of why?
Why can’t we get past the past? You think I expect too much too fast,
But don’t you want to become whole at last?
Why won’t you at least try to believe me, instead of pushing me further away?
I have these emotions, I wish you could see,
Sometimes I get really upset, ’cause I feel you don’t understand me
Will you ever love me like you USED to? Show me the love that I ONCE knew?
The love that we both grew,
When will you see? I’m starting to feel like I hardly know you anymore?
When can we go back to how it was before?
Will we still hurt if we heal? Or by that time, will we still feel?
My dream of US does not look like it’s coming true.
All I feel is sad and blue,
And I know you’re looking for other things to “do.”
You’re sick of me and want something new.


«Let It Rain» by Justin Raphael Lopez Gutierrez

Clouds of thunder, pouring rain,
The hurt I feel, the throbbing pain.
Droplets trickling down my face.
Shall rain give me this one embrace?

Drenched and cold, my biggest fears,
Not by the rain but by my tears.
When will this storm come to an end?
Embrace me rain, my only friend.


«Lies» by Kendra

You broke my heart in two
And took me like a bet.
With all you put me through,
I have so many regrets.

To lose you was worth it,
although I wasn’t sure.
It seemed to make me happy
but still so insecure.

We always said forever
we would take it to the end,
never give it up,
but this time my heart couldn’t mend.

It cut so deep into me.
I guess it hurt you too,
but when you did it, then you lied.
I had to say, “We’re through.”

I gave you all I had.
I tried to make it last,
but now all we have
are memories from the past.

So look me in the eye,
and tell me what you see.
A girl so broken inside
who’s been through misery.

And now I’m moving on
with the pain that kills inside,
but I’m starting to forget
by reminding myself how you lied!

I have somebody new,
someone to treat me right,
to talk to lovingly
and to hold me all night.

He’s there for me when I need him,
to give me love and support,
to hold me close and wipe away
all my signs of hurt.

To kiss me softly every night
and let me know he’s there
to call me just because,
just to tell me that he cares.

Now here I go again
falling so hard, so deep,
but this time it’s different.
This is one I want to keep!


«Living Again» by Tina Manning Harding

Running, running
far away.
Escaping dreams
of yesterday.
Faster, faster
there I go.
Forgetting things
you’ll never know.
Dying, dying
deep inside.
Find a place
for me to hide.
Catching, catching
up with me.
No more running
from reality.
Stopping, stopping
let me cry.
Finding a way
to say goodbye.


«Loneliness Over» by Paul Fisher

Daytime comes so slowly,
Slouching through the night.
My mind is torn and twisted,
Screaming for the light…
Of dawn in all its glory,
Its splendor and its song.
Why, even humble sparrows think
The night was far too long.


«Lost» by Sarah Boston

The darkness surrounds me.
It’s getting so cold.
I’m all alone
With no one to hold.

My world is so empty.
All that’s left is pain.
No sunshine to light my way,
Just never-ending rain.

I drown in tears.
My heart is crying.
No one seems to notice
My soul is dying.


«Lost» by Shelli

I thought it was a dream; I thought it wasn’t real,
But pain really hurts and it’s really how I feel.
Memories keep coming back, and so do all of the tears.
I hear your voice, and as quick as the smile came, it quickly disappears.
I don’t know what is happening, because you always held my hand.

You said you would never let go; that is what I don’t understand.
So many promises you made, and more of them broken.
Lost and confused, feels like I’m choking.
A lot of things I did not say;
Now I can’t find my way.

I feel like a boomerang; you throw me but not only that.
Every time you throw me, I always seem to come back.
Back to you, back to pain.
Nothing has changed, you’re still the same.

I cannot start over because I don’t know where to start.
I guess that is what happens when someone breaks your heart.
If we are supposed to follow our dreams, why can’t I follow you?
Because now I am so lost, I wish you were lost without me too.


«Love Gone Wrong» by Labrina

Sometimes I wonder how you do it.
How can you sit back and watch yourself hurt someone so bad and not feel any guilt?
You say things to me, about me, or behind me.
And you still look at me the same way.
With those eyes of green searching for the answers inside me.
You want to know everything.
You want to know how I feel
And if I am truly hurting inside.
You just have to ask
And I’ll tell you.
I’ll tell you that you were the first boy I ever loved.
You were the one who took my heart and locked it inside of yours.
You placed my fingers in between each of yours.
And in the end,
You took that heart and you shredded it to pieces.
You could have just ripped it in half.
Then it would be easier to put back together.
But instead,
You tore it.
Piece by piece, you shredded it,
And no one can fix it.
No one wants to.
Because they look at what you made me.
A girl with permanent tears painted on my face.
I am now just an empty void.
There is no desire to want to love again.
Because now there is only the fear of ruining
What I have tried so hard to build up.


«My Fears» by Samantha Medlin

Getting left behind
Not being loved
No one understanding
No one caring
Are my fears

I had a dream
I was lost
No one tried to
Find me
No one cared
No one listened
Or understood

Feeling left out
Feeling like no one
Feeling like no one
Can hear me
When I’m screaming
To be heard
Destructive behavior
I have

Wishing I could change
Wishing I could make it better
Wishing for another chance
Wishing for someone who
Will come and save me
From myself.

My fear’s
Not being heard
Being left behind
Not being understood
No one caring

How can I
make people

Disappear from
this world
Show people what
It’s like to
worry, misunderstand
not care.

my fears,
people laugh
people tease
people misjudge
people misunderstand
Behind my back,
they laugh,
so I can’t see
them. It hurts.

I hide this
in my heart
making sure
No one sees
my hurt,
Pretending to be
I’m not.

Trying so hard
to fit in
to cover the
scars, trying
so hard,
to be liked
by you.

My feelings
No regrets
Hoping no one
resents me.

After my dream
I wondered…
What am I leaving..
When I leave here?

The pain
I’ve caused the hurt
the disappointments
The worries

Hoping, now
people understand
people miss
people hear me
and others
Forgetting all,
all the pain, and hurt
I learned to hide
buried deep in
my heart. No way

My fears…are these..


«My Lonely Show» by Yvonne Houde

A little bit angry through the years,
A whole lot lonely through my tears.
A wonderful person the people said.
While I cry alone in bed.

Don’t worry, I’ll let you be,
Your secret is safe, alone with me.
My life is a lonely show,
I’ll never let anyone know.

The sorrow and pain and lonely tears,
have been safe with me all these years.
I am the person people phone,
when THEY feel all alone.

Don’t worry, your secret is mine,
I’m too embarrassed all the time.
You’re angry with me again,
I don’t know why, that’s insane!

If anyone knew I would curl up and die,
I let people think I am only shy.
You’re angry with me all the time…..
I don’t want anyone to know, so you are fine.


«My Sorrow’s Song» by Candace Nau

So here it goes,
My sorrow’s song.
A song that’s short
And not too long.
A silent pain you’ll never feel,
A broken heart that’ll never heal.
How do you kill a dying love?
One that you thought was sent from above.
One that brought so many lies and tears.
One that you swore would last through the years,
But now I lie here,
Broken in pain,
Clinging to life,
And whispering your name,
Now realizing you were never the one,
But now it’s too late, ‘cuz my song is done.


«Never Be True» by Shianne

You don’t mean what you say and don’t mean what you do
You don’t mean anything because it’s not true
You broke my fall and stole my heart
And already damaged, you let it fall apart
The tears I cry now fall with my misery
Once covered up, now for the world to see
Who I really am inside
For all to see rules to which I don’t abide
The circumstances in which reality shall fade
The unwanted feelings your lies have made
The shame when I realized you gained my trust
The truth fading as the dust
Slips through my fingers grain by grain
My heart’s not only torn but slain
As shards of glass fall from the sky
Tears of blood fall from my eye
Your words crawled across my skin
And I forget what I don’t believe in
My heart pounds as I lift my head
Dare to enter where no one has tread
And I looked deep into your eyes
Found the source of all your lies
And even though I know they’ll never be true
With all my heart, I’ll continue loving you


«Nobody Knows» by Azumi Zaima

Nobody knows it’s empty,
The smile that I wear.
The real one is left behind in the past
Because I left you there…

Nobody knows I am crying.
They won’t even see my tears.
When they think I am laughing,
I wish you were here…

Nobody knows it’s painful.
They think that I am strong.
They say it won’t kill me,
But I wonder if they are wrong…

Nobody knows I miss you.
They think I am all set free,
But I feel like I am bound with chains,
Trapped in the mystery…

Nobody knows I need you.
They think I can do it on my own,
But they don’t know I am crying
When I am all alone…


«Not Worth The Pain» by Ashley Brewer

If I could have stayed just a little longer, where would we be?
Every night I dream, and you’re part of my little scheme.
I miss you oh, so badly, and you don’t even care.
I am trying to move on, but my heart is still all torn apart.
How could you just leave me all alone in the dark?
Now it feels like my whole world is falling apart.
My friends says that you’re not worth the pain,
But my heart is still in vain.
I think about you 24/7, and I wonder if you are thinking of me too.
I doubt it, though.
You have no idea what you are putting me through.
I love you, and I know the love we once shared was true.
Every night you would call and you would make me laugh.
I miss holding hands and all the kisses we had,
And still you beg me for a hug every time it’s time to say goodbye.
You’re not worth the pain.
But yet I still love you.
Why can’t I get over you?
The sky was once blue; now you’re falling through.
You don’t call anymore, and I am only good to you when I’m around.
You were my first for a lot of things, and I want you to be my last.
I love you.
I’m sorry, but my heart is all in vain.
But you’re still not worth the pain


«On Pain» By Khalil Gibran

Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses
your understanding.

Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its
heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain.

And could you keep your heart in wonder at the
daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem
less wondrous than your joy;

And you would accept the seasons of your heart,
even as you have always accepted the seasons that
pass over your fields.

And you would watch with serenity through the
winters of your grief.

Much of your pain is self-chosen.

It is the bitter potion by which the physician within
you heals your sick self.

Therefore trust the physician, and drink his remedy
in silence and tranquillity:

For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by
the tender hand of the Unseen,

And the cup he brings, though it burn your lips, has
been fashioned of the clay which the Potter has
moistened with His own sacred tears.


«Or Is It Just Me? » by Sarah

We met at Wal-Mart
I needed formula
I had to ask him
I had no money
You should have seen it
The way he looked at me
Those eyes
Piercing me
My heart
It made me think about what was
What could have been
He can see through my front
He knows I still care
I still have love
In his eyes I could see
Somewhere behind that
Thug want to-be
He still cares
It hurt
It was the first time
The way he held him
Looked so right
It came to an end
We went our separate ways
It’s been a day
Was it really that simple
To just walk away
I’m not going to call or text
I’m done trying
If it was that simple
There’s nothing more
I can do
Or say


«Pain, Pain Go Away» by Kari Johnston

Pain, pain go away!
Please do not come back another day.
Tears falling down my face.
Oh, how I wish for his warm embrace.
Wonder if he cares about me.
Wonder if this is supposed to be.
How can he stand there and break my heart?
How did we allow us to grow so far apart?
My dreams of us being happy is not going to come true.
All I am feeling is down and blue.
Pain, pain go away.
Bring me back to another day
where he loved me and
we thought we were meant to be.
I will not stop loving you; that much is true,
but I will be stronger in time
and not feel so blue.
You will always be in my heart,
even when we are apart.
One day I will have that warm embrace,
and tears will stop flowing down my face.
Pain, pain go away.
Leave me alone and do not stay.


«Questioning Me» by Alexa

Why me?
I stumbled upon you through simple curiosity
In a field I was a child
There you stood, a monstrous ant pile
Unsuspecting, I got bitten
Pain behind every word I’ve written
Your poison got under my skin
And ever since, that’s where it’s been
It stayed and snuck into my fragile veins
What’s worse;
A week’s bruise or a year’s pain?


«Questions» by Raychel

I always have these tears to cry,
and I’m left with all these wondering questions of why?
Why can’t we seem to get over the past,
and come together and be a whole at last?
Why won’t you at least try to believe what I say,
instead of just pushing me away?
Why do I keep putting myself out there,
and you don’t even seem to care?
I have these emotions I wish you would see,
so I wouldn’t be left with the questions of,
“Will he or won’t he?”
Will he ever love me like he used to,
and give me the things I once knew?
Won’t he see,
I feel I don’t know him anymore,
and let himself go back to how he was before?
Will I still hurt when I heal,
or will he finally let me feel?


«Rain» by Brinnie

I sit and watch
as the rain falls
from a sky so dark and gray

Is this life
a crying sky?
If so,
not even I can fight.

I’m tired of hurting,
I’m tired of tears.
I’m tired of being alone
for all these years.

I want peace,
and I want love.
I want to break free
to fly above!


«Raindrops» by Dhana May C. Baysa

As I watched the raindrops fall,
I waited for his call
It was dark that night
that it was all darkness at my sight

Every time the night would come,
I always feel the same
the pain I kept inside
the tears I cried

the way I pretend
that I just care with my trends
the feelings that I can’t say
the problems on my way

because you hurt me so,
I will say goodbye
it’s for our sake
and for me not to be fake


«Reality Check» by Amorita Maharaj 

Married, we were
As young as 17
Lovers, we were
At least at heart

Home, we built
Of wood and concrete
Walls, we built
Of hatred and lust

Family, we became
With child after child
Strangers, we became
With lie after lie

Fighting, it began
For days on end
Hurting, it began
For love to end

Divorce, it is
God’s marriage had ceased
Reality, it is
God save us please


«She» by Kirstie Dorgan

She’s a girl and he’s a guy
why they’re together, I don’t know why
she is caring, loving, honest and true
he is mean, nasty, selfish and cruel

she takes the bulk of all the crap
wanting what they had
keeping on taking him back

he likes to keep her way down there
to build him up, he doesn’t care
she wonders how he can be so mean
she sees the side no one else has seen

he plays games with her state of mind
asks questions-answers
she finds so hard to find

makes her feel worthless and alone
lots of bad habits she thought he’d outgrown

nothing will change till she finally lets go
hard for a girl who can’t say no
to this guy who makes her feel so low

she’s got spirit, guts and life
why does she go through all of this strife?

she is a beautiful girl and he’s just a guy
everyday she wonders why…
she can’t let go-only she knows.


«Sitting» by Dana

Sitting in silence is the greatest virtue
Sitting in the dark is like no one cares enough to turn the light back on in your life
Sitting with the music blasting is like trying to drown out every problem you have
Sitting in the bathtub crying is like a suicide not yet planned
Sitting with all the lights on is like trying to forget the dark times
Sitting with the blade to your wrist seems like you were a failure
Sitting with the gun put to your head is like saying he broke my heart one too many times
But sitting next to you
Is like a hundred pieces of broken glass stabbing you in the heart
It’s hard not to forget how I loved you and how you hurt me
It’s hard to say you’re not mine anymore
But the hardest is getting through the day knowing I won’t get a call from you
But for some reason I still wait for your call
Sitting in silence is the greatest virtue
But sitting next to you is like glass


«Sometimes I Feel Like Crying» by Allissa Thornburg

But I have to be honest
I really just don’t know how

My heart aches
For yet another break

I lie alone
Silent but awake

Next to me you sleep
And I finally begin to weep

I am afraid you will hear
Because you seem so near

But distant you remain
And again I lie in pain

Sometimes I feel like crying…

But I have to be honest
I really just don’t know how.


«Tear Stained Cheeks and Bloodshot Eyes» by Sabrina

The angel lost her grace,
As mascara ran down her face.
She forgot love, remembered hate.
She no longer had her faith.

With tear stained cheeks,
Through bloodshot eyes,
She saw only pain and suffering.
Love, she couldn’t conquer.

As the blue sky faded to black,
Darkness filled her heart.
Her wings vanished from her back,
And her kindness fell apart.

Even with all her might,
Her dress still went black from white.
She was sent to save,
To help those who weren’t brave.

But as she looked around,
At the marks she left…
Tear stained cheeks,
And bloodshot eyes.


«Tears» by Margaret A. Collins

I saw my brother cry today.
He seemed five years old
It did not seem to me that he was six feet tall.
He lost a thing he treasured,
I saw it in his eyes.
To see my brother hurt,
It made me want to cry.
Love is not measured in how tall you are,
Or how far around your arms go.
When you hug someone that you love so.
But how much it hurts to let something you love go.
I want my brother to know that he
Is loved by all, especially me.
I saw my brother cry today.


«Tears» by Kumar Ankit

These are not tears…
They are the soul of my heart
and along with them bears
all my feelings and pain;
they are fearless,
they are courageous,
and unlike me,
they are bold enough;
They silently tell others
what I couldn’t dare
about my feelings
and also about
the few things
that were
left unsaid….


«Tears Of A Broken Heart» by Bianca Santamaria

I have given all my love to you, but what do I get in return?   
A broken heart.
I have given you my heart, and you stomp on it like a doormat.
I have given you my youth and you took advantage of my un-experienced heart and played with my emotions.
I gave you all the trust, but you misused it.
I gave you the benefit of the doubt, and you proved everyone right.
I gave you my life and you killed me day by day.
I want to pull my aching heart and tear it piece by piece so I no longer love you.
I want to lose my memory so I no longer think of  you.
I want to go so far so I no longer have to see you. 
I want to cry, but I no longer have any more tears to fall down
my sad, lonely face.
I want to sleep, but my dreams haunt me with you in them.
I can’t seem to find a way out. What do I do?
I don’t want anyone to see this, not even you.
How do I get out of this?
How do I stop this misery? How do solve this mystery?
I can’t seem to find anyone to make me feel the way you do,
The way you look at me,
The way you say my name,
The sound of your voice when you tell me that you care.
I love you so much I think I’m going to die from this pain that haunts day and night.
How can I forget you? If the only love I know is you.
How can I move on? If life is not the same without you.
I want to break free and move on, but I think I’ll be doing something wrong.
I just have to close my eyes and let things fly and let the days pass me by.


«Tears, Tears Go Away» by Stephany Manfull

Tears, tears go away.
Why must you come back almost every day?
You remind me of my pain.
You remind me of my past.
Why can’t you go away?
Just let this happiness last.

Tears, tears flowing so fast,
You’re telling the story of a child in the past.
She’s stuck with the memory of what has just happened,
Praying to God one day she won’t be broken.

The bruises, the scars,
The ones that will never heal.
She grew up thinking that’s how you need to feel.

This little girl,
Not sure about life,
Cut after cut
Then took her life.

Tears, tears come as she leaves this world
“So young, so happy” for all they know.
Beaten as a child,
Not loved all her life,
Backstabbing friends.

Oh wait that’s my life…


«That Star» by Sammie

I miss you so much
But I can still feel your touch
I prayed to you last night
As I hold on tight

I look up and I cry
A tear drops upon the floor
I look for more and more

Another star means another death
I miss you so much
I love your touch

It’s not the same without you
That’s so true
You should still be here
Holding on to me
I miss you so much you mean a lot to me…


«The Dead Reborn» by Sagar Yadav

There is nothing to live for in this world.
You tell me of love – I have seen it all .

Just like the water flowing in rivers
Comes and goes – love is that fever.
Love is that feeling which when reigns
Kills you silently, showing no signs,
Nothing to live for in this world.
You talk of love – I have seen it all.

I don’t know – why did I choose love?
There are thousand more ways to die in this world.
Nothing to live for in this world.
This is what my friend had told.

I had seen my friend after many days
Though I couldn’t recognize him – but his was a familiar face
We both were sitting in a beer bar
I drank two kegs so far
…Nothing to live for in this world
You talk of love – I have seen it all.

His heart – broken – which he could not bear
The world he was seeing – he had everything to fear
I was keeping quiet, listening carefully
Every bit of what he was saying

In my heart I was praying
Understanding the situation he was going through
Unfortunate. Very unfortunate, but unfortunately true

For once in life – I had been through the same
In his voice I could feel abyssal pain
Hearing it, as did mine – anyone’s eyes would rain.
He got up from his place and wiped my tears.
What a gentleman he was, I will remember for years.

We think the world is only that much as we have seen
We define life as through which we have been.
Look around the bar – there are so many happy people.
Love is to live for in this world,
And there are things more – let’s find them all.

He smiled. I smiled. We both smiled.
A lot of my time this bar had spoiled.
I had to go now – the door was at bar’s other end
I got up and turned my back towards my friend
Before I would start, something caught my mind
I turned to look again at my good friend.

Across the table, he was still smiling, looking towards my side
I recognized my friend in the bar at last
Who was that friend – in case you may ask…?

He was no one but me myself – a piece of my life from my past
I was reborn that very moment, and so I could smile
Love is to live for in this world
And there is much more – let’s find them all.


«The Hardest Thing I’ll Ever Do» by Leal Ashae Sargent

The hardest thing I’ll ever do
Is let go of you
And look forward instead of back at my past.
I wonder how long this broken heart will last.
I guess everything you ever said was a lie,
So I’m going to move forward, or at least I’m going to try.
How many times can a heart crack before it shatters?
Or does it even matter?
I’ve sat and cried over you way too much,
Just wishing one more time I could feel your touch.
But you don’t care, and neither should I.
So I’m going to move on, or at least I’m going to try


«The Heart» by Veronda Starling

My heart felt what is shouldn’t.
It gave when it couldn’t,
Believed in many things
When I wouldn’t.

It listened but never spoke.
It cared but always choked.
It shattered but continued to beat.
It loved but experienced defeat.

Laughter replaced the pain.
Hugs released all tears.

We wear our hearts on the sleeves of our shirts,
Highly aware of the caution it may get hurt.
One day the heart will no longer beat.
It will breathe its last breath….

Because it can only take so much.


«The Way In Which We Cry» by Arianna Villafane

Do we cry to heal ourselves?
Do we cry simply to shed a tear?
Is it because we just can?
Or because that certain person isn’t here?

Do we cry for the attention?
Or will we silence every sound?
With hopes of no due reflection,
Of the way in which our heart is bound?

From a tiny kitten,
To the calling of a bird,
Every creature has its cry,
With the hope to be heard.

So when we let out a raking sob,
With a hand cupped so closely to our cheek,
Is our desire to be heard,
Or to just let the pain slowly leak?

Is the point to cry out
For help and warmth and care?
Or is it our body finally breaking down
From so much more pain than it can bear?

Is it the sound of symphonies,
Or of pure pain in liquid form?
Is it truly up to us when we cry,
Or does it happen when we’re far too torn?

Is it really up to us?
Do we even have a choice?
We can try to hide it,
Or let it spill with its own voice.

But can we really decide?
Do we hold that power?
Or is it beyond our will,
When we let every tear shed in the shower?

Is it a form of healing?
Or just a sign of the weak?
Is it meant to help us,
Make a final leap?

So much could be said,
For the way in which we cry,
As it could be a simple way,
To motivate ourselves to forever try. 

But whatever the reason,
No matter the cause,
Let it fully heal you,
So you may never have eternal pause.


«The Worst Pain Known To Me» by Tanya E. Kent

The worst pain known to me
Is to be stuck on a love that never could be,
To love someone who’ll never be free.
The worst pain known to me.

My heart aches unfathomably
Knowing he too wishes it could be
Him and me forever with glee.
The worst pain known to me.

He has each and every quality
That I desire continuously.
I try to forget him persistently.
The worst pain known to me.

Living each day with monotony.
Smiling with false positivity,
Hoping that soon it’ll be history.
The worst pain known to me.


«Unconditionally Painfully In Love» by Jasmine S. Johnson

This pain is taking its toll,
But my love it never gets old.
The trials and defeated emotions
Keeping me sane with magical potions.
The heart that keeps my blood flowing,
That pain that keeps me down but going.
If the pain leaves and love stays,
How would life be for me?
Would I have a hole in my heart
Where hurt and pain used to be?
Is there a way out of this
Loving, painful misery?
Is there a way into this
Love that I have failed or neglected to receive?
Is this love?
Unconditionally loving you is
Bringing me pain,
But it keeps me sane because I have you.
Am I kidding myself?
Am I in denial that you love me back?
Am I just a dream away from reality?
Am I making believe that I love you?
I think not…
But pain keeps me going.
My heart keeps my blood flowing.
You keep my life glowing.
Jesus keeps me believing.
My calmness is showing,
But my happiness is hiding
From pain and love.
I unconditionally, painfully love you.


«Unhappy» by Monica

I want to love again,
but my heart will not obey.
I want to be happy,
but depression always occurs.
I want to stop crying,
but my tears keep falling.
I want to smile,
but a frown always appear on my face


«Wanting To Feel Something» by Joyce Alcantara

Have you ever held in pain to the point where it seemed like you didn’t care?
You could’ve sworn you were crying,
But when you went to wipe tears away there was nothing there?
Going through life empty,
Just letting the world pass you by.
Numb to any feelings,
Just wishing you could die.
See I feel like this daily.
So lost I don’t know what to feel.
When in fact I do feel pain, I can’t believe that it’s real.
So as I lay my head down tonight,
I close my eyes and pray.
I pray that God will give me guidance and to maybe feel some day.


«Warm Embrace» by Kari Johnston

How I yearn for his warm embrace
Tears fall down my face
Can you see in my eyes
How much I hate our goodbyes
I think about you all the time
I know in the end we will be just fine.
Touch me..Love with me
the way we are supposed to be
I’ve always wanted to be with you
and do the things that lovers do
Tell me you want to be with me
and that we were meant to be
Precious pain go away
Please don’t come back another day
Dreaming of you
is all I do
This fire I feel…sparks…heat …exotic…burning inside
My feelings for you I cannot hide
wishing..hoping….yearning..wanting..needing you near
Oh God, can you tell how much I want you, dear
I can’t pretend anymore
It’s you…whom I adore
It’s you whom I’ve been longing for
I just want to give you my love…my heart
and I never want us to be apart
In the moonlight I wish on the stars that you were here
instead of being there.
One day I will feel your warm embrace
and no more tears will fall down from my face.


«Water Droplets» by Brooke

So much depends upon the little water droplets
falling from your big brown eyes
about to run down your rosy red cheeks
Coming from somewhere lying deep down inside your heart
Yet in the end all they are and will ever be
are little water droplets
running down your rosy red cheeks


«What’s Known Today, Yet Lost Yesterday» by Hannah Smith

Hurt, lies, darkness
Truth becomes nothing
Lies become everything
Hurt is the only feeling you know
Darkness becomes your new best friend
Smiles fade
Tears remain
No happiness left
Sorrow and hatred swarming all around
Hearts once whole
Become a million sharp pieces scattered about
What to do
What to say
Words can’t make sounds
Silence throughout the day
Silence throughout the night
What used to be
Is now nothing but a vivid memory of days passed
Trying to remember is a waste
But so is moving from your place
Paralyzed yet so much feeling
Hard to continue walking but it must be done
Black and white, no color
Life has become a nightmare
Hard to escape
Hurt, lies, darkness
Is the life you know today


«When You Know The End Is Near» by Ronnie Catron

It is hard to imagine life without you in it.
The dreams that we shared are now just painful things.
When you realize that no matter what you do,
No matter what you try,
The end is here.

The nights are not the same,
And the days are long.
When I think about all the good times we shared,
It is hard to imagine not being there with you in the end.

Maybe someday I will let go of it all,
Think about something else for a change.
Right now all I think about is you.

I have lost my best friend,
The person I want to share everything with.
You have been the person I turn to in a time of need.
Now I must do it on my own.

The love I have for you is one that will never end.
It is something I believed and trusted in.
No matter what happens between us,
No matter how much time passes between us,
Please remember that I will love you ’til the end


«Whoa To Christmas» by Phil Mullins

Whoa to Christmas
Can’t you see
There won’t be any presents
under our Christmas tree
Money is tight, Can’t get a grip
to many bills and taxes
What a rip
My job will end
Forced to retire soon
hell on the baby boom
Got to be 60 to retire from the Guard
Years of service,
Have to wait to collect
They make it hard
Can’t pay bills, Money is tight
Something in this picture
ain’t right
Grandkids will ask
Where’s my presents.
They won’t understand, We don’t have Cents
Forget a bill, Sell a chair
Presents he will have
It’s time to share
Turn in pop cans, buy a gift,
Ariel and Dallas will be happy
My emotions shift
From smiles to tears
I start to cry
We need help
we’re way behind
Taxes and rent
Bills and food
What can I say,
I cry every day


«Why Doesn’t He Love Me Back» by Jaleesah

Heart pounding
To those light brown eyes,

Racing to the beat of the drums,
In my imagination.

Warm feelings rising for him,
Butterflies and knots in my stomach.

My eyes meet his,
Our hands touch,
Then our lips,
We are no longer on earth.

Two hearts, one love,
I put my heart all out.
Only he knows what to do with it,
Take it and love it,

Lovebirds we’ll become,
Love has to come first,
Dreaming that soon lovers we’ll be,

I’m awake now,
It was just a dream,
Dreaming about the love I have for him,
The love he doesn’t have for me


«Wishes Don’t Come True» by Kathleen G. Mcneeley

I wish there were words to express how I feel,
But no words I see will do.
No words exist to convey my pain
Or the love I feel for you.

The love that stings like a bee
And makes me swell with pain.
I wish you loved me like honey,
Sweet and thick and sticky,
But that love for me no longer exists,
So I must care for the wound it left.

I wish you cared about me
The way you do our kids,
Loving them for who they are,
Not scowling at them from afar.

I wish you loved me like I love you,
With every inch and mile.
I fall apart every day.
Never at me do you smile.

I wish I made you happy.
I try to every day,
But I can’t seem to make you love me anymore.
I cry myself to sleep.
Every day I fail.
Every day I weep.

I wish a lot of thing these days,
But what is there to do?
Life isn’t a dream or fairytale.
Wishes don’t come true.


«Wondering Why Am I Here» by Raymond Martineau

I lay in bed alone at night and wonder why I’m here.
I do so much for everyone.
Why don’t they show they care?
I met this girl who said she loved me,
something I haven’t heard in so long.
She used me for my money;
what a ride she took me on.
There is so much hurt I feel, so much anger trapped inside.
Sometimes I wish my dad were here, but to me he’s not alive.
I have no one to talk to.
These drugs seem to be the only way.
Turns out it’s a lie just like the smile I put on each and every day.
I know outside I’m smiling; it’s the face I fake for you,
But inside my soul is crying and there is nothing I can do.
I know my family loves me.
I’m there when their decisions are poor.
I’m sick of feeling like this walked on rug thrown upon the floor.
I lay in bed and wonder what the hell I’m doing here.
Can I wake up from this dream?
Can I please just disappear?


«You «Said»» by Kaitlin Camp

You said you loved me,
You said you cared,
But you cannot see
All this pain that I have endured.

I feel as if you’re lying
And cannot stop my crying.
What did I do to deserve all this pain,
all this pain that I cannot sustain…

You say you’ve change,
But all you’re referring to
Is that thing in your pants
That you cannot contain.

You call yourself a “player,”
You call yourself a “beast,”
But all I see standing in front of me
Is a lying, cheating thief.

You stole my heart,
You took my pride
And threw it all back in my face
With no surprise.

Now I see that you never loved me…
And that you’ve always loved her..
Now I see..
As these painful tears stream down my face,
That I was never in your heart…
You never loved me…


«You Have Shattered Every Memory Of Us» by Jordan Byrnehouser

You have drowned every emotion of us,
Held it under water until it could no longer breathe.
You have shattered every memory of us,
Like glass, touching it I risk hurting every time.
You have burned any future of us,
Only left ashes of what could have been.
We could have been great together.
We could have made it.


«You Will Regret» by Shahinaz Soliman 

You will regret
That you made me cry,
That you didn’t see your love in my eye,
That you failed my heart and didn’t even try.
You will regret, and soon you will know why…

You will regret and miss my smile
When I will be away from you a hundred or a thousand miles.
You think I am not your candidate now and not your style
You will miss my soul, my laughter; it won’t take you a while…

You will regret…believe me…I don’t want you to.
I love you, and regrets are something that I don’t wish for you
You said that I was your soul mate,
Explained our love was our great fate.
A day later I was left on the side.
All your love and care did subside.
Sorry, I didn’t know how to play your game.
To my innocence and good heart you can only blame…

You will regret that you had me one day.
You will see my picture and wonder how you didn’t stay.
You will regret that you can’t touch me anymore.
You will regret that you never truly opened your heart’s door.
You will regret me forever.
You will never see me again, never.
You will regret me today and tomorrow…
Hope you can live well with your sorrow.
Goodbye now, I have to go my way,
Goodbye now is all I have to say…


«Your Path, My Heartbreak» by Chantal Vincent

You are blinded by shame
For all you have done
It hurts me so bad
That I was never number one.

I understand your pain
Or at least say that I do.
But really, inside,
I am just as lost as you.

You understand my pain
Or at least you claim that you do.
But how can you understand something
That you have never been through.

I try to accept your reasoning
Though my heart breaks in half
I know who is more important
You chose the right path

Still I can’t grasp this concept
Of you being gone
My feelings never die
I know this is wrong.

I say that I’d do anything for you
That’s a promise I can no longer make
Loving you is inevitable
It’s something that I can’t fake.


«Your Relationship Is Broken» by Lynn

In the midst of a sentence I felt it!
It hit me, a gut feeling things weren’t quite right.
The love I had come to know had changed.
It faded as if slowly dying.
I ask myself what is this, why is it happening to us?
We were perfect, compatible, uniquely in love with our life.
Something was changing.
It had all changed.
Everything was different.
I looked on the floor, and in front of me lays a million little pieces, covered in memories.
My heart ripped from my chest.
It lays on the ground in a million pieces.
My life was shattered.
What do I do with these pieces,
How do I pick them all up?
I dropped to my knees and picked them up, one by one, piece by piece.
I was taking the first step in getting my life back.
I realized the person I still loved with all my heart was symbolized in all the tiny pieces.
I sat down and put them all back together again.
I had the answer.

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