
Sister is the dearest person, whom you can confide in her all your innermost secrets, reveal touching secrets, share impressions, discuss new acquaintances… no matter if she is older or younger if you live in the same town or meet only on holidays because you have a close person on this planet, who will be with you until the end and will support in any situation. So why not dedicate a poem to your sister? Undoubtedly, she will be very pleased with such a pleasant surprise!


«About That Little Girl That Beat Her Sister» by Ann Taylor

Go, go, my naughty girl, and kiss
Your little sister dear;
I must not have such things as this,
And noisy quarrels here.

What! little children scratch and fight,
That ought to be so mild;
Oh! Mary, it’s a shocking sight
To see an angry child.

I can’t imagine, for my part,
The reason for your folly;
She did not do you any hurt
By playing with your dolly.

See, see, the little tears that run
Fast from her watery eye:
Come, my sweet innocent, have done,
‘Twill do no good to cry.

Go, Mary, wipe her tears away,
And make it up with kisses:
And never turn a pretty play
To such a pet as this is.


«Always In My Heart» by Tiffany Van Epps

It pains me to see you leave,
But I never forget what I’ve learned through the years we’ve gone through.

It hurts me to know,
After a while you’ll confide in someone else, not me.

I’ll always be there for you,
Even after the end.
I’ll always stay true to our bond as one and won’t ever let go.

You are my sister,
And my very best friend of all time,
It’s so true.
We’ll be that way even after the end has come for us.

You are a part of me,
And never will you ever leave my heart.
All the times we’ve shared,
Even when we didn’t really care at all.

Don’t let anyone take my place,
They’ll never face or change our times together.

The laughs,
The tears,
The fears,
They have built up through the years.

I’ll never let us part,
Because you’ll always have a special place in my heart.


«Always There» by Rachel S. Lengefeld

I’ll always be here through thick and thin.
You can come to me, I’ll listen.
I’m your friend, I won’t push you away.
When you need a hug, my arms are wide open.
When you need to talk, I have an open ear.
You’re growing up and getting older.
Know that I’m always here, I’m not going anywhere.
Wherever you are, I’m there with you.
You’re in my heart and my prayers.
Just know I’m here, because I truly care.
You’re my sister, you mean so much.
Don’t want to see you hurt or cry.
I’ll wipe the tears, I’ll get rid of your fears.
Want to see you grow up and achieve.
Just believe, have faith,
You can do anything.
You’re beautiful inside and out.
You’re smart and very talented.
You’re many things, but most of all, you’re my sister.
I believe in you, and know that I’ll never stop loving you.


«Big Sis, I Love You» by Ranja Kujala

My dear Big Sis, you are the greatest there is
And amazing in every way.
I greatly admire and look up to you
Each and every day.

You are always showing how much you care,
From your heart that is filled with love.
You are a beautiful angel,
Sent from the heavens above.

I am the luckiest sis in the world
To have grown up next to you.
We played and laughed and had fun together,
A great bond that has always stayed true.

Big Sis, you are always in my heart and thoughts,
And I am always sending you a hug and kiss.
You are my world, and I love you so much.
Always and forever…your Lil’ Sis.


«Brother And Sister» by Lewis Caroll

“SISTER, sister, go to bed!
Go and rest your weary head.”
Thus the prudent brother said.

“Do you want a battered hide,
Or scratches to your face applied?”
Thus his sister calm replied.

“Sister, do not raise my wrath.
I’d make you into mutton broth
As easily as kill a moth”

The sister raised her beaming eye
And looked on him indignantly
And sternly answered, “Only try!”

Off to the cook he quickly ran.
“Dear Cook, please lend a frying-pan
To me as quickly as you can.”

And wherefore should I lend it you?”
“The reason, Cook, is plain to view.
I wish to make an Irish stew.”

“What meat is in that stew to go?”
“My sister’ll be the contents!”
“You’ll lend the pan to me, Cook?”
Moral: Never stew your sister.


«Chrystal Tears» by Chadwick W. Wallace

A child made of sunshine, eyes as blue as sky.
Long silken hair wet from the tears of an unheard cry.
Moonlight shines down upon her face as her soft gaze whispers pain.
All her prayers to a God unseen she fears are all in vain.

She cries like a child in a Godlike embrace,
Tears spill from her eyes as they stream down her face.
I close my eyes, as I hear inside
The song of my sister’s cries.

Sun shines into my soul of flames,
I imbibe it when I get it, but from her it’s not the same.
She runs through my field of dreams, all of which I hope she never has to see.
She’s there when I close my eyes, every second away from her is another tear I cry.

Something warm grows inside her, joy I yearn to see,
Unsung songs of a new dreamer, hymns of the angel young.
Sun shines on her like the smile of a God in liquid blue.

She cries like a child in a Godlike embrace,
Tears spill from her eyes as they stream down her face
I close my eyes as I hear inside
The song of my sister’s cries.

For my sister, Chrystal,
The brightest star in my constantly dark sky.
I love you, and may all your hopes and dreams come true. Good Luck.


«Eyes That Shine» by Lucy M. Giles

My sister’s eyes are deep and calm, like an ocean.
They never rest, and they are always in motion.
They comfort me in times of need and fill me with love.
My sister’s eyes are beautiful and shine like the sun.

They are blue, blue, blue with a hint of green,
And when you look inside them, you can see the sea.
Her eyes have an adventurous flame in them that she cannot hide.
They are wild and crazy but filled with compassion inside.

Her eyes are as wide as can be.
They have a slight breeze in them, just like the trees.
I love my sister and her eyes, which give me faith.
Because of her and her loving eyes, I have strength.


«For My Beloved Sister» by Shashi Dhar Kumar

Someone who will understand
Who knows the way I feel
In every situation
Her concern is very real…

Someone who has touched my heart
Who knows my every need
Times when she would see me cry
Her heart would nearly bleed…

Everyone should have a sister
Just the way I do
Even though your far away
Richly blessed is what I am
To have a sister like you…


«For You…Hollie» by AnneMarie Stewart

I could wrack my brain a lifetime Holl
To find words that tell you best
On how deep my love is for my sister
And how it will always stand the test
I look at you and see myself too many years ago
You make me smile, worry and cry with pride
And it’s impossible to let that go
You’ll never lose your place with me
Your always in my heart
I’ll always fight your corner fierce
Even 200 miles apart
Stand tall.  Be proud.  Take your time
Try hard.  Give all and care
I couldn’t love you any more
Ask me once and I’ll always be there.

Forever.  AnneMarie


«God Gave Me You, Sister» by Antoinette McDonald

God brought us together as sisters
So we can share all our hopes and dreams,
To share our laughter and our tears.
Sometimes to get mad and even fight,
To hold each other up when we are down.
Together the bond we have will remain strong.

There were so many times I hated you,
But now it is only you I can trust.
I’ll be here for you no matter what.
You’ll always be in my heart.
I am glad that you are of my blood.
Don’t know what I’d do without you in my life.

If you need a shoulder to cry on, I’ll be here.
I am here when you are sad and lonely
Or when you’re in pain.
Glad I can help you when you’re feeling gray.
I’m thankful to you that you’re my sister.
I can honestly say I’m grateful to God for giving me a sister like YOU!


«I Love You Sis» by Dallas Bellospirito

I love you.
You always say I hate you.
you always say I can’t stand you.
You were never there for me.
I was always there for you.
If I had a sister who loved me,
I don’t know.
It hurt too much when…,
you say those words.
Those words are pain,
stabbing my heart.
I cry and scream inside,
hoping she’ll love me.
If only she knew how much
I loved her.
I’d give my life for her.
I will always love her,
no matter what happens.
But it just hurts so much
to hear those words,
when you love that person so much.
If only… I didn’t love her so much,
maybe… maybe the pain would stop.
Hopefully one day,
I will hear the good words in return:
I Love You Too


«Kings» by Stephanie J. Vargas

An opponent, a teammate, a fan in the stands.
As time presses on, those loathsome grains of sand.
Like looking in a personality mirror, I reflect you, you reflect me.

It’s as if we take turns, one like the blossom, all attractive and bright-
The other, wise and nourishing as the leaf, carrying liquid in its veins, –
A vessel whose purpose it is to supply life to the glorious petals.

I’ve given you my trust; you’ve lent me yours.
I’ve vilified you; I’ve placed you on a pedestal.
I’ve seen with my eyes, deep sorrow in yours.
I’ve ached for your pain-
And cursed with deep conviction at the tragedy you were forced to know.

You’ve listened to me spew disgust at the world-
Disappointment in myself and in lovers.
You watched me relive the painful past-
Without judgment, interruption or sigh.

You love me. I love you. Since the day we met, I knew this.
Giggles to battles. Love to hate and to love once more.
A yielding to what time has revealed,-
Like the new, black pavement turned gray-
We have become what we were meant to be…

Without conditions, barriers or bars.
I don’t think twice
About all I am blessed with,
About who determined this.
I know you were ordained by God-
To be to me the greatest of gifts.


«Letting You Go» by Ivanna M. Torres

I know I have to face the day
when my mornings will not be as sweet,
when I’ll wake up and feel
like something is missing and nothing is there,
when you will be waking up next to someone else
who isn’t me.
Every day I fear this morning is getting closer.

Every night I fall asleep,
I sleep in hopes of dreaming
that everything would be like it was before,
but I can’t get that chance
because reality will not leave me alone.

I will always have to confess one thing:
nothing scares me more than losing the person
I have always had by my side.
At night I’ll feel so alone and lost without you,
and maybe you’ll be lonesome too

I know I’m being selfish
for wanting something I can’t have forever,
but I will always feel in my heart and in my soul
that you belong to me,
no matter the distance, no matter the place, no matter the time.

My mornings are getting colder,
my nights are getting restless.
I will never stop thinking about the day I’ll have to say it,
the day I’ll have to say goodbye.

That day is getting closer,
the day I’ve been wishing never to come,
the day of your departure.
I’ll watch helplessly as you turn around to leave.
A part of me will die the day I’ll let you go.


«Little Sister» by Kayla Ulbrich

You’ve changed my life completely
the day that you were born.
Never knew how wonderful it would be,
to explore motherhood.
But since I got the chance to
I have to confess and say,
that I was so scared to hold you
always thought that you would break
cause you were so tiny an fragile
there was no thinking twice
but as time went on
you got bigger every moment
and the next thing I knew
is you were trying to crawl and walk
there were times when you’d fall and cry
but I would dry them tears
and you would get right back up and try again
Just thinking and looking back at the past
I’ve figured out
that seeing you and those cute little faces you make
is what gets me through each day
I’m so happy your here little sis
I love you very much
and nothing will ever change that.


«My Beloved Sister» by Joseph T. Renaldi

Today, while I sit in my rocking chair to rest
Reminiscing the time that I loved the best,
In my vision I can once more see,
My beloved sister and brothers and even me.

The time of happiness that only our family knows,
Before the impending moment that maturity grows.
I am just reminiscing – they have gone their own way now.
Since then – my black hair has turned gray above the brow.

The house is still there – no noise anymore,
No one to pick on, no wrestling on the floor,
No heavy footsteps, no laughter or glee,
My beloved sister’s voice no longer calling me.

Many years of our life were spent apart,
My sister and brothers to new nests did part.
Something went amiss one sad day
When my beloved sister left to go far away.

I may have some pleasures and leisure from care,
But willingly, some of my possessions I’d gladly share
If only my beloved sister I could hold near,
For one cherishing moment of that long ago year.


«My Best Friend, My Sister» by Elacia Westbrooks

Before you were born
Sixteen years ago
I found something out
I would never know

You would be the one
who kept me sane
and the best things in my life
you are to blame

Through good, bad
happy and sad
you are the best friend
I never had

I was here
you were there
running around the house
with trouble to share

Growing up
Mama called us partners in crime
’cause when we were together
doing wrong
we both did time

Now sixteen years later
we are now far apart
two different states but you’re still in my heart
to my best friend, Renytha
I’m glad you’re my “sistah”!


«My Dearest Sister» by Aimee Tran

Sister, you are a guardian angel in disguise.
You are perceptive, intelligent, and wise,
Always helping me through good and bad.
You are also the greatest friend I’ve ever had.
If I could have one wish, it would be
To give you all that you have given to me.
Though I’ve put our relationship through some hazy days,
You’ve been the sunlight that has shone in so many ways.
Through my ups and downs, right by me you stood,
And you gave me your hand whenever you could.
Though I am sure my mistakes will not end here,
You’re always there to keep me away from my fears.
I don’t doubt some of your headaches are from me.
With all the times you lecture and tease,
I stand there upset and displeased.
Though I tell you I can’t stand you,
You come back with, “That’s not true.”
We’ve had our fights,
Which lead to sleepless nights,
But in the end, I thank you so much.
My appreciation for you has no end.
You will always be my sister and my friend.

Happy Birthday, Sister!


«My Favorite Sister» by Robin S. Holtgrefe

We’ve shared laughter
We’ve shared tears
Loves lost, love found
Though it all we’ve stayed together
From heartbreaks, to soul mates
From life’s hardships, to life’s happiness
Our stupid fights
Our silly nights
We’ve been there and done it
We’ve seen life end and life begin
And the joy I felt when you had your first kid
Can never be replaced
Now you’re gone
We don’t share each other’s time
But you’re still with me every day and night
No matter how far you are
You will always be
My favorite sister


«My Role Model» by Sarah Hroszowy

My role model
Is beautiful in body and soul,
Is intellectual, but fun
Will let me call and leave silly messages on the answering machine
(like singing Happy Birthday to myself)

Holds family close to her heart no matter what
Takes pride in her accomplishments
(such as learning how to cook, learning Italian,
building a dream house
AND decorating it beautifully)

Knows it’s ok to cry in front of others
Is always there to listen, give guidance, and a hug
Has a contagious laugh, a continuous smile
And enough pep to scare cheerleaders

She has learned not to sweat the small nuances life thrown at us
Keeps the faith
But most of all
Is wholehearted in her love

My role model, my sister


«My Sister» by Jennifer D. Brock

What you mean to me
Is more than I can express.
You see, I had no sister when I was little
To call when I was in distress.

When we first met,
We had no clue.
What was getting ready to happen
Was not completely out of the blue.

God had a plan
Throughout all the years.
He was making us for each other
To share life’s smiles and tears.

I never could have imagined
What a sister’s love was about
Until I met you,
And then I really found out.

A sister’s love is unconditional.
It’s a love that has no end.
A sister’s love wants the best for each other.
It’s a love that will always defend.

Sometimes we may get mad,
Or we may begin to fight,
But that’s the fun part about having a sister.
We both think we’re always right!

I’m so glad that I did not have
A sister in the past.
It’s made me much more thankful
For the sister I have at last.


«My Sister, My Best Friend» by Gillian McKay

They share a special bond that is impossible to describe.
It can only be felt and understood by the sisters who share it.
They go through life together as a team, helping and supporting each other
Through whatever this world has destined for them.
They will never give up on each other,
For giving up on your sister means giving up on yourself.
They smile together, laugh together,
Lie for each other, lie to each other and cry together.
Your sister is the one person you can confide your whole self to, the one person who understands.
She is the person who will stand by your side until the very end.
She has and always will be there for you during all the times in your life,
Whether they be happy or sad.
A sister is someone who knows you better than you know yourself.
She is someone you can’t imagine your life without,
And just the thought of it makes you want to cry.
She is someone who knows you’re not okay, even when you say you are.
Your sister is and always will be your very best friend.


«My Sister, My Friend» by Leann Stiegman

To me, you are an angel in disguise.
Full of intuition, you are intelligent and wise.
Always giving and helping through good times and bad.
You are the best friend I’ve ever had.

If I had one wish, it would surely be
To give you as much as you’ve given to me.
Though I’ve put our relationship through some cloudy days,
You’ve been my sunshine in so many ways.

Through trials and tests, right by me you stood,
And you gave me your hand whenever you could.
Thank you so much, my sister, my friend.
My gratitude for you has no end.


«Night Is My Sister» by Edna St. Vincent Millay

Night is my sister, and how deep in love,

How drowned in love and weedily washed ashore,

There to be fretted by the drag and shove

At the tide’s edge, I lie—these things and more:

Whose arm alone between me and the sand,

Whose voice alone, whose pitiful breath brought near,

Could thaw these nostrils and unlock this hand,

She could advise you, should you care to hear.

Small chance, however, in a storm so black,

A man will leave his friendly fire and snug

For a drowned woman’s sake, and bring her back

To drip and scatter shells upon the rug.

No one but Night, with tears on her dark face,

Watches beside me in this windy place


«One Plus One Equals Two» by Debbie A. Burrous

One plus one equals two, you see,
But somehow it’s different with you and me.

When we’re together, we share one mind.
A happier pair you’ll never find.

I’m only complete when you are near.
To lose you someday is my biggest fear.

You know my dreams and my every thought.
No stronger bond could ever be sought.

We have a lot in common, it’s true,
But who’d have thought, who ever knew?

Twins we’re not, so it’s not ESP,
But I’m not complete unless you’re with me.

More than friends, I can’t explain it all.
With you as my sister, I feel 10 feet tall.

As sisters and friends, we’re quite a pair.
One soul, one mind is what we share.

You make my world a better place.
I live each day to see your face.

It takes two halves to make a whole.
My heart and yours, we make one soul.


«One Sister Have I In Our House» by Emily Dickinson

One Sister have I in our house,
And one, a hedge away.
There’s only one recorded,
But both belong to me.

One came the road that I came —
And wore my last year’s gown —
The other, as a bird her nest,
Builded our hearts among.

She did not sing as we did —
It was a different tune —
Herself to her a music
As Bumble bee of June.

Today is far from Childhood —
But up and down the hills
I held her hand the tighter —
Which shortened all the miles —

And still her hum
The years among,
Deceives the Butterfly;
Still in her Eye
The Violets lie
Mouldered this many May.

I spilt the dew —
But took the morn —
I chose this single star
From out the wide night’s numbers —
Sue – forevermore!


«She Is Mine» by Kara N. Deigert

She walks around with confidence
A little girl, she is only nine
People ask, Is she your sister?
And I reply proudly, Yes, she is mine.

At one time, there was an uncertain birth
Which came the youngest sister of mine
Would she die or live?
We would only know in time

So little hair, yet so blonde
Her eyes were the color of the sea
She only weighed four pounds, so small
And when I looked at her, she looked like me

As she grew older, she looked up to me
She did everything I did, and it made me mad
I constantly told her to get lost
And that made her feel bad

On June 18th, I had to watch her leave
I cannot believe I had to say goodbye
But when I see her in three weeks
I cannot wait until I get to say hi

This is my little sister, Chelse
And I am very proud to say
That when she gets a bit older
She will be just like me one day

She walks around with confidence
A little girl, she is only nine
People ask, Is she your sister?
And I reply proudly, Yes, she is mine.


«Sister Know Love» by George Jerone Jefferson

Sister can know love
Touch life with the charm of soul
Love as star shines
As the rain falls
Love smiles
Thinking about love
Wondering if she love
Is strong in brother heart
She said sweet talking man
You mister sweet talking man
Yet the truth must be heard
Watch out love coming
Surrender try one love
Close to find what brings
The sister to accepted the brother
Walk talk love
Feel the blessing
Of the eyes of love on life
It about the sister with brown eyes
Smiles that warm the heart
It about sister with the braids
About skin kiss by YAH love
Just right the shade darkness
It a dream come to life
In sister of soul


«Sister Of Mine» by ToddMichael St. Pierre

Sister of mine, please know that I miss you,
As miles seperate us in life as we roam.
I close my eyes and we’re still together…
Splashing in puddles as we skip toward home.

Picking wish-flowers and making mud-pies,
In fields of Summer, under apricot skies.
Oh it really does seem like yesterday,
And I’ll always remember us this way.

Sister of mine, please know that I love you,
No distance on earth, could alter this truth.
Not a day passes, that I don’t think of you,
And far-away playgrounds in dreams of youth.


«Sisters» by Darlean T. Murphy

I cry for a release that is all my own,
To let you know to leave me alone.
I know what everyone thinks when they see us two.
They want to know why I can’t be more like you.
More perfect, more joyful,
And while I know that I can’t be you,
It has taken a while for others to know that it’s true.
Still sometimes in my wildest and saddest dreams
It seems as if I can’t escape from you.
I have no other hope than for them to see
That as happy as I am for you, I am happy for me,
But this will take an act from us for them to see
That what makes you you makes me me.
And that we will always be the best of sisters.


«Sisters And Best Friends» by Angelica Machado

God sent us to be sisters
So we can be best of friends,
To be there for one another
Even when there is pain.
I thank the Lord for sending my sisters to me,
For whom I truly love and care.
We shared so many things together,
Like laughter and some scares.
It’s funny how we sometimes argue.
I guess it’s normal in this world,
But having you as my sister
Means more to me, more than you’ll ever know.
I wouldn’t trade you for anything.
I will never let go.
As our friendship continues to grow,
So will my love for you.
Just always remember you can talk to me.
I’ll be the best friend you ever knew.


«Sisters, Forever And Ever» by Ashley M. Schwartz

I’ll love you forever and ever.
Although you are only three years old, you are very clever,
When I look in your eyes, I can feel this love,
As if you were a guardian angel sent from above.
Some people think of you as this little girl,
But to me, I think of you as the whole wide world.
When I see you, I think of butterflies,
Because every time I look at you I get lost in them deep blue eyes.
You found happiness in my shade.
Do you know how much joy to my life you have made?
Remember, I’ll always be there to calm your fears,
To help the bad times and wipe away your tears.
I know sometimes we fight,
And not a single thing about it is at all right.
I love you more and more each day,
And in every single little way.


«Sweet Sister» by Aurora Wells

Sweet sister dear
Remember those years
We cried together,
Dropped many tears

Saw the fights,
Were afraid of lights,
The bottles lined up
And the pills in our sights

Now we are older
More lives at stake
Not just our own anymore
Our kids’ care we take

All the tears we have now
The powerless feelings grown
All the damage our family did
In our adulthood now shown

Please sister dear
Don’t cry anymore
I will dry your tears
As you have done with me before

Remember I love you and I am here
Remember with us as a pair there is no more fear.


«Thank You Letter To Sister» by Katie A. Neale

Thank you for being there and for giving me a chance.
Thank you for giving a care and not judging with a glance.
Thank you for your support and your loyal heart.
Thank you for no report and no judging on your part.
Thank you for trusting me through the good times and the bad.
Thank you for seeing me through the hard times that we’ve had.
Thank you for being born, and I thank God that you’re alive.
Though our friendship may be worn, we will always get through that strife,
Because we are sisters and each other’s family.
Like old pictures or an ancient memory,
This will never end, this friendship that we made,
Because we can depend on cherished moments that we saved.


«Thanking God For My Sister» by Diane Gardner

I thank God for my sister
She’s as awesome as can be
No one can replace her
She’s in my heart you see
We are friends forever
In good times and in bad
I may have to let her go one day
I’ll try not to be sad
For I know where she is going
And for that I’m oh so glad
She’s going to be with God
And in His arms she’ll go
He will wrap His arms around her
and love her this I know
Thank you Lord for my sister
For the time you have given us
I will enjoy her ’till you take her home
And in you Lord I will trust


«The Black Swan» by Randall Jarrell

When the swans turned my sister into a swan
I would go to the lake, at night, from milking:
The sun would look out through the reeds like a swan,
A swan’s red beak; and the beak would open
And inside there was darkness, the stars and the moon.

Out on the lake, a girl would laugh.
“Sister, here is your porridge, sister,”
I would call; and the reeds would whisper,
“Go to sleep, go to sleep, little swan.”
My legs were all hard and webbed, and the silky

Hairs of my wings sank away like stars
In the ripples that ran in and out of the reeds:
I heard through the lap and hiss of water
Someone’s “Sister . . . sister,” far away on the shore,
And then as I opened my beak to answer

I heard my harsh laugh go out to the shore
And saw – saw at last, swimming up from the green
Low mounds of the lake, the white stone swans:
The white, named swans . . . “It is all a dream,”
I whispered, and reached from the down of the pallet

To the lap and hiss of the floor.
And “Sleep, little sister,” the swan all sang
From the moon and stars and frogs of the floor.
But the swan my sister called, “Sleep at last, little sister,”
And stroked all night, with a black wing, my wings.


«The Burkhead Way» by Asia Burkhead

What can you say about a sister who
Has everything? Laughter, life, love,
Smiles, tears, enthusiasm, spark, knowledge,
Spunk, and to top it all off, beauty.

A sister isn’t just a sibling!
She is a whole world.
The things she touches are amazing.  The love
She shares is beautiful.
And her encouragement is spectacular.

To have a sister doesn’t make you special,
To know your sister makes you invincible.
The bond sisters share is enlightening. 
The love they give to each other is magnificent.

To look into your sister’s eyes and know
What she is thinking isn’t a miracle; it’s natural.
To see her smile warms your heart.  To hear her talk
Soothes your soul. To feel her heartbeat in you is special.

They say sisters are from cradle to grave,
But I believe that it is the in between that counts.
When she takes the rap for something you did,
She doesn’t need a thanks, she does it because she cares.

When she sits up till 3:00 AM with you,
Even if she has to get up at 7:00 AM,
She doesn’t feel exhausted, she feels cleansed.

When you two cry together till your eyes are all puffy,
She isn’t just sad, she believes that it cures the heart.
When she picks out your first prom dress, or brings you
Your first flowers, and when she buys you a card because
You had a bad day, she is glad that she could help.

A sister’s word of encouragement or warning
Is always taken to heart.  When she explains
How to handle a boy at school, or how to
Talk to mom, she’s touched that you came to her.

When she can sympathize with you
Because she’s been there, it’s comforting.
When she can share your dreams with you,
It’s encouraging. When she beats you up
Because you’re a brat, it’s learning.

Sisters can do anything. Together they
Will conquer the world. But when it’s
All said and done, she will hold you hand
Because she’s proud to be your sister.

So, if you are blessed to have a sister through blood,
Be thankful. And if you’re all alone, grab the first precious girl
In your life, and make her your sister.
Sisters are everything you need
And a whole lot more.


«The Importance Of A Sister» by Shiv Sharma

A sister is someone who loves you from the heart.
No matter how much you argue, you cannot be drawn apart.
She is a joy that cannot be taken away.
Once she enters your life, she is there to stay.

A friend who helps you through difficult times,
Her comforting words are worth much more than dimes.
A partner who fills your life with laughs and smiles,
These memories last for miles and miles.

When she is by your side, the world is filled with life.
When she is not around, your days are full of strife.
A sister is a blessing who fills your heart with love.
She flies with you in life with the beauty of a dove.

A companion to whom you can express your feelings,
She doesn’t let you get bored at family dealings.
Whether you are having your ups or downs,
She always helps you with a smile and never frowns.

With a sister, you cannot have a grudge.
She is as sweet as chocolate and as smooth as fudge.
Having a sister is not just a trend.
It is knowing you can always turn to her, your best friend.


«The Sisters» by Judith Wright

In the vine-shadows on the veranda;
under the yellow leaves, in the cooling sun,
sit two sisters. Their slow voices run
like little winter creeks, dwindled by frost and wind,
and the square of sunlight moves on the veranda.

They remember the gay young men on their tall horses
who came courting; the dancing and the smells of leather
and wine, the girls whispering by the fire together;
even their dolls and ponies, all they have left behind
moves in the yellow shadows on the veranda.

Thinking of their lives apart and the men they married
thinking of the marriage-bed and the birth of their first
they look down smiling. “My life was wide and wild,
and who can know my heart? There in that golden jungle
I walk alone,” say the old sisters on the veranda.


«The Woman I Call Sister» by Marissa Gertmenian

The woman I call sister
Is someone who is there
The woman I call sister
Is someone who always cares.

The woman I call sister
Can make me smile when times are blue
The woman I call sister
Is someone very true.

The woman I call sister
By choice, is my best of friend
The woman I call sister
Will be there till the end

The woman I call sister
Is the blessing from God above
The woman I call sister
Is the sister that I’ll always love.


«Three Sisters» by Francis I. Gillespie

We are three sisters.
Three sisters are we.
I love each of you,
And I know you love me.

We’re not always together.
Life sometimes keeps us apart,
But we’re never separated.
We’re in each other’s heart.

Now I know we’ve had our troubles,
But we always get through.
The real message is you love me,
And I also love you.

We have had lots of good times
That we’ll never forget.
Sometimes we worry
And sometimes we fret.

But if God ever gave me
Something special, you see,
It might have been the blessing of
Three sisters are we.

The Lord above has given me lots
Of happiness and glee,
But the most special thing he did was
Make us sisters, all three.


«To A Sister» by George MacDonald

A fresh young voice that sings to me
So often many a simple thing,
Should surely not unanswered be
By all that I can sing.

Dear voice, be happy every way
A thousand changing tones among,
From little child’s unfinished lay
To angel’s perfect song.

In dewy woods-fair, soft, and green
Like morning woods are childhood’s bower-
Be like the voice of brook unseen
Among the stones and flowers;

A joyful voice though born so low,
And making all its neighbours glad;
Sweet, hidden, constant in its flow
Even when the winds are sad.

So, strengthen in a peaceful home,
And daily deeper meanings bear;
And when life’s wildernesses come
Be brave and faithful there.

Try all the glorious magic range,
Worship, forgive, console, rejoice,
Until the last and sweetest change-
So live and grow, dear voice.


«To my dear Sister, Mrs. C.P. on her Nuptial» by Ketherine Philips

We will not like those men our offerings pay

Who crown the cup, then think they crown the day.

We make no garlands, nor an altar build,

Which help not Joy, but Ostentation yield.

Where mirth is justly grounded these wild toyes

Are but a troublesome, and empty noise.


But these shall be my great Solemnities,

Orinda’s wishes for Cassandra’s bliss.

May her Content be as unmix’d and pure

As my Affection, and like that endure;

And that strong Happiness may she still find

Not owing to her Fortune, but her Mind.


May her Content and Duty be the same,

And may she know no Grief but in the name.

May his and her Pleasure and Love be so

Involv’d and growing, that we may not know

Who most Affection or most Peace engrost;

Whose Love is strongest, or whose Bliss is most.


May nothing accidental e’re appear

But what shall with new bonds their Souls endear;

And may they count the hours as they pass,

By their own Joys, and not by Sun or Glass:

While every day like this may Sacred prove

To Friendship, Gratitude, and Strictest Love.


«To My Sister» by William Wordsworth

It is the first mild day of March:

Each minute sweeter than before,

The Redbreast sings from the tall larch

That stands beside our door.


There is a blessing in the air,         

Which seems a sense of joy to yield

To the bare trees, and mountains bare,

And grass in the green field.


My Sister! (’tis a wish of mine)

Now that our morning meal is done,        

Make haste, your morning task resign;

Come forth and feel the sun.


Edward will come with you;—and pray,

Put on with speed your woodland dress;

And bring no book: for this one day         

We’ll give to idleness.


No joyless forms shall regulate

Our living Calendar:

We from to-day, my friend, will date

The opening of the year.       


Love, now a universal birth,

From heart to heart is stealing,

From earth to man, from man to earth,

—It is the hour of feeling.


One moment now may give us more        

Than years of toiling reason:

Our minds shall drink at every pore

The spirit of the season.


Some silent laws our hearts will make,

Which they shall long obey:         

We for the year to come may take

Our temper from to-day.


And from the blessed power that rolls

About, below, above,

We’ll frame the measure of our souls:       

They shall be tuned to love.


Then come, my Sister! come I pray,

With speed put on your woodland dress;

—And bring no book: for this one day

We’ll give to idleness.


«To My Sister…» by Allison Chambers Coxsey

I’m blessed to call you sister,
I also call you friend;
You’ve loved me unconditionally,
And stood through thick and thin.

You’ve shared my joys and sorrows,
My laughter and my tears.
You’ve been my inspiration,
As we grew up through the years.

When we were little children
We laughed and played together;
Then growing up you stood by me,
Through good and stormy weather.

There’s something God has given us,
That’s more than family;
He’s placed a love for you, my Sister,
Deep down in the heart of me.


«We Are Coming, Sister Mary» by Henry Clay Work

On a stormy night in winter,
When the winds blew cold and wet,
I heard some strains of music
That I never can forget.

I was sleeping in the cabin,
Where liv’d Mary fair and young,
When a light shone in the window,
And a band of singers sung.

We are coming sister Mary,

We are coming bye and bye,
Be ready sister Mary,
For the time is drawing nigh.

I tried to tell my Mary,
But my tongue would not obey,
When the song so strange had ended,
And the singers flown away,
As I watch’d I heard a rustling,
Like the rustling of a wing,

And beside my Mary’s pillow
Very soon I heard them sing.

Then again I called my Mary,
But my sorrow was complete
For I found her heart of kindness
Had forever ceas’d to beat

And I still am very lonely
From summer round to spring
And I oft in midnight slumber
Think I hear the same ones sing.


«What Is A Sister?» by Jessica Shaw

A sister is someone special to me.
A sister is someone to fight with.
A sister is someone to cry with.
A sister can sometimes understand you better than anyone else can.
A sister is there for you through good times and bad.
Some sisters are close.
Some are far apart.
Sometimes you might wish you could change your sister.
But if I changed just one thing about my sister it might ruin something.
Of course my sister wouldn’t be the same.
But most important it might ruin our sister relationship.
We are as close as we could possibly be.
Some people think a sister is just a sister.
But my sister is more than that.
She is and will always be my best friend.
And my sister will always be very special to me.
Because I couldn’t picture what my life would be like without her.


«Where’s My Glory?» by Nicki D. Thomure

Looking in a book of 1,000 pictures
And I finally find one of just me
And it seems it’s the smallest one there
There are thousands of that blonde beauty
She has everything I don’t
Love from you, talent, and beauty
She gets all the glory
And I get none

Just for one moment
I wish I could stand up on that stage
And do what she does
As you watch her and a tear comes down
A second later, you yell at me
For one moment, I want to do that
She gets all the glory
And I get none

It seems you look at me
And see a mistake that you made
You look at her
And see something that you’ve always wanted
I want to feel loved and wanted
By the one who should mean something to me
She gets all the glory
And I get none

In every room
There are trophies that showcase her talent
On every shelf, on every wall
There are pictures of her that showcase her beauty
For once, I want to be that blonde beauty
She gets all the glory
And I get none

That’s always how it’s going to be.


«You Are My Best Friend» by Tara J. Barker

You are my guiding star.
You are my shining light.
You are my everything,
what helps me through the night.

You are my heart.
You are my soul.
You are my savoir,
what makes me feel whole.

You are more than my sister.
You are my best friend.
You are the one who will be there
when my heart needs to mend.

I love you, Sister,
more than you will ever know.
You are my other half.
With you, I am whole.

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