
Here we have collected poems about sports and healthy lifestyles. A selection of poems about sports, health, and physical education for children. Being healthy does not mean making a muscle, proving to everyone around you that you are the strongest. It means to lead an active lifestyle, eat right, and take care of the regime of the day. Poems about sports and physical culture will help you to make sure that a healthy mind lives in a healthy body.

«A Boy Juggling a Soccer Ball» by Christopher Merrill

after practice: right foot

to left foot, stepping forward and back,

to right foot and left foot,

and left foot up to his thigh, holding

it on his thigh as he twists

around in a circle, until it rolls

down the inside of his leg,

like a tickle of sweat, not catching

and tapping on the soft

side of his foot, and juggling

once, twice, three times,

hopping on one foot like a jump-roper

in the gym, now trapping

and holding the ball in midair,

balancing it on the instep

of his weak left foot, stepping forward

and forward and back, then

lifting it overhead until it hangs there;

and squaring off his body,

he keeps the ball aloft with a nudge

of his neck, heading it

from side to side, softer and softer,

like a dying refrain,

until the ball, slowing, balances

itself on his hairline,

the hot sun and sweat filling his eyes

as he jiggles this way

and that, then flicking it up gently,

hunching his shoulders

and tilting his head back, he traps it

in the hollow of his neck,

and bending at the waist, sees his shadow,

his dangling T-shirt, the bent

blades of brown grass in summer heat;

and relaxing, the ball slipping

down his back. . .and missing his foot.

He wheels around, he marches

over the ball, as if it were a rock

he stumbled into, and pressing

his left foot against it, he pushes it

against the inside of his right

until it pops into the air, is heeled

over his head—the rainbow!—

and settles on his extended thigh before

rolling over his knee and down

his shin, so he can juggle it again

from his left foot to his right foot

—and right foot to left foot to thigh—

as he wanders, on the last day

of summer, around the empty field.


«After School, Street Football, Eighth Grade» by Dennis Cooper

Their jeans sparkled, cut off

way above the knee, and my

friends and I would watch them

from my porch, books of poems

lost in our laps, eyes wide as

tropical fish behind our glasses.

Their football flashed from hand

to hand, tennis shoes gripped

the asphalt, sweat’s spotlight on

their strong backs. We would

dream of hugging them, and crouch

later in weird rooms, and come.

Once their ball fell our way

so two of them came over, hands

on their hips, asking us to

throw it to them, which Arthur did,

badly, and they chased it back.

One turned to yell, “Thanks”

and we dreamed of his long

teeth in our necks. We

wanted them to wander over,

place deep wet underarms to

our lips, and then their white

asses, then those loud mouths.

One day one guy was very tired,

didn’t move fast enough,

so a car hit him and he sprawled

fifty feet away, sexy, but he was

dead, blood like lipstick, then

those great boys stood together

on the sidewalk and we joined them,

mixing in like one big friendship

to the cops, who asked if we were,

and those boys were too sad to counter.

We’d known his name, Tim, and how

he’d turned to thank us nicely

but now he was under a sheet

anonymous as God, the big boys crying,

spitting words, and we stunned

like intellectuals get, our high

voices soft as the tinkling of a

chandelier on a ceiling too high to see.


«An Athlete’s Prayer» by Sandy Dow Mapula

It was right before the big one and the football player said,
“Excuse me guys for just a sec while I go bow my head.”
And in the quiet of that room
The football player prayed,
“Oh God if nothing hear me now
I know that fate is made.”

“So help us Lord to win this game,
It’s the big one, man, you see,
If we lose this game that’s it for us,
Please do this, Lord, for me.”

And as his body knelt in prayer,
He looked up to the sky,
“And while I’m here, and have some time,
I need to ask you why?”

“They say you never help teams wind,
Just do it once I pray,
We will pay you back in kinder deeds
Or in another way,”

“The reason why I can’t help you win,”
The Lord just then replied,
“Is as you’re asking me to win,
So is the other side.”

“I’m everybody’s father and
I must not take one side,
So games are played all on your own
Or they would all be tied.”

“But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pray,”
He answered him with care,
“You can pray that players don’t get hurt
And that all the calls are fair,”

And while the player heard this voice,
He bowed his head in prayer,
“I pray for fairness,” said the boy
“And for your tender care.”

“You shall be blessed,” the Lord replied,
“Your team and you the same,
And now will you excuse me boy,
I cannot miss this game.”


«At the Pool» by Glen Martin Fitch

“You’re wasting your time.”
so leers the jock.
And I glare back.
“My time is mine to waste.”
There’s what and when and how,
and where’s the clock,
and I don’t want
my towel and keys misplaced.
“Go on and play”
the anxious parents plead.
They fear the hesitation
of their child is fear.
Kids know instinctively
they need to watch and test
while data is compiled.
“Get down from there!”
surprised a parent screams.
Look who did what
while waiting out of sight!
Most kids will dare
a studied task,
it seems,
when confident
that now the time is right.
Today’s not ’bout
how fast or hard or more.
My hardest exercise
is my front door.


«Athlete» by Mellissa A Smith

It’s game time now, it’s time to win
we’ve worked so hard all year
We’ve made it past some tough game times
and now, the reward is near

Let’s bow our heads and ask the Lord for this last precious win
Let’s make sure he knows we’ve tried real hard and it’s all up to him
“Dear Lord our father, we need this bad, we did all we could do”
we continue on and ask again “Please Lord help us make it through”

A feeling comes from deep inside, it didn’t feel real good
I decided to try it once again, but asking the way I should
“Dear Lord I pray for a fun, safe game, may both teams be injury free,
we have tried real hard and should all feel proud whatever the outcome may be.”

So now we must go and do our best
it’s up to us to pass this test
Whatever the outcome, victory or defeat
I just thank you Lord for making me an ATHLETE!


«Basketball» by Erika Johnson

My heart races as I step on the court
Basketball my favorite sport
The whistle blows to start the game
It’s a feeling I can’t explain
My team is my family
When we work together there’s no boundaries

Pass, shoot, score
Everyone wants more
Time for defense no one gets by
Shot goes up the ball is mine
The half time buzzer blows
Into the locker room we go

Start at half it’s a tie
We need to give it our all to get by
Ten seconds left down by one
We can’t be done
I have the ball I shoot a three
The crowd stands up and cheers or me.


«Basketball Is Lots of Fun» by Kenn Nesbitt

Basketball is lots of fun.
It’s my favorite sport.
But I’m so bad that, when I play,
they throw me off the court.

Now hockey is my favorite sport.
The trouble is I stink.
So every time I hit the ice
they throw me off the rink.

Now soccer is the game I like.
There’s just one little hitch;
I kick and run too slow, and so
they throw me off the pitch.

At last I found some sports that I
can play and not get thrown.
I now play soccer, basketball,
and hockey on my phone.


«Come on Coach» by Aimee Vey

Come on coach I know I’m a little small;
Come on coach throw me the ball.
My eyes are on the ball I’m in my stance;
Come on coach I just need a chance.
I’m getting better every year;
With a little practice I no longer fear
So coach throw me one I can hit;
I bet I’ll even surprise the team a bit.
With my eyes on the ball and my hands on the bat tight;
The coach threw me one and I hit it hard into right.
The fans cheered as I ran round the bases;
I looked into the crowd to see all their faces.
But the two people who stood out
My mom and my dad and they said with a shout
“Hooray Bailey way to go!”
I hit the ball and now I know;
With a little confidence and some cheers
I’ll get better and better throughout the years.


«Dinamita Knocked “Pacman” Out» by Alon Calinao Dy

The world witnessed the year’s biggest bout
When “Dinamita” knocked “Pacman” out.
Marquez got his revenge and fought bravely.
This time around he won convincingly.

What’s next now to our pound-for-pound king?
Will he retire from the world of boxing?
Why did he become reckless in this slugfest?
Is the fight between “Money” versus “Pacman” still the subject?

This boxing match teaches us many lessons in life.
It’s not always about winning.
It’s not about how you lose in a game.
But it’s how you rise again after that painful loss.

I love Manny Pacquiao known as “Pacman.”
But if hanging up the gloves is a better option,
Why consider it now?
Why would you risk your life for a boxing show?

I congratulate the winner Juan Manuel Marquez!
He fought a very hard fight tonight.
Therefore, I give you all my respect.


«Fast Break» by Edward Hirsch

A hook shot kisses the rim and
hangs there, helplessly, but doesn’t drop,

and for once our gangly starting center
boxes out his man and times his jump

perfectly, gathering the orange leather
from the air like a cherished possession

and spinning around to throw a strike
to the outlet who is already shoveling

an underhand pass toward the other guard
scissoring past a flat-footed defender

who looks stunned and nailed to the floor
in the wrong direction, trying to catch sight

of a high, gliding dribble and a man
letting the play develop in front of him

in slow motion, almost exactly
like a coach’s drawing on the blackboard,

both forwards racing down the court
the way that forwards should, fanning out

and filling the lanes in tandem, moving
together as brothers passing the ball

between them without a dribble, without
a single bounce hitting the hardwood

until the guard finally lunges out
and commits to the wrong man

while the power-forward explodes past them
in a fury, taking the ball into the air

by himself now and laying it gently
against the glass for a lay-up,

but losing his balance in the process,
inexplicably falling, hitting the floor

with a wild, headlong motion
for the game he loved like a country

and swiveling back to see an orange blur
floating perfectly through the net.


«Football Mom» by Annissa Worobec

With mouth guard in, and ball in hand
A pass will be made and the crowd will stand.
They will cheer and scream for their home team
And the coach’s face will grin and beam.

The boys on the field will perform a great play
That will bring the team victory
And touchdowns will be made

Flips and slams, turns and fumbles
I see my mom cringe
When it’s me getting pummeled

She hates the violence and the aggression that occurs,
It eats at her stomach, and twitches her nerves
But she waits for me to score for my home team
Then her cheer is the loudest


«Football Uniform» by Rhonda J. Becker

Football Uniform
I remember watching you out upon the field.
In the Seventh grade, you were with a helmet as your shield.
The uniform just hung upon your skinny frame.
The number on the jersey was your only name.

I washed and soaked those football pants time and time again.
I often said a little prayer for our team’s little men.
I hung the jersey out to dry with hopes of victory.
Watching how you were growing now for the entire world to see.

You grew in size physically, as well as character too.
I realized how the time has passed and the years they just flew.
For as I wash your uniform after this game that is your last,
I hope and pray you remember the lessons from seasons past.

Winning is very glorifying and is definitely the most fun.
Sometimes, however, you did everything there was to be done.
Yet the score didn’t’t reflect the hard work and preparation the team put in.
And you had to support each other with compassion without the win.

I stand here proudly staring at your number upon this shirt.
I am wishing for more days that it would be filled with dirt.
My mind will hold forever the picture of my son.
Waiting for his name to be called and on the field he’d run.

My little skinny boy has now become a man.
In life he will go now and do the best he can.
Football has taught him, teamwork and unity.
God, I pray, You help him become the best that he can be.


«Game Called» by Grantland Rice

Game Called. Across the field of play
the dusk has come, the hour is late.
The fight is done and lost or won; the player files out through the gate.
The tumult dies, the cheer is hushed,
the stands are bare, the park is still.
But through the night, there shines the light,
home beyond the silent hill.

Game Called. Where in the golden light
the bugle rolled the reveille.
The shadows creep where night falls deep,
and taps has called the end of play.
The game is done, the score is in,
the final cheer and jeer have passed.
But in the night, beyond the fight,
the player finds his rest at last.

Game Called. Upon the field of life
the darkness gathers far and wide,
the dream is done, the score is spun
that stands forever in the guide.
Nor victory, nor yet defeat
is chalked against the players’ name.
But down the roll, the final scroll
shows only how he played the game.


«Golf» by Vicki Ryan

Golf is a game played by many,
Clubs, balls and tee’s are your enemy.
Stand at the tee ball up on a stick
bend your knee’s and give a big hit.
Down the fairway out of site don’t
hit the tree’s stay on the grass.
Hazards will find you, water and sand
bushes and tree’s and really long grass.
No time to be chasing a ball that’s
lost so get another and stay in the game.
18 greens to chase down most on a mound
with a flag to find that marks the hole
then putt your little ball into the cup.
Albatross, Eagles, Birdies and Pars get
some of these and they help you to score.
Bogies and bunkers and balls out of bounds
will test and tease you and ruin the round
So when you stand at the ball club in hand
remember that the short green stuff makes
for a great game and you will do it again.


«I am a Martial Artist» by Karen Eden

“I am a martial artist.” I see through different eyes.
I see a bigger picture when others see grey skies.
Though many can’t conceive it, I stand…facing the wind.
My bravery, not from fighting, but from my strength within.

I am a martial artist. I’ll walk the extra mile.
Not because I have to, but because it’s worth my while.
I know that I am different, when I stand on a crowded street.
I know the fullness of winning, I’ve tasted the cup of defeat.

I am a martial artist. They say I walk with ease.
Though trained for bodily harm, my intentions are for peace.
The world may come and go, but a different path I’ll choose.
A path I will not stray from, no matter, win or lose.


«My Hamster Has a Skateboard» by Kenn Nesbitt

My hamster has a skateboard.
When he rides it, though, he falls.
He takes off like a maniac
and crashes into walls.

He screams, “Geronimo!”
and then goes crashing down the stairs.
He’s good at knocking tables down
and slamming into chairs.

He’ll slalom through the living room
and then you’ll hear a, “Splat!”
which means that he’s collided with
my mother or the cat.

He plows right into cabinets,
and smashes into doors,
I think he’s wrecked on every bed
and every chest of drawers.

It’s fun to watch him ride
because you’re sure to hear a smash.
He doesn’t skate so well but, boy,
he sure knows how to crash.


«Not In Vain» by Luis Limon

If you can get an equalizer with 10 men,
If you can take the shot and forget your pain,
not all you went through was in vain,
If you can use the ground to your advantage in the hard rain,
If you can take a hit and smile back,
If you can be the one that leads the pack,
If you can keep your head cool,
while everyone is about to lose theirs.
Become the best out of those that came first,
Not all you went through was in vain,
If you can take defeat on the chin,
If you can celebrate without hurting a feeling,
If you can respond to the singing of the crowd,
If you can give them something to celebrate..
That’s what is all about,
If you can go that extra sprint, that jump, that save,
If you can keep your feet in the ground,
But strike in a flying path,
If you can make the sacred place roar,
and make the ground tremble in furor,
Then I can really tell you that..not all you went through…was in vain..


«Our Teacher’s a Football Fanatic» by Kenn Nesbitt

Our teacher’s a football fanatic.
It’s all that he has on his mind.
He listens to games on his headphones,
and frets when his team is behind.

He jumps up and down with they’re winning.
He screams when they fumble a pass.
We know we’re supposed to be reading,
but watching him’s simply a gas.

Our principal walked in on Friday,
and he was too angry to speak.
Our substitute started on Monday.
Our teacher’s been benched for a week.


«Perfect Form» by Kamilah Aisha Moon

Walter Scott must have been a track athlete
before serving his country, having children:

his knees were high, elbows bent
at 90 degrees as his arms pumped
close to his sides, back straight and head up
as each foot landed in front of the other.
Too much majesty in his last strides.

So much depends on instinct, ingrained
legacies and American pastimes.
Relays where everyone on the team wins
remain a dream. Olympic arrogance,
black men chased for sport—
heat after heat
of longstanding, savage races
that always finish the same way.

My guess is Walter Scott ran distances
and sprinted, whatever his life events
required. Years of training and technique
are not forgotten, even at 50. Even after being
tased out of his right mind. Even in peril
the body remembers what it has been
taught, keeping perfect form
during his final dash.


«Prayer of a sportsman» by Berton Braley 

Dear Lord, in the battle that goes on through life
I ask but a field that is fair,
A chance that is equal with all in the strife,
A courage to strive and to dare;

And if should win, let it be by the code
With my faith and my honor held high;
And if I should lose, let me stand by the road,
And cheer as the winners go by.

And Lord, may my shouts be ungrudging and clear,
A tribute that comes from the heart,
And let me not cherish a snarl or a sneer
Or play any sniveling part;

Let me say, “There they ride, on whom laurel’s bestowed
Since they played the game better than I.”
Let me stand with a smile by the side of the road,
And cheer as the winners go by.

So grant me to conquer, if conquer I can,
By proving my worth in the fray,
But teach me to lose like a regular man,
And not like a craven, I pray;

Let me take off my hat to the warriors who strode
To victory splendid and high,
Yea, teach me to stand by the side of the road
And cheer as the winners go by.


«Rainy Day in Baseballland» by Joe DeMarco

It was a rainy day in Baseballland
The players were home in bed
One rookie rolled over his eyelids a flutter
With dreams of a stand-up triple running through his head

The cleats and spikes were all on hooks
Along with mitts, bats, and caps
And even Cal Ripken Jr. had settled down
For a long summer’s nap

Outside the rain was pouring down
While puddles drenched the field
But little Eric Hopkins came to play
And his imagination refused to yield

His mitt lay soggy in a puddle
And his sleeves were drenched with rain
As his hands clenched a cold bat with a hope
“That springs eternal in the human brain.”

Little Eric threw the ball up swung and missed,
And the umpire bawked, “Strike one!”
He tapped his cleats, picked up the ball, and reminded the ghost crowd,
“This rain won’t ruin our fun.”

For little Eric loved the game
And he loved the feel of stitched leather in his hands
As he waved to his mom, who sat with his fabricated wife
And his invented kids up there in the fantasy stands

And now the imaginary pitcher holds the ball
And now he lets it go
But little Eric swung and missed again
Which made two strikes in a row

He metaphorically dusted himself off
And picked up the ball once more
For often he wished that instead of three strikes
The batter could get four

But today he realized, it was his day
His wishes were his commands
So as he squeezed the water from his jersey
He raised his finger toward the left-field stands

He was Babe Ruth, Mark McGwire, Ken Griffey Jr,
and Barry Bonds all together
And anything you said about lightning or thunder
Wouldn’t be getting him out of this weather

For in his head the sun was shining
And the grass was green and dry
And he sent that low and away 0-2 pitch
Like a rocket into the sky

And he arrogantly trotted around the bases
Stepped on third and headed toward home plate
While his mother yelled from down the street,
“Dinner’s cold and you are late!”


«Run Every Race as if It’s Your Last» by Lisa Olstein

as you round the bend
keep the steel and mouse-skinned
rabbit front left center
and the track and the crowd
and its cries are a blurred ovation
as you stumble and recover
and then fully fall even if
only onto the rough gravel
of your inside mind or outside
in what is called the real world
as how many drunken grandfathers
holding little girls’ hands
and broken peanut shells go
swirling by why are you racing
what are you racing from
from what fixed arm does this
moth-eaten rabbit run
captive is different than stupid
near dead is different than dead
they call it a decoy but we know
a mirror when we see ourselves
lurch and dive for one


«Surviving The Bull Ride» by Becky Reynolds

The bull is in the gate
You lower yourself to rest on his back
He moos a threatening sound full of hate
You nod your out there’s no turning back
He takes off you hold on for life
He twists you follow your body cracking
3 seconds in he’s winning
Your hand is weakening your fingers cramping
5 seconds in your full of pain
Your body says give up
Your mind says I can win
7 seconds in your almost done
Your hand starts slipping
8 seconds in you hear the buzzer
you let go, fall down, stand up
Your legs are weak your body quivering
But you won that silver buckle
On your belt it slides
Another trophy from your
8 second rides


«The Biker’s Road» by Daren L. Gardner

Raise the door or just take off the cover,
there she sits just waiting for us to hover.

Our first glance we know she waits,
just as our mind anticipates.

As we sit on the seat, a turn of the key,
we know for sure this is the way it should be.

Pull out the drive and head down the street,
whether we are alone or heading to a meet.

The direction that we take as the wind hits our face,
remember it’s about the joy, not about winning a race.

The curves, the hairpins, or just the straights,
with every lean, there’s just something about the path we take.

It’s the feeling we get as we straddle of course,
a passion and a love upon that steel horse.

So as we roll along and feel the ground,
with every throttle twist taking in the sound.

Be aware of the others as your mind clears the load,
hoping they remember this too is “The Bikers Road”.


«The Church of Michael Jordan» by Jeffrey McDaniel

The hoop is not metal, but a pair of outstretched arms,
God’s arms, joined at the fingers. And God is saying

throw it to me. It’s not a ball anymore. It’s an orange prayer
I’m offering with all four chambers. And the other players—

the Pollack of limbs, flashing hands and teeth—
are just temptations, obstacles between me and the Lord’s light.

Once during an interview I slipped, I didn’t pray well tonight,
and the reporter looked at me, the same one who’d called me

a baller of destiny, and said you mean play, right? Of course,
I nodded. Don’t misunderstand—I’m no reverend

of the flesh. Priests embarrass me. A real priest
wouldn’t put on that robe, wouldn’t need the public

affirmation. A real priest works in disguise, leads
by example, preaches with his feet. Yes, Jesus walked on water,

but how about a staircase of air? And when the clock
is down to its final ticks, I rise up and over the palms

of a nonbeliever—the whole world watching, thinking
it can’t be done—I let the faith roll off my fingertips, the ball

drunk with backspin, a whole stadium of people holding
the same breath simultaneously, the net flying up like a curtain,

the lord’s truth visible for an instant, converting nonbelievers
by the bushel, who will swear for years they’ve witnessed a miracle.


«The Football Game Is on TV» by Kenn Nesbitt

The football game is on TV.
The chips are in the bowl.
We’re totally excited and
about to lose control.

Our living room has turned into
a huge, chaotic scene.
We’re madly jumping up and down.
We’re screaming at the screen.

My mom and dad are yelling
while my baby brother wails.
My sister’s sitting on the sofa
chewing on her nails.

I’m running all around the room
as if I’ve lost my mind.
It’s not because our team’s ahead.
It’s not that they’re behind.

The reason that we’re shouting
and we’re running all about,
is that the game was tied and then
the Internet went out.


«The World’s Fastest Bicycle» by Kenn Nesbitt

My bicycle’s the fastest
that the world has ever seen;
it has supersonic engines
and a flame-retardant sheen.

My bicycle will travel
a gazillion miles an hour —
it has rockets on the handlebars
for supplemental power.

The pedals both are jet-propelled
to help you pedal faster,
and the shifter is equipped
with an electric turbo-blaster.

The fender has a parachute
in case you need to brake.
Yes, my bike is undeniably
the fastest one they make.

My bicycle’s incredible!
I love the way it feels,
and I’ll like it even more
when Dad removes the training wheels.


«Victory» by Sherman Alexie

When I was twelve, I shoplifted a pair
Of basketball shoes. We could not afford
Them otherwise. But when I tied them on,
I found that I couldn’t hit a shot.

When the ball clanked off the rim, I felt
Only guilt, guilt, guilt. O, immoral shoes!
O, kicks made of paranoia and rue!
Distraught but unwilling to get caught

Or confess, I threw those cursed Nikes
Into the river and hoped that was good
Enough for God. I played that season
In supermarket tennis shoes that felt

The same as playing in bare feet.
O, torn skin! O, bloody heels and toes!
O, twisted ankles! O, blisters the size
Of dimes and quarters! Finally, after

I couldn’t take the pain anymore, I told
My father what I had done. He wasn’t angry.
He wept out of shame. Then he cradled
And rocked me and called me his Little

Basketball Jesus. He told me that every cry
Of pain was part of the hoops sonata.
Then he laughed and bandaged my wounds—
My Indian Boy Poverty Basketball Stigmata.


«You Can Argue with a Tennis Ball» by Kenn Nesbitt

You can argue with a tennis ball
or argue with your hat.
You can argue with bananas
or a broken baseball bat.

You can argue with your locker.
You can argue with your shoe.
You can argue all day long
until your face is turning blue.

You can argue with a pickle.
You can argue with a bee.
It’s a fact that you can argue
with most anything you see.

You can argue with the football field
or argue with the bleachers.
But I’ve found it isn’t very smart
to argue with the teachers.

Lost love

It would be wrong to say that love is always a beautiful feeling. It makes someone soar on wings, gives core strength to others. But some people get broken or become a slave by love. But in fact, love is a very strong feeling. So it would be strange if poets missed the theme of gone love.

«700 Miles From My Heart» by Sirenity K. Ball

In my dreams you’re right by me
Sleeping through the night beside me,
And when I wake up and it’s a dream,
I don’t have any tears left to comfort me.

I’ve locked my heart away
And I’ve dreamed about the day
I’m carelessly walking someplace
And run into someone just to see your face.

But my heart is broken.
It’s been effortlessly stolen,
And I hope you will forever be holding it,
Fixing the crooked pieces that were bent.

Because the last time I hugged you,
You held me tight,
Loved me as I cried,
And said it would be all right.

Because time is just a number
And sorrow isn’t forever,
And I promise I will always remember
All the good times we have had together.

Because I love you more than words can say
As all my old infatuations fade away.
I wish I could look into the future and see our fate.
Maybe then I could calm my heart rate.

And I think of you every day.
There isn’t a day that I don’t picture your face.
I cry every time it rains
Because I picture our first date.

And I miss the way you laugh
Because it brings me joy whenever I’m sad,
And if I’m with you, life has dealt me a good hand
Because only with you do I realize what I have.

I have a guy who makes me laugh
Who truly cares if I’m sad,
Who makes me smile when I’m mad,
And listens to me when I rant.

So between now and then,
Please don’t forget who I am
Because it has been said
You can forgive but never forget.

So please don’t forget my face
Or how when I’m nervous I pace.
And think of me whenever it rains
So that when we meet again we will be in the same place.

We will be in love without a care
Because what we had is rare.
You’re exactly perfect down to every hair.
Even if there was an error, I would never care.

I love you!


«A Lost Love» by Henry Francis Lyte

I meet thy pensive, moonlight face;
Thy thrilling voice I hear;
And former hours and scenes retrace,
Too fleeting, and too dear!

Then sighs and tears flow fast and free,
Though none is nigh to share;
And life has nought beside for me
So sweet as this despair.

There are crush’d hearts that will not break;
And mine, methinks, is one;
Or thus I should not weep and wake,
And thou to slumber gone.

I little thought it thus could be
In days more sad and fair
That earth could have a place for me,
And thou no longer there.

Yet death cannot our hearts divide,
Or make thee less my own:
Twere sweeter sleeping at thy side
Than watching here alone.

Yet never, never can we part,
While Memory holds her reign:
Thine, thine is still this wither’d heart,
Till we shall meet again.


«A Lost Love» by Steve Stewart

There’s a pain in my heart that I’m feeling today,
for the love of my life feels further each day.

The sorrow is so much and the pain is so deep.
I’ve hurt her again’ I can’t even sleep.

But I now know the problem, the curse of our love.
It was buried inside me, with no sight from above.

And now that I see it, I force it away.
Yet I fear that I’ve lost her, nevermore can I say

that I love her so deeply and regret all the pain,
and I know it’s my fault; no one else can I blame.

And I search for an answer, somewhere above
and hope she’ll forgive me and remember our love.

For I can’t live without her and could never move on,
for how can one live when what they live for is gone?

Walls are closing around me; I sink slowly each day,
yet I cling to a hope that seems far away

that she will return to me and feel my embrace.
I miss her so badly and the beauty of her face

as she slept there beside me, never knowing the truth,
that I would smile there beside her, and be thankful for the proof

that someone does care, for I have known this angel,
and I’d softly kiss her cheek, the moment so blissful.

And I’d hold her all night and feel so at peace,
yet I never told her these things; now I watch as she flees.

But I know she remembers it, the love that I gave,
and I hope she can forgive me, the cause of her pain.

For like an angel from heaven, she came into my life.
Now I plead one last time, for one last chance to make it right.

Yet I fear it won’t heal; how I’ve ripped us apart,
but I must let her know what’s inside this broken heart.

That I love her so much and I’ve made a mistake,
and I hope she won’t leave because it’s my heart she will take.

We were in love for so long; I know she remembers.
It started three years ago that night in September.

I will never forget how I felt that cold night;
my breath taken away by the beauty of her sight.

I write these words now with tears in my eyes,
for I love her so much; I sit and I die.

I’m so lost without her, don’t want her to go,
not without me saying what I need her to know.

That I’ve always loved her and miss her each day,
yet the hope that she loves me drifts further away.

I just want her to know how I truly feel,
and to know that my words are nothing but real.

And it doesn’t take a special time to make a new start;
it takes only desire and true love from the heart.


«A Shattered Heart» by Christi Ybarra

Some say a broken heart is like a shattered vase
Fragile pieces scattered all over the place.
The shattered pieces of broken glass seem to go everywhere
Unlike the pieces of a broken heart that seem to  pierce your soul.

With faith and hope you try to mend the broken heart
Unlike the vase it cannot be so easily replaced.
It takes a while to mend it and then you lock it up
You hide the key and wait to see if someone can be found

A special person who will use the key to unlock the heart
A unique person who will handle the heart with gentle hands,
Who can be honest, truthful and handle it with care.
My heart and I wonder is there really that kind of person out there.


«A Simple Smile» by Ralph P Quinonez

A great big laugh, a simple smile.
You came into my life to only stay awhile.

At first glace, I knew it was meant,
But the time with you, I don’t know where it went.

I think about you almost every day.
Try to ask myself how I let you get away.

You had to leave what was meant to be,
Made me see what I couldn’t see.

I’ve grown with you, a better man today.
Once lost, you’ve helped me find my way.

It was what it was that I cannot change.
What a mess I have to try to rearrange.

This place in life that we are at now.
Would have never thought that it would be allowed.

True love was something always on my mind.
Always there but never designed.

To see you again and have it like it was,
Being very close to you just because.

All I have is good times and stories to share.
In my heart I know you will never be there.

There is never a good way to tell you goodbye.
I keep asking myself, “Why, baby, why?”

I know my love is now walking away.
I must let go because tomorrow brings another day.

A simple kiss, a great big smile.
I’m glad that I met you if only for a while.


«A Vision» by John Clare

I lost the love of heaven above,
I spurned the lust of earth below,
I felt the sweets of fancied love
And hell itself my only foe.

I lost earth’s joys but felt the glow
Of heaven’s flame abound in me
Till loveliness and I did grow
The bard of immortality.

I loved but woman fell away
I hid me from her faded fame,
I snatched the sun’s eternal ray
And wrote till earth was but a name

In every language upon earth,
On every shore, o’er every sea,
I give my name immortal birth
And kept my spirit with the free


«And Nothing Is Ever As You Want It To Be» by Brian Patten

You lose your love for her and then
It is her who is lost,
And then it is both who are lost,
And nothing is ever as perfect as you want it to be.

In a very ordinary world
A most extraordinary pain mingles with the small routines,
The loss seems huge and yet
Nothing can be pinned down or fully explained.

You are afraid.
If you found the perfect love
It would scald your hands,
Rip the skin from your nerves,
Cause havoc with a computered heart.

You lose your love for her and then it is her who is lost.
You tried not to hurt and yet
Everything you touched became a wound.
You tried to mend what cannot be mended,
You tried, neither foolish nor clumsy,
To rescue what cannot be rescued.

You failed,
And now she is elsewhere
And her night and your night
Are both utterly drained.

How easy it would be
If love could be brought home like a lost kitten
Or gathered in like strawberries,
How lovely it would be;
But nothing is ever as perfect as you want it to be.


«Deserted» by Harriet Monroe

O Love, my love, it’s over then—
Your heart flies free;
And it’s now no more us two again,
The door on you and me.
And it’s now no more the supper spread,
The stove singing low.
Oh, worlds away your feet are led,
Where wild winds blow!

Oh, seas between and worlds away
Our paths run now.
Go, for more dead than coffined clay
Is love’s dead vow.
Go, may your bread be sweet, your rest
As soft and deep be
As when you slept upon my breast
And gave the world for me.

Go, for my heart cries out with pain,
With joy cries out.
Go ! you’ve unwound the golden chain—
Love’s hope, love’s doubt.
Go! you were mine—now mine shall be
The whole brave world.
My spirit flutters and is free,
With wings unfurled.

Out of my little house of bliss,
O lost love sweet,
Out of my grief and loneliness
Now will I rise to greet
My friend who begs in the street below,
My friend who prays above;
And each will be—oh, well I know!—
You—you, lost love.


«Elegy» by David Herbert Lawrence

Since I lost you, my darling, the sky has come near,
And I am of it, the small sharp stars are quite near,
The white moon going among them like a white bird among snow-berries,
And the sound of her gently rustling in heaven like a bird I hear.

And I am willing to come to you now, my dear,
As a pigeon lets itself off from a cathedral dome
To be lost in the haze of the sky, I would like to come,
And be lost out of sight with you, and be gone like foam.

For I am tired, my dear, and if I could lift my feet,
My tenacious feet from off the dome of the earth
To fall like a breath within the breathing wind
Where you are lost, what rest, my love, what rest!


«Find Love Again With My Ex» by Brittany Kelley

I gave you my heart
And you gave it back
When we split apart
My heart was a whole of black.

I said I Love You
I meant it with all I had
You didn’t think it was true
Which left me so mad.

April was the end of us
I couldn’t let you go,
I still meant to impress
Hoping it would let you know
That I still need you,
And wanted to be happy.
But you knew
That we both would just end up unhappy.

I didn’t talk to you
For the longest time.
I was so blue
To give a dime.

To me you are someone else I knew
Than other people saw.
I didn’t go with the flow
Ending in me hating you.

Now things have occurred
To where there is no good between us.
Which has become absurd
And much stress.

I just want to forgive and forget
Start over like we never knew one another.
Act like we just met
And one day be close like any other!


«I Am Not Yours» by Sara Teasdale

I am not yours, not lost in you,
Not lost, although I long to be
Lost as a candle lit at noon,
Lost as a snowflake in the sea.

You love me, and I find you still
A spirit beautiful and bright,
Yet I am I, who long to be
Lost as a light is lost in light.

Oh plunge me deep in love–put out
My senses, leave me deaf and blind,
Swept by the tempest of your love,
A taper in a rushing wind.


«I Could» by Chrys Lea

I could dream of you forever,
But it wouldn’t put me beside you.

I could call your name on end,
But you’ll never hear me.

I could ask a million questions,
But I’ll never get the answer I want.

I could write a hundred poems,
But you would still never understand.

I could have said it before it was time to leave,
But I said it in a little note.

I could try to forget what I feel,
But I’ve pushed too much out already.

I could lie to myself,
But lying exhausts the soul.

I could give up on you,
But too much of me still loves you.


«I Want You Back» by Sania Harris

Sitting by the river,
Dreaming through my reflection,
I wonder what has happened.
What has caused this distance?

We used to be together,
Cuddling close to each other.
What came between our beautiful love?
I don’t know, though I wish to.

I can see you now, not alone
You’re holding a hand that’s not mine
Where am I? Why not next to you?
Why am I away? I don’t understand.

You’re smiling to the fullest.
I am not the one making you happy.
You are glancing at someone else.
Why is it not me?

Seeing you after such a long time,
My heart sighs again.
Something inside me growls loud
‘Cause now your hand runs through her hair.

I stand some distance well away,
But the surroundings disappear.
When I look at you, I feel lost inside
I wish you back, my angel.

There you are, holding her hand,
And I am lost, trying to understand.
I want you back, I really do,
Just to hold your hand
And walk with you.


«Just Yesterday» by Bern Agustin

yesterday I was crying…
deep pain creeping within
yesterday I was sobering…
such endless grief, left me shivering

we were once colorful and new
in a blissful land of me and you
just yesterday you were holding me tight
same yesterday you were gone out of sight

I’ve lived my life from this memory
kept running away, reality been missed
aches of memories, no future have seen
“could I ever survive drowning in misery?”

just yesterday you were gone without me
tried to ponder whatever reason there’ll be
just yesterday I  was too weak to see
is there any rainbow left only for me?


«Last Goodbye» by Dorsa Saa

I sit here waiting
waiting for you to see
that time is running out
come on and save me

It’s not your fault I’m crying
so don’t you think that at all
don’t feel guilty for something you didn’t do
just hug me and don’t let me fall

Your arms are so soft and cozy
The look in your eyes, I can’t forget
I wish you didn’t have to leave
but I know the date is set

I let the tears fall down my face
But you tell me not to cry
And that everything will be fine
I know it’s all a lie

I know you can’t stand it either
That we’ll be so far apart
And sleep all alone each night
Yet I know we’ll still be together in the heart

You give me one last kiss and hug
And wipe a single tear
Wish me luck and say goodbye
For its the last one I’ll hear


«Losing The Best Part Of Me» by Casee Llanes

I’m no longer whole
And sadly neither is he
We’ve been locked out by pain
And cannot find the key

We fight we struggle
We kick and scream
Please let us back in
And wake us from this dream

We both need a clue
About what the future holds
Will pain keep us locked out
And see how we do in the cold?

The cold air makes us forget
Forget how to get back in
Fighting and screaming won’t help
Pain wants to see how he will win

After the struggle, the exhaustion takes over
Leaves us both on our knees
It’s clearly too late…
I’ve lost the best part of me


«Lost» by Koren Horvath

Lost in the universe, thats more frightening than fear,
Lost in the Earth, where i feel as if nothing is near,
Lost as a person, Lost as man,
Needing to find myself, but i dont think i can.

Lost to all feeling, that is felt inside,
Lost to the sea, and its longing tide,
Lost to the people who really care,
All these people, never lost but always there.

Lost somewhere, all alone,
Lost with the world, and its pityful moan,
Lost in love, lost in hate,
Just waiting for a chance to lead me with fate.

Lost for words, that i should say,
Lost for thoughts, even when i pray,
Lost in mind, lost in hope,
Help me lord, i cannot cope.


«Lost Love» by Valentin Savin

Lost love
Whether I loved you or not
Alas, I cannot say anything,
As I never really thought;
But you’ve gone and I am suffering.

I am nearly choking in tears.
My life turned sad and unreal.
And this has gone on for years.
But you’re still in my memory.

You may be happy, who knows,
Or grieving like me alone;
I must bear with it, I suppose.
And drink the bitterness of my own.

If you hear, answer me, please:
Do you have any love to share?
I can’t bear a life like this.
Spare me at least my gray hair.


«Lost Love» by Robert B. Wolfe

As I sit and ponder the day away.
I remember the young love I gave away.
I searched for a love like I left behind,
Too young to realize she was one of a kind.

Like a ship in the night,
She sailed away.
The hurt I felt
I still feel today.

For years I walked along a lonely shore,
Dreaming of the eyes I’ll see no more.
The love I felt, I still feel today
For the love of my life that I gave away.


«Lost Love» by Marcia A. Newton

Do you remember me like I remember you
and wonder how our lives might be if we had said “I do”?
If I could hear those three little words that made my life complete,
my heart would know what my ears had heard and probably skip a beat.

Ours was a love story to remember
from the cold dark winters to warm summer weather.
Because of you, memories still linger
of the promise ring you placed on my finger.

You needed to find your place in this world,
even if it meant with some other girl.
I knew I had to let you go
even though I loved you so.

Remember our last sad goodbye?
Our hearts were broken. Tears burned our eyes…
So the hardest thing I’ve ever done was to accept we had to part.
But I hope you will remember you’ll always have my heart.

And so we kissed and we embraced,
and then I memorized your face.
You walked away to catch your flight
but not before we held on tight.

We both moved on and found new lovers.
I married one. You live with another.
Life is not always what is meant to be,
but I will hope, and dream, and always believe.

Imagining you lying next to me
is only a dream, a fantasy.
And only God knows how I’d feel
if all of my dreams could turn out real.

You are always with me. 
You live inside my heart.
And there you will always be
and never would we part.

I will always love you
and I will always care.
You changed my life forever. 
You’re my one true love affair.

You always knew how to ignite the fire. 
You’ll always be my one desire.
It is always you I’m thinking of.
You’ll always be my long-lost love.


«Love Hate» by David Charlton

Of all the emotions a person can feel,
Love is scariest and hardest to heal.
Excitement and mystery impossible to resist.
Promises of magic perpetually persist.
We long for a connection that is as strong as it is true,
But love always does as love wants to do,
So to the emotion of love, I just want to say,
I’m much better off without you; I’m glad you went away,
‘Cause I’d much rather live with a heart that can sing,
A smile that struggles to be more than a grin.
I might not be happy, but at least I’m not sad,
Holding onto happiness that I never had,
Love’s an impostor, a thief in the night,
Reduces flames to embers that no longer burn bright.
Love captains your emotions and steers your fate.
Love is the only emotion that I truly hate.


«Love Seesaw» by Patricia Grantham

Love is like a seesaw that goes up and down
Just like the ferris wheel it goes around and around
Sometimes you maybe happy and at times maybe sad
You played the game of love and lost everything you had

Love can be unsteady and sometimes topsy-turvy
Can be bold and beautiful and also kind of nervy
Here today and gone tomorrow a never ending battle
Will either make or break you until you start to rattle

Love can either break your heart or tear it all asunder
Thrown out and cast aside then left outside for plunder
A seesaw kind of love you see can also be unsteady
Never go for a ride on love unless you’re good and ready

Love can make you a loser and may sometimes let you win
Whatever it takes to keep it try playing again and again
When you have had enough tell the love seesaw goodbye
Give your self sometime to recover and give it another try


«Missing Piece In Life» by Abstruse PSYCHE

I’ve lost a piece and it’s impossible to bring it back..
I was too careless.. I was too slack..
I spent so much time thinking about this and that..
I was indecisive and that’s a fact..

such a coward to take the risk..
so scared to get out of my league..
time is fast and before I knew it..
my piece has already taken a leap..

I’ve lost a piece and it’s almost impairing..
the pain is striking and inside I am grieving..
silently I weep to conceal that I’m hurting..
for how long.. I don’t know.. but in sadness I am sinking..


«My Blue Butterfly» by Rini Shibu

My blue butterfly has lost its way
It fluttered and flew when trees swayed
Now no more are found around my garden
My blue butterfly’s heart has hardened
It realised that no more
nectar is left with me
Now my cherry blossom is pale
and has lost it’s beauty
My blue butterfly has found a new garden
far away among the blue bells
It flapped the wings at me before leaving
shedding its love
Still I remember the mesmerizing sight
Of my garden
The fragrance once it has spread have been lost
and the air is dry
There is no more breeze to pass by
Everything is gone and all the fun has been lost


«My Love For You» by Matthew Dusfim

The Bit by bit and day by day
In such a special lovely way
Do not know why or how to say
But I shall try to… If I may

And thus I shall try to explain
That despite heavy pouring rain
In times of sorrow and of pain
My love for you was not in vain

When I was down and even sad
If I felt angry rather mad
If I was in tears feeling bad
My love for you I did not dread

I was insulted even mocked
My same own life I feel was blocked
The doubts that came and often knocked
My love for you was safely locked

Until the day you came to me
The love in me you did not see
Without you dear how could I be?
My love for you I could not free

And yet you know I still love you
A love that’s strong and oh so true
Wher’ver you go wher’ver to
My love for you will follow too


«My Memories» by Graham Chaplin

My memories are sacred of the you I used to know.
I remember all the places where you and I would go.

Time has made me older, and life has made me old.
My bones are thin and brittle; my body feels the cold.

Days when I was younger and warmer in the sun,
Days when you were with me, I was the chosen one.

Years went rolling past us, but I lost you along the way.
I would give all my tomorrows for just one yesterday.


«No Such Thing As Happy Endings» by Ernesto Prince

The first night they meet
He knew it to be true
This girl who lied before him
Was genuine and true

He looked into her eyes
The deep browns didn’t lie
She loved him just as much
Or was it all a lie?

The nights turned into mornings
The days went by too quick
His chances seemed to slip away
With every day that went

Then finally the day had come
She said she couldn’t wait.
Time had passed so swiftly
He was far too late

It was then he realized
He made a huge mistake
He let the girl he loved
Simply slip away…


«Ode To A Lost Love» by Valerie Dohren

‘Oh sweet breath of eternal life
Dance ever `pon her silent breast
Released from pain and worldly strife
The one I love is laid to rest’

Her flaxen hair, like golden corn,
Fell soft about her lifeless face
And round her shoulders to adorn
As limp she lay in death`s embrace

Still young, the bloom of youth today,
Her life had barely yet begun
But all too soon to fade away
No more to dance beneath the sun

No more to laugh in sweet delight
Nor skip through pastures wild and free
Nor hear the nightingales sing bright
In pure and perfect harmony

‘I`ll ne`er forget her tender smile
Nor yet her face so sweet and fair
Her gentle kisses to beguile
I`ll cherish every thought of her’

The teardrops glistened on his cheeks
Like stars plucked from the darkened skies
He held her hand, no more to speak,
Then gently kissed her still, cold eyes


«Realization – Lost Love» by Dr. M. Asim Nehal

The arms of slumber took me to the darkness
where silence dwells, in peace and serenity,
It lets me speak to and inquire about the love
Before I could ask, it left, leaving behind a trail.

The flock of chattering birds chanted gloomy songs
the bees murmur on every flower warily
the waves followed one another unwillingly
and the waterfalls turbulently flowed everywhere.

Restlessness and the state of confusion
Is ubiquitously on earth
The peace is sadly corned
The calmness has gone to take a dip in the sea

The only hope to revive everything
Rests with the LOVE
We disregarded when it was with us
Now we realise what we have lost.


«Silent Tears» by Nyasha Bard

The day you said it’s over was the day that I died.
When it became dark, I laid down and cried,
Going over and over in my head on what to do.
I could never find the courage to let you be you.

You called me last night and told me that you still cared,
But when the call was over I was empty and in despair.
You were my first love, someone who knew me so well.
But now that we aren’t a couple, people can hardly tell.

You have moved on with some other girl, I see.
I cry to myself in the darkness, wishing that it was me.
But here and now I hear your name over and over again.
I cover my heart; my heartbeat weakens because of the pain.


«Song Of The Desert Lark» by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt

Love, love, in vain
We count the days of Spring.
Lost is all love’s pain,
Lost the songs we sing.
Sunshine and Summer rain,
Winter and Spring again
Still the years shall bring,
But we die.

Love, what a noon
Of happy love was ours!
Grief came too soon,
Touched the Autumn flowers,
Grief and the doubt of death,
Mixed with the roses’ breath.
Darkly the Winter lowers,
And we die.

His torch, love, the Sun
Turns to the stormy West,
Like a fair dream begun
Changing to jest.
Love, while our souls are one,
Still let us sing the Sun,
Sing and forget the rest
And so die.


«The Bench» by Emma Marie Etwell

Sitting alone
On a bench that’s made for two,
Only one side is empty,
For that place is meant for you.
As I look out
Onto the beautiful seashore,
Memories overtake me
And wishes of making more.
Do you remember this special place?
And the moments we had here?
You made my life that day,
And that I will always hold near.
I find myself walking,
Not knowing where to go,
But I always end up
In that special place that we know.
I sit down, can’t move,
Waiting for you to show,
And when I feel your hand on mine,
That’s when I will go.
Do you see, my darling,
That this bench was made for two,
And one day in the future,
It will be filled again by me and you.


«The Cycle» by Spencer Castro

Why do we feel such strong emotion,
Of complete care and pure devotion.
It seems to bring, just pain and fear,
Along with shame and then the tears.

Though at first, it sure feels great,
As if, almost, it were in fate.
With a smile, we first feel love,
And then we thank Great God above.

Making it last for a while,
Thinking he or she is in denial.
Keeping secrets from each other,
Living lies with one another.

Beating ourselves with jealousy,
Wondering who it is they see,
The warmth that we had felt before,
Begins to fly, right out the door.

Distance then grows the two apart,
Knowing they are not right at heart,
The cycle that they had began,
Finally came unto its end.


«The Lost Love» by Frank Romans

My lover’s voice I long to hear,
My heart will race when she comes near.
To see her face and touch her skin,
And hear her words of love again.

Her voice is faint, so far away.
I will not see her here today,
Nor will I get to touch her hair.
I reach to touch, but she’s not there.

I see the image in my mind
Of bygone days and better times,
Of laughter, love, and happy days,
Before we let it all escape

I do not want to be alone,
Growing old, without a home,
Without my love close by my side.
Emptiness, I can’t abide.

If you will have me, I’ll take you.
We’ll start again, with love renewed.
Together always, never to part,
Each holding the other inside the heart.

Be still my mind, it’s just your dream,
A nightmare, really, it would seem.
Pride, you see, precedes the fall.
She won’t be back, and that is all.

I lift my head and raise my glass
And toast those days that are long past.
To memories of love and home,
To days before I was alone.


«The Pain Inside» by Robert Vincent

I saw the stars that shine
When I looked into your eyes.
I felt the pain inside
When your head was next to mine.
Come tomorrow I’ll be able
To love you in your dreams,
So when you’re next to him
I hope you’ll think of me.
Will you remember the pleasure
When you look upon the stars?
Go back to the night
You laid your head upon my heart.
Tell your kids a story
Of a love that couldn’t be,
And I’ll tell mine a tale
Of what you meant to me


«Thoughts At The Ocean» by Thalia M. Llago

I stand on this soft, white sand.
My feet becomes frozen,
And I have no will to move.
Everything reminds me of you.

The sand reminds me of your touch.
The wind, your words,
The sun, your smile,
The stars, your eyes,
The birds, your freedom.

For a month
I just stood there,
Reminiscing every single prayer, song, poem,
Played over and over
By the cherry lips
I’ve never tasted before.

Every wave
That came by
I called your name,
Sometimes restlessly,
But always in vain.

No matter how tight
My mother pulled me away
From this spot,
And no mater
How tired and worn out I became,
I couldn’t shake the thoughts of you.

Some would see this as loneliness,
But how can that be
If your memories keep me company?


«Vagabond Soul» by Lissette Lewis

In the wake of the midnight hour
Left without the power
Of a hope or prayer
Somewhere out there is my love…
Through the shadows of every corner
Lies the promise of tomorrow
Whether happy or alone
Hearts that travel through the valleys
Of past and present
Will never know just how to win
Take me somewhere into the roses
Where all that grows is fresh and new
Leave me only
When the day has started
And I can find another you


«Was Lost But Now Am Found» by Chris Clingman

I once was lost but now am found
i feel so safe standing here on the ground
i love to see all the people around
i love the trees because they never make a sound

what does it mean to be truly lost
does it mean to lose yourself with no real cost
to walk around with no real place to go
someone tells you something and you just say ‘so’

if there is one thing I have learned it’s you’re never lost with love
if you have love you will always be found
the greatest love comes from the Lord up above
just embrace the love from your family all around


«When Love Dies» by Billy Arends

When love dies,
It ceases to exist.
And the flame that used to be,
Ceases to persist

It feels like a wound that won’t stop bleeding,
Like it’s your last breath you’re about to take,
And it feels like your soul’s watching,
And all you can do is pray you wake.

When love dies,
It’s like everything slows down to a stop
The tears that came rolling down your cheeks
Are taking ages to drop

To the cold tiled floor
I fell onto my knees,
It felt as if the light followed her shadow,
As she slammed closed the door…

Love died,
I know this because my soul died too.
And it was hurting as much
As all the pain I put her through.

When love died
I ceased to exist
The only thing that kept us together…
Ceased to persist.


«When Love Is Lost» by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

When love is lost, the day sets towards the night,
Albeit the morning sun may still be bright,
And not one cloud-ship sails across the sky.
Yet from the places where it used to lie
Gone is the lustrous glory of the light.

No splendour rests in any mountain height,
No scene spreads fair and beauteous to the sight;
All, all seems dull and dreary to the eye
When love is lost.

Love lends to life its grandeur and its might;
Love goes, and leaves behind it gloom and blight;
Like ghosts of time the pallid hours drag by,
And grief’s one happy thought is that we die.
Ah, what can recompense us for its flight
When love is lost?


A Mask

I smile, I laugh, I joke around,
but my feelings no one has ever found.
They see me every day with a smile on my face,
but when I get back to this place
I feel as if it’s my own hell,
as if I’m locked in a cell.
The tears run down my face.
I sit in my room, quiet and wondering
if anyone sees the pain I feel
and how it’s oh so real.
Another day comes as I put on my mask and hide.
No one sees the pain I feel inside.
I laugh and I smile,
but inside I’m sad.
I wish someone could see.
I get back to this place I call hell,
where it all began and where I fell.
I take off my mask, but I’m still all alone,
and it kills me that no one will ever know.
I wish I could be the girl
that people think they really see.

By Jordyn Alberts


A Prayer By Me

No one knows what I feel today
Or that I’m dying inside.
No one knows the pain I’m in,
For it’s nothing a smile can’t hide.

If I could find the words to tell,
I’d get help in a second.
But there are no words to explain
My pain and my heart that it’s wreckin’.

So I beg thee, Lord God of all
Who sees the struggle I’m in,
To stay by me with your grace
And keep me from giving in.

I promise you that I’ll fight on
And that I will survive,
But every day I lose some hope
That’s been keeping me alive.

I need your help so earnestly, Lord,
And I need your love today.
But I also ask if it be your will,
Please take the pain away.

By Mary Cathleen 


Are You There God?

Drowning in my misery
this life is hell it seems to me
and I don’t think I can fight this anymore
Tears of hate of broken hearts
scars from memories they haunt
my existence I plea

God save me
Save me
I don’t wanna feel this anymore
God save me
Save me
I can’t handle myself anymore
please settle my score

Fighting back the whines of sin
regret my past unthankfulness
I don’t want to do this anymore
Scabs from cuts inflicted time
watch the blood drip down my spine
I won’t handle this life anymore

God save me
Save me
I don’t wanna feel this anymore
God save me
save me
I can’t handle myself anymore
Please settle my score

Take a knife and scratch my surface
break the skin and see the blackness
it’d be painful I if I could feel it
feeling-less numbness darkness
resides within
break the devil from my existence

God save me
can you hear me

God save me
Save me
I don’t wanna feel this anymore
God save me
Save me
I can’t handle myself anymore
end this pain

By Matt Clay


Behind The Mask

Hiding the hurt, hiding the pain,
Hiding the tears that fall like rain.
Saying I’m fine when I’m anything but.
This ache in my soul rips at my gut.
My skin is on fire; I burn from within.
The calm on my face is an ongoing sin.
The world must stay out; I’ve built up a wall.
My fragile lie will collapse should it ever fall.
Loneliness consumes me; it eats away the years
Until my life is swallowed by unending fears.
Waiting for someone to see I wear a mask
And care enough to remove it; is that too much to ask?

By Melisa Bernards


Behind This Face

Behind this calm face there is a raging storm,
Like a war in my head since the day I was born.

Behind this smile there is a lonely sad frown,
Acting oh so happy when really you are down.

Behind these blue eyes is a bright burning fire,
Flames flickering out of control, getting higher.

Behind this laugh when I’m laughing out loud,
There’s a tear like a rain drop from a dull cloud.

Behind these dry eyes is a waterfall of pain,
Trying to plug the leak, but the effort is in vain.

Behind this confident man is a shy little boy,
The youngster from school, so lonely and coy.

Between my ears is a fight inside my head,
Happy against sad or living battling dead.

Behind this big heart it is shattered like glass,
Still not healed from the bully in the class.

Behind the happiness lies sadness deep down,
Swimming against the tide trying not to drown.

By Lee W. Barker 


Broken Home

Looking at the night sky,
She wonders why,
Why’d they take her away,
She wanted to stay.

Leaving everything she has ever known,
everything she has ever been shown.
Lets sit here and try, try not to cry,
maybe time will pass by.

Then she can go home,
she then won’t have to roam.
Looking for a place,
that she won’t have to chase.

All the broken dreams lay shattered,
tired of hearing she doesn’t matter.
There’s a place in this world,
where she can twist and twirl.

She will belong some day,
everyone who id her wrong, they will pay.
They shouldn’t have taken her,
she know this for sure.

Lets set this trap,
get rid of this crap.
She will get revenge,
when they see me they will all cringe.

Everything has to do with being adopted,
her house is filled with lies.

As the days go by,
she’s always getting high
Hoping it will get rid of the pain,
so she can dance in the rain.

She doesn’t know what to do,
always lost and so confused.
She feels so used and abused,
wants to get lost in this world.

One, she is just one girl,
sick of all the stuff,
she’s had enough!

Going to run away,
not going to stay!

After everything she’s been through,
she still doesn’t know who?
Who she is inside.

Sick of running to hide,
when she dies,
there will be no more lies.

Dying a happy girl,
her life going to unfurl.

All the shatter times,
all the hating rhymes.
They will not be gone,
so lets wait tell dawn.

By Lacey Grogg


Changed Because Of Depression

Where is that cheerful girl I used to know?
I look in the mirror and it’s like I don’t even recognize myself.

I look so down and tired, I don’t see that girl who was so happy so long ago.

What happened to the days I would smile?
Where are the days that my heart wouldn’t break?
Where have I gone?

I see that girl when I look in the mirror, but she’s too far gone.
I can’t bring her back to life, she’s feeling too much strife.

I feel her inside me, but my depression won’t let her come out.
I think the old me is gone without doubt.

By Debbie Brown



I feel the tears fall as I lay here and cry.
Nobody knows that all my happiness is a lie.

You see, I can’t really smile; I haven’t in a while.
It seems like my new style.
Inside I cry; everything I say is a lie.
I feel like I’m going to die, but I really don’t know why.

One minute I’m smiling and the next I’m frowning.
I honestly feel like I’m slowly drowning.

For I will shed more tears; I’ll feel this way for several years.
When I was younger this was one of my biggest fears.

Why didn’t anyone tell me life would turn out this way?
I’m crying at night and pretending to be happy by day.

I’m always really sad.
I just pretend that it’s not that bad.

Stop listening to my lies.
They just hide my cries.

By Emily Harstine


Curl Up And Die

my pain runs so deep I feel like it is inside of me
running through my veins
carving me up as it goes
I don’t want to feel like this
but does anybody care?
I doubt it
I’m a liability
that’s all
nobody cares
they’ve just had enough of me
so I curl up inside my house
and have people say
come out you’re boring
come see the world
but I don’t want to!
I’m scared.
of what? I don’t know
I look at the pills
and contemplate doing it
but I’m too scared
so I just curl up and cry wishing I had the bravery to die.

By Terri


Dancing In The Rain

You’ve had those feelings… you wish your life was done.
You’re broken, defeated, and overcome.
Each day more challenging than the last.
Moments of weakness…emotions consistently masked.

There is sadness built up, stirring within,
Reflecting on where your life has been.
You feel alone… all you feel is pain.
Each moment a struggle masked by crying in the rain.

The storms of life will thunder, shoot lightning ‘cross your face.
But get up, chin up, and win YOUR race.
You can take charge…refuse to feel defeat.
Just get up, walk out… first step’s to move your feet.

Get out of the trench that you’ve dug for yourself.
Change what you are to improve your mental health.
There’s no shame in admitting that life is harder than you can bear.
That’s what friends are for…to show comfort and to care.

Don’t take the world on all alone; the challenges are real.
Be willing to accept the help you need, friendship, and you’ll heal.
Days will get easier; life will cease to be a strain…
Before you know it, you’ll be DANCING in the rain.

By Juli Nielsen 



No words for a state that I cannot express
Like gravity just holds me here in this mess
An invisible force stealing my air
A looming dark cloud and no one’s aware
The strength of a lion becomes a small mouse
The whole of my world consists of my house
Feigning my comfort, I internally cry
Rationalize the how and the why

By Erin L. Kampen


It’s like a plague that never goes away,
Or an animal and its prey.
It waits…
And waits…
And waits…until you’re ready.
Then closes in and devours you…
From the inside out.
ALL you see is shadows of the ones you once knew.
No more happiness,
No more laughter,
No more love.
It’s like a thunderstorm that blocks your soul.
Your soul becomes a black hole.
Whatever said, heard, or learned
Is forgotten, never brought up again,
No longer does anything matter.
It’s all darkness,
Like a plague that never goes away.

By Cassie


Dead Inside

She may seem alive
But she’s dead inside.
How can one live
When the important things died?

You can’t just take it away
If you never even know
The dark things tearing out her soul
That she’ll never choose to show.

She’s dead and alive,
And it’s no way to live,
So the numbness envelopes.
She has nothing to give.

She’s pretending to be all that is real.
Pretending to hurt when she can’t even feel.
Pretending to look when she can’t even see.
Pretending to love when she can’t even be.

By Kerri L. Copeland 


Deep Inside

When I smile deep inside I want to frown
when I laugh deep inside I want to cry
when you look into my eyes
You think every thing is alright
But deep inside
I want to die
maybe one day
I won’t feel like this
till then I’ll be happy in the outside
and crying in the inside

By Amanda


Demons Inside

It’s hard to explain those
demons inside,
the daily struggle,
the daily ride.

When will they go?
When will they end
these terrible thoughts
that they send?

They make me
hate myself.
They fill my head
with torture and doubt.

I’m tired of crying,
I’m tired of trying,
I wish I could believe
those demons were lying.

It’s a constant battle
between them and me.
I just want to end it all
and be free.

By Aimee Jones


Demons Of Darkness

She stood on the bridge
In silence and fear,
For the demons of darkness
Had driven her here.

They cut her heart
Right out of her chest,
Making her believe
That the demons knew best.

They were always there,
Sometimes just out of sight,
Waiting in the background
Till the time was right.

These demons were destructive,
Knocking down the life she knew,
Hating everything about her;
She hated herself, too.

These demons can’t be seen,
But they’re far from fairy tales.
They live inside your mind;
Their evilness prevails.

So on the bridge she stood,
About to end the fight.
Then she stopped and thought
I’ll fight them one more night.

By Olivia B


Depression Blues

My head is not right today.
I have no idea why it’s this way.

It switches from one thought to another.
I feel like I am being smothered.

I can’t finish just one thought.
In a group is where they are brought.

I’m under so much stress.
There are things I should confess.

Some people say I am so strong,
But in reality, they couldn’t be more wrong.

The outer part of me puts on that smile
While the inner me has been dying for a while.

I hate this part of my disease.
It literally brings me to my knees.

From a great mood to nasty as hell.
Which it’s gonna be, I can never tell.

Most of the days I can push through.
Today I don’t know what to do.

It comes with no known trigger.
It’s not going away; it’s only getting bigger.

Bigger, louder, and extremely strong.
I wish I knew what was wrong.

I want to cry, but I don’t know what for.
I hate this disease; I don’t want it anymore.

I get these terrible pains in my chest.
Feels like the Lord is gonna lay me to my final rest.

Will these feelings only last for today?
‘Cause it feels like they will never go away.

In reality it will not.
A life sentence is what I got.

The meds that make me manage
Are the same meds that cause me damage.

I could be flying high in the fluffiest cloud.
Then, bam, I crash onto the ground.

I wonder if people truely understand
What really goes on in my land.

How could they when even I don’t?
How could they when they simply won’t?

This not only takes a toll on me,
But it affects my friends and family,

Especially those days I cannot hide
The deep dark depression I feel inside.

Some days I’m just not strong enough.
Some days are just too tough.

But most of the days I seem to manage
To get through them without serious damage.

Well at least to others
Is what I mutter

Things aren’t usually this bad,
But you won’t know which I have had

‘Cause that is what we do.
We pretty it up for you.

I can’t keep that clear though in my head.
I’m done with this crap; I am going to bed

By Tina M. Casalvera


Depressions Wing

Here I sit with tortured thoughts; I’ve come to suspect that all is lost.
Alas I’ve seen depression’s wing landing on my shoulder.
I blankly stare into my life, a pessimist at heart, can’t seem to get life right.  I’ve lost the way, can’t seem to climb out of the hole being dug throughout my time.
Left behind that’s how I feel, catching up seems to be a big deal.
Alas I’ve seen depression’s wing landing on my shoulder.
Deep prayers go unanswered, as far as I can tell, I’m convinced I’m all alone and scared as hell, I wonder how much more I can bear.
My wife, she flows like the breeze, the best thing in my life and I want to please,
but all I feel is depression’s wing landing on my shoulder.
So much pain, creativity lost, I want this feeling to go away at any cost, I want to feel depression’s wing flying from my shoulder.

By Maurice Windley

Do You Know

Do you know a life of loneliness and one filled with pain,
living a life with nothing to gain,
Surrounded by darkness, overwhelmed with shame.
A life without peace with no one to blame.

Do you know of a place unseen,
A place that holds only shattered dreams,
A place filled with sorrow with no end in sight,
I am given this gift each and every night.

Do you know of a place so cold,
This is the place I call my soul,
A place without hope or comforting dreams, 
A life not worth living wouldn’t it seem.

Do you know of a life that should have never been,
And the feeling that today this life has to end.
One more day of sadness is much too hard to bear,
I am tired of living a life of heartache and despair.

Do you know a person with so much pain inside,
Or the feeling of loneliness when no one hears your cries,
Maybe when the tears are gone and I can clearly see,
The only question left will be…


By  Michelle Boyd


Down But Not Out

Depression is real
It zaps your zeal
Weakens the bones
Confuses the tones
Leaves you in dismay
Tries to take the day
Controls the throttle
Wants you in a bottle
It is a bad place to be
Where it’s hard to see
There is help for this
When nothing seems bliss
Talk to a friend
Do not pretend
Rest in the Lord
Read His Word
Start confessing
All the blessings
Joy is near
Do not fear

By Edward J. Dunn 


Eternally Alone

where can I go?
how can I begin.
At 20 I’m still depressed
I tried taking my life at ten
I began hurting so long ago
I thought id be numb by now
but it gets worse. it feels
like  salted wounds on the inside.
I cry out to no help!
my family isn’t there for me and
neither are any friends. I cry out
Oh God yet the silence never ends.
why? what have I done?
Oh Lord I take it back starting from day one.
why can’t I be loved, why cant I be touched.
am I jinxed? am I vexed? am I cursed?
I long to die, but they say its wrong
ill go to hell!! so I bleed. I bleed hate, I bleed confusion
I bleed eternal despair.
I have been abandoned and used.
I have been hated and abused.
No father, no friends. no one to depend.
hated my childhood cause I was always alone.
I was shown little affection even now that I’m grown.
I want things to change I don’t know how,
ill die if something doesn’t happen now.
where is my hero?
I need saving from this isolation
will it happen or will I be eternally alone?

By Joshua Lawson


Feel Again

Much time I now spend, watching
Watching as others pass by, living
Living their lives
I watch not for care of wanting to know them
Or even so as to learn from what they do and say
I simply watch…and wonder
Wondering why.  Why do I feel this way?
Wondering how.  How have I come to this point?
Wondering when.  When can I ever hope to feel again?
As I watch, I remember
Remember what it was like…
To feel as they feel
To laugh as they laugh
To cry as they cry
To hope as they hope
To hurt as they hurt
To love, to hate, to long, to fear, to yearn…to rejoice…to live
But such is all that I have…memories
Memories which flow before my mind’s eye
Even as the people flow before my gaze
And I, I sit quietly in the shadow…
And wonder

By Jeff Bresee 


Feeling Blue

I suppose it’s hard for some to understand.
This is not the way that I had planned.
I don’t know how I’ve let myself get this way,
And sometimes feel like calling it a day.
But then I think of those who are close to my heart.
Ending it all would probably tear them apart,
So while I’m thinking of my dread,
I’ll try and sort out this mess in my head.
Then if I find I still can’t cope,
There’s nothing more I can do than pray and hope
That everything will turn out right for me,
And someday I’ll be as happy as I can possibly be.

By Kt


Finding Joy

Have you seen Joy? I have not seen her in so, so long,
I miss her, oh how I miss her and her heartwarming song.

I keep searching and searching and asking why
she went away without saying goodbye.

Many years have gone by. but I envision her clearly.
I love her! “Joy, I love you so dearly.”

I have searched all over, I searched my soul.
If you don’t return, you’ll never know,

How I loved the time we spent with one another.
I showed you off to my mother, my brother.

You were there when I married my wife,
I thought you would be with me for the rest of my life.

Joy, can you imagine a clear dark night without any stars?
This time without you leaves unwanted scars.

I’m hurting inside and losing control.
I’m trying to hide it but it’s taking a toll.

I’m saddened to the point of anger
that you betrayed me. Do you feel my pain? Do you feel any shame?

I wish you could feel the loss I’ve been delt!
That’s when I realized that you have no feelings, but rather are a feeling to be felt!

Because I am losing hope that we will be reunited,
I have to make a choice but remain undecided.

Whether to succumb to this awful feeling of sadness,
or continue on faith, it seems like madness.

In the end I am not afraid, I’ll continue, I must!
Because I also love others, I’ve gained their trust.

And though you left for whatever reason,
the others I love with help bring you back this next season.

To have taken you for granted was my biggest mistake.
Please forgive me, forgive me please for heaven’s sake.

When you return to my arms, whenever this may be,
I’ll never let you go or get away from me.

As for those who took your place when you are gone,
they are not invited; they use me like a pawn.

Making me feel so worthless on this Earth,
I long for your return, to signify my rebirth.

By Trent D. Et


From Oppression Comes Light

Depression is oppression.
It’s a deadly hidden message
Defined by self-hate.
It seals its prisoner’s fate.
It holds you captive and throws out the key.
It stabs and jabs just to see you bleed,
Inflicting wounds that scar for life.
Destruction is its mother and death its wife.

You can cry, but it will always ignore your screams.
It terrorizes your soul and haunts your dreams.
It sends you false hope through a bottle or pill.
It destroys your goals and inflicts its will.
You can’t run, nor can you hide.
By its rules you will abide
Until it celebrates that you have died.
Open your eyes, or you will be its prey.
It will blur your vision in the most twisted way.
It will seek your destruction and call for your head.
You will lie and wait but never rest in your bed.

Peace will come to those who want peace,
But as long as you feed him, you will see the beast.
You can’t run, nor can you hide,
But if you conquer the beast, you will survive.
Prayer and hope can lead the way.
Cling on to every word you pray.
Hope is in truth.
Hate is in lies.
Pray for your soul and open your eyes.

By Erik Whitehead



Glance, but don’t stare.
You’re not supposed to see the scars that I bear.

Don’t listen, just speak.
You do not want the answers that you seek.

You smile, I smile back.
Look at the mask, don’t notice the crack.

There’s a monster in there I’m trying to hide,
But she’s nibbling at the ropes in which she’s tied.

She roars at me, forcing tears out my eyes
Then smiles triumphantly, like she’s won a prize.

“Why are you crying?” “I’m fine,” I say.
It’s not like you would understand anyway.

Don’t talk about me, let’s talk about you!
Underneath your mask, is there a monster too?

Does it rip your heart out and wave it in your face?
Find sticks and thorns to put in its place?

No? I’m sorry. I guess we don’t relate.
I’ll shut up now and pretend all is great.

Glance, but don’t stare.
There’s a monster under the mask…enter if you dare.

By Ashley Reyes



I am gone.
I’m so far gone you wouldn’t even know.
So far gone I won’t even show.
I’m so far gone and there’s no way out.
So far gone I just want to shout.
I’m so far gone you could never hear me scream.
So far gone you wouldn’t hear a thing.
I’m too far gone I try and let you see.
So far gone you wouldn’t notice me.
I’m so far gone drowning in quick sand.
So far gone there is no helping hand.
I’m too far gone you can’t help me.
So far gone I tried, begged on one knee.
I wish you could understand how much pain one could withstand.

I try to be brave, yet I have drowned,
I’m in so deep, too deep for you to notice,
to deep for you to care. I’m gone now; nothing’s left.
I should only hope you learn
it was never your fault.
The depression cut me
too deep for you see, too deep for you to feel.
The pain is bigger than me.
I tried to fight.
I’m just gone now.
I’m sorry.

By Alana



Do you feel them?
She was numb and frozen,
Yet it dimly sparkled like a dying gem.

Do you know what that feels like?
Piercing explosions,
Burning afflictions,
Hollers of agonizing cries.
She had nothing left inside.

Eyes closed,
Heartbeat stopped,
Barely alive.

She was a hollow shell.
Into an endless oblivion she fell,
Pitch black and nearly brain dead.
There was nothing in her life ahead.

Why is it so strong?
She was deprived from it.
Devils had done her heart way too many wrongs.
Killed was the lust,
Lost was the temptation.

Why is it so painful?
Once crystal clear and beautiful,
Now a turned poison from what was as pure as golden dust.

She wanted nothing to do with it.
Not long ago it had made her bleed.

Hidden thorns
On her skin that burned.

She was a hollow shell.
Into an endless oblivion she fell.
Pitch black and nearly brain dead.
There was nothing in her life ahead.

Eyes opened,
Tears flowed,
Standing in front of a mirror,
Watching as she wholly became hollow.

By Fathimath L. Ahmed 


Hope For A Rainy Day

I am suspended above the sky,
Longing to feel the earth beneath my feet.

I clasp your hand – to hold on tight.
Don’t let me go, don’t let me sleep.

The moon is a jealous lover.
She will not leave; she has no other. 

The sun is my friend, my comfort-giver.
I know you’re there, just a sliver.

By Daniella C. Nowicki


Hurting Hearts

No one knows how the heart truly feels inside
Sometimes in pain and agony
it suffers
and makes love have no where to reside

You can see the facial expressions and think everything is going fine
But you can’t see the dreadful pain of the heart that’s so hard to define

So very often we smile, laugh, and talk to people each and everyday
Still from that moment to the next, no one ever knows the obstacles you challenge along the way!

As for the “HURTING HEARTS” and the “DEPRESSED”
souls, my tears go out to you today!
To the mothers, fathers, and others of those hurting hearts…I offer a “PRAYER”!!!

By Cynthia Dassie Chester 


I Do Feel Everything

I feel like there is nowhere to go.
I feel like I can’t get out.
I feel like there is no one I can show.
I feel like I can’t shout.

I feel like just giving up.
I feel like I am worthless.
I feel like I am never enough.
I feel like I don’t have a purpose.

I feel like I am locked in a box.
I feel like there is no key.
I feel like I am always in shock.
I feel like no one can hear my plea.

By Jillian J.


I Hide

Due to my twisted sense of pride
Having no one in which to confide
Taught to never show the tears I’ve cried
Many times wishing I had died
No one knows just how hard I’ve tried
To not show what’s truly inside
So I hide
I hide behind a mask and a smile
Faking it all the while
Never showing the true trial
Constantly in a state of denial
Feelings of worthlessness, nothing worthwhile
When did things become so hostile
So I hide
I hide behind a guise and grin
Rarely acting on a whim
Afraid of what could’ve been
Letting too much get under my skin
Patience continuously worn thin
Keeping everything within
So I hide

By Nikki A. Bruley


It’s The True Me All Along

Tears fell from the sky, hate steamed down my cheek, anger, pain, kept inside.
No one to cry, but me.
Heaven above, hell below.
I looked in the mirror ugly showed.
Living in hell.
Wished I was gone flashed before your eyes,
but why did I say that when you don’t even know I existed.
Left alone tears, anger, hate, what else?
Living in a nightmare.
Can’t end this sleep.
The past will always remain in mind.
Living in the shadows, the glass has shattered.
If everyone felt pain and sadness like I do, that would resemble a scar.
Then who knew.
My heart was stolen from me from all the hatred that I had and have.
Starred, secrets, lies spread.
Nothing to see since I’m blind.
Nothing to feel inside since my heart was stolen from me.
If you listen closely and hear that drip-drop moan for love, who will that be.
If you can hear my voice speak up please.
Because living in the shadows is hell.
Now I know where I stand.
Starring back at the ground.
Seeing my reflection from my puddle of broken dreams.
That I’ve come to figure out there was a seed.
Ready to turn into a beautiful flower soon but, all it needs is love.
And when that seed is ready to get out of the shadows and into some light. You will see what you haven’t been seeing It’s the true me all along.

By Alyssia Elbaor


Living A Lie

Walking into a typhoon,
Swimming against the tide,
That’s just how it feels,
When my truth I have to hide.

Pretending you’re really happy,
When inside you want to cry.
Feeling unbelievably low,
But your exterior shows you’re high.

Forgetting how to feel happy,
‘Cause your default is set to sad.
Forgetting all the good times,
Just remembering the bad.

Not wanting to leave the house
Or talk to anyone today.
Walking with my head down,
In my bed I want to stay.

Not seeing a light at the end,
Just stormy skies up ahead.
I can’t see a way out of this.
Maybe I’d be better off dead?!

A feeling of guilt arises,
For two lives depend on me.
My special boys I love so much,
If only they could see…

These dark thoughts I have inside,
The bad things I want to do,
The hurt I cause to myself,
These scares upset me too.

The one wish that I have
Is my kids never feel this pain
Or the feeling of self-hatred
Under dark clouds filled with rain.

As I look into the future,
The old me will resurrect one day.
I’ll then smile a real smile and say,
“I really do feel good today.”

By Lee W. Barker 


Lost In Pain

Anger. Pain.
It’s getting harder to hide
All the feelings I’ve built up inside.

It’s hard to explain
Without being considered insane,
So I’ve kept to myself
Until I realized I need help.

Even the weekends seem to be a chore.
Putting a smile on my face as I walk out the door. 

Wanting to run away,
But where can I go?
Around people or not, I still feel alone.

I cry all the time now.
I used to think I was strong.
Now it’s a struggle just to hold on. 

To make it through the day
Without an odd look my way
Or someone asking me if I’m okay.

But maybe it will do me good
To let someone help if they could.
Just one hug is all I need.
Just one person that cares is all I plead.

And then I might get through another day
Of waiting for my anger and pain to fade away.

By Steff



Can’t you see
The pain in my eyes?
But this is me
And my life.
If you hold me close
You can hear my heart
It cries more than most
From being torn apart.
After every breath I take,
After every fight I witness,
I ask “why must I awake?”
Will I ever conquer forgiveness?
Can you ever truly
Forgive without forgetting?
I am lonely.
My life I am abandoning.
From pain I am running.
Even though these tears are streaming
I will never look back.
All in all,
I have one question to ask.
Would you still catch me if I fall?
Maybe one day you will see.
This is how I live,
And this is me.

By Sabrina


My Daughter’s Tears

Until it affects someone we love,
We don’t even know it’s there.
It’s really not our problem,
So why should we care.

The statistics are quite shocking,
One in four they say
Will suffer from depression
In their lives one day.

There’s not much stigma anymore
For this serious mental flaw.
But no one knows where it will strike,
It’s just the luck of the draw.

No one would choose to live with it,
And some don’t even try.
I see my daughter suffering
And all she can do is cry.

Most people turn the other cheek,
They’ve been doing it for years.
But I must face the pain I see,
In my daughter’s tears.

By Annabel Sheila


My Death

A silenty shadow
stalking me in the night.
The doors are open
but I cannot see the light.
The gray mist
into the abyss I fall.
And I do not know
what my life was at all.
I cannot see
the path before me.
As his cloaked hands
bring me to one knee.
And what I see
is not heaven at all.
But a hell much more worse
than nothing at all.

By Adam


Prisoner Of My Thoughts

Why do I feel like no one understands?
Is this supposed to be God’s master plan?
Am I supposed to feel so alone?
Feeling like this should not be condoned.

Melancholy has found a permanent home in me.
How do I remove it? Do I just let it be?
I am incarcerated by my own brain.
In my world it forever rains.

There’s no escaping the darkness and gloom.
There’s nowhere to run or hide, I’m doomed!
I see the happiness looming, but it is always short lived.

What more does life want from me? I’ve given all I can give.
No one told me it would be this hard just to live.

By Grace P.


Remember Our Daughters

I have often been thin. Not skinny or scat
I’m not overly large… I hate the word fat.
I’m 50 years young, full of vim and vigour,
And this menopause, it’s taking some figure.

Low self esteem invites depression, it seems,
Which differs from depression that brings low self esteem.
The two of them together is quite the mix
And is causing me problems I’m trying to fix.

When depression sneaks up there’s no time to prepare.
You just hit a trigger and then there’s despair.
One more rabbit hole that you’ve just tumbled down.
It’s dark and it’s deep and it’s way underground.

And when you remember you’ve left people behind,
There’s no light in the tunnel; you can’t see, you’re blind.
You can’t tell where you’ve fallen, how far or how fast,
But I’m holding a rope; it’s attached to your past.

Your past and my future inexplicably bound
Held onto the earth by the love that we found.
The pain and the suffering that you’re going through.
The hell and the torment that we’ve got to do.

Feelings you can’t feel but I know they’re there,
And when you get better I know we can share.
Know when I saw you it was love at first sight,
And it’s grown a little every day and every night.

A morning routine of walking and training
Can make so much difference, but not when it’s raining.
It rains in my heart like it does on the roof
And now you’re not eating; you know that’s the truth.

We’ll go to the gym, we’ll eat, we’ll get well,
And then comes a trigger and you’re back in hell.
You look for an exit or someplace to hide,
But I know you’re lucky cause you’ve got a guide.

Someone who’s been in the depths of despair,
Who knows the way in and can pull up a chair
Someone who’s able to lead you to shore,
Returning the favour of more years and more.

I know that we’ll beat this, when it’s all said.
We know it’s important to get out of bed
But after you’re up, well…let’s check out the dial.
Let’s keep our pjs on until there’s a smile.

There are lotions and potions and things you can do.
There are old wives tales and mindfulness too.
There are many things working for others, it seems,
But don’t let them get in the way of your dreams.

There’s a message to be told and we mustn’t balk.
Remember to chat and remember to talk.
Our daughters are going to get to this gate.
We need to prepare them and it’s getting late…

I love you

By Eric



Here on my arm lies a mark that I made.
When I was so low, I cut with a blade
To punish my body for being a mess,
Though here is my testament, I must confess…

That seeing these scars left on my arms, legs, and chest
Makes me realize I was in a place of no rest;
I feel guilty inside for leaving this token.
Now I will see and remember that I was so broken.

But seeing these scars helps me see
That I survived so much trauma and now I am free.
So I ask you now to stand with me and fight,
To show all these demons what they’re doing is not right.

You won the battle of good versus bad.
You are still alive and are no longer sad.
Here on my arm lies a mark of survival.
I got through my hate and beat my self-rival.

By Laura R


Silent Screams

Can’t you hear my silent screams?
They are so loud they echo in my dreams.

Behind this face that carries a smile
Lies a dark road that goes on mile after mile.

My silent screams have been going on for years,
But it always falls on so many deaf ears.

How can they hear these silent screams in my mind?
They can’t hear my thoughts if I keep telling them I’m fine.

What can I tell them? These silent screams carry no words.
It’s just feelings of sadness and darkness that come in its herds.

How can I explain so people understand this?
It’s like walking around in a suffocating black mist.

It’s holding on to happiness like holding water in your hands.
It just trickles between your fingers and disappears into the sands.

I can’t explain how this feels; it’s so extreme,
So I hold my mouth shut to cover my silent screams.

By Aaron



Sometimes I can’t find the words
That fill my messy head.
Can’t find the effort to smile
Or get out of my silly old bed.

The world just sometimes feels like
I don’t fit and don’t belong,
And even when I make the effort,
A smile just doesn’t last long.

I could pretend with all my might
That I am the happiest I can be.
Surrounded by the world, it seems
Lonelier I couldn’t be.

Not sure what may be the answer.
Not sure if I’m really keen
To spend another day here,
Living this dreadful dream.

But I must find some courage,
Light a fire inside my heart
And find a love for life again,
And I know where I shall start.

I’ll walk among the forest
And feel the crisp sea breeze
And lay among the meadow
And listen to all the bees.

I’ll figure out the mayhem
And gaze at all the stars
And dance at every sunset
With a smile inside my heart.

By Lucy Petersen 


Struggling With Depression And Suicide

Days of endless struggle.
More hopeful pills today,
Trying to appear “normal”
In some sort of way.

It seems that the struggle
Is always here with me,
And I wouldn’t be here now
If guilt would leave me be.

I know there’s been many
Who’ve had it worse than I,
But that doesn’t always mean
That I wouldn’t say good-bye.

People say I have a lot going for me.
I’m sorry, but I just can’t see.
I can’t see because my worst enemy
Is not my life but inside of me.

Always on a roller coaster,
Not much consistency.
I’m nothing if I’m not up or down.
I’m nothing if just “me.”

Very little energy,
Wanting to stay in bed,
Wishing to be enthusiastic
Instead of feeling like I’m made of lead.

Wanting to be excited,
Wanting to care for more,
But when nothing makes sense,
It’s hard to focus on the poor.

Cluttered mind, cluttered thinking.
It’s hard to keep in touch
With what is happening around me
And not to worry too much.

I feel that everybody is better than me
And that I can’t do anything right.
This is how I’ve felt my whole dang life;
It didn’t just start last night.

No confidence, no self-esteem.
Everybody else is right.
To speak my mind is to be a fool,
So I just try to “sit tight.”

Any one of these problems
Would be a heavy vice,
But when you have them ALL
Living seems like a roll of the dice.

By  Debbie Lead


Suicidal Tendencies

I’ve lost hope lost my faith I got none left
I only hope that when tomorrow comes it’ll bring death

There’s no love in my life no love in my household
This act is starting to get real old

Man its so cold when you in bed alone
Wishing someone was laying next to you, but there is none

There’s nobody there nothing but darkness
No one to touch, hug, or kiss

If you cant look forward to tomorrow what’s the point of today
I want to leave this earth, but something making me stay

Some kind of force is keeping from leaving this earth
The angel of death has been breathing down my neck since birth

and these voices in my head are getting to loud to ignore
What did I do lord? why you gotta do this for

Why cant you jus let me be leave me in peace
All this hatred and sorrow is turning me into a beast

I hate what I’ve become, did god save me as a child?
Or was that the devil the one that answered when I dialed

For a prayer as I laid in the hospital bed
Why did I survive sometimes I wish I had died instead

Of surviving it why did I live why didn’t I pass on to the next life why
Do I go to bed every night with my pillow and cry?

The pain is getting too much to bear
I just wish someone would care

By Tommy B 


Taking It Day By Day

Each day I live, the pain consumes
What little sanity I have bloomed,
Like walking in a cloud of fog
Falling down, sinking into smog.

Life just seems grim.
I think on a whim.
Interest lost in everything I do,
But what a life, who really knew?

Depressed to a fault, that’s all I see.
Death just seems like the only way for me.
A waste of time I feel I am,
But that’s its nature, a full mind-jam.

I try and try to ease the pain,
A fallen effort with no gain.
Thoughts begin to eat away,
Makes me want to end it today.

Uncomfortable around others for the way I feel.
I pray and wish this all wasn’t real.
Life just seems more like a prison,
Caged, alone, an abomination risen.

No one could ever understand
Why I would want my death sooner than planned.
It’s not something I want for me,
But to end my suffering this is what has to be.

So I write this all as I fall from grace.
Down to this place, some barren waste.
I know not how much longer I will last,
But all I can do is pray that this will just pass.

By Vincent Ramos



The hurt in my eyes is all that has to be said
Sometimes I know I’m better off dead
The pain is the only thing I can feel
Knowing it’s the one thing that’s real
Behind all the games and lies
An emptiness haunts my eyes
A person who I used to be
Worse even though it wasn’t me
Sorrow consuming every thought
Slowly losing everything I’ve got
Darkness closing in all around
Still I don’t make a single sound
Evil fills the void inside
This life’s not one I’ll confide
However deeper someone tries to look
Whatever happens the ground has shook
The dread and hate leaves me in a daze
All around me demons fires blaze
Living isn’t worthwhile if its torture
Yet it’s that to which I’m not sure
Don’t try to understand the words written here
For I’m not the one to fear

By Shianne 


The Crowd

All alone I stand still watching from a distance
I scream as the people walk by but no one listens
A shadow different from the rest stares back at me
I try to grasp it but it disappears right in front of me

I’m left standing still as the day turns into night
I look at the crowd and tears begin to fill my eyes
Not one familiar face in a group of many
Not one looks up or notices me

I’m like an old statue that everyone has seen
They all walk past me like they know where I’ve been
Yet no one cares to see where I’m going
Or how I got there or am I hurting

Suddenly I realize that I’m not the unnoticed
While no one looks at me, I’m the observant
At the end, I have stood firm on the ground
While everyone is searching for the peace I have found

By Gisselle Vargas


The Daily Battle

It is the darkest, deepest place one can travel to alone,
A solo journey filled with struggles and groans.
Every day is a new battle against the same foe,
But the enemy fights back with psychological blows.
It creeps up on you in your most vulnerable state,
Especially when there’s no one around who can relate.
Thoughts in your mind begin to swirl and swell,
Which drag you into your own subconscious hell.
Figments and entities from your past
Serve as the pain, which you can’t outlast.
Finally sleep always comes as a welcomed friend,
But it the morning the ceaseless battle begins yet again.

By Max S.


The Darkness

You would never know it,
The constant pain I feel,
Because in the light of day
It almost isn’t real.

Sure, I’ll play, I’ll laugh,
I’ll sing some songs,
But that pain is always lurking
Because it’s been here all along.

And when the darkness comes
With its all-consuming power,
It slowly takes my soul
Hour by dreadful hour.

But they tell me that I’m strong enough.
They swear that it gets better.
They say, “If you can just hold out
and bear this stormy weather.”

They tell me, “You will be happy one day.
All you need do is fight.”
But what they seem to forget
Is after each day comes the night.

And so I act along.
I play my part
While this crushing darkness
Slowly breaks my heart.

By Dallas E. Krystof


The Darkness Of Shadows

The darkness of the shadows
scared of my own decisions
I cried out
but did you listen?
you stood there
observing every move
I have no one but myself
“I can do it”
I try and tell myself
but the cuts tell me different
what am I to do with all these dreams of
and tormenting
am I to lock it up and hide my feeling
that seems to be way
but why can’t I be saved again
am I
broken with every care in my heart
do I have a heart anymore
can I show love anymore
can I smile without hiding how I really feel
it goes on and on and I have nothing
no one

By Lori Comburn


The Ending Start

I’ve written everything I have to say,
But the words, they rot and fall away.
So with a hole in the bottom, I’m stuck in the same boat as before
And slowly sinking just in sight of shore.

I work so hard to make my life worse
Sometimes I think I’m better off in the back of a hearse,
But I know I could never leave her behind.
She’s the one I’ve been searching for all this time.

And though she confesses to me all of her love,
Selfishly I feel that it is not enough.
I know it in my heart, oh I swear,
There is someone so much better for her out there.

I dream about her all day long,
Yet when we’re together, it all feels wrong.
Something isn’t right, and I know it’s me
Because you’re a beautiful, perfect being.

I can never just be what and who I am.
So much discontent I don’t think anyone understands,
I put my feelings into words that rhyme
To give everyone who cares a glimpse of what’s inside.

Why must it be that I’m never satisfied.
I have all I could want; still I lie awake at night
And wish for more.
So much discontent.

It’s the end that I wish was near.
Just the letdown that I fear.

By Ethan Wulf

The Feeling Of Emptiness

I look into a broken mirror,
I seek to see why I am still living.
when I look around all I can see
is darkness and pain…

My chest is tight, I can hardly breath.
I feel empty and broken,
I feel like a monster is trying to escape.
I don’t know which way to go…

I am crying but only dry tears,
dust on my face and sores on my mind,
I do not speak nor do I try,
I have a million times.

When I speak, silence over takes.
I can scream, and still no one will hear.
I am invisible, no one can see,
I have pain inside, please let me free.

Before I save myself,
and death is my way,
not long from today,
I am seeking my way…

By Janieta Lister

The Light

Through darkness and despair,
I can count on you.
Deep in the pits of hell
I can see you,
Showing me the way.
You grab me by the hand
And take me away
From this darkness.
I was lost in the fog,
But you were there to guide me.
When I put up the wall,
The indestructible wall,
The ghoulish wall meant to isolate me.
You broke it down.
You freed me from its grasp.
When I saw only darkness in myself,
You saw the light.
I opened up to you,
And you let me in.
Most push me away again,
Destroying any chance of trust
To live inside the shell that is me.
This is why
You are my light.

By Jacob Kahn 


The Masks I Wear

“You’re always smiling.”
“You’re always laughing.”
“How can you be happy all the time?”

All of these questions get asked of me on a daily basis.
No, I’m not always smiling.
No, I’m not always laughing.
No, I’m not always happy.
Sometimes I’m not even happy at all.

If you see me smile, it’s because I feel sad.
If you see me laugh, it’s because I feel lonely.
If you see me happy, it’s because I’m breaking.

All you really see are the fake smiles.
All you really see are the fake laughs.
All you really see are the masks I wear.

By Evelyn Barrera


The Monster

There’s a monster inside of me, eating away at my smile,
He takes all my sadness and makes a file.

These files are all stacked up in my brain.
Now my whole life just consists of pain.

It’s such a problem that I can’t sleep.
Nothing works…not even counting sheep.

When I’m in public I hide my tears.
It’s been this way for several years.
I hide my sadness behind a fake smile,
But the pain won’t go away…not for a while.

The hardest part is hiding when I cry.
It makes me feel like I’m going to die.

I feel like I’m slowly going insane,
But I am not the one to blame…
Blame the monster.
He goes by the name…Depression.

By Emily Harstine 


The Sickness

By Desiree Cantu 

The sickness is back,
I think I need some help.
It just won’t go away,
I feel like I’m by myself.
It all started years ago,
the feeling just won’t fade.
I feel it is all my fault,
a monster is what I have made.
Depression ruins your life,
it sucks the life from you.
It will haunt you forever,
no matter what you do.
I feel I have no one,
I don’t know what to believe.
It feels like this is the end,
I feel this disease will never leave.


The War Within You

Confusion sets in.
My mind is a blur.
Overthinking too much,
So hard to endure.

My thoughts go dark.
Personality turns black.
I’m unleashing a beast
I can no longer hold back.

I unleashed a beast within,
Stalking my prey.
As time went on,
My dark personality turned gray.

I conquered my aggression
And cast it aside.
Realized it’s depression
That’s been lurking inside.

The most powerful battle
That one can endure
Is the one with yourself,
Of that I’m so sure.

By Ryann A. Cave


Tidal Wave

In our darkest nights and our brightest days,
emotions fill us like tidal waves.

They can drag us down and pull us in,
trying to drown us from within.

They can raise us up or let us down,
but if you don’t know how to swim, you’ll simply drown.

There are storms across my seven seas,
lightning strikes, sharks circling me.

My legs are tired, my chest is tight.
I’m not sure how much longer I can fight.

I gasp for air, I scream and shout,
But these tidal waves try to drown me out.

By Brian L. Barrett



So–this is where we are.
After coming so far,
This is what it’s come to.
After all we’ve been through,
We’re still where we started:
Bruised and broken-hearted.

You’d think after fighting this long
We’d become safe and strong.
But as we battle close to death,
We’re still lost and find no rest.
As we wander ’round, asking why,
There’s no tears when we cry.

We’re lost with only each other,
Feeling as a child without its mother.
As darkness nears closer and closer,
We fear our lives may be over.

But I caught, in the distance,
A shimmer of light, so persistent.
I grab your hand, holding tight,
As I try to lead you toward the light.

But now you’ve grown so heavy.
I fear you’re dead already.
I can’t leave you here all alone.
I have to take you back home.

So won’t you please come with me
And believe that I can see
The way out, the way home?
There’ll be no more wandering all alone.

So please, rise and stand.
Follow me and hold my hand,
Because together we can win.
We can find the light within.

By Hannah L 



If another day
Ends without me
And I am not present with you
When the sun will come up
And you will stream tears of blue

I would plead as much
For you to not weep
Think of the happier things
So that you may be in a peaceful sleep

I understand how much you love me
As much as I do you
And with time and time you dream of me
While crying tears of blue

But as I run to escape
A tear from me, a sorrow
For my whole life was a beautiful song
But I will not be here tomorrow

Yet so much to live for
So much you can do
Nothing is impossible
Because I will always love you

Thinking of all the yesterdays
The has-been, the days
When we had the bad and good ones
And we were happy anyways

If I were allowed to relive a time
Just even for a moment
I’d walk right past the place we met
So that I would have never crossed your mind

Now, I can fully see
Now I can realize
That this can never be
For all of the tears in your eyes

And amongst all of the worthy people
Worthy of your presence
I know now what my job is
And that’s to not be with you forever

But I will enter another life
Maybe one with a little light
Hopefully one that will make me smile
Thinking of you every night

And I will profess, “This is truly a great place.”
When I enter the light
Comes into my heart
And appear a smile upon my face

I cannot promise another day
Despite all of the sorrows
I apologize for the tears
And not being there another tomorrow

You, such a faithful soul
So lovely and sweet
I know now what you have
And it is me you no longer need

I will be forgiven
Sometime in the future
But I am just glad to proudly say
At least I knew you

If another day
Ends without me
And I am not present with you
When the sun will come up just remember
That I will always love you

By Chloe Aldecoa


Wake Up, Repeat

She looks in the mirror, and what does she see?
Something frail, broken, and unfree.
She sees the pain swollen in her eyes.
She sees the cuts she marked on her thighs.

She looks at herself with an empty stare
With her crooked smile and her messy hair.
Her mind is spoiled with terrible thoughts.
The anxiety she suffers puts her stomach in knots.

Her eyes are stained from countless tears.
Her thoughts corrupted with constant fears.
She grabs the bottle to numb her pain.
She feels as if she’ll never break the chain.

After she cries herself to sleep
And there’s no more tears left to weep,
She’ll wake up, put on that mask and smile.
She’ll walk like it’s nothing because that’s just her style.

People will walk past her and she’ll wave with pride,
But nobody knows she’s actually dying inside.
She’ll go home, and she’ll close her door.
The mask comes off as she lays on the floor.

Again she wipes her tears with her stained bed sheets.
She cries for the night, wakes up, repeat.

By Jamie L. Firestine 



I was just sitting there,
Watching TV,
When a wave of sadness
Washed over me.

There was no warning;
It just showed up.
I tried to swim through it
But had no luck.

My heart was heavy,
And I started to cry.
I just couldn’t stop,
And I didn’t know why.

I finally gave up fighting
And went with the flow,
Praying the sadness
Would soon go.

I walked down the aisle
Of the grocery store
When another wave of sadness
Pulled me from the shore.

I couldn’t stay there,
Not one second more,
So I just left my cart
And headed to the door.

I sat in my car
And started to cry.
I just couldn’t stop,
And I didn’t know why.

What’s wrong with me?
I need to know.
My soul is drowning
With each ebb and flow.

I never know when
The next wave will arrive.
It makes me question
Why I’m still alive.

Is there someone out there
Who can help build me a boat?
So when the next wave comes
I can stay afloat.

Or will I eventually drown
And never awake,
Enveloped by the next wave
Of endless heartache?

By Zorian Alexis


When You Feel Like You Can’t Go On

When you feel so lonely and can’t sleep at night,
because everything gives you a fright.
The pain and the sadness takes control,
and once again you’re all alone.
The pain I feel is torturing.
My life isn’t really worth living.
You keep living every day, hoping it might end someway.
You go to sleep and pray to God,
but it doesn’t work… you’re too stuck!

All the tears cooped up inside,
from all the lies that bleed you dry.
Just one tear shows a million emotions.
It’s all mixed and with terror and devotion!
I devote myself to acting happy,
but at night when I’m all alone,
somehow it all spills out
when no one can see and no one can hear
all of the pain and all of the fear.

You go to sleep hoping you won’t wake up,
but when morning comes you have to keep going.
It isn’t easy and you can’t say it is,
until you know just how it feels.
My soul is dying.
Why do I keep trying?
Nothing seems worth it anymore!
I just want to be alone…

This is from the heart of all my feelings and emotions,
something I can’t speak, but one day it’ll all be over.
And I will be that happy person I know I want to be.
But just acting happy is too hard for me!

By Aliysha


When You Look At Me

When you look at me,
What do you see?
I bet if you look deep enough
You would see right through me.
If you look deep in my eyes,
You would forget all my lies.
You would tell that I’m hurt.
All you have to do is be more alert.
Do you know what it’s like
To cry silently every night?
What y’all really see
Is not the real me.
I’m broken inside,
Even if you don’t see it,
So look at me again.
What do you see?

By Mary


Who Could Ever Love Me?

When I look at myself, I see nothing good.
I see all the flaws that no one else should.
I wear a mask
To hide the pain
That always resides on my face.

They tell me I’m beautiful,
But how would they know
The secrets I have yet to tell?
The guilt that eats me up inside
About the things I’ve done
Each and every night.

They don’t see the things that I hide
Behind the walls inside my mind.
They don’t see the flaws on my skin.
For if they did, they would think I’m a sin.

So, I tell myself, who will ever love me
When no one ever hears my pleas?
Who could understand my broken thoughts,
The hate in my gut that’s like a knot?

Maybe one day my thoughts will change,
But for now, they still seem to reign.
But I will keep fighting each night,
Because if I don’t, then how else can I find the light?

By Miriam Narat



It’s hard sometimes to say exactly what I’m worth.
Sometimes even harder dealing with the hurt.

To feel like no one’s there during all my pain.
I have nothing left to lose and nothing left to gain.

I struggle through the days, with no one at my side,
To find some sort of worth, to save a little pride.

But all my days are dark, stormy, cold and gray,
And emptiness keeps growing as I slowly fade away.

I have no effort left to put into this life,
No helping hand behind me to pull me to the light.

So once again I ask, before I leave this Earth,
Tell me, if you care, exactly what I’m worth.

By Joel


You Are My Victim

He traps me like a prisoner.
Never lets me see the light.
Never lets me go.
He keeps me up at night.

Numbness runs through my veins when he’s around.
He’s got me locked in chains and I can’t break free.
He’s got his control pushed into my mind.
He is so close to just killing me.

He beats me constantly and drives everyone away.
He locks me away in my cell, whom size is so small.
I can’t barely move or breathe.
The chains bury deep in my body, and he doesn’t care at all.

Yes he’s like a needle constantly poking into my flesh.
I barely get fed and no-one comes to see me.
My heart is constantly sore and my eyes always so red.
Everyday I try and escape, I search around for a key.

My attempts are worthless just like myself.
The light keeps dimming and my hope is fading.
He leaves me a noose close by.
Suicide is something I’ve been contemplating.

But I won’t because I know that’s what he wants.
The sick man only tightens his chains every time he comes around.
I thrash and scream for help but no-one hears me.
He eventually gagged me so I can’t make a sound.

Now I lay here empty, dying, and broken on this cold, dark, stone floor.
I won’t give up just yet though, I can’t.
He’s a snake tightening his grip.
My heart is wilted just like a dying plant.

He can’t keep me prisoner forever.
I will fight my way out.
I will tear these chains away and turn on the light.
I will no longer be a victim to his doubt.

This man, the in prisoner, once told me his name.
He came forward one day and whispered it low.
“My name is depression.”
That’s when I knew I couldn’t tell him no.

By Red G. 


You Are Wrong

Do you think I like feeling this?
Afraid to look in the mirror and see a complete and total stranger?
Do you think I like looking at shattered glass and wondering
if that’s what my heart looks like?
Do you think I like feeling abandoned, and confused?
Do you know how hard it is to look into the mirror and see imperfection?
To hate to wake up in the morning to hate doing the same things over and over again?
To keep wearing this mask
Hiding who I truly am?
Being afraid to face the world and the evil in it?
Do you think I like it?

By Maria

Father’s day

A Different Kind Of Hero

He is not the kind of hero who is fighting in the war.
He is not one who sails offshore.

I don’t call him Sergeant, Captain, or Sir.
His title is DAD; that is for sure!

He is the fixer of my broken things
And the household doctor when I get bee stings.

He picks me up when I fall down 
And always turns my frown upside down.

He keeps me safe when I sleep at night. 
He gives me seconds when I have a big appetite.

That’s my Dad. That’s who he is.
He deserves a medal for the things he did.

By Kelsee Briscoe


A Father We Have In You

A father, a dad,
Sometimes happy or mad.
Can be playful and fun,
Mostly happy and glad.

Can give tickles or hugs,
Or give us a stern talking to.
Love everlasting,
No matter what we do.

He can be funny at times,
And serious when stern.
He is so smart and wise,
So many things from him we learn.

We are thankful for our father,
In all circumstances too.
We couldn’t ask for a better father,
As the one we have in you!

By Julie Heber


A Poem for My Father In Law

When I married I got a new dad,
A special father in law;
That made me very happy,
And a little bit in awe.

You’re a man who cares,
With an understanding heart.
You’re also filled with wisdom;
No wonder my spouse is smart!

Thanks for being so cordial;
Thanks for welcoming me;
It feels really good to be part
Of your special family.

By Joanna Fuchs


A Poem for My Stepfather

Although you are my stepdad,
You’re really so much more;
We get along so well;
We have really great rapport.

You always listen to me;
I know you really care;
When I really need you
I know that you’ll be there.

I’m learning really good things,
Just by watching you;
Thanks for being my stepdad
And for being a good friend, too.

By Joanna Fuchs


A Real Father

It’s not so common anymore
to have a dad who’s really there,
who is the provider for his family,
who comes home every night,
whose predictability
creates a sense of stability and security
in his household.
Your routine may not seem valuable to you,
but it’s worth a lot to me.
I’m thankful that I can depend on you
to always be you–
a real father,
responsible, trustworthy,
and a great role model.
I’ve learned a lot of good things
from watching you.
Thanks, Dad.

By Joanna Fuchs


Always There

It doesn’t matter whether I lose or win
You are always there through thick and thin.
And no matter the weather, shine or rain
You always encouraged me in joy or pain.

And it didn’t matter through my smiles and tears
You always taught me not to have those fears.
You encouraged all my hopes and dreams
You kept me balanced and not extreme.

No matter how, what, or where
Father, thanks for always being there.

By Catherine Pulsifer


Always There For Your Daughter

Every day the whole year through,
I feel grateful you are my father.
Some fathers don’t have time for their kids,
But for you I’m never a bother.

You always make the effort to listen and share;
You’re there whenever you’re needed.
Because I know how much you care,
My problems are all defeated.

Dad, you are truly admired and adored,
And I hope you always know,
Your daughter’s affection for you is strong,
And my love continues to grow.

Happy Fathers Day!

By Joanna Fuchs


Dad, What’s It Like In Heaven?

If time exists in heaven,
Do you still rise with the sun?
Do you and Mom share breakfast
Before your day has begun?

Can the heavens hear your laughter
As you sit and reminisce
About the time we had together
And other people that you miss?

And Daddy, do you still take walks
Along heaven’s seas?
And when you gaze upon the surf,
Do you remember walks with me?

Are your standing with those brave young men
Upon its perfect shores?
Finally by their sides again,
Your comrades from the war.

Do you gather with your family
Beneath heaven’s glow?
And gaze upon those mountains still
That once you called your home.

Is music all around you,
All those songs you held so dear?
Do you and Mom still sing together,
The way you did when you were here?

Do you ever have long talks with God
About those left behind?
Do you tell him all the stories
Of all our grand and treasured times?

I think that heaven must be grateful
To have you there each day,
To bring your easy laughter
And your silly sense of play.

And I’m sure that God already knows
The special father you had been
And how I wish that you were here
To guide my way again.

But I carry you inside my heart.
You are never far from me.
I see you in my smile
And in who I grew to be.

And I’m sure that on this Father’s Day
God will help you celebrate
All those dads who changed the world with love.
What a party that will make!

By Patricia A. Fleming 


Daddy Poem From Baby

Daddy, I’m your baby;
I see you through new eyes.
You’re familiar; yes, I know you.
It’s my dad I recognize.

Daddy, as I grow,
I’ll be happy you are near,
My father, dad and daddy,
Taking care of me, each year.

Daddy, I’m so thankful,
You’re mine and I am yours.
Throughout our lives we’ll realize
Our unbreakable bond endures.

By Joanna Fuchs


Daddy’s Girl

Quiet as you are, I always knew
You were watching me, loving me, all the years through

Hard as it was at times, I am sure,
You were there for me, even when you felt like showing me the door

Through all of the years and the laughter and tears
I was happy to know there was a place I had no fears

That place was home with you and Mom,
where everything was safe and I could be calm

For years I was trouble, and for that I regret
A trillion million sorrys haven’t covered it yet

I am all grown now, and have finally found my way
All that you’ve given me, I could never repay

Hopefully seeing that I’m safe and sound
And knowing the wonderful husband and life I found

Will make you rest easy, as you hadn’t in the past, and you’ll be happy in knowing that this time it will last

So on this day I celebrate you…
My wonderful Father and the greatest Dad too!!

By Heather McTiernan


Essential Father

My dad is my role model for
Most everything I do.
I look to him to see what’s right
He always gets me through.
(Repeat last two lines)

I hope my father knows how much
I love him and I care.
He is my hero and my rock,
My dad is always there.
(Repeat last two lines)

My father is essential to
My life and happiness.
My feelings are so strong for him,
My heart cannot express.
(Repeat last two lines)

There’s so much more about my dad
That I would like to say,
But now I’ll end by saying to you Dad,
Happy Father’s Day.
(Repeat last two lines)

By Joanna Fuchs


Everything Dad

A little girl needs her daddy
To love her with manly charm,
To soothe her when she’s hurt,
And keep her safe from harm.

A girl needs her dad
To show her a man who’s good,
To help her make right choices,
As only a father could.

A woman needs her father
Just to be aware,
He’ll always be there for her
To sustain her and to care.

You’ve been all these things, Dad.
I hope that you can see
How much I treasure you;
You mean everything to me.

By Joanna Fuchs


Family Circle

When I am born, you are here
In your eye, I see a tear
Time flies and already I’m two
“Look, Daddy, I can tie my shoe!”

Before you know it, I’m five
Every day, you thank God I’m alive
Pretty soon, I turn eight
You tell me I’m never allowed to date

I’m already twelve in my preteen years
Which means you’ll help me with all my new fears
Now fourteen with my permit to drive
Waiting to hit the big one-five

Too early comes sixteen, with my license now
It went by too fast, you just ask how

You want to meet my boyfriend when I’m eighteen
I pray to God that you’re not too mean
The same guy two years later asks for my hand
I’m relieved when you say, that’s just grand

About a year later, you walk me down the aisle
Through all the tears, you bare a smile
Three years later, you’re gonna be a grandfather
You show love and pride for your new granddaughter

Another year down the road
Mom dies, oh the many tears that flowed
You’re not doing so well without her
Less than a year later, you forgot all about her

Alzheimer’s sets in and it scares me so
Not long after, you decide to go
Now I’m regretting not saying goodbye
Every time I think about it, I start to cry

The cycle has begun again
It has started over with little Megan
The other day, she turned two
And said, “Look, daddy, I can tie my shoe!”

By Melissa G. Nicks



When I scratched my knee,
Or if I bumped my head,
When I was afraid of the dark,
Or that thing under my bed,
When I cried in the night,
Or even in the day,
You were there for me
To make it all okay.

You tickled my feet
And laughed at all my jokes.
You taught me to believe
In having high hopes.
You are my father.
You did what you had to do,
But more than a father
You are my friend, too.
You made everything good
That was once bad.
I just want you to know
I love you, Dad.

By Jennifer S. Williams



My father knows the proper way

The nation should be run;

He tells us children every day

Just what should now be done.

He knows the way to fix the trusts,

He has a simple plan;

But if the furnace needs repairs,

We have to hire a man.

My father, in a day or two

Could land big thieves in jail;

There’s nothing that he cannot do,

He knows no word like “fail.”

“Our confidence” he would restore,

Of that there is no doubt;

But if there is a chair to mend,

We have to send it out.

All public questions that arise,

He settles on the spot;

He waits not till the tumult dies,

But grabs it while it’s hot.

In matters of finance he can

Tell Congress what to do;

But, O, he finds it hard to meet

His bills as they fall due.

It almost makes him sick to read

The things law-makers say;

Why, father’s just the man they need,

He never goes astray.

All wars he’d very quickly end,

As fast as I can write it;

But when a neighbor starts a fuss,

’Tis mother has to fight it.

In conversation father can

Do many wondrous things;

He’s built upon a wiser plan

Than presidents or kings.

He knows the ins and outs of each

And every deep transaction;

We look to him for theories,

But look to ma for action.



Father Death Blues

Hey Father Death, I’m flying home
Hey poor man, you’re all alone
Hey old daddy, I know where I’m going

Father Death, Don’t cry any more
Mama’s there, underneath the floor
Brother Death, please mind the store

Old Aunty Death Don’t hide your bones
Old Uncle Death I hear your groans
O Sister Death how sweet your moans

O Children Deaths go breathe your breaths
Sobbing breasts’ll ease your Deaths
Pain is gone, tears take the rest

Genius Death your art is done
Lover Death your body’s gone
Father Death I’m coming home

Guru Death your words are true
Teacher Death I do thank you
For inspiring me to sing this Blues

Buddha Death, I wake with you
Dharma Death, your mind is new
Sangha Death, we’ll work it through

Suffering is what was born
Ignorance made me forlorn
Tearful truths I cannot scorn

Father Breath once more farewell
Birth you gave was nothing ill
My heart is still, as time will tell.

By Allen Ginsberg


Fatherhood Is God’s Idea

Thanks be unto God the Father
for His great work in creating man.
God decided to reproduce Himself, 
So He formed man with His hand.

God crowned man with His glory
and gave him dominion over the earth.
He made man a little lower than the angels
and honored him with great worth.

God endowed man with wisdom
so great things he would be able to do.
He made him in the likeness of Himself 
so man could become a father too.

Creating man was God’s best work.
He gave him authority and great might
to provide for the needs of his family
and courage to face the darkest night.

We honor God for His creation
and for making man His masterpiece.
He is to be an extension of Christ Jesus
so God’s kingdom work will not cease.

So we salute fatherhood everywhere.
It is the highest position in the land.
It’s no greater honor than being called dad
and no greater foundation on which to stand.

By Lenora McWhorter


Father’s Day In Heaven

I love you and I miss you, Dad,
and though you’ve passed away,
you’ll never be forgotten,
for I think of you each day.

If heaven celebrates this day
how special it will be.
A gathering of the many dads
upon our family tree.

Your father and grandfather
and great grandfather too.
How wonderful it is, if they
can spend this day with you.

May you know how much I love you,
though I’m here and you are there.
Happy Father’s Day in heaven
to the best dad anywhere!

By Ron Tranmer


Father’s Day Prayer

Lord, please bless our fathers,
these men who mean so much to us,
who are greatly responsible
for who we are and who we are becoming.
Bless them for having the courage
to do what’s necessary to keep us out of trouble,
for making us do the right thing,
for helping us build our character,
even when it makes us angry;
and bless them for pushing us to do our best,
even when they just want to love us.
Bless our fathers for being our protectors,
for leading us through stormy times to safety,
for making us believe that everything will be all right
and for making it so.
Bless our fathers for quietly making a living
to provide for those they love most,
for giving us food, clothing, shelter
and other necessary and not so necessary material things,
for unselfishly investing time and money in us
that they could have spent on themselves.
Bless our fathers, Lord,
for saving some energy for fun,
for leading us on adventures
to explore the outer reaches of ourselves,
for making us laugh,
for being our playmates and our friends.
Bless them for being our secure foundation, our rock,
for holding on tight to us…until it’s time to let us go.
Lord, bless these men we look up to,
our role models, our heroes,
our fathers.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

By Joanna Fuchs


Grandfather Poem

You raised us well Dad
Values you gave us
You always loved us even the bad
You never made a big fuss.

And now to my children you are
The best Grandfather that can be
A special man to them by far
You are better with them than me.

So thank you for being that special man
Whom I love so dearly
And to my children they are your fans
We can see your love so clearly.

By Catherine Pulsifer


Happy Father’s Day

I was not sure what to get you
On this very special day
So I decided to write this poem from my heart
I have some things I need to say:

I would first like to thank you,
For never giving up on me.
You pushed me when I needed it
And through your eyes I’ve learned to see

We cannot give up when times are tough
We’ve got to learn to lose before we can win
And if I shall ever fall
I know I will always get back up again

Thanks to you, I hold my head high
And carry myself with pride
Thanks to you, I am somebody
Who will never run and hide

Through you I’ve learned to face my fears
And take each day as it comes
You cannot take anything with you when you’re gone
What’s done is done

You lead by example
And because of you, I’ve learned a lot
Thanks to all the dedication that you have demonstrated
And the many many times that you have fought

You have fought for our existence
You have fought for everyone in your life
Never have I seen you give up
And thus in me you’ve instilled the fight

Never will I back down
For what I think is right
You’ve given me the will and determination
You’ve given me the might

To learn how to stand up
And learn to take a fall
But most of all, dad
I’ve learned you will never stop loving me at all

By  Elisa Garcia


Happy Father’s Day

When I was just a little kid I knew you worried.
You worried about what would happen to me.
Though you never raised me you were always there.
There when I needed you.
There when I needed to cry.
When I needed you for my pain and hurt.
When I needed a father it was you by my side.
Daddy, I needed a father like you.

It’s Father’s Day and you’re not there.
I love you and need you, but you don’t care.
I need a father to lift me up when I am down.
But when I look, you’re not around.
Nobody likes to live alone.
Without a dad in the home.
Daddy I need you in my life.
Without you my heart feels like it was hit with a knife.

By Dawn-Marie Knudsen


Happy Father’s Day

When I wake in my sleep
You are there to comfort me
With mommy by your side
…To help me breathe

You help with so much
And sacrifice yourself
To help us get better
And teach us to succeed
To not be afraid
Give strength to believe

Happy Father’s Day
You deserve to be praised
Remember you’re a father
And ability is your thing
In my eyes, a father can do anything

Happy Father’s Day
You deserve to be praised
A father is always there
To protect and save
Happy Father’s Day

You’re my hero
And my base
My life would be forever changed
If you weren’t here

Inch by inch I grown
And grew up to be so mature
But I wouldn’t be here
If the courage wasn’t you

Happy Father’s Day
You deserve to be praised
Remember you’re a father
And ability is your thing
In my eyes, a father can do anything

Happy Father’s Day
You deserve to be praised
A father is always there
To protect and save
Happy Father’s Day

By Chelsea P. Medrano


He Is My Father

While I sleep, someone’s hand is always on my head,
While I wake, someone’s blessings are always with me,
While I go out, someone’s heart always holds me.
He is my father.

The world earns for itself,
But someone earns just for me.
He is my father.
Through the highs and lows,
Someone has promised to be with me.
He is my father.

The world may turn against me,
But he’s the one who’ll ever stand with me.
He is my father.
I always live, laugh and love,
And he is always there to share all of it with me.
He is my father.

He may not be the handsomest,
He may not be the richest,
He may not be the most sought after,
But he is the purest, most perfect man.
He is my father.

He loves me,
Though he might not know how to make it show.
He respects everyone,
And is respected by everyone he knows.

I thank the good Lord he is mine.
I pray to the good Lord he always stays fine,
Because if there is someone who’ll always care,
He is my father.

By Ritwik Shandilya


Hero Dad

You are my hero, Dad
You’re my secure foundation.
When I think of you, I’m filled with love
And fond appreciation.

You make me feel protected;
I’m sheltered by your care.
You’re always my true friend; and Dad,
When I need you, you’re always there.

You have a place of honor
Deep within my heart.
You’ve been my superhero, Dad,
Right from the very start.

By Joanna Fuchs


I Never Want To Lose You

I grew up like most kids,
Wishing to be like my dad,
No matter what he did,
Be it good or be it bad.

He worked so very hard,
Many miles he had to roam
To provide for the family,
The ones he left at home.

All he ever wanted
Was to give us the best,
But time at home without him
Really put me to the test.

I never understood
His absence far away
‘Till I became a man,
And walked the path his way.

I became a father,
Now I finally see,
You’re the sole provider,
And no, it’s not easy.

Now I’ve figured out
What my father went through.
He had to scream and shout,
For the things that I would do.

Everything he tried to teach,
I rebelled with every word.
I thought I knew better,
His words I never heard,

The reason for the wisdom,
We learn throughout the years,
So we can keep our children,
From shedding the same tears,

Dad, I’m very sorry
For all I’ve put you through.
I’ve cried so much these last few days,
I’m scared of losing you.

You mean the world to me,
I feel like such a fool.
I’m a lucky man, you see,
To have a Dad like you!

By Mark A. Smith


I Understand Now

Used to wonder just why Father,
Never had much time to play;
Used to wonder why he’d rather
Work each minute of the day.

Boys are blind to much that’s going
On about them every day,
And I had no way of knowing
What became of Father’s pay.

All I knew was when I needed
shoes I got ’em on the spot;
Everything for which I pleaded,
Somehow Father always got.

Wondered season after season
Why he never took a rest,
And that I might be the reason
That I never even guessed.

Rest has come – his task is ended,
Calm is written on his brow,
Father’s life was big and splendid,
And I understand it now.

By Edgar A. Guest


I Want to Be Just Like You

In a time when fathers are totally absent,
gone most of the time,
or physically present but mentally distracted,
you are there for me—
looking at me, listening to me
understanding me, talking with me.
You make time for me
even when it’s inconvenient for you.
You make me feel important to you.

I learn from you when you teach me,
when I watch you do things,
and when I observe you
just being you—a terrific father.

Every affectionate smile you give me,
every pat on the back, every hug
shows me you love me,
that you’re proud of me.

These are things I’ll remember
to do for my own kids.
You’re a great role model, Dad.
I want to be just like you.

By Joanna Fuchs


I’d Pick You

Dad, if all the fathers
Had lined up one by one,
And God told me to pick,
I’d still choose to be your son.

I’m proud to have a father
Who listens and understands,
Who teaches me and sets fair rules
Without unfair demands.

Dad you are my hero,
My role model in all you do.
So Dad, if I could pick again,
You know I’d still pick you!

By Joanna Fuchs


If Everyone Had a Father Like You

If everyone had a father
Who was more like you,
There’d be more laughing, joy and singing;
Fewer people would be blue.

There’d be much more understanding;
Crime and hate could not prevail.
We’d all be so contented,
We wouldn’t need a jail.

If everyone had a father
Who was more like you,
The whole world would be blessed,
Just as I am blessed with you.

By Karl Fuchs


It’s My Father

Do you know who I want to be like?
It’s not Roosevelt, Reagan or Ike.
It’s my father.

Who taught me to drive and skate?
Who taught me to care and not hate?
It’s my father.

The man I’ll respect till I die,
Who taught me always to try,
It’s my father.

He was never too busy for me;
He’s my ideal man, totally.
My father!

Thanks for being a wonderful father, Dad!

By Karl Fuchs


Life Lessons

You may have thought I didn’t see,
Or that I hadn’t heard,
Life lessons that you taught to me,
But I got every word.

Perhaps you thought I missed it all,
And that we’d grow apart,
But Dad, I picked up everything,
It’s written on my heart.

Without you, Dad, I wouldn’t be
The person I am today;
You built a strong foundation
No one can take away.

I’ve grown up with your values,
And I’m very glad I did;
So here’s to you, dear father,
From your forever grateful kid.

By Joanna Fuchs


Loving Like A Daddy Can

Daddy, Daddy sit me on your knee.
Together we will always be.
Closest of friends,
From beginning to end.
You always knew what was best,
While you guided me through trials and tests.
You were always there,
Never ashamed to be my teddy bear.
Looking up at the stars,
You’re holding me in your arms.
I’m wrapped up so tight,
I could not escape with all my might.
You’re my protector; you’re my shield
From life’s playing field.
I want to thank you from my heart.
I believe that nothing could ever tear us apart.

By Shayna Montgomery


Memories Of My Dad

He wasn’t a hero
Known by the world,
But a hero he was
To his little girl.

My daddy was a god
Who knew all things.
And better than Santa,
With the gifts he’d bring.

I knew his voice
Before I could speak
And loved it when
He would sing me to sleep.

He changed my diapers
And sat up all night
When my body was weak
And I’d put up a fight.

He’d come home late
With not much to say
And made us all kneel
As he taught me to pray.

He taught me life’s lessons
Of right from wrong
And instilled in me values
That I might be strong.

And so through the years,
Like a hero he stood.
Working to give
All that he could.

His presence was important,
And we loved to see him smile,
For no one in the world
Could emulate his style.

And so, dear Dad,
My best memory to recall
Is the gift of your presence,
The greatest gift of all.

By Rebecca D. Cook 


My Dad

If I could write a story,
It would be the greatest ever told.
I’d write about my daddy,
For he had a heart of gold.
My dad, he was no hero
Known around this world.
He was everything to me,
For I was his baby girl.
I’d write about the lessons.
He taught me right from wrong.
He instilled in me the values
That one day I’d be strong.
He taught me to face my fears,
Take each day as it comes,
For there are things that we can’t change.
He would say what’s done is done.
He would say hold your head up high,
Carry yourself with pride.
Thanks to him, I am somebody,
I will never run and hide.
If I could write a story,
It would be the greatest ever told.
I’d write about my daddy,
For he had a heart of gold.

By Vicky Frye


My Dad

I know this man
Who is dear to my heart.
Suddenly one day
It was torn all apart.

This man taught me everything
That I needed to know,
But I never really listened
Until he had to go.

He gave me love
And touched my life.
It’s all over now;
He no longer has to fight.

He tried to teach me
Right from wrong.
The day he left
I wasn’t that strong.

He is gone now,
It is hard to believe.
This man is my dad
Whom I will never see.

But I will see him again,
This I know.
The day will come
When it’s time for me to go.

So, I’ll hold him dear
And close to my heart
‘Cause the day we meet
I know we’ll never be torn apart.

By Disarae G. Kuhn


My Daddy

I sit and look back to how far I can remember,
And you are always there next to me.
Each and every day you were helping me grow up,
And making me be the best that I can be.

Your love was forever strong,
Your cuddles forever tight.
Every day since I was born,
Your love was always in sight.

I will always be your Baby Girl,
And you will always be my Dad.
I know I will always be the luckiest
To have the best Dad any girl could have had.

My Daddy, I love you with all my heart,
Much more than I ever say.
You are my world, my everything,
Each and every day.

By Ranja Kujala 


My Daddy

A daddy is a special man
In which all things abound
Showing care and passion
And love to all around

I shall treasure all the sleepless nights
And sacrifices made
All because you loved me
Through the problems that I gave

Doing little special things
All for me
Your eyes they tell the story
When you speak of me

Your hands that once were strong and firm
Now softened with the age
But you’re still my daddy
And never would I trade

Smiles and hugs and kisses
As I sat there on your knee
From childhood to the woman
Who before you
Now you see

I have locked away those precious times
They are mine
For me to see
I keep them all within my heart
Take them everywhere with me

My love for you
Is just as strong
As the one when I was three
And I know this kind of special bond
Was meant for you and me

I hope that you will see it now
You’re in my thoughts each day
I’m so glad you are my daddy

And happy Father’s Day

By Danny Henry 


My Father

What would I do without my father,
Who does so much for me?
I’d probably end up living in,
A house infested by bees.

I’d have mice running free,
All through my house.
I may even have decided,
Not to marry my spouse!

I wouldn’t know how to hammer,
Probably would never pick one up.
I would never have learned to make,
Coffee then serve it in a cup.

So many different things,
I have learned from him.
My life would be so different,
Oh it would be so grim!

By Julie Heber


My Father Is A Christian

My father is a Christian;
He leads our household well;
With instruction from the Bible,
Right behavior he’ll compel.

Yet he steers us with compassion;
His gentle love is true;
He conforms to our Lord Jesus,
So we know just what to do.

He teaches us with purpose,
Guides us in all Godly ways,
So we will take the right path,
And serve our Lord with praise.

I’m glad you’re a Christian, Dad;
You help me see things clearly.
I’ll always look up to you,
And love you very dearly.

By Joanna Fuchs


My Father, My Friend

For my father, my friend,
This to me you have always been.
Through the good times and the bad,
Your understanding I have had.
A gentle man at heart,
This sets you apart
From the others I’ve seen.
You mean so much to me.
The laughter we have shared
Cannot be compared.
The tears I have shed,
As you lovingly nodded your head.
You have always been there,
With a smile and a hug,
A precious gift from our God up above.
The times that I have been down and sad,
Your silly ways could always make me glad.
You gave me strength to carry on,
Even when all hope seemed to be gone.
The lessons in life that I have learned
Are from your genuine love and concern.
With deep appreciation for all you have done.
You, Dad,
Are my number one.
With all my love, Your Daughter, Your Friend

By Peggy Stewart 


My Father, My Guiding Light

Dad, you’re like the sun to me,
a sure thing, always there,
beaming light and warmth on my life.
Whatever is good in me today,
I owe to your wisdom, your patience,
your strength, your love.
You taught me by example,
as a role model,
how to be my own person,
how to believe in myself,
instructing me without controlling me.
Even when we disagreed,
you held us together,
so our bond was never broken.
I understand what you did for me,
and I am so grateful that I have you
as my solid foundation, my rock.
I respect you, I admire you, I love you,
my guiding light, my father.

By Joanna Fuchs


My Father’s Hats

Sunday mornings I would reach
high into his dark closet while standing
on a chair and tiptoeing reach
higher, touching, sometimes fumbling
the soft crowns and imagine
I was in a forest, wind hymning

through pines, where the musky scent
of rain clinging to damp earth was
his scent I loved, lingering on
bands, leather, and on the inner silk
crowns where I would smell his
hair and almost think I was being
held, or climbing a tree, touching
the yellow fruit, leaves whose scent
was that of a clove in the godsome
air, as now, thinking of his fabulous
sleep, I stand on this canyon floor
and watch light slowly close
on the water I’m not sure is there.

By Mark Irwin


My Father’s Love

My father’s love never places judgment on me,
his love comes unconditional and unselfishly.

For all the things you’ve done to show how much you care,
always remains as a reminder that you will always be there.

I’ll never forget the affection you have shown in so many ways,
faithful to me, as a father you have never missed a day.

The way you look at me with that twinkle in your eye,
no matter my situation lets me know I’ll be alright.

You have taught me the difference between right and wrong,
and as I became a woman, you taught me to be strong.

I’ll always be grateful for you being there through my struggles and my strife,
because of your encouragement, you taught me the meaning of life.

Now you raise my little sister who is so close to your heart,
another little girl from whom her father she can’t stand to part.

As she’s just a baby now I watch you teach her as she grows,
and I sit back and I smile because one day she will know,

This special man who she calls dad is the one person who will be there when she’s happy or she’s sad.

When she is grown there will be no doubt in her mind,
of the father she loved who never left her behind.

Each day as you look in the mirror, I pray that you see,
there is no one in the world who will ever mean more to my sister and me.

By Wendy Nichols


My Papa’s Waltz

The whiskey on your breath   

Could make a small boy dizzy;   

But I hung on like death:   

Such waltzing was not easy.

We romped until the pans   

Slid from the kitchen shelf;   

My mother’s countenance   

Could not unfrown itself.

The hand that held my wrist   

Was battered on one knuckle;   

At every step you missed

My right ear scraped a buckle.

You beat time on my head   

With a palm caked hard by dirt,   

Then waltzed me off to bed   

Still clinging to your shirt.



My Special Joy

A grandfather is a special blessing
enriching the life of a grandchild
with unique and incomparable joys.
Grandpa, you are my special joy.
I get a warm, safe, contented feeling
when I think of you.
With you, I feel no pressure to be
what someone else wants me to be;
you love me enough to let me be me.
You’re never in a hurry;
you always take time to listen and to help.
You are always there for me when I need you;
You’re never too busy for talks, for walks.
I can count on your wisdom,
your life experience,
your understanding heart
to help me comprehend and get through
challenges you’ve already faced.
You are part parent, part teacher,
part best friend.
Your strength and your easy, calm confidence
is your legacy to me,
and I love you dearly.

Happy Father’s Day, Grandpa!

By Joanna Fuchs


My Dad

If I could write a story,
It would be the greatest ever told.
I’d write about my daddy,
For he had a heart of gold.
My dad, he was no hero
Known around this world.
He was everything to me,
For I was his baby girl.
I’d write about the lessons.
He taught me right from wrong.
He instilled in me the values
That one day I’d be strong.
He taught me to face my fears,
Take each day as it comes,
For there are things that we can’t change.
He would say what’s done is done.
He would say hold your head up high,
Carry yourself with pride.
Thanks to him, I am somebody,
I will never run and hide.
If I could write a story,
It would be the greatest ever told.
I’d write about my daddy,
For he had a heart of gold.

By Vicky Frye


On This Father

Being a father to a son,
brings a man’s heart so much joy.
You can’t imagine your world,
without this wonderful little boy.

Our son has grown so much,
there’s no trace of “baby” in his smile.
But the work has just begun, Dad,
time to readjust the dial.

Wrestling in the living room
makes him feel big and strong.
Giving him the confidence to make decisions;
hopefully right, sometimes wrong.

From sporting events to his first car;
to dating and a family of his own.
You are the one he will turn to,
The best man he’s ever known.

He will watch your every move,
so guide him the best you can;
Cause only a Daddy can teach his son
how to become a man.

I prayed no other woman
would come along and steal your heart;
but from the moment we heard, “it’s a girl”
I knew she would have you from the start.

A little girl needs her Daddy
to love her with gentlemanly charm.
To hold her tightly when she is afraid;
and keep her safe from harm.

From pigtails and bubblegum,
to lipstick and high heels;
Help her mend a broken heart,
teach her that true love is real.

Dance with her in the living room,
just to see her twirl.
Know there is no love that equals that of
Daddy’s Little Girl.

She will grow to be a woman,
with irresistible charm and grace;
But right now take each special moment
and treasure her sweet face.

I stood and made a promise
to love you come what may;
and watching you turn from husband to Daddy,
makes that love grow more each day!

By Kacee Harrington 


Only A Dad

Only a dad, with a tired face,
Coming home from the daily race,
Bringing little of gold or fame,
To show how well he has played the game,
But glad in his heart that his own rejoice
To see him come, and to hear his voice.

Only a dad, with a brood of four,
One of ten million men or more.
Plodding along in the daily strife,
Bearing the whips and the scorns of life,
With never a whimper of pain or hate,
For the sake of those who at home await.

Only a dad, neither rich nor proud,
Merely one of the surging crowd
Toiling, striving from day to day,
Facing whatever may come his way,
Silent, whenever the harsh condemn  
And bearing it all for the love of them.

Only a dad, but he gives his all
To smooth the way for his children small,
Doing, with courage stern and grim,
The deeds that his father did for him.
This is the line that for him I pen,
Only a dad, but the best of men.

By Edgar Guest


Poems For Dad

What can we give,
To an awesome, fabulous Dad.
On a day like today,
When we are feeling very glad.

How can we repay,
A loving and giving Dad.
Who is always there for us,
Even when he is mad.

Where should we take,
Such an amazing Dad.
Who takes us everywhere.
And cheers us up when we are sad.

And to share words of love,
When should we tell or say?
Every chance we get of course,
But especially on Fathers Day!

By Julie Hebert


Silent, Strong Dad

He never looks for praises.
He’s never one to boast.
He just goes on quietly working
For those he loves the most.
His dreams are seldom spoken.
His wants are very few,
And most of the time his worries
Will go unspoken, too.
He’s there…a firm foundation
Through all our storms of life,
A sturdy hand to hold onto
In times of stress and strife.
A true friend we can turn to
When times are good or bad.
One of our greatest blessings,
The man that we call Dad.

By Karen K. Boyer


Special Dad

My dad is very special,
He’s not just a dad but a friend;
For he knows where there is a Difference,
When one should start and the other end.

He’s my dad when I need real guidance,
But if I need a pal for a while,
He’s right there in each situation,
Not with just concern, but a smile.

Kids need someone like that,
To help them draw that line,
Between what is right and wrong.
Sometimes the difference is hard to define.

So I’d like to thank Dad for being there,
For helping me all the way.
And to all the Dads who stand by their kids,
God bless you this Father’s Day.

By Trinity Pratt


Special Hero

When I was a baby,
you would hold me in your arms.
I felt the love and tenderness,
keeping me safe from harm.
I would look up into your eyes,
and all the love I would see.
How did I get so lucky?
You were the dad chosen for me.
There is something special
about a father’s love.
Seems it was sent to me
from someplace up above.
Our love is everlasting.
I just wanted you to know
that you’re my special hero,
and I wanted to tell you so.

By Christina M. Kerschen


Step Father Poem

First I must say how sorry I am,
That you ended up, raising me.
But second I say that I’m happy to state,
You ended up being someone like thee.

You fought and you held out for happier times,
And it took a little longer, than you had first thought.
But all that waiting and hoping for those children to accept you,
Has allowed you to finally get what you sought.

You’re apart of our family, we hope you are happy,
It was tough, but you pulled through.
You’ve been a great father, never a bother,
We can only hope you think so too!

So thank you for being someone so beaming,
Not occasionally but every single day!
At first it annoyed us, but now we enjoy, thus,
Wanting to yell out hip, hip, hooray!

By Julie Heber


The Best Man I Ever Knew

When we married, I saw you as perfect,
The ideal husband and more;
I thought I knew all about you,
All the things to love and adore.

But when you became a father,
I saw new qualities to treasure.
You enrich all our lives in fresh ways;
As a dad, you bring so much pleasure.

Our child/children is/are forever blessed
To have a father like you,
And I love you more than ever,
You’re the best man I ever knew.

By Joanna Fuchs


The Perfect Father

I love you because you’re my father,
But you’re really so much more;
You’re a guide and a companion;
You and I have great rapport.

You pay attention to me;
You listen to what I say.
You pass on words of wisdom,
Helping me along the way.

Whenever I’m in trouble,
You always have a plan.
You are the perfect father,
And I’m your biggest fan!

By Karl and Joanna Fuchs


To Her Father with Some Verses

Most truly honoured, and as truly dear,

If worth in me or ought I do appear,

Who can of right better demand the same

Than may your worthy self from whom it came?

The principal might yield a greater sum,

Yet handled ill, amounts but to this crumb;

My stock’s so small I know not how to pay,

My bond remains in force unto this day;

Yet for part payment take this simple mite,

Where nothing’s to be had, kings loose their right.

Such is my debt I may not say forgive,

But as I can, I’ll pay it while I live;

Such is my bond, none can discharge but I,

Yet paying is not paid until I die.



To My Husband On Father’s Day

I can’t call you my Father,
And you’re certainly not my Pop.
I wouldn’t call you PaPa
Because to me you’re certainly not.
I can’t call you my Pappy,
Nor could I call you Dad.
You’re definitely not my Daddy.
One of these I already have,
But I can call you Honey.
My best friend I have in you.
A loving caring husband,
A gent who’s kind and true,
My guy of tender gentle words
You place within my heart.
The one who’s strong and steady
And has been from the start,
A man that’s more appreciated
More than I can ever say.
I’m saying this to wish you
A special Father’s Day!

By Jac Judy A. Campbell 


What Is A Dad?

A Dad is patient, helpful, and strong
He is there by your side when things go wrong
He’s someone who guides you to do the right thing
And helps you solve problems that life sometimes brings

A Dad is someone who is loving and kind
And usually knows what’s going on in your mind
He is someone who listens and makes time to talk
When things are bad he doesn’t turn around and walk

He is a strong shoulder when times are tough
And still loves you dearly when he’s had enough
He helps you and guides you all that he can,
Wanting nothing more than to make you a man

A Dad’s there when you’re happy and even more when you’re sad
Giving unconditional love whether you’re good or you’re bad
A Dad is someone that you can also call a friend
Who is there no matter what and will be till the end

They say that blood is thicker than water
But I know this isn’t true
Because my son couldn’t ask for a better Dad
Than one he has found in you

I think of all the years gone by and wonder
How different things would’ve been
If his real father put forth the love
That you have shown to him

Happy “Father’s” Day, Tommy
Thank you for showing my son what a real father is
And for loving him as much as you do. You will always
Have a special place in my heart and his

By Annmarie Campbell 


What Is A Father

Who constitutes a father,
At what task makes it so?
Does it happen slowly,
Or should we all just know?

Is a father there from birth,
Or can they join at a later date?
Do they have to be related,
So many questions to debate.

Maybe there is a number,
Of diapers one has to change.
Can they be your favourite person,
Or must they be a little strange?

I think a father is someone,
Who loves unconditionally,
There is no perfect formula,
To who a father can be.

By Julie Hebert


Wind Beneath My Wings

I can always count on you, Daddy.
You’re the wind beneath my wings,
My rock and my foundation,
My safety, whatever life brings.

Sometimes you’re a funny Daddy,
When I need to laugh and play;
When life gets too intense,
Your silliness takes me away.

Please, always be my daddy;
Guide me in the right direction.
I’m always your adoring daughter,
Filled with admiration and affection.

By Joanna Fuchs


Wish You Were Here

Three months have passed.
I’ll never forget the day
Someone rang to tell me
That you’d gone away.

The hurt is the same,
Like an open wound.
There are days
I don’t utter a sound.

Some days the pain is stronger.
It makes me sick and weak.
I can’t stand this much longer.
I just sit here and weep.

I’ve shut my private door
And let no one in,
Locking myself in a box.
They try, but I won’t give in.

You were like a rock,
Strong, faithful and true.
What worth has my life
Now that I don’t have you?

I was your first born,
Daddy’s little girl.
I took my own path
But was still part of your world.

I was not the best,
Guilty of neglect,
But you know, Daddy dearest,
I had so much respect.

I always loved you,
My dad, my star.
Now my pain is
To worship you from afar.

I love you now
As I did back then.
I just hope… one day
I will see you again.

I am so proud of you,
Brave and strong to the end.
Now when asked, “How are you?”
There is no need to pretend.

We all love and miss you so much; sleep well,
and take care of all who went before you.

Forever in my heart!

By Diana Doyle


A Birthday

My heart is like a singing bird
Whose nest is in a water’d shoot;
My heart is like an apple-tree
Whose boughs are bent with thickset fruit;
My heart is like a rainbow shell
That paddles in a halcyon sea;
My heart is gladder than all these
Because my love is come to me.

Raise me a dais of silk and down;
Hang it with vair and purple dyes;
Carve it in doves and pomegranates,
And peacocks with a hundred eyes;
Work it in gold and silver grapes,
In leaves and silver fleurs-de-lys;
Because the birthday of my life
Is come, my love is come to me.

By Christina Georgina Rossetti


A Birthday Poem For My Friend

Today must be your birthday because the sun is shinning bright.   
The clouds that are usually hiding it are now nowhere in sight.
The birds are singing joyfully as they go happily on their way.
It’s as if Mother Nature herself knew this was a very special day.

The day before was gloomy and the weather was pretty bad,
But on this day it all went away and now I don’t feel so sad.
My sadness was replaced with happiness that wasn’t there before.
Your birthday does this every year, so I hope you’ll have many more.

Every year it has been this way since the day of your sweet birth,
And it’s this day that makes me appreciate my time down here on earth.
My friendship with you grows each year, and I feel a special bond.
When this day no longer shines, I will know that you are gone.

By Gordon Duquette


A Friend For Life

Out of all the blessings
Life has bestowed on me,
You are the loveliest of all –
This is not hard to see.

Even with the ups and downs,
The happiness and hardship,
Through challenges and success,
We maintained our friendship.

And with each passing day,
I understand and realize
Some things are meant to be
When I look in your eyes.

And this is my wish not just for your birthday.
May God bless you in every step of the way

By Joydip Dutt 


A Special Day

Birthdays come and birthdays go,
And some mean more than most,
But you, my friend, dread all of them
And never wish to boast.

Just another day, you say,
But is that what you mean
When under all the negatives
Is there a different scene?

A night enjoyed with your close friends
Is a happy time for all.
With your charm and wit and funny tales,
You keep them on the ball.

Accepting gifts from those who care
Has never been your thing.
Although when given with much love,
You see the thoughts they bring.

So for this your milestone time of year,
Accept what comes your way
And share the joy you give to others
On this your three score ten and a half birthday!

By Georgina Devlin


A Very Happy Birthday

A very Happy Birthday to you
Don’t let your age make you feel blue
Another year older and wiser you are
You should feel like a shining star.

Age is just a number you see
What’s important is for you to be
Loving and living each day with glee
And celebrating for all to see.

So be happy with this special day
We hope this card which is sent your way
Will make you realize you lucky you are
To have live your life so long this far.

Best wishes and kisses we do send
Over the miles and around the bend
A happy, happy day to you
We are celebrating with you too.

By Kate Summers


Age Is Not To Be Feared

Another birthday, another year
Remember though that age is not to be feared
You are just achieving your prime
Here’s to your health and living a long time

As they say, be happy, don’t worry
Enjoy your life and don’t be in a hurry
We take this opportunity to wish you
Happiness in all you do.

We appreciate your caring
Your always willingness for sharing
Thank you, for being you
We love you and all you do.

By Catherine Pulsifer


Baby’s First Birthday

It’s your very first birthday, baby,
One candle on your cake;
Proud parents stare in wonder
At each new move you make.

We join in celebration,
As this special date arrives,
For baby has brought pleasure
Into all our lives.

We look forward now to seeing
How you progress and grow,
From the cute and tiny infant
You were one year ago.

So dig into your icing;
Enjoy your presents, too.
The reason for this day
Is a special person–you!

By Joanna Fuchs


Best Birthday

It’s your birthday…
and I’m thinking how glad I am
that you were born.
You have given me so much–
supported me, encouraged me,
cared for me; I didn’t even need to ask.
I celebrate your wonderful self!
I am in awe of your boundless generosity,
your infinite kindness–that gentle inner glow
that you so freely use to warm my life.
Your birthday is as much a celebration for me
as it is for you, maybe more,
and I wish for you the best of birthdays,
the best one ever.
May each birthday be better than the last.
Most of all, I hope you will always be
As happy as you have made me.

By Joanna Fuchs


Birthday Blessings

Instead of counting candles,
Or tallying the years,
Contemplate your blessings now,
As your birthday nears.

Consider special people
Who love you, and who care,
And others who’ve enriched your life
Just by being there.

Think about the memories
Passing years can never mar,
Experiences great and small
That have made you who you are.

Another year is a happy gift,
So cut your cake, and say,
“Instead of counting birthdays,
I count blessings every day!”

By Joanna Fuchs


Birthday Blessings, Son

I’d like to thank the Lord above,
for this little life He’s given to me.
Without His gift of love,
your birth would never be.

I’d like to thank the Lord above
for what His gift has meant.
Just watching you grow up
has made my heart content.

I’d like to thank the Lord above
for instilling in you a kind heart.
You have grown into a loving man.
You’re witty, thoughtful, and smart.

And on your blessed birthday, son,
a prayer I send to you.
May the Lord instill in your heart
Charity, faith, and truth.

By Debra L. Brown


Birthday Happiness

As we observe your birthday now,
Your cake and gifts don’t matter much.
These common things aren’t really you,
Ribbons, paper hats and such.

We celebrate a person who
Brings happiness to everyone,
Someone who gives more than she gets,
And fills our lives with joy and fun.

So Happy Birthday, and many more!
We hope you make it to a hundred and two,
Because we always want to have
The special pleasure of knowing you.

By Joanna Fuchs


Birthday Star

I have gifts in my in my life;
One is my daughter!
If she’d cost me a fortune,
I still would have bought her! 

Now, as we get older,
As birthdays go by,
I love her much more
Than there are stars in the sky. 

She’s the part of my life
That makes me feel I did fine,
And I’ll cherish that feeling,
In my heart, for all time. 

So happy birthday, sweet girl,
My daughter, so dear;
I wish you more happiness
With each passing year. 

By Karl Fuchs


Birthday Wish

A cake with a lit candle,
Presents with ribbons and bows,
A bike with pink, glittery handles,
A little girl who grows and grows.

What will you wish for, my love,
On this, your very special day?
Send your wish to God above.
It will come true if you pray.

As you blow out the candle, my dear,
I’ll make a wish for you too.
I’ll whisper it so you won’t hear,
That way I know it will come true.

My wish for you is like sunshine,
Warm, cheery, and full of delight,
My wish is the starlight, soothing and fine,
Which lights up the dark, dreary night.

May God follow you always,
May the path always be clear,
And may you have a happy birthday
This day and all through the years.

By Ciana R. Geckle


Birthday Wish

It’s your birthday time again;
It’s true; there’s no denying,
Another year has come and gone;
You know that I’m not lying.

So for you, the birthday person,
Here’s what I want to say:
I hope this birthday’s the best one yet,
In every delightful way.

So happy birthday to you.
Have lots of birthday fun!
May your birthday wishes all come true,
Even if you have a ton.

By Karl Fuchs


Birthday Wishes For My Friend

On your birthday,
I wish for you the fulfillment
of all your fondest dreams.
I hope that for every candle
on your cake
you get a wonderful surprise.
I wish for you that
whatever you want most in life,
it comes to you,
just the way you imagined it,
or better.
I hope you get as much pleasure
from our friendship as I do.
I wish we were sisters,
so I could have known you
from the beginning.
I look forward to
enjoying our friendship
for many more of your birthdays.
I’m so glad you were born,
because you brighten my life
and fill it with joy.

Happy Birthday!

By Joanna Fuchs


Daddy’s Little Girl On Her 18th Birthday

Once pigtails and stuffed animals
Daddy’s little girl.
Now cell phones and first cars
our minds in such a whirl.

Our daughter’s grown up
turning 18 today.
So strong and so beautiful
trying to find your own way.

Life is just beginning
the world is yours to take.
We hope we’ve taught you well
and you’ve learned from our mistakes.

We’ve loved you and protected you
now it’s time to let you fly.
Though a woman stands before us
forever Daddy’s girl in our eyes!

By Angie Provost


Don’t Forget

Your birthday is the day I remember
all the wonderful things you do.
Time will fly; each day goes by,
and I’ve forgotten to  say, “Thank you.”

Thank you for teaching me strength,
to have confidence while I grow,
for helping me through my biggest challenges,
and for teaching me what I know.

Although our paths may be distant,
and we spend so much time apart,
remember you are the one
who made the essence of my heart.

I will love you until my last breath,
this I know for sure,
as you are the first love I ever had,
and so I will love you forever more.

By Vicki Fearnley


Every One of Your Birthdays

Every one of your birthdays
is a gift to the rest of us
who have had the pleasure
of having you in our lives
for another year.
Every one of your birthdays
brings joyful memories
of your bright smile
and your love of life.
Every one of your birthdays
reminds us of your sensitivity
and service to others,
and other delights
too numerous to name
that we are gifted with
just by knowing you.
Happy Birthday
to one in a million.
May you, and we
enjoy many more.

By Joanna Fuchs


Exceptional Sister

She’s one in a million,
Our wonderful sister;
She’s smart and she’s strong;
We just can’t resist her.

Sis, we’re so glad
You’re in our family;
We really do love you,
As you plainly can see.

So have a great birthday;
Know we’re thinking of you,
Giving love and support
In all that you do!

By Joanna Fuchs


Happily Ever After

On your birthday, special one,
I wish that all your dreams come true.
May your day be filled with joy,
Wonderful gifts and goodies, too.

On your day I wish for you
Favorite people to embrace,
Loving smiles and caring looks
That earthly gifts cannot replace.

I wish you fine and simple pleasures.
I wish you many years of laughter.
I wish you all of life’s best treasures.
I wish you happily ever after!

Happy Birthday!

By Joanna Fuchs


Happy Birthday

The world was blessed with your beauty on this very special day.
Thank you for being so truly great with the amazing personality you portray.

Your grace cannot be matched as it’s unique in every way.
Your heart cannot be snatched as you give love freely anyway.

What I wish for you is for all your dreams to come shining through.
What I pray for you is for your success, which is overdue.

Happy birthday to you from someone who truly appreciates you.
Happy birthday to you for all the good work that you always do.

By Vashni Kelly


Happy Birthday

My wish for you on this special day
Is that the coming year goes well
And may life treat you great in all the ways
That my wishes and words can’t tell.

Behind you now is yesterday
Let your experience and knowledge pave the way
Here’s to you and to your success
We know you will give it your best.

So happy, happy birthday
We wish you many more
and on this day to you we say
We know life has good things in store

By Theodore W. Higginsworth

Happy Birthday Baby Girl, Love Daddy

Just when he thought he had it all
His wife, His sons, His perfect world

Then he met his baby girl

Her mother’s eyes, and daddy’s smile
A light within the sun would rival

Today she’s four, it’s gone too fast
How can I stop the clocks, and make this last

How can such a small voice capture my soul
and every small scratch take such a toll

She’s raised the stakes, her brothers and I are on high alert
praying she’ll never learn how to flirt

And if she does it will change my whole world
Trying to keep her MY baby girl

Happy Birthday Baby Girl, Love Daddy

By Leah Miller


Happy Birthday Dad

When I was born
I didn’t know much
I was introduced to this world
By your kind words and soft touch

Years passed so quickly
And we were already alike
You were my guide and instructor
When learning to ride a bike

Off to kindergarten
And a tear in your eye
You’ve always been sensitive
When it comes to goodbyes

It’s because of the love
That you hold in your heart
You want me to experience life
But don’t like to be apart

So off I went
Adventuring alone
Learning new things
Experiencing life on my own

Hasn’t always been easy
That, I am aware
But one thing’s for sure
You are always there

You’ve helped me see
The woman I can become
You’ve always had faith in me
Even when I had none

It’s that unconditional love
That helped me get through
I wish all little girls’ daddies
Could be as great as you

If all girls had guidance
And a dad’s shoulder to cry
They’d grow up with confidence
And a willingness to try

So I guess what I’m saying
Is thank you, Dad
I’m not sure words can express
The impact you’ve had

You are my hero
And an inspiration to all
Happy Birthday, Dad
Or Papa Dukes as I call

By Tiana Jensen


Happy Birthday Grandma

Happy Birthday, Grandma
It’s your special day
You show us how you love us
In so many ways

You make us feel like stars
You’re our biggest fan
You cheer and clap the loudest
When we do the best we can

You’re always up for fun
And ready for us to laugh
Crazy games of dominoes and spoons
Are always a good time with Grandma

You make us feel special with lots of hugs and treats
Like we’re the most important in the world
We think you’re very sweet.

By Mary Flannery


Happy Birthday My Soul Mate

Though at the moment
we are poles apart
in my thoughts, in my actions
you are in my heart…

Each moment I think of you
though you are not near
Here come my wishes
to pray for you, my dear…

In your life ahead
may all your dreams come true
And you learn something
special and new…

May your worries
all fade away
And every happiness
embrace you each day…

May you always get
love and peace of mind
and togetherness with
the one of your kind…

May your each day ahead
end with a bliss
And what’s more,
with a good night kiss…

Yet another year,
now has passed
Giving you the wisdom
little and vast…

Forty three years
have fallen behind
Next many and more
in a row are aligned…

Wishing you a Very
Happy Birthday my soul mate,
To count the years ahead
May the God forget !

By Manisha Shejwal 


Happy Birthday To The Queen Of Our Hearts

Poems are written every day for moms across the earth.
Stories, songs, and ballads, all trying to tell her worth,

How every day she battled, the odds against her stacked,
Never giving up on us and never looking back.

There was no time for wishing or waiting for a dream.
Faces to wash, meals to cook, clothes that needed cleaned.

She never feels that she’s been cheated of a life to call her own.
Smiles that come from beneath her feet is where her heart is drawn

Sometimes we saw a worried look or heard a desperate prayer,
But she never burdened her little ones with even a hint of care.

Our table was full, our beds were warm, clothes upon our back.
We always had just what we needed; we never knew a lack.

The outside world might raise a brow and doubt that we’d survive,
But mom was sure of her love for us, and that love kept us alive.

She could’ve chosen a different path, the road to please herself.
Instead she took the high road, and her kids became her wealth.

Investing in us every day, she seemed so brave and strong,
But only God knew the tears she cried when she was all alone.

He heard her every prayer and watched as time went by.
He traded her ashes for beauty and lifted her head up high.

It’s no wonder that we love her so unlike any other.
Happy Birthday to the queen of our hearts, our dear, precious Mother.

By Fran Peck


Happy Birthday, Birthday Happy

Some years ago
A star was born
A beautiful girl
With a heart so warm

You grew into a woamn
A wonderful sight to see
I still get so excited
When ever you look at me

Another year has quickly passed
But you don’t show your age
Its just another verse for you
To write down on a page

The book of life you’re writing
Is a continuing story
The pages in your book
I’m sure are filled with glory

As your day approaches
I wanted to send you a cheer
I hope for your next birthday
I can somwhow be near

So, have a Happy Birthday
For you deserve the best
This is not just something
That I say in jest

From my heart I truly mean it
I hope your day is great
I hope my Birthday wish for you
Does not arrive too late

By Ray Hansell


Happy Birthday, Daughter

Many are the joys in life.
I’m blessed with quite a few.
Still, most of all I’m grateful
To have a daughter just like you.

I remember well when you were born,
The joy that filled my heart.
When I first held you in my arms,
I loved you from the start.

It was always such a pleasure
To see your precious life unfold.
Learning new things every day
Brought happiness untold.

The child in you, I still can see.
A glimmer here and there.
The smile when you anticipate,
A tugging at your hair.

Though no one knows the future,
What each one has in store,
I know whatever happens
I couldn’t love you more.

So on this special day of yours,
Know the love that’s there for you.
Not just today, but every day,
Will last a lifetime through.

By Alora M. Knight 


Happy Birthday, Far Away Friend

Dear friend, I want to wish you a splendid happy birthday.
We don’t see each other anymore, but I hope everything is okay.
You’re growing to become the intelligent woman I know you can be.
I’m so fortunate to have a friend like you who’s gentle, loving, and sweet.

Today should be a day of pure happiness and love for you,
Enjoying and gathering with those who remain devoted and true.
I wish you the best in life, though we both know how hard it can be,
But I pray that God will open your doors to brighter opportunities.

You are the kind of person who always offers a helping hand.
We are miles away from each other, but the love we share will never end.
Never seeing you again will always be a difficult test,
But our everlasting friendship is what I will never forget.

I won’t forget about all the things you’ve brought to my years:
Long-lasting laughter and contenting cheers.
I never knew that all of these blessings could all come true,
But my life has been better, and it’s all because of you.

Wherever you are right now, I pray that you are happy and safe.
I don’t know your status, but I hope things are going your way.
I know for a fact that God will strengthen you and help you to be stronger.
I pray, my friend, that no weapon formed against you will prosper.

Thank you so much for your kindness, loyalty, and forgiveness.
You’ve promised me many times that I’ll never travel life without a witness.
So happy blessed birthday, my friend; thanks for being there for me.
I miss you deeply, but you’re always in my memories.

By Edarly Edouard 


Happy Birthday, Son

Though you cannot see me,
Just know that I am near,
Singing happy birthday
Softly in your ear.

I am always with you.
I’m never far away.
I would never miss the chance
To celebrate your 19th birthday.

Fourteen birthdays have passed
Since the day I died,
But for each one
I’ve been right by your side.

I’ve helped you blow out candles
And heard the wishes that you make.
I’ve watched you open up each gift
And seen you eat your birthday cake.

I’ve watched you grow into a man
As the years have passed by, son.
And I am so proud of you
For all that you have done.

You deserve the very best.
May all your dreams come true.
I’m leaving my eternal love
As my birthday gift to you.

Happy birthday, Son
Love, Dad

By Kathy Murphy 


Happy Birthday, Special Treasure

God gave a gift to the world when you were born—
a person who loves, who cares,
who sees a person’s need and fills it,
who encourages and lifts people up,
who spends energy on others
rather than herself,
someone who touches each life she enters,
and makes a difference in the world,
because ripples of kindness flow outward
as each person you have touched, touches others.
Your birthday deserves to be a national holiday,
because you are a special treasure
for all that you’ve done.
May the love you have shown to others
return to you, multiplied.
I wish you the happiest of birthdays,
and many, many more,
so that others have time to appreciate you
as much as I do.

By Joanna Fuchs


Happy Birthday, Super Star Sister

From the day you were born I’ve watched you grow
Into the nicest person one could know.
Love changes everything, words oh so true.
My world changed the moment I first held you.

A baby sister who captured my heart,
Nothing and no one could tear us apart.
That goes for all those who love you to bits,
Especially your children and grandkids.

So bouncy and lively, zesty and bright,
That’s the way you go on sailing through life.
You light up a room, soon as you appear.
A gift to the world, so precious and dear.

May this special day and all days after
Be filled with abundant love and laughter.
Every moment a moment to treasure
For a sister who brings so much pleasure.

Never change from the woman that you are.
To us sisters, you are a “Super Star.”

By Beryl L Edmonds 


Happy Birthday, Sweetheart

It’s that one special day created with you,
When wishes rain in for the year coming new.

You’ll gather this year which travelled too fast,
Weed out the regrets of time reaped by the past.

Harvest the days God planted with blessings,
Your health, your family, and valuable life-lessons.

Although we’re apart on Your day of the year,
With faith and God’s love our hearts bloom without fear.

This wish I have picked for my heart’s only Love;
A garden of happiness and tending from Above.

By Lyndee A Champion-Ivey 


Her Birthday

It’s your birthday and I sit down to write,
Reminiscing those times so bright.
We’ve been together through thick and thin
We’ve lived through the hurdles to win.

Time flew as we grew
Together in this bond so true,
And I have known friends,
But the ones like us are few.

I make you mad and you drive me nuts,
But we have the thing that is called trust.
We laugh, we cry, we make time fly.
Together we smile, together we sigh.

Over this and that and crazy crap
The dodgy pits, that familiar trap.
The similarities we share, the differences that glare,
But we know that such relations are rare.

We share our dreams, these desires that burn,
And someday we believe will be our turn!
Ten long years and still going strong
For the understanding we share in life’s ping-pong.

So I wish you all the happiness
And wish you loads of luck,
A bag full of smiles,
And chocolate-laden truck.

Happy birthday to you again,
And I hope that you soar.
I’ll always wish the best
Because you know I love you more!

By Neha Meharde


I Celebrate You

On your birthday, I celebrate you!
On your special day,
I’m thinking of all the wonderful things you are
that bring so much joy to others, including me!
I celebrate your unconquerable spirit,
that lets you meet every challenge
with confidence, enthusiasm and persistence.
I admire your sensitivity.
You see needs that cry out to be met
that no one else sees,
and you meet them,
out of your deep and caring heart,
out of your wisdom,
out of your strength.
I treasure your uniqueness;
There is no one else like you,
and I feel blessed to know
such an extraordinary person.
I appreciate you, respect you,
cherish you, look up to you.
Happy, happy birthday!
May each new birthday
be the best one ever for you;
You deserve it!

By Joanna Fuchs


I Love You, Mom

You brighten up my life
With tender love and care.
When I reach out,
You’re always there.

You’re someone I can count on
When I need a helping hand.
You’re warm and loving;
You always understand.

I’m so thankful to have
A mom like you.
There is no other
Who could fill your shoes.

I always took for granted
That you were there for me
And all the things you did,
But now I see.

You’re such a good example
Of what a mom should be.
We always get along so well,
Even when we disagree.

You’re so patient
And understanding.
You don’t ask for anything.
You’re outstanding.

You’re so quick to give
And such a joy to be around.
You’re such a good person.
You deserve a special crown.

You have a good heart.
You’re honest and true.
You’re the best mother,
And I really love you.

By Lyndsey Romjue 


I Must Be Lucky

How lucky am I
To have you by my side
Your love shines through
In all that you do

So much you have said
So much I have heard
So much you have taught
So much I have learned

I know that we have had ups and downs
And sometimes even a little frown
You have always been there, so I will say
I love you, and have a wonderful special day

By Valerie Radcliffe


Let Happy Soar And Birthday Fly

Birthday girl, birthday girl,
Let’s seize the day, dance and twirl

Jump up high and touch the sky
Let laughter soar and silliness fly

Stomp atop tables, leap and fling
Blare out your favourites and with them sing

Shout songs out loud on your special day   
Rejoicing with wishes from near and far away   

Skip to the beat of love flowing to you
Candles blowing memories a whole life through   

Grab the time now, hug, kiss, squeeze, charge to celebrate
Thank you for sharing this day, for it’s you that makes it great

By John F. Rathbone


Missed Birthday

I’m so sorry I missed your birthday.
A special day, I know it’s true.
But birthdays are only here one day,
And I love you the whole year through.

Birthday cards are only pieces of paper,
Verses written by someone we never knew.
How could they ever truly explain
All the feelings I have for you?

So I’ve bought a card without any verse
As I wanted to write one of my own
To let you know what you really mean to me
And not words from someone unknown.

Yes, birthday cards are just pieces of paper
That we read then just put away,
But my love for you is forever,
And forever means now and always.

By John P. Read


My Dearest Sister

Sister, you are a guardian angel in disguise.
You are perceptive, intelligent, and wise,
Always helping me through good and bad.
You are also the greatest friend I’ve ever had.
If I could have one wish, it would be
To give you all that you have given to me.
Though I’ve put our relationship through some hazy days,
You’ve been the sunlight that has shone in so many ways.
Through my ups and downs, right by me you stood,
And you gave me your hand whenever you could.
Though I am sure my mistakes will not end here,
You’re always there to keep me away from my fears.
I don’t doubt some of your headaches are from me.
With all the times you lecture and tease,
I stand there upset and displeased.
Though I tell you I can’t stand you,
You come back with, “That’s not true.”
We’ve had our fights,
Which lead to sleepless nights,
But in the end, I thank you so much.
My appreciation for you has no end.
You will always be my sister and my friend.

Happy Birthday, Sister!

By Aimee Tran


My Friend On Your Birthday

Dear friend, let me say
something on this special day
Though we are far apart,
You’ll be always in my heart.

I cherish those moments,
our silly fights and funny talks
and how we grew together,
stayed united in grief and laughter.

May your face always light up with glee.
I wish you never ever feel empty.
I pray, may God be always by your side.
I want you to always lift up your head in pride.

My friend, on your birthday,
all I want to say
is that you mean the world to me
and you are more than just a friend to me.

By Anisha Joseph


On Your 16th Birthday

16 year ago today
They placed you in my arms
I became a mother
Bewitched by all your charms

You learned to walk, to read
Each day brought something new
No more my little boy
You hurt, I cried, you grew

Sometimes you didn’t need me
didn’t want to hold my hand
Your independence made you proud
But me a little sad

I blinked my eyes, I turned around
your almost grown I see
Why did it go so fast?
A few more moments please

In your struggle to be free
Sometimes we don’t get along
But I’m always on your side
I’ll always be your mom

You can’t stop time, can’t hold it back
Can’t stop the ocean’s tide
The good person that you are
Fills my heart with pride

In my eyes there is no one like you
Can’t wait to see what you’ll become
My pride and joy, I love you
Happy birthday to my son

By Sandra Jeffers


Pillar Of A Man

Work hard yet be humble,
share all that you have
Maybe the most important of many lessons,
that I have learned from my dad.

Protect and honor your family,
no matter what the cost
A battle for your family
is a battle that can’t be lost.

Take a stand for things that matter,
and always keep your head held up high.
Embrace those things close to your heart,
and yes, sometimes men do cry.

These lessons in life can not be taught,
they must be observed.
Happy birthday dad you have taught me a lot,
and I love you for what I have learned.

By Mike Brown


Special Day

Here it is,
Your special day,
So I thought I’d take
This time to say

How nice it is
To have a friend
Who listens
and understands.

The kind of friend
Who’s always there,
Ready to show
That someone cares.

You’ve cheered me up
When I was down
Just by simply
Hanging around.

And oh the times
We’ve spent in laughter
Have made me chuckle
For many days after.

We’ve stored many
Good memories away
As I sit here drowned
In memory today.

Wanted to share
This thought with you
Having you as a friend
Makes it my special day too.

By Marie Matheny


Special Granddaughter

There’s someone we love,
Our special granddaughter;
She’s sweet and she’s nice,
Just like Dad and Mom taught her.

She’s got a really cute smile
And pretty blond curls;
She’s a wonderful person,
The best of all girls.

We’re so glad she’s ours;
We rejoice every day;
She’s our angel granddaughter,
And we just want to say…

Happy Birthday!

By Joanna Fuchs


Still And Careless Within

Within you, I’ve found the perfect friend,
Someone I know will be there till the end,
And they’re not just thoughts I hope will fulfill
But thoughts that will stand forever still.

Still as the wind on a hot summer’s day,
Still as your friendship I’ll never betray,
Still as the characters in a photograph,
Still as your breathless, silent laugh.

Within you, I’ve found the perfect friend,
A mind that I can comprehend,
A person I see is so much like me,
A mutual relationship so carefree.

Carefree as a child who questions the world,
Carefree as a scream that goes unheard,
Carefree as an adult blessed with a dream,
Carefree as water flowing downstream.

Within you, I’ve found the perfect friend
With whom I can be real and never pretend.
You’ve always been someone unique from the rest.
You hold a piece of me no other can possess.

Within you is reason to live every moment in time.
Within you the life I want is always mine.
Within you I have the perfect friend.
With you I see myself till the very end.

By Amelia Tracey


The Big Five-Oh

So you are finally fifty;
Happy birthday on the big Five-Oh.
I guess you could fill a great big book
With everything you know.

A whole half century of living
Is nothing to sneeze about,
So if you’re a little patched and worn,
Don’t you dare frown or pout.

Ignore things that make you feel old;
It’s really great to be fifty.
You’re smart, attractive and good company,
And I still think you’re nifty!

By Joanna Fuchs


The Birthday Card

What Birthday Card, for him, can I acquire,
An ordinary one is not what he’d desire,
Perhaps it needs a ‘funny’ joke,
That’s right for a ‘fun’ bloke,
I hope on the finding of one, I can aspire.

There are some mushy rhymes that make me cringe,
With slushy words that on my mind impinge,
They certainly are not right,
My choice, they are not quite,
I’m sure if I bought one I’d have a whinge.

Maybe a lovely scenic one would suit,
But I do prefer a card that gives a ‘hoot’,
I like to raise a smile,
Cos, I really hate to rile,
And I won’t upset this man, he’s really ‘cute’.

I have found one with a picture of some wine
In bottles, which is a decidedly good sign,
But the colours are so bland,
That it’s really not that grand,
And I’d like to send him one he’ll know is mine.

Hey! I think I have the answer and it’s this,
I’ll buy some wine and chocs which are delish,
I’ll knock on his front door,
With these offerings and more,
And start his birthday rolling with a kiss.

By Ernestine Northover


The Happiest Age

What age is happiest?
Had you asked me,
I would have made this plea:
the Now is best.

What joy to live with zest each newborn day;
and from the Moment wrest what Life will give away.
The Past is but a guest who came and went,
and left this one behest: to be content.

Think how To-day is blest!
We’ve eyes to see Nature in Beauty drest for you, for me.
What matter that the crest of Youth is past.
Youth lives within the breast with joys that last.
The will to do our best, and hands for giving.
Oh! Now’s the happiest, best time for living!

What age is happiest?
Oh! hear my vow, for I have put the test –
the happiest’s Now.
Sweet sighs and kindly jest for warmth and cheer;
and Love’s most high bequest to crown the year.

By Wilhelmina Stitch


The Tongue-Tied Lover

I ask the heav’nly stars above
how I might send thee words of love –
for my impov’rished words won’t do
when sending words of love to you.

A birthday shortly comes your way,
and I’m in complete disarray
whilst seeking clever words to say
on what will be your special day.

Hark! Cupid counsels – “Do not fret,
I’ll make a poet of you yet,
and whilst you’ll never be a bard,
go buy your love a birthday card.”

“Pen words directly from your heart
writ with Cupid’s finest dart –
there’s one more thing that you must do –
ensure your words of love are true.”

Now, I took Cupid at his word.
To my delight, my words were heard
I never penned a poem more fair
these words of love I wrote for her.

That special birthday’s come and gone.
Soon you and I will be as one.
One final vow I make in rhyme.
I’ll cherish thee till the end of time

By William Brook


To My Little Brother

A year has passed away,
Never to be back.
I hope this little greeting
Suffices as a plaque.

You’ve passed another summer,
Spring, winter, fall.
You’ve created memories,
A joy and smile to recall.

You’re growing into a sturdy soul.
Your little goofs, smiles,
Your struggles, accomplishments,
And your mischievous wiles.

Your funny personality
Grows along with you.
You’re a wonderful little brother,
And, yes, a little goof too.

I know you like to pretend
You’re a little brat sometimes
When you come up
And strangle me from behind.

I know you love to shoot
Those Nerf bullets at my back,
But I also know you like to snuggle
When you’re done your attack.

I appreciate these little things
That make you who you are.
You keep me on my toes
But you’re a wonderful little brother.

So, in the years passed
And years still yet ahead,
I hope you grow strong
While towards manhood you tread.

I can see you shaping
Into a special little guy,
So keep your smile
While these days pass on the sly.

A happy birthday to you,
My special little bro.
In this coming year
I will happily watch you grow.

By Michaela Hart 


To My Mother

on this day as you celebrate your birthday,
my best wishes to you mother I dedicate,
greetings filled with all the praise only you deserve,
my dear mother, my dear friend.

from as long as I remember so loving and so kind,
so patient and so tender you make my pains feel mild.
your hands are always present to walk me through the way,
you spell the words I long to hear that always make my day.

“thank you mum”, for all you give,
“thank you mum”, for all your time,
“thank you mum”, for all your kindness,
“thank you mum”, for all your love that is endless.

you are to me and you will always be,
the loving mother with an open heart,
the caring friend with a lending hand,
you are my one and only latest trend.

from the bottom of my heart I send you my message with love,
only the very best that a mother like only you can claim,
for I have the best in life through you, I thank God,
for I am blessed and privileged because you are my mum!

thank you mum, best wishes mum, I love you Mum

by Caroline Falzon



My soul was lost
The time I entered the widest coast.
My heart was drowned
The time I swam the deepest ground.
Darkness surrounds me, unknowingly…

How can I fight
If I don’t see the light?
How can I go on
If I feel that I’m all alone?
And how can I be me
If I already lost myself, unknowingly…

In the middle of this difficulty,
God gave me a great opportunity
To meet an angel in reality
Who will stay beside me through eternity.
I found this friend of mine, unknowingly…

I never thought that we will go like this.
We share our dreams and do silly things.
I never thought that we would be this close,
Like real sisters, ’til the river flows.
I never thought that you could change me,
Because of you, I was healed, unknowingly..

How can I thank God
For this lifetime blessing?
It’s you, my friend, that keeps my heart beating.
Our friendship that was built in a remarkable way.
Hope we can keep it ’til our hairs turn into gray…
Unknowingly…we will still be the same and will never change.

By Florica Flores



Everyone has probably had such times when they feel embarrassed or ashamed. Maybe to a loved one, a relative, or a co-worker. The ability to admit guilt and ask for forgiveness is a very powerful thing to do. And it is better to do it in verse.

«A Place Without Rain» by Juan L. Salgado

Yes, it’s true.
I made you who you are.
The mistakes I made
Pushed you very far.

We were so young,
So madly in love.
All the magic we had,
And now it’s gone.

I confess to you
I am to blame.
I did you wrong.
You aren’t the same.
Wish we could rewind
To a place without pain,
A place with you,
A place without rain.

This empty feeling
Is killing me inside.
No words left in this world
That can put you at my side.

The storm that follows me
Tries to put me down.
It’s time to fight it,
Time to let you out.

No more crying,
No more wasting time.
Just remember one thing:
You are my sunshine.


«Dancing Under The Pale Moonlight» by Melanie Miller

We danced a dance to last for a life time.
You held me close and told me you loved me.
Forever, you shall be in my heart, soul and mind
I knew you were the sweetest man,
so loving and so kind, to me.
We are meant to be my love and be in love for all times.
If you were to come back to me,
I would show you how much you mean to me.
Oh don’t you remember us dancing under that pale moonlight.
Everything was serene and beautiful.
Everything was right.
You were the one that held my hand and comforted me through the storms.
You are the sunshine, the wind and rain..
and wiped away all the sadness and pain.
Once again, you can be all these things to me, if only you return.
Please come back
my angel man
and tell me those words of love into my ear.
You have nothing to fear,
as I will always be true to you and want only you.
Together we can make the best couple around
my love for you will never cease.
So come back,
I hope and pray that that someday will be today.


«Forgive My Mistakes» by Anna Liz Williams

I know I’ve made mistakes
So why should I even try
For when you look at me
All you see is that I lie
I’m sorry for the things I said
For giving you false truth in your head
I know that I’ve caused pain
that I drive you insane
Though you may not see what’s inside of me
You should know it’s deader than the Dead Sea
You may think that I don’t care
For all I give is just a stare
But what you don’t know
Is that the love I have for you is what glows
So I promise to try hard and to be true to you
So that our happiness will not be through
All I ask is one thing to see
Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?
For there is one thing I know is true
I do Love You


«Forgiveness» by Jason Swindle

Baby, you tell me you love me.
You tell me you care.
You say you need to have me,
But all I can do is stare.

You treated me with hate.
You told me a lot of lies.
For me it may be too late,
For my eyes are full of despise.

I am trying to let it go,
Trying to deal with it all.
My love is hard to show
When it’s him that you may call.

You say you’ve learned a lot.
You say you know you were wrong.
Don’t let me put you on the spot.
Does your love to me belong?

My feelings you tried to taunt.
Our life you left in tatters.
Our family is what I want.
Our family is all that matters.

Just give to me your heart,
I promise I will not break.
Forgiveness is a start,
Something that must not wait.

Now give to me a shot
To make us happiest of all,
‘Cause I will give you all I’ve got.
My love for you shall not fall.


«How Could He Forgive Me? » by Katarina Ogletree

He rode in a cold winter day
His eyes a mysterious shade of gray
He got off the horse and came right in
He was personified sin

He held out his arms so big and strong
And I knew what I had done to him was wrong               
My secret lover in the back of my mind
The tears that pricked my eyes made me blind

I couldn’t take it anymore
I collapsed in a pile on the floor
He rushed to my side to help me to my feet
I wish he had thrown me out on the street

I had betrayed him and he didn’t know it
How could he? I didn’t show it

Finally, the guilt ate my soul
I told him, those eyes almost coal
He hugged me tight, said it’s alright
I really do love him
I’m sorry


«I Am So Sorry» by Kathleen J. Shields

When I came to you, you did not listen
You shrugged your head and kept dismissing
All my worries, fears and doubts
To you were unknown whereabouts
I tried so hard to tell you this
To get you to reminisce
Of all the times life was so good
Of times I thought you understood
But you weren’t there, your spirit gone
Your body was already withdrawn
And no matter how hard I tried to share
Your heart was empty you didn’t care
So here I am, the sky so starry
Looking up at you, I am so sorry.


«I Am Sorry» by Leon Weate

Every time I see the pain in your eyes,
A little part of my heart dies.
No matter how hard and how often you try,
All I seem to do is make you cry.

You risk so much and take such chance
To share your heart and your romance.
You share your hopes and dreams and fears
And let me in to all that’s dear.

All I seem to do is be mean and cold,
To fail to cherish, fail to hold.
I seem to fail to put you first.
You act your best; I am my worst.

My mouth contradicts my heart.
My actions and thoughts so far apart.
I love you with every part of me,
Yet act so cruel and thoughtlessly.

I dream of you all night and day
And hang on every word you say,
Yet all you see is selfishness and arrogance,
Casual disdain and ignorance.

Assumption and judgment and everything’s a test.
No matter what you do, you’re always second best.
No matter how hard you try, it’s never enough.
I never hear your protestations of love.

I say I love you and cherish all of our dreams,
Yet act as if I can’t hear your screams
Of need and want and stability and trust.
My plans never materialize, my promises rust.

I scream at myself at how stupid I am
For risking your love, for risking your hand,
And I pray every day that you never see
That I need you more than you need me.

I bare my heart and my soul to you
To say sorry for what I did and for what I do.
I have no excuses and hide no more.
All I can offer is my love for evermore.


«I am sorry» by Wanji Bunji

Sorry for irritating all,
Sorry for disappointing all.
I did not think of doing all this,
I did not mean to do all this

I tried my best,
I did my best.
But I failed,
But I was unsuccessful.

What I did in the end was the only way,
What I did in the end was the only solution.
I had no other choice,
I had no other alternative.

My mind was full of thoughts,
My mind was confused.
I hope all will forgive me,
I hope all will forget what I have done.

Can my actions really be forgiven?
Can my actions really be forgotten?
I am remorseful,
I am sorry.


«I’m Sorry» by Gabor Timis

I’m sorry, really sorry to see you cry,
Please let me dab your eyes to dry.
I made a bad mistake, I know that now
I want to apologize, if you would allow.

My darling, forgive me, I beg of you
I am a weak human, but I can be better
All I care about in this life is you
Please let me show you I still care, my dear.

I will never hurt you again, that is sure
My love for you is strong and pure
I know you care for me too
So, forgive this errant soul …
And make me, once again, whole.


«I’m Sorry» by Casey Lee Watson

Words I say don’t always come out right,
and they always seem to start a fight.

I know what I say can hurt you,
and believe me, I don’t mean to.

The last thing I want to see is you sad
because I can’t control myself when I get mad.

I know all you want from me is my best,
but right now I need time to rest.

Everything is happening so fast.
How long will it all last?

Everything is falling apart.
It’s ripping my heart.

I have so much anger built up; I have to get it out,
and all I want to do is scream and shout.

I take it out on you,
even though I don’t mean to.

I’m sorry for causing you more stress.
I know even you need time to rest.


«I’m sorry if I let you down» by John Berryhill

After a time when my life was a mess
If not for my friends my family would be one less
Not much seemed stable it was hard to find solid ground
So I would like to thank all my friends for always being around
My friends all know I’ve been through a lot
But I only survived it By of the support that I got
It must have been hard Always seeing me frown
For that I am sorry If I let you down
In all friendships There has to at least be two
But I was so lost in my grief That I forgot about you
We all go through our own and we differently grieve
But our love gets us through it this I truly believe
My I love you’s are special and this i know you will get
Because if I say it to you I know you will feel it.
My love for my friends Is always and forever
And that is what Keeps true friends together


«I’m Sorry Poems» by Rachel Cravens

I’m sorry I hurt you
I’m sorry for making you feel blue
I’m sorry that I was even there
I’m sorry that I called you my bear

I’m sorry that I lied
I’m sorry that you cried
I’m sorry that I we met
I’m sorry all you did was bet

I’m sorry that I loved you
I’m sorry our relationship grew
I’m sorry I fell apart
I’m sorry your still in my heart

I’m sorry that I’m still here
I’m sorry I still whisper in your ear!
I’m so sorry!


«I’m Sorry, Friend» by Shannah Leigh

I’m sorry friend
I don’t know what to do
I try so hard
to be a better person to you

I screw up a lot
and I ignore you too
I don’t know why
but I still love you

You’re my best friend
I know we can make it through
let’s make this friendship last
and make it better and true

I know you’re getting sick of me
I’m getting sick of myself too
I don’t know how many times
I can say sorry to you

But really, I am
I’m such a fool
I let such a wonderful
friendship break in two

I’m gonna push aside the past now
I’m gonna be nicer to you
I want to make this last
and show what better I can do

You’re my best friend still
and you’re my favourite too
Cait, remember the good times
and I know we’ll make it through


«Im Sorry» by Tyrone Wingfield

Im sorry for arguing with you,
When we knew you were right.
Im sorry doing what I do
In each and every fight

Im sorry for the times you cried,
All because of me.
Im sorry for what I should have tried
To keep you happy

Im sorry for my mistakes in whole
And pray you forgive me
Im sorry for the heart I stole,
So ungratefully


«I’m Sorry» by Casey Lee Watson

Words I say don’t always come out right,
and they always seem to start a fight.

I know what I say can hurt you,
and believe me, I don’t mean to.

The last thing I want to see is you sad
because I can’t control myself when I get mad.

I know all you want from me is my best,
but right now I need time to rest.

Everything is happening so fast.
How long will it all last?

Everything is falling apart.
It’s ripping my heart.

I have so much anger built up; I have to get it out,
and all I want to do is scream and shout.

I take it out on you,
even though I don’t mean to.

I’m sorry for causing you more stress.
I know even you need time to rest.


«I’m Sorry» by Samantha Garrison

I’m sorry that I hurt you
I’m sorry that I care
I’m sorry that I want to
No matter what be there.

I’m sorry for not being perfect,
I’m sorry that I’m a disappointment,
I’m sorry I’m not always honest.

I’m sorry that you hate me
I’m sorry that I lied
I’m sorry that you now see
How much that I have cried.

I’m sorry I’m not good enough,
I’m sorry I let you down,
I’m sorry for my tears,
And I’m sorry for my fears.

I’m sorry that I’m human,
And I’m sorry that I care,
I’m sorry for not making you laugh.

I’m sorry for being hardheaded
I’m sorry for never listening
I’m sorry that I’m like her, I’m trying very hard to change it.

I’m sorry for being protective,
And I’m sorry for being cautious.
I’m sorry for forgetting things, and asking stupid questions.

I’m sorry that I dropped out of school,
And I’m sorry I’m not smart.
I’m sorry that I make you say, “We’re done, it’s too hard.”
I’m sorry that I never cheated while we were apart,

I’m sorry that I live for you and could never live without
I’m sorry for the mistakes I made, and that they broke your heart.
I’m sorry and I would be glad to do all that I can.

I want to make you love me
like you did once before
I want to make your heart see
what mine is living for.


«I’M Sorry» by Heather Jean

I’m sorry if i make you cry,
if you lose that twinkle in your eye.
i’m sorry if i hurt your heart,
but fixing things is a place to start.
i’m sorry for not trusting you,
it’s a big part of love that i’ll try and do.
i’m sorry for letting people get to me,
and thier lies blinding the truth i needed to see.
i’m sorry for closing the door,
i just never felt so hurt before.
i’m sorry for holding it all inside,
and just letting the hours crawl by.
i’m sorry for keeping you,
but i needed to tell you just how sorry i truly am.


«I’M Sorry» by Cory Graham

Baby, I’m sorry about our past
But I’m changing to make us last
I’m sorry for the names you were called
To see that look on your face, my life was stalled
I’m sorry for not treating you with respect
Don’t worry, there won’t be anymore neglect

I’m sorry for the lies and being so fake
I will show you my true love, will you please take?
I’m sorry for not being there
From this day on, I will show you I care
I’m sorry for not being me
My real self, you soon will see

I’m sorry for not being the man
Since I woke up, now I know I can
I’m sorry for causing all your tears
Don’t worry, I’m here to wash away your fears
I’m sorry for the awful conversations
For now on, only sweet vibrations

Baby, I’m sorry for putting you through hell
I’m glad, I finally tripped and fell
I’m sorry for not putting you on top
The way I acted will be put to a stop
I’m sorry for everything, don’t push me away
Please forgive me, your heart is the place I want to stay


«I’M Sorry» by Andrew Doherty

I’m sorry for taking you forgranted
I’m sorry for not loving you enough
I’m sorry for not being there for you

I’m sorry I cheated
I’m sorry I wasn’t enough
I’m sorry that I miss you

I’m sorry I miss your touch
I’m sorry I miss you smile
I’m sorry I miss you silly laugh

I’m sorry I couldn’t make it work
I’m sorry all I can do is try
I’m sorry I threw our plans away

I’m sorry I wasn’t a good guy
I’m sorry I wasn’t a good friend
I’m sorry I’m me

I’m sorry I want you back
Because I know I can’t expect you to forgive me
But do know this
I love you and I’m sorry


«I’M Sorry» by Scott Austin

I’m sorry for the way you feel
For the hurt and pain you have caused
For the cards you are dealing

The way things are turning out
Has not been your most delight
Things can change in an instant
If you are willing to be forgiven

So keep your head up
Do not give up hope
Things can change
In a blink of eye

Keep this mind
Look to the future
It may be so bright
If you only open up
Your eyes to the possibilities


«One Last Chance» by Jacob Greenberg

I’m sorry you can’t trust me
And won’t ever let me in.
I’m sorry you don’t believe in me
And that I could not win.

I’m sorry for not being perfect
And for not being able to break your fears.
I’m sorry for messing up
And causing all your tears.

I’m sorry I can’t fix it
And make you want to stay.
I’m sorry I wasn’t good enough
And now I have to pay.

I’m sorry I ever doubted it
And made you second guess.
I’m sorry I was so stupid.
You haven’t seen my best.


«One More Chance» by Christian M. Mitewu

I know that I deserved my fate,
But please do let me try again.
Although right now may be too late,
You don’t love me like you loved then.

Life’s been futile since you walked out.
Why did you have to leave so soon?
You ever returning is something I doubt.
Depressed, I stare at the blue moon.

When you left, I sadly sighed.
I’d lost a love I’d loved for long.
When I was lost, you were my guide.
You’d set me right when I’d go wrong.

I’m sorry for all of the pain
I’ve caused’ please open the door.
I’ve knocked and knocked but all in vain;
You don’t answer anymore.

Please press pause and then rewind.
Right back to before
Before I’d made you lose your mind
Before you’d shut the door,

I know that I deserved my fate,
But please do let me try again.
Although right now may be too late,
You don’t love me like you loved then.


«Please Forgive Me» by Alon Calinao Dy

I’ve said hurtful things to you,
Even though I love you,
I know I make you sad,
Now I feel very bad.

There are times,
I ask myself the questions of ‘why’,
Why I make you cry?
Why we have so many fights?

I know you, darling,
No amount of pleading,
Is going to change your mind again,
But I’m sorry for causing you pain.

Please, forgive me for what I’ve done,
It’s too hard for me without you,
Because you know how much I love you,
I’m really sorry, my love.

I hope you would listen to me,
Please, give me another chance,
You are my world and my life,
So please forgive me, my love.


«Shallow Sorry» by Sean O’Brien

If my words were like a nail
Your feelings were the board
No matter how many times I say I’m sorry
Deep down you still are scored

I never meant to hurt you
I’ll never understand
We’ve been through so much together
What I’d give to take your hand!

You know you are my best friend
My soul is empty and lost
I was so hurt and angry
Not knowing what it cost

Darling, don’t give up yet
Please believe in me
I will show you what love is
Give me time and you will see


«So Sorry» by Brian Dorn

I’m sorry for what I’ve done
I’m sorry for who I’ve been
Sorry for where its gone
So sorry to lose a friend

I’m sorry I let you down
I’m sorry things can’t be the same
Sorry for my impropriety
So sorry I’m the one to blame

I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough
I’m sorry for not following through
Sorry for dropping the ball
So sorry for me and you


«Sometimes Sorry Is Not Good Enough» by Lillie Williams

Maybe I hurt you and
Caused you to cry
I know the pain went deep
And this I won’t deny
I know I am to blame for
All your sleepless nights
The things that I said
I know it wasn’t right

I never meant you any sorrow
And I never meant
To make you cry
I am the cause of your pain
I accept all the blame
I called you cheap words
And a lot of other stuff
Sometimes saying I’m sorry
Just isn’t good enough

Somehow I felt what you
Felt deep inside
So much hurt and pain
Like a reflection in your eyes
Every breath you took
Filled with deceit and sorrow
Maybe your forgiveness
Will come on tomorrow

I can’t expect you to push
This all away
Maybe another time,
Another hour in the day
If I could take the words back
That caused you to cry
I would do it in a heart beat
And you know it’s not a lie

Nothing I can say right now
Will keep your heart still
I’m sorry, I apologize for
The way I made you feel
Even a broken heart is
One that’s hard to mend
This will follow me
Until the very end
In your eyes I am the enemy
And you have to do what you must
But sometimes saying I’m sorry
Just isn’t good enough


«Sorry» by Edward Iacona

The phrase “I’m Sorry” you may agree
Has turned into a social amenity
We say “I’m Sorry” more than Brenda Lee
Which was a hit song for her back in 1960.

You may not want to acknowledge the damage you’ve done
The pain that you’ve brought to spouse, daughter or son.
But if you’ve done wrong you must see the light
To take a pro-active step to returning things right

There will remain feelings that you can’t erase
Lost time and memories that you can’t replace
Because of your actions now nothings the same
Take a look in your mirror and know that there’s blame.

Maybe those words are one’s you won’t do.
They may not exist in your new age point of view.
Or, don’t want to hear the anger, it might make you blue
It’s easier to leave your loved ones hurt and askew.

Just saying I’m sorry is not all it takes
No magical words to make gone the mistakes
Begin the road back with those words from your heart
They do not mark the end but maybe a start.

Your family’s your bond like no other glue.
A great family we had, can we renew?
Deep in your heart you know what to do.
If I can say “I’m sorry” then I think you can too.


«Sorry» by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

There is much in life that makes me sorry as I journey down life’s way.
And I seem to see more pathos in poor human Lives each day.
I’m sorry for the strong brave men, who shield the weak from harm,
But who, in their own troubled hours find no Protecting arm.

I’m sorry for the victors who have reached success, to stand
As targets for the arrows shot by envious failure’s hand.
I’m sorry for the generous hearts who freely shared their wine,
But drink alone the gall of tears in fortune’s drear decline.

I’m sorry for the souls who build their own fame’s funeral pyre,
Derided by the scornful throng like ice deriding fire.
I’m sorry for the conquering ones tho know not sin’s defeat,
But daily tread down fierce desire ‘neath scorched and bleeding feet.

I’m sorry for the anguished hearts that break with passions strain,
But I’m sorrier for the poor starved souls that Never knew love’s pain.
Who hunger on through barren years not tasting joys they crave,
For sadder far is such a lot than weeping o’er a grave.

I’m sorry for the souls that come unwelcomed into birth,
I’m sorry for the unloved old who cumber up the earth.
I’m sorry for the suffering poor in life’s great maelstrom hurled,
In truth I’m sorry for them all who make this aching world.

But underneath whate’er seems sad and is not understood,
I know there lies hid from our sight a mighty germ of good.
And this belief stands firm by me, my sermon, motto, text –
The sorriest things in this life will seem grandest in the next.


«Sorry» by Ronald Stuart Thomas

Dear parents,
I forgive you my life,
Begotten in a drab town,
The intention was good;
Passing the street now,
I see still the remains of sunlight.

It was not the bone buckled;
You gave me enough food
To renew myself.
It was the mind’s weight
Kept me bent, as I grew tall.

It was not your fault.
What should have gone on,
Arrow aimed from a tried bow
At a tried target, has turned back,
Wounding itself
With questions you had not asked.


«Sorry I Love You» by Brian Jones

Sorry I love you the way that I do
Sorry for everything I put you through
Sorry, your love I couldnt renew
Sorry our days were just too few

Sorry for all that I did
Sorry, my love was never hid
Sorry that ‘us’ you rid
Sorry I would do whatever you bid

Sorry I still love you
Sorry I am feeling so blue
Sorry I thought our love grew
Sorry you did what you had to

Sorry for my love for you
Sorry we were not true
Sorry we are through
Sorry our love you outgrew


«That Someone» by Blair Andrews

I’m sorry
Although I know what the pain feels like, I still chose to hide
And although I look back and see, I ask myself if I could do it again,
Would I have tried?
The answer you probably don’t want to hear,
And I know that your heart is set on tomorrow’s fear.
Like the dream you dreamed when I walked out
I know this second chance gives you much doubt
But I decided that I want to repent
And set my heart back to the day I went….

Beginning the story now I see that your feelings were real,
But since when do boys really feel?
I didn’t believe you and I know it was wrong
I’m sorry…
Although you’ve forgiven me and are loving me now
I know deep inside I hurt you
Trying for the fourth year
Am I truly worth it?


«These Drops of Sweet Sorry» by Cory Jones

If you listen…..
Just a little closer
And if you would stay…..
Just a moment longer
You might be able to hear
These drops of regret
Fall into the bucket
And you might be able to see
These drops of sweet “sorry”
Filling up the bottle

I told myself this is
No fault of my own
And blamed it on your fear
Of being alone

But if I bring you…..
Just a little closer
And if I could hold you…..
Just a moment longer
I might be able to take back
Those drops of regret
And empty that bucket
And I might be able to soak up
Those drops of sweet “sorry”
And break open that bottle

We made this fairy tale
Into a very short story
You deserved a much better ending
And for this…..
I’m very very sorry..


«You and me» by Ruby Ubbi

I’m not the one who expresses their feelings
Nor do I realize anything whether it’s good or bad.
But one thing for sure, this restless feeling I have
It’s so making me sad.

There always used to be ups and downs between us
Laughs and fights but we always used to pull through it.
Time has passed though nothing has changed
Except this feeling,
This will always remain.

For any reason if time ever comes to an end
I want you to know that I’m truly sorry for those times
I ever took you for granted,
When I never appreciated you as much as I should,
When I kept hurting you when I promised I wouldn’t.
I’m so sorry for causing you pain
No matter what, deep down you’ll always reside in my heart
And always be my friend.


Back To Strangers

We started as strangers.
We fell and became lovers.
We started with a, “Hi,”
Ended with a lie.

The time ran so fast.
Now we’re just part of the past.
The butterflies I once felt in my belly
Turned into a feeling of melancholy.

Those dreams I dreamed won’t come true,
For we fell apart out of the blue.
There will be no such thing as “we,”
Because starting from now, it’s just “me.”

We ended being lovers.
Now we’re back to strangers.
We ended with a lie.
Now we couldn’t even say, “Hi.”

By Rocelyn Amante



And cigarettes and bad decisions stained into bedsheets
A good idea gone rogue in a moment by the chase and retreat
Words bitten off before they emerge and a sudden sense of regret
The ins and outs and turns and twists confined to breakup.

What feels good can’t hurt you until its not good anymore
Reality doesn’t touch the bedroom until someone opens the door
Grasping to skin like it’s what we had and reluctantly letting go
The push and pull of dumb ideas and a lack of self control.

An awkward smile all the while thinking that this was a mistake
A peck of a kiss, barely a touch of the lips, and sanity far too late
Stains on the skin that the shower can’t wash, they’ve soaked down to bone
The knowledge that gasps and quiet laughs doesn’t mean we aren’t gone.
And cigarettes and bad decisions stained into bedsheets
A good idea gone rogue in a moment by the chase and retreat
Words bitten off before they emerge and a sudden sense of regret
The ins and outs and turns and twist confined to breakup.

By North Carolina


Broken Love

Sometime life takes a spin…
we learn how to laugh,
cry and try to stay competent so we don’t hurt again…
When he said he loved me…
I thought that was the key…
not only to my heart,
but to a new beginning…
We met on several occasions…
sometimes for fun…
but all and all…
I thought it was a start to opening our hearts…
We shared our sorrows…
sometimes for hours,
but I realize he is not the same…
only when he is ready to play the game…
I’m not a game player…
and never will be…
he came to me to fill a void…
but then I fell in love with him and he walked away,
what can I say…
I can’t fix him nor will I try…
I guess we will never know what love we had even though we had a great time…
So here’s to you my love…
I wish you only the best…
cause you will never find anyone as good as what you had..

By Natalie Gronner



Scared confused mindless clone,
Delving deeper into the unknown,
my heart is bruised my soul crumbled
The deep despair of lovers rumbled.

Control abuse delete forget
Feelings once shared are now reset
The chains you hold are now released
My soul is free my mind deceased.

What once was hate is now empowered
for this empty shell to be devoured
Your need for me has been replaced
My thoughts of you have been disgraced

The time has come to change the pace
Look ahead, erase, embrace
The change has come upon my sorrow
The tears will wait until tomorrow.

By Connie Davidescu


Disappearing Love

What happened to our love?
It used to be so bright
Loving, laughing, caring
Then soon caught the night

You were my one and only love
Cared for you too much

Then something happened
And slept with that man
You deceived me
I never felt so desperate

But I try to forgive you now
And try not to think about before
I love you so much
It just hurts to ponder now

Everything I have
Is because of you
Everything I bought
Was because of you

I just love you so much
I’m scared to lose you

By Gary R. Hess



I’m drowning.
I look around at everyone going past and suddenly I can’t breathe.
It looks so easy for them,
Going about and laughing,
Having the time of their lives.
Why is it so easy for them?

I’m drowning.
But then,
Then I think of you.
I think about our times spent.
I remember walking together,
I remember nights together,
I remember movies together,
I remember how it all started.

I’m drowning.
But then I think of you.
I begin to wonder,
Am I really drowning?
Not when I have you.
Then I realize,
I’m losing you,
And these pleasant memories?
They turn to bitter reminders of once was.
So maybe,
Maybe I am drowning.

Because without you,
I can’t breathe.

By Madison A. Wakfield


Fake Drug

I shed too many tears and wasted too much time thinking of you.
I devoted so much time to you.
In return, all I got where my own tears,
Nights I couldn’t sleep.
I ask over and over
What am I doing wrong?
But then I realize that it was you the whole time.
I gave you my smile and you almost gave me a child.
Every time you needed me, I gave into you like a drug,
And I suffer the side effects alone in my bedroom,
Where you last left me without a sound.
Was this another hit it and quit it?
Cause I haven’t heard from you in a minute now,
And it’s getting pretty late.
I’m just surprised you haven’t checked up on me.
Should’ve thought twice before I overdosed on you
Cause you were the fake stuff,
But since I’ve already opened you up and saw what was really inside,
It was too late.
I was ripped off, but now I’m screwed cause there’s no refunds.

By Kindall Perez



Goodbye to love,
A love that used to be my life.
Goodbye to dreams,
Dreams of one day being your wife.

Goodbye to memories,
Memories of you, both good and bad.
Goodbye to time,
Time we spent together and the fun we had.

Goodbye to you,
The man you were when you were with me.
Goodbye to tears,
The tears I used to cry, most you didn’t see.

Goodbye to the reoccurring fights,
I was unable to sleep at night.
Goodbye to future plans,
Surely you will make new ones, right?

Goodbye to happiness I once felt,
The happiness that is now for someone else.
Goodbye to your charming ways,
You always thought it would make me come back to you.

Goodbye to who I was when I was with you.
I now am the person I’ve always been.
Goodbye to the glaze that was over my eyes.
Now they see more than ever, sharp and keen.

Most of all I want to say….
Goodbye to us!
Goodbye to us!
The us we used to be and the us we were going to be.
Goodbye to us for eternity!

By Jennafer Nolan


He Is Hurting Too

He’s tired of the pain.
He’s tired of every lie.
He’s tired of the countless nights
When all he does is cry.

He’s pretending not to care.
He said that he is fine,
But really he is hoping
Someone will read his mind.

Everyone’s sad for her;
No one knows what he’s going through,
And not even his friends can see
That he is hurting too.

By Leah Williams


I Crave Your Mouth, Your Voice, Your Hair

I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.
Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets.
Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day
I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.

I hunger for your sleek laugh,
your hands the color of a savage harvest,
hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails,
I want to eat your skin like a whole almond.

I want to eat the sunbeam flaring in your lovely body,
the sovereign nose of your arrogant face,
I want to eat the fleeting shade of your lashes,

and I pace around hungry, sniffing the twilight,
hunting for you, for your hot heart,
like a puma in the barrens of Quitratue.

By  Pablo Neruda


I Miss You

I search for the right words to say.
I wonder if you do the same.
I found myself thinking of you every day.
It hurts to feel this kind of blame.
I never thought I could feel this kind of pain
from just hearing the sound of your voice
for knowing you were the only one who stopped the rain
and knowing I shouldn’t have let you walk away,
let you walk away as far as you did.
My heart tells me not to be selfish,
to just pray for your happiness,
but when I hear your sad voice telling me you’re scared and confused,
it hits me this is what I mostly feared.
To be so close with you inside of my heart but yet so very far.

By Tiffany Kromer


I Sit And Cry Over Broken Love

I sit and cry,
all alone.
Wondering why,
I don’t belong.

When we first hooked up,
we couldn’t keep our hands off each other.
Now it’s like all we do is
fight and argue,
And say hurtful things,
we regret later.

Why do we hurt each other so much,
if we’re supposed to be in love?
Why do we get so upset and angry,
to the point of exchanging hurtful
words that we say out of anger,
They could jeopardize the relationship completely.

It’s like we totally forgot how to be in
love and act respectful,
Instead we’re rude, hateful,
and just ungrateful.

By Missy Tremblay


I Will Love You

With all of my heart I love you.
I honestly, truly do.
But with every angry word spoken,
I become more resentful of you.

It’s like we’ve forgotten our history.
We’ve forgotten what we had before.
And now I’m ever closer, it seems,
To packing up and closing the door.

I imagined having your children,
And what a beautiful thing it would be.
Thought we’d find a house and settle down.
Make four where there once was three.

But now those dreams are distant,
Filled with a fog made up of fear.
My body is fighting through the mist,
But the doubt is all I hear.

Hostile hands and heavy hearts…
They join together here.
And in a flash, as quick as that,
I’ve hurt you, and you me, my dear.

There is not much left that’s not been broken
In our path of hurt and despair.
Broken glass and broken souls
And disappointment reeks in the air.

Our spirits, once bright and so hopeful,
Are now lost in the seas of regret,
And when I reach out my hand to save them,
My poor heart begins to fret.

The smiles we once wore as medals,
To show the world we’d both found “the one,”
Are now tired, and fake, and phony.
They are sure that we are done.

I lie awake and search for an answer,
But my head and my heart are at war.
Long gone are the days of no tears
Say my eyes that are swollen and sore.

I believed that we’d work through it somehow.
I hoped our love was stronger than it all,
But I guess when you’re up so high, my love,
There’s only a lot further to fall.

I try and remember all the good times,
But they just seem so far away.
Now I’m just tired and bitter,
And I don’t have the strength to stay.

I wanted so much for a miracle.
I tried so hard to change my view,
But it shouldn’t take a miracle
To keep me from leaving you.

For all this time, I have loved you,
Even when my heart feels filled with hate.
When I raise my voice and spew vile words,
I still love you so much that it aches.

And I will continue to love you always,
Even when we’ve both moved on.
Even when we have our own families,
I will love you, even when it’s wrong.

By  Larah J. Davies


I’m Not Turning Back

Every time I would ask, you said I was tripping.
I trusted you boy, but now I am quitting.
You broke my heart, took it and tore it apart.
You promised to me never again.
But maybe I’d be better if we were just friends.
I never really had the proof.
But now it hurts cause I know the truth.
You make me promises that you didn’t keep.
But now it’s your time to moan and weep.
I stayed true and faithful to you.
Something you couldn’t.
I wanted to let go, but I just wouldn’t.
You said you were mines, evidently you’re not.
She already told me what happened.
Yea that’s what I thought.
I knew you was playing, but I still loved you..
I had a lot of feelings so what could I do.
But now they are gone..whose fault is that?
You took a knife and put it in my back.
You didn’t know what you had.
But now you don’t have it.
Isn’t that sad.
I loved you with all my heart, and still do.
But how could you play me for a fool.
Baby I trusted you, why did you do that?
But now I’m leaving, and I’m not turning back…

By Angeline Richards


Just Not Meant To Be

Admiring her beauty
When we first met
Her blond hair and body
I just wanted to get

The good times were many
The worries were few
We fed upon lust
Then love began to brew

As time together passes
The lust starts to fade
Life’s chores become hectic
You question decisions made

First there’s complaints
Followed soon by contempt
Love is then questioned
As sex is exempt

You get so frustrated
And full of dismay
At the things that are said
Marriage isn’t meant to be this way

Maybe it’s me
Have I changed in some way
Not that I can see
No, I think I’m OK 

Then you realize one day
That something’s amiss     
The love is not there
No more sharing a kiss

With your heart now broken
You lay there at night
Your eye’s wide open
Thinking this isn’t right     

My attempts to discuss
The problems I see
Only create a fuss
Between her and me

In your heart you now know
How this story will go
Another failed marriage
With three kids to show

All the love and the dreams
Once shared are forgotten
Instead they’re replaced   
By actions all evil and rotten

Any good deeds of past
And efforts once made
Are erased in a moment
With consent orders laid

By Wayne Barry


Last Piece Of My Heart

Let me say the words today
to have him here by my side.
Let him be the one for me to
have and hold for all time.

Now he’s here for me to share my love,
to hold and show me I’m the one.
He makes me smile, he makes me laugh,
my life with him is something I feel I’ve won.

I feel I’m mean but my heart I blame,
for it’s been soiled with so much pain.
But now I’m ready to let this someone in,
the one who brightens my day,
The one I speak of is him!

He turns his shoulder, I think its too late,
No! Please don’t speak those words of my fate!
Tears fall but words I have none.
What’s said is said, what’s done is done.

He says his goodbyes and then he parts…
But with him, if he only knew, goes the last piece of my heart.

By Leslie Rodriguez


Led On

You had me wrapped up in your fingers,
Like a spider knits its web.
You taunted me with mind games,
All just to get into my head.

You tossed them into the water,
A few stepping stones.
You knew which one just to throw,
The one that I would never let go.

You used me just like a painter with a brush
To illustrate a landscape,
In which I would feel lust,
Just to dip me in water and wash it all away.

Under a spell is where you had me,
One that would never break.
Unless you spotted a new prize,
Who would be naive enough not to realize your ways?

By Isabella A. Arden


Left Heartbroken

Stood by the window
watching him go away
last thing I saw
was the way
he turned his back on me
didn’t even say goodbye
more and more I was feeling the misery
and I just continued to cry
holding with him so many stuff
meaning that he won’t come back again
haven’t I gave him enough
he shouldn’t walk out on me but be a man
I stared at him getting into the vehicle
hoping he’ll turn back and see me cry
please God give me a miracle
let him look deep into my eye
there’s no reason left to wait
he had already drove away
it was obviously too late
but I’ll never forget this day
the day I got dissed by the man that I love
is there really someone watching me from above

By Marielle Hayek



All those promise are lies.
I thought you said you weren’t like other guys.
I gave you my heart,
And you broke it apart.
Everything was a great big lie.
I think of you and I sigh.
Everybody warned me about you,
But I was too in love with you.
Now I know that love was lust.
Feels like my head might bust.
I can’t believe you were the one.
I’m sick of boys, just done.
Now my heart is bleeding.
I regret me and you meeting.
Sometimes I wish I would die,
But all I can say now is bye.

By Raelynn Deanne Pena


Love Is Rare

I remember the good things we used to share,
The happiness we endured, the deep love and care.
The air was as light as a feather;
I looked at you as you were my forever.

But it all came crashing down,
Then I realized I’ve been a fool, a clown.
My heart in anguish as your eyes avert my gaze,
All the love fading from your eyes these passing days.

My heart cracked as you pulled away,
Telling me that today was the day.
I know that love is often rare,
But your love is a loss I cannot bear.

So I breathe in the cold, cold air,
Sitting alone in silence on a wooden chair.
The tears I cry each and every day
Seem to fade as my mind wandered astray.

I would never force you to stay,
Even if it meant my world would be gray.
Your happiness is my only hope,
So without you, I must try to cope.

By Martina D Garza


Love Is Sad

Love is sad, and love is cruel.
To find it again, don’t be a fool.
My flower was young,
And my flower was sweet,
When we were together,
Our passion was heat,
We travelled together, never apart,
And I knew that forever she would be in my heart,
I would look in her eyes and I would hold my breathe
To lose such a treasure would mean certain death,
This sweet little thing that I used to adore,
I never thought  we would be no more.
The sun went away and it started to rain,
The joy in my heart soon turned into pain.
My little flower that I adored,
My absence was long, and she got bored
My flower has wilted from the lack of the heat,
Resentment took over, and our love was beat,
If only we planted more of those seeds,
Our garden would flourish and not the weeds.
Wilted flower don’t be sad,
Another’s garden is not so bad,
Always look up and never bend,
And soon you will find that your heart will mend
Love is sad, and love is cruel,
To find it again, don’t be a fool.

By David Strong


Mad Girl’s Love Song

I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead;
I lift my lids and all is born again.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

The stars go waltzing out in blue and red,
And arbitrary blackness gallops in:
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.

I dreamed that you bewitched me into bed
And sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite insane.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

God topples from the sky, hell’s fires fade:
Exit seraphim and Satan’s men:
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.

I fancied you’d return the way you said,
But I grow old and I forget your name.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

I should have loved a thunderbird instead;
At least when spring comes they roar back again.
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

By Sylvia Plath


Never Give All the Heart

Never give all the heart, for love
Will hardly seem worth thinking of
To passionate women if it seem
Certain, and they never dream
That it fades out from kiss to kiss;
For everything that’s lovely is
But a brief, dreamy, kind delight.
O never give the heart outright,
For they, for all smooth lips can say,
Have given their hearts up to the play.
And who could play it well enough
If deaf and dumb and blind with love?
He that made this knows all the cost,
For he gave all his heart and lost.

By William Butler Yeats


One Step At A Time

I can’t help but see what you are thinking
You wonder what happened to us
You thought that you owned my heart and soul
You thought that you had me wrapped
around your finger so tight
But there’s something that you should know
You don’t lose someone over night
It shouldn’t take you by surprise
It may be too late when you realize
You lose a heart one step at a time
I’m not trying to make excuses
There are no simple answers to explain
I never meant to hurt you this way
I never meant to cause you any pain
I can’t put it into words
or tell you why it happened this way
It wasn’t any one thing that you did
It was all those little things that you didn’t do
I know it may be too late to realize
but you lost a heart one step at a time.

By Melanie Edwards


Our Many Never Endings

You entered the bedroom and fell to your knees.
I wait the rest of my life to hear you say, I made a mistake.

Inside my chest, a mangle.
Inside yours, a deflating balloon.

You took the vacuum cleaner, the ironing board, the dish rack
and left me some lint, an iron to scorch shirts, one chipped plate.

I would like to say at least we perfected
entrances and exits, like professional stage actors

honing their craft, but even that’s a fantasy.
Mostly on TV the lions ate the hyenas

but sometimes the hyenas
formed a posse, and tore a lion up.

Occasionally you came in out of the rain
and I was glad to have you.

By Courtney Queeney



I’m tired of pretending
Everything is okay,
That it does not pain me
When I hear your name.

Tired of pretending
I’m not dying inside
Every time I see the smile
That reaches your eyes.

Tired of pretending
It does not hurt
Now that I know
I will never be yours.

Tired of pretending
I do not care
That you will never again
Run your fingers through my hair

But I pretend
I don’t know your name,
Just to keep
From going insane.

I pretend
You mean nothing to me,
In hopes that
I can finally breathe.

I pretend
That I do not care
When I see
You standing there.

The reason I try to pretend,
Rather than hurt instead,
Is with the hope you will
Actually get out of my head.

By Gina Petersen


Pushed Away With Tears

“I’m not good enough
for you” he said.
With tears in his eyes.
“you put to much pressure on me,
I need to live my life.”

How horrible I felt,
So scared and small.
I loved him for him.
I felt so stupid and alone.

“I’m giving up now,
please try to understand”
“I loved you once but
Never again.”
I wanted to cry
But tears wouldn’t help.

“Please don’t leave me” I said.
Falling to my knees,
“I’m sorry for my mistake,
I’m sorry for everything!”

As the noise slowly died
Silence sipped in.
I could hear his foot steps,
Gently walk away.
“He’s gone..” I said,
I pushed him away.

By Elizabeth McCrorie 


Red Ghazal

I’ve noticed after a few sips of tea, the tip of her tongue, thin and red
with heat, quickens when she describes her cuts and bruises—deep violets and red.

The little girl I baby-sit, hair orange and wild, sits splayed and upside down
on a couch, insists her giant book of dinosaurs is the only one she’ll ever read.

The night before I left him, I could not sleep, my eyes fixed on the freckles
of his shoulder, the glow of the clock, my chest heavy with dread.

Scientists say they’ll force a rabbit to a bird, a jellyfish with a snake, even
though the pairs clearly do not mix. Some things are not meant to be bred.

I almost forgot the weight of a man sitting beside me in bed sheets crumpled
around our waists, both of us with magazines, laughing at the thing he just read.

He was so charming—pointed out planets, ghost galaxies, an ellipsis
of ants on the wall. And when he kissed me goodnight, my neck reddened.

I’m terrible at cards. Friends huddle in for Euchre, Hearts—beg me to play
with them. When it’s obvious I can clearly win with a black card, I select a red.

I throw away my half-finished letters to him in my tiny pink wastebasket, but
my aim is no good. The floor is scattered with fire hazards, declarations unread.

By Aimee Nezhukumatathil


Shattered Dreams, Shattered Heart

My days are long, my nights are cold
Without you here for me to hold.
The moment we kissed, I knew it was right
To love you & want you with all of my might.

The hopes that we shared, the dreams that we dreamt
Then you turned around & said nothing was meant.
The memories we’ve got, the joy & the pain
Are finished, forgotten – you wont try again.

You said that you care, that’s no longer enough
So you just up and leave – the man that I love.
You want to be free, to chat up the girls
The tall ones, the short ones, with straight hair or curls.

You never told me these things you were feeling
You’ve broken my heart & I cant see it healing.
I hope that you’re happy in all that you do
That my pain & my hurt YOU never go through.

You weren’t just my lover but my best friend as well.
I gave you my all when in love I fell.
If I meet someone else, and I’m not sure I will
This hole in my heart he never can fill.

With you all my dreams looked like coming true
You’ve robbed me of those, what can I now do?
You said that you loved me, that we should get wed.
We then bought a house, new kitchen & bed!

But now its all over, you want me no more
Swept out of your life like the dust on the floor.

If you want to re-live the great times we had
Just give me a ring, I’ll be only too glad

By Alison Drew


Sonnet 139

O, call not me to justify the wrong
That thy unkindness lays upon my heart;
Wound me not with thine eye but with thy tongue;
Use power with power, and slay me not by art.
Tell me thou lov’st elsewhere; but in my sight,
Dear heart, forbear to glance thine eye aside;
What need’st thou wound with cunning when thy might
Is more than my o’erpressed defense can bide?
Let me excuse thee: ah, my love well knows
Her pretty looks have been mine enemies;
And therefore from my face she turns my foes,
That they elsewhere might dart their injuries—
Yet do not so; but since I am near slain,
Kill me outright with looks and rid my pain.

By William Shakespeare


The End

No one told me about this pain.
Everything hurts, even my pride.
It’s these emotions I am forced to contain.

Tears have fallen from my eyes like a steady rain.
Nothing can take back those nights I’ve cried.
No one told me about this pain.

My feelings I cannot even explain.
To you, my heart was open wide.
It’s these emotions I am forced to contain.

I’m at the point where I feel nothing but shame
Because I thought you were going to be my guide.
No one told me about this pain.

With you is where I wanted to remain.
Now I have to continue on with a long stride,
It’s these emotions I am forced to contain.

Please tell me our relationship was not in vain.
I hope to not regret having tried.
No one told me about this pain.
It’s these emotions I am forced to contain.

By Tynea Lewis 


The One That Got Away

Every day hurts as much as the last.
If I could turn back time, I’d return to the past.
A past where things were lovely and true.
A past where I know I could be with you.

With the future, it is still unknown.
I thank you though for the love you had shown.
My world has been turned upside down.
Each day gets harder from what I have found.

I try to be strong, but I always fail.
At times I can’t believe that this is real.
Many a night I have dreamt about you.
I wonder, have you dreamt of me too?

You were my heart; you were my soul.
You filled me with joy and made me whole.
You will always be within my heart.
Love can be cruel, but it can be art.

You truly mean the world to me.
So because of love, I’ve set you free.
You’re beautiful outside and within.
On top of that, you’re my best friend.

I’ll always have you on my mind.
It’s sad, as real love is hard to find.
I’ve always believed you were my soulmate.
Now the decision may lay with fate.

Things have changed and there are different paths.
Now we are separate and different halves.
You hold my heart forever, I hope.
I pray that one day I’ll be able to cope.

You made me happy all of the time.
I only wish that one day you’ll be mine.
If there’s anything I can do, please be sure to let me know.
It’s times like these when true love grows.

One eye on the future, one eye on the past.
I will try to make these memories last.
I will always remember what we once shared.
I need you to know that I always cared.

If there’s a future where we will be,
It’s something I’m sure I’ll look forward to see.
I can never get you out of my head.
I wish only happy things be there instead.

I’ll cherish every moment until the day I am gone.
You, my love, have always shone.
I wish, I wish you were by my side.
It would fill me with lots of pride.

The truest love is hard to find.
After losing you, I’ve lost my mind.
You were me and I was you.
I hope you know as I do too.

Love’s not a feeling but something you give.
Without the love, it’s crushing to live.
Until and if we meet again.
My love for you will always reign.

Take care, my love, and don’t forget.
I’ve a lot of love here, I’m sure of it.
Please never forget me, remember the good.
Think of me always as I know you should.

I hope our paths connect again one day.
I will always dream you’ll come back to stay.
I love you, I always will.
The love we shared was such a thrill.

For now, my love, I must say goodbye.
It breaks my heart; I shall not lie.
God bless you; God bless you good.
Please love me always as I know you could.

By Ciaran P. McGreevy


This Was Once a Love Poem

This was once a love poem,
before its haunches thickened, its breath grew short,
before it found itself sitting,
perplexed and a little embarrassed,
on the fender of a parked car,
while many people passed by without turning their heads.
It remembers itself dressing as if for a great engagement.
It remembers choosing these shoes,
this scarf or tie.
Once, it drank beer for breakfast,
drifted its feet
in a river side by side with the feet of another.
Once it pretended shyness, then grew truly shy,
dropping its head so the hair would fall forward,
so the eyes would not be seen.
It spoke with passion of history, of art.
It was lovely then, this poem.
Under its chin, no fold of skin softened.
Behind the knees, no pad of yellow fat.

What it knew in the morning it still believed at nightfall.
An unconjured confidence lifted its eyebrows, its cheeks.
The longing has not diminished.
Still it understands. It is time to consider a cat,
the cultivation of African violets or flowering cactus.
Yes, it decides:
Many miniature cacti, in blue and red painted pots.
When it finds itself disquieted
by the pure and unfamiliar silence of its new life,
it will touch them—one, then another—
with a single finger outstretched like a tiny flame.

By Jane Hirschfeld


To The Unforgettable

I know we’ll never be the same.
Behind my love,
I’m filled with shame.

In my head it’s become so loud.
These intruding thoughts
Have begun to crowd.

What did I do wrong?
Just give me a reason.
Don’t lead me along.

I try to make sense of it,
But you were my only hope.
Now I have not a bit.

I try to remember our brighter days.
I don’t want to associate you
With the sadness that remains.

When I felt as whole as half,
You knew how to turn any cry
Into a laugh.

But now you’re not here.
I’m so confused.
Why is this so unclear?

In my dreams we’re okay again and you still love me,
But alas those are just dreams
Because I know that will never be.

Missing you hurts enough to kill.
I know you don’t care,
And somehow I love you still.

By Lily Rae


Waiting Out A Relationship

You said that you loved me
And I said that I loved you.
We are not together anymore
But boy I wish we were.
Because its killing me now.

My heart is falling apart,
I don’t know what to do
All I can do is think about you.

I asked you not to get attach with another girl,
but it looks like you already started to.
My mind is telling me to go left,
but my heart is saying to go right.
And it’s all confusing me to.

You told me two years ago that your heart
belongs to me and mine belongs to you.
But the real question is will that ever be true?

We let things get in our way,
we let people get between us,
and now I wish that it wasn’t that way.
All we can do now is wait and see what happens.
But the question is, will I ever be able to wait for you?

By Chrystal Starkey


Walking Away

I’m tired of dreaming.
I’m through with trying.
Tired of living, yet scared of dying.
Maybe things are good for you,
but look at all that I’ve been through.
Look at all the pain I’ve won.
I bet you think that it’s been fun.
You never thought I’d turn away.
You never believed you’d see this day.
Look again because here I go,
leaving behind all I know.
Changing it all as I must do.
Not daring to stop and think things through.
Wanting to run as fast as I can,
not stopping until I understand.
Like why did I let things get this way?
Why didn’t I leave yesterday?
How are things going to be
since there is no more you and me?

By Vanessa Brown


What my Lips Have Kissed, and Where, and Why

What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why,
I have forgotten, and what arms have lain
Under my head till morning; but the rain
Is full of ghosts tonight, that tap and sigh
Upon the glass and listen for reply,
And in my heart there stirs a quiet pain
For unremembered lads that not again
Will turn to me at midnight with a cry.

Thus in the winter stands the lonely tree,
Nor knows what birds have vanished one by one,
Yet knows its boughs more silent than before:
I cannot say what loves have come and gone,
I only know that summer sang in me
A little while, that in me sings no more.

By Edna St. Vincent Millay


A Song Of Autumn

‘WHERE shall we go for our garlands glad
At the falling of the year,
When the burnt-up banks are yellow and sad,
When the boughs are yellow and sere?
Where are the old ones that once we had,
And when are the new ones near?
What shall we do for our garlands glad
At the falling of the year?’
‘Child! can I tell where the garlands go?
Can I say where the lost leaves veer
On the brown-burnt banks, when the wild winds blow,
When they drift through the dead-wood drear?
Girl! when the garlands of next year glow,
You may gather again, my dear—
But I go where the last year’s lost leaves go
At the falling of the year.’

By Adam Lindsay Gordon



Thou tomb of summer
Vaulting its great might
Threshold of frosty weather
Into view of end a bite

Painting of nature
Earth’s view enchanted
Thou leaf of Transition
Root of death’s bed

Dilapidated souls- crunchy leaves
Picturesque of thy might
Dancing flames of fire
Singing death even bright

Red, Gold, Orange and green
Rainbow fall foliage
And pumpkins of corn fields
So drowsy a gaze

Thou dirge of the dying year
In whose charm dance scarecrows
Ripe nuts brown shake and fall
Mesmerizing thou pose

Thou leaf bright and dark
Barrier of youth and age
Piercing trumpet of winter
Truly the trick of the mage

By Miteshwar Singh



The thistledown’s flying, though the winds are all still,
On the green grass now lying, now mounting the hill,
The spring from the fountain now boils like a pot;
Through stones past the counting it bubbles red-hot.

The ground parched and cracked is like overbaked bread,
The greensward all wracked is, bents dried up and dead.
The fallow fields glitter like water indeed,
And gossamers twitter, flung from weed unto weed.

Hill-tops like hot iron glitter bright in the sun,
And the rivers we’re eying burn to gold as they run;
Burning hot is the ground, liquid gold is the air;
Whoever looks round sees Eternity there.

By John Clare



There is a wind where the rose was,
Cold rain where sweet grass was,
And clouds like sheep
Stream o’er the steep
Grey skies where the lark was.

Nought warm where your hand was,
Nought gold where your hair was,
But phantom, forlorn,
Beneath the thorn,
Your ghost where your face was.

Cold wind where your voice was,
Tears, tears where my heart was,
And ever with me,
Child, ever with me,
Silence where hope was.

By Walter de la Mare



Soon we will plunge ourselves into cold shadows,
And all of summer’s stunning afternoons will be gone.
I already hear the dead thuds of logs below
Falling on the cobblestones and the lawn.

All of winter will return to me:
derision, Hate, shuddering, horror, drudgery and vice,
And exiled, like the sun, to a polar prison,
My soul will harden into a block of red ice.

I shiver as I listen to each log crash and slam:
The echoes are as dull as executioners’ drums.
My mind is like a tower that slowly succumbs
To the blows of a relentless battering ram.

It seems to me, swaying to these shocks, that someone
Is nailing down a coffin in a hurry somewhere.
For whom? — It was summer yesterday; now it’s autumn.
Echoes of departure keep resounding in the air.

By Charles Baudelaire


Autumn Abstraction

I walk alone in these windy streets
dead leaves sweep across my sneakers
disappear into the hue of pumpkin and wheat
my skin reveals the heat is getting weaker
welcome goose bumps for the second time
small sparks that trigger gloom
sun come back , don’t commit this crime
the sting of a quick transition looms
but I can’t help it when I look around
and vanilla skies reach out like wings of a dove
and small pieces of nature cover the ground
what it all reminds me of

the veins of a maple leaf reaching out
hugs that tell me all I need to know
rain the falls without a doubt
crying for me , when all my happiness goes
winds carry leaves away
keeping me and trouble far apart
falling into fall in this day
reminds me how you have my heart

my destination isn’t quite clear
bitter feelings all subside
lost in the sounds of what I hear
wind, autumn’s lovely bride
walking forever in a season
the sun has come and left
I don’t really know the reason
but I no longer feel bereft
white flakes will come after this is done
I’ve left behind sun yellow and sky blue
still this season is the only one
that will always remind me of you

By Raven Baptiste Holder


Autumn Birds

The wild duck startles like a sudden thought,
And heron slow as if it might be caught.
The flopping crows on weary wings go by
And grey beard jackdaws noising as they fly.
The crowds of starnels whizz and hurry by,
And darken like a clod the evening sky.
The larks like thunder rise and suthy round,
Then drop and nestle in the stubble ground.
The wild swan hurries hight and noises loud
With white neck peering to the evening clowd.
The weary rooks to distant woods are gone.
With lengths of tail the magpie winnows on
To neighbouring tree, and leaves the distant crow
While small birds nestle in the edge below.

By John Clare


Autumn Bound

The boy caught in a dizziness of leaves,
Flinches as colors fall from wind-clogged eaves
Shouts as their shadows race across his sleeves.

Runaway brightness dances with the air..
The child claps for their freedom unaware
Their ride for sky has stripped the landscape bare.

someone who speaks leaf language should explain
Trees have no power to take them back again,
For beauty blinds young eyes to dark and rain.

The boy turns merrily around and round
Heedless of helpless whispers from the ground.
He does not know some things are autumn bound.

Empty tree shapes blowing upon the hill,
Sing him no hint of the November chill.
Because for him, time never has stood still.

By Sandra Fowler


Autumn Daybreak

Cold wind of autumn, blowing loud
At dawn, a fortnight overdue,
Jostling the doors, and tearing through
My bedroom to rejoin the cloud,
I know—for I can hear the hiss
And scrape of leaves along the floor—
How may boughs, lashed bare by this,
Will rake the cluttered sky once more.
Tardy, and somewhat south of east,
The sun will rise at length, made known
More by the meagre light increased
Than by a disk in splendour shown;
When, having but to turn my head,
Through the stripped maple I shall see,
Bleak and remembered, patched with red,
The hill all summer hid from me.

By Edna St. Vincent Millay


Autumn Finale

Spare no lament for the maple leaves
that, defying their impending fall,
play blazing gold and scarlet concerts
bright as Christmas brass in marble halls.

How bold their radiant finales resound
deaf to the sweatered ones below
sweeping death away
with their treble scraping rakes –
raising smoldering pyres of the fallen.

Steamy plumes from cocoa mugs
blend with burning oak and maple wisps.
The rakers chant their own sweet airs,
“The colors surprised this year,
didn’t think we’d had the rain.”

So spare no lament for the maple leaves
who with jubilant anthems
raised beneath the harvest moon
herald their fall with rainbow alleluias.

By Robert Charles Howard


Autumn Fires

In the other gardens
   And all up in the vale,
From the autumn bonfires
   See the smoke trail!

Pleasant summer over, 
   And all the summer flowers,
The red fire blazes,
   The grey smoke towers.

Sing a song of seasons!
   Something bright in all!
Flowers in the summer,
   Fires in the fall! 

By Robert Louis Stevenson


Autumn Leaves

Golden, crisp leaves falling softly from almost bare trees,
Lifting and falling in a hushed gentle breeze.
Slowly dropping to the soft cushioned ground,
Whispering and rustling a soothing sound.

Coppers, golds, and rusted tones,
Mother Nature’s way of letting go.
They fall and gather one by one,
Autumn is here, summer has gone.

Crunching as I walk through their warm, fiery glow,
Nature’s carpet rich and pure that again shall grow.
To protect and shield its majestic tree,
Standing tall and strong for the world to see.

They rise and fall in the cool, crisp air.
It’s a time of change in this world we share,
Nature’s importance reflecting our own lives,
Letting go of our fears and again, too, we shall thrive.

By  Edel T. Copeland 


Autumn Poem

Autumn mornings,
Foggy and wet;
Dewy grass –
With diamonds beset.

Autumn leaves,
Yellow and brown;
Dancing and swirling –
Before falling down.

Autumn leaves,
On the ground;
Crackle and crunch –
A wonderful sound.

Autumn walks,
Exploring the woods;
Jumping in puddles –
With rubber boots.

Autumn pumpkins,
Round and heavy;
Carving a face –
We’re Halloween-ready.

Autumn nights,
My feet in fuzzy socks;
A cup of hot cocoa –
Autumn rocks!

By Bettina Van Vaerenbergh


Autumn Song

Know’st thou not at the fall of the leaf

How the heart feels a languid grief

Laid on it for a covering,

And how sleep seems a goodly thing

In Autumn at the fall of the leaf?

And how the swift beat of the brain

Falters because it is in vain,

In Autumn at the fall of the leaf

Knowest thou not? and how the chief

Of joys seems—not to suffer pain?

Know’st thou not at the fall of the leaf

How the soul feels like a dried sheaf

Bound up at length for harvesting,

And how death seems a comely thing

In Autumn at the fall of the leaf?



Autumn Song

Now’s the time when children’s noses
All become as red as roses
And the colour of their faces
Makes me think of orchard places
Where the juicy apples grow,
And tomatoes in a row.

And to-day the hardened sinner
Never could be late for dinner,
But will jump up to the table
Just as soon as he is able,
Ask for three times hot roast mutton–
Oh! the shocking little glutton.

Come then, find your ball and racket,
Pop into your winter jacket,
With the lovely bear-skin lining.
While the sun is brightly shining,
Let us run and play together
And just love the autumn weather.

By Katherine Mansfield


Autumn Storm By Firelight

A flash of lightning streaks across the sky.
We huddle close beneath the trembling eaves
As thunder roars a nightmare lullaby
And strips the trees outside of summer leaves.

The fire is warm. Its light is warmer still.
A gentle beacon holding back the dark.
Yet, in the light of day, we know we will
Deny the fearful pounding of our hearts.

The ancient wonder once again is near.
The fury of the storm awakes our past.
When gods and nature both were to be feared
And spells of warding were by fire cast.

An autumn storm returns us to that place
When nature’s glory awed the human race.

By Katherine Marek


Autumn Within

It is autumn; not without
But within me is the cold.
Youth and spring are all about;
It is I that have grown old.

Birds are darting through the air,
Singing, building without rest;
Life is stirring everywhere,
Save within my lonely breast.

There is silence: the dead leaves
Fall and rustle and are still;
Beats no flail upon the sheaves,
Comes no murmur from the mill.

By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Autumn’s Changing Shades

The wind swirls leaves in all directions,
Tumbling them down upon this earth,
Releasing them from their connections,
To inhabit yet another berth.

Layers of them are now descending,
Carpeting the land’s cold ground,
Colours meticulously blending,
Burnished copper spread around.

All in their distinct formations,
Each with different hues to see,
Parading now in damp locations,
Drifters off upon a spree.

Autumn’s changing shades are warming,
Embroidering a patchwork quilt
Across the open plains transforming,
Embellishing with golden gilt.

The wind swirls leaves in all directions,
Tumbling them down in gentle flight,
Trees then watch for a resurrection
Of the spring’s fresh appetite.

By Ernestine Northover


Autumn’s Cry

Wild winds whistle through Autumn’s rustling leaves,
Trees of gold like amber flames sway softly with the rising breeze,
The cool crisp air of Autumn in the stillness of darkening skies,
Tender leaves fall gently, reflecting the tears of Autumn’s cry.

The warming glow from a summer sun fades in September skies,
Sorrowful clouds of greyish blue, a display of Mother Nature’s solemn goodbye,
Whimsical leaves of dark red crimson, once vibrant with the richness of life,
Delicate and circling from high above, a powerful performance of Autumnal delight.

A solitary bird soars high above, conquering winds in twilight clouds.
The haunting howl of Autumn’s wail, whistling her ghoulish bemoaning sound,
As the darkness of night begins to fall, in the midst of a harvest moon,
A remorseful ripening of rituals, as the tightening grip of Autumn looms.

In the season of change and maturity, falling leaves begin to decay,
The cycle of nature within the circle of life, Mother Earth will usher the way,
As the withering bare trees stand lonesome in the shadows of silent fears,
The ravishing roars from a raucous wind extinguish the light from Autumn’s lost tears.

By Edel T. Copeland


Autumn’s Glow

There is something about autumn
That brings out such earthiness
Gold leaves adorn bushes and trees
Like an artist with a brilliant brush

Once the leaves dry on the trees
Then the wind begins to blow
It’s a special time of year for me
Because I love autumn so

The cold dry air it seems
Prepare the leaves to fall
Mother Nature’s special time
Yes, it’s the best of all

What a dazzling way to end
The year as winter nears
The way leaves let loose
And dropp like nature’s tears

Oh yes, I love those golden days
Dreamy with autumn’s glow
It makes me smile because I do
Love the season of autumn so!

By Marilyn Lott


Autumn’s Majesty

Sun with his artistic touch,
streaks skies of blue with rosy blush,
trimming Oak and Maple too,
crimson reds with yellow hue.

Birch and Hemlock, purple and gold,
apples, pumpkins bright and bold,
burns by day and cools by night,
cloaking trees in fiery might.

Wispy winds and tumbling leaves,
cypress scents within the breeze,
starry eves and harvest moon,
sets the stage for crickets’ tune.

As spiders spin their tapestry
and crickets sing in symphony,
their final song of destiny,
it’s clear for all the world to see,
Autumn’s vibrant majesty!

By Patricia L. Cisco 


Dolor Of Autumn

The acrid scents of autumn,
Reminiscent of slinking beasts, make me fear
Everything, tear-trembling stars of autumn
And the snore of the night in my ear.

For suddenly, flush-fallen,
All my life, in a rush
Of shedding away, has left me
Naked, exposed on the bush.

I, on the bush of the globe,
Like a newly-naked berry, shrink
Disclosed: but I also am prowling
As well in the scents that slink

Abroad: I in this naked berry
Of flesh that stands dismayed on the bush;
And I in the stealthy, brindled odours
Prowling about the lush

And acrid night of autumn;
My soul, along with the rout,
Rank and treacherous, prowling,
Disseminated out.

For the night, with a great breath intaken,
Has taken my spirit outside
Me, till I reel with disseminated consciousness,
Like a man who has died.

At the same time I stand exposed
Here on the bush of the globe,
A newly-naked berry of flesh
For the stars to probe.

By David Herbert Lawrence


Emigre In Autumn

Walking down the garden path
From the house you do not own,
Once again you think of how
Cool the autumns were at home.
Dressed as if you had just left
The courtyard of the summer palace,
Walk the boundaries of the park,
Count the steps you take each day –
Miles that span no distances,
Journeys in sunlight toward the dark.

Sit and watch the daylight play
Idly on the tops of leaves
Glistening overhead in autumn’s
Absolute dominion.
Nothing lost by you excels
These empires of sunlight.
But even here the subtle breeze
Plots with underlying shadows.
One gust of wind and suddenly
The sun is falling from the trees.

By Dana Gioia


Four Seasons

The leaves fall as a call to autumn.
The harvest ends and early snow comes.
The moon comes up, bringing the night as
Time rushes forward in hopes of sleep.

The whole earth slows, as winter approaches with
The warm embraces replaced by wind.
The trees turn from red to black.
Time waits for none on its way to bed.

The song of birds begins to fade.
The whispering breeze becomes a lion’s cry.
The white lands we shall soon see.
Time waits for winter’s passage now, the last season.

The year ends and the snow fall slowly.
The cherry blossoms flower in a wonder of spring.
The sky’s children become rain instead of snow.
Time has awakened once more.

The rain begins to melt, the spring of life evolves.
The lion of March exits the calendar as a lamb.
The last three months crescendo into the heat.
Time surges forward an hour of daylight.

The sun pelts the earth with a ray of light which
The children leave school to play in during summer.
The flora is bountiful in its presence.
Time begins speeding faster and faster.

The animals wander out in the world.
The last month of summer signals the return to an old friend
The last plant bears fruit.
Time begins to slowly calm down and fall in pace.

The final three month rotation has begun.
The burning sun cools away into a soft caressing star.
The end of twelve months has come in autumn.
Time has completed one full year.

By Kevin Wong


It’s September

It’s September, and the orchards are afire with red and gold,
And the nights with dew are heavy, and the morning’s sharp with cold;
Now the garden’s at its gayest with the salvia blazing red
And the good old-fashioned asters laughing at us from their bed;
Once again in shoes and stockings are the children’s little feet,
And the dog now does his snoozing on the bright side of the street.

It’s September, and the cornstalks are as high as they will go,
And the red cheeks of the apples everywhere begin to show;
Now the supper’s scarcely over ere the darkness settles down
And the moon looms big and yellow at the edges of the town;
Oh, it’s good to see the children, when their little prayers are said,
Duck beneath the patchwork covers when they tumble into bed.

It’s September, and a calmness and a sweetness seem to fall
Over everything that’s living, just as though it hears the call
Of Old Winter, trudging slowly, with his pack of ice and snow,
In the distance over yonder, and it somehow seems as though
Every tiny little blossom wants to look its very best
When the frost shall bite its petals and it droops away to rest.

It’s September! It’s the fullness and the ripeness of the year;
All the work of earth is finished, or the final tasks are near,
But there is no doleful wailing; every living thing that grows,
For the end that is approaching wears the finest garb it knows.
And I pray that I may proudly hold my head up high and smile
When I come to my September in the golden afterwhile.

By Edgar Guest 


Late Autumn

October – and the skies are cool and gray
O’er stubbles emptied of their latest sheaf,
Bare meadow, and the slowly falling leaf.
The dignity of woods in rich decay
Accords full well with this majestic grief
That clothes our solemn purple hills to-day,
Whose afternoon is hush’d, and wintry brief
Only a robin sings from any spray.

And night sends up her pale cold moon, and spills
White mist around the hollows of the hills,
Phantoms of firth or lake; the peasant sees
His cot and stockyard, with the homestead trees,
Islanded; but no foolish terror thrills
His perfect harvesting; he sleeps at ease.

By William Allingham


Love In Autumn

I sought among the drifting leaves,
The golden leaves that once were green,
To see if Love were hiding there
And peeping out between.

For thro’ the silver showers of May
And thro’ the summer’s heavy heat,
In vain I sought his golden head
And light, fast-flying feet.

Perhaps when all the world is bare
And cruel winter holds the land,
The Love that finds no place to hide
Will run and catch my hand.

I shall not care to have him then,
I shall be bitter and a-cold —
It grows too late for frolicking
When all the world is old.

Then little hiding Love, come forth,
Come forth before the autumn goes,
And let us seek thro’ ruined paths
The garden’s last red rose.

By Sara Teasdale


My Autumn Leaves

I watch the woods for deer as if I’m armed.

I watch the woods for deer who never come.

I know the hes and shes in autumn

rendezvous in orchards stained with fallen

apples’ scent. I drive my car this way to work

so I may let the crows in corn believe

it’s me their caws are meant to warn,

and snakes who turn in warm and secret caves

they know me too. They know the boy

who lives inside me still won’t go away.

The deer are ghosts who slip between the light

through trees, so you may only hear the snap

of branches in the thicket beyond hope.

I watch the woods for deer, as if I’m armed.



My November Guest

My Sorrow, when she’s here with me,
Thinks these dark days of autumn rain
Are beautiful as days can be;
She loves the bare, the withered tree;
She walks the sodden pasture lane.

Her pleasure will not let me stay.
She talks and I am fain to list:
She’s glad the birds are gone away,
She’s glad her simple worsted grey
Is silver now with clinging mist.

The desolate, deserted trees,
The faded earth, the heavy sky,
The beauties she so truly sees,
She thinks I have no eye for these,
And vexes me for reason why.

Not yesterday I learned to know
The love of bare November days
Before the coming of the snow,
But it were vain to tell her so,
And they are better for her praise.

By Robert Frost 



Here it comes,
the month of October,
a quiet season for some,
yet it doesn’t leave us somber.

The cool breeze sweeps away
the pain of longing.
It makes my heart sway
and leaves my mind tingling.

The muddy brown ground
the yellowing leaves
all lets me peep around
the antiquity of our lives.

And here at last
my heart feels full.
Only October can cast
my soul blissful.



Once Upon An Autumn Day

Once Upon an autumn day,
Colorful leaves began to fade
In the midst of a chilly, frosty air
As multitude of trees grew steadily bare.

Once upon an autumn day,
The whispering breeze was here to stay
Moving aimlessly through the countless trees
Scattering leaves with the greatest of ease.

Once upon an autumn day,
The leaves whirled freely in every way,
Until at last they came to rest
Finding a haven in which to nest.

Once upon an autumn day,
The trees were dormant, and the leaves lay
Waiting for the winter snow to fall
To quickly obscure them one and all.

By Joseph T. Renaldi


Pleasant Sounds

The rustling of leaves under the feet in woods and under
The crumpling of cat-ice and snow down wood-rides,
      narrow lanes and every street causeway;
Rustling through a wood or rather rushing, while the wind
      halloos in the oak-toop like thunder;
The rustle of birds’ wings startled from their nests or flying
      unseen into the bushes;
The whizzing of larger birds overhead in a wood, such as
      crows, puddocks, buzzards;
The trample of robins and woodlarks on the brown leaves.
      and the patter of squirrels on the green moss;
The fall of an acorn on the ground, the pattering of nuts on 
       the hazel branches as they fall from ripeness;
The flirt of the groundlark’s wing from the stubbles –
       how sweet such pictures on dewy mornings, when the
dew flashes from its brown feathers.

By John Clare


Portrait Of Fall

Looking out my window
In October’s golden light,
I see a beauty unsurpassed,
A truly lovely sight.

Leaves are saying soft good-byes
As they come floating down
To make a nature’s carpet
Of yellow, red, and brown.

Mountain tops, now turned to white,
Forewarn of winter chills,
While trees, like golden rivers,
Wind their way up through the hills.

Throughout our world’s creation
You will ever find it thus,
Kaleidoscopes of color,
In God’s hand, the artist’s brush.

By Alora M. Knight


September Tomatoes

The whiskey stink of rot has settled

in the garden, and a burst of fruit flies rises

when I touch the dying tomato plants.

Still, the claws of tiny yellow blossoms

flail in the air as I pull the vines up by the roots

and toss them in the compost.

It feels cruel. Something in me isn’t ready

to let go of summer so easily. To destroy

what I’ve carefully cultivated all these months.

Those pale flowers might still have time to fruit.

My great-grandmother sang with the girls of her village

as they pulled the flax. Songs so old

and so tied to the season that the very sound

seemed to turn the weather.



Sing To Me, Autumn

Sing to me, Autumn, with the rustle of your leaves.
Breathe on me your spicy scents that flow within your breeze.

Dance with me, Autumn, your waltz that bends the boughs of trees.
Now tell me all the secrets you’ve whispered to the seas.

Sleep with me, Autumn, beneath your starlit skies.
Let your yellow harvest moon shimmer in our eyes.

Kiss me, Autumn, with your enchanting spellbound ways
That changes all you touch into crimson golden days.

Love me, Autumn, and behold this love so true
That I’ll be waiting faithfully each year to be with you.

By Patricia L. Cisco


The Beautiful Changes

One wading a Fall meadow finds on all sides   

The Queen Anne’s Lace lying like lilies

On water; it glides

So from the walker, it turns

Dry grass to a lake, as the slightest shade of you   

Valleys my mind in fabulous blue Lucernes.

The beautiful changes as a forest is changed   

By a chameleon’s tuning his skin to it;   

As a mantis, arranged

On a green leaf, grows

Into it, makes the leaf leafier, and proves   

Any greenness is deeper than anyone knows.

Your hands hold roses always in a way that says   

They are not only yours; the beautiful changes   

In such kind ways,   

Wishing ever to sunder

Things and things’ selves for a second finding, to lose   

For a moment all that it touches back to wonder.



The Deep Blue Says It’s Autumn

The deep blue says it is autumn.
The sky is never this color
Except for days of cool, clear breeze
And leaves falling one on another.

The gold leaves say the year is ending
In its wild-hued conflagration.
The gentle season of harvest time
And happy fall celebration.

The orange says Halloween’s nearing
And Thanksgiving’s not far behind.
The heat of the summer is waning fast,
And a peace fills my heart and mind.

The colors of fall are all calling,
And my heart hears their song so clear.
Gray wintertime waits, but let’s all celebrate
The brilliance of this time of year!

By Rick W. Cotton


The Fall

The abundant, redundant season. 
Ushering in the winter, like an appetizer before the big meal.
Just a taste of what is to come. 
Beautiful and temporary.

Leaves dying, revealing their true selves.
Falling, soft at first, then dry and fragile.
Beautiful and temporary.

Temperatures falling, days shortening,
Sunshine fading, slowly, readying the whole world for rest.
Beautiful and temporary.

By Marla Wardell


The Last Leaf On The Tree

The last leaf on the tree, that’s me.
Yes, look up high, that’s me.
All my friends have been blown down.
They’re waiting for me on the ground.

I started in the summer a lovely green.
But way up here I could not be seen.
Now in autumn I’m a lovely brown.
I feel like the only leaf around.

The wind and rain have tried their best.
Yet I’m not quite ready to join the rest.
Even Jack Frost tried little me to freeze.
Tough old me will not be brought to my knees.

Some lovely snow that fell at night
Made me heavy and gave me a fright.
Nature will soon make a call.
Soon I know I must make the fall.

So maybe tomorrow I’ll make a leap,
And will all my friends on the ground I shall sleep.

By David A. Berwick


The Magic In The Moment

The wind began to blow
And shook the trees
Heads turned up in unison
Witnessing a season of change

The leaves were freed from their branches
Floating and swinging through the air
Painting the sky with golden colors
Dancing their way to the ground

The wind blew again
And the trees shook
Whispers in the wind:
“It’s good luck to catch a leaf!”

Searching and turning
Arms opening wide
Hands held high
Watching the leaves dance in the sky

They swirled, turned and swept me
Off my feet
Dodging and scooping
The magic in the moment

By Danielle Spencer


There Is Nowhere I’d Rather Be

There is nowhere I’d rather be
Than here, underneath this tree.
The moon high above to see,
A campfire just out in front of me.

Whispers in the wind are heard all around.
Trills, chirps, croaks and a bark abound.
A distant car on gravel makes a new sound.
An acorn falls through the leaves and hits the ground.

The air has cooled to my delight.
A touch of fall is felt tonight.
Summer’s grip is not as tight.
The season will change without much fight.

A cloud has covered the moon in the sky.
The fire has dwindled and about to die.
Knowing I have to get up, I let out a sigh.
It was great to be out here for this guy.

By Edward J. Dunn


To Autumn

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,

   Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;

Conspiring with him how to load and bless

   With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;

To bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees,

   And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;

      To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells

   With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,

And still more, later flowers for the bees,

Until they think warm days will never cease,

      For summer has o’er-brimm’d their clammy cells.

Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?

   Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find

Thee sitting careless on a granary floor,

   Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind;

Or on a half-reap’d furrow sound asleep,

   Drows’d with the fume of poppies, while thy hook

      Spares the next swath and all its twined flowers:

And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep

   Steady thy laden head across a brook;

   Or by a cyder-press, with patient look,

      Thou watchest the last oozings hours by hours.

Where are the songs of spring? Ay, Where are they?

   Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,—

While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day,

   And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue;

Then in a wailful choir the small gnats mourn

   Among the river sallows, borne aloft

      Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies;

And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn;

   Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft

   The red-breast whistles from a garden-croft;

      And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.



Underwater Autumn

Now the summer perch flips twice and glides
a lateral fathom at the first cold rain,
the surface near to silver from a frosty hill.
Along the weed and grain of log he slides his tail.

Nervously the trout (his stream-toned heart
locked in the lake, his poise and nerve disgraced)
above the stirring catfish, curves in bluegill dreams
and curves beyond the sudden thrust of bass.

Surface calm and calm act mask the detonating fear,
the moving crayfish claw, the stare
of sunfish hovering above the cloud-stained sand,
a sucker nudging cans, the grinning maskinonge.

How do carp resolve the eel and terror here?
They face so many times this brown-ribbed fall of leaves
predicting weather foreign as a shark or prawn
and floating still above them in the paling sun.

By Richard Hugo


What A Difference A Day Makes

What a difference a day makes,
twenty-four little hours.

Cool chill in the air,
slight frost on the flowers.

Through tattered fields of corn,
crows caw in the early morn.

Songs of crickets linger on
well into the tired dawn.

Sleepy sun wakes later each day,
sure sign Autumn’s on his way.

Summer’s gone; she couldn’t stay.
Autumn has arrived today.

What a difference a day makes,
twenty-four little hours.

Radiant sun rising high,
scorching tree tops in the sky.

Replacing sweetness of Summer flowers,
turning trees into colorful towers.

Autumn’s beauty is surely nigh,
beneath this warm September sky.

Nearing are crisp Autumn eves,
with harvest moons and chilly breeze.

Tomorrow what beauty might we see,
as gold and crimson leaves blow free,

Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring,
savor every beautiful thing.
What a difference twenty-four hours may bring!

By Patricia L. Cisco


When You Are Old

When you are old and grey and full of sleep,

And nodding by the fire, take down this book,

And slowly read, and dream of the soft look

Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;

How many loved your moments of glad grace,

And loved your beauty with love false or true,

But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,

And loved the sorrows of your changing face;

And bending down beside the glowing bars,

Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled

And paced upon the mountains overhead

And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.

By William Butler Yeats


Sister is the dearest person, whom you can confide in her all your innermost secrets, reveal touching secrets, share impressions, discuss new acquaintances… no matter if she is older or younger if you live in the same town or meet only on holidays because you have a close person on this planet, who will be with you until the end and will support in any situation. So why not dedicate a poem to your sister? Undoubtedly, she will be very pleased with such a pleasant surprise!

«About That Little Girl That Beat Her Sister» by Ann Taylor

Go, go, my naughty girl, and kiss
Your little sister dear;
I must not have such things as this,
And noisy quarrels here.

What! little children scratch and fight,
That ought to be so mild;
Oh! Mary, it’s a shocking sight
To see an angry child.

I can’t imagine, for my part,
The reason for your folly;
She did not do you any hurt
By playing with your dolly.

See, see, the little tears that run
Fast from her watery eye:
Come, my sweet innocent, have done,
‘Twill do no good to cry.

Go, Mary, wipe her tears away,
And make it up with kisses:
And never turn a pretty play
To such a pet as this is.


«Always In My Heart» by Tiffany Van Epps

It pains me to see you leave,
But I never forget what I’ve learned through the years we’ve gone through.

It hurts me to know,
After a while you’ll confide in someone else, not me.

I’ll always be there for you,
Even after the end.
I’ll always stay true to our bond as one and won’t ever let go.

You are my sister,
And my very best friend of all time,
It’s so true.
We’ll be that way even after the end has come for us.

You are a part of me,
And never will you ever leave my heart.
All the times we’ve shared,
Even when we didn’t really care at all.

Don’t let anyone take my place,
They’ll never face or change our times together.

The laughs,
The tears,
The fears,
They have built up through the years.

I’ll never let us part,
Because you’ll always have a special place in my heart.


«Always There» by Rachel S. Lengefeld

I’ll always be here through thick and thin.
You can come to me, I’ll listen.
I’m your friend, I won’t push you away.
When you need a hug, my arms are wide open.
When you need to talk, I have an open ear.
You’re growing up and getting older.
Know that I’m always here, I’m not going anywhere.
Wherever you are, I’m there with you.
You’re in my heart and my prayers.
Just know I’m here, because I truly care.
You’re my sister, you mean so much.
Don’t want to see you hurt or cry.
I’ll wipe the tears, I’ll get rid of your fears.
Want to see you grow up and achieve.
Just believe, have faith,
You can do anything.
You’re beautiful inside and out.
You’re smart and very talented.
You’re many things, but most of all, you’re my sister.
I believe in you, and know that I’ll never stop loving you.


«Big Sis, I Love You» by Ranja Kujala

My dear Big Sis, you are the greatest there is
And amazing in every way.
I greatly admire and look up to you
Each and every day.

You are always showing how much you care,
From your heart that is filled with love.
You are a beautiful angel,
Sent from the heavens above.

I am the luckiest sis in the world
To have grown up next to you.
We played and laughed and had fun together,
A great bond that has always stayed true.

Big Sis, you are always in my heart and thoughts,
And I am always sending you a hug and kiss.
You are my world, and I love you so much.
Always and forever…your Lil’ Sis.


«Brother And Sister» by Lewis Caroll

“SISTER, sister, go to bed!
Go and rest your weary head.”
Thus the prudent brother said.

“Do you want a battered hide,
Or scratches to your face applied?”
Thus his sister calm replied.

“Sister, do not raise my wrath.
I’d make you into mutton broth
As easily as kill a moth”

The sister raised her beaming eye
And looked on him indignantly
And sternly answered, “Only try!”

Off to the cook he quickly ran.
“Dear Cook, please lend a frying-pan
To me as quickly as you can.”

And wherefore should I lend it you?”
“The reason, Cook, is plain to view.
I wish to make an Irish stew.”

“What meat is in that stew to go?”
“My sister’ll be the contents!”
“You’ll lend the pan to me, Cook?”
Moral: Never stew your sister.


«Chrystal Tears» by Chadwick W. Wallace

A child made of sunshine, eyes as blue as sky.
Long silken hair wet from the tears of an unheard cry.
Moonlight shines down upon her face as her soft gaze whispers pain.
All her prayers to a God unseen she fears are all in vain.

She cries like a child in a Godlike embrace,
Tears spill from her eyes as they stream down her face.
I close my eyes, as I hear inside
The song of my sister’s cries.

Sun shines into my soul of flames,
I imbibe it when I get it, but from her it’s not the same.
She runs through my field of dreams, all of which I hope she never has to see.
She’s there when I close my eyes, every second away from her is another tear I cry.

Something warm grows inside her, joy I yearn to see,
Unsung songs of a new dreamer, hymns of the angel young.
Sun shines on her like the smile of a God in liquid blue.

She cries like a child in a Godlike embrace,
Tears spill from her eyes as they stream down her face
I close my eyes as I hear inside
The song of my sister’s cries.

For my sister, Chrystal,
The brightest star in my constantly dark sky.
I love you, and may all your hopes and dreams come true. Good Luck.


«Eyes That Shine» by Lucy M. Giles

My sister’s eyes are deep and calm, like an ocean.
They never rest, and they are always in motion.
They comfort me in times of need and fill me with love.
My sister’s eyes are beautiful and shine like the sun.

They are blue, blue, blue with a hint of green,
And when you look inside them, you can see the sea.
Her eyes have an adventurous flame in them that she cannot hide.
They are wild and crazy but filled with compassion inside.

Her eyes are as wide as can be.
They have a slight breeze in them, just like the trees.
I love my sister and her eyes, which give me faith.
Because of her and her loving eyes, I have strength.


«For My Beloved Sister» by Shashi Dhar Kumar

Someone who will understand
Who knows the way I feel
In every situation
Her concern is very real…

Someone who has touched my heart
Who knows my every need
Times when she would see me cry
Her heart would nearly bleed…

Everyone should have a sister
Just the way I do
Even though your far away
Richly blessed is what I am
To have a sister like you…


«For You…Hollie» by AnneMarie Stewart

I could wrack my brain a lifetime Holl
To find words that tell you best
On how deep my love is for my sister
And how it will always stand the test
I look at you and see myself too many years ago
You make me smile, worry and cry with pride
And it’s impossible to let that go
You’ll never lose your place with me
Your always in my heart
I’ll always fight your corner fierce
Even 200 miles apart
Stand tall.  Be proud.  Take your time
Try hard.  Give all and care
I couldn’t love you any more
Ask me once and I’ll always be there.

Forever.  AnneMarie


«God Gave Me You, Sister» by Antoinette McDonald

God brought us together as sisters
So we can share all our hopes and dreams,
To share our laughter and our tears.
Sometimes to get mad and even fight,
To hold each other up when we are down.
Together the bond we have will remain strong.

There were so many times I hated you,
But now it is only you I can trust.
I’ll be here for you no matter what.
You’ll always be in my heart.
I am glad that you are of my blood.
Don’t know what I’d do without you in my life.

If you need a shoulder to cry on, I’ll be here.
I am here when you are sad and lonely
Or when you’re in pain.
Glad I can help you when you’re feeling gray.
I’m thankful to you that you’re my sister.
I can honestly say I’m grateful to God for giving me a sister like YOU!


«I Love You Sis» by Dallas Bellospirito

I love you.
You always say I hate you.
you always say I can’t stand you.
You were never there for me.
I was always there for you.
If I had a sister who loved me,
I don’t know.
It hurt too much when…,
you say those words.
Those words are pain,
stabbing my heart.
I cry and scream inside,
hoping she’ll love me.
If only she knew how much
I loved her.
I’d give my life for her.
I will always love her,
no matter what happens.
But it just hurts so much
to hear those words,
when you love that person so much.
If only… I didn’t love her so much,
maybe… maybe the pain would stop.
Hopefully one day,
I will hear the good words in return:
I Love You Too


«Kings» by Stephanie J. Vargas

An opponent, a teammate, a fan in the stands.
As time presses on, those loathsome grains of sand.
Like looking in a personality mirror, I reflect you, you reflect me.

It’s as if we take turns, one like the blossom, all attractive and bright-
The other, wise and nourishing as the leaf, carrying liquid in its veins, –
A vessel whose purpose it is to supply life to the glorious petals.

I’ve given you my trust; you’ve lent me yours.
I’ve vilified you; I’ve placed you on a pedestal.
I’ve seen with my eyes, deep sorrow in yours.
I’ve ached for your pain-
And cursed with deep conviction at the tragedy you were forced to know.

You’ve listened to me spew disgust at the world-
Disappointment in myself and in lovers.
You watched me relive the painful past-
Without judgment, interruption or sigh.

You love me. I love you. Since the day we met, I knew this.
Giggles to battles. Love to hate and to love once more.
A yielding to what time has revealed,-
Like the new, black pavement turned gray-
We have become what we were meant to be…

Without conditions, barriers or bars.
I don’t think twice
About all I am blessed with,
About who determined this.
I know you were ordained by God-
To be to me the greatest of gifts.


«Letting You Go» by Ivanna M. Torres

I know I have to face the day
when my mornings will not be as sweet,
when I’ll wake up and feel
like something is missing and nothing is there,
when you will be waking up next to someone else
who isn’t me.
Every day I fear this morning is getting closer.

Every night I fall asleep,
I sleep in hopes of dreaming
that everything would be like it was before,
but I can’t get that chance
because reality will not leave me alone.

I will always have to confess one thing:
nothing scares me more than losing the person
I have always had by my side.
At night I’ll feel so alone and lost without you,
and maybe you’ll be lonesome too

I know I’m being selfish
for wanting something I can’t have forever,
but I will always feel in my heart and in my soul
that you belong to me,
no matter the distance, no matter the place, no matter the time.

My mornings are getting colder,
my nights are getting restless.
I will never stop thinking about the day I’ll have to say it,
the day I’ll have to say goodbye.

That day is getting closer,
the day I’ve been wishing never to come,
the day of your departure.
I’ll watch helplessly as you turn around to leave.
A part of me will die the day I’ll let you go.


«Little Sister» by Kayla Ulbrich

You’ve changed my life completely
the day that you were born.
Never knew how wonderful it would be,
to explore motherhood.
But since I got the chance to
I have to confess and say,
that I was so scared to hold you
always thought that you would break
cause you were so tiny an fragile
there was no thinking twice
but as time went on
you got bigger every moment
and the next thing I knew
is you were trying to crawl and walk
there were times when you’d fall and cry
but I would dry them tears
and you would get right back up and try again
Just thinking and looking back at the past
I’ve figured out
that seeing you and those cute little faces you make
is what gets me through each day
I’m so happy your here little sis
I love you very much
and nothing will ever change that.


«My Beloved Sister» by Joseph T. Renaldi

Today, while I sit in my rocking chair to rest
Reminiscing the time that I loved the best,
In my vision I can once more see,
My beloved sister and brothers and even me.

The time of happiness that only our family knows,
Before the impending moment that maturity grows.
I am just reminiscing – they have gone their own way now.
Since then – my black hair has turned gray above the brow.

The house is still there – no noise anymore,
No one to pick on, no wrestling on the floor,
No heavy footsteps, no laughter or glee,
My beloved sister’s voice no longer calling me.

Many years of our life were spent apart,
My sister and brothers to new nests did part.
Something went amiss one sad day
When my beloved sister left to go far away.

I may have some pleasures and leisure from care,
But willingly, some of my possessions I’d gladly share
If only my beloved sister I could hold near,
For one cherishing moment of that long ago year.


«My Best Friend, My Sister» by Elacia Westbrooks

Before you were born
Sixteen years ago
I found something out
I would never know

You would be the one
who kept me sane
and the best things in my life
you are to blame

Through good, bad
happy and sad
you are the best friend
I never had

I was here
you were there
running around the house
with trouble to share

Growing up
Mama called us partners in crime
’cause when we were together
doing wrong
we both did time

Now sixteen years later
we are now far apart
two different states but you’re still in my heart
to my best friend, Renytha
I’m glad you’re my “sistah”!


«My Dearest Sister» by Aimee Tran

Sister, you are a guardian angel in disguise.
You are perceptive, intelligent, and wise,
Always helping me through good and bad.
You are also the greatest friend I’ve ever had.
If I could have one wish, it would be
To give you all that you have given to me.
Though I’ve put our relationship through some hazy days,
You’ve been the sunlight that has shone in so many ways.
Through my ups and downs, right by me you stood,
And you gave me your hand whenever you could.
Though I am sure my mistakes will not end here,
You’re always there to keep me away from my fears.
I don’t doubt some of your headaches are from me.
With all the times you lecture and tease,
I stand there upset and displeased.
Though I tell you I can’t stand you,
You come back with, “That’s not true.”
We’ve had our fights,
Which lead to sleepless nights,
But in the end, I thank you so much.
My appreciation for you has no end.
You will always be my sister and my friend.

Happy Birthday, Sister!


«My Favorite Sister» by Robin S. Holtgrefe

We’ve shared laughter
We’ve shared tears
Loves lost, love found
Though it all we’ve stayed together
From heartbreaks, to soul mates
From life’s hardships, to life’s happiness
Our stupid fights
Our silly nights
We’ve been there and done it
We’ve seen life end and life begin
And the joy I felt when you had your first kid
Can never be replaced
Now you’re gone
We don’t share each other’s time
But you’re still with me every day and night
No matter how far you are
You will always be
My favorite sister


«My Role Model» by Sarah Hroszowy

My role model
Is beautiful in body and soul,
Is intellectual, but fun
Will let me call and leave silly messages on the answering machine
(like singing Happy Birthday to myself)

Holds family close to her heart no matter what
Takes pride in her accomplishments
(such as learning how to cook, learning Italian,
building a dream house
AND decorating it beautifully)

Knows it’s ok to cry in front of others
Is always there to listen, give guidance, and a hug
Has a contagious laugh, a continuous smile
And enough pep to scare cheerleaders

She has learned not to sweat the small nuances life thrown at us
Keeps the faith
But most of all
Is wholehearted in her love

My role model, my sister


«My Sister» by Jennifer D. Brock

What you mean to me
Is more than I can express.
You see, I had no sister when I was little
To call when I was in distress.

When we first met,
We had no clue.
What was getting ready to happen
Was not completely out of the blue.

God had a plan
Throughout all the years.
He was making us for each other
To share life’s smiles and tears.

I never could have imagined
What a sister’s love was about
Until I met you,
And then I really found out.

A sister’s love is unconditional.
It’s a love that has no end.
A sister’s love wants the best for each other.
It’s a love that will always defend.

Sometimes we may get mad,
Or we may begin to fight,
But that’s the fun part about having a sister.
We both think we’re always right!

I’m so glad that I did not have
A sister in the past.
It’s made me much more thankful
For the sister I have at last.


«My Sister, My Best Friend» by Gillian McKay

They share a special bond that is impossible to describe.
It can only be felt and understood by the sisters who share it.
They go through life together as a team, helping and supporting each other
Through whatever this world has destined for them.
They will never give up on each other,
For giving up on your sister means giving up on yourself.
They smile together, laugh together,
Lie for each other, lie to each other and cry together.
Your sister is the one person you can confide your whole self to, the one person who understands.
She is the person who will stand by your side until the very end.
She has and always will be there for you during all the times in your life,
Whether they be happy or sad.
A sister is someone who knows you better than you know yourself.
She is someone you can’t imagine your life without,
And just the thought of it makes you want to cry.
She is someone who knows you’re not okay, even when you say you are.
Your sister is and always will be your very best friend.


«My Sister, My Friend» by Leann Stiegman

To me, you are an angel in disguise.
Full of intuition, you are intelligent and wise.
Always giving and helping through good times and bad.
You are the best friend I’ve ever had.

If I had one wish, it would surely be
To give you as much as you’ve given to me.
Though I’ve put our relationship through some cloudy days,
You’ve been my sunshine in so many ways.

Through trials and tests, right by me you stood,
And you gave me your hand whenever you could.
Thank you so much, my sister, my friend.
My gratitude for you has no end.


«Night Is My Sister» by Edna St. Vincent Millay

Night is my sister, and how deep in love,

How drowned in love and weedily washed ashore,

There to be fretted by the drag and shove

At the tide’s edge, I lie—these things and more:

Whose arm alone between me and the sand,

Whose voice alone, whose pitiful breath brought near,

Could thaw these nostrils and unlock this hand,

She could advise you, should you care to hear.

Small chance, however, in a storm so black,

A man will leave his friendly fire and snug

For a drowned woman’s sake, and bring her back

To drip and scatter shells upon the rug.

No one but Night, with tears on her dark face,

Watches beside me in this windy place


«One Plus One Equals Two» by Debbie A. Burrous

One plus one equals two, you see,
But somehow it’s different with you and me.

When we’re together, we share one mind.
A happier pair you’ll never find.

I’m only complete when you are near.
To lose you someday is my biggest fear.

You know my dreams and my every thought.
No stronger bond could ever be sought.

We have a lot in common, it’s true,
But who’d have thought, who ever knew?

Twins we’re not, so it’s not ESP,
But I’m not complete unless you’re with me.

More than friends, I can’t explain it all.
With you as my sister, I feel 10 feet tall.

As sisters and friends, we’re quite a pair.
One soul, one mind is what we share.

You make my world a better place.
I live each day to see your face.

It takes two halves to make a whole.
My heart and yours, we make one soul.


«One Sister Have I In Our House» by Emily Dickinson

One Sister have I in our house,
And one, a hedge away.
There’s only one recorded,
But both belong to me.

One came the road that I came —
And wore my last year’s gown —
The other, as a bird her nest,
Builded our hearts among.

She did not sing as we did —
It was a different tune —
Herself to her a music
As Bumble bee of June.

Today is far from Childhood —
But up and down the hills
I held her hand the tighter —
Which shortened all the miles —

And still her hum
The years among,
Deceives the Butterfly;
Still in her Eye
The Violets lie
Mouldered this many May.

I spilt the dew —
But took the morn —
I chose this single star
From out the wide night’s numbers —
Sue – forevermore!


«She Is Mine» by Kara N. Deigert

She walks around with confidence
A little girl, she is only nine
People ask, Is she your sister?
And I reply proudly, Yes, she is mine.

At one time, there was an uncertain birth
Which came the youngest sister of mine
Would she die or live?
We would only know in time

So little hair, yet so blonde
Her eyes were the color of the sea
She only weighed four pounds, so small
And when I looked at her, she looked like me

As she grew older, she looked up to me
She did everything I did, and it made me mad
I constantly told her to get lost
And that made her feel bad

On June 18th, I had to watch her leave
I cannot believe I had to say goodbye
But when I see her in three weeks
I cannot wait until I get to say hi

This is my little sister, Chelse
And I am very proud to say
That when she gets a bit older
She will be just like me one day

She walks around with confidence
A little girl, she is only nine
People ask, Is she your sister?
And I reply proudly, Yes, she is mine.


«Sister Know Love» by George Jerone Jefferson

Sister can know love
Touch life with the charm of soul
Love as star shines
As the rain falls
Love smiles
Thinking about love
Wondering if she love
Is strong in brother heart
She said sweet talking man
You mister sweet talking man
Yet the truth must be heard
Watch out love coming
Surrender try one love
Close to find what brings
The sister to accepted the brother
Walk talk love
Feel the blessing
Of the eyes of love on life
It about the sister with brown eyes
Smiles that warm the heart
It about sister with the braids
About skin kiss by YAH love
Just right the shade darkness
It a dream come to life
In sister of soul


«Sister Of Mine» by ToddMichael St. Pierre

Sister of mine, please know that I miss you,
As miles seperate us in life as we roam.
I close my eyes and we’re still together…
Splashing in puddles as we skip toward home.

Picking wish-flowers and making mud-pies,
In fields of Summer, under apricot skies.
Oh it really does seem like yesterday,
And I’ll always remember us this way.

Sister of mine, please know that I love you,
No distance on earth, could alter this truth.
Not a day passes, that I don’t think of you,
And far-away playgrounds in dreams of youth.


«Sisters» by Darlean T. Murphy

I cry for a release that is all my own,
To let you know to leave me alone.
I know what everyone thinks when they see us two.
They want to know why I can’t be more like you.
More perfect, more joyful,
And while I know that I can’t be you,
It has taken a while for others to know that it’s true.
Still sometimes in my wildest and saddest dreams
It seems as if I can’t escape from you.
I have no other hope than for them to see
That as happy as I am for you, I am happy for me,
But this will take an act from us for them to see
That what makes you you makes me me.
And that we will always be the best of sisters.


«Sisters And Best Friends» by Angelica Machado

God sent us to be sisters
So we can be best of friends,
To be there for one another
Even when there is pain.
I thank the Lord for sending my sisters to me,
For whom I truly love and care.
We shared so many things together,
Like laughter and some scares.
It’s funny how we sometimes argue.
I guess it’s normal in this world,
But having you as my sister
Means more to me, more than you’ll ever know.
I wouldn’t trade you for anything.
I will never let go.
As our friendship continues to grow,
So will my love for you.
Just always remember you can talk to me.
I’ll be the best friend you ever knew.


«Sisters, Forever And Ever» by Ashley M. Schwartz

I’ll love you forever and ever.
Although you are only three years old, you are very clever,
When I look in your eyes, I can feel this love,
As if you were a guardian angel sent from above.
Some people think of you as this little girl,
But to me, I think of you as the whole wide world.
When I see you, I think of butterflies,
Because every time I look at you I get lost in them deep blue eyes.
You found happiness in my shade.
Do you know how much joy to my life you have made?
Remember, I’ll always be there to calm your fears,
To help the bad times and wipe away your tears.
I know sometimes we fight,
And not a single thing about it is at all right.
I love you more and more each day,
And in every single little way.


«Sweet Sister» by Aurora Wells

Sweet sister dear
Remember those years
We cried together,
Dropped many tears

Saw the fights,
Were afraid of lights,
The bottles lined up
And the pills in our sights

Now we are older
More lives at stake
Not just our own anymore
Our kids’ care we take

All the tears we have now
The powerless feelings grown
All the damage our family did
In our adulthood now shown

Please sister dear
Don’t cry anymore
I will dry your tears
As you have done with me before

Remember I love you and I am here
Remember with us as a pair there is no more fear.


«Thank You Letter To Sister» by Katie A. Neale

Thank you for being there and for giving me a chance.
Thank you for giving a care and not judging with a glance.
Thank you for your support and your loyal heart.
Thank you for no report and no judging on your part.
Thank you for trusting me through the good times and the bad.
Thank you for seeing me through the hard times that we’ve had.
Thank you for being born, and I thank God that you’re alive.
Though our friendship may be worn, we will always get through that strife,
Because we are sisters and each other’s family.
Like old pictures or an ancient memory,
This will never end, this friendship that we made,
Because we can depend on cherished moments that we saved.


«Thanking God For My Sister» by Diane Gardner

I thank God for my sister
She’s as awesome as can be
No one can replace her
She’s in my heart you see
We are friends forever
In good times and in bad
I may have to let her go one day
I’ll try not to be sad
For I know where she is going
And for that I’m oh so glad
She’s going to be with God
And in His arms she’ll go
He will wrap His arms around her
and love her this I know
Thank you Lord for my sister
For the time you have given us
I will enjoy her ’till you take her home
And in you Lord I will trust


«The Black Swan» by Randall Jarrell

When the swans turned my sister into a swan
I would go to the lake, at night, from milking:
The sun would look out through the reeds like a swan,
A swan’s red beak; and the beak would open
And inside there was darkness, the stars and the moon.

Out on the lake, a girl would laugh.
“Sister, here is your porridge, sister,”
I would call; and the reeds would whisper,
“Go to sleep, go to sleep, little swan.”
My legs were all hard and webbed, and the silky

Hairs of my wings sank away like stars
In the ripples that ran in and out of the reeds:
I heard through the lap and hiss of water
Someone’s “Sister . . . sister,” far away on the shore,
And then as I opened my beak to answer

I heard my harsh laugh go out to the shore
And saw – saw at last, swimming up from the green
Low mounds of the lake, the white stone swans:
The white, named swans . . . “It is all a dream,”
I whispered, and reached from the down of the pallet

To the lap and hiss of the floor.
And “Sleep, little sister,” the swan all sang
From the moon and stars and frogs of the floor.
But the swan my sister called, “Sleep at last, little sister,”
And stroked all night, with a black wing, my wings.


«The Burkhead Way» by Asia Burkhead

What can you say about a sister who
Has everything? Laughter, life, love,
Smiles, tears, enthusiasm, spark, knowledge,
Spunk, and to top it all off, beauty.

A sister isn’t just a sibling!
She is a whole world.
The things she touches are amazing.  The love
She shares is beautiful.
And her encouragement is spectacular.

To have a sister doesn’t make you special,
To know your sister makes you invincible.
The bond sisters share is enlightening. 
The love they give to each other is magnificent.

To look into your sister’s eyes and know
What she is thinking isn’t a miracle; it’s natural.
To see her smile warms your heart.  To hear her talk
Soothes your soul. To feel her heartbeat in you is special.

They say sisters are from cradle to grave,
But I believe that it is the in between that counts.
When she takes the rap for something you did,
She doesn’t need a thanks, she does it because she cares.

When she sits up till 3:00 AM with you,
Even if she has to get up at 7:00 AM,
She doesn’t feel exhausted, she feels cleansed.

When you two cry together till your eyes are all puffy,
She isn’t just sad, she believes that it cures the heart.
When she picks out your first prom dress, or brings you
Your first flowers, and when she buys you a card because
You had a bad day, she is glad that she could help.

A sister’s word of encouragement or warning
Is always taken to heart.  When she explains
How to handle a boy at school, or how to
Talk to mom, she’s touched that you came to her.

When she can sympathize with you
Because she’s been there, it’s comforting.
When she can share your dreams with you,
It’s encouraging. When she beats you up
Because you’re a brat, it’s learning.

Sisters can do anything. Together they
Will conquer the world. But when it’s
All said and done, she will hold you hand
Because she’s proud to be your sister.

So, if you are blessed to have a sister through blood,
Be thankful. And if you’re all alone, grab the first precious girl
In your life, and make her your sister.
Sisters are everything you need
And a whole lot more.


«The Importance Of A Sister» by Shiv Sharma

A sister is someone who loves you from the heart.
No matter how much you argue, you cannot be drawn apart.
She is a joy that cannot be taken away.
Once she enters your life, she is there to stay.

A friend who helps you through difficult times,
Her comforting words are worth much more than dimes.
A partner who fills your life with laughs and smiles,
These memories last for miles and miles.

When she is by your side, the world is filled with life.
When she is not around, your days are full of strife.
A sister is a blessing who fills your heart with love.
She flies with you in life with the beauty of a dove.

A companion to whom you can express your feelings,
She doesn’t let you get bored at family dealings.
Whether you are having your ups or downs,
She always helps you with a smile and never frowns.

With a sister, you cannot have a grudge.
She is as sweet as chocolate and as smooth as fudge.
Having a sister is not just a trend.
It is knowing you can always turn to her, your best friend.


«The Sisters» by Judith Wright

In the vine-shadows on the veranda;
under the yellow leaves, in the cooling sun,
sit two sisters. Their slow voices run
like little winter creeks, dwindled by frost and wind,
and the square of sunlight moves on the veranda.

They remember the gay young men on their tall horses
who came courting; the dancing and the smells of leather
and wine, the girls whispering by the fire together;
even their dolls and ponies, all they have left behind
moves in the yellow shadows on the veranda.

Thinking of their lives apart and the men they married
thinking of the marriage-bed and the birth of their first
they look down smiling. “My life was wide and wild,
and who can know my heart? There in that golden jungle
I walk alone,” say the old sisters on the veranda.


«The Woman I Call Sister» by Marissa Gertmenian

The woman I call sister
Is someone who is there
The woman I call sister
Is someone who always cares.

The woman I call sister
Can make me smile when times are blue
The woman I call sister
Is someone very true.

The woman I call sister
By choice, is my best of friend
The woman I call sister
Will be there till the end

The woman I call sister
Is the blessing from God above
The woman I call sister
Is the sister that I’ll always love.


«Three Sisters» by Francis I. Gillespie

We are three sisters.
Three sisters are we.
I love each of you,
And I know you love me.

We’re not always together.
Life sometimes keeps us apart,
But we’re never separated.
We’re in each other’s heart.

Now I know we’ve had our troubles,
But we always get through.
The real message is you love me,
And I also love you.

We have had lots of good times
That we’ll never forget.
Sometimes we worry
And sometimes we fret.

But if God ever gave me
Something special, you see,
It might have been the blessing of
Three sisters are we.

The Lord above has given me lots
Of happiness and glee,
But the most special thing he did was
Make us sisters, all three.


«To A Sister» by George MacDonald

A fresh young voice that sings to me
So often many a simple thing,
Should surely not unanswered be
By all that I can sing.

Dear voice, be happy every way
A thousand changing tones among,
From little child’s unfinished lay
To angel’s perfect song.

In dewy woods-fair, soft, and green
Like morning woods are childhood’s bower-
Be like the voice of brook unseen
Among the stones and flowers;

A joyful voice though born so low,
And making all its neighbours glad;
Sweet, hidden, constant in its flow
Even when the winds are sad.

So, strengthen in a peaceful home,
And daily deeper meanings bear;
And when life’s wildernesses come
Be brave and faithful there.

Try all the glorious magic range,
Worship, forgive, console, rejoice,
Until the last and sweetest change-
So live and grow, dear voice.


«To my dear Sister, Mrs. C.P. on her Nuptial» by Ketherine Philips

We will not like those men our offerings pay

Who crown the cup, then think they crown the day.

We make no garlands, nor an altar build,

Which help not Joy, but Ostentation yield.

Where mirth is justly grounded these wild toyes

Are but a troublesome, and empty noise.


But these shall be my great Solemnities,

Orinda’s wishes for Cassandra’s bliss.

May her Content be as unmix’d and pure

As my Affection, and like that endure;

And that strong Happiness may she still find

Not owing to her Fortune, but her Mind.


May her Content and Duty be the same,

And may she know no Grief but in the name.

May his and her Pleasure and Love be so

Involv’d and growing, that we may not know

Who most Affection or most Peace engrost;

Whose Love is strongest, or whose Bliss is most.


May nothing accidental e’re appear

But what shall with new bonds their Souls endear;

And may they count the hours as they pass,

By their own Joys, and not by Sun or Glass:

While every day like this may Sacred prove

To Friendship, Gratitude, and Strictest Love.


«To My Sister» by William Wordsworth

It is the first mild day of March:

Each minute sweeter than before,

The Redbreast sings from the tall larch

That stands beside our door.


There is a blessing in the air,         

Which seems a sense of joy to yield

To the bare trees, and mountains bare,

And grass in the green field.


My Sister! (’tis a wish of mine)

Now that our morning meal is done,        

Make haste, your morning task resign;

Come forth and feel the sun.


Edward will come with you;—and pray,

Put on with speed your woodland dress;

And bring no book: for this one day         

We’ll give to idleness.


No joyless forms shall regulate

Our living Calendar:

We from to-day, my friend, will date

The opening of the year.       


Love, now a universal birth,

From heart to heart is stealing,

From earth to man, from man to earth,

—It is the hour of feeling.


One moment now may give us more        

Than years of toiling reason:

Our minds shall drink at every pore

The spirit of the season.


Some silent laws our hearts will make,

Which they shall long obey:         

We for the year to come may take

Our temper from to-day.


And from the blessed power that rolls

About, below, above,

We’ll frame the measure of our souls:       

They shall be tuned to love.


Then come, my Sister! come I pray,

With speed put on your woodland dress;

—And bring no book: for this one day

We’ll give to idleness.


«To My Sister…» by Allison Chambers Coxsey

I’m blessed to call you sister,
I also call you friend;
You’ve loved me unconditionally,
And stood through thick and thin.

You’ve shared my joys and sorrows,
My laughter and my tears.
You’ve been my inspiration,
As we grew up through the years.

When we were little children
We laughed and played together;
Then growing up you stood by me,
Through good and stormy weather.

There’s something God has given us,
That’s more than family;
He’s placed a love for you, my Sister,
Deep down in the heart of me.


«We Are Coming, Sister Mary» by Henry Clay Work

On a stormy night in winter,
When the winds blew cold and wet,
I heard some strains of music
That I never can forget.

I was sleeping in the cabin,
Where liv’d Mary fair and young,
When a light shone in the window,
And a band of singers sung.

We are coming sister Mary,

We are coming bye and bye,
Be ready sister Mary,
For the time is drawing nigh.

I tried to tell my Mary,
But my tongue would not obey,
When the song so strange had ended,
And the singers flown away,
As I watch’d I heard a rustling,
Like the rustling of a wing,

And beside my Mary’s pillow
Very soon I heard them sing.

Then again I called my Mary,
But my sorrow was complete
For I found her heart of kindness
Had forever ceas’d to beat

And I still am very lonely
From summer round to spring
And I oft in midnight slumber
Think I hear the same ones sing.


«What Is A Sister?» by Jessica Shaw

A sister is someone special to me.
A sister is someone to fight with.
A sister is someone to cry with.
A sister can sometimes understand you better than anyone else can.
A sister is there for you through good times and bad.
Some sisters are close.
Some are far apart.
Sometimes you might wish you could change your sister.
But if I changed just one thing about my sister it might ruin something.
Of course my sister wouldn’t be the same.
But most important it might ruin our sister relationship.
We are as close as we could possibly be.
Some people think a sister is just a sister.
But my sister is more than that.
She is and will always be my best friend.
And my sister will always be very special to me.
Because I couldn’t picture what my life would be like without her.


«Where’s My Glory?» by Nicki D. Thomure

Looking in a book of 1,000 pictures
And I finally find one of just me
And it seems it’s the smallest one there
There are thousands of that blonde beauty
She has everything I don’t
Love from you, talent, and beauty
She gets all the glory
And I get none

Just for one moment
I wish I could stand up on that stage
And do what she does
As you watch her and a tear comes down
A second later, you yell at me
For one moment, I want to do that
She gets all the glory
And I get none

It seems you look at me
And see a mistake that you made
You look at her
And see something that you’ve always wanted
I want to feel loved and wanted
By the one who should mean something to me
She gets all the glory
And I get none

In every room
There are trophies that showcase her talent
On every shelf, on every wall
There are pictures of her that showcase her beauty
For once, I want to be that blonde beauty
She gets all the glory
And I get none

That’s always how it’s going to be.


«You Are My Best Friend» by Tara J. Barker

You are my guiding star.
You are my shining light.
You are my everything,
what helps me through the night.

You are my heart.
You are my soul.
You are my savoir,
what makes me feel whole.

You are more than my sister.
You are my best friend.
You are the one who will be there
when my heart needs to mend.

I love you, Sister,
more than you will ever know.
You are my other half.
With you, I am whole.


This sad subject of loss and detachment is touched on by most poets. And here everything is quite natural. Every poem about loneliness has its own connotations. Many classics in their lifetime were not always recognized by their contemporaries. And most are no strangers to this feeling.

«6 Lonely Tears» by Angela Pilant

First I shed a single tear because we are apart,
wanting nothing but to be with you,
to make a brand new start

The 2nd tear I shed is a lonely tear indeed.
My mind goes wild, my body goes numb,
and my heart begins to bleed.

The 3rd tear I cry wanting to feel your touch,
to taste your kiss and lips on mine,
I want so very much.

The 4th tear I cry thinking of you at night,
wanting you to hold me
as I grip my pillow tight.

The 5th tear I cry stains my pillowcase.
My mind drifts off in la la land
as I take us to that place.

The 6th tear I shed my thoughts go very deep,
simply dream of me and you
as I drift off fast to sleep.


«A Lonely Horse» by Marilyn Lott

I’m out in the field
Roaming the vast prairie
Waiting for somebody
To come and visit me

Occasionally I’ll see
A car or truck around
I’m stand here just waiting
In my deserted prairie ground

I’m quite a handsome fellow
Just look here for yourself
Sometimes I feel my owner
Has put me on the shelf

I’m good for many things
I could win as a show horse
If someone only entered me
Into a show of course

But pretty soon I know
The kids will come on by
Visit me and ride me
And on my back they’ll fly!


«A Lonely Little House» by Marilyn Lott

A lonely little house
Built many years ago
Is deteriorating now
I thought you’d like to know

Its boards are warped and falling
One by one onto the ground
But mostly in the stillness
You can’t hear a single sound

Except when the cattle are grazing
Around the house at times
A cowbell occasionally clinks
Like a soft ringing of chimes

Its roof now is sinking
Its windows too are gone
Time and weather are not helping
But it knows where it belongs

For the stories this house could tell
Are so many from its prime
It housed a growing family
Once upon a time

I love the frontier houses
That were built to run a farm
Part of the past we inherited
They will always have such charm!


«A Lonely One Room School» by Marilyn Lott

It is now old and in need of paint
Sits alone in a field of grass
Poor little lonely one room school
So long ago since it’s had class

If only it could tell us stories
Of the children who sat in its seats
Buzzing with exciting chatter
Never thinking they’d face defeat

School books worn on the corners
For turning down pages a thing to do
Buckets design for their small lunches
Old-fashioned hats that set askew

Oh listen, can you hear the laughter?
Reciting their lessons every day
Recess time in the school yard
It was important to take time to play

But you know, nothing lasts forever
Except, of course, the golden rule
I feel a bit sad when I look upon
This precious lonely one room school!


«A Lonely Tear» by Megan Dugan

A lonely tear falls down
A smile turns to frown
Trickles down the cheek
Does not make you weak

A lonely tear escapes
A lifetime of mistakes
A sad and lonely heart
Others broke apart

A lonely tear is dried
So many nights it cried
A friend reached out their hand
And tried to understand

The lonely tear is gone
Life will carry on
With love from a friend
The lonely tears will end


«A Lonely Traveler» by Alexander Romanov

Who will love a lonely traveler
Who traveled far & seeks some rest
I will, said the old tree
My leaves shall shade you from the sun
So you can sleep
And all your darkest secrets
For you I shall keep

Who will take pity in his heart
And who will feed a starving traveler

I will, said the serene lake
For in my unfathomable waters
I have plenty of fish
So eat & drink my friend
As much as you wish

Who will love a lonely traveler
And who will remember his name
I will, said the earth
For all I created returns on to me

From dust were you made
And dust you shall be


«A Young Mother Waits Lonely» by Gary Bryson

A young mother waits lonely,
But with war it didn’t start.
It began with a with a duty,
To country and heart.
With her husband at war,
Things are not as they seem.
Lonely days are without end,
Like its some kind of dream.
It seems even living,
Gets more difficult each day.

And in each daily letter.
Things are harder to say.
No more grand parades,
No excitement to bring.
Even so if there were,
It wouldn’t change a thing.
Alone with no husband,
No family and no friends,
Just another young mother,
Alone in the end.


«Are You Lonely Tonight?» by Jeff Fleischer

Are you lonely tonight
Because your heart was broken?
Are you lonely tonight,
Shedding tears from all the emotion?
Please don’t be shy.
Just tell me if its okay for me to dropp by.
I’ll be the man you’ve always dreamed of.
I’ll hold you close to me and show you love.
I’ll help you through your pain and sorrow.
And after you wake up tomorrow,

We’ll take a walk near the ocean shore.
As time goes by, I’ll love you more and more.


«Are You Lonely Too? » by Christopher Higginson

Remember how he scraped his knee and how I wiped it clean
I picked him up and hugged him so he wouldn’t make a scene
He was just so little then, an active little boy,
My! What a man he has become, me eldest son called Roy.

Remember, when she just turned six: her birthday party cake!
Her party dress marked from the mix of scones she tried to make!
Those pictures that my husband took, now stained in shades of grey
That all seems many years ago, those decades fade away

Gosh, Peter must be retired now, my youngest of the four
He has grandkids of his own, now was it three or more?
It’s strange how I remember them, when young and all carefree
I wonder if they’ll try this year to come and visit me?


«Childhood’s Retreat» by Robert Duncan

It’s in the perilous boughs of the tree   

out of blue sky    the wind   

sings loudest surrounding me.

And solitude,   a wild solitude

’s reveald,   fearfully,   high     I’d climb   

into the shaking uncertainties,

part out of longing,   part     daring my self,

part to see that

widening of the world,   part

to find my own, my secret

hiding sense and place, where from afar   

all voices and scenes come back

—the barking of a dog,   autumnal burnings,

far calls,   close calls—   the boy I was

calls out to me

here the man where I am   “Look!

I’ve been where you

most fear to be.”


«Danse Russe» by William Carlos Williams

If I when my wife is sleeping

and the baby and Kathleen

are sleeping

and the sun is a flame-white disc

in silken mists

above shining trees,—

if I in my north room

dance naked, grotesquely

before my mirror

waving my shirt round my head

and singing softly to myself:

“I am lonely, lonely.

I was born to be lonely,

I am best so!”

If I admire my arms, my face,

my shoulders, flanks, buttocks

against the yellow drawn shades,—

Who shall say I am not

the happy genius of my household?


«Dear Diary» by Ralph P Quinonez

Dear Diary,

As I make my entry today, again I cry.
Never thought this love would be so complicated,
Never thought that life would be so cold.
I think about him every day,
Knowing he will never return to me.
My life would have been so complete with him,
Now I have to live a life without him.
Oh, what a lonely and empty life I have been given.
My life consists of only memories of him
And what our life could have played out to be.
Each day I go back to you, my diary,
And write my deepest thoughts on your pages.
Each day I go out into the world and know that nothing is going to change.
The only change that can happen is the change inside my heart.
I need to deal with the pain and the loss and move forward in my life.
The love I had was a gift,
And I need to place this in your pages, my dear diary.
My heart will one day heal,
My mind will one day live again.


«Everyday Is A Lonely Day» by Daniel Richards

Nothing ever shines bright
Or even ever goes right, In my life
No one ever cared
That no one ever shared my day

As long as I keep it quite
Holed up in my mind silent
Then it will be okay
That no one ever shared my day

People push me by
Living lies, living there lives,
But its ok,
No one will ever share my day

People close there eyes
Believing the lies in the back of there mind
But here’s a truth the needs to be said
People are alive

Love is dead


«Gone Forever» by Dane Yule

I miss the times when you were here,
Telling me to have no fear.
To hold my head up high and strong,
Add happy notes to my sad song.

I miss the way you look at me
As if I were too blind to see.
The path I’m on might hurt and scathe,
But all goes well if you just have faith.

I miss the sound of your sweet voice,
Through bitter times a saving noise
That told me what was right and wrong
But rang in my ears for far too long.

A caring person, you were such
Who helped and hurt me, oh so much.
You’d guide and mislead me through the day
You left me lonely when I’d rather you stay.

Over things like that you had no control.
A rock set in motion will continue to roll.
No matter how hard you tug and heave,
You were always pushed and forced to leave.

Then one day you never returned,
My tears so hot they almost burned.
Aware now about what I lack,
But crying and mourning won’t bring you back.

For me to let out what I need to say.
I can’t do much more than pray.
No longer am I weak; my heart’s quite strong
From adding a happy chorus to a sad, sad song.


«I Feel Lonely Without You» by Hindy Nobody

When i don’t get to hear from you
I feel so lonely
When i don’t get the chance to see you
I feel so lonely
When i know you’re not there
I feel so lonely
When i’m sad, there’s no one to lean on to
I feel so lonely
When i’m thinking silently
I fell so lonely

There’s no one that i wanna be with apart being with u
I feel so lonely
There’s no one better than u
I feel so lonely
God why do i feel so lonely?
When i know i can’t come to u
As anytime, whenever as i want to…?
And why do i feel so angry….


I wish i was with u
Each day’s been killing me
Looking at ur pics,
it brought back the memories
Shaking my head
How can i go through?
AzZ, there’s no one special except u
and i just wish i could show it to u

Missing u loads


«I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud» by William Wordsworth

I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o’er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine

And twinkle on the milky way,

They stretched in never-ending line

Along the margin of a bay:

Ten thousand saw I at a glance,

Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they

Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:

A poet could not but be gay,

In such a jocund company:

I gazed—and gazed—but little thought

What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie

In vacant or in pensive mood,

They flash upon that inward eye

Which is the bliss of solitude;

And then my heart with pleasure fills,

And dances with the daffodils.


«Illusion Of A Fantasy» by Ice Vixen

Where do I go, which way do I turn
searching for that love I so desperatly yearn
fading memories of a past I’d soon forget
isolated and alone waiting for the one not met.

Is he just a vision or does he really exist
illision of a fantasy like a ship in the mist
the truth of it all remains to be seen
for in this moment of time I can only dream.

Laying awake I stare into the night
doom and dread surround, like the demons I fight
river of emotions flow like a swift moving tide
spiraling so fast downward I slide.

Will ever I find that peace, I do not know
breaking down more with each passing blow
desperation and pain a part of everyday life
words not spoken that cut like a knife.


«Kiss My Soul, Heal My Heart» by Avi Fleischer

I’m sitting here alone, my thoughts within the past,
Thinking about you, a love I hoped would last.
Your warm and tender heart that seems so far away,
This yearning deep inside me that I must obey.

Please don’t leave me here alone; you must understand
That a lost love is like footsteps in the sand.
So, kiss my soul just one more time; that’s all I ask of you.
And heal my heart that aches for you, as only you can do.

The truth is all I want to know; I seek it in your eyes,
But the only thing I see is that the truth is full of lies.
Hold me now; I feel my soul slowly fade away.
Let me know you love me too; your heart I won’t betray.

Please don’t leave me here alone; you must understand
That a lost love is like footsteps in the sand.
So, kiss my soul just one more time; that’s all I ask of you.
And heal my heart that aches for you, as only you can do.

There is no place for me without you by my side.
A world without your love, the pain how can I hide?
I want to taste your lips, to feel your body rush,
And like a starving man, I hunger for your touch.

Please don’t leave me here alone; you must understand
That a lost love is like footsteps in the sand.
So, kiss my soul just one more time; that’s all I ask of you.
And heal my heart that aches for you, as only you can do.


«Lonely» by Chloe Smith

I stand alone in darkness,
A rose held in my hand,
The wind rustles in the trees,
As it sweeps across the land.

I wait for your arrival,
I hope it will be soon,
I want to dance with you again,
By the light of the silver moon.

And though you do not miss me,
I hope you won’t forget,
That the little girl you left alone,
Will grow stronger yet.

I hear your footsteps on the ground,
Have you come back for me?
You take the rose from my hands,
And throw it in the sea.

You sneer at me for waiting,
What a pathetic thing to do,
“How could you believe, ” you hiss at me,
“I’d love a thing like you? ”


«Lonely Burial» by Stephen Vincent Benet

There were not many at that lonely place,
Where two scourged hills met in a little plain.
The wind cried loud in gusts, then low again.
Three pines strained darkly, runners in a race
Unseen by any. Toward the further woods
A dim harsh noise of voices rose and ceased.
— We were most silent in those solitudes —
Then, sudden as a flame, the black-robed priest,

The clotted earth piled roughly up about

The hacked red oblong of the new-made thing,
Short words in swordlike Latin — and a rout
Of dreams most impotent, unwearying.
Then, like a blind door shut on a carouse,
The terrible bareness of the soul’s last house


«Lonely Eyes» by Leo Lopes

It doesn’t matter how hard i try
Even though i’ll be dyin inside
Look deep within and tell me what you find
I just can’t seem to hide
These Lonely Eyes

They say nothing’s harder than life
And those who live well are welcome in the sky
There’s something wrong and i wanna take flight
I just can’t seem to hide

These Lonely Eyes

Now that you’re Gone Away i think i wanna die
I know you can see it, I’m surrounded by light
I tried to tell you i’m fine but that’s a lie
I just can’t seem to hide
These Lonely Eyes

As i see happy people go by
I’m so confused here, sometimes i wanna cry

I’m just a lonely soul lurkin in the lonely night
And i just can’t seem to hide
These Lonely Eyes


«Lonely God Behind My Eyes» by Robert Rorabeck

There is a lonely God behind my eyes
Who still cries for you who are so far
Away, like a lost child forgotten who she is,
Her identity soothed away by time
So she becomes someone else’s child,
Though my God remembers how she played
Before him once or twice in the early days
Before the world was fully formed—
There is a lonely God behind my eyes
Who screams at things because you can not

Hear him, who hates everything he sees
And wanders far up into the glacial lakes
Of my cranium where he sits on a nameless
Stone and cries your name, the word
That would set him free if he saw you dressed
In the fine syllables your parents christened
You with. There is a lonely God behind
My eyes who has tried to commit suicide
Just because he no longer believed he existed,
Because he knows not a thing to be true

Except that you have walked away, like a
Ghost shed of identity, so now you float down
The roads and caress nameless men thoughtlessly,
Forever and ever forgetting how your love
Was the fulcrum for this creation, how
Everything began to bloom as you opened
Your eyes. There is a lonely God behind my
Eyes who still cries for you who holds the
Key, who has forgotten.


«Lonely Is Just One Word» by Mary Havran

Lonely is just one word chosen to represent so much
To tell of feelings inside that the senses cannot touch

Lonely can be in the teardrops on a bereaved person’s cheek
Lonely can be in the silence of sorrows too deep to speak

Lonely can haunt a deserted room that Laughter once made proud
Lonely surrounds you when you’re alone or finds you in a crowd

Lonely is heard in echoed footsteps of a departing friend

Lonely penetrates the solitude of nights that will not end

Lonely will not listen to the pleadings of a broken heart
Lonely stays and torments until new Love shatters it apart


«Lonely Lovers Lane» by David Harris

The shadows hang over the archways,
still and silently fall to the ground,
no echo of footsteps are heard,
as nothing makes a sound.
There is no laughter of lovers,
no hush as they embrace;
nothing disturbs the silence,
of our lonely lover’s lane.

One-day lovers will walk there

know the happiness we knew.
One-day lovers will kiss there,
and know how I felt about you.
They will stop and admire the stillness,
that almost takes the breath away,
and feel the warmth of each other,
near the closing of the day.


«Lonely Madness» by Daniel Galloway

Moments that make up my life
seem to be empty
echoes of my own self loathing
plague me
they say I’m a fool

I feel the black dog barking at my door
persistent pain persistent voices
telling me I’m all wrong

a perfect isolation that tortures me everyday
the self scars upon my arm
remenants of pain that feels relieving

I speak to people, I feel detached
‘normalcy’ seems like bullshit

is it me or am I going mad
is it me or are they just full of it


«Lonely Night» by Bernard Shaw

A place by the fire in my old arm chair,
I am alone with no one my fire to share.
The crackling of logs burning bright,
Consoling me in my weary plight.
Shadows playing on ceiling and wall,
Ghosts past and present coming to call.
Outside the wind howls and moans.
Reminding me of my aching bones.
I am in the grip of melancholy deep,
Just past rendezvous I could not keep.

A fleeting glimpse of happiness long past,
With the echo’s of words spoken too fast.
A candle in the window to light the way,
To any lost soul that wants to stay.
All are welcome to a place by my fire,
This is my wish my one desire.
Loneliness is what I fear most,
I am willing to play the welcoming host.
Come along guided by my candle’s light,
And help me pass this lonely night


«Lonely Poetry» by Uriah Hamilton

I’m not weeping beside lilac trees
Because of my affection for the divine aroma
Of the majestic spring,
But because of the tall goddess I fear
I never again will see.

She moves through my bittersweet memories
Which tenaciously cling
To her brown shoulder-length tresses,
Her happily excited laughter,

Her intelligent conversations,
Her pensive eyes concealing a sadness
That was never revealed to me.

Why should a man be haunted
By a beauty that was never his?
Why was my soul made so appropriately
For such lonely poetry?

The days are long and tears fall like rain

When I’m all alone at sunset.


«Lonely Tear» by Sharmeen Azam

Dunes of the Sahara cannot muster
the clouds to be generous and
Pour its sorrow-ridden soul
Over the parched lips of the earth.
A hapless and helpless armor of a girl
cannot confide in the heavens
for a shower of tears.

Her eyes stopped feeling,
Her senses now deceive her,

Her thoughts are clouded; her touch is gone,
Her words don’t bear any meaning.

Tears come forth
With pain in the heart.
What do the eyes shed
when there is no tear to fall?
The pleasure of relief does not come
Because the pain remains,
In the sorrow-ridden soul

without a river to run.


«Lonely, Lonely» by Dwayne Earle Gordon

Girlfriend, I’m so lonely
I love you and you love me
Girlfriend, I’m so lonely
Please come back, N be my baby
‘Repeat Once’
These are the words I cry when my girl left me
I call her, and tell,
Listen, you are my baby
No matter what, you’ re # 1 lady
I went to her house, and I tried to see her

Her mom came out, told me I was a dreamer
I didn’t take it as a big deal
Because she don’t know that my feelings is real
Dear girl, I will love you to the end
No matter what, you will be number one girlfriend.


«Lost From You» by Sami Chester

I reached for you
But I couldn’t find you
I called for you
But you didn’t answer
I trusted you
But you didn’t care
‘Cause when I looked
You weren’t there

I searched up high
And I searched down low
But I don’t get it
Where’d you go?

You had always been there
Oh, so near
When I looked
You’d disappeared

Now my chest is getting tighter
I’ll drown in tears for sure
It’s getting hard to breathe
My heart aches more than pure

I wish that you could see me
And what you’ve put me through
So that way in the future
You’ll treat the next girl true


«Me And The Lonely» by Bill Simmons

Dark clouds forming in the overcast
Steady breeze blowing from the east
Light rain mixed with sleet and snow
Seems a lot like my day should be

It is me and the lonely
For only the loney they know
How empty a day it really can be
To not have someone to hold

We will walk the halls and the floors
Watch a movie or two
And when it is our day is done
Settle in for a lonely night too

We dream and pretend that someone will come
And take loneliness far away
Still in our dreams we can escape for a while
To get through another day

It is me and the lonely
I can hear in the darkness it calls
Dark clouds forming in the overcast
This is the right day after all.


«O So Lonely» by Cecelia Weir

O So Lonely
Are the days gone by.
When others enter your life
Then you push them by.

O So Lonely
When you were in control.
To love them or leave them
You were ever so bold.

O So Lonely
While you sit alone.
No one is there
To make your house a home.

O So Lonely
After all the hearts you break.
Did you ever think it was you
Who you’d really forsake?

O So Lonely
When life was just a dare.
You didn’t take time to love
You didn’t try to care.

O So Lonely
Have you learned the rule?
That its not just about you
But it does take two.

O So Lonely
Why sit and contemplate?
While others enjoy life
Its never too late.


«Ode on Solitude» by Alexander Pope

Happy the man, whose wish and care

   A few paternal acres bound,

Content to breathe his native air,

                            In his own ground.

Whose herds with milk, whose fields with bread,

   Whose flocks supply him with attire,

Whose trees in summer yield him shade,

                            In winter fire.

Blest, who can unconcernedly find

   Hours, days, and years slide soft away,

In health of body, peace of mind,

                            Quiet by day,

Sound sleep by night; study and ease,

   Together mixed; sweet recreation;

And innocence, which most does please,

                            With meditation.

Thus let me live, unseen, unknown;

   Thus unlamented let me die;

Steal from the world, and not a stone

                            Tell where I lie.


«On Tears Lonely Lonely Cry» by Maria Sudibyo

On tears lonely lonely cry
You always shade on my mind
Even you had flied away
Left me alone in the night

On tears lonely lonely cry
No one can take that place
My first love you have to know
You’ve never gone in my heart

Oh why, oh why
I can’t forget your kiss goodbye
I want crying to you
Bring this pain from my life

On tears lonely lonely cry
My first love you have to know
The memory was closed
In my broken lonely heart


«One Is A Lonely Number» by David Harris

One is a lonely number
Two is company
One is the last word in alone
That’s what I’ve been since you left me
One is also in lonesome
The last word in it is me
Alone and lonesome
Seems that is all I’ll ever be

We were perfect together

So everyone said
We had everything going
Only good times ahead
Then without warning
or angry words said
You took the first train in the morning
Leaving me with bad times ahead


«Out Of Reality» by Michaela Tatualla

I don’t know how it came to be,
that I love someone like you.
I know you’re out of reality,
But my love for you is true.

I know that you are just a dream,
Never will be true.
But you put my life out of glum,
And in my heart there is you.

Loving you is like chasing rainbows,
Beneath the pale blue sky.
I don’t know how it goes,
And I really wonder why.

I tried so hard to keep this feeling,
Cause loving you completes me.
I just hope it will not reach an ending,
Cause it will lead me to tragedy.


«Sad And Lonely» by Taher Shemaly

As I started sipping
my daily lovely coffee
A race of memories just began in my mind
of old days, the hard and the easy
And looking at myself now with a tear in my eye
just to find myself sad and lonely

And as I walk down that antique street
where my old little house was meant to be
It feels hard to breathe just to know

that I am out of it now and maybe
maybe forever I would be like a rover
that tells stories of how sad I am and lonely

Those stairs I used to go up and down
everyday in fast rhythm used to be happy
In my room I used to stay most of the time
never thought that i would live in a tragedy
But words are not useful now
for sad I am and lonely

Though poverty was my company long ago
but riches couldn’t bring back honey
The honey I saw in my sweet old days
Days of the poverty and agony
Believe me my friend riches won’t give you a thing
But to make you sad and lonely


«Should Have Told You I Loved You» by Samantha Ganley

You said you didn’t love me.
You said you didn’t care.
You said I wasn’t worth it,
And then you gave me a stupid stare.

I told you that was fine.
I told you I didn’t mind.
I told you I wasn’t upset,
And with that you left me behind.

Now I think about what happened
As I cry myself to sleep.
I tell myself that I’ll be fine
And that I shouldn’t have to weep.

I tell my family I am happy.
I tell my friends I’m OK.
But what I really am feeling
Inside of me is starting to go grey.

I should have told you I loved you.
I should have told you to stay.
But you said you didn’t want to anymore,
And you turned away.

Now as we talk,
We joke, laugh, and play.
You think I’ve moved on,
While inside of me I am screaming, “STAY!”

You said you didn’t love me.
I said I didn’t care.
As I think about and regret it,
I know what we have we don’t share.


«Soul Mates» by Patricia A. Fleming

I searched but never found you.
The paths we traveled never crossed
And now my life is winding down,
And I fear all hope is lost.

I saved a place inside my heart.
You were often in my dreams.
But you stayed always at a distance
And just beyond my reach.

I wondered if you grieved for me
And felt that longing deep inside.
Did you search the world for me in vain?
Or did you let that need subside?

Oh, I had my share of love and loss.
I knew happiness and pain.
I loved and was loved in return
But that emptiness remained.

I missed you though we never touched,
And I knew you from the start.
Your soul was mate to my own soul.
You shared the beating of my heart.

Time passed, but still you never came,
Though I never let you go.
You were a gift that I was promised,
The greatest love I’d ever know.

I wondered if our eyes once met,
But we chose to look away
And settled on some other loves
And thus our destinies betray.

This life is cruel and fickle.
It can lead our hearts astray
And blind us to what matters,
Putting roadblocks in our way.

Our searching becomes futile
When distractions take control.
We can’t hear the pleading of our hearts
Or the desperation in our souls.

But you and I were meant to be,
Our souls met long ago.
So when the time is right for us,
Somehow, we both will know.

And maybe up in Heaven
Our souls will finally meet
And we’ll share our love eternally
And forevermore we’ll feel complete.


«The Last Lonely Night» by Uriah Hamilton

After a long season of heartbreak
And months of indecision,
After insufferable nights of tears
Reflecting on kisses once placed
On your gentle moonlight face,
My broken heart receives crystal clear vision:

When love has ended
And friendship wanes,
One must depart the city

Of all his shattered dreams
And find a new place
To begin again,
Unknown paths to tread
Where there is no fear
Of finding a perfumed handkerchief
You once kept
Or of running into a mutual friend
Who saw him weep
The last lonely night

He walked upon your street.


«The Lonely» by Bill Simmons

This thing that they call love
That so many are in search of
What some they may find and some lose in time
Only the lonely dream of

The lonely dream only of it one day in their lives
When that day comes they won’t toss it aside
The lonely they know and will cherish so
For only the lonely get it right

Love of so many descriptions
The art every part of the heart
Love when it comes to the lonely of one
They will hold on and believe not let it fall apart

I know that since I have found you
Somehow you reached out and found me
I know cause I know where it is I have been
The lonely has allowed me to believe

This thing that they do call love
This thing that so many are in search of
This thing that only the lonely they dream
I know, I once dreamed of your touch.


«The Lonely Angel» by James Taylor

The lonely Angel cries to herself,
Her head is hung low and her body is still,
She calls out into to darkness and hears her voice echo,
But there is no one else in her empty world,
She locks herself in afraid of what might happen,
Closes the illusive curtains and shuts the door to her feelings,
Her beautiful face has grown old with crying,
The perfect smile painted on her lips has been wiped off,
And her dreams and aspirations have all been erased.

She waits patiently for her walls of solid emotion to tear,
Her cares are not for money, power or enlightenment,
Instead love and care is all that seeks,
Memories whispered gently into her ears is all she has for company,
She lays naked with no clothes to protect her,
Her prayers are always for a light to guide her,
A small crevice created by her hope lets warm air upon her,
She sometimes huddles against this unique warmth,
And she knows that if she lets go of hope she will be cold forever.


«The Lonely Beach» by Linda Harnett

Oh, how I missed you, Lonely Beach,
Where I have left my soul,
The rugged rocks surround me,
I sit there, lost, alone.

Before me is the ocean,
The stormy Irish Sea,
It comes to me, I’m part of you,
And know, you’re part of me.

You send a wave to kiss my feet,
And then you back away,
You tantalise, you hypnotise,
You hold me, make me sway.

I grip the rock to steady me,
Lest I fall in too deep,
I’m lost in love for you now,
The way back now, so steep.

Another wave comes crashing,
Bestows a gentle kiss,
And now I get to taste you,
You linger on my lips.

I’m filled now with a passion,
For you, I can’t ignore,
I’m satisfied, contented,
And leave you on the shore.


«The Lonely Girl And Her Dog» by Justin Gildow

Onwards they go
The lonely girl and her dog travel along
Trying to find answers
Trying to fight for their lives
Trying to find a way to survive

Things aren’t well for them
As it’s just them against evil forces at work
Just them trying to evade or avoid the ultimate evils

The lonely girl andher dog know it’s not going to get any easier
Things won’t be easy as they continue to move along
But they have each other
And as they continue on
That’s better than nothing


«The Lonely House-Wife» by Donna Nimmo

He calls it love working paying the bills
Her staying at home alone, with no skills
The coldness in their house, like an artic freeze
She tries her best to him appease
Day in day out with the routine
She stays to herself, not often seen
The blinds stay closed, not much light
Shes accepted this, it is to be her plight
He gets off work, comes home and watches t.v.
The house so quiet, just him and she

They go to bed, each on thier own side
He no longer cares to hold his bride
In the morning he will go back to work
Once again she will be alone, where bad thoughts lurk!


«The Lonely Street» by William Carlos Williams

School is over. It is too hot
to walk at ease. At ease
in light frocks they walk the streets
to while the time away.
They have grown tall. They hold
pink flames in their right hands.
In white from head to foot,
with sidelong, idle look–
in yellow, floating stuff,
black sash and stockings–

touching their avid mouths
with pink sugar on a stick–
like a carnation each holds in her hand–
they mount the lonely street.


«The Stars Go Over The Lonely Ocean» by Robinson Jeffers

Unhappy about some far off things
That are not my affair, wandering
Along the coast and up the lean ridges,
I saw in the evening
The stars go over the lonely ocean,
And a black-maned wild boar
Plowing with his snout on Mal Paso Mountain.

The old monster snuffled, “Here are sweet roots,
Fat grubs, slick beetles and sprouted acorns.

The best nation in Europe has fallen,
And that is Finland,
But the stars go over the lonely ocean,”
The old black-bristled boar,
Tearing the sod on Mal Paso Mountain.

“The world’s in a bad way, my man,
And bound to be worse before it mends;
Better lie up in the mountain here
Four or five centuries,

While the stars go over the lonely ocean,”
Said the old father of wild pigs,
Plowing the fallow on Mal Paso Mountain.

“Keep clear of the dupes that talk democracy
And the dogs that talk revolution,
Drunk with talk, liars and believers.
I believe in my tusks.
Long live freedom and damn the ideologies,”
Said the gamey black-maned boar
Tusking the turf on Mal Paso Mountain.


«Thinking Of You» by Philicia A. Talamantes

I’m sitting here staring at the stars, thinking of you!
I feel so alone when you’re not around,
It feel’s as if the walls are coming down.
I close my eyes, and you’re here.
I see your face, feel your touch, and taste your kiss.
I’m constantly thinking of you.
When something goes wrong, and I’m down,
Thinking of you always brings me around.
When you’re gone, my world disappears.
Though thinking of you make’s me glad,
Being away from you makes me sad!
I’m thinking of you.
If you ever feeling alone just call on me I’ll be home.
I miss you so much I can’t bear the pain,
I only have myself to blame.
You’re the best guy I ever known,
I only wish I could have you for my own.
You stole my heart from the beginning,
Now you’re leaving. I’m thinking of you.
I’m so lucky to have you in my life.
I wish you could always be by my side.
Because you need to know.
You’ll always have a place here with me
From now till eternity.
I’m lying in bed
Thought’s of you spinning through my head.
And in the bottom of my heart                                                                                                               
we will never be apart.


«What Is Love?» by Ronita Lee

What is love
and why does love never find me?
Instead, broken hearts surround me,
And once again the wrong man found me,
saying he wouldn’t hurt me,
but in the end he didn’t deserve me
What is love
and why doesn’t love know my name?
I prayed to God that it would change,
but true love never came.
What is love?
I ask myself time after time.
Why is love so blind?
or I shouldn’t waste my time.
I guess broken hearts are only made for me,
because love finds everyone else but love never found me….


«Where Do I Go?» by Lisa Griffin

Where do I go
When I’m feeling so lost and I don’t want to be found?
When I’m looking and listening for that peace in my heart.
But I know I’ll never hear that sound.
Where do I go?
Where do I go when I’m trying to laugh but all I can do I cry?
I’m trying to keep on living because I’m not ready to die.
Where do I go because the sun never seems to shine?
Can you give me my life back? It’s not yours, it’s mine.
How do I keep going, how do I fight this fight?
I’m tired of feeling beat down, but I’m trying with all my might!
Where do I go when my head hangs so low?
Please give me an answer because I just don’t know!
Where do I go?
Does it take very long
For me to find that peace and a place where I belong?
I need you to help me, help me to take a stand.
I’m scared to do it by myself; will you please take my hand?
Where do I go? Where do I go? Where do I go?
Do you know?


«Why?» by Carla Peters

Why do you tear me down
When all I do is build you up?
Why do you hate me so much?
Why do you deny my touch?

Is drinking that important
and family so expendable?
You call me names
and tell me I’m the one to blame.

It’s all my fault.
I deserve a verbal assault.
Not a bruise on my body,
only scars on my soul.

I am alone.
I am scared.
I’d be better on my own.
What happened to the love we shared?

I am fat, a slut, a whore, a liar,
when all I am is a crier.
You say I’m not faithful,
but it’s our relationship that’s not stable.

I don’t deserve this.
I am a good person.
Let’s try a kiss
to release my burden.

When will you stop?
Stop the drunken arguments that mean nothing.
I am tired, I am wore out, I can’t go on
knowing I am not on top.

I want to mean more than a liquid you pour down your throat,
the one that drives people away from you.
Does it mean that much to you
that you have to see all you can lose before something means more?

I love you with all my heart and soul,
But I am tired –
tired of being put last
when you are so wired.

You have to know my every move,
but what do you do for me?
I don’t ask much,
just asking for you to improve.


«You Wander As A Lonely» by Sylvia Chidi

Each day you wake up with a frown
Rumours keep spreading around town
That you’re suffering a mental breakdown

A solitary walk you walk
A lonely talk you talk
As you wander as a lonely

You wander as a lonely at night
You wander as a lonely on sight

You wander as a lonely at day
You wander as a lonely and pray
You wander as a lonely each day

Slow down, slow down
Shut down, shut down
Shutdown the lonely before you drown

Embrace your friends with warmth
They can give you assistance

Deliver you from your lonely existence
You keep fighting love
Bending it around like a curve
With your glowering face
Reserving only a lonely place,
Halting happiness to arrive in your life

Do you ever stop to wonder?
Do you ever stop to ponder?
Are you the reason for the lonely blunders?

Slow down, slow down
Shut down, shut down
Remove from your head that lonely crown

You wander endlessly as a lonely
Searching for a spot called homely
But your face is missing that vital smile called lovely