
Everyone has probably had such times when they feel embarrassed or ashamed. Maybe to a loved one, a relative, or a co-worker. The ability to admit guilt and ask for forgiveness is a very powerful thing to do. And it is better to do it in verse.

«A Place Without Rain» by Juan L. Salgado

Yes, it’s true.
I made you who you are.
The mistakes I made
Pushed you very far.

We were so young,
So madly in love.
All the magic we had,
And now it’s gone.

I confess to you
I am to blame.
I did you wrong.
You aren’t the same.
Wish we could rewind
To a place without pain,
A place with you,
A place without rain.

This empty feeling
Is killing me inside.
No words left in this world
That can put you at my side.

The storm that follows me
Tries to put me down.
It’s time to fight it,
Time to let you out.

No more crying,
No more wasting time.
Just remember one thing:
You are my sunshine.


«Dancing Under The Pale Moonlight» by Melanie Miller

We danced a dance to last for a life time.
You held me close and told me you loved me.
Forever, you shall be in my heart, soul and mind
I knew you were the sweetest man,
so loving and so kind, to me.
We are meant to be my love and be in love for all times.
If you were to come back to me,
I would show you how much you mean to me.
Oh don’t you remember us dancing under that pale moonlight.
Everything was serene and beautiful.
Everything was right.
You were the one that held my hand and comforted me through the storms.
You are the sunshine, the wind and rain..
and wiped away all the sadness and pain.
Once again, you can be all these things to me, if only you return.
Please come back
my angel man
and tell me those words of love into my ear.
You have nothing to fear,
as I will always be true to you and want only you.
Together we can make the best couple around
my love for you will never cease.
So come back,
I hope and pray that that someday will be today.


«Forgive My Mistakes» by Anna Liz Williams

I know I’ve made mistakes
So why should I even try
For when you look at me
All you see is that I lie
I’m sorry for the things I said
For giving you false truth in your head
I know that I’ve caused pain
that I drive you insane
Though you may not see what’s inside of me
You should know it’s deader than the Dead Sea
You may think that I don’t care
For all I give is just a stare
But what you don’t know
Is that the love I have for you is what glows
So I promise to try hard and to be true to you
So that our happiness will not be through
All I ask is one thing to see
Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?
For there is one thing I know is true
I do Love You


«Forgiveness» by Jason Swindle

Baby, you tell me you love me.
You tell me you care.
You say you need to have me,
But all I can do is stare.

You treated me with hate.
You told me a lot of lies.
For me it may be too late,
For my eyes are full of despise.

I am trying to let it go,
Trying to deal with it all.
My love is hard to show
When it’s him that you may call.

You say you’ve learned a lot.
You say you know you were wrong.
Don’t let me put you on the spot.
Does your love to me belong?

My feelings you tried to taunt.
Our life you left in tatters.
Our family is what I want.
Our family is all that matters.

Just give to me your heart,
I promise I will not break.
Forgiveness is a start,
Something that must not wait.

Now give to me a shot
To make us happiest of all,
‘Cause I will give you all I’ve got.
My love for you shall not fall.


«How Could He Forgive Me? » by Katarina Ogletree

He rode in a cold winter day
His eyes a mysterious shade of gray
He got off the horse and came right in
He was personified sin

He held out his arms so big and strong
And I knew what I had done to him was wrong               
My secret lover in the back of my mind
The tears that pricked my eyes made me blind

I couldn’t take it anymore
I collapsed in a pile on the floor
He rushed to my side to help me to my feet
I wish he had thrown me out on the street

I had betrayed him and he didn’t know it
How could he? I didn’t show it

Finally, the guilt ate my soul
I told him, those eyes almost coal
He hugged me tight, said it’s alright
I really do love him
I’m sorry


«I Am So Sorry» by Kathleen J. Shields

When I came to you, you did not listen
You shrugged your head and kept dismissing
All my worries, fears and doubts
To you were unknown whereabouts
I tried so hard to tell you this
To get you to reminisce
Of all the times life was so good
Of times I thought you understood
But you weren’t there, your spirit gone
Your body was already withdrawn
And no matter how hard I tried to share
Your heart was empty you didn’t care
So here I am, the sky so starry
Looking up at you, I am so sorry.


«I Am Sorry» by Leon Weate

Every time I see the pain in your eyes,
A little part of my heart dies.
No matter how hard and how often you try,
All I seem to do is make you cry.

You risk so much and take such chance
To share your heart and your romance.
You share your hopes and dreams and fears
And let me in to all that’s dear.

All I seem to do is be mean and cold,
To fail to cherish, fail to hold.
I seem to fail to put you first.
You act your best; I am my worst.

My mouth contradicts my heart.
My actions and thoughts so far apart.
I love you with every part of me,
Yet act so cruel and thoughtlessly.

I dream of you all night and day
And hang on every word you say,
Yet all you see is selfishness and arrogance,
Casual disdain and ignorance.

Assumption and judgment and everything’s a test.
No matter what you do, you’re always second best.
No matter how hard you try, it’s never enough.
I never hear your protestations of love.

I say I love you and cherish all of our dreams,
Yet act as if I can’t hear your screams
Of need and want and stability and trust.
My plans never materialize, my promises rust.

I scream at myself at how stupid I am
For risking your love, for risking your hand,
And I pray every day that you never see
That I need you more than you need me.

I bare my heart and my soul to you
To say sorry for what I did and for what I do.
I have no excuses and hide no more.
All I can offer is my love for evermore.


«I am sorry» by Wanji Bunji

Sorry for irritating all,
Sorry for disappointing all.
I did not think of doing all this,
I did not mean to do all this

I tried my best,
I did my best.
But I failed,
But I was unsuccessful.

What I did in the end was the only way,
What I did in the end was the only solution.
I had no other choice,
I had no other alternative.

My mind was full of thoughts,
My mind was confused.
I hope all will forgive me,
I hope all will forget what I have done.

Can my actions really be forgiven?
Can my actions really be forgotten?
I am remorseful,
I am sorry.


«I’m Sorry» by Gabor Timis

I’m sorry, really sorry to see you cry,
Please let me dab your eyes to dry.
I made a bad mistake, I know that now
I want to apologize, if you would allow.

My darling, forgive me, I beg of you
I am a weak human, but I can be better
All I care about in this life is you
Please let me show you I still care, my dear.

I will never hurt you again, that is sure
My love for you is strong and pure
I know you care for me too
So, forgive this errant soul …
And make me, once again, whole.


«I’m Sorry» by Casey Lee Watson

Words I say don’t always come out right,
and they always seem to start a fight.

I know what I say can hurt you,
and believe me, I don’t mean to.

The last thing I want to see is you sad
because I can’t control myself when I get mad.

I know all you want from me is my best,
but right now I need time to rest.

Everything is happening so fast.
How long will it all last?

Everything is falling apart.
It’s ripping my heart.

I have so much anger built up; I have to get it out,
and all I want to do is scream and shout.

I take it out on you,
even though I don’t mean to.

I’m sorry for causing you more stress.
I know even you need time to rest.


«I’m sorry if I let you down» by John Berryhill

After a time when my life was a mess
If not for my friends my family would be one less
Not much seemed stable it was hard to find solid ground
So I would like to thank all my friends for always being around
My friends all know I’ve been through a lot
But I only survived it By of the support that I got
It must have been hard Always seeing me frown
For that I am sorry If I let you down
In all friendships There has to at least be two
But I was so lost in my grief That I forgot about you
We all go through our own and we differently grieve
But our love gets us through it this I truly believe
My I love you’s are special and this i know you will get
Because if I say it to you I know you will feel it.
My love for my friends Is always and forever
And that is what Keeps true friends together


«I’m Sorry Poems» by Rachel Cravens

I’m sorry I hurt you
I’m sorry for making you feel blue
I’m sorry that I was even there
I’m sorry that I called you my bear

I’m sorry that I lied
I’m sorry that you cried
I’m sorry that I we met
I’m sorry all you did was bet

I’m sorry that I loved you
I’m sorry our relationship grew
I’m sorry I fell apart
I’m sorry your still in my heart

I’m sorry that I’m still here
I’m sorry I still whisper in your ear!
I’m so sorry!


«I’m Sorry, Friend» by Shannah Leigh

I’m sorry friend
I don’t know what to do
I try so hard
to be a better person to you

I screw up a lot
and I ignore you too
I don’t know why
but I still love you

You’re my best friend
I know we can make it through
let’s make this friendship last
and make it better and true

I know you’re getting sick of me
I’m getting sick of myself too
I don’t know how many times
I can say sorry to you

But really, I am
I’m such a fool
I let such a wonderful
friendship break in two

I’m gonna push aside the past now
I’m gonna be nicer to you
I want to make this last
and show what better I can do

You’re my best friend still
and you’re my favourite too
Cait, remember the good times
and I know we’ll make it through


«Im Sorry» by Tyrone Wingfield

Im sorry for arguing with you,
When we knew you were right.
Im sorry doing what I do
In each and every fight

Im sorry for the times you cried,
All because of me.
Im sorry for what I should have tried
To keep you happy

Im sorry for my mistakes in whole
And pray you forgive me
Im sorry for the heart I stole,
So ungratefully


«I’m Sorry» by Casey Lee Watson

Words I say don’t always come out right,
and they always seem to start a fight.

I know what I say can hurt you,
and believe me, I don’t mean to.

The last thing I want to see is you sad
because I can’t control myself when I get mad.

I know all you want from me is my best,
but right now I need time to rest.

Everything is happening so fast.
How long will it all last?

Everything is falling apart.
It’s ripping my heart.

I have so much anger built up; I have to get it out,
and all I want to do is scream and shout.

I take it out on you,
even though I don’t mean to.

I’m sorry for causing you more stress.
I know even you need time to rest.


«I’m Sorry» by Samantha Garrison

I’m sorry that I hurt you
I’m sorry that I care
I’m sorry that I want to
No matter what be there.

I’m sorry for not being perfect,
I’m sorry that I’m a disappointment,
I’m sorry I’m not always honest.

I’m sorry that you hate me
I’m sorry that I lied
I’m sorry that you now see
How much that I have cried.

I’m sorry I’m not good enough,
I’m sorry I let you down,
I’m sorry for my tears,
And I’m sorry for my fears.

I’m sorry that I’m human,
And I’m sorry that I care,
I’m sorry for not making you laugh.

I’m sorry for being hardheaded
I’m sorry for never listening
I’m sorry that I’m like her, I’m trying very hard to change it.

I’m sorry for being protective,
And I’m sorry for being cautious.
I’m sorry for forgetting things, and asking stupid questions.

I’m sorry that I dropped out of school,
And I’m sorry I’m not smart.
I’m sorry that I make you say, “We’re done, it’s too hard.”
I’m sorry that I never cheated while we were apart,

I’m sorry that I live for you and could never live without
I’m sorry for the mistakes I made, and that they broke your heart.
I’m sorry and I would be glad to do all that I can.

I want to make you love me
like you did once before
I want to make your heart see
what mine is living for.


«I’M Sorry» by Heather Jean

I’m sorry if i make you cry,
if you lose that twinkle in your eye.
i’m sorry if i hurt your heart,
but fixing things is a place to start.
i’m sorry for not trusting you,
it’s a big part of love that i’ll try and do.
i’m sorry for letting people get to me,
and thier lies blinding the truth i needed to see.
i’m sorry for closing the door,
i just never felt so hurt before.
i’m sorry for holding it all inside,
and just letting the hours crawl by.
i’m sorry for keeping you,
but i needed to tell you just how sorry i truly am.


«I’M Sorry» by Cory Graham

Baby, I’m sorry about our past
But I’m changing to make us last
I’m sorry for the names you were called
To see that look on your face, my life was stalled
I’m sorry for not treating you with respect
Don’t worry, there won’t be anymore neglect

I’m sorry for the lies and being so fake
I will show you my true love, will you please take?
I’m sorry for not being there
From this day on, I will show you I care
I’m sorry for not being me
My real self, you soon will see

I’m sorry for not being the man
Since I woke up, now I know I can
I’m sorry for causing all your tears
Don’t worry, I’m here to wash away your fears
I’m sorry for the awful conversations
For now on, only sweet vibrations

Baby, I’m sorry for putting you through hell
I’m glad, I finally tripped and fell
I’m sorry for not putting you on top
The way I acted will be put to a stop
I’m sorry for everything, don’t push me away
Please forgive me, your heart is the place I want to stay


«I’M Sorry» by Andrew Doherty

I’m sorry for taking you forgranted
I’m sorry for not loving you enough
I’m sorry for not being there for you

I’m sorry I cheated
I’m sorry I wasn’t enough
I’m sorry that I miss you

I’m sorry I miss your touch
I’m sorry I miss you smile
I’m sorry I miss you silly laugh

I’m sorry I couldn’t make it work
I’m sorry all I can do is try
I’m sorry I threw our plans away

I’m sorry I wasn’t a good guy
I’m sorry I wasn’t a good friend
I’m sorry I’m me

I’m sorry I want you back
Because I know I can’t expect you to forgive me
But do know this
I love you and I’m sorry


«I’M Sorry» by Scott Austin

I’m sorry for the way you feel
For the hurt and pain you have caused
For the cards you are dealing

The way things are turning out
Has not been your most delight
Things can change in an instant
If you are willing to be forgiven

So keep your head up
Do not give up hope
Things can change
In a blink of eye

Keep this mind
Look to the future
It may be so bright
If you only open up
Your eyes to the possibilities


«One Last Chance» by Jacob Greenberg

I’m sorry you can’t trust me
And won’t ever let me in.
I’m sorry you don’t believe in me
And that I could not win.

I’m sorry for not being perfect
And for not being able to break your fears.
I’m sorry for messing up
And causing all your tears.

I’m sorry I can’t fix it
And make you want to stay.
I’m sorry I wasn’t good enough
And now I have to pay.

I’m sorry I ever doubted it
And made you second guess.
I’m sorry I was so stupid.
You haven’t seen my best.


«One More Chance» by Christian M. Mitewu

I know that I deserved my fate,
But please do let me try again.
Although right now may be too late,
You don’t love me like you loved then.

Life’s been futile since you walked out.
Why did you have to leave so soon?
You ever returning is something I doubt.
Depressed, I stare at the blue moon.

When you left, I sadly sighed.
I’d lost a love I’d loved for long.
When I was lost, you were my guide.
You’d set me right when I’d go wrong.

I’m sorry for all of the pain
I’ve caused’ please open the door.
I’ve knocked and knocked but all in vain;
You don’t answer anymore.

Please press pause and then rewind.
Right back to before
Before I’d made you lose your mind
Before you’d shut the door,

I know that I deserved my fate,
But please do let me try again.
Although right now may be too late,
You don’t love me like you loved then.


«Please Forgive Me» by Alon Calinao Dy

I’ve said hurtful things to you,
Even though I love you,
I know I make you sad,
Now I feel very bad.

There are times,
I ask myself the questions of ‘why’,
Why I make you cry?
Why we have so many fights?

I know you, darling,
No amount of pleading,
Is going to change your mind again,
But I’m sorry for causing you pain.

Please, forgive me for what I’ve done,
It’s too hard for me without you,
Because you know how much I love you,
I’m really sorry, my love.

I hope you would listen to me,
Please, give me another chance,
You are my world and my life,
So please forgive me, my love.


«Shallow Sorry» by Sean O’Brien

If my words were like a nail
Your feelings were the board
No matter how many times I say I’m sorry
Deep down you still are scored

I never meant to hurt you
I’ll never understand
We’ve been through so much together
What I’d give to take your hand!

You know you are my best friend
My soul is empty and lost
I was so hurt and angry
Not knowing what it cost

Darling, don’t give up yet
Please believe in me
I will show you what love is
Give me time and you will see


«So Sorry» by Brian Dorn

I’m sorry for what I’ve done
I’m sorry for who I’ve been
Sorry for where its gone
So sorry to lose a friend

I’m sorry I let you down
I’m sorry things can’t be the same
Sorry for my impropriety
So sorry I’m the one to blame

I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough
I’m sorry for not following through
Sorry for dropping the ball
So sorry for me and you


«Sometimes Sorry Is Not Good Enough» by Lillie Williams

Maybe I hurt you and
Caused you to cry
I know the pain went deep
And this I won’t deny
I know I am to blame for
All your sleepless nights
The things that I said
I know it wasn’t right

I never meant you any sorrow
And I never meant
To make you cry
I am the cause of your pain
I accept all the blame
I called you cheap words
And a lot of other stuff
Sometimes saying I’m sorry
Just isn’t good enough

Somehow I felt what you
Felt deep inside
So much hurt and pain
Like a reflection in your eyes
Every breath you took
Filled with deceit and sorrow
Maybe your forgiveness
Will come on tomorrow

I can’t expect you to push
This all away
Maybe another time,
Another hour in the day
If I could take the words back
That caused you to cry
I would do it in a heart beat
And you know it’s not a lie

Nothing I can say right now
Will keep your heart still
I’m sorry, I apologize for
The way I made you feel
Even a broken heart is
One that’s hard to mend
This will follow me
Until the very end
In your eyes I am the enemy
And you have to do what you must
But sometimes saying I’m sorry
Just isn’t good enough


«Sorry» by Edward Iacona

The phrase “I’m Sorry” you may agree
Has turned into a social amenity
We say “I’m Sorry” more than Brenda Lee
Which was a hit song for her back in 1960.

You may not want to acknowledge the damage you’ve done
The pain that you’ve brought to spouse, daughter or son.
But if you’ve done wrong you must see the light
To take a pro-active step to returning things right

There will remain feelings that you can’t erase
Lost time and memories that you can’t replace
Because of your actions now nothings the same
Take a look in your mirror and know that there’s blame.

Maybe those words are one’s you won’t do.
They may not exist in your new age point of view.
Or, don’t want to hear the anger, it might make you blue
It’s easier to leave your loved ones hurt and askew.

Just saying I’m sorry is not all it takes
No magical words to make gone the mistakes
Begin the road back with those words from your heart
They do not mark the end but maybe a start.

Your family’s your bond like no other glue.
A great family we had, can we renew?
Deep in your heart you know what to do.
If I can say “I’m sorry” then I think you can too.


«Sorry» by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

There is much in life that makes me sorry as I journey down life’s way.
And I seem to see more pathos in poor human Lives each day.
I’m sorry for the strong brave men, who shield the weak from harm,
But who, in their own troubled hours find no Protecting arm.

I’m sorry for the victors who have reached success, to stand
As targets for the arrows shot by envious failure’s hand.
I’m sorry for the generous hearts who freely shared their wine,
But drink alone the gall of tears in fortune’s drear decline.

I’m sorry for the souls who build their own fame’s funeral pyre,
Derided by the scornful throng like ice deriding fire.
I’m sorry for the conquering ones tho know not sin’s defeat,
But daily tread down fierce desire ‘neath scorched and bleeding feet.

I’m sorry for the anguished hearts that break with passions strain,
But I’m sorrier for the poor starved souls that Never knew love’s pain.
Who hunger on through barren years not tasting joys they crave,
For sadder far is such a lot than weeping o’er a grave.

I’m sorry for the souls that come unwelcomed into birth,
I’m sorry for the unloved old who cumber up the earth.
I’m sorry for the suffering poor in life’s great maelstrom hurled,
In truth I’m sorry for them all who make this aching world.

But underneath whate’er seems sad and is not understood,
I know there lies hid from our sight a mighty germ of good.
And this belief stands firm by me, my sermon, motto, text –
The sorriest things in this life will seem grandest in the next.


«Sorry» by Ronald Stuart Thomas

Dear parents,
I forgive you my life,
Begotten in a drab town,
The intention was good;
Passing the street now,
I see still the remains of sunlight.

It was not the bone buckled;
You gave me enough food
To renew myself.
It was the mind’s weight
Kept me bent, as I grew tall.

It was not your fault.
What should have gone on,
Arrow aimed from a tried bow
At a tried target, has turned back,
Wounding itself
With questions you had not asked.


«Sorry I Love You» by Brian Jones

Sorry I love you the way that I do
Sorry for everything I put you through
Sorry, your love I couldnt renew
Sorry our days were just too few

Sorry for all that I did
Sorry, my love was never hid
Sorry that ‘us’ you rid
Sorry I would do whatever you bid

Sorry I still love you
Sorry I am feeling so blue
Sorry I thought our love grew
Sorry you did what you had to

Sorry for my love for you
Sorry we were not true
Sorry we are through
Sorry our love you outgrew


«That Someone» by Blair Andrews

I’m sorry
Although I know what the pain feels like, I still chose to hide
And although I look back and see, I ask myself if I could do it again,
Would I have tried?
The answer you probably don’t want to hear,
And I know that your heart is set on tomorrow’s fear.
Like the dream you dreamed when I walked out
I know this second chance gives you much doubt
But I decided that I want to repent
And set my heart back to the day I went….

Beginning the story now I see that your feelings were real,
But since when do boys really feel?
I didn’t believe you and I know it was wrong
I’m sorry…
Although you’ve forgiven me and are loving me now
I know deep inside I hurt you
Trying for the fourth year
Am I truly worth it?


«These Drops of Sweet Sorry» by Cory Jones

If you listen…..
Just a little closer
And if you would stay…..
Just a moment longer
You might be able to hear
These drops of regret
Fall into the bucket
And you might be able to see
These drops of sweet “sorry”
Filling up the bottle

I told myself this is
No fault of my own
And blamed it on your fear
Of being alone

But if I bring you…..
Just a little closer
And if I could hold you…..
Just a moment longer
I might be able to take back
Those drops of regret
And empty that bucket
And I might be able to soak up
Those drops of sweet “sorry”
And break open that bottle

We made this fairy tale
Into a very short story
You deserved a much better ending
And for this…..
I’m very very sorry..


«You and me» by Ruby Ubbi

I’m not the one who expresses their feelings
Nor do I realize anything whether it’s good or bad.
But one thing for sure, this restless feeling I have
It’s so making me sad.

There always used to be ups and downs between us
Laughs and fights but we always used to pull through it.
Time has passed though nothing has changed
Except this feeling,
This will always remain.

For any reason if time ever comes to an end
I want you to know that I’m truly sorry for those times
I ever took you for granted,
When I never appreciated you as much as I should,
When I kept hurting you when I promised I wouldn’t.
I’m so sorry for causing you pain
No matter what, deep down you’ll always reside in my heart
And always be my friend.

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